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People. At least 14 were killed. 17 others were wounded. 10 of them are in critical condition. The sound of the shootout with the suspects was captured on a police scanner. Get that and north of [ gunshots ]. Just for the update, we have the suspect vehicle stopped. Well go ahead and extract it. We can stand by, wait for the bearcat. Copy. Right now we have one down outside the car, one down inside the car. Well, we dont know. Hold on. From what we understand, one on the run. All we have is a citizen thth saw that guy running. Weve got definitely one guy in the vehicle and one in the street. Were going to wait for the bearcat, move up and check on these bodies inside the car. Have that bearcat come straight eastbound so we can move up from the rear. The takedown of the suspects this evening. Lifethreatening. Bernardino for us. Carter . Reporter i am at the scene the inland regional center, but there is a second scenen and thats where that suv was confronted. Inside two armed gunmen. Well, perhaps i should correct myselflf one of them was a woman. So both of those suspects s re killed. Possibly a third spokt is still on the loose. Now, police do say they have another suspect in custody right now, but it is unclear if that person is connected to the crime. All of this today occurring, all of this occurring today with little warning, with actually no warning, and Authorities Say the suspects were armed and prepared for battle. Police say the masked gunmen were wearing body armor when they entered the building just after 11 00 a. M. And started shooting. I turned on from walking and she was playing and all of a sudden boom. Right here. Then they said theyre on the loose. I was right behind the building. And i heard all the shots. Multiple shots. Shots going off like crazy. St one right after the other. And as i came out, we had seen a black suv flying down the street. Reporter terry petit got a text from his daughter inside. Shooting at my work. Ople shot. In the office waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in my office. Thats it. Reporter what did your wife see . The guy outside dressed all in black with a big gun just shooting at the window. Reporter r uis gutierrez spoke with his wife on the phone while she was trapped inside. Reporter whats your take on all this, man . This is your wife. This is my life, man. Ill do anythingngo protect her. She helps her kids with autism. I dont know why anyone would do anything right there. But reporter at least 18 people injured in the shooting were sent to area hospitals while police set up a triage area on the street. Most of the people that were wounded, most of the victims were all centrally located in one area of the facility. Reporter Jarrod Burguan is chief of the San Bernardino police department. They came prepared to do what they did as if they were on a mission. Reporter the fbi and atf were called in and police are still looking for the suspects who fled the scene in a darkcolored suv. Debbie alvarado rushed to find her daughter michelle, whod been shot. I called her, she texted me and she said she was cold. She was shot in her side. And that they were they were pretending to be dead. Reporter hundreds of people were evacuated. A total l 670 work inside. Assistant fbi director david bowdich. Is this a terrorist incident . Done know if this is a terrorist incident. Reporter and we do not have a motive for this crime as well. But we do have some new information, scott. According to several Law Enforcement sources, syed farook, hes an inspector with the San Bernardino health department, workededn the building where these shootings occurred. Tonight, scott, hes being called a psible suspect. Carter, thanks very much. And ththsuv of course was the scene of the shootout earlier. A short time ago San Bernardino police and the fbi gave reporters the very latest information. Good evening, folks. So this is the second official press conferenen that well do on this. Im not going to go through all of the details that we went through in the First Press Conference. But i will say this. Since that time we are still working on the building here at the inlala regional center. As officers were searching the building we had mentioned in the First Press Conference that devices. One of those devices is believed potentially be an e elosive device. So theyre taking a very cautious, very slow approach to processing that building and rendering that safe. So i would imagine were going to be here for several hours as the bomb squad continues to work that part. On the investigative side we have followed up on some tips. That took us to a residence in the city of redlands. When officers were setting up on that residence to watch it, there was a vehicle that was seen leaving that was suspected of possibly being involved. There ended up being a pursuit of that vehicle and eventually that pursuit came back to San Bernardino avenue between motain view and richardson here in the city of San Bernardino where theheuspect vehicle stopped and there was an officerinvolved shooting. We had multiple officers that were involved in the shooting. Dead at the scene. One is a male. One is a female. We had one Police Officer that was wounded. He has injuries that are not considered to be lifethreatening. And he is at a local hospital and is expected to b bokay. Of the suspects that were that are dead at the scene one is a male, one is a female. They were dressed in kind of assaultstyle clothing, i think is probably the best way to term it. They are both armed with assault rifles. They are both armed with handguns. And theres also kind of some sensitive stuff f ound the vehicle. Were not real sure. Were taking a very cautious approach to dealing with the vehicle in case there is more explosives there. With that im