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Decision that a woman makes in conjunction with her family and her physician and the government has no right in my uterus has no right in my pajama and it's time for us to be very clear and straightforward about that I vote for the right say exactly as it is well the debate has become a campaign issue now that leaders in Alabama pass the strictest abortion law in the land Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says lawmakers are moving closer to a deal on federal budget caps that could also raise the debt ceiling McConnell says the deal would let Congress move ahead on what he calls some semblance of a regular appropriations process I'm hopeful and optimistic. For the Treasury for the president. And that we will hopefully soon reach an agreement McConnell spoke after a meeting with congressional leaders pardon me and top administration officials including the Treasury secretary Steve. And pet owners would be able to volunteer their animals for blood donations under a bill advanced in Sacramento or law allows pet blood transfusions from blood banks that only accept blood from animals that are kept on site for that purpose to avoid diseases that animal rights groups say holding animals captive that soley for their blood is wrong. And we'll take a look at the roadways Clark Reed is a starting in Santa Clara next on. Hello I am Tuesday the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the possess as of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch of an roasted chicken for just $399.00 at Subway restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inch sub each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty to rethink after all subway make it what you are participating restaurants additional charge for extras plus a playable tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply Islanders in the Caribbean like to say that if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes Hi I'm Rick Adelman and that's great advice for the stock market too it's easy to get upset when the market falls but what we have to remember is that this too shall pass and that's easy to say but sometimes it can feel hard to do so in times like these when stock prices are swinging wildly one day to the next making you worry that your financial future might be at risk here's the advice you need don't feel that you have to go it alone I mean value to talk with one of my experienced financial planners at Edelman Financial Engines Let's take a look at your investments and see if they're doing what you need and expect will either reassure you that you're doing what you should be doing or will give you recommendations to help you get the peace of mind you need so you can well wait for the sun to shine once again call us a AAA to plan Rick that's triple 8 plan Rick or visit us at Ric Edelman dot com That's Rice Domon dot com I did. It with a check of the routes Here's my grade from the chilled not about the traffic desk couple problems in Santa Clara eastbound 237 after North 1st 2 cars in the it looks like middle and right lane anyway stop and go Blore Expressway also wrecked Southbound one of one of the great American Parkway on ramp it has a crawl on 11 southbound Lawrence down to about the a.t.v. Interchange Bay point he's bound for before Bailey cry. Now with the center divided cold looks like you're on the scene but it is slammed. And we still have a ramp affected by a closure due to a police activity started as a wreck over an hour ago westbound $580.00 the harbor off ramp effect so you want to avoid that. Up to McBride and getting out of San Francisco so long go Cesar Chavez out to the lower deck of the Bay Bridge sponsored by in and out burger there's no room for compromise when you're serving a quality meal and at In-N. Out from the juicy 100 percent pure beef patties to their hand cut fries and genuine ice cream shakes you'll see that they stand for quality you can taste but otherwise tomorrow is going to be a much sunnier day temperatures will be in the low sixty's to the mid seventy's seasonal temperatures on Thursday closer to 80 degrees low sixty's mid seventies again on Friday then much cooler for the Memorial Day weekend with a chance of showers on Saturday. It's real be days at the Home Depot one plus 2 Pac battery starter kit for just $99.00 and get one of over 20 select real b one plus tools to an $84.00 value free the one plus system also fits over $125.00 other real be tools so now going cordless is almost endless by the battery kit get a free 2 days now at the Home Depot more save more do you 900 than that one customer lost by the last. Hello I am to stick the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the as of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch often roasted chicken for just $399.00 at Subway restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inch sub each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty to rethink after all subway make it what you are participating restaurants additional charge plus a playable tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply news doesn't wait until 6 am to happen which. Listen to the pod cast. And. Join us to hear about everything from politics to social issues in the News of the day. Or just. On the road or at home this show will catch you up everything you need to know. For free. Google podcasts. S.f. This is Chip Franklin she. Said and streaming online. Account in a conversation. Now Franklin. Ironic that the strongest case against President Trump for maintaining the office or staying there is it's not Russia but dollars and cents or marks and roubles. The latest of course is that he has you know he's refused to turn over as taxes as the House Ways and Means Committee has requested but more interestingly you know if they went after the people that handled his taxes and told them you got to give them to us and of course there was initial refusal there and now the question is whether or not that this supreme You know this this former Supreme Court nominee that was dissed by McConnell Merrick Garland he apparently is going to going to be the person on strong on the court said to consider Trump's subpoena appeal doesn't have to necessarily and this is all about financial records and I just found this on The Hill dot com joining us right now from The Washington