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We have a kind of a. Show about anyway. Monday. San Francisco. Good afternoon. And this news update sponsored by honey baked ham a $15000.00 reward is being offered for tips leading to the rest of the 2 suspects who shot to death for manage a weekend party in Fresno officers also released photos of the 4 victims who were shot Sunday in a back yard while watching football. Gunman entered the home through an unlocked gate and opened fire on people former national security adviser John Bolton has returned to Twitter and White House correspondent Caitlin Collins says Bolton is accusing the White House in a tweet of blocking access to his personal account over fear of what he might say this is all more interesting not just because people have been missing John Bolton's tweets but also because he is not speaking on Capitol Hill even though his attorney teased that he has a potentially explosive information that those Democratic investigators over on Capitol Hill do not know yet about what is at the center of this in this pressure campaign. President was asked by Fox News whether the White House has frozen Bolton's account he said no it's buyer beware when shopping online over the Thanksgiving holiday Here's correspondent and Kate's searchers at Princeton and the University of Chicago examined $53000.00 product pages from $11000.00 shopping sites and found that 11 percent use what are known as dark patterns including fake notifications and an item is nearly sold out and timers are urging consumers to make a selection before a flash sale ends one of the studies co-authors tells The Wall Street. I know that some tailors are trying to get you to make a decision they want by counting on shoppers to make an emotional decision and she adds that it also applies to travel websites mobile phone apps and other online venues I-Man Cates this Thanksgiving come home with Honey Baked Ham It's easier than ever with speedier service and longer store hours to order online or find a nearby store go to shop Honey Baked dot com And mark me out as a check on the road including a crash on 80 next. Is it possible that during retirement you might outlive your money Hi I'm Rick Adelman join us at our Edelman Financial Engines free live event 3 keys to retirement planning social security estate planning and investing for retirement you'll learn how to get the biggest benefits from Social Security how to avoid probate and make sure your assets go to your spouse and kids the way you want and most importantly you'll discover 3 key strategies that you need to manage your investments to help ensure you never run out of money so you can enjoy peace of mind in retirement Social Security estate planning and investing for retirement you'll get all this free live event Tuesday December 3rd in Walnut Creek Wednesday in Santa Clara Thursday in San Rafael everything noon or 6 30 pm register at Ric Edelman dot com That's Rice Delman dot com or call us at AAA 8 plan Rick that's triple 8 plan Rick. Traffic time on k.g.s. Sponsored by Ponderosa home. For the children auto body traffic death watch out for delays in the East Bay on this terrible freeway you got a crash was spelled on 80 right before the maze partly blocking the left lane that's got you back up to Golden Gate field was built on 580 near Harrison in Oakland a stall in Lane Number 2 you're back up to 14 to ave eastbound for just east of 680 in Concord It's a crash in the right lane with traffic pretty solid. Out of Martinez Morello southbound 8866 in Oakland a new collision in the right lane the back of there to 23rd Avenue on your approach to the Richmond standard fell bridge west of the toll plaza we're getting word of a wreck in the left lane to starting a backup there there's no toll plaza delay but it remained pretty slow coming off the West Nile Bay Bridge Explorer Ponderosa homes visit Rose Ave estates near downtown Pleasanton Sycamore all Valley trails in Pleasanton Redhawk in Danville in newly opened Ponderosa at a listener or a ranch make your new home a Ponderosa home go to Ponderosa Homes dot com California dearie number 01257567 sunny day to day upper fifty's of the upper sixty's warmer for this weekend inland with temperatures in the low seventy's breezy conditions will raise the fire concerns on Monday we expect moderate rain on Tuesday with cold showers Wednesday and on Thanksgiving. Don't miss calls friends and family say I'll take an extra 25 percent off save on family Jamey's women sweaters $2250.00 and under and save on select continue unchecked plus snap a free picture with the answer to that date from one to 3 and get a free get new get at return this holiday and select styles 25 percent offer valid number 22 to one for good friends and there's the one you were childless supplies last storm post comfort details. Diabetes high blood pressure and anxiety meds everyone's on them if you're a 50 year old male maybe a big beefy or even with type 2 diabetes a $1000000.00 of Term insurance may only cost you about 200 bucks a month affordable term life insurance is out there called term provider and speak with big blue at 804811458804811458 or visit Big Blue dot com Remember Big lose like you he's on meds too this is just in showing. You can now listen at home by simply saying Google. 