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how the 18-month-old girl survived. a daredevil gets ready for his biggest challenge ever. workers string 1500 feet of wire with a helicopter. counting down, now, to one of the most dangerous stunts, ever. you know, you think you've seen everything on tv. >> i'm watching that just now. and i jumped a little bit when i saw him. >> this is scary stuff. >> how are you going to be on friday? the question is, how is josh going to be on friday? >> great. tune in. we have a lot to get to this morning. brand-new in the trayvon martin case. shellie zimmerman was arrested for lying at his bond hearing. his bail was revoked. zimmerman is still behind bars. >> she quickly posted bond. casey anthony surfacing overnight for the first time. speaking out about her time in hiding after her acquittal. she's pushing back against that party girl persona and claiming her innocence. >> spoke to piers morgan. as we come on the air, there are brand-new pictures of will and kate. they are getting huge cheers, kate and the queen, as the jubilee celebrations continue. they cannot get enough of kate over there in great britain. it's still pretty cold there, robin. as cold as it was last week when you guys were there. >> it was pretty nippy over there. let's get to josh elliott and the developing stories. >> we're going to begin with breaking news in northern colorado. that killer wildfire tearing across even more land overnight, spreading across almost 70-square miles now. flames, you see there, leaping into the sky. the smoke, so thick, it has enveloped the city of denver, 60 miles away. and now, the war against this fire is about to intensify. abc's ginger zee is there in the fire zone. ginger, good morning to you. >> reporter: josh more crews are being dispatched right now. we expect an army of at least 700 firefighters on the ground, 100 fire engines, all to fight those flames that, at times, are 200 feet high. can you imagine? can you also imagine being an evacuee? this is day four. they don't know if their house made it or not. but they'll find that out today in a meeting at 3:00 p.m. local time. finally, there has been some progress. they've gone from zero to 10% contained. the weather forecast while not perfect is going to be okay. high in the 80s. but at least the wind is relatively low. josh. josh? >> a silver lining. ginger zee, there for us. the man suspected of gunning down three people at a pool party near auburn university, in alabama, including two former football players, has surrendered to u.s. marshals. 22-year-old desmonte leonard has been on the run since saturday, when police say he got into a fight over a woman. investigators say the pressure of being on the run finally got to him. also this morning, the man chosen by gabby giffords to take her seat in congress has won the special election to complete her term. ron barber worked for giffords. both were wounded in the towsyo tucson rampage. both were shot in the shooting rampage that injured giffords. and one of the titans on wall street is expected to offer an apology today. jpmorgan chase ceo, jamie dimon, has been called to capitol hill, to explain how his bank managed to lose some $2 billion on risky trades that went bust. he'll try to convince lawmakers that his bank, the largest in the country, has taken steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. and we have some shocking video to show you out of lubbock, texas. you saw this at the top of the show. officers chasing robbery suspects, when the suspects' suv will flip over. in so doing, you'll see an 18-month-old girl was thrown out of the window of the car. you can see, then, as the stunned child falls over, trying to get back to the car. she stands up, stumbling back to the vehicle. now, these suspects all teenagers were later arrested. we want to assure you, however, the toddler is okay. she suffered just minor injuries. and game one in the books. and the hero of this nba finals thus far is kevin durant. just as stephanopoulos predicted. 17 of his 36 points in the fourth quarter last night. the thunder put away the heat, 105-94. they were down 13 in this game. >> they were. >> they were not down 13 in games. game two, thursday night, 9:00 eastern, right here on abc. so, george, well done. >> i'm with you on that one. that's right. >> yeah. we're going to turn to the dramatic day in the jerry sandusky trial. the prosecution's star witness, former penn state coach, mike mcqueary took the stand, after shattering testimony by the victims had the jury in tears. it was a brutal day for the defense. and abc's jim avila was in the courtroom for all of it. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. in just two days, this jury has heard emotional testimony from two young accusers who had them, the jury, weeping in the jury box. then, face-to-face front-row seats for a face-to-face encounter, between two former penn state coaches, whose chance encounter in a locker room brought down a coaching legend. the legendary defensive coach on trial, jerry sandusky, his freedom at stake. and the muscular coaching upstart, mike mcqueary, his red hair ablaze. the two men most responsible for the downfall of joe paterno, and their beloved penn state, face off in a stairdown at 20 paces in a courtroom 15 files from campus >> here is the man who brought penn state to its knees. >> reporter: from the witness stand, staring down his former colleague at the defense table. and the sergeant, firmly telling the jury the horrible things he witnessed in a penn state locker room. mcqueary says he was embarrassed. sandusky and a young boy in the showers, telling the jury, he was embarrassed. walking in on something i did not want to see. three, quick looks before slamming a locker. quote, i made the loud noise to say, someone else is here, break it up. mcqueary saying, he had no doubt about what he saw and who he saw doing it. both saw me, he said. i looked directly in his eyes. >> he looked at sandusky with disdain and told the jury, i saw it. there's no mistake that this was extremely sexual in nature. >> reporter: it was the moment that would eventually bring down coach paterno and university officials, damaging the university's reputation itself because mcqueary told them all, he says, and nothing was done. on cross-examination, a critical question. why did the hulky, young coach not do more than slam a locker to stop what he saw. his answer, i physically did not remove the boy from the shower or punch jerry out. and you can read into it however you want. i did not physically do anything to stop it. coach mcqueary's testimony ended as dramatically as it began, when he was questioned by the defense attorney why he didn't call police? was it because you were afraid of your job? mcqueary looked at him and said, you owe me more respect than that. george? >> okay, jim. let's bring in dan abrams for more on this. what a devastating day for the defense. what do they do after a day like that? >> it's tough to figure out where they go from here. because there are more witnesses coming forward. they have tried to attack witnesses' credibility, saying that their stories have changed. that memories have faded. they may have motives to lie. but it doesn't seem to be really that effective because you've got so many different witnesses coming forward. remember, we talked a lot about mcqueary leading into this case. and he is absolutely crucial. he is the linchpin when it comes to the downfall of the penn state officials. but when you compare his testimony to that of all these accusers, who are saying, i didn't have to witness it, i was there. >> and breaking down in tears on the witness stand. you saw jurors breaking down in tears. the defense comes back and says, are you in this for the money? it didn't seem to cut. >> it doesn't seem the jurors are believing that. if you've got jurors in tears over the testimony of an 18-year-old who is talking about what he says happened to him, that would seem to indicate that they believe that testimony, which is terrible news, of course, for sandusky's defense team. >> we're getting more hints, perhaps, that sandusky might take the stand. >> it's the hail mary, if they do it. meaning, it would suggest that things are going so badly for the defense, that even though he gave some of the worst media appearances ever, that they might risk putting him on the stand. if that's the case, that tells you how desperate this defense team is because in any other case they wouldn't. >> that would be amazing. dan abrams, thanks very much. >> all