No action. How will his message play, across america and inside the capital . I hear your voice, and i promise you, i will deliver. Now arrives the hour of action. Live, from the nations capital, a president ial address to congress. Now reporting, george stephanopoulos. Good evening from washington, where the president is about to enter the capitol, and address the congress. And look at the light, as the president reads his speech to his family. The president ready to go, hes been working on the speech all day. Weve been told hes been adding a lot as well. And there you see the speaker of the house, paul ryan, Vice President mike pence. Members of the Supreme Court. Justice anthony kennedy, and Melania Trump. Its been no honeymoon for the president the first 40 days. And democrats galvanized against him. Jon karl is in the hall. The republicans looking for some direction from the president. Theres no question about that, on one hand, theyre ener because the republicans for the first time in a long time, have control of the senate, white house, and republicans are in charge, but divided on what to do about obama care, repeal and replace, replace how, on tax reform, budget questions. Republicans have a narrow majority in the senate, a slightly larger one in the house. But as a divided party, they cant get it done. Theyre looking for direction from the president. Give me a sense of the atmosphere there. After the Gabby Gifford shooting, they started sitting together, across party lines. That seems to be all but dead, but tim kaine, hes seated on the republican side, flanked by republicans. Other than that, theyre now firmly on republican and democratic sides of the aisle. Doors opening right now in the back of that hall. You dont see a lot of members so far crowding the hallway. Now were seeing the sergeant at arms, he will announce the president of the United States. Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States [ cheers and applause ] this is a first. President donald trump about to give his first speech to a joint session of congress right there. Shaking hands in. Largely republican members of congress right now. And david muir, the president hoping tonight to reach out to democrats. Yes, a lot of talk about unity in the speech. There had been criticism after the inaugural by some who said it was dark, american carnage. But he will reach out to republicans and democrats, who he will depend on for infrastructure and tax reform. And nancy pelosi, asking that they be respectful of President Trump. The president working his way down the aisle rather waquickly. And you see the first lady as well tonight. Thats Kevin Mccarthy behind the president. The republican leader. And martha, the president has already proposed a major increase in the defense budget. An enormous increase, and talks of cuts in the state department budget. Of course, he has so many generals surrounding him. General mattis, m kelley, kellogg. General mcmaster is still active duty. The power base is in those retired generals. And greeting the members of the Supreme Court. One of the triumphs of his first 40 days, the nomination of judge neal gorsich. It appears hes on his way to confirmation. Matthew dowd, the president looks happy, but hes entering with the lowest Approval Ratings hes ever seen. This is a crucial speech, at a time when the majority of the country seems concerned and confused about his presidency. Hes offered a lot of confrontation and a lot of conflict, so he has three audiences to talk to. His base, and also the people in the hall. Theres a lot of misgivings both on the democrat and republican side. And byron pitts, do they have ears to hear him . Hes used to speaking in front of crowds that want to hear him. Tonight, half arent very fond of him. And the president handing the speech to his Vice President. Another copy for the speaker. The president was in a pretty buoyant mood when we met with him over lunch. Excited about this opportunity. You see the white there, the Democratic Women wearing white. They say this is to throw back to the womens suffrage movement, and the color that Hillary Clinton wore one night against donald trump, i believe it was election night, and purple the day after, when she conceded. And you see it right there, the white color. The gavel from the speaker. Thank you very much. Members of congress, i have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the president of the United States. [ cheers and applause ] tom llamas, the president enjoying the applause, but this is really the first speech hes given, im trying to think, the last year and a half, thats not going to be i wonder if the outfits of the women in white have caught his eye. Hes someone who can be thrown off easily, and well see if he can rise above that, and also if anybody in the audience, the democrats, heckle him. Thank you very much. Mr. Speaker, mr. Vice president , members of congress, the first lady of the United States. [ cheers and applause ] and citizens of america, tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of black history month, we are reminded of our nations path towards civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. Recent threats [ cheers and applause ] recent Threats Targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of jewish cemeteries as well as last weeks shooting in kansas city remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we stand united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. [ cheers and applause ] each american generation passes the torch of truth, liberty, and justice, in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and its a message deeply delivered from my heart. A new chapter. [ cheers and applause ] of american greatness is now beginning. A new National Pride is sweeping across our nation, and a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp. What were witnessing today is the renewal of the american spirit. Our allies will find that america is once again ready to lead. [ cheers and applause ] all the nations of the world, friend or foe, will find that america is strong, america is proud, and america is free. In nine years, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding. 