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Does not mean there are no embers just as much as 70 miles an hour and as we've seen in Northern California and experience in past fires here those can pick up and chance transfer the fire miles away sometimes Jim Roope Los Angeles a White House was blasting a House resolution to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Trump Trump administration has been pushing for a vote and public hearings it's as the House process that is' the administration due process that resolution is scheduled to be voted on Thursday. Well the Washington Nationals have tied the World Series after beginning the Houston Astros 72 in Houston overnight like novel sets of deciding game 7 set for tonight for the final moment you national spans who made their way out of Minute Maid Park it was pure excitement stepped up huge like you always does I was by the guys my back you know but I'm out of the whole t.v. Stand by it so we are now a do or die game 7 Houston with home field advantage something nonexistent so far in this series with the visiting team winning every game but according to Astros skipper a.j. Hinge it doesn't take away up the opportunity we have to win the World Series Clayton level Houston the Navy's denied a request for clemency and upheld a military jury sentence that will reduce the rank of a decorated Navy Seal Edward Gallagher invective posing with a dead ISIS captive in Iraq back in 2017. I'm going to have Francis. Geico presents monster counseling Dracula tell me how you're feeling no one understands how lonely these no one will even let me into their house I know but they ignored me. Are you going to meet or. Don't you should see. 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Better Life with Dr Sanjay Gupta. I'd be hard pressed to think of a topic I talk more about these days with my kids and their friends than Baby I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent as the babying epidemic continues to unfold across the country I want to tell you about a recent report that focused on the impact cigarettes can have on your body after just one use scientists say you pan recruited 31 people who had never vapor smoke then asked them to smoke in the cigarette and put them into an m.r.i. They found changes in blood flow in the family artery in the leg after just one use after a few minutes everything normalizes the study's lead author said but if someone baits regularly there's a chance that over time things might not go back to normal as quickly remember these cigarettes have only been around for a few years it's going to be a few more years before we know everything there is to know about that I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. You know a little t. Shirt. Here is my handle when he. Can get us the. Shout at each other. This is Debbie Debbie superstar remembering the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life take time to be a dad today visit fatherhood. By the Us Department of Health and Human Services in the Ad Council it's me your heart high blood pressure is serious and I can quit whenever I want just treat me better after all in this together to get your high blood pressure to a healthy range visit heart dot org slash blood pressure a message from the American Heart Association in the Ad Council looking for uncommon talent to grads of like they're not the typical candidates you're used to but they're exactly who your company meet and ideal fit for entry level positions internships and even mentorships go to graduate life dot org to learn more by the Ad Council agreed. Northern California counties will be affected by the latest. Did today that means people who had the power go out on Saturday and were still getting the lights back on Monday. With the prospect of being in the dark again. In California. Meant to reduce the risk of potentially catastrophic fires. Blocking the main communications. Ours for many in harm's way let's check in with our expert on such matters Lauren Weinstein this is a serious situation Lauren let's check the date where well into the 21st century and we can't keep the power on it's as if we were a 3rd world country in the 20th century the power companies are blacking out millions of people now many of those people have medical conditions they're dependent on power they don't have easy transportation to leave but the executives of those companies their salaries are great so they're paid while the grid rots away and the same kind of situation is why this relates to the cell sites going out because of deregulation the minimum is done to provide backup power for those so sites there's a little bit of battery time sometimes there are generators but if there's a fire they can't get to the cell sites to provide fuel for the generators there was a time when a t.n.t. Back in the Bell System days they were so proud of their commitment to reliable service provisioning services to stay up and natural disasters and emergencies you can go to youtube and you can find films that they produced explaining and bragging really they were so proud of their public service attitude now they deregulated just an excuse to raise rates do the minimum service necessary in many areas many of the large telephone companies have ripped out all their old copper telephone circuits which provided the most reliable service Oh yeah all the old landlines could wind up pots landlines they're powered from the central office so there they are essentially a 1000000 to the kinds of power