Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 News At 6PM 20111117

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>> from what i can see, they're being peaceful. we're going to be peaceful. if you want ato arrest us, that is fine but we're going to be peaceful. nonviolent people. >> police are attempting to determine what to do with the set up. and police have been arresting people over the past few minutes. what is going on is that police are clearing demonstrateor as way coming back live. and there is a perimeter here outside of the windows of the bank, where we've been standing. and tried to get protestor as way so they don't continue hanging on windows as police continue arresting those protestors inside of the bank. including some inside of the tents. it's estimated about 10 protestors are taking residence inside of the tent on the floor of the bank. you can see here it's still a relatively peaceful situation. police maintain a primt ter and protestors express disapproval. >> protestors moved next to the state building near the civic center. you can see them on the march this afternoon, feeling new pressure from the city. police moved in to clear out part of the encampment on market street. and vic lee is live with athat part of the story. >> had was the last stop in a series of demonstrations which started at justin herman plaza at about noon today them marched from there to bank of america, then, here to the state building for a peaceful rally. there has been a lot happening since early morning hours. protestors rallied for over an hour, all kauling for the state to provide free education. loud, but peaceful. unlike what happened at bank of america. the state building became a target when the regents cancelled their meeting for fear of violence. this morning police went into the recent encampment. and new arriveals over the weekend set up tents on that block and police took down the tents, saying that they have become a safety concern and infringed on walking space. this afternoon, mayor had the third meeting with representatives of the protestors. afterwards, the mayor made an ultimatum. >> changes in the occupier's presence there. and their willingness to cooperate with conditions we've set out. we're giving them an opportunity to demonstrate that. we'll see what happens. and i need to see demonstrations of that today. >> representatives say the camp is overcrowded. >> the demands on sanitation and food safety. possibility people can transmit both respiratory infections is a concern. >> representatives say they're getting the message. >> and i didn't hear or else burke at the same time, i'm going to continue to be wary. >> there are mixed messages and exhausted people is a set up. it's a set up for going in and raiding this camp. >> so you can tell the patience is wearing thin. protestors say they're willing to clean up the place and willing to meet certain demands but not willing to take down tents nor willing to reduce the size of the encampment. so this looks like there is a stale tate. and looks like something will happen soon. vic lee abc 7 news. >> yes. it does. thank you. >> and we're learning more about the man brought a gun on to the uc berkeley campus today. police say they shot and killed christopher travis after he threatened them at the hass school of business. we're live from the campus tonight. mark? >> chris was a first semester student transfering over from fremont. he was an honor student. he was not well known here but was very well known at allied barton, a security company where he worked as a security guard. the company got so much of the story they used it in a promotional video. here is a clip. >> putting on a uniform, having a true purpose and surrounded by people who believed in him. chris knows with hard work, anything is possible. and chris states i want to learn more, do more to make this world better. and there is another video tonight, one of the shooting. and caught on closed circuit television systems, the campus police margo bennett says the video from the system confirms what the officers and the witnesses reported. >> mr. travis pulled a weapon. officers pulled their weapons and told them drop the gun and repeated him to drop weapons. he pointed weapons at officers and one officer shot multiple times, hitting travis multiple times. he was transported to highland hospital and later died from injuries. >> captain bennett told reporters some people had come forward to say behavior changed. and travis taking under grad classes here and reportedly wanted a career in international business. hoping for an internship at united nations. police say they have no idea what caused him to bring a loaded weapon to campus and point it at police, there were nine students in the computer lab and four officers when this happened. the dean of the school tells me that students are being offered psychological counseling to help them cope with what happened. at the berkeley school, mark matthews abc 7 news. >> thank you. and in antioch police are investigating a fatal shooting. a man they say was a danger and warned before they took him out. for some, it's a case of excessive force. but for others, it's an example of a community eaten apart by violence. >> antioch police killed a 33-year-old josh peterson in this garage last month. >> there was overkill. and it just tore my heart up. >> shootings have become common place here on lemon tree court. car rena says crime has melted away the very fabric that once made this a thriving neighborhood. >> usually we just keep to ourselves and don't communicate with people around here. >> skm pierr skpe. his family live next door and live in fear