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Joce Police Body Cams are becoming a new and sometimes disturbing reality tv. Im shot. Joce with his body camera rolling, this florida officer pulled an injured mother from the scene of a domestic shooting. Then he stepped even closer to coax her Young Children out of the house. Come here, sweetheart, come joce to many, what the officer did appeared heroic. His department thought so and made it public. Victims advocates say thats a privacy violation of the highest order. Theres no question to you, videos like this cross the line . Jennifer storm totally. In my opinion, absolutely. Joce Jennifer Storm is a victims advocate who has helped shape state and federal laws for crime victims. This video, posted online by police and shared, has now been viewed millions of times. The family was not asked for consent. Storm and other advocates believe its a classic example of a forgotten issue in the great body camera debate. Jennifer a body camera is going to get every single thing the officer sees. Youre going to see it. Joce youre there . Jennifer its like reality tv and not in a good way. Its bad reality tv, incredibly traumatizing for these families and survivors. Joce what the lens captures can be a complex issue of privacy. Transparency. In cases of murder, sexual assault, and domestic violence, pictures can bring the accountability that many demand, but theres a price. Jennifer all of a sudden your loved ones death becomes a hashtag. And it becomes seen by millions of people and forwarded and retweeted and facebooked. Joce thats what happened in a pennsylvania case where video of a deadly encounter with a suspect went viral the mans last moments now online haunt his family. Is balancing how to get the advantages of these cameras without turning it into a privacy meltdown. Joce jay stanley is with the American Civil Liberties union , which has a split take on body cams. While they take a dim view of surveillance cameras, they do support Police Cameras as a check against the abuse of power. If theres a question of police abuse, the aclu supports releasing the tape even against the wishes of a victim jay when those two values come into direct conflict, you have to make very tough calls. We think, in those situations, the default should be that they should be made public because of the overwhelming Public Interest in doing that oversight and it cant be vetoed by the family or the victims themselves. Joce the debate is complicated by the fact that police are the ones who usually have veto power. But a study on body camera use funded by the Justice Departme found something stunning many departments dont have specific written policies for how they should be used and when video should be released. Lindsay miller goodison it was very concerning, because obviously we want agencies to have good strong policies in place. Joce Lindsay Miller goodison conducted the survey for the Police Executive research forum. What that study offered were strong recommendations about informing victims they are being recorded, getting consent, and public. Lindsay youre dealing with people who are in very vulnerable situations and those agencies need to think about how theyre going to handle those types of situations at the outset. Joce even big agencies can be behind the curve. The nypd says is still drafting its formal body camera policy without a federal standard to base it on. And some in Law Enforcement claim they dont want one. Jonathan thompson every agency is different. Every community is different. Joce thats why jonathan thompson, the executive director of the National Sheriffs association, says each jurisdiction needs the freedom to map out their own policies with input from their own communities. He suggests concerns over victims rights are not forgotten by Law Enforcement, just carefully balanced. Joce whose voice wins in this debate . Jonathan thats been a very big debate internal to the discussion. Who wins . Is it the victim or is it Law Enforcement or is it transparency . Joce but without clear answers or standards for the use of police body cameras, a dangerous dilemma remains. Jennifer they shouldnt have to think, oh my god, if i call 911, is it going to be filmed and am i going to end up on the internet . Public safety should never come with those kinds of questions or consequences ever. Sharyl we blurted the faces in the video. Much of the debate hinges on ste 17 states have at least one law specific to the release of video. 17 more have attempted to pass legislation and failed. Sharyl next week unfolding. The growing threat of superbugs, the antibioticresistant bacteria that are killing more americans. Shes like, im dying, do i have cancer . And i said, you dont have cancer, you have this bacteria. We dont know, i said, its not good. Sharyl we follow the fight on three fronts, saving patients, stopping the bacteria from entering the country, and stopping illegal antibiotics from entering the u. S. Thats next week on full measure. Im sharyl attkisson. Until then, thanks for watching. And wed love to thank all the people who help make full car horns blaring siren wailing horn honking come on, get out of the way starling shakespeare shows us in hamlet, revenge delayed invites madness. gunshot siren wailing starling shakespeare shows us in hamlet, revenge delayed invites madness. Daria . Ring around the rosies . . Pocketful of posies . . Ashes, ashes . . We all fall down . Starling shakespeare shows us in hamlet, revenge delayed invites madness. voice mail beeps caine eric. Walter walter eric, i am calling you back. Call me back, please. Call me right now. Calleigh calleigh. Hey, hey, hey. Calleigh, hey. Baby

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