10 years prior. And this has been quite a week I mean we've had to think a lot we've got to pay attention a lot we've had a lot we've had to talk a lot we've had to debate a lot. But I'm exhausted and of course next week is Thanksgiving week I know a lot of you are already going to take off early today you're going to take the entire week next week and why now I mean for most businesses you're closed on Thursday and Friday so why not get an entire week off by taking off Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I'm jealous I'll be here Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I will not be here on Thursday and Friday but you know I have a wonderful wonderful time and we've got lots of shows that will be pursuing we've got some great guests who are going to join us next week but now I do want to say that for today we have an abbreviated show because there's a basketball game that's coming up at the pre-game show starts here on $130.00 this afternoon so I'll only be here for another hour and 20 minutes Tim seekers going to be joining us at the bottom of this hour and we're going to talk about movies you know this holiday season every holiday season there are movies that are coming out there are movies that are in the theaters now and movies that are coming up so we're going to have a wonderful conversation with him Sica starting in about when we come back from the news break at the bottom of the hour but right now I thought we would just talk about something light and fun and kind a sort of related to the holiday season that's officially beginning next week and that is recipes from bygone days there was an article today in the Sam Cisco Chronicle Yeah it was on s.f. Gate I kind of have to distinguish because they really are seems like they're different entities now. And the article kind of made me laugh and it made me frown . At the same time it was written by an author a woman who is quite young and she was trying to make recipes from an old cookbook Recipes people just don't make anymore and she was going through this she said she was considering making recipes to take for Thanksgiving you know gift I guess was like a friend's giving where she would be sharing with her friends so she gets this old cookbook and she's looking at these things and I got to say the frowning that I had because some of her experiences were kind of funny but the frowning I had was because her attitude was utterly condescending and I had to wonder about even her cooking skills because she was unable to make a simple aspic and read the directions advising that if she added any fresh vegetables they should be finely chopped Instead she put these huge chunks of green bell pepper in it and she wondered why it didn't work out and somebody said in the people that she was to having test her food said oh my God Look this side collapse it looks like you just dumped a bunch of ketchup on on lettuce Well you know it's not that hard to make a she called it jelly to tomato it was an aspect and and she showed the page in the cookbook that actually had the recipe on it that's why I know she didn't really follow the recipe you know a good aspect taste a little bit like a molded guest spot show now I know she didn't say molded when she referred to dishes like this in the fifty's cookbook she refers to all of them as jellied which I guess is fine that's also condescending since a lot of the recipes actually include that term themselves but I got to tell you aspects can be absolutely delicious. She made fun of the dish that was a molded lobster dish that had it was like a salad a cold lobster salad thing that was molded of course it had man isn't it she made fun of that but I think her problem was that hers didn't set and that's on her because it's not that hard to do if you really follow the directions she also made a Velveeta pineapple salad and she used cubes It called for cubes of Velveeta cheese she couldn't find a block of Velveeta cheese so she use licenses which she mushed together and threw those into the salad and then she was perplexed why the texture of the cheese was so bad well there's 2 things 1st don't mush the cheese together and think that it's the same recipe and why make anything with l.v. To if you don't like especially if you don't like the texture of the Veda and frankly as a side note if you melt Sylvie to cheese with butter and you pour it over hot popcorn it is something every generation can get into because it is delicious and it is hard to stop eating it but I digress and then finally she made a sour cream prune Pai which she did seem to find palatable but too sweet because the recipe calls for a full cup of honey now as I read all of that I was rolling my eyes but here's the thing I mean it was funny it was kind of funny it was sort of funny is condescending but it was funny but I don't I don't like people who just make fun of all recipes up periodically I love making old recipes some that come from my childhood some that I run across my husband has been known to visit flea markets and when he does he picks up all cookbooks for me especially those that were sold at fundraisers you know the kind that I'm talking about where people contribute their personal recipes you often find it from church groups of some sort of church . It's usually a women's group but not always the older ones were you know but not always where a group or a p.t.a. Or any kind of group. It has families involved they sometimes do fundraisers where they put together a cookbook where they just gather recipes people donate their recipes people within the group they put them together and they sell and I love those books I love those books I like to just flip through those books and read the recipes and there are many times when I make those recipes myself now I don't bother making things