Post she's written a lot about this and it's great stuff is opinion writer Christie numba Christine the there's an old saying in law enforcement call Follow the money and they seem to be taking this to heart in the case of President Trump. Absolutely and the 1st of all thanks for having me but you know we're beginning to see the real world out of the Democratic kind of strategic investigation into Donald Trump's. Employees and especially finances as they try to figure out whether there is an obstruction of justice in the Russian best occasion or whether the president was involved in any other unsavory behavior either before or during his presidency. Something certainly resistant to the us which you know when you when you fight too hard it does make it look like you have something to hide this guy done anything that would indicate he's an innocent man right now I mean it's like everything we talk about this all the time I mean if if you have nothing to hide as he claims with them why would you allow them to see your tax returns the tax returns are going to be seen by the general public now and he would you would think that he would want to have them out so he can look at the Dems and like see there's nothing there but he doesn't do that you know I mean you know Christine the thing that I remember most that I found the the most disturbing I was reading a report by. Christopher Steele m I 6 agent that's at the heart of the dossier right in 2003 he was following dirty Ukraine money and he followed it into the United States and directly to Trump Tower and you know this money again nothing was ever proved about money laundering but you know again the hardest part about money laundering is you know I can pay $15000000.00 for a condo that's only worth 7 you've got to prove that somehow that money got back to me and got clean right I mean that's the whole idea. Although I I just want to know that this we can take this off the table I mean do you hear people saying this anybody saying that this could be one of these Trump things we're more all going to look at it and it's all going to be fine. You know I don't think people have said that about things to be how this seems to. Be the case sometimes that's been a sensibly cleared of activities but usually the reason is that he and his accomplices didn't actually know what they were doing in this case so you're right I think the Russia connection that's something that the Senate and House Democrats do want to look more closely into as we followed them over reporter to seem a bit like sort of pulling it different threads to see what was going to sort of unravel in their investigations and looking at Trump's bank accounts could reveal whether there are interesting or unsavory ties to yes to create or Russia if they are irregularities in that accounting it could show that he either gauged. Some unsafely baseness or perhaps there is reason to suspect that he had taken favors or was aided by those governments or agents within them which yes would make his presidency even more suspect I mean you know it's unclear what people will find but they they want to turn over the stones I just want people to understand the bank who How was fined by the u.s. Government hundreds of millions of dollars for money laundering in the United States they loaned Trump 2 and a half $1000000000.00 and they loaned him money when $1.00 part had stopped one division of them of their company or the bank had stopped loaning money the other kept doing it and he still hasn't paid back the huge chunk of that and now that you know when he became close to getting the nomination they said we don't want anything to do with this guy because they don't want to scrutiny. If you had a loan to the president faltered on what are you going to what are you going to go and take the White House from. So I mean there's so much of you know again. Bank right now or he has he's made an appeal for them not to. Release his financial tracking transactions with them and they're ready to give it up so eventually this is going to catch him I think he's just hoping that he can win back the House win the presidency in 2020 and then be totally clear of anything anyone could do to him right I mean we know now it doesn't seem likely that if he's impeach we're going to find 20 Republican senators to remove him from office he seeing this close to being able to say yeah I did it I figured Lee shot a guy on Wall Street and I put the money in my pocket what are you going to do. No that is disappointing to think about the Republicans and yet it does seem true representative just in a mash came out in favor of impeachment and instead of picking up a few supporters here. By his party Yes I mean we have kind of seen this strategy in the past before he was even president filing fairly spurious lawsuits to sort of drag out proceedings to scare those who might accuse him usually there is nothing behind them but you know they extended the time of the case for so long that the original question ended up being obscured and forgotten and we're seeing that now it's he who reacts to all of the subpoena. Requests for information with suing with appeals with anything to sort of waste time of different people from testifying to prevent any information from actually appear and then he can just say well nothing happened because he wasted all the time on purpose of course but well. You know trying to track financial deals is hard because I mean give an example like Trump that owns a plane in 2 helicopters it's their own buy 15 shell corporations those 3 properties right now a lot of people do that I mean they are if they do it to that extent and so that's thing alone itself is not damnable but right if you start thinking about all of the other things you know Rosalind. Your colleagues at The Post had a great piece on talking about bank and just you know every step of the way and it was I find it fascinating that I did not know what they were doing while they were doing it they weren't And this is a this is one of these banks that's going to be gone soon I mean they're in such trouble they're on the way out but the money laundering is a 60 Minutes had a thing on Sunday night about it it's not a small thing with all these billions of dollars still leaking out some of it in the bank of Cyprus of course from Wilbur Ross secure Commerce has a piece of that I mean. It's kind of like a