of being shot. >> someone getting killed right there. it's enough to traumatize a kid. you know? bad enough on tv. and this is bad. >> there are security cameras installed a year ago. there is a police force, neighbors say that has not been enough to stop all of the violence. some neighbors say they've become desense tiesed to violence. >> i shouldn't get used to it. but moving from one bad neighborhood to another, you know? that is the only thing you can do. >> a psychologist says crime witnesses can suffer from the syndrome. >> it's like living in baghdad during the war. or... some area of combat. and this is not that you get used to it. you don't. >> police saying the investigation is still ongoing. in antioch abc 7 news. >> and when we come back here tonight, san francisco art project cancelled today because artist once killed a dog. >> and a discovery on one of the moons of jupiter. do you know there is more water there, then on earth? >> underwater robots embarking on a journey into this final frontier. >> and high pressure is moving out. and cold showers moving n at least close. i'm spencer christian and will ha [ female announcer ] what's so great about jcpcash? no exclusions! with jcp cash get 10, 15 or $20 off...storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. no exclusions! with jcp cash get 10, 15 or $20 off...storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off exclusions! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. it's perhaps not surprising in a city known for having more dogs than children there is a heated controversy over a plan to give two lucrative contracts to a man who killed a dog and called it art. the art commission made a split decision today whether to reverse those deals. >> what we're arguing about is the nature of quality of the art work. and this in this case, we're talking about the nature of the artist. himself. >> the chair of the arts commission says it's unprecedented. art is bronze sculptures like these. the artist is a 59-year-old from new york he shot and killed a dog 34 years ago as a film project. commissioners were unware when awarding him two city contracts. worth $1.4 million for work on the central subway project and sf general hospital. >> to me, animal abuse is tantamount to child abuse. >> the head of dog pack is a political group of dog lovers. among considerate yeks at a hearing today who pushed to have contracts revoked. >> this man is the michael vick of the art world. >> could the creator make amendments? the director of the animal care ask contrailer department is taking a lot of heat after sending this leter to the commission. saying she believes he is interested in making amendments. perhaps through fund raising or education projects. >> this is a city cares about giving people second chances. i think he has an opportunity here, we have an opportunity here. and this is to try to repair the arm. >> he has expressed remorse but now will pay a price. the commissioner ended up making a split decision. the deal for the subway project has been cancelled but the city paid the artist half of the contract contract. $365,000. so that project continues. in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> and cal state university trustees ignored protests today and approved a 9% increase. dozens marched outside the meeting in hopes of shutting it down. and at one point using pepper spray. at least two officers were cut by flifing glass. in the end, trustees voted to increase annual tuition to roughly $7,000 a year, officials say it's necessary because of cuts in state spending. >> more deep cuts could be coming soon to california's higher education system and this independentan lift office says california's budget expected to fall short this fiscal year, triggering about $2 kbrinl in spending cuts on january 1. the uc and csu systems face $100 million in cuts. public schools, prisons and libraries would also be slashed. >> this is not the final determination. in december, the department of finance will have their own revenue forecast and compare their was ours. higher of the two will dictate the amounts. >> it would reports the state will face a budget gap next year. >> ask a major announcement that changes are focused in the search for life in outer space. excitement is about a moon not a planet but a quarter size of earth. there is wayne freedman with why jupiter's moon has become tantalizing. >> today's announcement brings another word to find. you're yeeka. the confirmation of fluid water just beneath of surface of jupiter's moon. >> we're talking not fresh water out of the tap but thinking about liquid water. >> and this is probably salty. >> the with aer show exchanges heat with ice forming cold lakes as large as some of our great lakes just a few hundred feet beneath the surface. images confirmed the data taken in 1999. what you can see are areas of ice chests. if a form of life exists it's potentially within reach new. >> would you bet $100 there is live on europea? >> i put $100 down. >> would you put $100 down there is live on mars? >> no. >> in other words, man kind has a new best possible target for life, elsewhere. the equivalent of columbus discovering the new world. if life is there, it probably formed on its own. we have first evidence of a second again sis of life elsewhere. and it happened this close? they'd also suggest life is common throughout the yuners. >> next question, how do we find out? nasack ya looking into a mission mapping europea with a ground penetrating radar. 