that look or sound gross or call for ingredients I don't like I mean if I know I don't like Velveeta I'm not going to make a velvet of pineapple salad I also won't make anything with. In part because I really don't know how to buy or prepare eels for cooking and it looks like a lot of work but mostly because I just don't want to but haven't we all haven't you found wonderful potluck recipes for example in one of those books and desserts Oh my God I found a great recipe for Derby Pai in one of those old church cookbooks another one I found the Elvis Presley pound cake then I found a recipe for mashed potato Candy and I was working with a guy he worked here. He was an engineer and he was from Kentucky and he had such a fun Southern drawl from Kentucky and he had been craving. Mashed potato candy and he didn't know anybody who knew how to make it he had never found anybody who could make him something his grandma made be darned if I didn't run across a recipe in one of these cookbooks and I made it for many he was so happy he almost cried I didn't like it but it didn't matter you know it was a fun experience Jean Burns gave me a recipe once for tomato pies that he got out of an old magazine and I still make that tomato pie it's absolutely fantastic There are times I look for recipes to bring to a party appetizers are always great and some of them are really simple like you spread cream cheese on slices of that paper thin dried beef and wrap it around a clean scallion I mean that's really good to get a bunch of those in your relay amount on a plate those are delicious sometimes the appetizer recipes are more time consuming mini cheese biscuits with ham spread come to mind. Casseroles so. I think that people you know back in the fifty's in the forty's and you know whenever these recipes work concocted that people just had a minimal amount of time to spend cooking usually for a pretty big family but there are so many other things to do and so far fewer labor saving devices that particularly women had to help them as they were trying to take care of their families and cleaning cook and do the laundry and everything else and so they put together these amazing casseroles and a lot of these casserole recipes have just been lost to the ages breakfast casseroles have kind of become my favorite because I never imagined that you could make a breakfast casserole my mom never did it until I tasted one and they are absolutely fantastic and for most of those you put them together the night before and you put in the refrigerator then you pop in the oven in the morning in like 45 minutes you've got a smashing breakfast that everyone will love Ok so that's what I have to say but I don't know about you 1st of all did your mom or grandma ever make an aspect. Have you heard of an aspect of these molded salads from the past would about date pruner prove our date Bret or prune bread did you have those Did you like it I think they're amazing and wonderful and very easy to do what kind of recipes from the fifty's or the sixty's or earlier Have you made that maybe they turned up nose as at parties or at dinners but that you really like do you have favorite recipes that other people may scorn and what are they I can tell you this I know there are a lot of people now you know people in this generation I'm talking about teenagers people in their twenty's who seem to disdain gelatin which may be the reason they're not so big on molded salads but they have they think I'm talking about even Jell-O. Jell-O. Salad what is wrong with people Jell-O. Salads are fabulous. Companies one of my favorite yellow salads it's an orange cello and you put grated carrot and pineapple chunks in it and you serve it with Bestfoods mayonnaise on the side of the makes my mouth water now it is so so good but there's a whole generation now who seems to completely reject many my kids did until they started eating artichokes sometimes now they will allow me to put it on a sandwich that I'm making for them and from my childhood one other thing and then I'm going to get to your phone calls at 888-180-8081 extension 0 from my childhood I have a family a 10. From my childhood not right now 5 boys I have 5 brothers 3 girls including me have 2 sisters my mom and my dad were Catholic in as way of explanation our favorite meal was tuna chip casserole tuna chip casseroles camp tuna that's layered with potato chips and your top with this thick white sauce and you flavor it with was to sure sauce and pepper I could never pronounce that sauce by the way it is so good it is so we loved it when we were kids so bad a year ago I made this huge casserole dish of it and took it to a family event while my siblings and I couldn't get enough we absolutely loved it because it was a childhood thing our children thought we were nuts and they wouldn't even try it. So your food experience says Are you making anything unusual for your family feast anything from an old family recipe or no cookbook Have you even found a recipe from an old cook with it ended up becoming a favorite for you and your family do share 808810 is the telephone number 808-0810 I would love to hear from you and one of the things I want to remind you that in the course of this show or get a give away for pairs of tickets to the big game coming up on says Saturday that's this Saturday is it not or is it the following week I think it's the Saturday we'll check on the date I don't have the information in front of me right now but we will be giving away 4 tickets before the show is over the 4 pairs of tickets excuse me the