going to turn it over to dave bowdich with the fbi to talk about some parts of the investigation. Thank you, chief. So first off, my name is into the mikes, please. My name is david bowdich. Assistant director in charge of the fbi the cbs overnight news will be right back. Together we can help them with three simplwords. My name is chris noth and i will listen. From maine to maui, thousands ofofigh school studentss across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteersf america and Major League Baseballl players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school if you were a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah, and Something Else thats cool. What . Osteoporosis is preventable. All osteos preventable . Right on if you dig your bones, protect them. I know one of the Big Questions that will come up repeatedly is is this terrorism . And i am still not willing to say thate know that for sure we are definitely making some movements that it is a possibility. We are making some adjustments to our investigation. It is a possibility. But we dont know that yet. And were not willing to go down that road yet. David, the relationship between the two dead suspects . Unknown at thisisoint. How old approximately are they . I do not even know that. This is what about the third suspect . There was talk of a third suspect. There is a third suspect. And i dont know the dispositionon of that suspect. I woul defer that question to the chief. What i will tell you on any indications of terrori are this investigation, and i told a few of you already, we will go where the evidence takes us. Road. Its also possible it does not. Were just not sure yet. And when we are fairly sure we will let you know. David, do you have a motive is this p psibly terrorism . There are a number of potential theres a few potential things, but we just dont know. And im not willing to go down that road. This is a very fluid active investigation. We are still gathering facts. All the heads of agencies that we have here. We are still gathering some of these facts ourselves because this scene is strewn throughout the city and into another city. And its incredibly fluid. And thats just the way these things well get there when we get there. Any information about the identity of the third suspect, description, a a, anything . I should have included that in my when i talked a moment ago. So as i said, we had an officerinvolved shooting on San Bernardino avenue between Mountain View and richardson. There were two people in the vehicle. Both of f ose people are deceased. There was a third person that involved. We have that person detained. I dont have any information on who that person is yet, and we certainly do not know if they were invnvved. Its possible that they were not. In addition to that and the reason we put things out on social media that we asked for people to shelter in place in those neighborhoods is because there were some folks that called in and had reported that they heard folks they heard somebody jumping fences and they reported some of that activity in the neighborhood. We dont know if that wawa possibly responding officers, but we took a cautious approach. We locked down the neighborhood. We asked people to shelter in place. And we searched thth neighbororod extensively. As of a couple minutes ago we just got word that that search has been wrapped up, no additional folks have been contacted or seen there, so we feel that that area is safe and we can lift that shelter in place ordet there. Do you have any information on why this location . We do not have a motive. Approximama age of the suspects. We do not i do not have that right now. Keep in mind that i said there were some things that were causing the officers to take a very, very cautious approach in so we just are not that far into the investstation yet. [ inaudible ]. Is that possible . Im sorry . Possibility these suspects may have had suicide vests or something similar . I dont know. I i ve not heard suicide vest, no. Do you believe this situation is all clear, that people are safe, or there are still more shooters potentially out there . We feel confident about the neighborhood where the officerinvolved shooting took place that we have secured that and theres nobody outstanding there. Reasonably confident on that. On the broader scale of the investigation, as i said, early on we had information there were potentially three shooters. We are still at a point where we are tracking down that information, were going to try to continue to identify if there was a third person involved or potentialleven more people that might have been involved in the planning but were still etty early on that part of the investigation. [ inaudible ]. Holiday party i cant listen to all of them. Theres a report out that at angrily, went out, came back with two other people, guns, and started firing. Any truth to that . So there are i have heard that they were in a meeting or Holiday Party type event at the inland regional center. Somebody did leave, but weave no idea if that is the person that came back. So thats a possibility then . Somebody did leave. There was some type of dispute or sometetng when somebody left that party, but we have no idea if those are the people that came back. Do you have ay idea what kind of weapons were recovered at the site of the shootout. U said long guns initially. They were assault style weapons. Yeah, that type of weapon, yes. Are there explosives near that black suv currently . There was a report that they potentially threw what was identified as a pipe bomb. I think weve rendered that device safe. It was not an explosive. I think were still workininon the vehicle and making sure that that is safe. Can you give us anything on their appearance, ethnicity, anything, age . Just the way it was described to me as and i