250 years since the day we declared our independence. It will be one of the great milestones in the history of the world. But what will america look like as we reach our 250th year . What kind of country will we leave for our children . I will not allow the mistakes of recent decades past to define the course of our future. For too long, weve watched the middle class shrink. Financed and built one Global Project after another, but ignored the fates of our children. Chicago, baltimore, detroit, and so many places throughout our land. Weve defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own wideopen for anyone to cross, and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented race. And weve spent trillions of dollars overseas while our infrastructure at home has crumbled. Then in 2016, the earth shifted beneath our feet. The rebellion started, as a quiet protest, spoken by families of all colors and creeds. Families who just wanted a fair shot for their children. And a fair hearing for their concerns. But then, the quiet voices became a loud chorus. As thousands of citizens spoke out from cities all across our country. Finally, it became an earthquake, and the people turned out by the tens of millions and they were all united by one very simple, but crucial demand. America must put its own citizens first. Only then can we truly make America Great again. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Veterans will get the care they need. Our military will be given the resources they so richly deserve. Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced. Across our very, very beautiful land. Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately stop. And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity. Above all else, we will keep our promises to the American People. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Its been a little over a month since my inauguration. I want to update the nation on the progress ive made in keeping those promises. Since my election, ford, chrysler, general motors, sprint, lockheed, intel, walmart, and so many others have announced they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new american jobs. [ cheers and applause ] the stock market has gained almost 3 trillion in value since the election on november 8th, a record. We have saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars to bring down the price of fantastic, and it is a fantastic new f35 jet fighter. And well be saving billions more on contracts across our government. Weve placed a hiring freeze on nonessential government workers. And weve begun to drain the swamp with a fiveyear ban on lobbying with officials. And a lifetime ban thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. And a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government. Weve undertaken an historic effort to reduce jobcrushing regulations. Creating a Deregulation Task force inside of every government agency. [ cheers and applause ] and were imposing a new rule, which mandates that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. [ cheers and applause ] were going to stop the regulations that threaten the future and livelihood of our great coal miners. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] weve cleared the way for the construction of the keystone and Dakota Access pipelines. [ cheers and applause ] creating tens of thousands of jobs. And ive issued a new directive, that new american pipelines be made with american steel. [ cheers and applause ] weve withdrawn the United States from the jobkilling transpacific partnership. [ cheers and applause ] and with the help of Prime Minister justin trudeau, we will help ensure that Women Entrepreneurs have access to the markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams. [ cheers and applause ] to protect our citizens, i have directed the department of justice to form a task force on reducing violent crime. And ive directed the department of state and Homeland Security to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. [ cheers and applause ] we will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth, and expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted. [ cheers and applause ] at the same time, my administration has answered the pleas of the American People for Immigration Enforcement and border security. [ applause ] by finally enforcing immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. [ applause ] we want all americans to succeed, but that cant happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders. [ applause ] for that reason, we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border. [ cheers and applause ] as we speak tonight, we are removing gang members, drug dealers, and contrriminals that threaten our communities and prey on our innocent citizens. Bad ones are going out as i speak, and as ive promised throughout the campaign. To any in congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, i would ask you this question. What would you say to the American Family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one because america refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders . [ applause ] our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. Were also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical islamic terrorism. [ cheers and applause ] according to data provided by the department of justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism since 9 11 came here from outside of our country. We have seen the attacks at home. From boston to San Bernardino to the pentagon, and yes, even the world trade center. Weve seen the attacks in france, belgium, germany, and all over the world. Its not compassionate but reckless to allow entry from places where proper vetting cannot occur. [ applause ] those given the high honor of addition to the United States should support this country and love its people and its values. We cant allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside america, or allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists. [ applause ] thats why my administration has been working on an improved vetting procedures, and we will shortly take new steps