right. george. now, to the latest in the trayvon martin case. shellie zimmerman, george zimmerman's wife, arrested and accused of lying about how much money the couple had at her husband's bond hearing. and abc's john schriffen has the latest. >> reporter: these mug shots are the first images ever released of 25-year-old shellie zimmerman. was remaining in hiding since her husband shot and killed trayvon martin. police say shellie turned herself in and posted $1,000 bond after spending an hour in jail tuesday. >> it seems pretty clear to me that this is not necessarily something they would normally do in a normal case. >> reporter: the couple is in trouble for lying during this bond hearing. she testified that the couple could not afford a hefty bail. but later it was learned that they lied about their income, allegedly speaking in code about donations made to this website. >> they were using code words, thinking the police would be real stupid. >> reporter: after george zimmerman's bond was revoked, his attorney says the incident was a misunderstanding. >> it's not like they were trying to hide the money or leave with the money. they just had it. >> reporter: legal analyst mark lippman says this could be a way to force zimmerman to take a plea deal. >> they could say we won't prosecute your wife if you agree to a charge. >> reporter: and george zimmerman's lawyer visited his client in jail overnight. says he is very concerned for his wife's safety, now that her picture is out in the public. and our legal analyst says, if she is convicted, robin, she could face up to five years in jail. >> serious time. john, thank you. to politics, now. and the win by ron barber we told you in the race for the seat of gabby giffords. good news for democrats in a tough month for the white house. this morning a new abc news, washington post poll said key voters are not buying what the president is selling on the economy. it's "your voice, your vote," with abc's jake tapper. and, jake, the grumbling in democratic ranks is getting a lot louder. >> reporter: it sure is. top democrats are sounding the alarm. they're worried that president obama's economic message is tone-deaf. the ragin' cajun is raging again. and the message is the same as it was in 1992. it's the economy, stupid. but this time, democratic consultant james carville is aiming that message at his own party. he's very worried that president obama's current economic message to voters will only help mitt romney win. >> i'm worried that when the white house and the campaign talks about the progress being made, people take that as a signal they think things are fine. and people don't feel they ought to believe that. >> reporter: as the president did overnight, campaigning in battleground state, pennsylvania. >> we are in a stronger position. we're moving in a better direction than when i took office. >> reporter: carville desperately wants president obama to win. but he says the president should acknowledge how bad things remain for millions of americans because of the recession that began in 2007. carville says president obama should focus his message on what he wants to do if given a second term. >> they want to be reassured he understands the depth of the problem and that he has a plan to deal with the deterioration of the middle class. >> reporter: mr. obama has work to do. in a new poll, swing of independents have a negative view of the president's plans for the economy. 54% negative to 38% positive. mitt romney's scores aren't as bad. 47% negative to 35% positive, with more undecided voters. meaning romney has less criticism and more room to maneuver. >> i think people recognize that the president may be well-meaning. but he's just out of touch with what's happening across the country. >> reporter: george, on thursday, president obama will go to cleveland where he will deliver a major economic address. aides say, it will be a framing address. he will present the contrasting economic visions of his second term versus a president mitt romney. george? >> he may be edging in the direction that carville was just calling for. >> reporter: exactly right. >> jake, thanks very much. now, to the bitter legal battle over the estate of a superstar artist. thomas kinkade, the man who made a fortune, selling paintings of scenes of kozy homes in the woods, that you see right there. now, there's a war over his fortune. amy robach with the details on this. >> reporter: good morning, robin. he was one of the most famous american artists and perhaps the most collected. 1 in every 20 u.s. homes owns a copy of a thomas kincade painting. now, that fortune fought over in a nasty dispute. he was known as the painter of light. a far cry from the ugly scene unfolding in a california courtroom, where thomas kinkade's wife and mistress are battling over his estate, for an estimated $66.3 million. the 54-year-old painter was dating amy pinto walsh when he died this past april of an alcohol and valium overdose. he had been separated for two years from his wife of 30 years, nanette kinkade. she claims they give her the artist mansion and $10 million to establish a museum of his original paintings. >> assuming that he did that, the fact that was his document, in his handwriting, if he wrote it, i would venture to say there would be a good chance that she would get some portion of the real estate. >> reporter: pinto walsh wants the dispute heard in open court. his wife wants a private arbitration. >> will you let the judge make the decision? that's the only fair thing to do. >> are you thinking of going to arbitration? >> we need to wait for the judge. >> reporter: pinto-walsh said that she and kinkade were in love and planned to get married as soon as his divorce was finalized. claiming they even shopped for an engagement ring. lynette kinkade claims pinto walsh is nothing more than a gold-digger, intent on fleecing kinkade's estate. and the feud between the two women began early on when kinkade died in april. pinto walsh was banned from the private funerals. another hearing is scheduled for july 2nd. more to come. >> stay tuned. amy, thank you. you ready for good news? >> let's do it. >> everybody does not want to miss the next story. of all the great moments at all the graduations in america this year, this one may be the most inspiring. it was 17 years in the making. >> it's going to be a really cool moment. a really cool moment. >> reporter: that's patrick ivison. when he was 14 months old, a car backed over him in a parking lot, paralyzing him from the waist down. >> it happened in an instant. the car backed up suddenly, it clipped him, knocked him down. >> reporter: but that never held patrick back. he became a competitive surfer. and three years ago, he made a pledge, that he would walk at his graduation, no matter what. tlfrjts is always that, oh, i've got all of america expecting me to get through this. >> reporter: and last night, with trainer and service dog behind him, patrick made good on his promise. >> patrick a. ivison. [ applause ] >> reporter: the entire arena stood, too. shoulder-to-shoulder with patrick. >> oh, i love seeing ricochet's tail. what a story from patrick. what a story from patrick. >> that guy is so, so committed. he says, four years from now -- there he is again. we're going to see him. maybe we'll think about jumping jacks at college graduation. there he goes. there is the moment. >> and he didn't want to make a commitment. >> look at that walk. >> he's going to do whatever he wants to do. he's that kind of individual. god bless. >> fantastic. whatever he said he's going to do, my money's on him. that's good. that's a feel-good moment this morning, everybody. good morning. i like that. let's do that every day. we'll show you what's going on outside. we're going to start with a live shot out of boston because all of the rain that's taken its sweet time to move up the eastern seaboard is now into the boston area. let me show you, before we get to what's on the eastern seaboard, this little cluster of thunderstorms in southern oklahoma and moving into north texas. near dfw, those storms are light. now, we will watch this line, look at it go from canada, all of the way into florida. that's a cold front line. into new york, from east of the new york city area, you're wet today. in boston, you're wet for a good part of the afternoon. those showers are taking its time to leave. as far as the big heat around the country today. vegas comes in at 102. denver, close to a record at 95 degrees today. but not quite on the record mark. i think it's 99. don't hold me to it. but i think it is. 86 in oklahoma city. houston, about 90 degrees. new orleans, 90, as well. >> drier weather coming to the northwest. finally, we'll talk about that later this morning. robin? george? josh? >> thank you. a shocking new twist in the murder-for-hire trial. a husband akwus kused of plotting with his mistress to kill his wife. why he said the mistress is targeting him. casey anthony's been in hiding. now, speaking out overnight for the first time after her acquittal. and well, they're calling her the recycling royal. kate out with the queen and prince william right now. the stunning look that she's wearing again. right out of her own closet. >> very eco-friendly. >> but maybe not this. are you ready? look at the awesome sight. a daredevil getting ready for his biggest challenge ever. 1,500 feet of wire. we're there right now. osteoarthritis chrc imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. go to hershey's air delight. experience light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. hershey's air delight. ♪ that's why new dove style + care whipped cream mousse nourishes and conditions to help keep curls well defined and touchably soft. new dove style + care whipped cream mousse. better style through better care. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums >> good morning i'm eric thomas. this morning investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire that forced two dozen neighbors in a redwood city apartment complex out of their homes. investigators say it may be arson. it started when two cars caught fire this a carport after midnight. flames spread to the apartment complex destroying two apartments and other units suffered smoke damage. the red cross is helping at least eight people with temporary housing. let's get an update on traffic. power pole down this is in hayward on wynton between santa clara and amador lines across both direction as void that stretch if you can on the eastside of 880 near wynton south 880 slow through hayward towards highway 92. bay bridge toll backed up into the maze because of an earlier stall. when we come back, meteorologist mike nicco has c niagara falls, always awesome and a little terrifying. but look at what is happening right now. they're laying down that wire. helicopters have to help. all setting up for that big walk across niagara falls friday night. countdown to a death-defying stunt, right here on "gma." >> we're going to do something in times square. i think it's a low wire. >> no falls. no wind. >> other than that, just the same. casey anthony, finally surfacing after months in hiding. breaking her silence for the very first time since she was acquitted for the murder of her daughter last summer. what she had to say about her daughter. she spoke to piers morgan about that. here's a question for you this morning. would you have surgery to lose just 25 pounds? there's a controversial, new noninvasive weight loss procedure that doctors and patients say gets results. a lot of people wondering, is it the right thing to do for that amount of weight? >> a little something different, george. this first half hour, the latest twist in the alleged murd murder-for-hire in texas. the mistress is the star witness against him. now, lawyers say she tried to arrange his murder from behind bars. it's hard to keep up. abc's ryan owens is in houston and will do just that. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. you're right. this case was enough to make your head spin. and now this. just a month before the big-name texas attorney is about to go on trial behind me, a plot twist that would make the most creative soap opera writer blush. she's the mistress already accused of hiring a hitman to kill her lover's wife. now, is accused of trying to kill her lover, as well. >> michelle gaiser has solicited an inmate to murder jeffrey stern for $25,000. >> reporter: the allegation comes from the attorney for jeffrey stern, who is to stand trial next month. the prosecution says he plotted with his mistress to kill his wife, ion. allegedly hiring hitmen that tried not wasn't, but three times to kill ion stern. the socialite survived each attempt. she is now standing by her man. and looking at a note the mistress wrote to a hitman. >> however you do this, it needs to look like a robbery gone ban. >> reporter: the hit should happen near the sterns' vacation home near aspen. >> the f he dies there, people will think the wife did the planning to kill him as revenge. that would be good. >> reporter: stern's attorney says he turned the note over to the district attorney, who has declined to prosecute gaiser. she's already serving a 25-year sentence after pleading guilty. gaiser will be the star witness against her former lover. so, this alleged hit letter would be an attempt by stern's lawyers to discredit her before the trial next month. stern's defense is that all three murder-for-hire plots were hatched by the mistress. and he didn't know a thing. that's what his wife believes as she told "20/20" anchor, chris cuomo. >> the affair, okay. i'll give you that one. but to plot my murder, preposterous. >> reporter: stern's attorney would not give us a loser look at that jailhouse letter or provide us our own copy. so, we, along with any potential jurors out there, who might be watching, are left to take his word for what's in it. robin? >> all right, ryan. let's bring in our legal team from atlanta. there's nancy grace, host of hnl's nancy grace. and dan abrams here. i'm going to start with you, dan. it's hard to keep up now. >> when you think about what happened, it's more bizarre, right. this is someone they tried to kill three times. someone that goes to the house, riddles the house with bullets. she survives. wasn't there. the next time, they miss her. then, they move. they move out of this house because they're like, wait a second. why is someone riddling the house with bullets. and at the apartment complex, someone goiz after her again and shoots her in the stomach. now, the allegation, the mistress who orchestrated this, is now trying to kill the husband? i mean, this case is a mess, and that's the bottom line. >> nancy, to say it's a huge setback is a huge understatement, isn't it? >> it's a huge setback for the state because she, the mistress, is the state's chief witness in the case against the high-profile lawyer, jeffrey stern. but there's other evidence against him, as well. there's a hitman that places him in a parking lot. he flashes the money he pays the hitman. there's a flurry of phone activity between the lawyer husband and the mistress during the time of one of the shootings. but here's the real deal -- sure. she probably did plan to kill the husband because she is a killer. you put your hand in a jar with a rattlesnake in it and you're surprised it tries to bite you. yeah, she probably did it. but that doesn't mean he's innocent. >> now, you have -- remember, the wife is supporting him. i mean, that's what makes this case so hard. not only do you have the problem that the chief witness may be trying to kill the -- stern, you also have the fact that his wife is on his side. meaning, she's the alleged victim here. think about that. she's the one they tried to kill three times. and she's saying, this is my man. >> i think you can leave out the alleged. she got shot in the stomach. she's absolutely the victim here. the fact that she still wants to believe her husband is in love with her and had nothing to do with it, i don't find that unusual. i find that denial. a lot of us have been in denial before. >> she said in the interview to chris cuomo, it was an affair. i'll give you that. you think? you know? >> going back to the exmistress -- nancy, for a minute. the prosecution had struck a deal with her. this letter's true, that has to be off the table, right? >> well, i would think that they can, if they want to, they could go forward with that deal and then charge her in this case. they're going to be, possibly, attacking the letter. it came from an inmate who may want a deal herself. but in my mind, when you hear the tone of this letter, to me, it sound s genuine. and also, new details about the case that many people wouldn't have known. >> these deals are contingent upon not violating the law. you have to offer truthful testimony. there's all sorts of requirements. they can -- no? that's not true? or no -- >> no. they are not based on not abiding the law because you're doing a deal with the rat to start with. >> but the rat came -- >> of course she's going to violate the law again. that's a given. >> what does that mean? >> the