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♪ puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue, and it delivers our most soothing lotion for every nose issue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. to give your cold a comforting scent, try puffs plus lotion with the scent of vicks. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ it's friday friday got to get down on friday ♪ ♪ it's friday friday got to get down on friday ♪ because we're playing that song, please don't change the channel. the holiday -- it is friday, feels good. the holiday shopping season, of course, officially kicks off today. a number of new tech gadgets on the market. >> daniel sieberg takes us through some of them. he tells us what is a turkey and what is worth your dollars. >> we have random gadgets, atari arcade, it has all sorts of atari games in a library you download as an app first on your ipad. then you can pay for certain games. it can be up to four games for 99 cents or all of the atari games for $9.99. then go ahead and use this cool little interface here meant to simulate different atari systems, could be atari 2600. trying to play missile command. i didn't do well back when it was -- originally coming out. something i have always wanted to do is to be a dj. don't really know anything about it. but here to help is the gemini first mix dj kit. you connect tight your laptop. bring in tunes from a variety of sources including itunes, and then you can get to being a dj. fairly rudimentary in terms of the uber-djs. do scratch tracks. sync them up. 9 the beats per minute is in time to both songs. you can set up queues, bring in a different bit of music. all sorts of cool things. definitely one way to impress your friends. this may be the way to get in the door, entry level dj. this is a camera that we have talked about before. the go-pro hero. now there's the go-pro hero two. looks exactly like the go-pro hero 1. the main difference, the lens is better, twice as good on go-pro 2. you can get different megapixel sizes, for your still pictures, still and video. one thing it doesn't do. still doesn't have a view finder. if you want to have a view finder on it you have to buy this additional attachment to preview what you are shooting. but the outcome, the video from these go-pro cameras is pretty impressive. if you go online you can see some examples what it looks like. finally this is the viewsics 1200. we tried messing around with this. not sure we succeeded in what it is supposed to do. maybe that's what's lacking. you wear this, these lenses. put in the earpieces. and then you are able to connect it to your video source. in this case, using an ipod touch. and then watch whatever video is coming out of it through this, these glasses. now, unfortunately, it sounds like it should be really easy. but it's not. so it feels like maybe a work in progress. a cool idea, maybe future versions will feel a little more intuitive. but for us we felt a little lost in all of the wires and, how to connect things. if you need more information, like price and availability, be sure to go online. in the meantime, going to have to start packing this stuff up and sending it back. >> i want the dj thing. >> you like that too. want to be a little dj. >> look that. >> getting a party together, sunny. coming up, we're we go again. >> what is a big holiday weekend without some football? last night's highlights and also we unveil our selections in the "world news now" picks competition. stick around. n the "world news now" picks competition. stick around. now, san francisco/baltimore last night. the harbaugh brothers, jim and john, coaching against each other last night. actually tight into the fourth quarter. the ravens qb joe flacco. a 16-play drive. put baltimore on top for good. they tacked on a field goal for good measure. ravens pull this one out pretty easily. 16-6. >> that is right. with that the nfl week 12 is under way. another knock down, drag out week in the "world news now" nfl pucks competition. >> things are getting the good as we wind down the season. get everybody up to speed. the picks leader is our friend, tanya rivero. have no idea how tanya is leading. pick hers favorite city. her whole science. fireman bob thinks he should be in first. he is not. >> rob, you are two games off the lead. >> bringing up the rear, jack sheehan and david myers. >> featured games this week, two division battles, tracking one team's attempt at football infamy. >> bills visit the super bowl bound jets, in a game to remain relevant. kc takes on indianapolis. carolina tykes indianapolis which hasn't won a game all season. the broncos visit california, play the chargers in san diego in an afc west match up. >> as for the picks, tanya, jets, carolina, oakland, chargers. and fireman bob thinks he should be in first place. but he is not. bob takes the super bowl-bound jets, the panthers, da-bears and chargers. while i'm at it i'm going this week with the jets, carolina, oakland, denver broncos. >> jack, takes lsu, notre dame, over stanford, jets, carolina, raiders, denver. go irish. >> lsu, baby, arkansas, 2. 