to keep our nation safe, and to keep those out who will do us harm. [ applause ] as promised, i directed the department of defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy isis, a network that has slaughtered muslims, christians, men and women of all beliefs. We will work with our allies to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet. [ applause ] i have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support irans Ballistic Missile program, and reaffirmed our Unbreakable Alliance with the state of israel. [ cheers and applause ] finally, i have kept my promise to appoint a justice to the United States Supreme Court from my list of 20 judges who will defend our constitution. [ cheers and applause ] i am greatly honored to have Maureen Scalia with us in the gallery tonight. [ applause ] [ applause ] thank you, maureen. Her late, great husband, antonin scalia, will forever be a symbol of american justice. To fill his seat, weve chosen neal gorsich, he was confirmed unanimously by the court of appeals, and im asking you to unanimously approve his nomination. [ cheers and applause ] tonight, as i outline the next steps we must take as a country, we must honestly acknowledge the circumstances we inherited. 94 million americans are out of the labor force. Over 43 Million People are now living in poverty. And over 43 million americans are on food stamps. More than 1 in 5 people in their prime working years are not working. We have the worst Financial Recovery in 65 years. In the last eight years, the past administration has put on more new debt than nearly all of the other president s combined. Weve lost more than onefourth of our manufacturing jobs since nafta, and more than 60,000 jobs since 2001. Our trade deficit in goods last year was nearly 800 and weve inherited a series of tragic policy disasters ov overseas. This requires us to tap into the american spirit that has overcome every challenge throughout our long and storied history. But to accomplish our goals at home and abroad, we must restart the engine of the american economy. Make it easier for companies to do business in the United States, and much, much harder for companies to leave our country. [ applause ] right now, American Companies are taxed at one of the highest rates anywhere in the world. My Economic Team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere, and with anyone. [ applause ] it will be a big, big cut. At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. We must create a level Playing Field for American Companies and our workers. Have to do it. [ applause ] when we ship products out of america, many other countries make us pay very high tariffs and taxes. When Foreign Companies ship their products into america, we charge them nothing or almost nothing. I just met with officials and workers with harleydavidson. In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles made in the usa on the front lawn of the white house. [ applause ] and they wanted me to ride one, and i said no, thank you. At our meeting, i asked them, how are you doing, how is business . They said, its good. I asked them further, how are you doing with other countries . Mainly, international sales. They told me without even complaining, because theyve been so mistreated for so long, theyve become used to it. Its very hard to do business with other countries, because they tax our goods at such a high rate. They said in the case of another country, they taxed their motorcycles at 100 . They werent even asking for a change. But i am. I believe [ cheers and applause ] believe strongly in free trade. But it also has to be fair trade. Its been a long time since we had fair trade. The first republican president , abraham lincoln, warned that the abandonment of the protective policy by the American Government will produce want and ruin among our people. Lincoln was right. And its time we heeded his advice and his words. [ applause ] i am not going let america and its Great Companies and workers be taken advantage of us any longer. Theyve taken advantage of our country. No longer. [ applause ] i i im going to bring back millions of jobs, and reform our system of legal immigration. The current, outdated system depre depresses wages and puts pressure on our workers. Canada and australia have a meritbased immigration system. [ applause ] its a basic principle, those seeking to enter a country ought to be able to support themselves. Yet in america, we strain the Public Resources our citizens rely upon. Our current immigration system costs our taxpayers many billions of dollars a year. Switching away from the Current System of lowerskilled immigration to a meritbased system, it will save countless dollars, raise workers wages, and help struggling families, including immigrant families, enter the middle class. They will do it quickly, and they will be very, very happy indeed. [ applause ] i believe that real and positive Immigration Reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals. To improve jobs, and wages for americans, to strengthen our nations security. And to restore respect for our laws. If were guided by the wellbeing of our american citizens, that i believe republicans and democrats with Work Together to achieve an outcome that has eluded us for decades. [ applause ] another republican president , dwight d. Eisenhower, the building of the interstate highway system. The time has come for a new program of national rebuilding. [ applause ] america has spent approximately 6 trillion in the middle east, with our infrastructure crumbling. We could have rebuilt our infrastructure two or three times. To launch our national rebuilding, i will be asking congress to approve legislation that approves a 1 trillion investment in the infrastructure of the United States, creating millions of new jobs. [ applause ] this effort will be guided by two core principles. Buy american, and hire american. [ applause ] tonight, im also calling on this congress to repeal and replace obama care. [ cheers and applause ] with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time, provide Better Health care. [ applause ] mandating every american to buy governmentapproved Health Insurance was never the right