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and boom town. the scary and mysterious sounds keeping an entire town on-edge. 600 calls to 911. >> the whole house shook, like boom. >> what's really behind the nerve-rattling noises in the night? a look at the fog on this thursday morning. good morning, america. george, wrapping up a little time with his family. so, josh is here with us. we have breaking news as we come on the air. a series of loud explosions and gunfire, bringing an end to that 32-hour standoff between french police and the alleged shooter at that jewish school. reports right now that the suspect was shot and killed. >> much more on that. also, the very latest, now, overnight, growing national outrage over the shooting death of trayvon martin, that young man right there. the unarmed teen shot by a community watch member. thousands pouring into the streets of new york, for the so-called million hoodie march. we'll have the latest in minutes. >> and there's news out of florida on the case, as well. and they are tebowing in gotham. big news for everyone who follows tim tebow. they're calling it tim-sanity, since we have lin-sanity. a confirmation came overnight. he is indeed headed to the new york jets. >> there they are on the tarmac at laguardia. we begin with the national heat wave now. a phenomenon as profound as it is unusual. more than five dozen city could reach record-breaking highs today. sam tracking the soaring temperatures. sam, i mean nearly 70 cities today could see record highs. >> the numbers are astounding. good morning, everyone, by the way. as you add this -- we're getting used to it. but add to the count and know that the websites that are responsible for counting record high temperatures, have crashed this point. we're well on our way to 5,000 record high temperatures, just since we've been in march. let's show you the incredible pictures that have happened with all of this. look at the ski slopes. it was 70, 80 degrees, in the ski slopes, all of the way to northern new england, from vermont to new hampshire. in those areas today, incredible shots of folks trying to get the last bit of snow on the ski ride there. but the problem is with orchard owners and farmers, to michigan to new york state, because we have these early buds. if temperatures return to normal for even a moment, at about 32 degree, you'll kill the flowers, and kill all of the fruits and berries on these early budding trees. that area of high pressure looks like it's a summertime bermuda high. it is a pattern like that. they typically last for weeks. 80 degrees in new york. boston, 79 and 80. another record high temperatures. we'll go over the national heat. we'll talk about how long this lasts. and we'll give you some answers when we come back. >> i got a tweet, somebody said 80 in pittsburgh today. >> that looks like a board in june. >> it certainly does. >> we'll get to you in a moment, sam. now, to the growing national outrage of a fatal shooting of a florida teen by a member of the neighborhood watch down there. trayvon martin's parents joined thousands of protesters in new york, as they demanded the suspect's arrest. and now, the local police chief's job could be on the line in florida. matt gutman is in sanford, florida, for us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that's right. dramatic moments unfolding here at city hall behind me last night, as city commissioners responding to the national wave of outrage. responding to the no confidence vote for the police chief. now it's up to the city manager whether or not to fire him. this morning, growing public outcry over the shooting death of trayvon martin and the thousand gathered here for the so-called million hoody march in new york. >> we are -- >> trayvon martin. >> we are -- >> trayvon martin. >> reporter: to the millions signing this internet petition. finally being heard. 1,000 miles away in sanford, florida, city commissioners took a stunning step. a swift no-confidence vote in their police chief, bill lee. this morning, lee is still in his post but could face firing by the city's manager. and as the department of justice begins investigating the shooting as a possible hate crime, the city's entire leadership is now under scrutiny. >> mayor triplett do you want to answer where the chief is? could he be here to answer questions? >> reporter: jeff triplett is sanford's mayor. there's been allegations of misconduct in the investigation by the police department. >> there were mistakes made. we're going to handle that. >> reporter: martin was killed last month by neighborhood watch volunteer, george zimmerman. after following him down this street, the two scuffled and zimmerman shot martin. he told the police it was self-defense. and was never arrested. frank taaffe was on the crime watch with zimmerman. >> i want to go on the record, there's more to it. >> you think trayvon provoked him? >> personally, yes. >> reporter: martin died a john doe. unidentified and unclaimed for two days. the family claims because of police red tape. this morning, he is anonymous no longer. >> trayvon martin did matter. >> yeah. >> and i want new york to know that we're not going to stop until we get justice for trayvon. >> reporter: and, josh, in a couple of hour, martin's family is slated to meet with the department of justice, that, as the fbi begins to scrutinize the 911 tapes we told you about last week, that may contain a possible racial slur by the shooter, george zimmerman. josh. >> as national outrage continues to grow. thank you, matt gutman. now, to politics. mitt romney, fighting an unusual and largely self-inflicted comparison. that he's too much like an etch-a-sketch. a great, iconic toy. but romney learning the wrong way that you don't want to be compared to one. it's "your voice, your vote." and jake tapper is in washington with the latest. good morning, jake. >> reporter: good morning, josh. the bizarre thing about this is it was a top romney aide who first made the metaphor. he was asked on a morning show about whether romney had run too far to the right in the primaries to win in the general election. and the strategist said, no, we can press the reset button. it's like an etch-a-sketch. you can shake it up and start all over again. for a candidate who is too often accused of changing positions, that's an unfortunate metaphor. by the end of the day, romney's rivals say rick santorum and newt gingrich were holding up etch-a-sketches at rallies, talking about how romney had no core principles. it was a bad day for the romney campaign. >> we see both doing just that. jake, this is particularly tough for the romney campaign, this is a day that really should have been largely spent celebrating that win in illinois. >> reporter: that's exactly right. it was a day that began with lots of talk about how rick santorum and newt gingrich should drop out. that there was no math, that equaled them being able to win the nomination. jeb bush came out and endorsed mitt romney. but by the end of the day, mitt romney felt the need to dispute the etch-a-sketch comparisons made by his own staff. josh? >> again, perhaps they'll end this with an epic game of twister. jake tapper in washington. we do appreciate it. robin? >> all right, guys. we're going to turn to the new video of the crash of a u.s. apache helicopter in afghanistan. the crash happened last month. but the video has just emerged. it's amazing no one was seriously injured. and it's raising a lot of questions about what caused the crash. here's a look. >> oh, my god. >> oh, god. >> again, no one was seriously injured. we're going to bring in abc's martha raddatz. every time you see that video, martha, what are you hearing? what's the latest on what could have possibly caused that? >> reporter: pretty incredible video. a military official tells me this morning that investigators will look at what they call any factors behind the incident. that's an official way of saying, what the heck were they doing? this is what they will concentrate on. a very low pass when the helicopter first comes into view. passing extremely low. as one official says, yes. we will look to see if they were showing off for those on the ground. look. the helicopter looks in control. but when it banks up, it appears to lose air speed and never get it back. that's far more likely to happen at high altitudes where the air is thin. so, they probably know that is what likely caused the crash. but they want to know why they were doing that in the first place, robin. >> i know. you could hear people laughing on the ground. no one was seriously injured onboard or on the ground. but can you tell us a little more about the condition of the people that were there, martha? >> those in the helicopter, minor lacerations on the face and legs. but the people on the ground, there were 30 people on the ground around there. they had to run for their lives. and probably hundreds more at that combat outpost. >> no doubt. martha, thank you very much, as always. and "gma weekend" anchor, bianna golodryga, has the other top stories. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news. that violent standoff with a french terrorism suspect has finally ended after 32 hours. that was the gunfire heard as the police raided the suspect's apartment today. he jumped from the window gun in hand, trying to hide in the bathroom and was subsequently killed. he claimed to have worked with al qaeda and killed three school children and three soldiers and a rabbi. it's unclear whether he was shot and had an accomplice. back here at home, two more supermarket chains are banning that controversial beef filler known as pink slime. supervalu is joining food lion, pledging to stop using pink slime. speechless. that's how drew brees, the quarterback of the new orleans saints, is reacting after learning that his head coach will be suspended without pay for all of next season. the nfl is benching sean payton, as punishment for the team's so-called bounty system, which paid players to injure or knock out opponents. former defense coach, gregg williams, has been suspended indefinitely. i know this made a lot of news in the sports world. >> it certainly did. >> they knew the punishments were coming down. they did not know it was going to be that harsh. and they haven't even gotten to the players. thank you. bianna. we're going to turn to the surprising testimony in the drunk driving and vehicular homicide trial of that florida polo tycoon, john goodman. he took the stand in his own defense wednesday. it was the first time we heard his version, on what happened the night he drove his bentley into another car, and in so doing, ended the life of another man. yunji de nies has the story. >> reporter: a tense john goodman took the stand. >> john are you nervous today? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: in a surprise move, the polo mogul spoke in his own defense, admitting to having four drinks on the night his bentley slammed into 23-year-old scott wilson's hyundai. but he strongly denied being intoxicated at the time of the deadly crash. >> were you either drunk, impaired or intoxicated? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: he insists his bentley malfunctioned. >> the car did not seem to be stopping, as easily as i was used to. >> reporter: and that he did not realize anyone else was hurt. goodman left the scene, as wilson drowned in a canal where his car had landed. goodman says he was severely injured and stumbled down the road to a barn, where he found some alcohol. >> i went over and proceeded to grab a bottle of the liquor. and i drank it to -- thinking it would help with my pain. >> reporter: when police found him hours after the crash, goodman's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. but prosecutors have been arguing the multimillionaire drank heavily before getting behind the wheel. pointing to this $272 bar tab with 16 shots of tequila, along with whiskey and vodka. they say he knew that wilson's car was stuck in that canal and ignored it. >> you knew that car was in there, didn't you? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: goodman claims he was dazed because he hit his head during the crash. but then struggled to answer why he didn't tell paramedics. >> i didn't know. i knew i was knocked out, that's what i call it. >> reporter: reading from goodman's only 911 car, prosecutors said he knew he hit wilson's car. >> i'm in big trouble, huh? i don't have any further questions. >> reporter: there was some controversy in the courtroom yesterday. a juror complained to the judge, that the prosecutors were actually making faces while john goodman was testifying. at one point, goodman himself stopped the testimony, saying that he was getting distracted. the judge reprimanded those prosecutors, closing arguments are expected today. josh? robin. >> so bizarre. i'll take it here. yunji, thanks so much. we're going to move on to the small town baffled by the mysterious booming sounds in the middle of the night. no one can figure out what's causing them. and it keeps happening. david kerley is in clintonville wisconsin this morning where he's been on the case, shaking up main street. probably literally. good morning, david. >> reporter: robin it really is a mystery of this town of 4500 that they'd like to be solved. last night there were four reports of these booms and shaking houses. residents are scared and the experts are stumped. call it a case of something going boom in the middle of the night. for the past four nights, the city of clintonville, wisconsin, has been shaken from slumber. >> all of a sudden, boom. >> boom, like a big boom. >> like a big boom. >> reporter: residents, some in their pajamas, ran outside. no one knew. had something exploded? was it an earthquake? some frantically called 911. >> i don't know what the hell it is. somebody is banging -- >> we have some weird noise going on. we don't know what it is at that time. >> reporter: 600 calls in all, including sharon who says her home was damaged. now, she can't even sleep. >> the whole house shook, like boom. >> reporter: binger and hundreds of others poured into the local high school looking for answers. >> as you know, the city has been experiencing booming, rattling and thunderous noises. >> reporter: they checked nearly everything. it's not military activity. not underground methane, one possible explanation. could it be the weather? the dry winter could have drained the water out of the cracks in the granite which is below kilnclintonville. if that settles, it can get off a loud noise, a boom. that's one theory geologist steve dutch is talking about, but even he's not sure. >> no, really, i've run out of ways to say "i don't know." >> reporter: here's the good news. the number of these booms has diminished over the monday morning. and their strength is a little smaller, too. but they still want an answer. but this morning, experkts are coming in to see what is causing the booms in this town. josh and robin? >> all right, david. thank you. well, i don't know. have you heard? guess who is coming to town here. to the joy of new york tabloid headline writers everywhere. tim tebow on his way to play for the j-e-t-s, jets, jets, jets. >> the whole thing, like a tebow play. things break down, everybody on the edge of their seats, you think this isn't going to work, and boom. tim tebow, big apple bound. and our linsey davis is here with much more. >> reporter: he is, of course, the talk of the town. my personal favorite headline, got him. >> that's good. >> at the moment there, it seems iffy that the jets would cough up the millions in the fine print they initially overlooked. last night, they sealed the deal. and the nfl sensation is on his way to a town that streets sports like a religion. some say tebow is a godsend. but for others, there is great leaping and gnashing of teeth. tim tebow, the highly-devout christian, has been tempted by the biggest apple of them all, new york city. overnight, the new york jets confirming a man many saw as a miracle-worker in denver -- >> touchdown. >> reporter: -- will come play for a team that some think could use a little divine intervention. new york will have two highly-worshiped, devoutly christian athletes. knicks point guard jeremy lin, also deeply religious, created a crush of linsanity just last month. tebow and lin have bonded over their shared faith. lin-sanity and tebow mania. sounds like a match made in heaven. >> i knew it. >> tim, easy. buddy, leave a little room for the holy ghost, okay? >> reporter: but it's all playing out in gotham city. from the streets of manhattan, to the runways of new york's laguardia airport. some fans have likened the duo to batman and robin. tebow and lin are going to clean up the streets of new york, or be together for the apocalypse. one fan wrote. >> i don't know that new york sports needed anything to make it more exciting, more crazier, more fun, more interesting, but it just became more crazier, more fun, more interesting. >> reporter: but are new yorkers ready to tebow? putting their passion on display by striking tebow's prayer