30. . and david myers makes it unanimous. everyone taking the jets. david bucking the trend taking the colts to win their first game of the year. good luck, david. no way. he has oakland and san diego. >> all about notre dame. >> really? you are a big notre dame fan too? >> my alma mater. >> the game to watch, lsu tigers/arkansas, number one, what is arkansas now, number six? >> three. >> number three. the big match up. tigers in baton rouge are going to nail it. those are my boys. they're going to do it. well, coming up, glamour in the slammer, the fashion that put the catwalk down prison row. >> why the guys from "pawn stars" are huge fans of the nba lockout. we have that and a lot coming up as we wrap up the week in our "morning papers" -- morning papers. it's friday. you know what that means, the polka too. stay with us, everybody. we'll be right back. up as we wrap up the week in our "morning papers" -- morning papers. it's friday. you know what that means, the polka too. stay with us, everybody. we'll be right back. hd3 [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. it penetrates below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a $500 dentist treatment. the secret's in the strip. crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. life opens up when you do. [ male announcer ] only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'm like, "hey look at me. it's working." [ male announcer ] go to and you can get " a 4-month supply of rogaine® for just $59.95. order in the next 10 minutes and get free shipping! have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. that's right. time for "morning papers." out of "the mansfield news journal." apparently they have glamour in the slammer fashion show. bridal show. brings in 500 people. held in a former prison. mansfield reformatory. the fifth year to have the show. 40 vendors come. interestingly enough, people ask, why would anyone want to get married in a prison. they have marriages and weddings rather scheduled through 2012. from outside looks like a castle. inside, central guard room is just beautiful. >> perfect for the old ball and chains. >> that's right. >> not a bad venue. also, we all know that popular show "pawn stars." well, the guy who runs it, rick harrison, is looking for some very unique employees. he wants all the nba guys who are not working because of the lockout is on sign up to come to work for his store, the gold and silver pawnshop in vegas. the foot travel uk has gone from 75 people to 4,000. hey not shooting hoops might as well come and work. >> they need a job. >> need some money. it's friday, that means the what? >> polka! >> all right, everyone here at miloski's farm, listen up. ♪ ♪ here's my visual clay shea like the pilgrims used to say it's the turkey polka smell that gravy in the pan overdose on tryptophan that's the turkey polka turkeys are such stupid birds they're proving so today for if these are free range turkeys why don't they all run away here in new york the turkeys yell eat more pork that's the turkey polka ♪ ♪ any requests? ♪ you stuff your face with sweet potato pie and never stop when black friday comes we'll work the pounds off when we shop ♪ ♪ spend all your hard earned pay on junk from china usa that's the turkey polka i could go on singing but i heard a group complain peta says my voice is not just drool it's inhumane sorry guys i have to scram home made buns and traffic jam that's the turkey polka ♪ >> it smells in here. >> go shopping! >> go irish! >> go lsu! >> it smells in here. >> go shopping!wcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcc hey, your high speed internet here, at home... ...and on the go... ...with some really big news. it's b-i-g -- big. high speed internet from at&t at home... ...includes wi-fi access on the go. woo-hoo! [ together ] it's an unbelievable deal. well, gotta go. but wait -- there's more... [ female announcer ] go to the website below today and get high speed internet for the unbelievably low price of just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need at a great price. you can chill online at a park. here, pidgie, pidgie. [ pigeon coos ] and surf the web at your favorite bookstore. our internet at home includes access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network on the go. [ female announcer ] go to the website below and get high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that's all the speed you need at a great price. it's an unbelievable deal. so why wait? act now, act now! like he said... ♪ this morning on "world news now," black friday madness. hundreds of thousands of shoppers have already hit the stores. >> and millions more are set to shop today. where can you find the best deal? it's friday, november 25th. >> good friday morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm sunny hostin. we hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving for family and friends. and if you're braving the stores today we hope you packed your patience because people are lined up for the early hour openings. >> look at them go. every year the same scene -- all those fools running in there. looking for that deal. where can you actually find the best black friday deals? believe it or not, there is an app for that. tech contributor is here tonight with all the apps that will help you find the best prices and biggest sales and all the items on the shopping list this year. and later, it wouldn't be thanksgiving weekend without a holiday movie. so we kick off the christmas season with our favorite christmas films. wait until you see what rob and i pick the at our favorites of all time and why. >> you picked an old classic. i picked something far less mature. >> yes, i picked something very sweet. >> you did. you did. uh-huh. we'll got to that toward the end first, more than 150 million people are now hitting the stores this weekend expected to shell out nearly half a trillion dollars by the time it is all over. which of course will be a nice boost for this country's economy. >> right. with stores opening earlier than ever before, the mad rush for deep discounts is already under way. here's abc's chuck seberson. >> reporter: you could say the shoppers went cold turkey. >> decided to come early this year, be sure to be first one in the door. >> reporter: leaving