choice for our country. [ applause ] the way to make Health Insurance available for everyone is to lower the cost of Health Insurance, and thats what were going to do. [ applause ] obama care premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. Arizona went up 116 last year alone. The governor of kentucky just said obama care is failing in his state. The state of kentucky. And its unsustainable, and collapsing. Onethird of the counties have only one insurer, and theyre losing them fast. Theyre losing them so fast. Theyre leaving and Many Americans have no choice at all. Remember when you were told you could keep your doctor and keep your plan . We all know those promises have been broken. Obama care is collapsing, and we must act decisively to protect all americans. [ cheers and applause ] action is not a choice. Its a necessity. So im calling on all republicans and democrats in congress to Work Together to save us from this imploding obama care disaster. [ applause ] here are the principles that should guide congress. First, we should ensure that americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for americans currently enrolled in the health care exchanges. [ applause ] secondly, we should help americans purchase their own coverage through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings accounts. But it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by our government. [ applause ] thirdly, we should give our state governors the resources and flexibility they need with medicaid to make sure no one is left out. [ applause ] fourth, we shouldisme implem legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unn s unnecessary cost, and work to bring down the high cost of drugs, and bring them down immediately. [ applause ] and finally, the time has come to give americans the freedom to purchase Health Insurance across state lines. [ cheers and applause ] which will create a truly Competitive National marketplace that will bring costs way down and provide far better care. So important. Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every problem can be solved, and every hurting family can find healing and hope. Our citizens deserve this. And so much more, so why not join forces and finally get the job done, and get it done right. [ cheers and applause ] on this, and so many other things, democrats and republicans should get together and unite for the good of our country, and for the good of the American People. [ applause ] my administration wants to work with members of both parties to make child care accessible and affordable, to help insure new parents, that they have paid family leave. [ applause ] to invest in womens health, and to promote clean air, clean water, and to rebuild our military and our infrastructure. [ applause ] true love for our people requires us to find common ground. To advance the common good, and to cooperate on behalf of every american child who deserves a much brighter future. An incredible young woman is with us this evening who should serve as an inspiration to us all. Today is rare disease day, and joining us in the gallery is a rare disease survivor. Megan crowley. [ applause ] [ applause ] megan was diagnosed with pompeii disease when she was 15 months old. She was not expected to live past 5. On receiving this news, megans dad fought with everything he had to save the life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved megans life. Today, shes 20 years old, and is a sophomore at notre dame. [ cheers and applause ] megans story is about the unbounded power of a fathers love for a daughter. But our slow and burdensome approval process at the food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances like the one that saved megans life from reaching those in need. If we slash the restraints, not just at the fda, but across our government, we will be blessed with far more miracles just like megan. [ applause ] in fact, our children will grow up in a nation of miracles. But to achieve this future, we must enrich the mind and the souls of every american child. Education is the civil rights issue of our time. [ applause ] i am calling upon members of both parties to pass an Education Bill that funds School Choice for disadvantaged youth, including millions of africanamerican and latino children. [ applause ] these families should be free to choose the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or home school that is right for them. [ applause ] joining us tonight in the gallery is a remarkable woman. Denisha failed third grade twice, but then was able to enroll in a private center for learning, with the help of a tax credit, and a scholarship program. Today, shes the first in her family to graduate, not just from high school, but from college. Later this year, she will get her masters degree in social work. We want all children to be able to break the cycle of poverty just like denisha. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] but to break the cycle of poverty, we just also break the cycle of violence. The murder rate in 2015 experienced its largest singleyear increase in nearly half a century. In chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year, and the murder rate so far this year has been even higher. This is not acceptable in our socie society. [ applause ] every american child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a highpaying job. [ applause ] but to create this future, we must work with, not against, not against, the men and woman of law enforcement. [ cheers and applause ] we must build bridges of cooperation and trust. Not drive the wedge of disunity and, really, its what it is, division. Its pure, unadulterated division. We have to unify. Police and sheriffs are members of our community. Theyre friends and neighbors, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. And they leave behind loved ones every day, who worry about whether or not theyll come home safe and sound. We must support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [ applause ] and we must support the victims of crime. I have ordered the department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve american victims. The office is called voice. Victims