floor the show is over at 130 will be giving away one pair at a time and that's going to be before the show ends at 130 this afternoon right now let's go to the phones we've got Dell calling from Fremont Hey Dell welcome to k.g. . Hello past we haven't talked for forever but I did send you an e-mail recently Oh you dear yes I did look for that because when you replied you sent me a link I replied there you. Was good about Bernie. Anyway I had a call because. This is a hot topic for reading the stuff when I was a kid we were really poor and I really I mean there was a single mom and 2 sons and. We grew up on aid for dependent children Yeah and so to my mom learned her job skill and join the workforce. At any rate so a lot of things for me that are comfort foods are basically you know want to dislike really something that's inexpensive and recently he had me and so anyway. I came across as you were saying I was at a garage sale and I came across an old Betty Crocker book. From probably 19 I think was 1961 and. You know so we were kids in the fifty's and anyway I came across a recipe for Hunt Gary and goulash. And it was you know that was something my mom used to make and so you know major comfort food and so. I set about. Making it and oh my god it tastes it takes as good as an adult as it does that's so great was it the same recipe your mom used I think so that is so fun now can you serve that did you take that to a potluck and did he says you know do you I think people should just stop turning up their noses at things that come from bygone era and give it a shot I think a lot of these I don't think our taste buds have really changed that much I think a lot of this has a Dell great to talk with you I need to take a quick break here and we'll get to more of your telephone calls 808810 you are listening to. Their stance on k g o 810 prescription drugs require an online physician consultation are only available at the physician terms prescriptions appropriate subscription required so much like a full details important information Hey guys good news the outrageously expensive little blue pill is now generic which means you can get the prescription medication to treat e.-d. 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At Amazon this holiday. This is John Green House and if your teeth are stain from coffee tea or smoking power swabs is the answer in 5 minutes you'll see 2 shades whiter teeth and in 7 days 6 shades even better there's no messy strips or trays that you have to leave in your mouth for an hour just swab your teeth for 5 minutes and you're done to try to call 180-679-0969 your bright white smile will have your friends talking about how great you look try a risk free 180-679-0969 that's 180-679-0969 have to do is point. To. The different. From the Westwood One. That. We're making it easier for you to listen at home simply say Google. Once again here's. Ok. We are talking about old recipes that people doubt is are just turning their noses up at and I love them and I love to try them it's new to me and I think they were on to something way back when when they were cooking some of these things I think they're fabulous 8810 is the telephone number let's start with Dionne in American Canyon High Deon Welcome to. Thank you Pat Thank you for taking my call I have a column subject so we found a recipe that my great great used to make. And you actually know my great and I'm sorry my children's great great in a way he has so on but we found her notes and she would always take me she was cooking and she would keep a little box next to her and the 7 in the past of them anyway she made the most amazing but a milk cry and now we're making it and every Thanksgiving we have it is $1000000.00 yet because it's like a custard it comes out. And it always makes an appearance for Thanksgiving and we just it's not Thanksgiving without about a note I want that recipe so how are you going to get me that recipe I need that recipe I need to have. What is what your great great aunt's name or your Great Aunt Corinne Ok. But we're going to instead of just buttermilk pie it's going to be careens buttermilk pie and I know I've heard. E-mail that to me my e-mail address is Pat. Dot com and I want to make sure that it goes up on the Web site what do you think of that. Thank you so much. It's pretty pale proved to it either rises are doesn't it doesn't matter like a. Great no matter what oh that's so good I'm so excited Dionne thank you so much. Ok Happy Thanksgiving and the same to thank you oh that's so great tennis the telephone number let's go to Phil in Arizona Hey Phil welcome to. I Pad because of the errors on a liberal. Here from you yeah we've spoken before and I long long time listener My grandma we call her Ma'am Aussies from Kentucky she can make up piety it was made from sort of crackers and it was a case you could not tell was made from apples and they were poor they grew up very poor Where was it did she is so crackers or Ritz crackers because I know the Ritz company used on the back of their their Ritz box they had what they called a mock apple pie and it used Ritz crackers to she is so crackers or Ritz. Perhaps it was always I was sort of cracked it may. Be correct I don't know ma'am. But every boy case you couldn't tell the difference yet and they grew up with very little money so that's what they had they couldn't afford apples have you ever tried to make them high yourself I have and and again it's not as good as my mother's you know like I hammers to her 150 year old skillet skillet and the fried chicken doesn't