slow leak still can't follow in the money is just it's just once it gets into the population going backwards and trying to follow it as somebody said the other night it's like trying to find somebody footprints in the snow when it keeps no one you know more and more piles up on and you can't find the original footprints right exactly and that's I think what also makes this much more worrying because when you look at the trouble that Trump and the Trump organization maybe been in when they're in regards to you know collaboration or collusion or non collusion accidental collusion with Russia. One of the question that's always asked when it when it comes to security clearance when it comes to making sure that agents or representatives of the United States are not compromised in their service you know what could other nations or other individuals have to hold over their heads you know what is a crime but a huge one it's money and debt and yes Donald Trump and the Trump organization and it's very numbers have a lot of mysterious money and debt that we cannot figure out yet Vesta gating see who that belongs to that might tell us something about who they may be indebted to you have to your point member we all talked about the the the Russian hookers from the k.g.b. Was great about was sex right they would get something compromising on you maybe you were gay maybe you were cheating whatever but money was right up there too and you know those 2 I think when you look at them you know and you look at this president and the things that he said about women the way he's treated business associates over the year he stiff so many people this is not surprising for people who have known trump a long time but feel have voted for didn't know about this there hasn't been this kind of diligence that's why I think there's old such a strong pushback from the people on the right they go how could all these things be true about a person and he still be you know the president United States that's a great question. Right it is a great yeah no it is a great question and I think what happened is that you know. The sex and sort of women questions were exposed during the campaign and was able to sort of brazen his way out of them but now we have had this Russian destination that had been pretty well established that Russia was trying to interfere in our elections and that is a bit scary and I don't think that you know Trump would I think brazen out to say yes I didn't pay my full federal taxes or you know I use some escape actions not pay the full amount he said that he does that already but to say or admit that yes actually I'm not a billionaire in fact I'm basically owned by some Russian oligarchs who are you know millions or billions of dollars in debt too I think that is something that America and even his supporters who think that he's a brilliant businessman and would be surprised when alarmed by and if that's the case no wonder he doesn't want to meet this getting out and that's a recent Why metaphor work for free for Trump he owed a tremendous amount of money to that the Ukrainian oligarch and he just was trying to do something for him by getting close to Trump I mean we go back in the model report you have back in 2015 you have saidor telling Cohen Like you know we're going to work with Putin we're going to get this thing down we're going to get our guy and it's like this takes been around for a long time you know the last thing here I think that's really funny Christine number with us from The Washington Post opinion writer. I found this crazy so you know Forbes magazine has the richest people in the world list right and most people don't like to be on that list because it focuses you know the Internal Revenue Service and others on the right there's only 3 people in their history they say that have lied to get on the list Ok. And this is crazy so the 1st one was a Saudi prince the 2nd on amazingly was Wilbur Ross Wilbur Ross you Secretary commerce ever it was called a billionaire he said his were 7900000000 that was based on an erroneous report of companies that he was a piece of that he didn't know know and so that it was money given to him he never he just kept mind about it every year and they discovered. For 700000000 not 7900000000 but the 3rd person and we think we know this is right the 3rd person to lie to get a list Donald Trump so you know there's ego here there's money here there's other peccadilloes but ultimately we have a right that's a good word Nick we have a president desire to control and and not paying attention to rule of law I mean the House Ways and Means Committee under the law has a right to ask for his tax records Hey let me ask you So what are we expecting if this judge if it is Garland Garland rules that he has to abide by the subpoena this is he's still not going to write this is headed for the Supreme Court right he's probably still not going to do it yes it's headed to the Court of Appeals where it will be ruled on by 3 churches Merrick Garland is the chief judge on that court so it is likely though not certain that he will be one of the judges will and I. Think you know it's not going to quietly he will probably countersuit he will appeal again wasting time because his entire image an empire really is built on the idea of money he doesn't want that to crumble down around him especially if it shows he has no where near what he claims in fact is in debt to people of Illinois repute Christine thank you so much for your time really appreciate last minute coming on with us thank you thanks for having me Washington Post opinion writer Christine mba . So we're going to get we'll get your phone calls for 8810 but I believe that it's time this is 180 that's time to impeach President Trump I understand that the did you watch the video now you have Ok. I understand the feckless and spine the Republicans won't convict Trump in a trial because they're cowards and make history take a dump on their name for the next 1000 years right but Mahler has laid it all out Trump broke the law when he told McGann the fire Moller Trump broke the law by telling them to defy subpoenas Trump wrote a lot of refusing to turn his taxes over to the house Trump broke the law by telling border agents to break the law. And he would pardon them from broke the law by obstructing inquiries into Trump Tower in Russia laundered money and I mention the bank stuff