of immigration crime engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. Joining us [ applause ] joining us in the audience tonight, four very brave americans whose government failed them. Their names are jamil shaw, susan oliver, jenna oliver, and jessica davis. Jamils 17yearold son was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member who had just been released from prison. Jamil jr. Was an incredible young man, with unlimited potential, who was getting ready to go to college, where he would have excelled as a great quarterback. But he never got the chance. His father has become a very good friend of mine. Jamil, thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] also with us are susan oliver, and jessica davis. Their husbands, danny oliver and michael davis, were slain in the line of duty in california. They were pillars of their community. They were viciously gunned down by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record and two prior deportatio deportations. Should have never been in our country. Sitting with susan is her daughter, jenna. Jenna, i want you to know that your father was a hero, and that tonight you have the love of an entire country supporting you and praying for you. [ applause ] to jamil, jenna, susan, and jessica, i want you to know we will never stop fighting for justice. Your loved ones will never, ever be forgotten. We will always honor their memory. [ applause ] finally, to keep america safe, we must provide the men and women of the United States military the tools they need to fight, and they only have to win. [ applause ] im sending congress a budget that rebuilds the military, eliminates the defense sequester. [ applause ] and calls for one of the largest increases in National Defense spending in american history. My budget will also increase funding for our veterans. They have delivered for this nation, and now we must deliver for them. [ applause ] the challenges we face as a nation are great. But our people are even greater. And none are greater or braver than those who fight for america in uniform. [ applause ] [ applause ] we are blessed to be joined tonight by corinne owens, the widow of william ryan owens. Ryan died as he lived, a warrior and hero, battling against terrorism, and securing our nation. [ applause ] [ applause ] i just spoke to our great general mattis, just now, who reconfirmed that ryan was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemy. Ryans legacy is etched into eternity. Thank you. [ applause ] [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] [ applause ] [ applause ] [ applause ] and ryan is looking down right now, you know that. And hes very happy because i think he just broke a record. [ applause ] for as the bible teaches us, there is no greater act of love than to lay down ones life for his friends. Ryan laid down his life for his friends, his country, and for our freedom. And we will never forget ryan. [ applause ] to those allies who wonder what kind of a friend america will be, look no further than the heroes who wear our uniform. Our Foreign Policy calls for a direct, robust, and meaningful engagement with the world. Its American Leadership based on vital security interests that we share with our allies all across the globe. We strongly support nato, an Alliance Forged through the bonds of two world wars that dethroned fascism. And the cold war. And defeated communism. [ applause ] but our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, i can tell you the money is pouring in. Very nice. [ applause ] very nice. We expect our partners, whether in nato, the middle east, or in the pacific, to take a direct and meaningful role in both strategic and military operations, and pay their fair share of the cost. Have to do that. We will respect historic institutions, but we will respect the foreign rights of all nations, and they have to respect our rights as a nation also. [ applause ] free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people, and america respects the right of all nations to chart their own path. My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of america. [ cheers and applause ] but we know that america is better off when there is less conflict, not more. We must learn from the mistakes of the past. We have seen the war, and the destruction that have ravaged and raged throughout the world. The only long Term Solution for these is to create the conditions where displaced persons can safely return home and begin the long, long process of rebuilding. [ applause ] america is willing to find new friends and to forge new partnerships where shared interests align. We want harmony and stability not war and conflict. We want peace wherever peace can be found. America is friends today with former enemies. Some of our closest allies, decades ago, fought on the opposite side of these terrible, terrible wars. This history should give us all faith in the possibilities for a better world. Hopefully, the 250th year for america will see a world that is more peaceful, more just, and more free. On our 100th anniversary, in 1876, citizens from across our nation came to philadelphia to celebrate americas centennial. At that celebration, the countrys builders, artists, and inventors showed off their wonderful inventions. The telephone, the typewriter. An early attempt was made at an electric light, telegraph, and pen. Imagine the wonders america could know in americas 250th year. [ applause ] think of marvels we can achieve if we set free the dreams of our people. Cures to the illnesses that have always plagued us. Not too much to hope. American footprints on distant worlds, millions lifted to work from welfare is not too much to expect. And safe streets, schools where children learn in peace, and jobs that are prosperous are not too much to ask. [ applause ] when we have all of this, we will have made America Greater than ever before, for all americans, this is our vision. This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one people with one destiny. We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the same Great American flag. And we all are made by the same god. [ applause ] when we fulfill this vision, when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight, as when this new chapter of american greatness began. The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us. We just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts, the bravery to express the hopes of our souls, and the confidence to turn those hopes and dreams into action. From now on, america will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears. Inspired by the future, not bound by failures of the past. And guided by a vision, not blinded by our doubts. Im asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the american spirit. Im asking all members of congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things for our country. I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment, believe in yourselves, and believe in your future, and believe once more in america. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless the United States. [ cheers and applause ] there you have it. President trump wrapping up his first address to the joint session of congress. The theme, renewal of the american spirit. He said his message is a message of unity and strength. Theres his wife, Melania Trump there. Spoke for exactly an hour. Laying out familiar trump policies on crime, health care, repealing and replacing obama care. A moment that clearly divided that room. But wrapped them up in a little more lyrical, optimistic style. More than weve seen from President Trump in the past. Jonathan karl, what a difference from the inaugural a month ago, what a difference from those speeches weve seen over the last several weeks, with an angry President Trump. I was thinking as i was watching particularly the end of the speech, is this the same donald trump that we saw give a speech in the inauguration, talking about american carnage, lashing out at the Political Class . This was an entirely different message, hit some of the campaign themes, talked about the wall and extreme vetting. But to hear donald trump say dream big, bold things, and to reach out. And you mentioned the lyrical moments, when we reached out to carryn owens, the wife of the navy s. E. A. L. Killed in yemen. Its one of the more powerful things ive seen in a state of the union. And martha, clearly the emotional high point in the speech there, when mrs. Owens stood up and absorbed that standing ovation. But there was an edge to the president as well, the father of ryan owens said he considers it a failure, and the president wanted to drive the point home that the general told him it was a success. And he said he could not he didnt like what donald trump had said about the gold star father last summer. And he refused to meet with him, said he didnt want to make a big deal about this, but spoke to the miami herald about that, and questioned the raid, whether donald trump really knew what was going on. You talk to people about that raid, and they say everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. So, donald trump is certainly defensive about what was captured in the raid, and that it was valid intelligence, and quoted general mattis to back that up. And the president working his way out of the hall pretty quickly. For a president who has broken the mold in so many ways, he only gave himself a cplus for communication in the first 40 days of his presidency. Quite a traditional structure in the state of the union, making the plea for unity, talking about black history month, he did follow the forms of past president ial addresses. Absolutely. Beginning the address by talking about the news as of late, with hate crimes across this country, talking about his job not to represent the world, but to represent the United States of america. Thats his make America Great message. And he talked about jobs, about the stock market, which has had an extraordinary run, and jobs created at ford, chrysler, general motors. A lot of the ceos have said that these jobs were already in works. But whether he can sustain that is the big question. Alex castellanos, did republicans in Congress Hear what they needed to hear tonight . I think republicans did, and i think it will have a good impact on democrats, too. Donald trump was inaugurated on january 20th, but i think he became president tonight. I think we saw the longawaited pivot. Evolving from candidate to president , from politics to government. Thats going to reassure republicans in congress, and i think its going to make it much more difficult for democrats to attack him. When we understand a politicians motives and like them, we trust them. And donald trump spoke what was in his heart tonight, and i think that will help on both sides of the aisle. Stephanie you hear things that democrats could latch on to . I did, especially mayors across the country, when he talked about the infrastructure investment. We know when you build a bridge in chicago or los angeles, those jobs are american jobs. And we love to hear any elected official talk about making significant infrastructure investmen investments. But there were a lot of things that im sure concern Many Democrats as well. When you parade these families, who have had significant losses, and hundreds of people being rounded up across the country with no criminal records. You cant have it both ways. You have to show the whole story. Matthew wd, assertions laid out. Not a lot of how to pay for them. That was the most deliberate, disciplined speech ive ever seen him give. It was much more celebratory than carnage. But the rubber has to hit the road after tonight for a number of things. Heres a couple quotes, we should no longer be burdened by our fears. Its time for trivial fights to be put behind us. Were better off with less conflict. Well, in the last 18 months, the one most involved in trivial fights and separating us from our fears is donald trump. So, tomorrow will we see that . Well find that out. Well be back in just a moment with the democratic response. More from washington. A president ial address to congress, and the democratic response, after this. The thing thats really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime. The more that we can strengthen and reharden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients teeth are going to be. Dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. It helps to strengthen and reharden the enamel. 