taste as good as my mom's but it's cooked Yeah and you know and you've got the memory of memory every time you pull that skillet out Phil I love that I love that story I don't know ma'am I love her too We'll be back you're listening to. There's. A tad. Sounds. To me and I'm making a door and this is news update sponsored by 8 by business phone lines trusted by 1000000 users other words have arrested a 13 year old boy who allegedly threatened to shoot up other students and staff at his Los Angeles area school. Alex via a new way of us says they were notified of the verbal threat which was overheard by other students at Jemison middle school a search of his hometown and a ar 15 style rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition in addition this investigation led detectives to identify the subject Also ahead in this position a rudimentary hand drawn map of the school as well as a list containing of both students and staff members from the school he says the gun had a serial number but was not registered and they don't know how the boy got it being to have appraised the students who overheard the threat for coming forward and preventing a tragedy. Seekers who crossed the border through Arizona are now being bused by immigration authorities to Texas where they can be sent to Mexico to await their u.s. Immigration court hearings the government said it's highly criticized program known informally as remain in Mexico is now in effect across all the southwestern border a Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirms the migrants apprehended in Arizona will be subject to the program called migrant protection protocols the government has forced over 55000 asylum seekers to wait in Mexico and he will Holiday Special has been canceled one that shows a little more skin than Frosty the Snowman Here's. If you're interested we awaiting the annual Victoria's Secret fashion show and I've got some bad news due to slumping t.v. Ratings parent company Elbridge says the yearly long as you're a extravaganza will not be held this holiday season Victoria's Secret was once the destination of all things long. But has been losing customers to companies like American Eagle Outfitters in Riyadh as x. Fenty in addition t.v. Numbers have fallen from 12000000 in 2001 to 3000000 viewers last year it seems people can find other places to see scantily clad women. You're stuck in traffic but your business doesn't have to be getting a by a business phone line and as little as 5 minutes plan started $12.00 but your business in the express lane has an 8 by 8 dot com for your free 30 day trial and Heather is taking a look at the roadways next on. A semi tayo County residents don't fumble your plumbing projects water problems are like a bad often have line everything leaks through and only bad things happen call the experts a county consumer plumbing service and repair group their professional a union for 67 train plumbers the absolute best and they also serve the East Bay communities of Hayward Fremont Castro Valley and Newark 247365 toll free 803783747 it's the best call you will make all season online at plumbing Service dot com Thanks for calling 1800 got junk this is there how can I help you know why they call it Black Friday don't you know why do they call it Black Friday because you're about to go out and buy a. Place to put because the House is already around. Here you have to boy. Do I Do you think I'm calling. I can call 1800. I was expecting it to be a little quieter today on a Friday. But I am wrong. Topaz of the Richmond. Lane one is closed. There and there is then. Accident on the shoulder. 66th Avenue traffic is backed up for downtown Oakland South 6 a day before 4 there's a crash as well as 4 east of the whole interchange is a little messed up but the biggest backup is 2 more in the eastbound direction northbound $680.00 at Birkenau there's an injury accident with traffic backing up to before. And leaving San Francisco for the peninsula there's an injury right south to a connecting to south one on one it's a tight squeeze through that interchange green metering lights that the Bay Bridge honey baked ham is perfect for any size Thanksgiving with speedier service longer store hours and ham starting at just $2999.00 you'll instantly have a fully prepared holiday feast for your family to order online or find a store go to shop Honey Baked dot com This Thanksgiving Don't forget the honey baked ham and it's going to be sunny today will a little bit warmer inland this weekend with temperatures in the low sixty's along the coast low seventy's inland and then the change arrives on Monday the breeze will pick up that increases the fire concerns but we have rain on the way moderate rain on Tuesday with some cold showers on Wednesday and there is a chance of showers on Thanksgiving I'm making. Skills. Training Academy class. It gets so tiresome all those one size fits all prerecorded infomercials about what to do with your money Greg O'Donnell hears you the c.e.o. And founder of a financial group and a respected financial advisor in the Bay Area has become synonymous with on his candid professional insights there Greg O'Donnell financial hour is an authentic local live in on rehearsed radio show covering retirement planning tax strategies Investment Management So tune in and join the conversation the Greg O'Donnell financial hour Saturdays on k g o 8. Time to show continues on k g o h m listen and home by simply saying. You know I don't give a damn. Carol the true. You know where talk show hosts and their listeners desperately