sa this in the First Press Conference. They came dressed and eqpped and i ththk the ople we have at the scene that are deceased are dressed in that way. Theyre dressed in dark kind of Tactical Gear is the best way ill put it. Ethnicity, anything like thatat i d dt know. Since you servevethe search warrant, is it your understanding i didnt say we served a search warrant. Okay. We understand you seseed a search warrant, were being g told. So is it your understanding they were holed up in the general area then the whole time, they never left . No, no. There was information on t t early part of the investigation as we started to develop information, there was one particular focus area. A couple. But e particular focus area we went to,nd it was one of those followup focus areas that led to the house in redlands that led d the pursuit that led to the active shooting. Did they live there . Was that their house . The address was connectedo are, nor do i know if that is s where e ey lived. Do you believe that the Police Killed the two people at the [ inaudible ]. They were carrying assault style weapons. K47 . I dont know the specific caliber or make or model of the gun. Chief, the arrests hold on. Al quick. The people in t t suv. There were two people in the suv. Both of them are deceased. During this gunfire between the suspects and police i dont know. [ inaudible ]. Dont know. Okay. Were going to try to do another press conference sometime around 8 30, 9 00. Hopefully well have more information for you at that time. Thank you. We have been watching the late News Conference by Jarrod Burguan, who is the police chief in San Bernardino. To recap a few of the highlights, Police Acting on a tip were led to that vehicle, the suv. Two people, two suspects were killed in the suv. The police chief said they were armed with assault rifles and a third person who was running from the scene has been detained, but police are not saying he is the third suspect thathey have been searching for. Presidenenobama today was being interviewed by Norah Odonnell of cbs this morning when he he got word of the shooting. Mr. President , it appears theres been another mass shooting in california. What do you know . Well, we dont know that much yet. Its still an active situation. Fbi is on the ground offering assistance to locacaofficials as they need it. It does appear that there are going to be some casualties. And you know, obviously our hearts go out to the victims and the families. The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of Mass Shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. And there are some steps we could take not to eliminate every one of these Mass Shootings but to improve the frequently. Common sense gun safety laws, stronger background checks, and for those who are ncerned about terrorism, some may be aware of the fact that we have a nofly list where people cant get on planes with you those same peoe who we dont allow to fly c go into a store right now in the United States and buy a firearm and theres nothing that we can do to stop them. Thats a law that needs to be changed. And so my hope is that were able to contain this particular shooting, and we dont yet know what the motives of the shooters are but what we do know is there are steps we canake to make bipartisan basis at every level of government to make these rare as opposed to normal. We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesnt happen with the same frequency in other countries. The president today with Norah Odonnell. We have an interview with an eyewitness to the massscre in that for you when we come back. [cough, cough] mike . Janet . Cough if you can hear me. Dont even think about it. I toto mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . He has that dry scratchy thing going on. Guess what . It works on his cough too. Cough guess what . It works on his cough too. What . Stop dont pull me spoiler alerer she doesnt make it only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. The final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. One of the Witnesses Today is sally abdelmageed, who works at the inland regional center, the building where the attack took place. She saw the attackers enter the building, and we spoke to her by phone. I h hrd shots fired, and it was from an automatic weapon. Very unusual. Why would we hear shots . As we look out the window, a second set of shots s es off, and its pop, pop, pop, pop. And we saw a man fall to the floor. Then we just look and we saw three men dressed in all black military attire with vests on, Holding Assault rifles. And they soon as theyeypened up the doors to building 3, and one of them opened up the door he starts to shoot all over into the room. Thats the room we typically have conferences and we just heard more gunshots go off. I got out my phone. I reached for my phone. I called 911. And i hid under my desk. I didnt see any more. I just heard more gunshots go off as i was talking to dispatch. We went into my managers office, locked the door, barricaded it. We heard running and things happening upstairs. About 30 minutes later someone came to the door and knocked on the door but we didnt obviously answer and another 15 minutes laler someone came and took us into a secure room. Ms. Abdelmageed, can you describe to me in as much detail as you can, what did the gunman look l le . He had a black hat on and from my view all i could see was just a black hat and black longsleeve shirt, possibly gloves on. He had black cgo pants on, the kinds with zippers on the side and the big puffy pockets. He had a huge assault rifle. He had extra a ao. He w w coming ready for he was coming ready for something. To reload. I dont know. He had magazines. I couldnt see what else. I saw i just saw three dressed exactly the same. Youre certain you saw three men . Yes. It looked like their skin color was white. They looked like they were athletic build, and they appeared to be talal and of course weve just learned that one of the suspects was actually a woman. Well have the latest on the San Bernardino massacre and the chest pain, likeheres a ton wf weight on your chest. Severe shortness of breath. Unexplained nausea. Cold sweats. Theres an unusual tiredness and fatigue. Theres unfamiliar dizziness or lightheadedness. Unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs youre having a heart attack. Dont make excuses. Make the call to 911 immediately. Learn more at womenshealth. Gov heartattack. While i was on a combat patrol in baqubah, iraq, a rocketpropelled grenade took my arm off at the shoulder. I was discharged from the army, and ve been working with the Wounded Warrior project since 2007. Warriors, you dont have to be severely wounded to be with the Wounded Warrior project. We do have a lot of guys that have posttraumatic stress disorder. Being able to share your story, i guess it kind of helps s u wrap y yr mind around what did happen over there. My name is norbie, and yes, i do suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, heres the latest on the mass shooting in San Bernardino, california. Two suspects are dead. One man, one woman. They were killed in a shootout with police, who had chased down their suv, that vehicle in the middle of the shot there. A third person is in custody, though police say he may not be involved. One officer was ghtly wounded. Tonight police are searching a home in neighboring redlands, california and searching the inland regional center, the site of the shooting, searching both of those places for bombs. The killers, dressed in military gear, shot more than 30 people. At least 14 are dead. 17 others are wounded. 10 of them critically. The attack happened during a holiday luncheon attended by workers from the county depament of health. Terrorism has not been ruled out. Homeland security correspondent jeff pegues is following the investigation. Jeff . Scott, some of the leads that investigators are getting to this point have come because of a name that surfaced really early on in the minutes after this shooting. Law enforcement sources, multiple l l enforcement sources confirm for cbs news that one of the possible suspects mentioned is syed farook. He worked for the department of health. Again, this is a name that has been confirmed by multiple law forcement sources as a possible suspect in this shooting. Information about what was found in the vehicle. Vehicle that was described as leaving the scene of the according to Law Enforcement sources, an n 15 style rifle was found in that vehicle along with two pistols as well. Investigators are right now in addition, as the vehicle was fleeinin the suspects inside, according to l l enforcement officials, threw a piece of metal from the vehicle. It was a piece of metal pipe is how it was described to o. It was thrown from the suv. As it turns out, it was not an explosive device. There was some concern that that piece of metal was some sort of pipe bomb typepeevice. But that was not the case. Again, two of the suspects are dead. That according to investigators who released that information just minutes ago. A male and a female. Investigators are still looking into the possibility that a third suspect was involved as well. Scott . Jeff pegues, thank you very much. Our cbs News Coverage of the massacre will continue on our 24hour digital news network, cbcb, which is availablelen all devices at cbsnews. Com. Around the world, good night. The sandy hook elementary attack nearly three years ago. Farook was attending thehe celebration party. Got angry and left the building and he matches the physical of one of the shooters. Reporter about four hours after the attack and two miles from the sococl Services Center in San Bernardino, police confronted the suspects in an suv. The suspects were killed in the shootout. Chris martinez is in San Bernardino and begins our coverage. There is still a very Strong Police presence at this hour at shooting. Investigators believe this was a very carefully preplanned attack. Authorities have revealed the identities of the two suspects they believe are responsible for the mass shooting at inlandnd regional center. The pair identified as 28yearold Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik fleled the scene of the massacre in a black suv. Both died two miles away from the shooting in a gun battle with police. Inside the suv investigators found assault rifles and semiautomatic handguns. Based on what we have seen and based upon how they were equipped, there had to be some degree of planning that went into this. Reporter farook an enviroental specialist for San Bernardino left the party in anger and turned a short time later with malik and dressed in i was in disbelief. I called my kids and said what happens here, there is a shooting, be safe. Reporter farooks brotherinlaw condemned the tacks and expressededis remorse. I am sad. Deeply sad and shocked that Something Like this happened. Reporter as the investigation coinues to unfold, authories say they have not ruled out terrorisms a motive. It is a possibility, but we dont know that yet and we are not willing to go down that road yet. Reporter authorities worked late into the night at the scene of the deadly shooting after bomb squadsound and detonated a suspicious pipe bomb device inside. And this morning, police, along with several otheraw enforcement agcies, including the fbi, they areorking to figure out the exact motive here. They do know that at least two of the four guns they say the suspects used were purchased legally. Chris, bebere you go, what suspects . Reporter well, we know syed farook was an environmental inspector with the county here and we were told