problem is that, it's going to hurt -- because a killer is a killer is a killer. a criminal is a criminal. a rose is a rose. >> oh. i -- in law school, i must have missed that course. the rose is a rose course. i didn't -- >> that was shakespeare. a rose is a rose, and smells as sweet, if by another name. >> right. >> but truthful testimony is what the deal hinges upon. >> yes. >> i don't know if a jury's going to believe her. but i don't need her to prove the case against the lawyer. >> well -- >> that's what i was going to say. can the case move forward? >> i don't know. nancy may be a pretty great prosecutor if she doesn't need her to prove this case. i think you absolutely do need her. this is a case that's falling apart. >> all in the same pot and let them stew together. >> all right there, nancy grace. >> nancy shakespeare grace. >> thank you, nancy. back over, now, to sam. >> life has to be easier than that, robin. that story is really too complicated. let's start with pictures probably not in your travel p brochure. venice, italy, a tornado. do they call it tornado alley of europe? i don't know. but they do get tornadoes. they're unusual. in 1970, there was 1 that killed about 30 people there. it's amazing to see the buildings and the canal and the tornado right above it. here's where rough weather will be lighting up along the eastern seaboard. it will take time to get the rain out, particularly in northern new england, eastern end of long island. some places in the carolinas have cleared out. hot and dry in the southwest. salt lake city, about 90 >> all that weather was brought to you by dairy queen. robin? >> that sounds good. >> doesn't it? >> a blizzard or something like that. coming up, casey anthony finally surfaces after months in hiding. pushing back against her party girl reputation and proclaiming her innocence. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. from the laughing cow. it's rich, indulgent and 45 calories. mmm it's so good -- it practically sells itself. cut, cut. sells itself? i've poured myself into this commercial. ♪ don't be boring ♪ indulge in the morning ya! [ squeaking ] yay! [ female announcer ] introducing smooth sensations cream cheese spread from the laughing cow. have you laughed today? that's why new dove style + care frizz free cream serum nourishes and conditions, keeping hair smooth shiny and free from flyaways. new dove style + care frizz free cream serum. better style through better care. with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. [ coughs ] okay, i believe this one is yours? [ clears throat ] more generations of fleas. frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to kill the next generation, flea eggs and larvae. ask your vet about frontline plus. ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at on medicare and social security maybmaybe you can'; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. casey anthony dropped from sight after she was found not guilty of murdering her little girl. but she is speaking out, now, for the first time since that trial in an interview with piers morgan. and abc's linsey davis has more on that. >> reporter: during the telephone interview which was not recorded, cnn's piers morgan said casey anthony was candid, providing insight into her state of mind. >> what's the misconception you think about? she said, there's obviously several misconceptions. obviously, i didn't kill my daughter. she said that very firmly. if anything, there's anything i've been more proud of, and no one i loved more than my daughter. she's my greatest accomplishment. >> reporter: during the conversation, which morgan described overnight as random, said anthony refuted the idea she was a, quote, party girl. telling him, the caricature of me couldn't be farther from the truth. >> i was surprised by the maturity, the self-awareness. >> reporter: anthony was telling morgan she's, quote, ashamed in my ways of the person i was. referring to herself as a stupid kid who has gone through hell. this first interview comes just months after photos of anthony, now in hiding, surfaced on the website, radar online, along with what appeared to be a video diary. >> just going through how things have changed since july. >> reporter: since then, rumors have swirled. >> she said to me, i do not weigh 500 pounds. and i'm not moving to costa rica. >> reporter: anthony's lawyer, cheney mason, arranged the phone call. >> she seemed aware that she has a reputation of one of the most hated people in america. >> she knows the reality. she can't do anything about that. we can't have her in public to answer things. >> reporter: and despite the rumors of book and movie deals, mason says anthony is not selling her story. yet. >> being marketed from her. >> reporter: something that morgan asked anthony. >> i'm not making gazillions of dollars. i don't give an expletive about money. i may have in the past. but for reasons before any of this stuff started because i was a stupid kid. >> reporter: anthony says she's passing her time watching "i love lucy" reruns and reading "the hunger games" trilogy. and she said motherhood is not out of the question in the future. coming up, josh has "the play of the day." ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! being the apple of someone's eye is easier with cinnamon. ♪ new apple cinnamon newtons fruit thins. made with real fruit and whole grain. it's one unique cookie. made with real fruit and whole grain. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. ooh gas, take an antacid. oh, thanks. good luck. good luck to you. doesn't he know antacids won't help gas? oh, he knows. [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one. i like dreaming. >> yeah. and now, "the play of the day." there's nothing like finely-tuned television in the morning. and who doesn't like a good college prank? just ask this guy. take a look. >> why are we holding hands? >> just watch. that's andrew. >> oh, i get it. >> will randomly take people's hands. very few people are interested. [ laughter ] >> these are people he doesn't know? >> at all. >> it's all funny until he gets smacked in the face. >> hey. hands off the merchandise. this is the best. >> she had a smile there, too. >> oh. healthy bones, healthy you. okay, ladies. worried about ost coe pro sis of the hips? did you know just 30 minutes of walking each day can help strengthen your hipbones? [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's more than laundry time. it's more than snack time. it's more than breakfast time.... or quiet time. it's lifetime. kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. designed and inspired to keep life running the way it should. it's why we put so much into every appliance we make. we put more in, so you get more out. kenmore. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. from the effects of acid erosion. ♪ everybody likes to get a bonus. get more free during the petsmart big brands bonus sale. and save up to 25% on 21st century hip & joint and skin & coat supplements. right now, at petsmart®. almay intense i-color kits a perfect palette of shadows for every eye color "it's smart and simple" in three finishes hello? [ sea ] hi! this is the sea calling. when's the last time you visited me? when i went surfing. i love to surf. can you imagine surfing in the middle of me? in the middle of you? oh yes! [ giggles ] nice moves! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] our biggest sale of the year ends today. book now at 1-800-royal-caribbean. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. still ahead, the royal copy kate. the duchess of cambridge rules when it comes to putting a new spin on old outfits. we'll show you how. good morning i'm eric thomas. 4500 nurses at 11 sutter health hospitals are holding a one day strike today. sutter health says it will use replacement nurses and all hospitals will stay open. >> mike is here with the forecast. heading to the practice round? last one u.s. open drizzle this morning, breezy cool, mid to upper 50s pockets of sun this afternoon. sun everywhere by noon pockets along the coast mid 50s, low 70s around the bay mid to upper 80s inland. earlier car crash in hayward took down a telephone pole winton closed until noon. bay bridge toll backed up into the maze. >> the news continues with "good morning america." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] "living on the edge." good morning, america. great crowd with us here in times square. >> ooh, triumph. >> there's some really great signs. >> great signs. >> i thought we were playing "living on the edge," because of nik wallenda. but we're talking about the new weight loss surgery. helping people to lose that last 25 to 30 pounds. is it too good to be true? or the solution to slimming down. also, we showed a little bit before. we're going to show you again. kate out with william and the queen today. the jubilee celebrations continue. now, they want me to talk about kate recycling her clothes. i don't know how to do that. she's recycling her clothes a lot. we'll show you how you can do it, too. >> you can slow some pillows. >> three. when you rewear it. mixing and matching. >> a lot of people do that. >> most people wear clothes 50 times. >> we're going to have to separate you two, again. >> we're going to have to start switching ties. >> deal. >> throughout the show. hey, you are going to meet -- nik wallenda. we want to introduce you to him. he's getting ready to do his most daredevil, i dare say insane, high-wire walk ever. 200 feet above niagara falls. he's here to show us how he will do it. there's the music. he's living on the edge. i do see he's doing a death-defying two feet above the ground. >> we were worried about him. he's having a little trouble with that. >> but he's the man. >> not only the man. to him, in his mind, it's about mental preparation. it doesn't matter. if it's 2 feet off the ground or 200 feet off the ground, nothing changes for him. he's a fascinating guy. and he is ready. >> everything will change. >> there's another word for that. delusional. >> he's a guest. he's right there. and the guest inside, right over there, is jack hanna. and he has some little guests with him. they're so cute. >> oh, my. >> they're going to get a lot bigger. we're going to start with the news, though. okay, josh. >> we're going to begin with day three of the jerry sandusky child molestation trial getting under way right now. we expect to hear from more alleged victims of the former penn state football coach. some members of the jury broke down in tears during one of the accuser's testimonies. and former coach, mike mcqueary, giving graphic testimony on the day he says he saw jerry sandusky molesting a boy in the shower. also this hour in colorado, crews finally making some progress of that massive wildfire north of denver. the blaze, 10% contained. more than 100 homes and buildings have been destroyed. and flames were seen rising some 200 feet into the air. overseas right now, it is being called one of the worst days since american troops withdrew from iraq. at least 65 people have been killed today in a series of coordinated car bombings across the country that targeted pilgrims in a religious procession. important medical news for women this morning. a government panel said older women should not take doses of vitamin "d" and calcium to prevent bone fractures. this goes against long-standing recommendations from doctors, who recommended supplements to bolster human bones. the panel says the risk of kidney stones often outweighs the benefits. and pop warner basketball players won't be taking as many hits in the future. the youth league is trying to -- over long-term damage from head injuries. league officials say contact will be limited during practice. and full-speed head-on, certain blocking tackling drills will be banned. that is great, great news. meanwhile, plenty of tackling at this courthouse in kentucky. watch as chaos erupts when an inmate tried to make an old-fashioned run for it. the prisoner in court for a hearing, tackled the deputy the door of his holding cell. everyone ran for cover, understandably. the bailiffs were finally able to restrain the inmate. finally, we want to take a moment to update you on the overwhelming, tremendous outpouring of support we have all received, robin has received, as she announced earlier this week she's fighting a blood disorder and will undergo a bone marrow transplant. since monday, the number of americans signing up to be bone marrow donors has soared by more than 1,000%. again, go to we'll have a link on on yahoo! it is that easy. and, boy, is it -- >> we're clapping because people are saving other people's lives. i've received so many letters and e-mails from families who are looking for a donor. i'm blessed that my sister, sally-ann, is a good match for me. if she were not, i would be 1 of the 6,000 every day, going online and looking for donors. god bless. >> >> i'm going to do it. enough's enough. thank you. how about "pop news"? >> let's do it. >> good morning, everybody. you know what? sometimes you just have to go. >> go for it. >> actor mark wahlberg is hoping to finally make the grade. i love this story. the 41-year-old high school dropout is reenrolling in an online program because he says it is so important to get that diploma. he says he's nervous because he had to take a lot of courses he missed due to a stint in jail. he dropped out of school in ninth grade. but he wants to graduate in less than a year. i love that. >> all right. good for mark. >> thank you very much. "pop news" team at it again. remember the cupcake vending machine? my personal favorite. if you like a hot slice of pizza, this one's for you. a pizza vending machine that set up shop in europe three years ago, it's been so popular, they're coming to america. it's called let's pizza vending machine. it spits out pies from scratch in 2 1/2 minutes. so, for $6 -- josh, let me get you a slice. and then, you decide. >> okay. >> i'll try. >> for $6, they say it's from scratch, a healthy snack on the go. they will have the machines in supermarkets, even gas stations will have them. in case you were worrying, the pizza machine guarantees no germs. germ-free. they're into making sure it's fresh, it's clean, it's good. >> and ready in 2 1/2 minutes. >> 2 1/2 minutes. >> it shouldn't be. but that's okay. >> that was the one, little, sort of -- >> the one? >> we'll be back to that story. all right. this is the save the day we've been waiting for. alec baldwin and his fiancee will tie the knot in june 30th, here in new york city. they will do it at the basilica of st. patrick's old cathedral. so many famous movies have been shot. >> downtown. >> in the basilica. george, why the follow-up? >> st. patrick's old cathedral. >> i said right here in new york. downtown, uptown, all around. new york, new york, it's a hell of a town. >> i'm just clarifying. >> it's the same -- it's in little italy, george. this just in, from the control room. >> downtown. >> it's where "the godfather" was shot. the baptism scene, with al pacino. a very famous scene. that's where it is, george. i'm sure you'll be invited. last week, josh brought out a "play of the day," of a dog that could maranga. our investigative reporting has uncovered two things. she is a girl. and the youtube sensation just wowed the crowd at the bonnaroo music festival, including kristen bell, who is a huge fan. there's a shot of her visiting with the dog. her human dance partner, jose fuentes, says she has been dancing since she was a puppy, which gives her 49 years experience in human years. and fans are trying to get her on "dancing with the stars." that's "pop news." >> that was good. >> the first dog -- >> dance partner. good morning, everybody. we are right out here. and there's some freaky high-wire thing right over there that people are going to walk on. tell me. i'm in the middle of texas. tell me what town you're from. >> san antonio, texas. >> and? >> aubrey. >> aubrey. there's some louisiana in the house. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on we want to talk about and show you. here's what happens where the strong storms are today. basically, just in south dakota, if you look at the line there. it's not a large area. we hope that the moisture from the front would help the fires in colorado. but there's not enough moisture to be there in the form of rain in colorado. so, they don't get help there. look at the numbers in the middle of the country. chicagoland, after your nice break, with beautiful, cool weather, you're going back up to 90 degrees. and tomorrow, a comfortable day. then, the heat's back. >> it's your birthday? >> yes. >> where are you from? >> jacksonville, florida. >> i love jacksonville, florida. happy birthday to you. >> thank you. >> lara? >> all right, sam. thanks. here's a look at what we have coming up on our "gma morning menu." inside the hot, new weight loss surgery. is it too risky? or the answer to dropping those unwanted pounds. plus, recycling royal. how kate makes every outfit look new. and daredevil, nik wallenda, is here live, before he heads to nigra falls for the biggest stunt of his life. stay with us on "gma." i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. ♪ like birds of a feather we stick together ♪ ♪ i'm telling you from the start ♪ ♪ i can't be torn apart from my guy ♪ ♪ the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. and now, to a popular but controversial new kind of way to lose weight. it's an easier alternative to a gastric bypass for those who want to lose some weight. and it's raising a lot of questions. and abc's deborah roberts has been looking into it very closely. good to see you, deb. >> reporter: good to see you, robin. people have been asking about it since i got here. it's the diet, a permanent way to curb their appetite, to finally drop that weight for good. some women insist they have now found it. like so many women, 34-year-old krystal townsend had long struggled with her weight. >> i was a sad person most of the time. i am blessed with a beautiful family. but there was -- i was not happy with myself. >> reporter: at 229 pounds, she was at her wits' end. until she came to metairie, louisiana, where women who want to slim down a bit have a little secret. his name is dr. tom lavin. >> you ready? >> reporter: there are women who are calling you a hero, a godsend. >> that's kind of crazy. >> reporter: dr. lavin, the pry near of the hottest, new surgical weight loss procedure, called p.o.s.e. >> the p.o.s.e. is for patients who want to lose 25, to 50, maybe 60, 70 pounds. it's a much different group of people than we normally approach in bariatric university. >> reporter: it's like a classic bypass surgery, but with p.o.s.e., everything's done through the mouth, using an endoscope. surgical tools make the stomach slightly smaller. and get this. it's outpatient. too good to be true? crystal lost a what happening 60 pounds after the surgery. >> it was amazing. a big truck, riding home five hours. it was not uncomfortable. i didn't have any pain or any nausea or any of the things that you hear about with some of the other procedures that they're doing. >> reporter: eve, a registered nurse, says it's about time for a surgical option for women like her. >> for four years now, with dieting, and it just didn't work. i just want to go ahead and do it. >> you'll wake up in probably two or three hours before you go home. >> i'm tired of wearing a size 14 bathing suit. i want to wear a 6 or a 7 like everybody else. >> reporter: this is anesthesia. this is surgery. isn't it a little extreme for 25, 30 pounds weight loss? >> people get liposuction all the time. they might lose four pounds of fat. i don't think it's as strange as that. >> reporter: while critics argue the device has been approved by the fda, its use for weight loss surgery has not. and no long-term studies have been done for safety or effectiveness. so, is this a rip-off? >> i can't say it's a rip-off. but until we have good data, it's not something i think we should be promoting for the public. >> reporter: and it's certainly not cheap. close to $12,000. but lavin argues, like like bariatric procedures before, there will always be growing pains. >> it's not going to displace bariatric surgery for the morbidly obese because it doesn't compete. and anyone out there who thinks there's a magic bullet for weight loss, there's none. and there never will be. >> reporter: maybe not a magic bullet. but patients like eve, who lost 12 months in just a month, and krystal, seem happy for now. >> everybody's been very supportive. and my husband has been -- i think he's really enjoyed seeing me get back to being me. >> reporter: these women are happy. but they had to foot the bill. this procedure is not covered by insurance. and we have to caution that bariatric surgeons, a lot of them, refuse to do this procedure because they say, robin, they just don't know whether the benefits outweigh the risk. it's offlabel use at this moment. >> and it costs $12,000. no insurance. >> that's right. >> deb, thanks so much. >> lara? >> thanks, robin. this morning, getting into new pictures of will and kate stepping out with the queen. and the fashionable duchess is doing it again. showing she's not afraid to recycle a favorite. this time, she's wearing a blue knee-length coat we saw her in just three months ago. well, it seems, kate is becoming the queen of repurposing. wherever kate goes, the cameras follow. the duchess' latest fashion moment, this figure-flattering frock at a wedding in england over the weekend. but it is not a new look for princess kate. turns out, we've seen the dress, the coat, even the fascinator before. but paired last year with different outfits. call her the great royal recycler. >> the way kate is styling herself, she's making fashion accessible to the masses. she comes from a regular, middle-class upbringing. where they would have wore outfits more than once. so, she's just continuing her life, albeit with an hrh title. >> reporter: it's not the first time she's reworked her style for the cameras. kate wore this blue zahra dress in april, just after her wedding. and did it again just months later. this time, rocking it underneath a matching brocade coat. so, how does kate make designer do-overs look so divine? we went behind the scenes with audrey slater, fashion director at "red book" magazine, to see how kate's staple, the navy blazer, could be paired with different pieces to achieve that kate-esque feel. first, the work look. >> minimal accessories. navy and black together. >> reporter: then, just a few changes. the transition to evening glam. >> really, about chic simplicity. so, just little lacy, white top. perfect. all you need is a clutch and subtle bling on the ears. that's it. >> reporter: finally, weekend chic. >> reporter: kate wore those red, orange, tangerine jeans. we have them in a pastel for summer. about being a little bit playful. >> reporter: turns out, even the everyday fashionista can channel her inner duchess. one more example. kate has recycled this elegant hat. i know someone else who has wore that hat. robin, let's look at you in the exact same hat in white. in london. >> i didn't realize i was wearing kate's hat. >> you were. >> liked your hat, too. >> thank you very much. we love recycling. i just want to say, target, worn several times. i'm proud. sam and josh are outside right now. i doubt they're recycling at the moment. what are you up to, boys? >> no, we're not. but sam is putting shoes on. you'll know why. we're living on the edge here this morning and for the next two days. we're two days away from one of the most jaw-dropping, high-wire stunts ever. we're going to talk to the man behind it all. first, we want you to take a look at this. nik wallenda is daredevil royalty. the seventh generation of the famous flying wallendas family. the great grandson of the famous karl wallenda. all known for their absolute command of the high wire. over the years, nik's thrilled audiences for his death-defying exploits. always facing the unthinkable. without a net. he holds five guinness world records, including the highest walk on the wheel of death. and the highest iron jaw from a helicopter. but this friday, he's taking on nature's fury when he makes what may be the most dangerous high-wire walk ever, across the raging niagara falls. this morning, preparations are already under way. 200 feet over the falls, teams of workers, starting to string over 1,500 feet of wire across the misty abyss. using a helicopter to pull guide ropes and eventually a tight rope. while behind them, several hundred thousand gallons per second, rushing over the great niagara falls, where nik wallenda will begin a journey more than 100 years in the making. nik wallenda. first of all, pleasure to meet you. >> thanks for having me. >> let's set it all up. 200 feet over niagara falls. it's night. when you get to the middle of the walk, there's mist kicking up. who knows what conditions -- there's peregrine falcons who might take an eye out. >> true. >> in short, what are you thinking? >> not a lot. no, very concentrated. my family has done this over 200 years. seven generations. this is what we do. it's in our blood. it's our passion. that's what i'm thinking. carrying on a tradition and legacy in the highest possible manner. what better way to do it than the most popular tourist destination, or most beautiful, niagara falls? >> i know you do this a lot. you do this and you're 50 feet off the ground. 