♪ oh, before you go, ♪ before you go let me just take one last glance.... ♪ the bests from their lines, back for a limited time. 5 years of designers. snag the one that got away. oprah: everybody, i'm going to ask you to mark your calendars because tyler perry is going to join me for an historic show that we're doing next thursday, something we have never done in 25 years. 200 courageous men are going to be sitting in these seats in the audience and come forward and speak out about how being molested as boys profoundly changed who they are. many of their wives and their girlfriends and their mothers will hear this for the very first time. 25 years ago almost, i revealed my own childhood history of sexual abuse, and i had no idea back then just how that would open up the floodgates for so many millions of women to tell their truth--speak their truth and to begin to heal. and today, tyler has shared his most painful and most personal secrets in an effort to do the same--to lift the shame--to lift the shame for men in this country and around the world. he and i are going to stand together to try and open that door even wider. it is an important hour, and i hope that you will watch with the men in your life. tyler perry, thank you. >> bless you. thank you so much. thank you. [applause] oprah: bye, everybody. [captioning made possible by king world] [captioned by the national captioning institute] shshrarararaa it's still going to be brutally cold in northern montana areas and dakotas with highs only in the teens. well, mild winter temperatures are heating up the arrival of a favorite rite of spring in washington. >> that's right. the nation's chief horticulturist is predicting an early bloom for the cherry blossoms with peak hitting between march 29th and april 3rd. >> that works out perfectly, following in the middle of the annual cherry blossom festival which begins on march 26th. have you ever been there for that? it's beautiful. >> i haven't been there -- no, not for the festival. i have seen them in person and it's nice. it's encouraging for the warm weather to return. >> it is. any day now, we're all ready. we'll be right back with more "world news now" after this. hó if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. and it's the little things that you don't think about. people think of the food, they think of housing, but no one thinks: "how are you going to wash your clothes?" socks. sheets and pillowcases. without clean clothes. [ female announcer ] tide loads of hope is a free laundry service that provides clean clothes for families affected by disasters. together we can provide loads of hope. visit us on facebook to see our efforts in haiti. when it comes to what was trending on yahoo! search engines this week, you know the ipad 2 and my man, charlie sheen, were the hot topics. >> those are so obvious. those are sort of easy to figure out. while we were looking up pillowcase dresses and sushi on a stick, those were other hot topics, heather cabot joins us. to explain what we're talking about. good morning, heather. hey, guys. the web is buzzing this week about apple and the ipad 2. yahoo! users can't get enough of the details. they're searching for everything from the price to the specs, of course, where to get it and how soon. people are doing their homework before they buy. they're looking at c-net and ngadget reviews that compare the number 2 to other original tablets. and steve jobs' unexpected appearance on camera to unveil the new ipad is also ramping up questions about his health again. but even apple's big news didn't tamp down the continued interest in the war of words between actor charlie sheen and cbs. searches for the actor are up nearly 1200% this week. what people want to know most? more than anything, they're simply looking up the question, what is wrong with charlie sheen? we'll leave it at that. we're also seeing a jump in queries for home rehab and alcoholics anonymous. on a much lighter note, spring can't come soon enough for people online. this week we've noticed a spike in searches for gardening. everything from how to grow blueberries to how to grow raised vegetable garden beds. searches for vegetable gardens up 183% this week. half of the queries are coming from women. most in texas, north carolina and virginia. and last, two style notes for you. one, if you really want to look hip this spring, apparently all you need is a pillowcase. queries for how to make a pillowcase dress jumped 189% this week. if you're planning a spring cocktail party to which you might wear that pillowcase frock, you might want to consider serving sushi poppers. sushi on a stick is shaping up to the chic snack this season, according to the search. lookups for where to pay sushi poppers are up 455% this week. back to you. >> thank you. coming up, it's been about five minutes so let's get back to more charlie sheen. always keeping busy away from the set of "two and a half men," as you know -- >> the newest tweet, we'll have it for you. it's hilarious. we'll touch on britney spears, she drops her latest song. we'll have that for you coming up. winning. duh, winning. madonna's dna. i'm a bitchin' rock star. blood of a tiger. i'm like zeus in a speedo. it's charlie sheen. i took a lot of charlie sheen. i'm going to embrace my life. i'm going to put both arms around it and love it violently and then defend it violently through the violent hatred. ♪ skinny so skinny you knew it was coming. it was a matter of time before the sheen montage came out. great job by jimmy fallon. >> it was a parody, a deadpan impersonation, doing a spoof where winning was charlie sheen's new fragrance. >> well done. >> charlie sheen hot on the twitter. twitter actually -- he set a record -- actually 1 million followers on twitter and guinness says that's a new world record. the new record is 2 hours, 17 minutes reached by charlie sheen in the past couple of days. this is one of the reasons why. charlie just tweeted this overnight. it says, the title of my book has finally been delivered through vast and extensive lunar channels, apocalypse me, warlock latin for winning. >> they get better and better. this could be the best. that just came out, his most recent tweet. >> he could make some money from this. he signed a deal with according to aol and he could be get big bucks for tweeting for brands and company. a lot of celebrities do this. 1,000 have already signed on with the company >> remember kim kardashian, your favorite, she would say, boy, do i feel like a carl's jr. burger and people figured out she was getting paid. we haven't talked a lot about allen. remember allen cryer, i still referred to him as ducky from "pretty and pink," he's been mum on this whole issue. he did make an appearance on the "ellen show" and a very funny spoof playing her receptionist. there's tongue-in-cheek about what's going on. ellen says, you're such a great receptionist, you do the work of "two and a half men" and she refers to a train wreck. he pulled it off very, very well. he has not said anything about this whole episode. charlie sheen says he hopes jon cryer has been supportive -- there he is playing receptionist. >> tickets for >> you really do good work. you do the work of two and a half men. >> very good, very good. >> good stuff. keeps going and going and going. it's good stuff. >> there's jon cryer. >> he's working. >> yes, he's doing well and keeping quiet. britney spears, a little non-charlie story. britney spears drops her new track officially coming up soon. i guess it hits the stores march 29th. but jive leaked a little version. let's take a little lift -- listen. ♪ your tongue tied in knots ♪ spit it out because i'm dying for company ♪ ♪ i notice that you >> actually that song was written by kesha. interesting. not too bad. >> better than the kim song we heard yesterday. quickly, we understand paula abdul had a little bust-up with her boyfriend. the sad thing is she called 911, said she wants out of this car she's in with her boyfriend, he wouldn't let her. the sad thing is she called on february 14th. they had a valentine's day fight. bummer for paula. we'll keep you posted on that one. posted. coming up, the "x-files" episode. [ sniffing ] ♪ [ sniffing ] [ all sniffing ] [ female announcer ] ever notice after a while you stop smelling your pluggable air freshener? there's a better way to get long lasting freshness. pull the plug on your old one and trade up to a free febreze noticeables. it's long lasting freshness in the febreze you plug right in. for freshness you'll notice