he held that position about five years. He would inspect restaurants and pools for chlorine level and things like that. We know according to his brotherinlaw that he was married d other suspect for about two years. They did, as mentioned, have a 6monthold child, a little girl, and we understand they left that child this morning with the little girls grandmothehefrom they left for that banquet just a couple of hours really before that shooting happened. Chris martinez in San Bernardino, thank you, chris. For more we are joined on the phone by dr. Errol sujers, the managing director for tall Global Corporation and a professor of Homeland Security at the university of souern california. Thanks for joining us, dr. Suthers. I want to ask you, investigators are exploring all options in terms of a motive but they are not ruling out terrorism. Your background, what do you think motivated this shooting . Well, my initial thought, understanding that the target or the victs were at a party for cosnty workers, that itt seemed quite personal. The shooters went to a location that didnt appear to be random. They had specific target knowledge, they understood how to get in and out. The speed of what they were able to accomplish in such an ultra violent way suggests they had personal knowledge of this location. Last they appeared to be suicidedid not appear to be suicidal so they had thought about this attack and thought about their escape. Reporter surely when you embark on an attack like this, youre not planning on getting away. Do you think that they were planning on escaping . I think they were planning on escaping. E fact that they had the vehicle there, they didnt wait to shoot itut with lice. It didnt appear that they were it seems to me that they were planning to kill as my peoe as they could and leave that location. Interesting. Now the council on American Islamic relations came out right away. They came outight away and had a press conference. Whwh is your take on that press conference . Well, here we are just less than three weeks away from the paris attacks which gripped the entire world. There is an increasing sensitivity and vigilance regarding isisinspired attacks and, lastly, the routine criticism by some that Muslim Community should condemn all attacks. It appears to me and i dont know their total motivation, that c. A. R. E. Decided to get out in front of this and condemn the attacks as the Muslim Community and also offer up a relative of the shooter to off his condolences. On part of the Muslim Community saying we condemn these attacks, we stand with you and we want to show our solidarity. You mnds the paris shooting and a mass shooting on the 27th in colorado and the worse since sandy hook. How do we stop these shootings . Well, Workplace Violence and appears oing to haha one or both of this this particular attack. The attackers dont live in a vacuum. These attackers have families, they live in communities, they have wouldcoworkers. Increasing thee social networks are reporting behaviors and statements and other activity that, you know, we, in the intelligence security, might deememctual intelligence. The way too stop or prevent or thwart these attacks is when people actually notify authorities, people they know well, are saying or doing things that could be troubling. All right. Much. The attack in San Bernardino is the latest mass shooting in this country. Tacks that have become all too familiar. Its the thirdeadliest masss shooting in u. S. History. There have been more than 350 Mass Shootings,laws. As nancy cordes reports, it appears that capitol hill is still not ready to take accession. Reporter california democrat Barbara Boxer is one of the biggest opponents of gun laws. Its heart breaking to see another mass shooting in this country. Looks like a war zone andts nott enough to keep l lenting these things. We have to take action. Become so pervasive that Hillary Clinton was actual talking ababt guns in orlando minines before. It is time for us to say, we are going to have comprehensive background checks and we are going to close the gun show loophole and the online loophole. Reporter most republicans say there is no proof that more gun laws would do any good and some want even more firearms. Former arkansas governo mike huckabee. In most every case in this country, one is a mentally unstable person, two, a gunfree zone. Reporter most of his f flow president ial candidates stay clear and say they were praying for the victims. On capitol hill, Gun Legislation. Any Gun Legislation is a nonstarter, after the paris attacks, democratstsevived their push to ban gun sales to those on the u. S. Terror watch list. House Speaker Paul Ryan was noncommittal. You said its better to be safe is this somomhing you support . This is a a beating of alll of this process. The task force is taking all suggestions from democrats and republicans. Reporter nancy cordes, cbs news, washington. Cbs this morning coanchor Norah Odonnell interviewed president obama just after yesterdays attack. The president said, again, its time this country take steps to try to reduce the number of Mass Shootings. We have a pattern now of Mass Shootings in this country that has no peril anywhere else in the world. And theres some steps we could take, not to eliminate every one of these Mass Shootings, but to improve the odds that they dont happen as frequently. We will have more of Norah Odonnells interview with president obama coming up on cbs this morning. Britains parliament has voted to strikes in area. Island of cyprus t t start the attacks. Parliament approved the new attacks after more than a tenhour debate. Opponents say britains entry into croroed air space over syria would not be effective. Two army pilots were killed when their helicopter crashed in rural tennessee. The apache chopper went down wednesday night duringg a routine Training Exercise about 12 miles south of ft. Campbell. The tense krngs confrontation in San Francisco before officers unleash a hail of bullets. This is the cbs morning news. Packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. Why not feel this good everyday . What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. 