10 years for that, then 10 more to build a space craft, attempt to land there and take a sip. >> and a sip with a big space straw. >> that is wild. >> and there may be wine there as well. >> you can only hope, spencer. >> and let's talk about weather, shall we? there is a cool down coming in. there is a live view from our mount tam camera looking on to bay and city by the way. mainly clear and turning cooler evening. let's take a look at what a mild day we've had. highs 70 degrees at fairfield. 71 in livermore. there is mid-60s around the bay z there is concord and livermore, 62 and there is foggy conditions and a chance of showers tomorrow. we expect them to be light and mainly into the north bay, colder with showers likely on friday. once again, showers looking like they'll be on the light side, friday. in the atmosphere, high pressure now moving out z as it does so, making room for a pool of cold air, showers in this pool of cold air headed into our direction. so there is some clouds thickening up north. then, by early afternoon, we'll see first showers developing into the north bay. and there is showers scattering through other parts. light showers what we're expecting here late afternoon, early evening tomorrow, then, cure during overnight hours, quieting down douchblt 5:00 friday morning we'll be mainly dry z later in the day we'll see nor scattered showers passing through the bay area and there is a focus on light showers by 5:00 friday afternoon, we can expect rainfall totals to range from just a trace in some areas to only about 15/100ths in others so not a big rain event. and there is at 4:00 to 7:00 there may be sich to 10 inches of new snow. and there is back to the bay area, lows mainly into mid-40s and low to mid-40s for the most part. there is some upper 40s, tomorrow, highs upper. >>s into north bay to only low 60s and monterey bay, rain take longer to arrive will be milder and drier. highs into low to mid-60s. here is the accu-weather forecast. there are showers more likely to hit the bay area friday. and there is a sort of a hit and or miss pattern now. it may produce significant rainfall late saturday into sunday. that is when we're likely to get actual steady rain. >> thank you. >> coming up next, obama administration defends a bad loan to a fremont solar company. >> a congressional confrontation coming up [ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868. energy secretary is taking responsibility for a government loan guarantee to solyndra. the solar cap in fremont. taxpayers on the hook for $500 million because of the failure, hsu is a nobel prize winner and is scheduled to testify on capitol hill tomorrow. and according to excerpts of the testimony, he believes the government must continue to provide financial support for clean energy technology. the loan he says was subject to scrutiny and healthy debate and adds i did not make any decision based on political considerations. >> in tonight's money matters oil price goes up while stock prices go down. and crude oil futures are at a high and gas prices are expected to continue going up. stocks went into another direction today. and a ratings agency predicted more trouble for u.s. bank ftz european debt crisis gets worse bay area homes sales rose and prisz fell nearly twice as much. median price in october $350,000, lowest in eight months. the positive news is that manufacturing rose at the fastest pace in three months, consumer price goesing down, not up. and it's still a ways off, sentiment among, way off, rather, sentiment among home builders at the highest point in 18 months time. 50 and new at 6:30 jamaican lottery cam. -- scam. >> took the last bit of money i had. >> she fell victim to it. authorities almost powerless to stop it. >> from the i team, what you should do congratulations you've won the lottery. >> it's a call many of us dream of. before you try to collect winnings you're going to want to see this report. >> dan noyes is here with information on phone call that's are really too good to be true. dan? >> it always is, right? people we spoke with for the story said they feel their homes are being invaded by calls promising a fortune soon turning into harassment. one woman called 33 times in one day. >> one, two, three. >> the phone calls seemed to never stop for carol. >> now, i'm sick ask tired of them calling. >> since september, she has been getting calls from strangers telling her she won the lottery. all she had to do to claim the braise priz was go and load money on green dot money pack cards. she did. putting $300 on the cards. >> i scratched off the back of it. gave them the numbers off of it. and then, later on that night i thought well i'm going to call and see if the reason is -- money is still there. they told me there is no money there. >> no money left on the green dot money packs. no real winnings. >> i'm in tears. they took the last bit of money i had. i told them that was the last money i had. my husband just died. >> her husband died of cancer days before the calls began. without her husband's income, she had little money and was being forced to move then she got the call. >> i was happy and i thought the lord blessed me. >> rhonda has been getting calls too. >> i was official winner for september. and as a $5 million prize. he instructed me to go to cvs and purchase for $500 a green dot cvs pay pack card. >> ryan didn't get the card but does have these. recordings of a man calling himself mr. white outlining the scam. >> this is mr. white. if you do this, make this payment you won't be regretting it. because you'll be a happy lady for the rest of your life. >> on one recording he claims to be headed to her house. >> give me a call, we're on our way to get there. give us a call so we can get that money pack. okay? >> i wonder where my safety lies. >> the number