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the magazine cover that set social media on fire. portraying burt and ernie as a same-sex couple. is this a fitting tribute to the supreme court historic ruling? or an inappropriate use of beloved childhood icons? good morning, everybody. bianna's taking time off. very happy to have my friend, paula faris with us this morning. harris and faris riding again. >> i couldn't miss you for the world. >> you're here. >> i am. and good morning, everyone. also on the show, fresh twist in the stunning murder case involving exnew england patriots star, aaron hernandez. a new arrest. and new information on a possible motive in the execution-style killing of the football's friend. so many layers coming out. also this morning, new developments in the case of a dental assistance, fired of her job for ten years because her boss found her too irresistible and a threat to his marriage. she sued and lost. but in a rare move, she's getting a second chance to make her case. let's start with what meteorologists call a heat dome. it is hovering over the western part of this country. and this picture tells the story quite well. that's a melting elvis impersonator in las vegas. >> fair to say he's all shook up? it is a fun shot. but these temps can be dangerous. ginger zee has made her way to the hottest spot of the hot spots, death valley, california. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, paula and dan. and good morning, everybody. i don't know if you've been to death valley before. i had not until we arrived yesterday. it was still around 120 and the sun had just about to go down. obviously, it's been down for a while. and it's 102. we're almost at the coolest part of the day. it's impressive until you say this goes past death valley. it's always hot here. we'll get the numbers for yesterday. either tied or records broken. death valley, 125. 108 in redding. vegas was a tie at 115. the others broken. salt lake city, 105. flagstaff, up to 96. very impressive numbers. it's going to be beyond numbers. now, it's about how dangerous this heat is. overnight -- >> dehydration. a lot of people going to the first aid tent. >> reporter: more than 200 las vegas concertgoers treated for heat-related injuries. >> ice cold water. >> reporter: on the strip, record heat tied at 115. we found michael hydrating. mr. t. shading and a storm trooper strategizing. >> i don't stand in the sun. as soon as it gets right there, i'm gone. >> inside here, it's like 125. >> reporter: 120 in the head? we decided it wasn't hot enough in las vegas. so, we're leaving and going to death valley. this weekend, death valley will get to 130 degrees. the last time it was this hot, almost 100 years ago. lectia juarez said, it was so hot, our temperature gauge couldn't keep up. >> keep the water handy. to drink it often. >> reporter: near phoenix, they're going door-to-door to make sure the seniors there are air-conditioned. around the corner, inmates are cooling off with popsicles and cool towels. animals at the phoenix zoo, making the best of the misters. in salt lake city, elephants were happily hosed down. and look at this. a family of wild bobcats beating the heat in a shadey tucson yard. even taking an adorable dip in a makeshift kitty pool. let me show you the temperatures we can expect today. here we're getting close to 130. 117 in las vegas. 110, palm springs. phoenix, 119. tucson, 113. this is not a one-day deal. that's why you call it a heat wave. it goes for day after day. and look at the numbers to start the workweek. we're watching death valley, 139. vegas stays at 117. that's going to be dangerous. the cops and the hospital workers are prepped and ready. and extreme heat goes to the northwest, too. it does not just stop in the southwest. boise, 100 today. spokane, 90. i will have much more in your nation's weather. of course, there's been some severe weather. we've even got some below-average temperatures to talk about. dan? >> thank you, ginger. incredible numbers. as you say, not just a one-day deal. now, to president obama, who has landed in south africa, where he just held a news conference with the president of that country. also today, he is meeting privately with family members of the former president, nelson mandela. mandela, as we all know is in the hospital, in critical condition. and abc's ron claiborne is in pretoria right now. ron, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. as you know, the president, president obama, had hoped, had wanted to meet with nelson mandela at the hospital with me. that's not going to happen. the white house releasing a statement, and i quote, out of deference to nelson mandela's peace and comfort, and the family's wishes, they will not be visiting the hospital. there was a press conference a short while ago. and the president obama spoke about nelson mandela. >> the outpouring of love that we've seen in recent days shows that the triumph of nelson mandela and this nation speaks to something very deep in the human spirit. >> reporter: instead of meeting with nelson mandela, the president will have a private meeting with a number of family members of nelson mandela. the location and timing of that has not been disclosed. the fact this meeting had to be called off, the hoped for meeting between obama and nelson mandela had to be called off, is an indication of how sick nelson mandela really is. his