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The other shooter was his wife 27yearold Tashfeen Malik. They were killed in shootout with police about four hours after the attack and leave behind a 6monthold daughter. Police say they were the only shooters and havent determined a motive yet. Another double shooting is caught on cell phone video in San Francisco. And isis releases a video of an alleged execution. Those are some of the headlines on the morningng newsstand. U. S. News world report claims that isis claimed to have executed a russian man. The terror Group Released a video on wednesday showing the apparent death. Isis sayayin the video that the man joined the group was actually a spy. Russia recently increased air strikes against isis in syria. The San Francisco chronicle reports on the Deadly Police shooting of a stabbing captured on video. Oh, my god reporter the police chief says the man had a k kfe in his hand a a he approached officers, but critics say the man was not a direct threat and did not have to be shot. The Washington Post reports on a half dozen previously undisclosed Security Breaches at the white house. A report out today concludes the secret service is an agency in crisis. House investators say the secret service hasnt fixed manyy of its institutional problems identified last year. Still ahead, changes at chipotle. We will tell you what they are doing to keep food safe after and thisis. Coli outbreak. Wo reasons to take care of my heart. Thats why i take meta. Meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. Try meta today. And for a tasty you have moderate ti severe plaque psoriasis. Isnt it t me to let the. Real you shine. Through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you arereallergic to any of its ingredients. 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Up next questionablecargo. Details on the investigation. The radiant glow of being in love. Capture it with new stay luminous makeup. Stay luminous has allday plus luminosity for a longlasting natural glow new stay luminins makeup heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. There is breaking news out an Appeals Court scaled up Oscar Pistorious conviction off murder and overturned his murder conviction. Pistorious could now return to jail or face a retrial. Ththtrial of the firir of six baltimore Police Officers charged in the death of freddie gray resumes today. William porter is charged with manslaughter. In opening statements, prosecutors said gray could notot breathe after suffering injuries in the back of a police van, but porter ignored him. Porters attorney questioned exactly when gray was injured. The dea is t ting to figure out thth morning how a shipment of cocaine wound up on an American Airlines jet. The jet was flown t t Tulsa Airport for routine maintenance and thats where workers discovered more than 26 pounds of cocaine in ten packages. No word on who they belonged to coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, the latest from San Bernardino on the shooting rampage. Im annemarie green. And this is the cbs morning and wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new theraflu expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and. What makes thermacare different . Two words it heals. How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increasascirculation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. Recapping our top story now. A man and womanilled during a gun battle with police are believed to be the only shooters that attacked a social Services Center in california. At least 14 people were killed and 17 others wounded. Both shootots were armed with assault rifles and semiautomatic handguns. They were killed in a shootout with police about four hours after the attack, two miles from the social Services Center. Chris martinez is in San Bernardino. Chris, good morning. Police identified those suspects as syed farook and tashfeen mamak and they s s they openedd fire at that holiday banquet for county employees this morning, killing 14 as you sa and injuring 17 others. Syed farook was at that partyty because he was a county employee the past five years or so and we were told he left that banquet in anger for some reason and returned later with his wife and both of them heavily armed. Thats whenn the shooting started and people inside describe a terrifying scene. We had to come out with our hands up and be escorted aoss the street to the golf course and sit t tre for hours, hours witnessing clothing of deceived ones in the street, people crying, coworkers crying. I was just nunu. I was just in disbelief. I called my kid and said if something happens to me, there reporter both of those suspects were killed just h hrs later after a chase with police that ended in a shootout. Police tell us they have recovered four guns from those two suspects. Two of those known already to be purchased legally. This morning, they are still working at this hour, i should say, they are still working to determine a motive here. Police working along with several other Law Enforcement agencies, including the fbi, they are all over thth one. They do tell us at this point, they have not ruled out terrorism. We expect to learn a lot more today abt the people who were killed and also those who were injured with that shooting this morning. A lot of those names still not released at this point but we expect to learn a lot more about

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