pose? after all, hell hath no fury like a scorn new york sports fan. >> this is insane if the jets do this. >> reporter: the jets already have a starting quarterback in mark sanchez, which prompted jets cornerback, antonio cromartie tweet, why bring tebow in when we need to bring many more weapons for mark sanchez? let's build the team around him. while tebow may not be the answer to every jets' prayers. maybe new yorkers could stand to have a little more faith. >> very well done. all right, linsey. jeremy lin, plus, tebow equals? >> reporter: lin-bow. >> thanks, linsey. let's get back over to sam. sam. >> i like it, good morning, everybody. let's start with the northwest. because in all of the bad weather across the country, meaning heat they had some really rough weather in the way of rain and snow and even eugene oregon picked up seven inches of snow, their latest snowfall ever. look at the numbers from the 40s and 50s in the northwest, and note they're getting more rain and snow. here comes the record warmth in the northwest. and there is a little cool patch of air right here to the west, as it slides into the northeast for the weekend, it will drop temperatures. we do see western new york state temperatures will drop into the 30s. so, that's a being concern. and all eyes will be on that this weekend. >> all of america's weather straight ahead in the next half hour. robin? >> all right, sam the man. coming up on "gma," the incredible plot to free the most dangerous woman in america. how the men who fell in love with her from behind bars try to break her out. and carnie wilson's surprising revelation. why she had surgery again for weight loss. is it safe the second time around? 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[ laughing ] [ sea ] what's the last romantic thing he did for you? ohh, i don't know... ummm... did you have to do that to me? what counts as romantic? is somebody watching me somewhere? like emptying the dishwasher? [ laughing ] is this your mother? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ most of us want to hear we've done a good job caring for our mouths. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up. so be ready for your next dental check-up. try any crest pro-health rinse. [ female announcer ] you do so much... to stay healthy. but did you know fiber choice can help support your overall well-being? every tasty tablet has prebiotic fiber from fruits and veggies... that lets your good bacteria thrive and helps support your immune system. fiber choice. an easy way to defend your health everyday. learn more about prebiotics and get a free sample at . good morning i'm eric thomas. authorities are widening their search for a missing morgan hill girl. last night family and friends of 15-year-old sierra lamont -- sierra lamar held a vigil in fremont. officers say they are following up on more than 150 tips. sierra has been missing since last friday. >> let's get an update on the morning commute. [ inaudible ] sorry. >> frances doesn't have her mics on. when we come back meteorologist lisa argenñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ yes. yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh. good morning. pretty shot you can see the cloud cover, a little sun much more this afternoon weak cold front pushing through the area. ahead of it we have mild readings 54 oakland and concord, 52 antioch 50 san jose 51 half moon bay. ahead of the front mild numbers, little breezy time to time behind it gusty winds with numbers cooler today 57 in the city 61 in san jose. spotty showers and more rain this weekend. the news continues now with "good morning america." that is christa pike. she is one of the most dangerous women in the country. and she's on death row. but that is not stopping men from falling in love with her and trying to help her escape. that story, so bizarre, just ahead. we say good morning, america. on this friday eve. george, wrapping up a little vacation time. and josh is here by my side. >> and well-deserved. i hope you're enjoying it, george. what's the real story behind this? we saw this. the dramatic breakdown on tape. the wife of the founder of "kony" revealing what happened. you want to stick around for that. >> so troubling when you see that video. and we have a sneak peek of a brand-new broadway musical, "newsies." which many people are familiar with. you should have seen them rehearsing earlier this morning. josh, you and sam are going to be involved in the production in some sort of way? >> rumors, we can't confirm that news. >> neither did i. and girls and guys lining up all night. "hunger games" in full effect. it's been "hunger games" week here. i'm looking out at a sea of people in times square right now. they are here today to see that guy. break-out star, josh hutcherson. team peeta's leader. hotter than ever this morning. there they are, and we'll be with all of you. >> i need to wear makeup before i get here. so many people at the studio when i arrive. i get out of the car in sweats and everything. i didn't want to put on makeup. we begin this half hour with a cunning plot by a brutal killer to escape death row. foiled by the authorities. christa pike was the youngest woman to be sentence to death in the u.s. and plotting her escape, authorities say she proved she seduce men into doing whatever she wants. abc's steve osunsami has much more in atlanta. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, robin. she was running out of appeals. so, the death sentence was waiting for her. and she was desperate to get out. there's a reason she's sitting on death row. she has a short fuse. and she likes to cut. so who in the world would try to help set her free? turns out she found boyfriends while waiting in jail. she is one of the most dangerous women in america. and he was the man who fell in love with her. together, police say they hatched an elaborate plot to break her out of prison where she sits on death row. authorities have arrested this man, donald kohut, a 34-year-old from flemington, new jersey, who had been making regular trips to tennessee's death row. and became the boyfriend of christa pike, a cold-blooded killer. in 1995, she used a box knife to slash the throat of a friend she thought was flirting with her lover. >> christa pike is a notorious killer in the state of tennessee. she has been on death row since 1996. >> reporter: her relationship began with kohut early last year with love letters like these, which she send to men in her life. telling them you bring out the best in me and i want to lick your soul. police have also arrested 23-year-old justin heflin, one of her guards on death row. they say he accepted bribes from her boyfriend. >> we know she gave him things like a canoe and a gibson guitar and some cash. >> reporter: their alleged plan was to copy keys of prison doors by making paper tracings. other guards found those tracings in jan, before pike could make her daring escape. >> desperate people try desperate tings. when you have nothing else to lose, sometimes you'll try anything. >> reporter: without question, the woman they're trying to set loose is a visual killer. in 2001, she tried to kill again. in jail, she nearly strangled a fellow inmate and was convicted of attempted murder. she's had sweethearts all across the country. we met one of them overnight. eric gein first started exchanging letters with her in 1997. and said they were engaged in 2002. >> she told me things i wanted to hear. she would write to me, eric, i love you. i want to be with you. come up here and marry me. >> reporter: he says she never asked him to help her escape. but says she wrote about it all the time. >> she would make hints and say things about wanting to leave the prison and go to jamaica. or go to the islands. i'm sure this guy up in new jersey, i'm sure she flattered him and got him to the point where he's going to go to prison now for her. >> reporter: her current boyfriend is in jail this morning in new jersey, but they're waiting for him in tennessee, hoping he'll be extradited any day now, robin. >> steve, thank you. we're going to bring in "gma" legal analyst, dan abrams right now. it is not unusual, the death row love affairs. but this goes beyond what we usually see. >> it does. anytime we see a high-profile case when someone is put on death row, immediately, that person gets all sorts of love letters, inquiries. there are websites dedicated to death row inmates. you think of scott peterson. remember him? he would get, at one point, 85 to 100 letters a day. that's probably tailed off a little