former wife winnie mandela said yesterday, he had great improvement. but in her words, remains krinically unwell. and president zuma saying, his condition remains critical but stable. a great disappointment. president obama had hoped to meet nelson mandela who is one of his personal heroes. he will not be meeting with him. >> so many people watching with so much anxiety. ron claiborne, thank you for your reporting. normally ron is with us delivering the overnight headlines. but with ron on assignment, a new member of the abc news team, rebecca jarvis, our economic correspondent, giving us the headlines this morning. good morning to you. >> harris, faris, jarvis. thanks, guys. we want to get you caught up on what's happening new overnight. an american among them killed in violent protests in egypt. this was the scene in the city of alexandria. abc news has learned 21-year-old andrew procter of chevy chase, maryland, was killed in the violence there. and susan is monitoring developments. >> reporter: tragic news overnight for a maryland family grieving over the loss of a son. andrew pacter was a 20-year-old college student working a summer intern ship with a nonprofit group that does work in north africa. he was teaching english and working on his own arabic language skills. andrew was killed in the port city of alexandria, where deadly clashes erupted between opponents and supporters of the egyptian president mohamed morsi. he was among three killed. and hundreds injured in the dualing rallies. as calls for mr. morsi has been postponed to egypt. andrew was from chevy chase, maryland, and in the class of 2015 at kenyon college. >> susan saulny thank you for joining us. the obama administration is playing down the damage done by the nsa leaks. susan rice, president obama's incoming national security adviser, says the damage from the highly-classified leaks is minimal. former nsa contractor edward snowden is on the run after leaking details of the program that targeted the online activity of millions of americans. snowden escaped from hong kong with the help of staff from wikileaks. now, on sunday morning, george stephanopoulos has an exclusive interview with wikileaks founder, julian assange. that's tomorrow, sunday morning on "this week." more companies this morning are cutting ties with paula deen. sears, jcpenney, walgreens are dropping the celebrity chef. and deen is under fire after admitting in a court deposition she used racial slurs in the past. more former employees are considering a separate lawsuit accusing deen of racial discrimination. a suburban new york mom says she is not the mastermind behind a multimillion-dollar pot operation. she is accused of keeping a marijuana farm in queens, new york, in a warehouse there. she pleaded not guilty in federal court on friday. this is a heartwarming story out of north carolina this morning. the little man underneath that big hat you see. 4-year-old rivers malcolm. rivers battled terminal cancer for two years. now, after receiving a stem cell transplant, he is cancer-free. and to celebrate, the north carolina state police helped make another dream of his come true at his favorite restaurant. >> he was going from table-to-table, lighting up all of the people in here, with his resiliency. he just got out of the hospital. had surgery. somebody forgot to tell him he wasn't supposed to be happy. >> and a judge was on-hand to swear rivers in to make it official. he's getting down to business. >> did he pull anyone over? any speeding tickets? >> not yet. and now, to the most closely-watched trial in the country. and graphic testimony from george zimmerman's neighbors about what they saw and heard the night trayvon martin was killed. but will any of it prove if zimmerman was acting in self-defense? or was he stalking the unarmed teen? and then there's the issue of zimmerman's attorney and a highly controversial family photo. here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: this morning, this selfy by don west, stirred more controversy, in the zimmerman murder trial, already the most racially-charged in memory. west is pictured with two of his daughters eating ice cream cones, the kopgs, we beat stupid di celebration cones. a representative for west said he shot it monday. but one of his daughters, molly, posted the picture thursday, after west spent nearly two days attacking the credibility of the prosecution's star witness, in part by exposing her inability to read this letter. >> i don't read cursive. >> reporter: west said through a spokesperson, he didn't know his daughter had posted the picture. but they seemed to make headway friday, when they reenforced the argument. >> trayvon martin was on top, correct? >> yes. >> and he was reining blows on zimmerman, right? >> that's what it looked like. >> reporter: in the dark, the prosecution asked, how much did he really see? >> when they're going like this -- >> i could not hear that, no. >> could you hear this? >> no. >> reporter: then, came jonathan manollo, the first person to speak with zimmerman after the fight. >> you asked him what happened. and he said, this guy was beating me up, and i shot him. >> i had to defend myself and i shot him. >> reporter: one of the questions asked all day, were zimmerman's sewers severe enough to warrant using deadly force against the 17-year-old boy? physician assistant lindsay folgate treated zimmerman the next day. saying