trump politics it's time for our stones we claim movie review segment we're free area film critic. I do laugh every time I hear that because I forget that Tim has his own intro down 1st things where is it Hi Tim. Well you know I love the line from men you can't handle the truth Senate Republicans you hear that yeah no law Yeah hey I want to just take care of a little business here before you and I talk about movies and that is I want to tell people we have gotten such a huge response from people by e-mail and by phone about you know my talking about these old recipes if you want to send your recipes to me on via e-mail my e-mail address is so simple it's Pat Radio dot com Send me your favorite recipes give it a title attribute it to someone if you want to and I'll put it all together and we'll publish it we'll do it you know I need at least 100 recipes I don't think based on what I've received so far I don't think that will be hard to do but they should be told House cookies we all have that send me your old recipes you know attributed to somebody in your family something that you guys made that was that you really love that a lot of people probably hate but you know an old recipe and we'll publish it will just make it you know listeners favorite recipes I think that that would be loads of fun at. Radio dot com So Tim we were talking about recipes so. You cook 10. Yeah when I can make the time for it I really like doing it it's so soothing it is it's like a meditation and then a lot of time. The food actually turns out pretty good yeah do you ever make like really old fashioned recipes things that maybe you know what not I'm not into it that much I mean if I had the recipes and I usually don't look at recipes so much I just kind of do my own thing but yeah I know I love to cook maybe when I'm 80 and retired I can take it up seriously but when we put this cookbook together if you have some sort of favorite recipe you make a contribution but I'll make sure you get a copy of it Oh Ok 191 Q I mean and one other thing I need to tell you I think you were hacked because I just caught at 921 this morning so it wasn't just I got a message from you Tim Saeco wrote just sharing something nice with everyone and then it has a link and I'm not from you know that's not for me and you know I get those all the time from from different friends and different people and stuff and I just ignore you know I just delete it right away I can pretty much tell Yeah you have to ignore it Ok let's talk about movies and Ok before I even go to these because I'm so excited to talk with you about Tom Hanks and what you think before we go to those I saw Mr Smith Goes to Washington and so great. Movie before I. Move being who and my husband found it on t.v. And he said you need to watch this movie and I said Sasser watching it I was blown away you know good Tim it is it's a great movie and it's so I'm going to watch it soon again I probably should I sort of need it like a tonic considering everything that's going on. In Washington but yeah it's a superb film I think it was nominated for like 11 Academy Awards back in $1039.00 but that that was the year of Gone With The Wind and Wizard of Oz So it I think it only it won the Oscar for of original screenplay but yeah it made James Stewart a star there's so much energy in that movie to so much truth in that movie. I love that scene and I think this movie should be shown to great school kids because it teaches them a lot about how government works is that saying we're putting our if there is explaining to Jimmy Stewart how a bill is passed and that's it in a nutshell it just tells you about all the mechanics of Washington how how difficult it is how challenging it is and how complicated it is but at the end that's how that's out of my and a lot of corruption creeps into it and how people can get well by it and then force he mounted an absolutely old fashioned filibuster that used to happen right it was really an incredible move I could even believe what I was watching it was it's as old as it is because it will resonate so much about things that are going on today I guess that have always been going on yeah it's one of Frank Capra's great movies he made a string of films in the thirty's and early forty's that are just classics and that's one of them and it's I haven't seen it in a while but I love it I think I think everybody listening should check it out if they haven't already Yeah I showed again and they haven't seen it and he began why not Ok with me about a beautiful day in the neighborhood and because I think Fred Rogers was an amazing person and Tom Hanks very very much Yeah well 1st of all you know there was an excellent documentary that came out last year called Won't you be my neighbor which we talked about on the show we reviewed it in examined in a documentary style way the life in the legacy of Fred Rogers who you know is host of The Children's p.b.s. Television program Mr Rogers' Neighborhood That documentary was a huge success it grossed over something like $22000000.00 and it became the top grossing biographical documentary ever made and then the 12th largest grossing documentary general ever made so it was well received both commercially and critically and we reviewed it on your show this movie that we're about to talk about is a narrative feature film called a beautiful. In the neighborhood which was inspired by this 1908 article can you say Hero which I had never read I had never heard of it was by a journalist called Tom June owed and it was published in Esquire and that's