bit in the time. but it is amazing. and you talk to psychologist why this occurs. they have all sorts of explanations for the quote/unquote attraction. >> it's unbelievable to so many people. but it goes on. >> absolutely. >> these websites that you said. we heard in steve's piece, she's exhausted all of her appeals. and you can't help but wonder, that this alleged plot is not going to help. >> it doesn't help but it's not going to have much of an impact. the appeal is on a legal issue. she was 18 years old. she has mental issues. she is saying she got ineffective assistance of counsel. none of the legal issues will be impacted by the attempted escape because effectively, what she's trying to get is life in prison, instead of the death penalty. the attempted escape won't affect that. but it remains a long shot for her to win any of these appeals. >> these two accomplices, they're in serious trouble here. >> assisting an escape, bribery, other charges like that. particularly, you're talking about, one of them was a prison guard who was assisting in the effort. that person is also facing official misconduct charges as well. these are very serious charges. you're talking about someone on death row. she was the only woman on death row in tennessee. this is not your garden variety prison escape effort. authorities will say she was never close to getting out. this was just at the beginning phases, but it's very unusual to hear about something like this happening for someone who is on death row. >> it certainly is. dan, as always, thanks very much. let's get back over to sam. sam? >> time for a little apology for the great area of new york city for yesterday's fog that didn't bust. but now, take a look at this map. we've taken down the dense fog advisories for that area. we feel like the fog that's there this morning will break through and the temperatures will start soaring. later on today, from washington, d.c., to dover, to philly, we'll start to break your fog, as well. and the temperatures will come back up. still expecting 80 degrees in new york. that would be a record 75 in washington, d.c. by the way, yesterday, madison, milwaukee, detroit, not only records in that area. but the warmest temperatures they've had in march ever, ever. ever, ever. >> and here's the heavy rain that goes into the deep south again. right along that front, it continues to slow cruise >> and all of america's weather was brought to you by garnier nutrisse. robin. >> all right, sam. thank you. coming up, the high cost of reality tv stardom. why the situation said he is heading to rehab. he's going to set the record straight. rd straight. he's going to set the regard straight. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. i'a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ] hello. we're doing a taste test. ocean spray cranberry juice versus vegetable juice. first the cranberry. mm! tasty. now, the vegetable juice with more than 10 times the sodium of cranberry juice. we have a winner! our new ocean spray cran-cherry juice drinks are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. it's where you spend a lifetime so your kids can go to college. so you can actually visit that beach proudly displayed on your monitor. for that, you work through lunch. or as we like to say lunch through work. perfectly balanced hormel compleats meals. freshness sealed for flavor. in over 30 varieties it's the lunch that works. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ theme song. one of the stars, mike "the situation" sorrentino. we learn the very high cost of reality television. he now says that he is being treated for a drug problem. and it's not the first time that the very bright lights of reality tv have appeared to taken down one of their own stars. and lara is with us with the latest. >> yep. talking prescription medication reportedly here. and millions of americans get totally wrapped up in reality tv. and it seems sometimes the stars of the shows get wrapped up in them, as well. but it can often be hard for them to live up to the characters we see on tv. >> this is the situation right here. my abs are so ripped up it's called the situation. >> reporter: his nickname has become an everyday part of our vocabulary. >> that's ingredients for situation. >> reporter: but lately his conduct on "jersey shore" has raised eyebrows with tmz reporting on his bizarre behavior during the recent cast camping trip. >> mike is a schizo right now. he's paranoid. he makes me feel not normal. >> reporter: now mike "the situation" sorrentino, has admitted he's dealing with a drug situation. writing on his website, i have voluntarily taken steps to take care of a drug treatment situation, i had because of exhaustion. i continue to work. famous for his hard partying drinking and those abs, he has slowly turned himself into a full-fledged brand, with endorsement deals, a workout dvd, and even a clothing line. he spoke with our chris connelly in 2010. >> do you think the situation is a role you're playing? >> i mean to be very honest with you, it is a part of my personality. but not the -- not the full circle. >> reporter: and for some reality stars, it seems escaping the character they play on tv can be difficult. >> it's probably a little odd to try to figure out, okay. how much of this is truly me? how much is a character i'm playing for the cameras? >> reporter: "the real housewives of beverly hills" wrestle armstrong's suicide med headlines. saying to keep up with the lifestyle, ruined his life. and heidi montag admitted that her dozen plastic surgeries were a result of getting caught up in her hollywood image. >> surgery is not glamorous. plastic surgery is anything but glamorous. >> when the critiques come in when people are trashing you on blogs, they're trashing you or a version of you as opposed to traditional actors most of the time, people are trashing their work. >> reporter: as for the situation, while he may be down he is not out. tweeting earlier this week he is getting in amazing shape for season six of "the jersey shore." mtv has put out a statement saying we fully expect and are looking forward to the entire cast returning for a sixth season. so, the situation is apparently looking up. >> lara we heard it. reality television, something of a misnomer here. >> reality. >> these people feel the need to follow the arcs of the characters they play. >> yes. that can be dangerous and exhausting, according to the situation. >> our best to mike sorrentino. still to come "the play of the day." and carnie wilson going another round in her battle of the bulge. revealing she went back again for weight loss surgery. we asked, is that really safe? 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>> aw. >> we had him on the show. became a superstar. break into the cat treats. unfortunately, the forensic evidence -- oh, denver. oh. >> poor denver. >> he'll live to break in anew. take a look at who we found. we met jane the shiloh sheppard. >> did you do that? did you make this mess? >> he did not do that? >> yes he did. >> that is hysterical. >> you come out here right now. >> yeah. i think not. >> oh, come on. >> that's tremendous. all right. josh hutcherson of "the hunger games." he is here live. go nowhere. getting grime from deep inside grout takes the right tools, but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer.♪ sometimes, i feel like it's me against my hair. 