zimmerman may from saved his life by firing the gun. >> everything appeared intact. >> reporter: for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, miami. let's bring in legal analyst and defense attorney, deborah flom. >> good morning. >> we heard jonathan good say he saw trayvon martin on top of george zimmerman. is that a blow to the prosecution here? >> i don't think it is. three other witnesses testified they saw zimmerman on top. sorry. they saw zimmerman on the bottom. there are varying versions of events here. at the end of the day, it's going to come down to which witness you find credible. >> we have one week of testimony down. what is the biggest remaining challenge for the prosecution? >> i think for the prosecution, their biggest challenge is going to be proving second-degree murder. >> and can they do that? i mean, what's the bar for that? >> they have to show that there was indifference for human life. and that there was evil or malicious intent. and here, i think that they can do that. also, the defense is going to have to show that zimmerman's use of lethal force was justified. and i don't believe, based on the testimony so far, that they can show that. it's going to be up to him to testify and explain why his lethal force was justified. >> a lot of work to do on both sides, it sounds. deborah blum, we appreciate your analysis on a saturday morning. now, to california where same-sex couples are not wasting any time getting married. they began exchanging vows almost instantly yesterday after the state's near five-year ban on same-sex marriage was lifted, beginning with the couple at the center of the court fight. abc's ryan owens has the story. >> with this ring, i thee wed. >> reporter: that didn't take long. >> i now declare you spouses for life. >> reporter: just two days after the supreme court cleared the way, california started marrying same-sex couples. the first, who else but the two women who brought the case all the way to the high court. >> it's a great day in san francisco. it's a great day in california. it's a great day in the united states of america. >> reporter: their ceremony at san francisco city hall was officiated by none other than california's attorney general. >> this is a profound day for our country. and it's just the right thing. and justice is finally being served. >> reporter: hours later in los angeles, the other plaintiffs in the supreme court case also tied the knot. >> our love and devotion to one another keeps growing. >> reporter: opponents to gay marriage says courts are ignoring the will of the majority. >> the ninth circuit has jumped the gun and forced same-sex marriage back on california. we're going to continue to push for traditional marriage and reminding the importance of mothers and fathers to the raising of children. >> reporter: opposition aside, couples lined up into the night friday to get hitched. san francisco city hall plans to stay open all weekend, issuing marriage licenses to couples who have waited years for the right to marry and aren't about to wait until monday. for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, los angeles. take a look at how this moment in history is being marked by "the new yorker" magazine. the cover of next week's edition. burt and ernie of "sesame street" fame, apparently a same-sex couple. this has gone viral with supporters and detractors. and abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: next week's "new yorker" cover causing a stir the moment it made it to twitter. seth meyers tweeting, this "new yorker" cover is great. another tweeting, gay marriage coming to a street near you. even "setmy street." burt and ernie cuddling in front of the tv. the media called it controversial. >> this magazine cover is going to be one of the most talked-about, buzz-worthy covers of the year. >> reporter: "sesame street" has repeatedly said burt and ernie has no sexual orientation. teaching children that people can be friends when they're different from each other. a huge spike in twitter activity on friday, reaching 77 tweets per minute. >> this thing has gone viral and spread to far because there's so many ways to interpret this cover. >> reporter: the artist, jack hunter, told "the new yorker," quote, it's amazing to witness how attitudes on gay rights have evolved in my lifetime. this is great for our kids. a moment we can all celebrate. but not everyone is celebrating. "slate" magazine called the cover, a terrible way to commemorate a major civil rights victory. one tweeter wrote, really? it's a show for preschoolers. why does everything have to become political? hunter's cover art had been posted to the website tumblr last year, as a cover that never made the cut. instead of the justices, we see president obama during his abc news interview, where he first told our robin roberts that he supports gay marriage. and "sesame street" would not comment on the cover. and we asked "the new yorker" for an interview with the artist and the editor. the magazine declined saying that the cover speaks for itself. and speaking loudly, perhaps. try to wrap your mind around this story. the vatican caught in a new scandal that sounds like a cross between "ocean's 11" and "da vinci code." a spy and a vatican official, allegedly try to smuggle $26 million into italy aboard a private jet. nick schifrin has this layered story from london. >> reporter: he was once known as the