60 feet. how do you practice for 200-plus? >> the wire's the same, whether i'm 2 feet off the ground or i'm 1,000 feet off the ground. that never changes. it's about me and my mental state. being prepared mentally to perform at that height. that's why i train with 55-mile-per-hour winds. i trained with heavy mist in the air, so i knew i would be prepared. >> how did that go? the 55-mile-per-hour wind walk, did you flip? >> i walked the wire at 90-mile-per-hour winds in training. >> tell me -- >> this is what i'm holding on. >> where is your mind? wow. this is heavy in and of itself. >> that's another distraction. in my mind, i'm focused, to be honest. >> let's put this down here. >> we're going to walk this. >> i'm going to walk. i put on the fancy shoes, after all. love them. >> focus to the other side. >> i don't want to look down, right? >> look at the end of the wire. you want to focus on a solid point, not something that moves. >> nice. >> first of all, i don't want to do this two feet. i don't want to do this ten feet. i don't want to do this 200 feet. focus on the other side. keep your arms out. >> i'm a -- >> go, sam, go. look at this guy. >> no, no, no. >> go, josh. >> put your arms out. focusing on the other side. it's important you focus the entire time. >> would you just do it and show us, exactly? in regular shoes, folks. >> it's about focusing the other side. and keeping your focus on the other side. >> no pressure. >> wow. >> it's about just using your arms and legs for balance. >> i'm a peregrine falcon. >> i'm a falcon. >> all of this is coming at you. >> i like it. actually, during training, when i was a kid, my parents would throw pine cones at me. >> this is crazy. >> nik does the high wire over niagara falls. good morning i'm kristen sze. in a few minutes the parents of missing sierra lamar are expected to announce an increase in the reward for information. she vanished three months ago on march 16th. despite police and volunteer searches only a few of her belongings have been phone. 21-year-old antolin garcia-torres has been charged. a check on traffic now. -- reports from muni there are delays on the l line due to a problem. heavy traffic inbound on metro service if you taking bart no delays. don't forget to get off at the colma station if you are heading to the u.s. open. typical south bay and bay bridge toll backed up to 880. a check with mike on your hello? 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[ cheers and applause ] here in times square this morning. josh and sam get into place after that walk. looking good, guys. >> i like the peregrine falcon. >> when you guys are in niagara falls on friday, we'll have the beach boys here for our summer concert, once in a lifetime event. this is the 50th anniversary. you can hear a little bit right now. yeah. >> we're holding a contest, going to give away free trips to four lucky people and their guests, to an upcoming concert here in new york city. >> the beach and the beach boys, it was my childhood beach that they're from. stay hello to the fellas for me. winners will get airfare, hotel, v.i.p. passes. to find out more, go to you know him as dr. owen hunt on "grey's anatomy." hunky owen hunt. kevin mckidd is his name in real life. he's here to tell us about his brave new role. that's a ding, ding. >> we have the -- triple ding now. a great story out of california. a little league team who started the season with no coach. the kids had nowhere to turn. until some boys that were not much older than the players turned up and said they would take over. >> reporter: it was a team no one wanted to coach. no dads. >> go. >> reporter: no moms. >> come on, josh. >> reporter: not one grown-up. so, when two volunteers showed up for the first practice -- >> a little overrated. >> reporter: no one on this orange county, california, little league team could believe their eyes. >> he comes to me and says, i'm your coach. and i honestly started laughing. and he's being serious. he's being serious. i'm like, oh. i didn't realize we would have a four-foot coach. >> reporter: did you think he was part of the team? >> yeah. >> i didn't know who he was. >> reporter: at 14, cameron shelly is the same age as most of the team. chris puckett, just a year older. just try picking them out of a lineup. accomplished players in their own right. but coaches? they're so young, they had to get special permission from the league. >> i walked out to the umpire's meeting. and they didn't believe me. i said can i have the manager or an adult out here? >> reporter: then, they had to convince everyone else. >> i will never forget the first day i met them. he's like, you know, excuse me? you know? ring, ring, ring. what's going on, buddy? and he's like, i'm the coach. >> reporter: but what started out as a team of misfits became a team of winners. >> good hit. >> reporter: from an 0-2 record, to last weekend's league championship. and they won that, too. it was a lesson from the little team that could. and a life lesson for the kids who coached them. >> we knew we could coach. we could be successful and we could win. >> reporter: for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, san clemente, california. >> well, you have to love that, sam. they did the right thing and it paid off. >> it's awesome. >> we have a bunch of feel-good stories today. i like those moments. >> i'm going to go walk on a wire. >> josh, practice a little bit. oh. oh, no. if lara does it, we're seriously in trouble. all right. as you guys do that, let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning. oh, wow. this is not going to end well. you just -- now, i can't even look at the graphics. in clovis, new mexico, in that area, they had a tornado. and that cloud did not look good, by the way. cape san blas in florida. gorgeous sky this morning. thank you for showing us that. and heat on the board. rapid city, in the 80s today. denver, back into the 90s today. on the east coast, we're doing our best to clear this out. it will be a beautiful weekend father's day weekend. it's taking time to dry it out now. for friday night, what's the weather like? stay tuned. >> came running in because you see who is out there. >> well, i'm not going to be near that wire. >> all that weather was brought to you by -- these are gorgeous. >> this is the reason you came in. our good, good friend, jack hanna, has furry, little -- >> these are snow leopards. these are probably one of the rarest cats in the world. they live in the himalayas. they live 6,000, 12,000, 15,000 feet. they're beyond critically endangered right now. when they get bigger, the tail is like -- almost as long as your body. they use that thick tail to wrap around their bodies when they get cold. they have jet blue eyes. and they have hair on their feet. >> how old are these? >> 8 weeks. >> when do the eyes open. >> they've been -- three to four weeks. but a snow leopard. what you're holding here, again, i hope i'm wrong. this animal doesn't go into extinction in the wild. in zoos we're doing a good job. they're part of the species survival plan. we have chips in these. we know what the gene pool is. >> listen to the little sounds they're making. they're beautiful. >> incredible. can you hear them? >> oh, yeah. i wish you could see them when they're full-grown. my daughter, julie, raised one of these at home. and it's beyond anything you've seen when they full-grown. >> you see by the paws they have growing to do. >> i'm not bottle feeding them. >> it's a nice, warm bottle. >> this one is a clouded leopard. the snow leopard is in high altitudes. this one goes up to 3,000 or 4,000 feet. but this one's very unusual. his legs will grow very little in its lifetime. he has canine teeth up to an inch and a half long. the longest in the world. this cat eats monkeys and birds. and the animal is very rare in malaysia. they live in very deep rain forests. they're a solitary cats. >> look at those eyes. they are big, open and looking around. >> oh, yeah. this cat would be impossible to see in the wild. >> how old is this cat? >> about 10 weeks right now. the clouded leopard. so, you're seeing two of the most endangered cats in the world. the coat is valued on the black market over $60,000. >> don't say that? >> their pride? >> that's one reason. they can't find mates anymore. >> hard to study them. >> exactly. hard to study them. >> all of these things you're showing on this show. you have a little show that's doing well on saturday morning. it's a successful show. >> on abc. "jack hanna's wild countdown." >> are you nominated for an emmy? >> that's right. best in a children's series. >> what's this right here? >> these right here, if you see an egyptian and the mummies, this is called a caracal. you see the animals