the bird on the back burner for the bargains. >> i purchased four televisions. i saved around $500. >> reporter: this kmart giving early birds first pick at tvs and toys on thanksgiving. >> you don't have to worry about the crowd pushing, shoving, or standing in line for hours. >> the reason retailers are doing this they believe there is a limited amount of money in everybody's wallet, and if they can tap the money sooner they will win over somebody not tapping it soon enough. >> reporter: though it was tough on some employees. >> wish i was home. >> this is the day that makes or breaks your year. we are hoping that everybody decides to support the economy and come on out. >> reporter: an estimated 152 million people plan to shop this weekend. at old navy, some shoppers will get free digital cameras with a $40 purchase. jcpenney, free snowbloebs. retailers wishing on all the turkey wishbones that black friday will turn the holiday season to gold. >> not bad. >> not bad. >> snow globe is kind of cheesy. snow globe. >> i don't know. >> digital camera is cool. >> that was a good one at old navy. well, president obama spent his thanksgiving morning talking to troops. he called ten members of the armed services deployed in iraq and afghanistan to thank them for their service. >> he then sat down to thanksgiving dinner with 50 members of his extended family, they had turkey, ham, two types of stuffing plus mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. >> for dessert, six different pies, banana cream, pumpkin, apple. sweet potato, huckleberry and cherry. not sure that fits into the first lady's healthy eating campaign. >> i'm sure first lady, michelle obama chilled out. said go ahead. >> can't count calories on thanksgiving. >> everyone gets a free pass. try to walk it off in the mall later. also, troops in iraq had a lot to be thankful for this thanksgiving, namely it will be their last thanksgiving spent in the country. >> fewer than 20,000 american troops are left in iraq. they will all be leaving by end of this year. these troops got a hot meal. in preparation for leaving many bases let go of the outside contractors that cooked for them so many troops were stuck with those prepackaged meals instead of a turkey dinner. >> the fact that they have weeks left in the war, overseas, i think they're more than happy to take the meal. they know the end is in sight. they're coming home. >> i think that is right. i wish they would have gotten a proper thanksgiving dinner. >> next year they will be home. >> then they will get it. plus, if you are going out shopping today, black friday folks, occupy wall street protestors. >> right. >> all over the country. occupy wall street protestors may be staging surprise action they want people to do mom and pop stores not big retailers. >> keep an eye on that one. >> could be interesting. for most celebrities in the u.s., the cost of fame often means putting up with paparazzi. but in the uk, tabloids pursuit of famous faces can be a blood sport. harry potter author j.k. rowling says she was paranoid and blaming friends for leaking stories about her. now she believes the tabloids were hacking into her phone. here is abc's correspondent. >> high on a hill -- >> reporter: j.k. rowling made a fortune dreaming up the world of "harry potter". the author told a government panel investigating media ethics the dark arts of the tabloids left her baffled and on edge. >> it's difficult to explain to people who haven't experienced it what that feels like. it's an incredibly threatening -- >> reporter: paparazzi made rowling feel trapped in her home illegally snapping photos of her children, newspapers ran where she lived and her security system. one reporter slipped a note into her daughter's book bag. >> it is very difficult to say how angry and how -- how angry i felt that my 5-year-old daughter's school was, was no longer a place of security. >> reporter: the government's investigation grew out of the news of the world phone hacking scandal. more than a dozen people had been arrested. media titan rupert murdoch shut down his popular tabloid but the scandal is still growing. the string of witnesses speaking out now say the problem goes far beyond phone hacking. when actress sienna miller began dating jude law, the paparazzi chased her. >> the fact they had cameras meant it was legal. if you take away the cameras what have you got? you got a pack of men chasing a woman. >> reporter: the panel will make recommendations on whether to curb tabloid media later next year. and the criminal investigation is open. thursday scotland yard made the first arrest for hacking a computer in search of a scoop. do you remember the young man accused of trying to rob a convenience store dressed as gumby? he and his accomplice have pled guilty to misdemeanor burglary. the labor day caper was caught on surveillance video at a san diego 7-11. the gumby guy told the clerk he had a gun. later said it was a big misunderstanding. of course it was. the two later turned themselves in. police took custody of the gumby suit. >> gumby suit. can't do better than a gumby suit. deserved to be arrested for the suit. >> not just the mask. >> mm. >> criminals. criminals. >> not the brightest. >> not the brightest. >> his friend's name, pokie. >> gumby. >> gosh. well, apparently what happens in vegas apparently doesn't always stay in vegas especially if you are third in line to the british throne. >> prince harry took a break from attack helicopter training in arizona and made his first trip to sin city. did it pretty cool style on a rented harley. women like that. the prince was spotted at a las vegas nightclub, took in a show, and gambled away about $300. that's of course to the throne. >> don't think that vegas, prince harry, not a good combo. he is known for partying. the whole vegas thing. not a good combo for him. >> if you are a party person, vegas and you, beautiful combination. my second favorite city in the world. >> is it? >> i love vegas. you don't love vegas? >> i do. i didn't know you do. >> i am into it. let's go tonight. here's the black friday forecast -- showers from west texas to central kansas, spreading into the midwest. up to 6 inches of snow in the northern rockies. sun showers in florida. report highs in the midsection. >> 54, minneapolis. 