more than 6 that's 900 former federal prosecutor signed a letter saying in effect it President he would face multiple felony charges for obstruction that's $9900.00 experts but so you know that some of the Democrats will but what if we lose what does that mean when I love your idea that you were saying yesterday go into it saying you're going to go into it knowing there's no Republicans with enough backbone to actually switch sides and vote for impeachment but we're going to do it anyway because it's the right and thing to do after this break I'll lay out 5 scenarios but the number one scenario is it's time go forward in fact he is holding an emergency hearing tomorrow with Democrats to determine whether or not they should move forward I like what you guys have to think 80 attends a phone number I'm Chip that's not you this is. Franklin. The homeless problem affects us all here in the Bay Area and there are no easy answers some of the people that. You have seen because of the u.s. . Us leaving the religion you have the freedom of. I agree with you wholeheartedly you make a very heartfelt and important argument talk about. What I'm not hard Phil I think I'm producing a brother we're pretty Ok. Cars for Kids is heartfelt they care about kids and when you do need a car truck or van or a boat to car for kids you'll get a tax deduction they'll tow the car away for free usually within 48 hours you get rid of a vehicle that you're paying taxes and fees on right that you don't use anymore that's why you're donating it and you know I guess all that stuff says that you know that that you really got you're going to do well because you did astonish but the heart of that those you help and kits and you help in a myriad of ways I mean like. 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Hello I am Tuesday the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the poseur as of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch often roasted chicken for just $399.00 at Subway restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inch sub each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty too rhythmic after all the subway make it what you are participating restaurants additional charge plus a pleasurable tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply we really get excited about that new thermostat smartphone or computer hey we like the technology so why not replace your roof with new technology the Armstrong activated phone roofing system not only keeps water out but performs year round by keeping you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter visit Armstrong 1234 dot com for a free estimate or call. 57771234 license 245291. With Dr Sanjay Gupta. And. Really help you can see I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent we ask you. This one for us and she says in some cases the answer is yes this is a complicated topic to be sure but Lisa to the close look at the work of 2 doctors from Harvard School of Public Health and here's some simple recommendations. Instead of low fat or skim this is to make sure you get certain important hormones from the milk fat try to eat more whole grains in place of highly refined carbs that cause blood sugar to spike and. Make sure you eat plenty of foods and vegetables when it comes to what you drink the docks water and a little coffee and tea is Ok but to stay away from the sugary drinks and of course you should never smoke I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta being you live a better life. Now more of a chip frankly on. When this committee issues a subpoena even to a senior presidential adviser the witness must show up hours subpoenas are not optional is the McGann has a legal obligation to be here for this scheduled appearance if he does not immediately correct his mistake this committee will have no choice but to enforce the subpoena against him. And that's impeachment there's nothing else you can do you can sit and bitch and moan and you can scream it's not you can impeach him that's what you need to do. Said You can hear the options don't impeach but keep whining that's one I would recommend not that I shut up and focus on. Screw up some people say that's what we should do and I've heard that but that's kind of what Nancy Pelosi kind of she wanted to do is that's not let's focus on how the economy is really not a strong economy it's a it's a weak economy based on on factors that you know have been pumped up to make it look stronger than it really is but it has some real holes it's not a great argument I agree with it entirely but it's hard to prove again you could talk about Michael Lewis has written about all of the 5th risk all the things that he has done poorly that would put our country in danger. You can or you can but you can also do this you considered striking the star say Republican senators are traitors and thus Trump will not be rude but you have will not be removed but you have a right to know we're going to show you what you need to know and that's kind of what I would say I would come right up front and say you know look we're not going to get him out of here because of people like John Cornyn right people like Lindsey Graham people like Mitch McConnell they're not going to change their votes Trump could literally eat a baby with a fork and know they would never move him. So that's why the Democrats are putting pressure on Nancy Pelosi to impeach him and I think if you're going to impeach him and I think you should you should do it now you should do it before November and get it done now and then over the holidays again the trial is going to be a joke it's going to have you know it's Justice Roberts will be the judge and then the a prosecutor I believe would be Mitch McConnell So yeah it's going to be a joke but you'll have as long as you need to in the house to show exactly what a grifter this guy is right it'll be all laid out and then the Republicans are either going to deny what's right in front of them right and all not sort there are a lot of facts here Ok I mean. And here's the deal if if in fact trump the nice This is where it really gets interesting if he denies and will not allow his people to testify in the impeachment proceedings. That's when the Supreme Court has to step right in because that is a violation of the u.s. Constitution as clear as you can get that's for really going to find out what's the