priest who flashed his cash. this morning, he's flashing handcuffs. he's in police custody, accused of fraud, corruption and slander. the plot is right out of "godfather 3." >> you hold the history. $600 million. >> reporter: here's how it was meant to go down. he had an accomplice, a former spy, who is now italian secret service agent. they flew a private jet to switzerland. they planned to pick up $26 million in cash. then, fly back, evade customs, drive to his house in an armored convoy, and deliver the loot to three brothers who are shipping magnates to avoid taxes. the plan was scuttled at the last minute, apparently because it was too complicated. >> not just a bad deal. they're butchers. >> reporter: the vatican bank is supposed to be the holiest of the world. but corruption has been part of it since the 16th century. >> he would pay for his or her forgiveness in coin. gold. silver. promissory notes. >> reporter: back in 1982 in london, the man known as god's banker was found hanging from a bridge. his pockets full of cash and bricks. but today, pope francis promises to fight corruption. he recently pointed out that st. peter didn't have a bank account. >> pope francis is very serious, for example, about reforming vatican finances. and i think he believes he has a mandate to do so. >> reporter: this is the second allegation he faces. he is accused of taking $700,000 that was donated for the terminally ill. and instead, using it to pay off his mortgage. and the bank teller before he became a priest, says to his lawyer that he is innocent and can explain everything. but this morning the vatican admits that the problems may be getting worse. it caught six possible attempts of money laundering. this year, the number is already seven. >> prosecutors say this was meticulously planned. let's go back to ginger zee, who gets the plum assignments. ginger? >> yes. that's what they say. we dropped to 101 for one second. now, we're back to 102. let's talk about severe weather. there were 280 severe weather reports. a lot of them coming from the d.c. area. wind damage around that region. an idea of what happened. and way too much rain. the fourth-wettest june on record. it is the extremes on both sides of the country, of course. and more see veer weather to come. two pockets in new england, and in eastern colorado. the northeast, here's what you can expect when it comes to your saturday. you start the weekend and have some storms. from the ohio river valley, up through maine. and the temperatures going to stay around 85 in new york. philly, 88. and the heavy rain and flooding, all throughout the southeast sticking around for the beginning of the weekend here. >> now, we're at a place called the furnace creek visitors center. 190 feet below sea level. and the trip from vegas to here yesterday, very interesting. i'll have more in the next half hour. coming up, the new information in the case against aaron hernandez. also ahead, fighting back. a woman who claims she was fired because her boss 2409 thought she was too hot for him to handle. and after touring the world for five decades, a rare first for the rolling stones. that's in "pop news." keep it here for more "gma," after this very quick break. ahhh, the little rascal is fgood job.leep. thank you. so it's friday night, you wanna... do something? or you just text message your friends for the rest of the night. i'm not texting. what are you doing? just figuring out our friday night. i'll go get the popcorn. thank you, i love you. buy any samsung galaxy mobile device and receive a $50 best buy gift card in the samsung experience shop. only at best buy stores nationwide. we're donating more of our food to shelters in need, keeping more dogs happy, healthy, and ready to go home. ♪ pedigree. see what good food can do. 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[indistinct announcement on p.a. system] so, same time next week? well, of course. announcer: put away a few bucks. feel like a million bucks. for free tips to help you save, go to ♪ feed the pig hi. my name is cj. a few years ago, my father became seriously ill. i did what i could do before he passed, but it took its toll. i lost my job, my house. i'm getting back on my feet, but i don't know when there'll be food on the table. how'd i do, cj? we could be twins. well, cousins maybe. announcer: play a role in ending hunger. visit and find your local food bank. fired for being too sexy. a woman claims she lost her job because her boss found her too irresistible and a threat to his marriage. an all-male panel of judges tossed out her case. but now, she's getting a second chance in iowa supreme court. good morning, america. i'm paula faris, in for bianna, on this saturday morning. it's wonderful because i'm next to you, dan. >> flattery will get you everywhere. >> everywhere. >> great to have you. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, june 29th. my father's birthday. happy birthday to you, dan. after five decades together, the rolling stones have pretty much done everything. but tonight, one of the biggest bands on the planet earth is about to take the biggest stage for the first time. we'll teal you about that in "pop news." also, the big stars of wimbledon. novak djokovic and andy murray may be the main attraction. but it's their pups that are stealing the show. decide for yourself which one is top dog. it's all coming up in "pop news." don't tell us now. >> i won't. i'll keep my opinions to myself. we're going to start with an arrest and a possible motive in that headlinemaking murder case involving aaron hernandez. the football star is in jail in massachusetts. he's accused of orchestrating the execution-style murder of a friend. john schriffen is on this from the jump. and he's in the town of north dartmouth. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. hearn does sits in this jail behind me. the sheriff calling him a model inmate. to give you an idea how unusual the story has become. the new england patriots announced for any fan that purchased a hernandez jersey at their sto store, a chance to trade it in for free. this as they're putting together the investigation. this morning, authorities have confirmed that all three men who they say were there when 27-year-old odin lloyd was murdered, are now in custody. lloyd, a semipro football player was found in an industrial park less than a mile from former patriots star aaron hernandez's home. attleboro police after issuing this wanted poster, ernest wallace turned himself in miramar, florida, that afternoon. the other man, carlos ortiz, the other man in connection with the case, appeared in court, pleading not guilty to a firearms charge. prosecution alleged hernandez orchestrated the execution-style killing of lloyd with two other associates. hernandez has pleaded not guilty to the murder charged. law enforcement officials tell abc news and espn, investigators are focusing on whether lloyd was killed because of information he might have had about a july 2012 double-homicide. hernandez is being investigated in connection with that drive-by shooting outside a boston nightclub. this was the scene friday morning, as boston police began searching hernandez's million-dollar home. they would not say why. in an exclusive interview with abc news, lloyd's sister said, her brother and hernandez were friends. did you sense there were issues or problems? >> no. not to my knowledge. but now, we're just focused on burying my brother. i could care less about what's going on outside of that. >> reporter: and lloyd's family tells me, he will be remembered as the man of the house, the protector for his two younger sisters. his funeral is today. dan? paula? >> all right, john schriffen, thank you for that report. let's head out to ginger who is in one of the hottest places on the planet right now. good morning, ginger. >> hey, good morning. everybody was wondering if we were going to break that all-time record. i don't think we're going to do that. but when you have an overnight low that's 100 degrees, you know you it's going to be hot. i had to put the hair up. let's talk about how hot it will be elsewhere. simi valley, close to 100 again. kids, get the sprinklers and sunscreen ready. everyone makes sure i remind everyone that the pets cannot handle this heat. take care of them. you have heat advisories. eight states under extreme warnings. palm springs, 110. tucson, 113. you want to go opposite? you go to the midwest, where temperatures are five to ten degrees below average. des moines 77. 74, minneapolis. i'll leave you with a look across the nation. >> this weather report brought to you by party city. and i have to show you guys what i'm doing here. i had to powder eight, ten times. and the water. being safe and hydrating. sunscreen is on. rarely do i have this nice of a setup. >> sunscreen is on, even without the sun being up, you're putting sunscreen on? >> you have to do it before it comes up. i'm telling you. brandon, my producer, where are you, brandon? come over here. he is very, very light-skinned. and yesterday, he had sunscreen on all day. hurry. hurry. >> wow. >> didn't know he was going to be on tv. >> he looks great. as do you, ginger. thank you very much. and time, now, to check the overnight headlines, as ron is on assignment in south africa this morning. let's turn it over to rebecca jarvis again. >> we're going to begin on a serious note. an american killed in violent clashes in egypt. 21-year-old student andrew pochter was killed in the city of alexandria on friday. he was an intern for a nonprofit organization doing work in egypt. president obama will meet with the family of nelson mandela today. the former south african president, nelson mandela, remains in critical condition at the hospital in pretoria. the white house says the president will not meet with mandela himself. olympic runner oscar pistorius back on a racetrack. it is the first time since he was charged with murder in the shooting of his girlfriend, riva steenkamp. the double-amputee worked out at a track in south africa. and he has no plans to return to competition right now. and honda recalling nearly 700,000 vehicles worldwide. the recall calls more 100,000 of its fit sub compacts told in the u.s. the issue is an electrical problem in the driver's door that could start a fire. so, honda is telling owners to park their car outside until the problem can be fixed. >> that's reassuring. >> if you park it outside instead of the garage. objects in the rear-view mirror. >> closer than they appear. >> let's keep everything parked outside. >> thank you, rebecca. appreciate it. coming up here on "gma," simply irresistible. the mom fired because her boss said she was too good-looking. a new twist in a bizarre legal battle this morning. also ahead, lady gaga's triumphant return. her first public appearance since -- find out the cause that brought her back. it's all coming up in "pop news" on this saturday morning. 