basically Pat what this movie is about it's a dramatization of this cynical award winning journalist played in this movie by Matthew Rees who's got a lot of anger issues and forgiveness issues but who finds his perspective on life transformed after he accepts kind of begrudgingly this assignment to write an Esquire profile of Fred Rogers play here in this would be by Tom Hanks So it's really a story about this writer and his wife and his family and how all of that is altered by this journalists and turning in to be so full sphere of Fred Rogers and I got to tell you this film to me looked a lousy from the trailers but boy was I wrong it's an excellent movie The essence of what is it cheap in this movie I think it's just difficult to capture in a trailer and what that is and what I think the director Mariel Heller who's from the Bay Area by the way and the screenwriters managed to pull off here is a kind of poetic meditation on the effect that Fred Rogers had on the people not only the children but the adults as well with whom he came into contact and it's a beautiful movie it's exclusively directed Tom Hanks we're going to get to him Now at 1st to be honest he seemed annoying you could see the craft of his performance laid bare especially in the beginning had his wheels turning you know the tick tick tick of his trying to capture the spirit the rhythm and the cadence of Fred Rogers his voice persona but his performance does eventually win you over and convince you that he convinces you that he's Fred Rogers and he's quite good and taken as a whole his particular take on Fred Rogers more than works for this movie sconce. And the more I think of it the more I'm impressed by the film because it's got a lot it's got a lot of movie tropes meaning that the set up is very familiar you know bitter man learns the value of love and forgiveness and then becomes personally transformed you can see where this is all going but the overall effect of this particular movie in the way they did at the sum total the effect of this movie is quite artful and soulful and different and at times it's even surreal it's not at all what I expected but I was happily surprised and deeply moved and yeah beautiful day in the neighborhood is a beautiful and so full movie and I cannot recommend it enough it's what a great surprise I'm so happy because I really wanted it to be a good movie and I really want to see it but let me let me ask you this you know this is based on the article in Esquire and the journalist who wrote that article it's actually based on the real journalist yes based on the real Jade's got a different name I can't remember his name in the film but it's based on the article which was a multi-word profile and apparently what the screenwriters did from what I can tell is they took the article and some of the the ways in which it was written and fashioned it into this story about how this guy was transformed by this interview which he really didn't want to do at all yet he was God Fred Rogers that simpleton you know what's the story about him and his transformation you know it's profile you know it said yeah yeah yeah it's basically a story about how this man. Deals with his anger issues I mean that's one so cliched like I said this tropes in this movie that sound talking about it sounds very cliched but it's not he learns how to deal with his feelings which is something you know Mr Rogers always spoke of with the kids that watch the show you know how do you feel you know we all know how ever you feel. It's Ok you know if we can mention it we can manage it he used to say but yet it's about how he deals with those issues because he's got a lot of bitterness towards his father. And how he learns to forgive and it's beautiful it's beautiful and it's again it's really hard to put into words how good this movie is how different it is and how it affected me personally it just was deeply moving I think I think it's going to be up for award consideration now because yeah I mean we need this movie now and again it's different from the documentary The documentary is a you know you know Fred Rogers was born raised this was his background this is you just you kind of get you get the sense even if you don't know who Fred Rogers is the way this movie is written within 10 minutes you understand who he is and the kind of effect he has on people said the director had read that writer for Esquire Tom Juneau Did he participate in writing the story or consulting it all. As far as I know I have no idea I haven't read any pre-press materials on it it was a I don't have their names it was a dual screen writing team that put this together. Citing its playing everywhere right now is it opening today it opens today and it's playing everywhere I think it's paramount distributed so it'll be in all the theaters in very reasonable terrific timing for this film to bring it out just before Thanksgiving during the you know the Thanksgiving season or about so appropriate you know it's so funny there was a scene in the 11 of many delightful moments but when you said Thanksgiving you're reminded me of the scene where they're eating where the Esquire journalist says he's writing this profile Mr Rogers he's a he's out in a restaurant having lunch with Fred Rogers and as Rogers has served his meal the writer asks him because a you a vegetarian and that Fred Rogers or Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers says I just can't seem to imagine eating anything that has a mother. And it was it just that there were little moments like that. Were so sweet and