calls them have a jamaican area code. one law enforcement official in jamaica claims the scams bring $300 million into that country by the end of the year and says something has to be done before there are more victims. >> i think that the government ought to step in, mind out what is going on in jamaica, that they're taking so many peoples' money here. >> etc. fraud against a u.s. citizen. that is important to us. >> the secret service agent in charge says these scams are hard to bust outside of the united states. >> when dealing with a foreign government or pursuing a foreign citizen, it's difficult because you don't have as much control as you would as you're getting in the united states. >> many times it's up to the foreign governments to crack down like a raid that netted over 30 arrests, cash and numerous cell phones used in the scams. and the secret service is now investigating. we decided to call mr. white. >> we have several people here in the bay area who say you called them to tell them that they won the lottery. aren't you just really taking peoples' money? >> no. >> so they won the lottery? >> oh, he hung up we wanted to give mr. white another chance. >> hello? >> i think we somehow got disconnected. so... >> no. it's -- . >> in what way are these people lottery winners? did they win the lottery? are you working for a lottery? >> and that is exactly what experts say you should do when you get the calls, just hang up. we contacted them about the money packs used and they say they warned their customers. you can read the statement at abc 7 and and there is an incredible amount of money they're bringing in. >> just insane people give money to someone calling like that. just hang up the phone. >> they're ruthless too,. >> they are. >> thank you. >> and there is another story, a man wanted for two bombings in the east bay may have been spotted on the east coast. the fbi is focusing its search in the springfield, massachusetts area. he is an animal rights activist expected of setting off a bomb in emeryville, another outside of the shackly company in pleasanton in 2003. and the latest tip about the possible location came following a television show. >> this is a result of publicity resulted to be credible and viable. it's going to be following up and pursuing. >> the fbi is offering a $250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest. >> and make it 16 times for charles tex watson. former right hand man for charles manson denied parole for the 16th time this afternoon, convicted of the tate-labianca murders. watson tried to make amendments at the hearing. >> i know i devastated your lives by causing such unimaginable tragedy anding aony. for this i apologize. >> this is devastating to listen how a college degree and self help groups and victims outreach are weighed against the value miff husband's life. >> watson has been a model prisoner and founded a ministry. the parole board denied the appeal in only 30 minutes. and you must wait five years before seeking another parole hearing. >> coming up next an underwater voyage across the pacific. >> robots set to explore earth's final frontier. stay with us. a high tech experiment will get underway sending robots across the pacific on a mission. the story you'll see only on 7. >> these four robots are about to embrk on an historic voyage. >> it's one of the reasons we named them after great explorers. they're going to do things never done before. >> they're called wave gliders measuring weather conditions and other data. the sensors will be powered by solar panels and robots propelled by ocean waves. >> that constant flapping is almost like a swimmer and it's continuous. you always have forward propulsion. >> here is a view of how it works. a motivation device carries sensors and a tethered submarine provides a propulsion. it's a true robot traveling and collecting data on its own, sending back data every 10 minutes. and however, human intervention is possible if there is a ship on a collision course. >> large vessels will transmit and wool see them coming so we'll be able to avoid them. >> another threat comes from hungry sharks. they'll move in formation to hawaii, then splitting into areas. it's a voyage of 300 days and 35,000 miles. >> if and when it gets to hawaii it will set a world record for longest voyage made by an ocean robot. the scientific community has been challenged to find the best use for data. >> so far the scientific community look at this huge amount of data from this ocean crossing and tell us this is what it means, that is what we're looking for. >> in sunnyvale, abc 7 news. >> tonight the newly empowered women of sierra leone. >> and improvements they're [ female announcer ] at jcpenney, you don't have to wait for black friday... ...start your holiday shopping this saturday! find 50% off all her favorite worthington styles... ...60% off j. ferrar looks he'll love... ...50 to 65% off sleepwear... ... and an extra 15% off gold jewelry, already 70% off! plus, with jcpcash get 10, 15 or $20 off! no exclusions! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. advances for women have been slow to come but in a recent trip we witnessed how women are helping the nation of sierra leone rise from the ashes of civil war. in the rural country side, rice is the primary crop used to sustain the people. in many communities there isn't enough. with many hungry children there is nothing extra to bring to the markets this that sprout from town centers every saturday. and little money to buy what vendors have to sell. another staple is a root similar to sweet potato. it's grown in fields often tended by women. >> this is mainly tended to by women. >> catherine overseas more than 60 villages with world vision and turned to the internet in search of a way to maximize the potential of the root w a grant she set out to train local women. >> i encourage them, i give them a lot of hope. and actually we think and the idea of using kasaba. >> that grant covered the doft of a agricultural trainer this, is the result. the womens' cooperative. villagers process it into different products. >> this is a b-52 called chips. >> he says finished products are competitive. >> so we set up a community. they go again to buy anything and there is success arouing them to open a store it changed lives before this time, it's for children to get food to go to school was a problem. now, they can keep this produce. >> community members met us to show us a strong box. and this is a local savings and loan. >> if you want to do that, you can take a note from there. >> this empowered women to start small businesses and trade goods and step forward into roles within their community. changing dynamic first, and perhaps in the country itself. >> that is the dream of the country. the vision for every woman, now. we have realized if we empower the wip, the fewer of the country lies in the hands of the women. they still face challenges we might view as terrifying. there are efforts to end practice that's could put young womens' lives in danger. if you'd like to join the challenge go to our web site. and you'll learn how you can make a difference. >> first american astronaut to orbit the earth honored in washington today. john glenn and neil armstrong were presented with the congressional gold medal on capitol hill. the first nasa astronauts to receive this. and there is spencer christian here. >> changes coming our way. big change. there is a live view this afternoon. there is a time lapse view looking northward towards golden gate. there is low clouds and fog and areas of fog along the coast. there is high pressure giving way to an area of cold showers. this arriving by tomorrow. tomorrow, we'll see what happens light showers, cool there with highs mainly into low 60s. here is the accu-weather forecast. there is a chance of showers tomorrow, followed by showers likely across the bay area on friday. and more rain likely saturday night sunday morning and cold monday morning and dry monday, tuesday, before the next chance of rain next week. and the food drive is underway. if you can give 35 thanksgiving meals we'll mention your name on 6:00 news. here are teesd donors. robert wahl and william and sharon all gave 100 meals, david j skimmer, 50 meals and ceva lodgistics sfo, and that is a total of 8425 meals. thank you for your generous donations. and to donate call your local food bank. your donations are needed and appreciated. >> absolutely. >> and up next one of the oldest big-game tradition autos player that's got roasted. >> one of them didn't go to cal or stanford. stay with us. ir join me tonight at 9:00, coming up a new triktive for the united states and decision about military spending and sending troops to australia. >> then at 11:00 gold prices on the rise. perhaps you've considered selling pieces that you no longer use. michael finney explains how to get the best price. its coming up at 9:00 and 11:00. >> and we'll see you then. >> larry is such an impressive season. >> yes. red and gold. >> yes. >> those are the colors heading into winter. 49ers have gone to suddenly serious playoff contenders. the win got everybody's attention. next up is arizona. there is alex smith much more confident now and gym harbaugh's offense giving a chance to succeed. >> they're playing with more attitude thachl helps me out in making a decision and there is a couple times he could have brought to it delaney walker who made big plays for us down the stretch. >> and cars yn palmer said the win thursday night was big for a couple reasons. the victory was rated first place. that is important. gave them extra days to rest. they'll be taking on a struggling vikings team. >> there is a good chance to play in a physical decision. >> i'm glad we're guessing testimony. >> it's the tenth oldest college football rivalry in the nation. and is this saturday and they took part in the 62 annual guardsman lunchen. and cal coach has won seven big games in nine tries for david shaw, this will be his first. >> being a bay area kid sh i know what this game means. i know you guys are ready to go. and the build up throughout the week is a great tradition. a great, healthy tradition. i've been a part of others that are newscasty. but this, at least i think this is a healthy tradition. i don't know. you know? what you think about it. >> this is healthy. one of the highlights is the bay area comedian just crushing everybody. and here is a sample. >> andrew luck has 29 touchdown passes and can stand in a pocket longer than a kardashian marriage. and bears featuring two guys raised by the first dad. the most-fear add tack since the menendez brothers, ladies and gentlemen. now we're sensitive? okay. great. okay. and the giants have been active this off season. in fact, brian sapien is on the phone with venezuelan kidnappers to see if there is any interest in barry zito. >> it's tluf year. >> that is this edition of abc 7 news. >> we'll see you later this evening. >> have a good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants-- a fund-raising consultant from san francisco, california... a retired high school math teacher from mount vernon, new york... and our returning champion-- a historical researcher and writer from middletown, connecticut... whose 1-day cash winnings total...

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