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[ female announcer ] here's to moms who know what a dollop of daisy can do. unlike others, it is 100% pure with nothing else added. ♪ do a dollop, do, do a dollop of daisy ♪ ♪ do a dollop of daisy and a shirt for her date. so kate comes to target, who's making products with feed to give meals to people across america. kate's plate gets mike a treat. her bag gets her a mention. and her shirt gets mike's attention. but her shirt also gives 16 meals. her bag gives 28 meals. and her plates give fifty. so now shawn gets lunch. a family gets dinner. and lots of people smile. kate did a great thing. and the people she feeds will too. well done kate. enjoy the plates. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. we're donating more of our food to shelters in need, keeping more dogs happy, healthy, and ready to go home. ♪ pedigree. see what good food can do. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. d on all your tough messes. for colon cancer? i don't have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms, especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! all right. time for a little "pop news." abc's rachel smith with us this morning. >> all right, dan. that's the music. >> signature move. >> exactly, right? we have a lot to get to this morning. let's get started. first up, lady gaga is making a huge splash as he returns to the public eye. he appeared at a kickoff rally for gay pride weekend, in new york city, singing the national anthem. ♪ oh, say, can you see >> it was a beautiful rendition. her voice is just killer. but she spoke out about the supreme court ruling, striking down the defense of marriage act and california's proposition 8. gaga has been out of the public eye since recovering from hip surgery in february. she sounds beautiful. way to go, gaga. >> that's beautiful. i wasn't expecting that. >> bold and beautiful. next up, wimbledon is in full swing. but have you heard about the epic battle looming off the court? it's a real dog-eat-dog competition. novak djokovic versus andy mur wi murray. it's a match between their pups. look at djokovic's poodle pierre, who likes the private lifestyle, riding in jets and surfing. and we have murray's border terrier, maggie may. she is laid back. she chases tennis balls and tweeting to her 18,000 followers. and maggie is not camera shy posing for all kinds of pictures on twitter. who is cuter? who takes the top dog title? who do you think? >> maggie. >> maggie's pretty qcute. >> i like the one on the right. >> the poodle. >> pierre. >> we thanks our sister network espn for all of the real wimbledon action. after 50 years, it's hard to imagine any place on the planet where the rolling stones have not performed. but the legendary rockers will make their debut at glastonbury. where they're expected to perform before a crowd of 135,000 fans. mick jagger turns 70 next month. he has no plans on quitting. finally, we have -- you guys have probably watched the show. you probably heard the call. now that account duck dynasty" is getting a new member in season four. there is a new member coming to the scene. big brother, allen robertson. and he doesn't look like the rest of them. >> not at all. >> that's going to be in season four. and finally, a good treat for you. parts of our partnership with yahoo! and edward jones, here's our latest newsmakers interview. linsey davis spoke with dominique enzell. and he is the maker of that favorite breakfast treat, the doughnut. >> it's flake and light. it's filled with a cream side. and glaze on top. it's very fun to eat. and then, you just bite into it. sorry, i was just checking out your phone. that's the galaxy s4 right? yeah, i just got it. did your video just pause on its own? yeah, it does that every time you look away from the screen. and that's a big screen too. is that that phone you answer by waving your hand over it? yeah. is it? am i doing it right? someone has to call you first. well, give me your number, i'll call you. yeah, give him your number. c'mon. buy any samsung galaxy mobile device and receive a $50 best buy gift card in the samsung experience shop. only at best buy stores nationwide. then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life. this 4th of july, save $5 off all paint and primer and stain and sealant in one at lowe's. thanks for watching, everybody. great to have you, rebecca jarvis. we'll see you tomorrow. and david muir is here with news later today. for colon cancer? i don't have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms, especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ >> good saturday morning, everyone. i'm katie marzullo. let's start with a quick first look at the weather. it's looking to be hot. >> that's right. the winds are providing a little bit of a brisk start in the higher elevations where numbers are still warm but at our reaches, half moon bay and santa cruz, low to mid-50s right now. 67 in san jose with 60 downtown so already a pretty mild start out there around the bay. we are looking at excessive heat warning right on through tuesday night. that means temperatures anywhere from 100 to 110 degrees in our inland east bay. notice upper the 0s to 106

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