cuts we're talking about now I recommend that anyone who can still get them get at least one landline in your home a copper landline because the 1st thing that goes down the 1st things that go down into the natural disaster are other kinds of emergencies the cell sites go down the cable system. Go down the Internet goes down you don't want to be left that way you got it and the thing that persisted so irritating about this is there have been attempts the path regulations and laws to require reasonable backups for the system the baby 8 hours of power things like that and you can guess how the big companies have reacted to that the big telephone companies they fought them tooth and nail that's how we ended up where we are now on a disaster Lauren thanks always appreciate your input President Trump is again blame the Federal Reserve for holding back the economy saying the u.s. Has unlimited potential he says the Fed doesn't have a clue he tweeted as u.s. Policymakers began the 1st of a 2 day meeting. A top advisor to President Donald Trump on Ukraine testified that after listening to Mr Trump ask your Crane's president to investigate a domestic political rival Joe Biden he was so alarmed that he reported the matter to a White House lawyer out of concern for u.s. National security let's check in with Dr John Curtis about all of this it looks like the House is going to take this to television John but give me your overview Ok my overview is this torch that the act itself of twisting somebodies arm as a president as a secretary of state as anybody in the government with respect to anyone who receives money foreign aid from or military aid whether it's you know for humanitarian reasons or for military reasons the any u.s. Official can strong arm any foreign leader to comply with what it is that the the country wants out of the holding those purse strings and giving that cash to those countries so the premise that pulling or twisting somebodies arm or applying coercion or pressure on a foreign leader is a peach of a fence is preposterous. It's ridiculous that it happens every day how many years have you heard that if the Israelis if Netanyahu doesn't do this or doesn't do that they're going to cut military aid they're going to cut humanitarian aid to Israel it happens all the time so that the the dog and pony show that's going on right now in Congress and I'm behind closed doors I might add with Adam Shift at the head interviewing all these people and getting precisely disastrously what they what they want out of these witnesses is not going to hold that in any kind of a trial it's not going to hold up anywhere there's no alternative witnesses there's no cross-examination Republicans are entirely essentially excluded from the entire process so they're building a case against Trump that is on a stack of cards that is like cotton candy any prosecutor can tear this case apart but the basic premise of the case that the president of United States. Has engaged in a high crime and misdemeanor because he asked a foreign leader about. A potential corruption that went on in the Ukraine that involved a one among 20 presidential candidates son mainly focused on his son Hunter receiving in excess of $150000.00 a month for a 4 year period and that was just in Ukraine not to mention the 1000000000 and a half dollars he walked away with in China because his father was vice president and you know that there are the liberal press is in trouble when they start running stories after this is brought up about meat of the Bidens when they're starting to talk about Eve wanted its dealings and Don Trump and Donald Trump Jr's dealings and this and that they are they know that whatever case they've built against Trump they couldn't get him on obstruction they couldn't get him on Russian collusion their plan all along was to have a strategy to impeach him to guarantee that back shop a could add b. Smirch ing his approval ratings as much as possible before the election to give their candidate that back shot of winning in 2020 so if you want a big picture of really what's gone on this is a continuation of the Russian hopes that that kind of blew up in their face there was the obstruction a hoax that they couldn't really do anything with and now it's suddenly a whistleblower really isn't a whistle blower they're like their whistleblower like Edward Snowden was a whistleblower or like Chelsea Manning was a whistleblower these are people basically partisans who are snooping. And snitching out to get from because they they that you know it's the inside of the f.b.i. That decided you know the strokes and Elisa pages that somehow trump should be president so we're going to do everything we can possible within the f.b.i. At our disposal in the intelligence community to sabotage a presidential campaign in this election and 20 twentieth's could be very interesting John thanks and appreciate your debate with our bloom that we had last week a vaccine which could revolutionize tuberculosis treatment has been unveiled by researchers now let's hope the vaccine will provide long term protection against this disease which kills 1500000 people around the world each year the highly contagious diseases caused by bacteria and the current vaccine is not very effective at all anti inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin can battle major depression effectively and could be a safer alternative than antidepressants according to a new study just remember that folks Up next we're going to talk about when the earth had 2 moons next on coast to coast am. 