heart of this and where the media's So yeah I want to hear from you and so we have the news coming up but hang with us the phone numbers 8088 and I believe this is what they have to do because that's their effing job do it quick before we break. Couple anniversaries today it's your it's your anniversary. And I would also like to send a shout out to even Behrman who graduated from law school yesterday. It's impairment is now actually it's a bar in June so congratulations you are for a former colleague who is moving on with the law even baronies is now of the 1st the toughest part I think is why I don't know I've never taken the bar you've taken the bar right now yeah right so anyway like oh well now oh no not right so should we impeach I say Oh hell yes we're here for you next 8810 that ship the schedule. Sets It's $430.00 on California is creating a task force of government leaders to try to solve the homeless problem gov Newsome tap Sacramento mayor Darrell Steinberg and Los Angeles County supervisor Marco really Thomas to lead the group Newsom says the answers are out there there is not a problem in this whole space that hasn't been solved by somebody. That's a fact so in so many respects you can only ever complicate this or you can take what's working and spread and you. Do some calls California's homeless problem a national disgrace that's as a way best addressed at the local level he says the task force will work with local governments to develop regional plans for addressing homelessness the House judiciary committee has subpoenaed former White House communications director hope picks and any Donaldson a former aide in the White House counsel's office it's all part of the Democrats' investigation a present. Anapa valued it nor has admitted to participating in the college admissions of bribery scheme Augustan who may as junior pleaded guilty today in Boston the 53 year old family vineyards in California's Napa Valley and Oregon authorities say he agreed to pay $300000.00 to rig his daughter's s.a.t. Score and have her designated as a water polo recruit to u.s.c. Comedian Dave Chappelle is getting behind efforts to save the punch line Comedy Club in San Francisco he perform hundreds of hours of the Battery Street Theater which he calls sacred ground if you like burning down the loops or selling the loot to somebody and it is his beautiful art is going up in this city and you can't just put it in another room especially I don't think it would be much to say that it's not a matter of money but I don't know what it is that he can do but it became obvious that he said it was literally what I consider a historical landmark civil and fellow comedian Al Bell led a rally for the punch line at City Hall today the punch line lost its lease after 40 years and is looking for a new venue and will take a look at the roadways Clarke created starting in Mountain View next on r.t. 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Most News you'll do it right to save big on your To Do List we do it right too with savings during our memorial since you can start checking off your list and save to now get select 2 and a half quote perennials 3 for $12.00 in store room and keep your yard looking its best and save $100.00 on the Green Works 60 both string trimmer and blower combo get now just 190 $9.00 do it right for less start with Lowe's offer spelter $522.00 c. Store for details us all for any offer excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Hello I am to stick the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the poseur as of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch often roasted chicken for just 399 at Subway. Restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inches of each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty to rethink after all the subway make it what you on at participating restaurants additional charge or extra plastic likable tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply message and. 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Back at Matilda and in. The right lane they're trying to get over to the go off and. We still have a closure. From an earlier robbery want to want to jam from before Cesar Chavez getting out of the city heading out towards the lower deck of the Bay Bridge this report is sponsored by AAA insurance AAA insurance where you get great auto home and life insurance coverage and all the perks that come with AAA membership visit aaa dot com to get more of what you need to outsmart life and our weather is calling for a sunnier day tomorrow expect temperatures in the low sixty's to the mid seventy's . Is going to hold a special members only meeting for Democrats. To try to mollify the growing impeachment. Strongly encourages your boss to attend. One of those things the kind we get you know you're strongly encouraged anyway that the great victory Democrats won Monday over Trump's financial records and other litigation we haven't won squat. There's no victory he's not going to turn the records over it's going to go to the Supreme Court and that could drag past November 2020. This may be the Democrats' only opportunity to show the world what a what a scam artist and Grifter this guy everybody that's known him for the last 40 years knows the truth of the American public especially Trump 1st haven't. You know I think we should impeach him but does that mean just an added pardon here but I think that we need to do is well I think that every Democrat running for office needs to go to g.o.p. Strongholds and take the heat and talk to people are going to get some kooky people but I think they will think exactly opposite of Elizabeth Warren of going on Fox to judge and others have gone on Fox and they've done well because it shows personal shows balls to go out and to say I'm willing to talk to anybody I think you need to go on Fox News I think you make you make every story appeal to the g.o.p. In a way it affects them quit calling this is this was this was a Bill Maher's I did a quick call in Trump's terrace called Trump stacks its attacks on us tariffs are going to attack on us let's start calling it everybody today get it out talking points every Democrat trumps tax what he's doing to China is going to cost you more it could cost half a $1000000.00 manufacturing jobs the next 5 years this is what you got to do. But you've got to have you got to be got