63, kansas city. mild 61 here in new york. i will take that. 65 in atlanta. near 80 in the sunshine state. phoenix warms up to 71. seattle. 45. thanksgiving just wouldn't be complete without the famous macy's parade. this year it did not disappoint. >> they expected 3.5 million people out there. throngs of parade-goers got an up close look at more than a dozen giant balloons, floats. clowns, marching bands from across the country. a 40-foot julius the sock monkey made its debut. sonic the hedgehog returned, actually after 18 year absence. >> i didn't know that. i didn't know that. estimated 3.5 million people lined the parade route. 50 million more watched on tv. >> give a shout out, 610 stompers, from new orleans in the parade. few friends up here doing that. sure they're at home now trying to sober up. so we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. ♪ ♪ hip parade saves the day the day for the big parade from macy's ♪ ♪ hip parade saves the day the day for the big parade from macy's ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing crest complete whitening plus deep clean. you feel it working, so you know it's working. and that means you're good to go, for whatever the day brings. new crest complete. unlike ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. it's a signal that tells you your whole mouth is clean. you're also protected. because most of life happens outside the bathroom. feel it working, know you're covered. with new crest complete, life opens up when you do. [ male announcer ] only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'm like, "hey look at me. it's working." [ male announcer ] go to and you can get " a 4-month supply of rogaine® for just $59.95. order in the next 10 minutes and get free shipping! have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. this holiday week comes to an end. let's look back at the stories that made headlines from of course that failed congressional super committee. >> to the peaceful protestors at u.c. davis who were pepper sprayed by police. >> you are hereby pardoned. >> don't go home for thanksgiving before you get a deal done. or else go home and don't come back. >> it's all politics. this is a divided congress it seems to me. and it's difficult to get anything done under that climate. >> the party is the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families that have been here a quarter century. >> please welcome to show, minnesota congresswoman michelle bachmann. ♪ >> if that song had been played for michelle obama, i have no doubt that nbc would have apologized to her and likely they could have fired the drummer or at least suspended him. >> please welcome our grand marshals, sergeant andrew berry and family, first lady of the united states, michelle obama, and dr. jill biden. >> they understand it is a little bit of uppityism. >> i received a direct shot of pepper spray down my throat. >> felt like my face was peeling off. >> it felt like hot glass in my eyes. i couldn't see anything. >> if you think you don't want to be students in a university like we had on friday, i am just telling you i don't want to be the chancellor of the university we had on friday. >> if someone like me called the police, the chances are that a photographer or a reporter would turn up on your doorstep before a policeman. >> j.r. and karina! [ applause ] ♪ >> thank you so much for, for voting for the both of us, throughout the whole time, and believing in us. even when i had a bad week or whatever it may be. so as much as we are here holding this we owe this to you guys as well. so thank you very much. ♪ >> everyone so happy j.r. won. >> everyone so happy jr won. such a good week for him. good moment. america made the right call. >> he is actually going to be a cnn guest host on the "heroes" tribute. on the show. >> perfect. i like that. on the show. >> perfect. i like that. údúdúdúdúdúdúdúdúdúú welcome back,everybody. for many thanksgiving is the day to spend with family. for others it is the day before black friday. if you're one of those people, you will need to get ready to navigate the malls. joining me with the apps for your smart phone that will help you do that, abc news, technology contributor, andrea smith. welcome back. thank you for doing this. you brought a cool array of stuff for savvy shoppers out there. these are must-haves. >> got to be armed. >> got to be ready. madhouses on black friday. this will help you out. >> right. you are going shopping. the first thing you got to do is load up your tabloid or smart phone with the smart apps, this one is called the find. this one lets you scan bar codes in the store when you find the product you want. scan the bar code. check out your product. i scan aid few in here. basically it tells you, what you are looking at, how much it is, how much it is in the store you are and how much it is in the stars around you or online. you can see if you are really getting a good deal. >> comparative shop right there with the, having your ipad. >> it will tell you if there is a coupon available. the thing this one does, partners with catalogs, so, oops, we lost that. it partners with