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And welcome back to coast to coast Ga Nori with you our special guest for the next couple hours Professor Erik Asphaug back with us it was last with me about 8 years ago we're now in Lunar and Planetary Laboratory expert at the University of Arizona Tucson Previously he was the Ronald agree Leach chairperson of planetary sciences at Arizona State University professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at u.c. Santa Cruz as well the 1st mission. He worked on was the Galileo the flagship that had been launched when he was teaching high school and was approaching the Jupiter system when he started his post-doctorate at NASA He has since been on the science teams of several past and present missions to the moon and might replace minor planets as well Eric welcome back it is a really been 8 years you know I was trying to remember George and I remember that phone call really well and enjoy your show a lot thank you and I guess it has been 8 years and we're getting we don't get any older my gosh you're right and let's not let 8 more years go by after this before we get you back on again Eric agreed great book Earth had 2 moons fascinating I mean I could put it down interesting theory let's that was 1st of all talk a little bit about what's going on in the world of science and we'll get into your work creating a very big way here anything revolutionary going on these days well you know we're at this point where we've. The industrial revolution is kind of lead to bigger and bigger telescopes you know like the gravity wave monitors in space telescopes that are bigger than your house and you know so we're like at this cusp it's very interesting you know we're at this point where we're starting to observe things that we've never seen before and. You know and it sparks the curiosity because we're not really you know our brains are wired to handle a lot of a lot of change with reality year by year but I guess the biggest news is just all the planets that we know of. Something like 4000 of them now are you believe are on life after I am I am actually glad. That they visited us well you know there I'm. As a scientist my day job is to be a skeptic Ok and nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that because if there weren't skeptics you'd never know what the truth was right. It's like if a defendant if the murderer doesn't have a. Good lawyer you will know for sure that he was a murderer right lots of strange things going on up there or you know I check it all out I mean not all of it I the Nimitz videos Oh my God Yeah yeah these these are quite interesting to me and. You know I should say that most Well the response of scientists is usually either a knee jerk reaction to discount all of that. You know and say that it always turns out to be something else which usually is the case most most things do turn out to be something else but then the other side you're starting to see more and more scientists look at these things with a little bit of an open eye. You know for example the Nimitz videos from the from the fighter jets and then this asteroid muumuu or. Interstellar or whatever it is whatever that is and you have people like the chairman of astronomy at Harvard University writing a serious paper on that this thing could have been a piece of an alien spaceship which is fascinating and they call it a Dyson sphere and God who knows what this thing could be it's probably a big old space rock but you know what the imagination does wonders doesn't it. Now you know the title of this book of course is when the earth had 2 moons which tells me that you think we had 2 moons what happened well it's kind of an evocative title you know if it's meant to sell books. Well you're doing a good job with that and and the notion of 2 moons we had this theory that we published gosh in 2011 I guess it was and. Thinking it's still in an unsolved mystery why does the moon have 2 sides we have a near side that everybody stares at every night except for tonight it's a new moon you can only see the you could just barely see the crescent exactly how people were observing it and. But the man in the moon the money rabbit in the moon whatever you call it from whatever culture these are all big lava flows that have filled in all these low basins and it's all this dark assault all over the near side and then in 1059 was the 1st time humans had ever seen the far side thanks to a robotic missions sent by the Russians in 1959 to Luna 3. Mission and. You don't see any of that stuff you just see high mountains and then subsequent missions showed that the far side of the moon the crust is about 20 miles sticker than the crust is on the near side and so we came up with kind of a you know it's kind of a crazy idea but all the pieces fit together really well that the moon is actually 2 moons that collided and one of the moons splattered against the other kind of like 2 snowballs spotted together he is the 2nd moon totally encompassed by what needs a 1st moon or did the parts of these fragments fly off into space somewhere it would be kind of like a pie in the face the physics of it's about the exact same physics it was kind of funny because you think about things as. One thing it's another in planetary science and you're supposed to think I'm going to make an impact crater or I'm going to demolish it but here if you have 2 moons orbiting around the earth and they actually do collide which which basically means their