week after week. find out how to get your free febreze noticeables at here are some stories to watch today on abc news. wall street investors are keeping an eye on the latest government report on unemployment, when currently stands at 9%. economists predict an improvement. libyan rebel forces are calling for reinforcements today after yesterday's air strikes for moammar gadhafi's military. gadhafi has threatened western countries against any intervention in libya. harvard university today welcomes the navy rotc program back to campus. the rotc was banned from harvard 41 years ago to protest the vietnam war. all right, finally, the truth is out there. at least that's what ufo believers think. they also believe our government knows the truth but won't admit it. >> however, it is a different story in england. the british government just released previously classified documents on ufos that date back 50 years, but some files are missing. here's the bbc's david shuckman. >> reporter: a few ghostly lights, secret military investigations, fuel for endless curiosity about whether we're alone. the latest official document, some heavily censored, record dozens of apparent sightings, like this strange cloud pictured in sri lanka. they also offer reasonable explanations, including that sometimes it's just a hoax. >> it might have been the martians have landed. >> reporter: in 1967 the discovery of six of these in southern england triggered a massive alert but turned out to be a student prank. though, the authorities remained on the lookout. >> obviously it was taken seriously because -- not because they believed we were being visited by aliens but they were worried there may be other terrestrial explanations like russian spy planes. >> reporter: it's one of the longest-running conspiracy theories that glimpses of alien spaceships are been covered up. but this huge release of documents proves nothing and already further questions are being raised. what the logbook reporting an apparent sighting by royal navy shp really blown overboard? or why is the entire file about an incident in suffolk in 1980 missing? the suspicions will continue. one man told the m.o.d. he had been abducted by a ufo and gained an extra hour. but it turned out to be a night when the clocks went back. something about aliens leads to wishful thinking. david shukman, bbc news. >> do you believe in ufos? >> absolutely, yes. >> you have seen ufos? >> i've seen them on new york streets every niccccccccccccccc@ dinner's ready! it's french's crunchy onion chicken! (announcer) for a quick and easy dinner crush french fried onions. dip chicken in egg. coat with onion crumbs and bake. when dinner's made with french's french fried onions, everyone's happy. french's. happy starts here. look for it in the canned vegetable aisle. this morning on "world news now" -- proof of life. this morning on "world news now" proof of life. >> what the u.s. government is stage also the reaction from the overjoyed family. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everyone. i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm mike marusarz sitting in for rob nelson. that agent was working in iran when he disappeared and now u.s. officials say though don't know why they're finally getting this evidence that he's still alive. >> and also ahead, more navy officers get called on the carpet and punished. that's after a navy commander filmed anti-gay videos on the ship. the angry words from the top brass. coming up later, the uproar at northwestern university, it's outside chicago. the story involves a sex toy demonstration done in the classroom. >> yeah, wait until you hear about this. pretty -- pretty saucy stuff. i don't know how to describe it. >> you could go a lot of different ways there. we'll leave it there. >> very well. first, nearly four years after vanishing in iran, there is proof of life. the u.s. government says this morning a missing retired fbi agent is alive. >> that's right. as abc's hilarie barsky reports, his family in florida cannot wait for him to come home. >> reporter: the statement from hillary clinton thursday was just three sentences long, but the message was clear. 63-year-old robert levinson is missing but not gone. it's news levinson's family in south florida has secretly known for several months. >> the proof of life arrived late last year. it was sent to the family. and the government believes it's timely. i mean, they definitely believe that bob is alive and they're working trying to bring him home. >> reporter: levinson was in iran working as a private investigator when u.s. officials believe he was taken by iranian government agents. >> the u.s. has suspected iran has been involved since the very beginning, but like so much about iran, the u.s. just has never been able to confirm that. >> reporter: in a statement on the family website, levinson's wife christine says it's been almost four years since i've seen my beloved husband robert levinson. our family is tremendously encouraged by the news bob is alive but remains concerned for his safety and well-being. neighbors say they just want him home. >> we've been praying for the family, yes. >> reporter: what do you think of the news he's alive? >> i can't -- i'm just so excited. i hope it's true. >> reporter: this morning one thing levinson's family does have is hope. hilarie barsky, abc news, new york. president obama has a tough new message for libyan leader moammar gadhafi -- step down from power and leave. mr. obama says he's concerned the situation in libya could turn out to be a long and bloody civil war. the president suggested those loyal to gadhafi should switch sides. >> the violence must stop. moammar gadhafi has lost legitimacy to lead and he must leave. those who perpetrate violence against libyan people will be held accountable. >> the president is also concerned about the growing humanitarian crisis at the borders. it's estimated 200,000 people have now crossed into tunisia, egypt and niger. the first u.s. evacuation planes could travel to the region as early as this morning. the president made it clear he's not ruled out establishing a no-fly zone over libya to prevent gadhafi's air force from bombing rebels. martha raddatz says setting up such a zone is a major undertaking. >> reporter: a no-fly zone would be a huge endeavor. you would need a squadron of fighter jets, plus an aircraft carrier with dozen more fighters on board, then you would need tankers, aerial refueling, you would need awacs, airborne warning and control planes, and first, you would have to go into libya and take out the anti-aircraft batteries just in case. by that, i mean bomb them. could this all be done? yes. but you would need a u.n. security council resolution or at the very least nato immunity. we don't have either, but you have to leave your options open, president obama has said that. if things in libya took a terrible turn for the worse, you do want contingency plans. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. they'll be back for protests at washington state capitol. one democratic state lawmaker got the worst of it with police when he tried to enter the building. it came after judge ruled protesters could no longer spend the night there. dozens exited the building peacefully. no one was arrested. demonstrators are opposed to a plan from wisconsin's governor that would strip state employees of their bargaining rights. and now to the punishments being handed out after a lengthy investigation into those controversial videos made on a u.s. aircraft carrier. >> john hendren has the details in washington. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, peggy and mike. the navy found 25 raunchy videos were made aboard the "uss enterprise" and concluded senior officers fell far short of the standards the navy holds for professional behavior and conduct. from ship to shore, it was a national embarrassment. crude language, risque shower scenes and one gay slur after another. >> let's ask the checkmates about being gay. oh, that's not a very good idea, is it? >> reporter: the man in the hugh hefner robe lost his command of the "uss enterprise" in january, shortly after this in-ship videos were made public by "the virginian pilot" newspaper. >> the investigation confirmed the profound lack of judgment on the part of captain honors, then serving as executive officer in "uss enterprise." >> reporter: though honors was well-liked by his crew. >> i did not find him offensive in any way. i felt like he was doing it just to boost ship morale, that's it. >> reporter: the navy issued report on the videos. and punishment, including letters of censure. nonpunitive letters of caution to 32 other officers and sailors. >> navy leaders are not popular entertainers. but professionals. vested with extraordinary military authority, who must be held to a higher standard. >> reporter: "the enterprise" is now deployed in the red sea with a new commander and a stricter code. the navy said it looked into how this possibly could have happened over a period of years without senior leaders taking action. they concluded it was those senior leaders that were the source of the problem. peggy and mike? >> thank you. well, two eye-opening federal studies on sleep may not surprise many of our insomnia viewers this morning or us either. government researchers say 35% get fewer than seven hours of sleep a night. 