so touching and so well acted by Hanks you know I admit I'm I was totally wrong about what I thought his performance was going to be it's quite exceptional he's he's a real he's he remains one of our great actors what can I say all right that is top of my list right now I'm definitely going to see and I hope to see it this weekend if I can if I can get away I think yeah you know my kids know anything about Mr Rogers are they going to appreciate it yeah they well yeah a guy like I say within 10 minutes he you get it that's how well this movie was written and how well it was directed and how well it was acting up some Let's take a break and we'll come back to him c.k. Is my guest and we are talking about movies Tim's Web site by the way is cellulite . It is it's a lie Dreams dot com Tim yet said because that's right we know if you've got a cellular and it's the Net You may find porn so don't do that so share ideas don't do that I'm not telling you do it don't do that Ok cellular Dreams dot net and of course on Facebook facebook dot com slash Tim secret t i m s i k a we'll be right back on. Tap their stance on k g o 810 Forget about buying Trump s Ukraine to take the blame for 2016 hacking to get Russia off the hook the country they're at war with so why Republicans actually trying to Xenophon they would see the document in testimony a bold Paon bar but they don't and you know why history will judge you maybe people will forgive you but I want to see today at 3. Packages for a living a gas powered Mercedes-Benz sprinter delivers transport people information than this my point is that anything John Rothman's pro con features a big hit let's go pro con pro con I think the president made a great decision to let me get a con state but I am a call and I don't trust a word of the president's mail pro Let's hope that Nobel Prize. Goes took some. Time here I don't have a car and there are a lot of pros in the world there's only one. Job. Let's go down to. The Fisherman's Wharf destination now celebrating over 90 years in business with. Us come experience the rich history of this family run restaurant where the best views accompany the fresh seafood get 2 hours free before 6 pm 3 hours for. San Francisco tradition no wonder so many say let's go down to. 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Listen I'm going to give away some tickets I've got a 4 pack for tickets to the big game the big game is cow Bears versus Stanford it is happening this Saturday it's very trite there. Tomorrow. Coul is going to take on Stanford the game starts at one it will also be heard here live on radio these tickets even though we always hear the cow games these tickets are furnished to us by Stanford So thank you Stanford University right now we'll take college number 8 now listen for the phone number it's not the regular phone number you can win 4 tickets to the big game tomorrow if you are color number 8 to this number 415-995-6810 that's 415-995-6810 All right good luck from me and tim and from all your friends here at and so Tim we don't have much time left because we have to take a commercial break and we must be very successful because we play a lot of commercials. Yeah well that's a good thing yes I guess I mean it's good to be successful but how long do we have . 20 seconds Oh well then we should probably just fill that time up with you and me . All right so we'll come back and we'll talk we've got 3 movies that we definitely want to talk about knives out dolomite is that right dolomite is my name and frozen 2 and so all of those are coming up with a you stick with us you are listening to. This is. Now on Amazon. Good afternoon and I make you mad or Oh and this is news update sponsored by Honey Baked Ham Salinas police say the murder of a woman outside her home was a random act of violence officers say 26 year old Marianna Gerardo was leaving work Tuesday morning when 43 year old Garrett Sheff stabbed her multiple times the woman and her fetus were both pronounced dead at the hospital police arrested shortly afterward on suspicion of 1st degree murder a Korean man who took part in a 60000000 dollar foreign exchange trading scam based in the East Bay has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison prosecutors say John Cage Chung and his codefendant founded 2 companies that promise investors annual returns of up to 36 percent from foreign exchange trading instead the to line their own pockets and then close down the business without warning. President Tom says there's a new development in the Justice Department investigation of the f.b.i. Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. So where it is it's historic That's what the word is that's what I hear in a phone call with Fox and Friends President Trump town of the report from the Justice Department's inspector general expected to be released next month a key focus is whether the f.b.i. Has use of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign adviser Carter page was legal and proper in an a.p. Source says a former f.b.i. Lawyer is being investigated for allegedly altering a document related to that surveillance the president tells Fox and Friends this is spying on my campaign something that has never been done in the history of our country this was an overthrow attempt at the presidency Ben Thomas Washington man about 49000000 people are expected to hit the road for the Thanksgiving holiday this year AAA calls it the 2nd highest Thanksgiving travel volume since they began tracking in 2000.

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