orbits went unstable and they got in trouble and they hit each other. You know these collision all velocities are pretty slow and so it's kind of like a big landslide or a big car you know pile up it's just all this so the 2nd man just kind of flattens like a pancake and becomes the far side Highlands that becomes all those mountains and so in our theory the far side of the moon really is this other man flattened out and splatted into place what would happen the planet Earth if we didn't have a moon at all that's a great question. I think could be. The most significant effect would be apart from the fact that the impact we think a giant impact made the moon there's a lot of evidence for that and then that probably set the stage for the earth being the kind of planet that is. So the moon being. You know part of the formation process of the earth could could be part of what it makes to have a planet that picks the way that ours ticks you know it has Plate Tectonics it has ocean basins that open up it has this certain composition and certain amount of water we don't know the answer to that for sure but we do know we can play the thought experiment take them in a way discover pick it up put it somewhere else what is the earth do the earth's axis is no longer stabilised you can think of the moon as kind of like a cam wheel or something you know something that sort of stabilizes the rotation and if you took the moon away the earth would actually have seasons that would point all over the place instead of pointing you know the earth's axis is 23 and a half degrees from due north and that gives this spring summer winter and fall as we go around the sun you know the North points towards the sun in the summer the north points away from the sun in the northern winter you might have times where the North Pole points directly at the sun and the equator of the earth could become the cold part. You know. We'd also lose that gorgeous full moon and would really have a Why gosh you know I mean I think when I said you know there's like a little crescent moon tonight I'll bet you you know like a 3rd of the listeners probably saw it. And you know every every day for me that's the thing that's amazing about the moon is that everybody has some kind of a relationship with the man we we've seen it since we were babies we've you know it's something that's always up there if you're having your worst day ever you can look at the moon there it is it's never going to change sort of follows you around so I think it's a very potent thing for the human psyche pencil 1st thing I looked at with a telescope that my parents bought me they bought me a little 3 inch refractor when I was a kid in the owner of the telescope shop took my wooden tripod legs painted them black and then took white paint and speckled like little stars and I just never forget it but the 1st thing I looked at was the moon of course and our gosh Eric I mean I had never seen anything so intriguing in all my life I mean I must have been about 10 or 11 years old and you're looking at the moon with this telescope much better than you could with your naked eye and I couldn't believe it I mean looking at those craters and stuff it was just fascinating and I was hooked right after that I mean you go kind of through people who have had that experience with little telescopes I mean that's the experience that you know Galileo had and Robert Hooke and another astronomer was gorgeous hundreds there's something about seeing something 3 times bigger all of a sudden everything that you thought was one way. Isn't this rich or. And the more we work with more and more powerful instruments the richer it all becomes And I looked at Saturn and saw the Rings him that got me to what hold on Eric we're going to take a quick break there will come back and talk more about your work when the earth had 2 moons also did we have a binary star system in the solar system too we'll check in next hour we'll take your phone calls with Eric and I've got Bill from Hartford the amateur astronomer Texting unrolls you into reoccurring automated text message for message data rates may apply come on wherever you got this and there it is nice work if you're a big thanks man I feel better than I have in years and I got to tell you taking New Genesis makes a huge difference for me eugenics that's the testosterone booster with t.v. 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From the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory subs are pre-holiday song Candy all over the place we'll be talking a lot about that with our goals to go show coming up on Thursday so make sure you're part of the program while as you know we've launched the Art Bell vaults and it's exciting for Coast insiders to more shows put in every Wednesday the 2 new ones have to do with the previous ghost to go shows one from 1994 the other from 2004 in other just great and exciting programs so make sure you sign up to be a coast insider a tell you more about that next hour but the full information is out coast to coast am dot com. My brother told me to try to come aboard as I had at the lodge top top condition evil side. 