23% admit they are so tired they have trouble concentrating during the day. another study reveals one out of 20 drivers say they're so sleep deprived that they admit they've nodded off behind the wheel, even have have nodded off on the job. mike? i don't blame you because we're all sleep-deprived around here. nobody gets any rest. how many hours did you get last night, today, whenever you went to bed? >> it's -- is it monday? >> it's the morning of friday. >> i don't have tiger blood, so i -- >> you're not a winner. >> -- i tire very easily. a couple hours here and there. it's sort of one of those things that you can't get the sleep back. people think you can catch up. >> you can't. it's gone, it's gone. then you're not a winner. >> you're not a winner. that's right. here's your wake-up weather. more soaking rain, drenching areas of midwest with up to 5 inches in some spots. expect flooding in oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky, ohio, indiana and illinois. >> doesn't get old, does it? never gets old for me. after yesterday's big chill it will warm up 10 degrees along the east coast with highs in the 40s, lows in the 50s. across the south, temps will be in the mid to high 70s, approaching a high of 80 in dallas. a county jail in northwest texas is going green. the sheriff is leading the charge, recruiting inmates to grow their own food and recycle rainwater for their three-acre garden. >> what do you think about this? every morning deputies shackle a few inmates and head for an old farm. they've planted rows of produce and they hope they can replace canned veggies on their meal trays for five months out of the year. the sheriff says that only nonviolent offenders facing misdemeanor charges get the garden duty. >> maybe cut down on cost as well.ybe cut down on cost as maybe. >> pretty cool. we'll be right back with more "world news now." introducing a breath of fresh air. w covergirl natureluxe silk foundation. flawless coverage... with a light as air feel. we took out a heavy synthetic, and put in a light touch of cucumber. out with heaviness and up with a flawless finish. even the $180 makeup can't beat it or a lightweight feel. discover new natureluxe silk foundation. goodbye heaviness. hello easy breezy beautiful... covergirl. and try new natureluxe gloss balm. and hanky panky was on the mind of several federal researchers. they just released a new survey on sex. the cdc discovered 28% of young people ages 15 to 24 say that they are virgins. that's a number that's increased in recent years. 5% of men and 13% of women survey report same-sex activity and 15% of the men, 8% of the women admit to having 15 or more sex partners. >> you think people really admit to those surveys, though? >> i think if it's anonymous, then people will dish. but if there's anyplace you could trace back what you're saying, then you're going to -- >> not on facespace -- facebook. continuing with that theme, actually it's a story everybody will be talking about, northwestern university is investigating a psychology professor for showcasing a live sex show to students. >> i didn't take this class when i was in college. i don't think they offered it. >> not on the curriculum, no. >> right. participants in this show say it was educational. the school disagrees. stacy baca of chicago's abc7 has more. >> it was not pornography. when you watch porn it is a fantasy. >> reporter: reality, not fantasy is what jim marcus and his financee say they focused when they used a sexual device in front of northwestern students. they say the class just watched a clinical film on female orgasm and they offered to do one live. >> that's why we're there. to give this -- to give more information, not just what the school has to show you on file. but what is actually out there. and it's a lot more extreme than most people are used to. >> everyone in the room consented to be there. everyone on stage consented to doing what they were doing. no one got hurt. everything was done in a safe, sane and consensual way. >> reporter: about 600 students attended the february 21st lecture. about 100 stayed for the optional session. in professor john mike bailey's human sexuality course. students who were there defend the couple and the professor. >> these after-school demonstrations and guest speakers has been, like, the most educational part of the class. being able to talk like one-on-one with these professionals. >> reporter: students say the sex act took three minutes in an hour and a half lecture. did you learn anything from that? >> i actually, to be honest, i felt like i did, actually, because i felt like it reminded me that you could -- how comfortable you could be with your body, because she was unphased. >> reporter: northwestern's president released a statement today saying, in part, i feel it represented extremely poor judgment on the part of our faculty member. i simply don't believe this was appropriate, necessary or in keeping with northwestern university's academic mission. in addition to that, parents and alumni have been calling the school, outraged. >> this does not fall under the umbrella of education. i felt it was demeaning to women. i just thought it was completely, completely out of line. >> now, earlier in the day they -- the university said, we support our professors. it was part of the education process, therefore, we're standing by the class. however, you see there, there was a bit of an about-face. >> well, once it gets into mainstream and people they have to save face. i guess the woman involved in the sex act tweeted, in quotes, the tweet was, for a real education you need multiple sources of information. i think this was the point of this. there you go. coming up, the family that packed up everything in texas, the house foreign made. we'll let you know what the next step is. >> we replaced it all with products made right here in the usa. the challenges and something we could not find. that's next. welcome back. now, the latest installment in our "made in america" challenge. we turned one family's home upside down by removing everything that wasn't made in america. >> but and replaced with things that were but how much did that cost? here's david muir and sharyn alfonsi. >> reporter: it all started with that brave invite from the usrys, john, anna, the kids, even the dog was okay with it. >> hello. >> reporter: allowing us to take everything out of the house that wasn't made in america. remember the shock? what do you think? >> all of our appliances are gone. >> reporter: bedtime? >> we have nothing left. >> reporter: remember how much they thought they had that was american? now the real challenge, replacing everything with american goods. >> hi. i'm trying to find -- >> reporter: it took sharyn and mrs. usry an hour. just to find that first replacement. >> we just want a simple coffee maker made in america. you don't have any way of knowing where things are made? finally we all set out. the ladies looking at the labels, the boys too. we reached out to more than 100 companies across the country. six coming down snow white drive. replacing all of those foreign ones with new ones. >> here's some more. >> watch your step. >> reporter: unpacking it all and rushing before the usrys would come home. and finally, the living room and after. the bedroom before and now. the kitchen before and today. the usrys were knocking. >> welcome home. >> hello. >> wow! our american-made room. >> reporter: american-made, but could our family afford it? the bedroom before and the new american bedroom after. surprisi surprisingly, less expensive. we broke it down, the old bed, $900. the new one, $450. the old night stand, $240. the new one, $40 less. and