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[ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ ♪ morning and a proposed favor increase for ferry passengers. officials are facing an 87 million dollar budget shortfall. officials are scheduled to vote next month on a 5% increase if approve the hike would begin in july. >> winter is back. good morning. low 50s mild start cold front weak providing a lot of clouds maybe spotty showers truth the rest of the morning partly cloudy breezy today 57 in the city 60 two in concord. westbound 80 continues to be a slow spot because of a couple accidents carquinez to the maze 40 minutes bay bridge toll backed up to the foot of the maze. san mateo bridge okay south 101 heavy in san mateo. >> the n ♪ you make me feel like i'm livin' a teenage dream ♪ yes. "hunger games" week. well, well under way. the biggest crowd yet. girls have been lining up down the block, over night, waiting to meet josh hutcherson. he is the breakout star of "the hunger games." you see him. oh, is he coming out now? i hear the screams. >> exciting. >> just 19 years old. at the center of so much attention. the attention here in times square. so looking forward to talking to him. >> wow. times square has been out there for days now. speaking of, katy perry. an exclusive of sorts. why she put on camouflage and marched out to boot camp. her new role as one of the few and the proud. and carnie wilson, her decision to head back for a second weight loss surgery. why she took yet another drastic step. was it really a decision regarding her? and tory johnson has done it again. we have the hottest new products in our "deals and steals," only for you, our "gma" viewers. low, low prices on skin care, hair products, cosmetics. this may be one of our biggest yet. >> hands off, sam. just saying. the beauty products. >> all over the beauty products. >> wondering where you were going. >> so was sam. >> i try to always be ready. >> i don't know how we're going to fit everything in this last hour. you're going to kick things off with the news, bianna. good morning, everyone be begin with growing anger over the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. thousands of people marched in new york, alongside martin's parents last night. and a major rally is planned in florida today, to demand the arrest of george zimmerman. he's the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed martin, claiming self-defense, even though martin was unarmed. the justice department is investigating the case as a possible hate crime and will meet with martin's parents later today. meantime, officials in sanford, florida, where martin was shot, are now pressuring the city manager to fire the police chief. a violent ending this morning to the 32-hour standoff with the terror suspect in southern france. police rated the suspect's home and found him hiding in a bathroom. he was killed after jumping from a window still firing his jun. he was accused of killing three school children a rabbi and three french soldiers. and the director of "coney 2012" will not leave the hospital any time soon. this morning, jason russell's wife is revealing details about the 32-year-old's breakdown. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: this morning, a new explanation why filmmaker jason russell went from this -- >> my name is jason russell. and this is my son, gavin. >> reporter: to this. caught naked and ranting incoherently in a tmz video. russell's wife, janica now says that russell's doctors are calling his breckdown brief, reactive psychosis. an acute state, brought on my exhaustion, stress and dehydration. >> reactive psychosis is a condition when somebody has a psychotic episode. they lose their sense of reality. >> reporter: russell's world has changed dramatically with the wild success of "kony 2012," which brought instant fame and scrutiny. almost immediately, questions started swirling about how his group is spending the millions of dollars raised. russell's wife says all the stress has taken a heavy toll. one minute, talking passionately about a warlord in africa. >> he's been getting away with murder for 26 years. >> reporter: next, everyone watching him have a very public meltdown on the streets of san diego. he's now in a hospital where he's expected to stay for several weeks. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> our thanks to david. now, diane sawyer's here with a preview of tonight's "world news." >> hello to everyone at "gma." bullying, as we know, is an epidemic. and tonight, you're going to meet some parents and children who decided to put it on camera. a film so shocking, there's a debate about who gets to see it. be sure to watch tonight on "world news." we'll see you then. >> must-see television tonight. and finally, an unusual security threat at the white house, where guards are typically trained for anything. well, almost anything. security was caught off guard by a mother and her children trying to jump through the fence. before you get nervous, we should explain that the mother was a duck. her kids, adorable little ducklings. the babies couldn't make the leap, not only with the help of a small ramp. what did the guards do? they got down on their knees and helped the little ones return to momma. with their gloves. their guns. and they -- you know -- >> so good with that. thanks, bianna. >> it's springtime. makes me happy. "pop news." katy perry is celebrating the few, the proud, the marines in her new video for her "single part of me." it's become an anthem for anybody going through a break-up. and the video will inspire you further to pull yourself up by the boot straps. she shot the video with real-life marines. she went through boot camp to capture the courage and the strength. and with a buzz cut, she still manages to look hot. >> wow. celebrities on the cover of magazines get a little into looking picture-perfect, with photoshop. >> just a little? a small amount? >> just a wee bit. you can't tell who some of them are. >> this one, you can. no need for photo shop. cate blanchett. the actress left the photo untouched. no air brushing needed. the editor of the magazine saying he wants people to see what 42 really looks like and says other photos we see are so airbrushed, they see the picture instead of the celebrity. >> 42. oh, what it really looks like. >> yes. >> she looks beautiful. >> she looks fine. >> absolutely does. >> but they make it sound like 42 is so old. >> i know. come on, now. >> just getting started. >> what? 42's in your future? >> yes. thank you. big news for fans of the game angry birds. the makers -- thank you. thank you for the props. the makers are -- oh, boy. here we go. the makers are sending the birds to the final frontier in a new game called angry birds space, which frees the animals from the earth's gravity to fly higher in the air. the game also introduces the iceberg. >> just do it, just do it robin. >> come on robin. give it to us. that's iceberg. yeah. that's what josh was holding. >> give it to us. >> she won't do it. >> oh. iceberg is an extra terrestrial with the power to freeze its enemies. the game also has the power to suck up all of the hours you use playing the game. she's like my daughter, she does not perform on command. >> no. finally today, every bride wants to make a big entrance. this dress would do the trick. it's the exit that might be the problem. a romanian designer has designed a gown with a train that flows 1.85 miles behind it. it's been certified as the longest train by the guinness book of world records. and it was unveiled in bucharest. the model took fight in a hot air balloon. that is "pop news," everybody. still no? >> i'm not really -- >> all right. let's go to sam outside with the crowd. shall we? >> there we go. let's do it. >> lara, i want you guys to see this. we have not properly shown this. good morning, gang, over here. good morning, gang, over here. good morning, gang, all the way around times square. i have never seen this before. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning. we want to thank you for being the biggest crowd in times square ever. let's show you what's happening this morning. we start with pictures, by the way, a little bit of fog that we have in some locations. we know there's going to be fog in the middle atlantic today. now, down to the south where the heavy rain just doesn't let up new orleans, mobile huntsville. memphis, you're out of the heaviest rain. but nashville, you'll touch into it. and the southwest, we haven't talked about you much. but the temperatures are gorgeous. l.a., 73. santa fe, about 65. >> we love josh. >> what an awesome crowd. okay. now, it's back to -- >> lara. >> the crowd is cheering we love josh. and josh elliott just said thank you. >> thank you. no? >> all right. let's take a look at our "gma morning menu." carnie wilson, speaking out about her controversial second weight loss surgery. will it work? and was it safe? and josh hutcherson -- josh hutcherson. the josh. thank you, robin. the breakout star of "hunger games," here. cannot wait to hear from him. and the surprising carbs you can eat while dieting. oh, no! we'll explain on "gma." and the surprising carbs you can eat while dieting. we'll explain on "gma." [ ringing ] hello? [ sea ] hello, this is the sea calling. [ laughing ] [ sea ] what's the last romantic thing he did for you? ohh, i don't know... ummm... did you have to do that to me? what counts as romantic? .me somewhere? like emptying the dishwasher? [ laughing ] is this your mother? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil. my name is lacey calvert and i'm a yoga instructor. if i have any soreness i'm not going to be able to do my job. but once i take advil i'm able to finish out strong. it really works! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ my dentist said that the acid in fruit or fruit juice softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. [ female announcer ] with just one look you can silence a room... ...but why on earth would you want to do that? ♪ like a sound you hear that lingers in your ear ♪ ♪ but you can't forget from sundown to sunset ♪ ♪ california hustler ♪ ♪ california hustler ♪ [ female announcer ] new bareminerals ready a solid mineral collection of vibrant eye shadows. glowing bronzers. and alluring blushes. bareminerals. be a force of beauty. [ tires squeal, engine revs ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. singer carnie wilson has had a very public battle with her weight. she famously lost 150 founds after undergoing gastric bypass surgery more than a decade ago. now, she's had that surgery again. and abc's juju chang has that story. >> reporter: carnie wilson first got famous at one-third of the multiplatinum group, wilson phillips. ♪ things will go your way ♪ >> reporter: yet, every since, she stayed famous because of her battle of the bulge. including gastric bypass surgery 12 years ago. now, she's revealing a second surgery, two months ago. a lap-band surgery to help her lose the weight she gained after having her two daughters. >> she and her surgeon decided to put an elastic band or a lap-band around her gastric bypass. that's not often done. but when it is, it can be very effective in helping the person relose the weight. >> reporter: the singer tells "people" magazine, quote, it was the right decision for me. and i'm doing really well so far. it's all about taking good care of myself. the latest surgery involves looping a silicone band around the stomach to create a pouch the size of a golf ball. and apparently, it's working. the 43-year-old wilson has already lost a staggering 30 pounds in 2 months. >> she hates me because i'm fat. >> reporter: just before the latest surgery, wilson was featured on "celebrity wife swap," poking fun at her larger figure. she spoke candidly to deborah roberts in 1999, before her initial gastric bypass surgery. >> i'm doing this for myself. i want to lose weight and be healthy. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: four years after the first surgery, wilson had cut her body weight in half. famously posing nude for "playboy." but just two years after the birth of her daughter, lola, she was battling postpartum weight gain. >> i had about 38 pounds to go. that would make me 150. so, i'm 188. you know, i was 300. >> she has struggled in the past two years to get the postpregnancy pounds off of her. >> reporter: doctors say it is possible for the small stomach pouch created by gastric bypass surgery, to stretch overtime. and that wilson's decision to add a lap-band over it could provide equally stunning results. >> the data indicates that at five years, there's a very good chance that she will keep that weight off. >> reporter: for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york. >> juju. we wish carnie wilson the very best. >> we sure do. now, to the newest trend for hollywood moms to be. extreme baby showers. jessica simpson is the latest pregnant celeb to celebrate with a lavish party, complete with a star-studded guest list and expensive gifts. abc's bianna golodryga takes us inside the new baby shower sensation. you can relate. about to give birth yourself. >> have the pregnant girl do every pregnancy story as possible. just milk it until i give birth. but, yes. it's a new trend. we know that hollywood royalty spoil and pamper their offspring with all the newest gear and toys. but now, the new trend is starting a bit sooner, while they're still in the womb. jessica, tori and victoria all had one. an extreme baby shower. over-the-top parties with wild themes and outrageous gifts. >> if carrie bradshaw from "sex and the city," were to have a baby shower, this would have been it. >> reporter: they give details of a texas-sized shower. the guests snacked on simpson's indulgent southern favorites, fried chicken, mac and cheese, and her favorite dessert. >> fried oreos. >> reporter: among the gifts for baby, designer bathing suits, frilly dresses and pink cowboy boots. >> jessica simpson's baby has bigger and better closets than most girls in america. >> reporter: simpson took to twitter, praising her you'll start party planner. it felt like a perfect dream. thank you, mindy weiss, for the greatest shower a mommy could ever want. >> she loves "charlotte's web." that's all i had to do to design and think about the fabulous things we could do. >> reporter: weiss has thrown extreme baby showers for celebs including nicole richie, pink, brooke shields and denise richards. >> this is the time to get away with something whimsical or something that you loved as a child. >> reporter: it's not just the parties that are over the top. weiss says celebrity moms receive jaw-dropping gifts, too. beyonce's bff, kelly roland, got her this $5,200 crystal diamond-studded bathtub for blue ivy. >> i've seen an amazing gucci diaper bag filled with gucci shoes, blankets and pacifiers. >> reporter: i also had carrots at my baby shower. they were the edible kind. no jewels or anything. this has become a trend. and it seems jessica simpson has been very open about this pregnancy. she's been enjoying it. >> over the top. over the top. over the top. if you want to see more, you can check out the latest issue of "people" magazine. let's get right outside now to robin and josh. >> you are listening to taylor swift singing, "eyes open," from "the hunger games" soundtrack. we've had fans here all night. their eyes open, waiting for this man right here, josh hutcherson, the breakout star of "the hunger games." everybody, please welcome, josh hutcherson. >> awesome. really. yeah. how are you doing? >> my man, you've been doing this for ten years. loved you in "the kids are all right." >> thank you very much. >> so, this is nothing new. but it is new. >> this is very new. this whole experience is very new. it's been interesting. over the last ten years, i've gotten to do so many interesting projects and things are very different. that's my favorite thing as an actor. this one is a whole another world. as you can see. >> did anybody give you advice how to handle this? the phenomenon? >> the best advice i've ever gotten was from my family. i've been raised in the belief to be true to yourself. and not let things change you. this is incredible. if you listen to the good things or the bad things, you're going to start changing how you behave. i'm going to keep being me, no matter what. >> i love the kentucky roots. >> that's true. >> josh -- gary, where are you? not many people can say this. have you seen the pillowcase? >> yeah. >> now, i had the "star wars" sheets. but -- >> that's -- >> that's when you know you've made it. >> that's a lot. that's a lot. no one's ever going to sleep with me. >> i'm going to make somebody really happy. are you ready? are you ready? and nobody lost an eye. >> that was a good catch, by the way. ninja style, one hand. >> and very civilized, too. >> thank you very much for the pillow. i'm going to use this. >> i'm going to play a clip. we had jennifer lawrence here. >> she is fantastic. >> she was going on and on and on about you. and liam was here earlier in the week. this clip is you and katniss, the character that she plays. >> yes. the night before we actually go into the hunger games. >> very exciting. good setup. >> i got you. >> how would they change you? >> i don't know. turned me into something i'm not. i just don't want to be another piece in their game, you know? i just keep wishing i could think of a way to show them that they don't own me. you know, if i'm going to die, i want to still be me. does that make any sense? >> yeah. i just can't afford to think like that. >> i remember that scene, too. it's kind of what you just said earlier, josh, about who you are. and not wanting to change the character, the same way. for those people who have not read the book, you describe what this movie is all about. >> it's an amazing story. it's a futuristic version of america. it's become a new country called panem. and a kind of tyrant-type government has taken over. and basically, they force the random boys and girls from different districts to go into battle in the hunger games. only one survivor comes out. it's about living in this harsh, fantastical future. >> we were talking to jennifer and to liam about it. it's very physical. and -- >> physical, yeah. >> they had to lose weight. you had to gain weight. poor baby. >> it wasn't fun like go run to mcdonald's and taco bell. i had to eat chicken and fish and the very intense protein-type food. i had to work out with an exnavy s.e.a.l. trainer. he's like this crazy guy that makes me do awful things to my body. but i guess it worked for the part. >> you had to add 15 pounds of muscle. >> it was intense. liam had to lose 15 pounds and dye his hair brown. i had to gain 15 pounds and dye my hair blonde. we should have switched roles. it would have been a lot easier on the body, that's for sure. >> we won't get into the white castle incident. >> that was good times. >> there is such a bond between the three of you and the entire cast. we have donald sutherland, coming here on monday. and i know you were thrilled to work with woody harrelson because he was in one of the movies you liked as a kid. >> "white men can't jump." that movie comes on i watch the entire thing, regardless. he's so talented. such a diverse an actor. what he brings to this movie as haymitch, is incredible. just a great human being. somebody that believes in great things. i really feel like him and i are going to be friends for a long time. at least in my mind. that would be lovely. >> i'm sure he feels the same way. jennifer was going on and on about her relationship with lenny kravitz. >> lenny's great. the whole cast, jennifer lawrence, to the guy that played peacekeeper number 11. everybody on the whole shoot, it was great. so talented. and i think perfectly cast. >> you're talented and busy. you haven't started shooting the sequel for this. >> not yet. they just started writing the script for that. >> but you have enough going on? >> i did a multitour across the states with the rest of the cast. five days in five states, which was crazy. and i went over to europe. and i was just in london, paris, berlin and toronto in the last nine days. that was nonstop. >> you are going to be an executive producer. your first producing correct. >> i shot that a couple years ago. it's an amazing movie about these high schoolers who tind a time traveler device. it was fun to get behind the camera, which i always wanted to do. >> that is wonderful. you're going to take a little bit of a break from all of this hysteria? >> a little bit, yeah. i can't take a break for too long. i get very restless very quickly. i want to jump back in after three seconds. >> i know you're ready for it to hit the screens. we don't have to wait much longer. midnight tonight. >> i'm so excited. >> josh, thank you. thanks a lot for being here. "the hunger games," opens tomorrow in theaters nationwide. or at midnight if you don't want to wait. and as we said, donald sutherland will be coming up on monday. we'll see you. [ cheers and applause ] good important i'm kristen sze. police in -- police in morgan hill say based on new information they plan to the search area around the missing teen's home again this morning. last night friends of 15-year-old sierra lamar held a vigil. police are following up on more than 150 tips. sierra has been missing since last friday morning. >> how is your commute? slow in a lot of the usual spots also if you are heading out of morgan hill north 101 slow approaching an earlier crash. as you continue through san jose under 30 miles an hour from mckey to the montague expressway westbound 80 still heavy through berkeley bay bridge toll backed up past the 880 overcrossing. good morning. plenty of clouds not much in the way of showers a few santa rosa and on the coast mild temperatures grab you as you go out 54 oakland this afternoon not so mild front is going to push through breezy winds behind it partly cloudy high temperatures today upper 50s to low 60s. much cooler and rainier over the weekend. >> t ♪ brand-new broadway musical, "newscies," singing "seize the day." what more can we pack into these two hours? did you see them rehearsing earlier, "newsies." >> they're going to bring it today. george, enjoy the time off. the moments are dwindling, my friend. we're going to have more with the cast of "newsies." they're counting down, at a very ethereal broadway. keep it real for a sec. the carb police are on the loose. the carb police, showing you the surprising diet tips on how you can enjoy eating bread and still lose weight. >> how do you do all that? >> i'm in. >> figure it out. >> it's magic. >> tv magic. >> i love having bianna in the middle. >> just in case. >> she cannot be left alone. >> hang in there. we've got some great deals and steals just for "gma" viewers. you don't want to miss these, right, lara? >> yes. yes, indeed. if you want to feel pretty, today's "deals and steals" is for you. tory has incredible deals for a spring makeover. let's get right to it. starting with -- >> starting with tree of beauty. this is the device that kim kardashian says in a current edition of "in style" magazine, that she must have this. this is a cleared device for laser hair removal at home. kim uses it between visits. it's as little as two treatments you could see results. and in six months, you could be hair-free permanently in the areas that you desire. >> it's expensive to do. >> it's very expensive. you get the whole kit, the device and the products, it's regularly $498. it's not inexpensive. we're knocking it down by 51%. you'll pay $245. the great thing on all of the items today, you'll get free shipping. >> an extra percent. you need to go to our website to get the code. and supplies last. don't get upset if they run out. >> you got it. >> second up. light stim. this is another fda-cleared device. and what is amazing about this. it is an l.e.d. light therapy. we just turned it on. you see the reflection on you. -- listen to this. this is for reducing an eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. what's great is, most people admit -- we just turned it on. they keep it plugged in by the couch or by the bed. so, when they're watching television, you hold it in place for two to three minutes in the desired area. and it emits this warm, soothing, delicious, people get addicted to using it. and it delivers results. it's the same device that is used, on a bigger scale, in dermatologists offices. available for the first time for home users. great deal on this, as well. regularly $249. we're slashing this in half. $124.50. and free shipping on the light stim. everyone's interested -- i'm seeing the guys eyeing this one. go smile whitening kit. clinically proven to lighten up to seven shades after just one use. and one use is under 45 minutes. so, you get two different jells that are in here. plus, you get this light. go right ahead. it has this light. what's great about this light when you hold it to your mouth, this mouthpiece is dishwasher safe. >> sam, it's not a tanning bed. >> it's not a tanning bed. >> it will make him more gorgeous. he knows. go small, regularly -- >> look at those teeth. $268. reduced at half, $134. and you get three treatments with this. >> this doesn't have the gross jells or anything? >> it has two jells. they're not gross, though. even remotely. >> i'm down with the go smile. all right. era. 1,000 bottles was used on the set of "twilight," to turn the actors into vampires. >> what do they call it? >> airbrush foundation. >> for that flawless finish. >> not only airbrush. but bronzer airbrush. and bronzer, really fabulous. >> looks good on your legs and arms. >> this is what the pros use. you'll look like a superstar. regularly $40 to $55 a bottle. cut in half, $20 to $27.50 and free shipping. >> nicely done, tory. >> doo-uwop, they have many products, and the including lip venom. duwop's prices are already fabulous. regularly $16 to $50. is it working yet? yes, you're so gorgeous. we're cutting duwop in half. $8 to $25. free shipping on their website. all right. last product. far barbar, air drier. sam, you're a big fan of the hair drier, right? >> i'm busting wrinkles. >> this is normally $150 to $160. not 50% off. >> come on, tory. >> $50. it's 67% off. >> nice. >> oh, my gosh. look at sam. everything is free shipping. be just like sam champion. you can have the teeth as gorgeous as sam. the face as gorgeous as sam. the hair as gorgeous as sam. >> all due to you, tory. check out our website for all the deals. toriy johnson, "deals and steals." i don't have time for weather right now, lara. i'm busting wrinkles. tell me your name. >> ann. >> how does it feel? >> very nice. >> she's going to look like angelina jolie in moments. >> and at a bargain. come on. let's get to the boards. we'll