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Promo code fall for 20 percent off your 1st purchase this is coast to coast in an odd key g.o.p. Tune. And welcome back to coast to coast Georgia Nori with you we will take calls next hour with our planetary expert Erik Asphaug and his latest book is called when the earth had 2 moons the subtitle is also important Eric cannibal planets icy Giants dirty comets dreadful orbits in the origins of the night sky let's go through some of those water cannibal planets well get a planet that was sort of a possible alternate title for the book. When you when you look at the Earth that we all live on modern theory is that it was built when. Other planets came together so the earth swallows up these other planets. If you want to find a way back machine back to 4600000000 years ago before there were planets the sun had just been born big pile of gas and dust in the universe from a from a nebula falls onto itself gravitationally and then enough matter gets into one spot that it heats up becomes a star and then you start to make the planets. That are the traditional theories worked of of how to make the planets and what we've what we've ended up with after you know a century of trying to figure this out is that there must have been about 30 or 40 or maybe a 100 planets orbiting the sun. Yeah and so and then these would orbit you know gracefully for some time but when you think about it each planet if it has a close encounter with another one it'll knock its orbit around a little bit and pretty soon things get a little messed up and after you. Wind the clock forward now 10000000 years 20000000. There's $34050.00 about 100000000 years during those 1st 100000000 years you have those 30 planets gobbling each other up until you end up with the 4 terrestrial planets we have today Eric let's take spirituality out of the sea Quezon for just a moment but you know when you look at the universe and the stars in the planets and all this incredible stuff and then our complexity of life on this planet I've got to ask is a planetary scientist what do you think life is I mean what is this I mean and it's it just seems like it's so out of place with the rest of the universe. If you know what is life I mean it's. If it gets to the question of. When people say is there life elsewhere in the cosmos I think most scientists will raise their hand right away saying yes but they but that may be mostly talking about microbes little you know small small bugs single cellular organisms little bacterium and stuff like that a bacteria we've never been able to finda size these things or do this you know we life has to start with some miraculous concoction of the right molecules doing the right things but I think the basic definition of of life there's some kind of the you know self organized. Process that replicates itself and you know I'm not a biologist so biologists doubt there will be I laugh at my definition but but then you kind of go up to this up to scale and you have sentience life and sentient life would be like a chicken or a pig or a worm you know something. And then you have what we call sapient life and sapient is Latin for wisdom and now the you know I guess we're wise and you know people are some sometimes sometimes and and then you know maybe you would keep going up to this scale you know maybe to some creatures out there in the somewhere in the galaxy where about is this sophisticated chickens. But the. The. You know I feel like we're on the cusp in a lot of astronomers feel like we're on the cusp of being able to answer. The question of are we alone in the universe it feels like the timing has come in terms of the types of instruments we have now the amount of intense scrutiny all the data are getting massive radio telescopes are now pointing directly at these planets that have been discovered around us listening to see if we can hear any what we call techno signature you know it's like. You know any any sort of radio stations or laser beams that they might have. You know using for for various things and you mention the Dyson spheres you know Ellie in. Civilizations that are that might be out there. You know it has it has that it has the feeling to me if you go back in time to 1902 we didn't know about any other planets other than our solar system there was. That's not too long ago no no it was like you know just in fairly recent memory and I remember it quite well this sort of sort of scientific skepticism and today it seems remarkable right I mean seems kind of arrogant to think that we'd be the only star of all the 100000000000000000 trillion stars that are out there we'd be the only one that has planets but you know sceptics are skeptics and and the the. And then in 1903 stron emerged they just got the Nobel Prize for this to Swiss astronomers they discovered the 1st what we call an exoplanet and these were the easy ones to find these would be planets the size of Jupiter orbiting about 10 times closer to their star than Mercury orbits the Sun So these these big giant planets that whip around their star every 4 or 5 days getting roasted and baked by the sun and these no nobody had ever seen these before and we actually I should preface that by we we don't actually see the planets we see signatures that they're orbiting their star. And then there was it's this space telescope called Kepler that was launched in the I think was 2005. 