we compared the total, the old bedroom set, $1,758. the workers who made it all at the virginia factory love sending us this message, we made it some america. >> you've just got to believe that americans can compete. >> reporter: next, the live radioing room, remember the first one we checked. that cost $80. and the american version, the same price range. a little cheaper, $73 up to $89. and the furniture, we paid shipping. the coffee table. the options we found, $249. $259. $549. and the one that we had delivered about twice that much. but when we traveled to the woods where the cherry comes from for that table, upstate new york, they said they would guarantee this would survive through the grand children and their grandchildren, too. >> reporter: and the kitchen, just when we ripped that stove out of the wall, we realized we were in trouble. yes, we scooped up fiestaware for $35 and the glasses for less than a dollar. then the appliances. the only 100% american-made appliances were viking, high-end and highly expensive. but there was another option. a compromise. we did find some appliances half made in the u.s. and they were about half the cost of what we bought. >> reporter: and one last thing in the kitchen that stumped us. remember mr. usry that morning after we took everything out of the house. no coffeemaker? >> no coffeemaker. that was a rude awakening. >> reporter: and had sharyn and mrs. usry found one? they did? made in vermont. t turns out the coffeemaker when it arrived, we looked at it, made in china. >> why the confusion, 40 pages what constitutes made in america. it turns out there's a whole lot of wiggle room about companies when it comes to posting made in the usa. on "world news," we'll investigate that. >> i'm sharyn alfonsi. >> and i'm david muir, abc news, new york. >> it's a great conversation to get started. rel take a look at it. >> if you care, you can go to and check out the products. and see what brproducts are mad where. coming up, endorse a food place called the heart attack grill. e pain yur legs,ess i want to talk to you. you may have heard of poor leg circulation, which could be peripheral artery dsease, or p.a.d. with p.a.d., if you have poor circulation in your legs, you may also have poor circulation in your heart or in your brain, your risk for heart attack or stroke is more than doubled with p.a.d. now, ask yourself: am i at risk? 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[ female announcnc ] call the toll free number on the screen now to find out what the risks of p.a.d. really are. you'll find a 7-point checklist that helps you understand what could be putting you at risk. if you have symptoms, you'll learn how treating symptoms is different from reducing your risk. you'll also learn .about lifestyle changes and treatment options that can help reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke. there's even a discussion guide for ou to bring to your doctor that can help you discuss .a.d. together. call the toll free number .on the screen for your free information kit today. the risk is real. take the next step. call today. ugh. roots driving you crazy? i've been there. yeah...but i've gotta go. over here! put your roots in reverse. boop, boop, boop... with root touch-up, y nice 'n easy. ooh. it extends the life #of your color in 10 minutes with a seamless match to any brand -- guaranteed! that's why allure magazine voted it best home hair color for root coverage. so even when you're on the run, roots are outta there. ...and i'm outta here. [ gigi ] the one and only roro touch-up by nice 'n easy. your right color. >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." all right. so, as the earth -- people in the world, the population keeps expanding -- not the earth so much but the people that live on it, national geographic has an interesting perspective of what they call the typical human face. it's part of their planet series -- or their series on human race called "population 7 billion," so researchers conclude that a male, 28 years old, from chinese descent is the most typical person on the planet. this is what that would look like. it's a composite of 200,000 photos of men who fit that description. >> isn't that amazing? >> they say by 2030 the most typical person will reside in india. this is a restaurant we talked about, the heart attack grill serving things like humongous hamburgers. french fries. there's a spokesperson, his name is blair rivers, 29 years old. he did all the ads. if you weigh over 350 pounds they gave you your meal for free. tragically, blair river died just recently. he was 575 pounds when he died, 29 years old. used to be a wrestling champion, a very fit athlete. a lot of people there are just devastated at this loss. >> they say he died of pneumonia, right? >> necessity say it could be flu-related pneumonia. once again, a lot of people are looking at the diet. here we go, polka time! >> it's friday, that's right. ♪ politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ around the world and up your street ♪ ♪ "the skinny" is our gossip sheet ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ i have a brand new ipad and it has some kills apps ♪ ♪ lighter than a squeeze box and hasn't any straps ♪ ♪ i'm a lucky gizmo boy with my use high-end toy ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ this ipad was expensive boy it cost a lot of cash ♪ ♪ you'd think for all this money it would come with flash ♪ ♪ i'm not angry i'm not bad ♪ the internet it's just a fad ♪ that's the world news polka something i said? ♪ we buy the latest gizmos because we're geeky techie snobs ♪ ♪ the economy is shaky while at apple they still have jobs ♪ ♪ hey have some fun be a pal ♪ every anchor guy and gal do the world news polka ♪ >> you know, when you go to heaven you get a harp. when you go to hell, you get an accordian. ven medicare. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement insurance plans can help pay... some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save... thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about this card -- it's the only one of its kind endorsed by aarp; see if it's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you keep your own doctor, or hospital that accepts medicare. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay... and save up to thousands of dollars in potential... out-of-pocket expenses with an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. call this toll-free number on your screen now... for this free information kit, including this... medicare guide and customized rate quote. this friday morning on "world news now" -- positive signs. the cautious optimism on wall street and your street about the fragile economy. >> analysts are weighing in, everybody with all eyes on the report. today's anticipation and predictions that major government report on unemployment. it's friday, march 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everyone. i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm mike marusarz in for rob nelson. while stock markets here in the u.s. and overseas do rally, there are some concerns about the cost of fuel. of course, that crisis in oil-producing countries. it's all driving up prices for just about everything. >> that's right. a lot of people will be watching for those numbers today to see how things are going to be going. also coming up, outspoken bill gates, his tirade about funding for public schools and also how teachers should be paid. and coming up a little later, she dropped a four-letter word while accepting her oscar. now melissa leo is talking about her new movie act. should be a lot of fun. we do begin with that encouraging economic news. there are new signs the grim unemployment picture might actually be improving a bit. a lot of people hoping that's the case. now, that did send overseas markets higher this morning. >> but there are major questions about how higher prices at the pump are going to affect long-term recovery. steven portnoy in washington with more. good morning, steven. >> reporter: good morning, peggy and mike. a new report shows private employers are adding jobs but prices for food, clothing and fuel are all going up, posing a threat to the fragile economy. in new jersey, drivers lined up at these pumps ahead of a big price hike. higher oil prices threatened to drag down the u.s. economy. anxiety over the unrest in the middle east, particularly in libya, has helped push oil prices to a two-year high, topping $100 a barrel. on thursday president