in egypt 5,000 years ago. they're now -- is that -- are you making sounds, robin? >> no. >> you see the ears? it's almost like they're keen. when the ears get long like this, with the big tufts on the ends. they can catch a bird in free flight. >> what? >> they can go up and shoot up at the bird flying by. >> they look like a cartoon character. >> i know. when these get full grown -- if he was full grown, you'd understand what they are. they are beautiful animals. >> where is their normal home? >> in africa. northern africa. it's now in southern africa. this is an animal here that also was trying to be domesticated. >> look at the back legs are longer than the front leg. >> you're right. the legs are different lengths. this guy can go ten feet in the air to catch a bird. >> catch a bird as it flies by? >> yes. la look at the back of the ears. you see the spots on the ears? this animal's eating something. he thinks he's looking backwards. those are eye spots. several animals in nature have eye spots. >> i love that idea. >> you've seen today some of the rarest cats in the entire world. it's the first time we're having some of them on a show. >> that's amazing. >> thank you for bringing them to us. as sam said, "jack hanna's wild countdown" on saturdays, most abc stations. and sam's "sea rescue" on saturday mornings. check out the two, great -- >> we could work together. >> why get out of bed on saturday mornings? we'll be back with -- starting to strip a little bit. sorry about that. >> want a little help? >> yeah. kevin mckidd, on his new, brave role. ngngngngngngngngngngngngngñ 8:42. welcome back to "good morning america." and he has spent the past five years at seattle grace playing dr. owen hunt on "grey's anatomy." now, kevin mckidd is chucking the american accent and exploring his scottish roots ? the pixar film "brave." it's a homecoming of sorts for the scottish actor, here live. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what was it like doing a film about a place you love so much, your homeland, scotland? >> it was fantastic. i'm very proud to be scottish. to be asked by pixar, to be involve in a movie with pixar, who i love, and also be scottish, was a great honor. i had a blast doing this movie. >> give us a handle on what "brave" is about. >> it's about the princess, forced by her parents to marry one of the young wards from a different clan. one of which i play. i also play the father. i play two roles in the movie. >> double-duty. >> double-duty. she doesn't want to get married. she wants to be free and single and ride her horses and shoot her arrows and be the tomboy she really is at heart. the movie is about her struggle with her parents and how the relationship falls apart and how they rebuild that. >> you play two characters, a father and the son. it's fun to hear you with your real accent. in the film, the father sounds like you do now. the son, has an accent -- can you give everyone -- >> young macguffin speaks in an accent, in a dialect from my hometown in scotland. >> i can't understand a word you say. but i love it. it's lyrical. and wonderfully confusing. >> in addition to the film, you're doing great work for us at seattle grace, on "grey's anatomy." the season ended with a real wow. a plane crash. we lost lexie, a terrific character. i've interviewed her many times. >> great girl. >> and it's unclear, if the other characters are in jeopardy. >> we don't know yet. we start shooting again in just under a month. >> you really don't know the outcome? >> they don't tell us. owen hunt just found out at the end of the finale there was a plane crash. i'm interested to see how he reacts. >> right. >> we don't know if there's going to be more deaths or where we're headed. it's an important time for the show. >> a piece of news just broke. our friend, kate walsh, has decided to move on from "private practice." >> i didn't know. >> just announced. you worked with her in that crossover. how does "private practice" live without kate walsh? three, strong character there. >> that would be really interesting. she's so much fun, kate. i wish her all of the best. >> maybe dr. hunt needs to move over. that's a great thing about those shows. a band of terrific actors. >> it's fun when the crossovers happen. it's fun to see everybody come over. and kate is so much fun to have on set. >> fun in real life. a girl's girl. >> yes, she is. >> one other thing because you're not busy enough, tell us about your music. >> i did this character album it comes out this friday. it's all old scottish folk tunes that my grandfather used to sing to me. we recorded it and it comes out this friday. all the proceeds go to save the children, which is a charity that's very close to me. >> fantastic. it's so great to see you. kevin mckidd, on "grey's anatomy" and in "brave," in theaters june 22nd. i wish you could serenade us now. we'll have the stars of the new musical "let it shine." an c what are you doing here? >> i came to meet chris. you were just rapping. you sound just like chris. >> oh, that? that wasn't me. this mic's not even on. i was just -- reason -- >> coco jones and tyler james williams, from "let it shine." it's a hip-hop. inspired take on the classic story of "cyrano de bergerac." and here they are, performing "me and you" from "let it shine." ♪ hey ♪ round and round and round in my head, head ♪ ♪ did you really mean the words that you said, said ♪ ♪ i've got to know should i stay ♪ ♪ should i go tell me the truth ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ i know you have the feelings you thought you had ♪ ♪ of course, without that other guy ♪ ♪ i'm just a shy kid giving you a ride ♪ ♪ give you my lyrics for the other side ♪ ♪ i never had the courage if i thought you really wouldn't understand ♪ ♪ now, i'm letting my feelings surface ♪ ♪ i'm tired of disguising who i am ♪ ♪ tell me are you who i wanted you to be ♪ ♪ did you do it all for them were we only playing games ♪ ♪ i did it for you i couldn't see it through ♪ ♪ roxy, i'm sorry ♪ going around and around and around in my head, head ♪ ♪ did you really mean the words that you said, said ♪ ♪ is it i've got to know ♪ ♪ should i stay should i go ♪ ♪ i got to know the truth is it going to be ♪ ♪ me and you ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ you're all i wanted i got caught in the background ♪ ♪ but i'm back now and this is with that ♪ ♪ and my look didn't fit the rap ♪ ♪ it didn't match the style ♪ ♪ i had to way give me your hand ♪ ♪ if you give me a chance that's all i ask ♪ ♪ you expect me to go from him and now to you ♪ ♪ that was just me ♪ spinning around and around and around in my head, head ♪ ♪ did you really mean the words that you said, said ♪ ♪ if it's here i got to know ♪ ♪ should i stay should i go ♪ ♪ tell me the truth is it going to be ♪ ♪ me and you ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ ♪ why do i feel so deceived ♪ ♪ i believe only what i believe perfect in my dreams ♪ ♪ but nothing's really what i it seems ♪ sno no, no ♪ ♪ you spin around in my head did you really mean what you said ♪ ♪ if it's it i got to know should i stay ♪ ♪ should i go i got to know the truth ♪ ♪ is it going to be me is it going to be me ♪ ♪ is it going to be me and you ♪ going to be me and you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> they are talented kids. "let it shine" airs friday, june 15th, at 8:00, 7:00ririririririi josh and sam tried. it's jack hanna's turn. look at him on the wire. >> george, let's go. here we go, everybody. george stephanopoulos. defying death. >> no way. no way. >> between the first two toes, george. look at him. he's going to do it. oh, wow. here we go. >> that's hard. >> hey, everybody, it's megastunt. high wire over the falls live. friday, 8:00, 7:00 central. and nik wallenda's series. >> lara's going to walk us off. >> she's a pro. >> thanks for watching, everybody. >> oh. cacacacacacacacacacacacaca good morning i'm kristen sze. hayward police will keep winton between santa clara and soto road until noon so crews can replace a utility pole. the pole went down shortly before 6:00 this morning. that -- a 58-year-old woman suffered minor injuries when her car left the road and took out that pole. let's talk to mike about the cooling weather. practice round the last one mid to upper 50s at the olympic club, breezy this afternoon. we have flight arrival delays at sfo breaking out 50s coast mid 80s inland 90s return this weekend. >> improvement at the bay bridge toll, not as badly backed up. slightly beyond the end of the

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