5 and it ended the mission around 2000 and. 10 so it operated for about 5 years and it it did one thing only it stared at a pretty random patch of the sky didn't blink it had a certain extremely high pixel count c.c.d. Just like you know your best camera but you know on steroids and just stared at the stars without moving and without blinking for years and then if any of those stars had planets and if those stars happened to have the planets in the same plane so that they would pass in front of their star it would be like a little mini eclipse and the star would get a little bit dimmer. It was a little bit of a gamble but after 3 years of operation suddenly we had 34000 new planets including some that are potentially kind of Earth like and I think that's mind blowing you know that we've gone from a period where we were hard pressed to to to think for sure that there were planets to now to put a number on it there's probably a 100000000000 trillion planets and there's got to be life it's got to be teeming with life Altair Eric. You know I put on my skeptic hat. Just go with percents you know Frank Drake the drink equation it's got to be out there yeah the one thing the one thing we don't know is you know does the development of this little molecule like the d.n.a. Or the r.n.a. Does that take some kind of an event that's one in a quintillion you know right or is it easy if you have the temperature of the water and the right complexity Yeah yeah so I so I feel we're kind of like when it comes to life in the universe I think we might kind of be like we where with the existence of planets back in the ninety's right now all the scientists are being very skeptical it's kind of our job and then you know if some data comes and we get some definite signature of life around some other planet suddenly the whole world's going to change you know we'll we'll be we'll know that we're in a universe that's teeming with life in will and there's a difference between believing it which I actually believe that and knowing it would you say I knew it when they come up with that. Idea you would be surprised I wouldn't be surprised. I'd be really interested in what the human societal response would be and the life could take for it could be like dolphins or whales or shopping who knows. Yeah and the kinds of the kinds of things were. Where you know we tend to you know we grew up on Star Trek and things like that and some of the things in Star Trek and of proving true like now we all have i Pads and we all have cell phones trite you know and then other things where all the planets have these creatures that look just like ours that's probably not true that's a production cost thing you can't have you know you want to go back and put on an alien suit and get on with the show but. You know what what what would be the kind of life and what would what fascinates me is the question of what would be the the most advanced life that's out there yeah exactly but we have these brains that were I developed around a 1000000 years ago we started valving quite a bit hominids and suddenly our brains doubled in size about a 1000000 years ago to make 2000000 to 1000000 years ago and this kind of coincided with the striking plants to make tools out of them and sort of getting this more complex interaction with the universe and then also the ability to kill animals more efficiently to feed ourselves and and so we kind of grew these brains but when you think about it the brain is a pretty burdensome thing. It uses about 30 percent of your body's energy See gotta eat 30 percent more it's this fragile thing on top of your head that you've got to take care of. You know so that's what were the evolutionary advantages I don't you know not stoop to clear other than we're smart and we can do a lot of things but but it's limited by our ability to move around so when you think of what's the smartest creature in the universe it might be this big gigantic sponge like organism at the bottom only a notion that has a brain the size of a house. That's saying what am I doing down here. You know what's so amazing about life too though in order to exist the way we do here on this planet you needed eyes to see you needed a nose to breeze you needed a mouse to eat and we have all these things I mean what kind of a great designer would come up with this it's. You know I'm grateful for all those things. But. He can't be an accident you know I don't think it could be well the one counter to that is you know I'm not an expert on biology but. You know people talk about how the squid has an eyeball that very similar to the human eyeball. If you dissect a squid die and look at it it operates the exact same principle of the human eye and it has a cornea and has a and so the question is you know why would 2 completely different abs develop the same kind of eyes. You know it's sort of who depends what you what you need to to get by what gives you an advantage being able to see but I think there are certain designs that are the most efficient that that that if you believe in evolution you know we have all towards those kinds of those kinds of best situations like there's no 3 legged mammals right you have you either have to actually legged mammals or 4 legged mammals probably because you know couple of times a 3 to 3 legged mammal gets more and it has a hard time running around and doesn't make it but. Taking it to the extreme when you start to think of alien visitors and other. You know coming coming and visiting us what they look like us. If they came from a different planet that had a completely different type of a Vironment like if they came from an ocean planet then I think you'd have these dolphin creatures for instance right handy unfortunately for the dolphins and they had an arms and a thumb they could really be something because I think they might be the smartest mammals out there don't they have the big don't have bigger brains than we do yep they sure do and they're more compassionate than most humans they tolerate my daughter I know