obama made his strongest statement yet on the crisis in libya, calling for dictator moammar gadhafi to depart. >> colonel gadhafi needs to step down from power and leave. >> reporter: the president's spokesman addressed concerns that the crisis could slow the economic recovery. >> the president is extremely aware of the impact that a spike in oil prices can have on gasoline prices and, therefore, on the wallets and pocketbooks of average americans. >> reporter: the nation's top banker shares the concern. >> sustained rises in the prices of oil or other commodities would represent a threat to both economic growth and to overall price stability. >> reporter: despite the fears, stocks surged on wall street thursday, climbing nearly 200 points. that as a new report shows private companies added more than 200,000 jobs last month. far more than expected. it's with that in mind economists are hopeful the government's february jobs report due out later this morning will show a dip in the unemployment rate. peggy, mike? well, this could be a critical day in the struggle for libya's future. day of rage protest rallies are scheduled to begin after friday prayers. turnout could be a key indicator of moammar gadhafi's control over the country. rebel troops are moving to reinforce their positions following government air strikes yesterday. hundreds of fighters from all over the country continue to arrive at the front. protesters are vowing to be back at wisconsin's capitol today after being ousted from the building for the first time in 17 days. things got a little rough last night as police wrestled one lawmaker to the ground as he tried to get inside. now, other than that incident that you see there, dozens of protesters left peacefully. they were ordered out by a judge who said they could no longer spend the night. the protests are in opposition to wisconsin's governor's plan to strip state employees of their bargaining rights. wisconsin isn't the only state facing huge budget shortfalls. school districts around the nation are threatening to lay off teachers and close schools. now those school administrators are facing a major attack from bill gates. ron claiborne has more. >> reporter: the soft-spoken gates was on the attack over how states are dealing with the crisis in american education. >> the guys at enron never would have done this. i mean, this is so blatant, so extreme. you know, is anyone paying attention? >> reporter: for the past year, gates has been focused on how to make schools and teachers better and how to pay for it. >> state budgets are critical topic because here's where we make the real tradeoffs. if we make the wrong choices, education won't be funded the right way. >> reporter: his foundation is currently studying and videotaping teachers in seven urban school districts, including memphis, in an effort to figure out exactly which teaching methods work and which don't. gates is challenging long-held assumptions about education. in a "washington post" op-ed article he says the united states spends $50 billion a year on automatic salary increases based on teacher seniority. but seniority seems to have no effect on student achievement. he questions spending $15 billion a year on so-called salary bumps for teachers who get advanced degrees. he says such raises have almost no impact on achievement. the head of the nation's largest teachers union vehemently disagreed. >> i was a high school math teacher for 23 years. i can guarantee you that what i took as part my master's degree program in mathematics made a difference to me as a teacher. >> reporter: gates proposes the best teachers actually take on more students, five or six more per class, and be paid more, so more children can benefit from what those teachers are doing right. and a lot of teachers are going to take issue with gates over that. they say the more students in the classroom, the harder it is to reach all of the children in that classroom. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. all right, football fans can take a little breather -- a sigh of relief this morning, because nfl players and the owners apparently have agreed on some of the issues, but they're still apart on the money issue. >> oh, thank goodness. i was so concerned. i know you're a huge football fan. most of the country are huge football fans, so i understand that. whatever progress was made, however, this was enough to stop the clock and allow negotiations to continue on. t.j. winick joins us with the details of what went down. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, mike and peggy. the owners and nfl players union reached a 24-hour extension on their negotiating deadline, all to avoid a lockout, which could put this year's nfl season in jeopardy. there's a glimmer of hope in the fight over a new nfl labor contract. >> for all our fans who dig our game, we appreciate your patience as we work through this. we're going to keep working. we want to play football. >> reporter: thursday the league and the players union met for a tenth day with a federal mediator. president obama said he does not want to get involved. >> a time when people are having to cut back, compromise, paying for their kids' college education. the two parties should be able to work it out without the president of the united states intervening. >> reporter: a work stoppage would mean no spring practice, no free agency deals and potentially no 2011 season. >> everybody's concern is, where is the timetable from here and where does it go? >> reporter: two main issues. first, money. how to divide up the nfl's annual revenue of about $9 billion. the second issue is the schedule. the league wants to add two more regular season games for a total of 18. the players say that increases their risk of injury and they deserve additional compensation. the last nfl work stoppage was in 1987 when the players struck. one game ended up being canceled and replacement players played in three games before a deal got done. mike and peggy? millions of air travelers now carry on their bags to avoid paying those luggage fees, but that could end up costing taxpayers neerls nearly $225,000 because it takes tsa inspectors a lot more time to look through all those bags at security checkpoints. congress is now considering asking airlines to pick up some of that extra cost, which seems fair. we know airlines made a lot of money with those extra baggage fees. >> no doubt. you see people at the airports where they try to jam everything in there. >> i can't do it. i have to pay the 25 bucks. let's take a look at your weather. expect soaking rain from minneapolis south to new orleans. and some other areas could get as much as 5 inches with flooding in parts of arkansas, missouri and oklahoma. mostly dry elsewhere in the country. >> the east coast jumps 10 degrees from yesterday with highs in the 40s and 50s. dallas will be about 15 degrees above average and fargo with a high of only 17 will be 15 degrees below average. well, millions of people in poland are probably waking up with an enormous sugar hangover this morning thanks to the annual feast of fat thursday. >> wow. celebrating that feast involves eating as many as 100 million doughnuts and other baked goods on the last thursday before christmas, begin fasting for lent. >> those are my peeps. those are my kind of people. i could live off sugar and carbs. that's for sure. some people even skip meals to scarf up more sweet treats according to the tradition, because eating the sweet treats brings them good luck. >> wow. what's your favorite doughnut? >> oh, i could do -- you know, the cake doughnuts with sprinkle doodads. >> is that the official term? >> yeah. >> i like that. >> those look krispy kreme-ish. but i think they're different. >> a lot of work to do. >> i like it. if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. >>er the over the past week the world, including us here at "world news now," have been hanging on every word coming out of charlie sheen's mouth. of course, my favorite, duh, "winning." >> we've heard that a lot around here. that was not the only story that made headlines the past few days. here's a look back at some of the "winning" quotes. >> when i watched cate two years ago it looked so [ bleep ] easy. oops. >> they love me, all my people. they love me -- >> but if they do love you -- >> they will die to protect me my people. >> he's a sick guy. he's crazy. >> i -- i am on a drug. it's called charlie sheen. >> feel free to make yourselves at home. for those with a particular interest in