show you what's going on this morning. something we want to show you as you go out the door. i don't have time to stop busting wrinkles because there's fog in washington, d.c. we have pictures of the flooding from all of the heavy rain in louisiana. we'll show you the boards today. if you're wanting to break the all-time records, these are the places you're going to start doing it. new york city, at 83 degrees. boston, 79 degrees. chicagoland, you are up for another record-high temperature today, at 79 degrees. on the west coast, the southwest doing fine. the northwest, the other side. the northw >> now, this is a different tv show. and now, all that weather was brought to you by mercedes-benz. >> they look -- >> the mercedes-benz e class. lara? >> guys, thank you. coming up on "good morning america," we go to the carb police. on how to eat orry about that outside. but a new book may change the way you think about carbs. they're not all bad. the key is finding the right ones to eat. abc's andrea canning explains. >> reporter: want to fit into those skinny jeans? then, it's time to stop mindlessly inhaling the bread basket and snacking on candy. but you don't have to go completely carb-free. >> if you get a freshly squeezed juice, it's good. >> reporter: according to a new book aptly named "bread is the devil," it shows us that they can be our friends. it shows us the angel carbs we should be eating. and the defd carbs. >> the devil carbs, the bread basket. the muffins, and sweets. >> reporter: but some devil carbs may surprise you. these 100-calorie snack packs seem like such a good idea. are they really? >> just know yourself. those that struggle with weight, gravitate towards two, three, four packages. >> reporter: if you have the willpower to eat just one, stick with the snack packs. another devil carb, juice. >> you get a lot more fiber. if you eat the fruit, just juice. >> reporter: have to have your o.j.? make sure it's 100% fruit juice and four ounces or less. another seemingly healthy food, cereal. >> there's a lot of bad cereals out there. even though the ones that have claims. may reduce cholesterol. good for energy. it may not be the best cereal for you. >> reporter: look for those that have five or more grams of fiber. it's the fiber that keeps you feeling full, so you eat less. what about carbs that are good for you? angel carbs? not all bread is the devil. >> you want to look at the fiber. make sure it's 100% whole grain. and there's a lot of slices that are 80 calories. those are angel carbs. >> reporter: avoid white bread and with low fiber. i thought alcohol was bad. >> i built it in as a freebie. >> reporter: have that glass of wine. our last angel carb, you can find in the freezer. >> i call frozen dinner an angel carb. it's a finite portion. you're looking at volume under 350 calories that you would never get if you were cooking for yourself or ordering in. >> reporter: frozen dinners not enough for you? bulk it up with steamed vegetables. if you're trying to diet, don't cut out carbs, just eat the healthy ones. for "good morning america," andrea canning, abc news, new york. >> and for a shopping list for healthy carb products and suggestions for treats, go to our website, me [ cheers and applause ] extra, extra. >> read all about it. >> extra. >> we are excited to have the cast of one of the hottest, new musicals here on broadway with us this morning. it's "newsies," based on the true story of the 1899 paper boy strike. it took on pulitzer and willie randolph hertz. let's meet the star of the show jeremy jordan. >> you guys were here at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning? >> oh, yeah. >> this has been a big hit on broadway. >> yeah. >> these shows, sometimes like your show was going to come in as a quick show. and they wanted more. does that happen a lot? >> you know, they brought it in as a limited engagement, you know? it was a cult following, you know, for the film. and so, we weren't really sure how people were going to embrace it. and the fans have sort of called it to broadway. all right. we're going to bring it to the fans. somehow the whole broadway community has started to embrace it. so, we're extending. and like, everyone is coming to the show. we're selling out. it's pretty incredible. people who haven't seen the show or know anything about it, are just loving it. >> you were a part of that. it's a 20-year-old movie. i remember it. and it does lend itself to the stage. >> it came out 20 years ago. '92, i think. people thought it would be a great stage show. but for whatever reason, it never worked. we brought in new people. and suddenly, it's brilliant. >> let's show america what they're missing but can see when they come to new york. >> without further ado, the cast of "newsies," performing one of the hit songs. "seize the day." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ now's the time to seize the day ♪ ♪ now's the time to seize the day ♪ ♪ answer the call and don't delay ♪ ♪ answer the call and don't delay ♪ ♪ if we're uniting let us seize the day ♪ ♪ from harlem look what's begun ♪ ♪ one for all and all for one ♪ ♪ strike, strike strike strike, strike ♪ ♪ >> henry. hey. >> how did he do that? come on. >> hey. ♪ ♪ ♪ now's the time to seize the day ♪ ♪ they're going to see there's hell to pay ♪ ♪ nothing can break us no one can make us ♪ ♪ working for "the times ♪ ♪ one for all and all for one ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ santa fe my old friend ♪ ♪ i can spent my whole life dreaming ♪ ♪ i ain't getting younger i want to start brand-new ♪ ♪ i need space and fresh air ♪ ♪ let them laugh in my face ♪ ♪ i don't care save my space ♪ ♪ this is all i'm asking not some pain in my head ♪ ♪ because i'm dead if i can count on you today ♪ ♪ i got nothing if i ain't got santa fe ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, -- [ cheers and applause ] "newsies." was that a great show or what? >> well done. well done, my friend. seriously. you kimmed it. >> thank you. >> jazz hands. jazz hands. >> and tomorrow we have freebby fridays. we have a chance to mix it up tomorrow. and as always, thanks for watching. ngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngng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good morning i'm kristen sze. the largest ship ever to sail through san francisco bay is set to leave oakland later today. the shipping company's container ship fabiola arrived yesterday 1 1/2 tons longer than the transamerica pyramid is tall. it will head for china carrying containers filled with dried fruit, nuts wine and frozen meat. warm so far. good morning. slow moving cold front mid 50s lots of cloud cover still outside chance of spotty sprinkles due to a cold front that will exit late morning. then partly cloudy and breezy upper 50s san francisco low 60s elsewhere. bay bridge toll not horrible just beyond the end of the parking lot. san mateo bridge looking

Related Keywords

Fremont , California , United States , Louisiana , Alabama , China , Jamaica , San Diego , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , New Orleans , Netherlands , Southern France , France General , France , Dover , Tennessee , Beverly Hills , San Francisco Bay , Hollywood , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , New York , New Hampshire , Oakland , Afghanistan , Kentucky , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Wisconsin , Morgan Hill , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Oregon , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Mississippi , Denver , Colorado , Maine , New Jersey , Jewish School , Bucharest , Bucuresti , Romania , Paris , Rhôalpes , Berlin , Germany , Bermuda , Americans , America , French , Dutch , Romanian , American , Martha Raddatz , Jessica Simpson , Chris Connelly , Gregg Williams , George Zimmerman , Trayvon Martin , Eric Adhd , Donald Kohut , Katy Perry , Kristen Sze , Denise Richards , Eric Thomas , Angelina Jolie , Josh Hutcherson , Scott Peterson , Diane Sawyer , Josh Gary , Lacey Calvert , Lenny Kravitz , Tim Tebow , Al Qaeda , Christa Pike , Rick Santorum , Dan Abrams , Kelly Roland , Deborah Roberts , Sean Payton , Jeremy Lin , Newt Gingrich , David Wright , Jennifer Lawrence , Justin Heflin , Nicole Richie , Carrie Bradshaw , Donald Sutherland , Matt Gutman , Heidi Montag , Mindy Weiss , Los Angeles , Willie Randolph Hertz , Jeb Bush , Wilson Phillips , Shiloh Sheppard , Kim Kardashian , Josh Elliott , John Goodman , Jason Russell , John Doe , David Kerley , Mike Sorrentino ,

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