to be able to do it you got to be able to stand up in front of his base and explain look we're impeaching him because of crimes he committed but that's only part of the story everything else he's done to you has been a lie. Have you really got back more in your tax returns than you did the year before no not unless you make $300000.00 a year most Americans don't make $300000.00 a year 8088 tens of phone number yeah I think we need to do it I think we need to impeach the president and start it right now we'll see what Nancy Pelosi tells Democrats tomorrow Christine from frame on your own ship and what's in your head I do a lot of good thank you yet I was calling because in your last segment you had mentioned that a lot of people weren't aware of trolls back well. But I got to we got to put this on the baby boomers and we've got to put this on the Genex of the millennia old didn't even vote and this guy is the same clown that was on the cover of The Globe magazine and The Enquirer with all this craziness the same guy that got sued for helping discrimination we put this guy here and we've got to fix this man because these kids these millennial days since these coming up they are going to help forcible not clean up when Bush left oh there's no doubt I mean their world is about to be jacked I mean this abortion thing that he it came should in on this populous movement it's going to affect young women for 50 years if the Supreme Court gets a couple more Republicans on a conservative I mean they'll be able to do everything they'll be able to get pretty unions they'll be able to tell the e.p.a. Just to fold up that stores and go home and you know what rich people never get affected by that it's always the poor people of color and women no and I think that's why important that we don't impeach him we've got a. Thank you that's our i don't we can't say that on the radio although that's the most appropriate word for Trump ironically that we've got a duty has a duty instead of that as for Donna in the city joins us on like a geo Donna I think that last woman had the kind of sentiment that a lot of Democrats were that worried about it but I say take off the gloves show the world who he is on the biggest stage in the world. I agree and I think that we need to stop always focusing in on the truck voter there's a whole group of people that did not vote because they don't have confidence and I sealed it if they actually make this. Level for his eating legal dirty deeds he could trust and believe this is going to come back and one I bet they're sorry. But there's 30000000 Americans Donna that aren't racist and that voted for Trump and they could find themselves voting for a Democrat I believe it says that many I think it's more than half of the people that voted for him and sort of even talking about race is is much is edict some is wrong if you voted for him the way he's behaved of course here what anybody says but I mean if you have all you have us into is Fox News. You didn't hear racism what you heard was lies about Hillary you know you heard about uranium deals which was garbage you heard a bedbug Benghazi which the Republican Senate investigators for 2 and a half years and came up with the cocaine that you know that she was entirely innocent of any wrongdoing there but all that said I hear you you know we need to also focus on the people who didn't vote the people that those purple people that decide this a home thinking maybe that Hillary was going to win you know but aside from all that if you have nothing if you have people that say you don't have to answer subpoenas he's you have these He's pardoning people who have committed major crimes Oh by the way we told him that stealing it on our mental image that day Gallagher guy have you seen that guy this is a dude that he's a soldier and he wants to trump suppose are going to pardon him on Memorial Day this and thank you for the calls on this guy shot unarmed Iraqi civilians and slit her that's a man's throat that he had in custody and so Trump is going to because Trump her. And people talking about it on Fox News he thought it be a good idea this is insane this guy just deserves to be in a dark deep hole and it will do you know them or our little do in the military if this guy gets pardoned after all the soldiers to do it right have to take the crap but they the people they probably want to kill but they know you don't kill it even in a war zone. I forgot about that story could go right to Lisa Lisa we need to impeach now or I. Agree with you about it teaching and promptly it is except occasionally do any of the Congress to date and it's not an option and they can do mostly good cleaning me in the 1st ball Secondly I am certain that the Democrats are making a that the mistake that we have coming election one is that. They think problem we have here is Mitch McConnell and John that simple but that if Mitch McConnell remains it's our after the election that always went. It does matter whether it's temper Otherwise there's no there's a static or 2 none sashes agenda that will go forward word that Mitch McConnell gave the company the great deal to get a spare in each man hearing and he would wind up being able to remove from after the election if the election gets great by pressure again. I think we need to focus more so that that's going to have Specter never as they did with the broad field of candidates for the president the theory that the Democratic side right now in the primary there's 2 vulnerabilities one is it will take a very small amount the camera to be right Mary if the other agencies want to do that like could again and also a lot of the people are in running for president and they really ought to be running for Senate needs so that we can pull the age out of power even though I don't believe you I don't think we'll be down to 7 by. September or October I think just because I'm on it in the meantime In the meantime is others are not running for Senate which is what they should be doing well less like some players should be throwing political landmine big into. McConnell's. Don't think that he would be running around putting out west Beyers back home he didn't have time to let everybody know I am going to say this place a if we lose in 2020 the White House we're going to lose the house too so we have to we have to think this is all or nothing Ok this is not like there's no pathway