catalogs so that we can -- look at catalogs, before we go shopping, and see. >> huge help. >> huge help. see what the best buy circular has on sale. see what other places have. >> with the one app you check out dozens of catalogs from stores all over. >> yep, yep. ready to rock. >> very nice. >> all right. the next one we have got is called black friday from fat wallet. this is a great coupon site to begin with. look for coupon codes on fat wallet. what they do is they collect all of the black friday deals, they put them in this one app. put it in your phone or device. take it with you. you choose the store that you are at. you say, let's check out macy's. see if they have any deals yet? once they get that circular, they have got them all loaded in here. you can sort it by store. sort it by category. filter it. price. >> for the -- >> electronics. what you are looking for. >> for savvy, cost conscious and technologically conscious shopper. what was that one? >> fat wallet. coupon sherpa, another great coupon site. what you do here you find the store that you are shopping at. let's say we're in -- bath & body works here. >> my girlfriend's favorite store. she is paying attention now. >> you look, find your coupon. go up to the checkout. here is the coupon. you just click it. you take your device right up to the cashier, and have them scan your coupon. >> no more having to cut it out, out of the circular. >> no cutting, no leaving it in the car. right there. they can scan it. want to send it to someone, e-mail the coupon. >> e-mail to a friend so they can use it. >> perfect. >> amazon is gifting in on the act. they want to beat everybody's price and be the cheapest person on black friday deals. started deal of the day. amazon deal of the day app. every day, listing new deals here. show you what they have got. check it every single day. they have got new deals leading up to black friday. >> starting and leading up to it. >> starting now going all the way to black friday. >> daily check now. then on black friday they will have all of the prices loaded from the other competitive stores. >> wow. nice. >> yep, yep. also keep amazon mobile loaded on your phone all the time so you can check and see what amazon's price is when you are in the store. say, you know, compare a little bit. >> the thing is, black friday can be such a madhouse and zoo for so many folks, those long lines outside the store, people lined for sometimes 24 hours before the store opens. this helps you target what you are doing. know what you want. get your coupons. >> you are completely armed. you are a consumer who has the advantage. >> which one is your favorite, your must have when you go shopping? >> i am a coupon girl. i look coupons. >> no more clipping. put it on the screen. scan it. >> digital. take it with you. >> making black friday easier. perfect. thank you, andrea. our thanks again to andrea for her wonderful advice. get some of the stuff. it is good. get more details on the apps. log on to we'll be right back with more "world news now." o we'll be right back with more "world news now." right after this. i'm going shopping. ew. hey, mom? what? pay you? for what? for unloading the dishwasher?! kid, you need to pay me for making this delicious -- whoa. hold on there, mom. kitchen counselor. um, mom, i think what she means is "greasy dishes." yeah. in fact, check it out. cascade complete pacs are the ones with the real liquid top. they fight tough greasy messes better than the other tablet, which can leave more tough grease behind. oooh, clean. there's only one cascade. love it, or your money back. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. typically in ♪ typically in insomniac theater we look ahead at what new films are hitting the big screen. >> that's right. this morning we'll take a look back at our all-time favorite movies. my all-time favorite movie is miracle on 34th street in 1947, been done a couple of times, but 1947 the best one. you have a little natalie wood. young natalie wood. and also edmond gwenn plays kris kringle, about a little girl who lost faith and doesn't believe in santa claus. and he tries to make sure that she does believe in santa claus. sort of ends with this faith-affirming gift, she believes that he is santa claus. see, gives her a house. look, and his cane was there. >> take a listen. >> this is my house, mommy. the one i asked mr. kringle for. it is. it is. my room upstairs is just like i knew it would be. you were right, mommy, if things don't turn out just the way you want them to the first time you still have got to believe. i kept believing. and you were right, mommy. mr. kringle is santa claus. >> see? and he is santa claus. >> oh, lord. you are getting emotional. you are such a sap. >> i have never seen it. i should check it out. >> wonderful. five stars. >> flawless movie. >> that's flawless. okay. my favorite hollywood movie of all time. total opposite route. national lampoon's christmas vacation. if you don't love it. you have no comedy in your heart. the grizwalds, christie brinkley, ferrari in europe, came out 22 years old. clark griswald, crazy dysfunctional relatives, cat gets electrocuted. slide down the highway, in the ditch thing, and under the table. this is my favorite scene right here. >> don't hear it anymore. >> ah! >> that's what i am talking about. everybody had a crazy holiday. lampoon's "christmas vacation." 4 1/2 stars i give it. hysterical movie when chevy chase was funny. very, very good. loved it. >> i am going to go check it out. >> please do, let me know what you think. >> all right. >> we'll be back with more from abc news. lease do, let me know what you think. >> all right. >> we'll be back with more from abc news. this morning on "world news now" -- get ready to spend. this morning on "world news now" -- get ready to spend. more than 150 million americans will go shopping on this black >> what it means for our economy. could there finally be a light at the end of the tunnel? it's friday, november 25th. tgi friday, good morning. end of the holiday week. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm sunny hostin. happy black friday, everyone, people are lining up as we speak at stores across the country hoping to get the big deals. and retailers hoping to cash in. a big day for the economy. the shopping day sets the tone for the christmas season. >> get your head around this number -- they expect folks to spend a half trillion over this weekend. crazy money. >> i'll be buying something. >> what you getting me? something nice. appreciate that. hoping to get a deal on a flat-screen tv. don't want to miss this segment. becky worley, the best size, best place to pick it up for the least all. -- least amount of dough. and later, how do you spend your thanksgiving? huge family gathering. and rob takes you inside his neighborhood restaurant to show you what heated. so if you are finally hungry after the big meal, pull out leftovers, snuggle on the couch. we have a pretty good half-hour. >> that picture was not that appetizing. a reason behind it. explain it when we tell how we spent our thanksgiving. i can tell you are making fun of my picture, my dinner at the restaurant. >> i told you to come to my house. >> i couldn't make it. next year. we begin with black friday crush. droves of people filling up their shopping carts thanks to the earliest, early bird specials ever. >> retailers could see a record number of shoppers today. >> reporter: black friday began at 9:00 p.m. thanksgiving night. toys "r" us opened its doors to customers who waited in long lines hoping to get their hands on that special gift. >> i've don't even know if it is going to be on sale. >> reporter: retailers across the country are cutting prices trying to lure shoppers in. >> probably a sign of the times, economic times. >> reporter: that it is, the tougher economy has retailers battling over a smaller pool of dollars. and to win, retailers are pulling out all the stops. more deals for customers, and stores are staying open longer and opening earlier. a strategy retailers are betting will have them caroling through the holiday season. ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ >> reporter: could black friday on thanksgiving thursday backfire with some customers? here is chris and carlene's take on that. >> we are focused on family. being together. >> with the stores opening earlier and earlier, it takes other people away from their families. >> reporter: one store employee working on thanksgiving told me she would love to be at home eating her thanksgiving dinner but she added the paycheck will last longer than the turkey. >> ain't that the truth. our new york station, wabc. well, congresswoman gabrielle giffords left her private thanksgiving celebration to spend time with troops at a military base there in tucson, arizona. >> giffords, donned an a apron and helped serve a dinner. she has been undergoing intensive rehab in houston after being shot in january. she wanted to be home for the holiday with friends and family. >> her recovery is remarkable. >> remarkable. i mean, she's actually there serving thanksgiving dinner. who thought months ago? >> two notes to pass along for those to get out for black friday. the weather is to be great in most of the country. enjoy that. and some of the occupy protestors could cause a mess, they want you to go to mom and pop stores and not the walmarts, best buys. >> so curious whether or not that will pan out for them. >> we'll see how it goes. >> well, maggie daly, the former first lady of chicago, has died. daly was 68, she battled breast cancer for nine years. she maintained a public role until her husband left office in may after 22 years. mrs. daly passed away last night surrounded by her husband and family members. search crews are still at work in the mountains outside of phoenix trying to recover the victims from the deadly small plane crash. a pilot and three small children along with two co-workers died when their twin-engine exploded in a fireball. the recovery effort has been slow going because of the mountains' rugged terrain. crews have found one body. investigators still do not know exactly why the plane failed to clear the mountain top. a new zealand pilot whose helicopter spun out of control and broke apart said he could have been cut to shreds when it landed near the blades. instead he walked away with a few scratches and bump on the head. abc's dan harris has his amazing survival story. >> reporter: it was one of those stunning, gasp-inducing moments. captured not just on tape, but made all the more horrifying because it was also streaming live online. >> it happened so quick. it was like a -- >> reporter: greg was piloting the helicopter along auckland's waterfront wednesday installing christmas lights when something went very wrong. >> split second, and i was getting dragged out of it really. >> reporter: hovering 25 feet above the ground, crews watched as the chopper's blade hit a cable, sheering off the rotors and tossing gribble from the cockpit. >> it was just huge shaking, vibration, but some pieces going everywhere. and that was within a couple of seconds. >> reporter: the crowd first running away from the crash and then back in to save hip. >> the guy that was under the machine. walked away as well. brilliant. nobody got hurt. just could have been fatalities everywhere. >> reporter: he tells tv new zealand he doesn't know how he walked away from that