the next elections, i don't mean that literally. >> president since early on in the administration has had an effort to encourage women and girls to go into science and technology and engineering, math. >> people say it's lonely at the top but i sure like the view, you know. >> we're broke. broke going on bankrupt. and just as the bankrupt business has trouble creating jobs, so does a bankrupt country. >> what are you going to sue for? >> tons. we're going to actually put it on a scale. a little more. a little more. add some gold. add some gold, all your toupees. bingo. >> i don't suffer, you know. so, you know, i may sound okay on the phone. trust me, i'm not okay. i never will be. >> i'm asking you to stop this of elderly abuse. i mean to stop it! >> people like you will be dead today. your mothers, your poor fathers [ bleep ] and [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> for the house of dior, this is pretty much -- this is their fashion tsunami. >> man, i was banging seven gram rocks and finishing them because that's how i roll. i have one speed. i have one gear -- go. >> you don't worry you're going to die when you take that many drugs? >> dying's for fools. >> what's the future of charlie sheen? >> just winning. >> that is it, your favorite one, winning. part of the nation's vernacular now -- winning. >> you can't stopping him. i don't care what you think about the situation. >> that's how he rolls. >> yeah, it's good stuff. yeah, you go from there, i guess, more winning. hopefully that means football fans will be winning. of course, we're keeping an eye on the nfl lockout, which hopefully will not happen. there's an extension filed and we'll see what happens later. >> i know you're anxiously watching that, as many other football fans are, too. >> we'll watch that and many other stories as well. coming up, you probably remember her bleeped out comment at the oscars. you just saw that. or maybe you remember that doily dress. >> that's right. melissa leo focusing on her next act in the movie "red state." gorgeous view right there. welcome back, everyone. if there's one moment you probably will not forget from the 2011 academy awards, it's probably when melissa leo dropped the f-bomb. oops. >> first time it's happened on the broadcast and now the best supporting actress trying to make history as she follows up that win with her newest release, "red state." peter travers, rolling stone and host of abc's "news now" "popcorn" sat down with leo to talk about her new film. >> reporter: hi, i'm peter travers and welcome to "popcorn" where we tell you what's going on at the movies. a big going on right now is anything done by the actress melissa leo. you probably know now she just won the academy award as best supporting actress for "the fighter" and you probably know she'll be on hbo this month with kate winslet and mildred pierce. you probably don't know much about her in "red state." we interviewed melissa leo at the sundance film festival where she told us about this controversial movie "red state" and we want her to tell you a little bit about it. first, i think we should take a look at a scene from "red state" with a very different and controversial melissa leo. >> boys finish your beers yet? >> we're working on it. >> almost. >> almost. >> a few beers to work up to the sex. get drinking because i ain't drinking alone. >> i'm melissa leo and i'm an actor. >> i don't want to live in this world no more. i want to go to jesus. >> but i'm looking at you and i'm talking to someone who has a movie here at the sundance film festival called "red state" and from my point of view as a critic, i'm looking at the actress who gave the best performance in a supporting role in "the fighter" because the little i can say about the movie is that it does involve a kind of a cult, church group, that doesn't love gay people at all. >> there's a lot of people it turns out that don't. >> that don't, right. and this is happening and there's picketing. how do you relate to that when you hear there's that kind of protest? is that a healthy thing? because here we are in america where people can scream about stuff? >> really, as i said earlier, i'm an actor, and i don't involve myself in it, all of it, too much. so i might be very naive in saying this is america. we pride ourselves in our freedom of speech, that means freedom of speech for everyone, i suppose. and the film makes quite clear that although the phelps have some pretty dreadful beliefs, in my opinion, that it's not a film about them. >> you're in "the fighter" with david o. russell brought you back to that area. how does that affect you as an actress? how does it affect you as an actor and how does it affect your life? >> i hope it doesn't affect me as an actor. i'm very proud of the technique, i still am learning with every job i do. and changed my life somewhat in ways, and mostly around work and the opportunity -- work opportunities that will be available to me. i work all the time. sometimes i don't get paid. sometimes i get paid a little less than most everybody else. again, it's just more fun when you have that much room to play, where the picture is -- >> and it's got to be fun just to win something anyway. >> to -- >> forget the rest of it. >> to get a prize is really super. i was prizeless as a child so getting the prizes, putting them on the shelf. >> all right. so, she's a busy woman. apparently melissa leo also set to co-star with fellow academy award nominee jesse eisenberg in a new movie. >> is he playing a computer nerd? that seems to be the thing he's really good at, clearly. that seems to be a one-note sort of deal. melissa leo has been acting for years and years and years, as is the case with many oscar winners. they've been around forever and then they finally get recognition. >> good luck to her and the rest of her film stuff. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp p medicare supplement insuranc. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral o see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare r supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits r your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually p no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep that accepts medicare. p your own doctor and hospital and best of all, these plans are... when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. ♪ ♪ i need someone ead me ♪ ♪ i need someone to read me stories ♪ ♪ oh someone to turn the page >> i like it. good song. well, finally, when you see somebody in trouble, you'd like to think you would step in to help. one small town saw somebody in trouble and they all stepped in. >> pretty remarkable story. it happened when a man had a heart attack and then a complete stranger came to his aid. and then another. and then another. they just kept coming. dan harris reports. >> reporter: it was just another cold winter's evening in tiny, remote, goodhue, minnesota, where they don't even have a traffic light. then something unusual. a 911 call. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> we're at don's goods and foods and a man fell. >> reporter: a man named howard snitzer hit the ground with a massive heart attack. the only customer in the grocery store at the time started first aid. from across the street, roy and al lodermeier rushed over. >> he was in trouble. >> reporter: they began taking turns performing cpr, switching at the point of pure exhaustion without missing a beat. and as news spread, their number grew. a pair of ibm employees handing it off to a plumber who handed it off to a carpenter who handed it off to a county employee. in total, two dozen pairs of hands. >> we just lined up and one guy had enough, next guy jumped in. >> reporter: amazingly, none of these people had any idea who howard snitzer was. the paramedics arrived to an astonishing scene. >> it was unbelievable. there were probably 20 in line, waiting for their turn to do cpr. >> reporter: this lasted for 96 minutes until howard's pulse started. and then they transported him to the hospital. >> we've got four souls on board. >> reporter: ten days later he walked out of the mayo clinic healthy and incredibly grateful. >> i happen to have a king sized heart attack in the right place at the right time. and these guys would not give up. >> reporter: the other night a reunion between all those people who wouldn't give up -- >> i've been waiting for this moment. >> reporter: -- and this man who is no longer a stranger. dan harris, abc news. >> that is -- >> how's