here that's why impeachment important that's why we have to look at it we should try to win all 3 because we want all 3 houses you know we could do we could add 2 more seats to the would have to get 60 votes in the Senate so we can add 2 more seats and in the Supreme Court I'm that's I'm coming up at 5 o 5 again to tell you what Rush is planning because we have an idea now what they're actually that what they're going to plan for the Yeah and they're going to go after and it's when you hear it you go Ah but right now you yeah you have to wait that's coming up right after the news at the top of the hour $88810.00 that's going to Santa Clara and Jim on the prospect of impeaching Trump I think it's a good idea I think it's the only idea. I disagree or no you know the group of boys who had 3 theories. You know listen to their Everything I've read the report. This fight the war it's where you go yeah you know I did it occur at all but I will. Stop right there Ok I regret not going to hold on a the Pfizer reports let's let's just let you have fun with that for a 2nd right the Pfizer reports have nothing to do with Trump and money laundering it has nothing to do with Trump telling people to violate a subpoenas it has nothing to do with telling a secular to tell Cohen to lie it has nothing to do with Trump telling McGann to lie or to fire Moller it is none of them there are so many of struction of just opportunities in the most report a mother lays a mole out perfectly good work just because of the fact that the fruits of the poisonous jury did. Oh she knows it and that's what we're talking about what do you talk about anything to do with those 5 is a worthless by the way. Tears up 7 Tell me how tell me how Please explain how the Pfizer want to let it go away that people from. Her own hair are you need to go back and get better dope because what you're smoking right now is insane that's stuff. That's like saying what he's trying to say is these these Pfizer warrants which are yet again they're very very rarely given out and they're very selectively given out these are warrants to listen. He's saying that these warrants changed everybody's opinion about Trump and Trump really a good guy and so by changing his opinion about Trump then we can consider the fact that Trump told his counsel to fire Moller which would be obstruction of justice or that Trump told. Well let's go down the list he told Carter page he told Michael Flynn he told Jim comi he timed down the list of people he told to lie it's all in the report it's right there he obviously hasn't read the motor report that's that's the most insane fruit of the poison tree you're eating fruit from the poison tree I think. Thomas you you pick the scenario where we avoid impeachment and just concentrate on the things he screwed up and then vote him out as I write. I believe. I'm. The 1st person to believe that by this person I feel like we just need to take our medics and wake up and actually vote because you know I got a couple of my my family members. One out and I have to tell them you have no right to tell me anything about what's going to happen in the next 4 years you're going to have to just swallow everything that their vile person does and. Well we didn't vote exactly because it didn't vote and I think we need to do a better job of getting people out there and participating in our democracy Victor just I know that person lying to the American public about something that's not true or. Something that they basically didn't do and I just feel like we just think they're making out about Thomas and here's the kicker right this is the constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives there's really not a destroys here there is ample evidence that this man has broken the law while President and in doing so has not only usurped the intent of the framers of our constitution he is a menace and a danger to the world he has care a fleet and a carrier headed to Iran he is dealing with China in the way that a 6 year old there are going to own him Kim Jong un is capable of anything and we have Trump dealing with them and now he says he wants to meet the mullahs of Iran they're not going to sit down with him that's insane. Yeah I don't know I get really excited thinking everybody's going to be together on this and trying to go I mean I think I've been there some people honestly think we need to move past this it is possible for the good of the country and there's obviously going to be evil but as many people saying we can't move on because it undermines the the rules of this country can do it and have it done before the end of the year and have it all on the record I do I said it before and I'll say it again I think that you're very right I think that if Democrats move forward with impeachment and continually repeat we know the Senate is not going to convict they know that if you keep making that clear when it doesn't happen like of course they're not going to they don't want to hold the president accountable Right exactly so start out by saying we're not really an idea are not going to remove the president that can't happen because a u.s. Senator is not. There we just want to show you the American public what happened and everybody's welcome to see it right you know I mean they I think they should run it 8 o'clock on. The networks and have something in there to make it worthwhile let me open every show I'll commit to 10 minutes to open every here and I will get more your calls coming up 8810 that's they can Chip Franklin. 810 John Rothman's listeners often agree with him so we made a request we need to hear voices we don't got what he. Called. Oh wait hold on this. Thing young or old but I'm certain you're I can account for media I believe that's why and if you listen to this program you know I do not believe in those kinds of words they don't play. Rough month 6 to $9.00 on a geo. To impeach or not to impeach that is the question And what about a gay national security adviser years ago in the ministration And finally the new adversity score for the s.a.t. All that and more on the john rough. Program 6 o'clock on. 