heap of twisted metal with only just a few scratches. >> the only thing that stopped he from disappearing really is that belt. the belt attached to the aircraft form, and the floor of the aircraft. it flung me out, dragged me back in. i would have been thrown under the back of the machine. >> reporter: remarkably after the trauma of the crash, he says he is eager to go back to work. >> might sound a bit strange, but it hasn't phased me. i look at the footage. i should be, i'm not, not at all. >> dan harris, abc news, new york. >> i'm terrified of helicopters. >> always scared me a bit. >> they have. never done it. i grew up sort of around a heliport. i'm terrified. >> the guy wants to go back to work. amazing. what saved his life, the harness. looking at the shaking violence of the crash. fact he survived was amazing. buckle up. they always tell you. that guy is very lucky. shifting gears now if you are thinking of diving into the thanksgiving leftovers about now, sweet potatoes may be your best choice. they're not only taste great, but that orange flesh is actually credited with preventing blindness and saving thousands of lives around the world. abc's dr. richard besser reports now from west africa. >> reporter: for these mothers in rural west africa, good reason to give thanks, not turkeys or cranberries but a new crop in their village's farm. an orange sweet potato. the two look the same. this native one when you cut it open is white inside. this new one introduced is orange. that color makes all the difference. that's because the orange means it has beta carotene which your body turns into vitamin a. without vitamin a babies can go blind and even die. pregnant women suffer night blindness. orange versus white. how did you figure this out? >> came across the white sweet potato. what is this? for an american you wouldn't know it was a sweet potato. this would be a great way by changing the vitamin a content to get more vitamin a in people's diets. >> reporter: scientists from helen keller international gave african women, and 80% of african farmers are women, a new hybrid sweet potato, african but orange. the result? >> reporter: mm, you like this. good? i can feel my vitamin a level rising. she says it gives us the vitamins we need to fight off disease. her three children have no complaints. thankfully it is her main crop. and she has extra she can sell. >> it's much more than nutrition. these women have a bit of income, spend more on health care, their kids' education really transforms people's lives. >> reporter: a little bit of a health revolution, with nothing other than a vegetable with a different color. dr. richard besser, abc news, west africa. >> i had sweet potatoes this thanksgiving. did you? >> you are seeing things clearly this morning. >> very much so. >> i had a nontraditional dish. we'll get to that coming up. here's one for all you parents of young kids out there. a grocery store security guard is in trouble for the way he questioned a shoplifter. well, the big problem -- that shoplifter is just 4. little savannah ate dry apricots off the shelf her dad didn't notice. the security guard did. >> then this moron of a guard threatened to press charges, and wanted the little girl to sign a form promising she would not go into any other safeways. only problem she is 4. can't write. safeway had to release a statement saying we share the parents' sense of disbelief and outrage this occurred in one of our stores. in this case neither our policy nor common sense seems to have been followed. >> clearly. >> thank you, safeway. bravo. >> 4-year-old girl. tell the parents. the girl stole something. parent will take care of it. give you a few bucks. >> security is important. >> she should learn a lesson. not being interrogated. the guard -- >> and terrorized. >> he is a few beers short of a six-pack. i don't understand that. here's a look at your black friday forecast around the country. pretty nice around the country. several inches of mountain snow, montana, idaho. snow in the cascades. morning fog from memphis to paducah. scattered showers in east florida. >> 70s in miami, new orleans, 69, baltimore. 60s, detroit to dallas. colorado springs gets up to 62. albuquerque, 57. 44 in boise. 42 in philly. get this staggering number -- 45 million turkeys ended up on the dinner table last night. but a brazen bird in iowa decided to tempt fate instead. >> that's right this nameless turkey has been stopping traffic at a busy intersection in cedar rapids, strolling across the street hundreds of times a day, ignoring the danger and casually dodging cars. >> the turkey has been hanging out in the area since saturday. seem to be minding its own business and looking for some food. looking for it as opposed to becoming food. >> i love the people just taking pictures of him. just letting him be. >> i think people know it is a rough time of year for turkeys so they let one just chill out. >> pardoning the turkey in addition to the president's. >> you're pardoned. go back to business in iowa. we'll be right back with more "world news now" after this. ♪ walk this way talk this way ♪ walk this way talk this way ♪ you go next if you had a hehehere would hoveround power chair? 