that for a story? that's fantastic. you certainly hope if something like that would happen to anybody that people would step in and do that, but a lot of people are intimidated to jump in and administer cpr. >> that's right. for music fans out there, there is some sort of connection. the bee gee's disco song "staying alive" has the same beat for recommended pace for chest compressions given during cpr. this morning on "world news now" -- basketball bombshell. a star player from brigham young university is thrown off the team. >> he admitted to breaking the school's strict honor code by having premarital sex. it is friday, march 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everyone. i'm mike marusarz in for rob nelson. >> i'm peggy bunker. >> that byu player, brandon davies, is a star athlete. we'll get the latest saying davies made a difficult confession but it was all on him to go to the school administrators and tell them what happened. >> byu has this honor code. and we'll talk about that. also ahead, an unusual way to express your dissatisfaction while shopping at a liquor store. get the story behind the mess captured by surveillance cameras. look at this. >> she said she was having a bad day. looks like it. >> sobering day. >> right. also coming up later, trust no one when it comes to ufos. what's missing from the latest british government on space aliens and flying saucers? >> okay. keeps everybody tuned in, i suppose. we'll begin with the star player who now really is a former player for brigham young university men's basketball team. >> the team takes on wyoming tomorrow. when they do they'll be without brandon davies because of a violation of the school's honor code. >> diana alvear has the details. good morning, diana. >> reporter: peggy and mike, good morning. byu officials say it was davies himself who admitted he had had premarital sex with his girlfriend. now it seems the fallout from this situation will affect not only the student but the team's season as well. he used to be known for putting points on the board. now brandon davies is a national name for breaking brigham young's honor code. >> the decision was made by the university and athletics that brandon will not be representing the university on the basketball team for this season. >> reporter: school officials won't disclose what part of the code davies violated but according to the salt lake tribune, he had premarital sex with his girlfriend. the code requires, among other things, students live a chaste and virtuous life, participate regularly in church services, even use clean language and abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee. >> mcdonald puts it in. >> reporter: davies' absence was clearly felt at their last basketball game. they lost by double digits. >> reacting to what happened. i think that the team doesn't quite know how to play without brandon davies in the middle. >> reporter: after the game, however, teammates had nothing but supportive words for davies. >> he's like a brother to us, family. it's tough to lose a guy like that. >> obviously our thoughts and prayers are with brandon. >> reporter: holding davies accountable could mean the end of byu's storied basketball team. the sophomore was the team's leading rebounder and was considered a key player in winning next week's conference. school policy dictates he can pursue reinstatement through a review process, if he chooses to do so. mike, peggy. talks aimed at avoiding the nfl's first work stoppage since 1987 resumes this morning. there's no word -- or there is word, i suppose, on the progress. here it is. the players union and owners decided to extend the deadline for a new deal by 24 hours. so, that means something must be done before midnight tonight, even if it is just another extension. one source says the sides remain apart on money but have agreed on other issues. right now for the first time in 17 days, there are no protesters inside wisconsin state capitol. they were ousted by a judge's order who says they can no longer spend the night. that did not sit well with a democratic state lawmaker wrestled down by police. other than that incident everybody did leave peacefully. the same judge also ruled that the state had violated the protester's rights by earlier eliminating access to the building. protests are in opposition to wisconsin's governor's plan to strip state employees of their bargaining rights. that plan has not been acted on because wisconsin's democratic state senators are still holed up in illinois. right now there's a new effort to bring them home. wisn's jason newt. has the very latest from madison. >> what is happening is there is a group in that caucus among those 14 state democrats who doesn't want to come home. >> reporter: words of frustration from governor scott walker. >> there are some who apparently would be okay with staying two months and in some cases as far as two years. that is unacceptable. >> reporter: in a news conference walker said he and senate leaders agreed they were left with no options. >> you can't have equal branches of government if one of those branches is hamstrung. certainly, the legislature right now finds itself in that position. >> reporter: majority leader fitzgerald signed orders finding the 14 democrats in contempt. they had until 4 p.m. to return to chambers but none did. now law enforcement can be called in to round them up and tame them if necessary, but still only in wisconsin, not illinois. >> if this is what it takes to get a democrat senator back to the chamber, then this is what it takes. >> reporter: gop members of the senate say they didn't want it to come to this, but they maintain their actions were not about the repair bill but about protecting the institution of the state senate. >> well, it is very difficult for all of us. none of us wanted to be in this position. it was with heavy heart that we came to the floor today. >> that was jason newton reporting. governor walker is also threatening to issue layoff notices to 1500 state workers today. he says he will go through with this if the controversial plan to cut bargaining rights does not pass. there's been a major breakthrough in the search for a retired fbi agent who disappeared on a trip to iran four years ago. u.s. officials say they have received proof that robert levinson is still alive. they say indications are that levinson is held in southwest asia. his wife says the family is tremendously encouraged, obviously, but is still worried about his safety and well being. oil giant bp will not be paying bonuses to top executives responsible for operations during that massive gulf oil spill. that includes former ceo tony hayward who came under intense criticism. in the meantime the man handling the $20 billion compensation fund is also under attack. matt gutman reports. >> reporter: eight months ago fishermen of the gulf gained hope when a new sheriff arrived in town. >> there's a structure in place. these payments will be made. come in, get a check, move on -- >> reporter: ken feinberg promised to fast track the $20 billion reimbursement fund from bp. how is it possible only 15% of the fund has been paid out? the average final payment, $12,000. no wonder shrimper darla rooks gave up her apartment. >> we're having to move in with our families and borrow money from our families and rely on our families. >> reporter: she moved in with her daughter. they sent you a check in september that was uncashable. you just got the real check that was cashable -- >> two days ago. >> reporter: last summer she pleaded with feinberg. >> you don't know anything else. what do you do? >> i'll tell you your choices -- >> reporter: feinberg admitted to me he didn't have a grasp on how great and how complex the need would be. >> nobody could have anticipated, certainly i didn't, 500,000 claims. >> reporter: bp has been paying ken feinberg and his firm $850,000 a month. but $850,000 is a lot of money when these people are trying to get a couple thousand. >> i think it is money well spent. i think that we can do a better job. but overall, i think it's working and it's working well. >> reporter: he's now negotiating for more. politicians are outraged. >> it's dysfunctional, incompetence, inadequate. >> reporter: over 300,000 claimants haven't received a penny. but one company has been paid. a still unnamed bp associate, which got $10 million. in fact, they were the first to receive full compensation. we made persistent calls to find out the identity. we couldn't. feinberg said, he doesn't remember. you