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Hello I am Tuesday the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the possessor of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch often roasted chicken for just 3 $99.00 at Subway restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inch sub each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty to rethink after all the subway make it what you are participating restaurants additional charge for extras lots of likeable tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply I am there are currently and I'm going the extra mile with Red Eye radio on my new podcast extra mile joined me and my guess is we dive deeper into the most popular and important issues surrounding the trucking industry today from regulation to lifestyle and everything in between for owner operators company drivers and lead owners listen and subscribe for free on Apple podcast Google podcasts or were ever you get your podcast on the Westwood One podcast network. Better Life with Dr Sanjay Gupta This will make you think twice before you reach for that can of sugary soda today and Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent compared with people who drink sugary beverages less than once a month people who drank more than 2 a day have an increased risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and to a lesser extent cancer I know that sounds pretty alarming but it's worth considering what the new. Study out of Harvard School of Public Health really looked at even after researchers adjusted for lifestyle factors including diet physical activity family history of type 2 diabetes the association between 2 sugar drinks a day and serious health problems still remain and interestingly the effect was more pronounced among women as compared to men so if you're looking to make one change to your diet this might be coffee tea water there are still great substitutes I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta hoping you live a better life welcome to the south pasture home of the All You Can Eat course buffet dining out fresco tonight sorry mosquitoes are still here and with every bite they have a chance of infecting your horse with West Nile virus I need a horse before is the great kind of marrow but if your horse or fall is still unprotected you need fast acting Previn or a West Nile virus vaccine only proven I'll deliver is proven protection with just one dose for primary immunization all other West Nile vaccines require 2 doses for primary immunization spaced weeks apart so you get proven protection sooner with Previn I'll house everything tasted. 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Congressman on a bike over near the Korean Peninsula so we've had moments like this with Russia before we get a phone call in here before I go last thought on this for this hour about whether or not to impeach Trump or not John you don't think we should impeach Trump. You know. But Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was impeached you need to leave office and it was different to what I would say you know Bill Clinton is not Donald Trump he wasn't on the whole course of the what I'm trying to say is it's never didn't get by the Senate why are we wasting time we say of. Getting this guy out right here this is the constitutional duty of the House of Representatives they're doing they're doing what they're supposed to do which is to again drop charges and that's what this is all about are coming up who is a new darling of the Democrats what would you say if I told you is Fox News and what does Russia have planned and their social media meddling That's all coming up next Ok Geo Geo San Francisco Cumulus to download to tune in to see you can take a town with you wherever you go Good evening I'm making San Francisco's police chief says investigators believe a reporter conspired with the department employee to steal a police report on the death of public defender Jeff Adot chief Bill Scott says they suspect Brian Carmody did more than just receive the confidential report we believe that that contact. Debt interaction went across the line where to pass just doing their job Scott says no charges have been filed and the investigation is ongoing He also says an internal investigation will look at how officers handled the matter Police say they will return the items officers seized during a search of comedy's home and office a judge has yet to rule whether the search was legal California is suing to block the Trump administration from canceling nearly 1000000000 dollars for the state's high speed rail project the lawsuit comes after the Administration revoked the funding last week the California Senate advance a bill to allow special banks to handle money from legal marijuana retailers it's an effort to help license to marijuana retailers sell their product which is still illegal under federal law the measure would create cannabis limited chart. Banks and cannabis Ltd charter credit unions in Washington acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan is trying to assure lawmakers that the administration is not rushing toward a military confrontation with Iran Shanahan told lawmakers behind closed doors that the Pentagon has credible intelligence about threats to American interests in the Middle East and to American forces to send as a Sharks are looking at elimination if they don't win game 6 of their playoff series with the St Louis Blues tonight a Sharks victory would send the series back to San Jose for Game 7 on Thursday to beat the Boers Pete Boras said they've succeeded in elimination games twice before but I just believe you know we believe that we can win an oar and we've done it some tough buildings and. So you know there's a there's a strong belief in our room and our group of what we do and I don't see that wavering sharks player Erik Karlsson to March hurdle are injured and won't play tonight and coming up we'll take a check of the roadways Clark Reed is starting in Richmond next. Hello I am to stick the day of the week that is most often forgotten now I may not have the poseur as of a Wednesday or those Thursday but I do have a 6 inch often roasted chicken for just $399.00 at Subway restaurants with the sub of the day it's a different 6 inches of each day for just $399.00 so I guess Tuesdays are pretty to rethink after all subway make it what you are participating restaurants additional charge or extras lots of little tax no additional discounts or coupons maybe apply . Those who knows you'll do it right to save big on your to do we do it right to.

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