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you going to do that? >> probably. probably. >> don't know how you find the time or the endurance to do all that. get it on line. cyber monday where the is at. >> i like to touch the stuff. okay. when we come back, which "american idol" star flubbed his performance in front of a nationwide audience. and ashton kutcher's mistress is now speaking out. what is this lovely young lady saying. coming up next in "the skinny." e. >> ashton kucher's mistress is speaking out, what is this lovely young lady saying. coming up next in "the skinny." this lovely young lady saying. coming up next in "the skinny." b ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> we should have that debate on the air. ha-ha. welcome back. time for "the skinny" now, everybody. start us off. >> i am a huge "american idol" fan, i watch it every season since j-lo is one of the judges. and champ, scott mcreary. he had a massive lip-sync flub at the thanksgiving day parade. i was horrified. he is a good singer. apparently no shocker that the folks sing, lip-sync at the parade. but this morning it was so obvious. he started singing one of his songs just a little too late. take a listen to this. >> scotty mcreary. ♪ hometown girls they're a mystery ♪ ♪ something it it puzzles me ♪ spent my whole life >> i'm devastated. devastated. so obvious. goodness gracious. and he has a great voice. if you're on "american idol," you've got this voice, there is no need. >> if we can send a man to the moon, can we get somebody to sing live on a float? >> just sing. >> just sing. >> busted lip-synching. >> i don't get it. don't get it. >> demi and ashton back in the news. the girl he allegedly cheated on demi with, this girl, sara leal, gave an interview to tmz. how responsible do you feel for the marriage breaking up? what she basically said was, look, i may have been a bump in the road. for someone to file for divorce, it was a long time coming. she added they obviously had issues. >> can i say something here? there is a special place in hell for women that like to have sex with other people's spouses. and an extra hot room in hell for them. i just thing it is ridiculous -- i think it's ridiculous for someone to say, well, it's not my fault that i cheated, you know, messed around with your husband. you must have had problems before. a copout, she should be ashamed of herself. >> you are more mad -- he is more guilty than she is. >> i'm not apportioning. assigning guilt. there is a special place in hell for sarah leal. >> you heard it here first. thank you, judge judy. sunny, put it out there this morning. let's talk about j. lo this morning, i'm equally mad about this story. there is a special place in hell for j-lo this morning, that fiat, j from the block. she sent a body double back to the bronx to tape this commercial when she was in l.a. now i think, talking about being real. i want to know how come she didn't go back to her native new york? >> i am with you. you know i love me some j. lo. but go back to the bronx. i am from the bronx. go back to the bronx with your fiat and be there. come on. >> on top of that, i am offended because i saw j-lo at american music awards. the booty is not what it used to be. i am calling foul. not what it used to be. had a sheer outfit on. jack agrees with me. >> i didn't notice. >> booty came up. bootys come down. hers is on the way down. >> i was talking bronx. >> i am talking booty. not what it used to be. >> i was talking about the bronx. >> happy holidays. bronx. >> happy holidays. yield to restful sleep. where sleepls and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. o need imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. ♪ be our guest be our guest ♪ be our guest beur gue ♪ be our guest be our guest put our service to the test ♪ ♪ tie your napkin around your neck cherie ♪ >> welcome back on this black friday. we cooled down since "the skinny." yesterday, sunny shared some of her great family recipes with us. and today we will find out how they went over, including her husband's first ever deep fried turkey. >> rob like 14 million others spent this thanksgiving at a restaurant. let's hear it. >> i had a great dinner. y'all were making fun of me. you do the traditional dinner. i had a great time, the restaurant, west village, barbuda. that does not look appetizing. halfway through the dinner. looks messy. i was already deep into it. we had bruscetta, butter squash soup, risotto, and turkey, and bourbon, pancotta, and every holiday with a little wine. >> did look good. >> not as good as yours, i defer to you. >> well at my home, my husband did decide he was going to make the fried turkey. my husband. brother on the left. best friend on the right. in our driveway. i wouldn't let him do it near the house. and it was incredible. but because i was a little nervous, i put my own turkey in the oven. and i didn't tell him. it was luke a backup turkey. you see came out wonderfully. no one touched it. all we had. my bird in the middle. fried on the right. cajun turkey on the left my friend brought over. i had the ham. and the pork shoulder. and the fried chicken was -- fried turkey. my husband always eats off my plate. >> that is an adorable picture, by the way. >> and that's sangria, white sangria that my father-in-law brings every year. an amazing dessert table. to the left, the flan, my mother-in-law from spain. makes it. apple pie, sweet potato pie, cup cakes, awesome. >> you made all the food to show me up. >> i invited you. >> you did. you did. some friends and i had to get together. i had to come to work. >> i didn't drink that much. not too much sangria. had to come in. >> couldn't fully get into it. looks like you had a great thanksgiving. >> i did. you did too. >> with loved ones. which counts. you are convert to deep fried turkey. >> i will never bake a turkey again. >> don't mess with the oven. turkey. >> i will never bake a turkey again. >> don'twowowowowowowowowowowowm hey, your high speed internet here, at home... ...and on the go... ...with some really big news. it's b-i-g -- big. high speed internet from at&t at home... ...includes wi-fi access on the go. woo-hoo! 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