don't remember the name of the company -- >> i don't remember. >> reporter: a $10 million check. i would remember that. >> this was -- this was simply a request of bp and the claimant to pay out of the gccf the settlement. that's what we did. >> reporter: was there a review? >> no. >> reporter: even so feinberg insists, he's now going to change. and the bp money will soon be out the door. for darla rooks, not fast enough. >> it's a lost cause. it's too little too late now. >> reporter: matt gutman, abc news, miami. you've got to check this out. a woman walks into a suburban new york liquor store, asks to use the bathroom and is told no. she does what any rational person would do. she walks down the aisles, plowing bottles off the shelves. >> oh, my. >> she later apologized for the bottle-busting, claiming she's ashamed. doesn't matter, though, she's still facing charges that could land her in prison for more than a year. that is not winning. >> she says she is remorseful and she's had a -- i've had a bad day like that. i didn't do that. she said she was having a really, really bad day. she is remorseful and says she's sorry. i wasn't excusing it. >> what was the dog doing? was the dog licking the alcohol off the floor? what is going on? >> the dog would have a very bad day after that. let's take a look at your forecast. plenty of wet weather in the nation's mid section. stretches from the great lakes to the gulf of mexico. also flooding, a big concern from oklahoma into ohio. it will be mostly dry everywhere else, though. >> expecting spring-like 70s across the south and a warm-up into the 40s along the east coast. it's still going to be brutally cold in northern montana areas and dakotas with highs only in the teens. well, mild winter temperatures are heating up the arrival of a favorite rite of spring in washington. >> that's right. the nation's chief horticulturist is predicting an early bloom for the cherry blossoms with peak hitting between march 29th and april 3rd. >> that works out perfectly, following in the middle of the annual cherry blossom festival which begins on march 26th. have you ever been there for that? it's beautiful. >> i haven't been there -- no, not for the festival. i have seen them in person and it's nice. it's encouraging for the warm weather to return. >> it is. any day now, we're all ready. we'll be right back with more "world news now" after this. hó if your racing thoughts keep you awake... 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[ female announcer ] tide loads of hope is a free laundry service that provides clean clothes for families affected by disasters. together we can provide loads of hope. visit us on facebook to see our efforts in haiti. when it comes to what was when it comes to what was trending on yahoo! search engines this week, you know the ipad 2 and my man, charlie sheen, were the hot topics. >> those are so obvious. those are sort of easy to figure out. while we were looking up pillowcase dresses and sushi on a stick, those were other hot topics, heather cabot joins us. to explain what we're talking about. good morning, heather. hey, guys. the web is buzzing this week about apple and the ipad 2. yahoo! users can't get enough of the details. they're searching for everything from the price to the specs, of course, where to get it and how soon. people are doing their homework before they buy. they're looking at c-net and ngadget reviews that compare the number 2 to other original ipad and other tablets like the motorola xoom and the blackberry playbook. and steve jobs' unexpected appearance on camera to unveil the new ipad is also ramping up questions about his health again. but even apple's big news didn't tamp down the continued interest in the war of words between actor charlie sheen and cbs. searches for the actor are up nearly 1200% this week. what people want to know most? more than anything, they're simply looking up the question, what is wrong with charlie sheen? we'll leave it at that. we're also seeing a jump in queries for home rehab and alcoholics anonymous. on a much lighter note, spring can't come soon enough for people online. this week we've noticed a spike in searches for gardening. everything from how to grow blueberries to how to grow raised vegetable garden beds. searches for vegetable gardens up 183% this week. half of the queries are coming from women. most in texas, north carolina and virginia. and last, two style notes for you. one, if you really want to look hip this spring, apparently all you need is a pillowcase. queries for how to make a pillowcase dress jumped 189% this week. if you're planning a spring cocktail party to which you might wear that pillowcase frock, you might want to consider serving sushi poppers. sushi on a stick is shaping up to the chic snack this season, according to the search. lookups for where to buy sushi poppers are up 455% this week. back to you. >> thank you. coming up, it's been about five minutes so let's get back to more charlie sheen. always keeping busy away from the set of "two and a half men," as you know -- >> the newest tweet, we'll have it for you. it's hilarious. we'll touch on britney spears, she drops her latest song. it's actually linked a little early. we'll have that for you coming up.neneneneneneneneneneneneneneñ winning. duh, winning. madonna's dna. i'm a bitchin' rock star. blood of a tiger. i'm like zeus in a speedo. it's charlie sheen. i took a lot of charlie sheen. i'm going to embrace my life. i'm going to put both arms around it and love it violently and then defend it violently through the violent hatred. ♪ skinny so skinny you knew it was coming. it was a matter of time before the sheen montage came out. great job by jimmy fallon. >> it was a parody, a deadpan impersonation, doing a spoof where winning was charlie sheen's new fragrance. >> well done. well done. >> charlie sheen hot on the twitter. twitter actually -- he set a record -- actually 1 million followers on twitter and guinness says that's a new world record. the new record is 25 hours, 17 minutes reached by charlie sheen in the past couple of days. this is one of the reasons why. charlie just tweeted this overnight. it says, the title of my book has finally been delivered through vast and extensive lunar channels, apocalypse me, warlock latin for winning. >> they get better and better. in fact, when this came in, we said this could possibly be the best. that just came out, his most recent tweet. >> he could make some money from this. he signed a deal with according to amount oaol's pop beater and he could be getting big bucks for tweeting for brands and company. a lot of celebrities do this. 1,000 have already signed on with the company >> remember kim kardashian, your favorite, she would say, boy, do i feel like a carl's jr. burger and people figured out she was getting paid. we haven't talked a lot about allen. you see jon crier, i still referred to him as ducky from "pretty and pink," he's been mum on this whole issue. he did make an appearance on the "ellen show" and a very funny spoof playing her receptionist. there's tongue-in-cheek about what's going on. ellen says, you're such a great receptionist, you do the work of "two and a half men" and she refers to a train wreck. he pulled it off very, very well. he has not said anything about this whole episode. charlie sheen says he hopes jon cryer has been supportive -- there he is playing receptionist. >> tickets for okay, thanks. >> you really do good work. you do the work of two and a half men. >> very good, very good. >> good stuff. keeps going and going and going. it's good stuff. >> there's jon cryer. >> he's working. >> yes, he's doing well and keeping quiet. britney spears, a little non-charlie story. britney spears drops her new track officially coming up soon. i guess it hits the stores march 29th. but jive leaked a little version. let's take a listen to "'til the world ends." ♪ your tongue tied in knots ♪ spit it out because i'm dying for company ♪ ♪ i notice that you >> actually that song was written by kesha. interesting. not too bad. >> better than the kim song we heard yesterday. quickly, we understand paula abdul had a little bust-up with her boyfriend. the sad thing is she called 911, said she wants out of this car she's in with her boyfriend, he wouldn't let her. the sad thing is she called on february 14th. they had a valentine's day fight. bummer for paula. we'll keep you posted on that one. one. posted. coming up, the "x-files" episode. 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