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Im a proud democrat, but first and foremost, im a proud republican and democrat, and mostly american. And like many of you, im worried about the future of this nation. Look, i grew up in kentucky in a small town called dawson springs. My dad and granddad were preachers, my family owned a funeral home. And my wife and i have been married for almost 50 years. I became governor at the start of the global recession, and after eight years we left things a lot better than we found them. By being fiscally responsible, we turned deficits into surpluses without raising taxes. Cut unemployment rate, raised grades, and found Health Coverage for over a half a Million People. We did that through trust and mutual respect. I listened, and i built partnerships with Business Leaders and with republicans in our legislature. We put people first, and politics second. The america i love allowed a smalltown preachers kid to be elected governor, and it taught me to embrace people different from me, not vilify them. The america i love is always about looking forward, working together to find solutions, regardless of party. Instead of allowing our differences to divide us and hold us back. And we democrats are committed to creating the opportunity for everyone to succeed, with good jobs, educating people, innovating business, and keeping our country safe, and providing health care that families are afford and rely on. Mr. President , as a candidate, you promised to be a champion for families struggling to make ends meet. And i hope you live up to that promise. But one of your very First Executive orders makes it harder for those families to even get a mortgage. Then you started rolling back rules that provide oversight of the financial industry, and safeguard us. And you picked a cabinet of billionaires and wall street people. Thats not being our champion. Thats being wall streets champion. And even more troubling, you and your republican allies in congress seem determined to rip affordable Health Insurance away from millions of americans who need it. Does the Affordable Care act need some repairs . Sure it does. But so far, all of the replacements will reduce coverage despite your promises to the contrary. Mr. President , folks in kentucky expect you to keep your word. Because this isnt a game. Its life and death for people. These ideas promise access to care, but deny the importance of making care affordable and effective. They would charge families more for fewer benefits, and put the Insurance Companies back in control. Behind these ideas is the belief that folks at the lower end of the economic ladder just dont deserve health care. Thats somehow their fault that they cant afford to buy Expensive Health plans. But who are these 25 million americans who now have health care but didnt have it before . Theyre not aliens from a distant planet. Theyre our friends and neighbors. Theyre farmers, restaurant workers, parttime teachers, nurses aides, and tech workers. And before the Affordable Care act, they woke up every morning and went to work, hoping and praying they wouldnt get sick. They were just one bad diagnosis from bankruptcy. We democrats are going to do everything in our power to keep President Trump and the Republican Congress from reneging on the commitment. But were going to need your help. By speaking out. Another commitment now being tested is to our National Security. Look, make no mistake, im a military veteran myself. And i know that protecting america is a president s highest duty. Yet, President Trump is ignoring serious threats to our National Security from russia, who is not our friend, while alienating other countries who are our friends. His approach makes us less safe. Instead, President Trump has all but declared war on refugees and immigrants. Look, the president can and should enforce our immigration laws. But we can protect america without abandoning our principles and moral obligation to help those fleeing war and terror, without tearing families apart, and without needlessly jeopardizing our military men and women fighting overseas. Another republican president , ronald reagan, once said, america, our origins matter less than our destination. And President Trump also needs to understand that people may disagree with him from time to time, but that doesnt make them his enemieenemies. When the president attacks the intelligence agencies, the court system, the military, the free press, individual americans, simply because he doesnt like what they say, hes eroding our democracy. Real leaders unify, partner, and offer Real Solutions instead of ultimatums and blame. I may be oldfashioned, but i still believe that dignity, compassion, honesty, and accountability are real american values. As a democrat, i believe if you work hard, you deserve the opportunity to realize the american dream. No matter what your job is. Our political system is broken. Its broken because too many of our leaders think its all about them. They need to remember that they work for us. And helping us is their work. Kentucky made Real Progress while i was governor because we were motivated by one thing. Helping families. Democrats are trying to bring that same focus back to washington, d. C. Americans are a diverse people, and we may disagree on a lot of things. But weve always come together when we remember that were one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. A rather unusual choice for the democrats, in kentucky, a former governor. But taking the democratic message about donald trump, especially about health care. I want to go to mary bruce, the democrats chose steve for that reason. One thing theyre united on, complete opposition to the repeal of obama care. Now youve heard from both parties, about why they feel the stakes are so high. Remember, republicans that i spoke with today, the one thing they were looking for out of the speech, direction, guidance, specifics on obama care, and they got that from the president. Getting onboard with many of the

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