that you know yeah you ever see a dolphin attack somebody now they help you out and do exactly exactly we're constantly making new discoveries Eric what's out there that just brings you in you know it's one of those great discoveries that maybe hasn't been publicized too much well for me. I'm I'm waiting for the next great landing because the thing the things that. Have been most memorable to me as a scientist is when I see an image from the surface of another planet Yeah and I think. It was in 1999 or 2000 when. You know maybe like 2005 the Huygens 2005 the Huygens Lander most people probably haven't heard of it but the Cassini mission to Saturn when it flew by Titan now Titan is a gigantic moon of Saturn it's it's the largest moon in the solar system if you include the extent of its atmosphere it's like a planet almost bigger than Mercury it's bigger than Pluto it's. You know twice the size of the moon almost So it's this I would call in a planet I don't think we need to you know parse language too much I'd say Titan is a planet that has lakes the size of the Great Lakes it has rain that the rain is made out of methane and propane. Heat source from within you know it's a big question that's kind of kind of an open question because when when planets form they they. In case all the stuff they were made of and a lot of the stuff that they were made of is radioactive. A lot of your listeners probably have radon detectors too to warn about their radon gas that building up in their house what is radon gas well that's just it your house is built on top of granite granite has uranium in the rock and it breaks down and it releases a little bit of energy which we don't care too much about but it it also releases radon gas which can be toxic. In the case of Titan orbiting Saturn it might have some radioactive elements inside it given a heat source. It also orbiting Saturn it has a slightly eccentric orbit which means it comes a little bit closer and then a little bit farther in the little bit closer to Saturn every time it orbits Every How did it get captured Well you know the Saturn system is such a big weird mystery I'd say the Saturn system is is the thing that if I had to pick one planet to study I'd say that's the that's the system to try to figure out because it has so many puzzles interconnected. You know. The fairy for how giant planets get there moons is is one of kind of like a mini solar system. The giant planet forms kind of like kind of like the sun formed the gas in the dust in the disk around the sun starts to coalesce into a blob and that blob has maybe a 100 times the mass of the earth you know Saturn's about $100.00 times the mass of the earth and so you have this enormous. Ball of gas dust ice rock forming a big gas giant It's not big enough to to heat create enough heat and pressure to ignite with Fusion which is what makes the sun so bright but it becomes this big ball and then around it is are these discs of dust and gas and those accumulate to form the satellites. We think it's a common process which is very important actually because if you're looking for habitable worlds places where there might be life in our solar system there's you know 2 candidates besides the earth where we are really interested in looking for life one is on Mars because it's the most Earth like. Have the most Earth like features and there was all this evidence of water flowing on the surface and then you have these moons around the giant planets Titan around Saturn and Europa around Jupiter and these are heated from the inside and they're coated in ice. So if you and the heat source is probably caused by this the tide that rises and falls and rises and falls every time it orbits the giant planet and that can provide a lot of heat kind of like bending a paperclip repeatedly it'll sort of create frictional heating inside the planet that can last for billions and billions the years and and when you think about it it's almost like a miraculous recipe for an ocean that would last forever or eat you in case it in ice and it's shielded from radiation it's shielded from all the nastiness of space and then maybe 3 or 4 miles deep suddenly you have an ocean that's at the same temperature as Earth's ocean. The only thing that's missing is you don't get any sunlight but deep on earth ocean you don't have any sunlight either stay with us we're going to come back and take phone calls with the professor in a moment his website is linked up with coast to coast am dot com The book we're talking about when the earth had 2 moons I'm George Norry back in a moment on coast to coast am always on your phone that you'll be happy to know the Coast website is now optimized for mobile users just point your i Phone or Android browser to coast to coast am dot com and enjoy. And now I thought from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. Cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on The Lead insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. 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So there's this guy named Jordan and he's a healthy guy he's a dad of 6 and he works as a guy in Alaska but then he goes to the doctor and he's diagnosed with cancer stage 4 and here's the thing he had switched from medical insurance to met a share which is a Christian health care sharing ministry So the question for Jordan and his wife Jenny was is this really going to work our medical bills exceeded $160000.00 mega share member Hi I'm Jane.

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