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Reporter after earning most iowa caucus goats in g. O. P. History, ted cruz boasted to us he had deied the odds. Every tv pundit on virtually every station said cruz cant win. Theres no chance cruz is going to win iowa. Its not going to happen. It was going to be trump, trump, trump, trump trump. Reportete butt wasnt. Trump fell 6,000 votes short and gave an uncommonly subdued concession speech. We finished second, and i want to tell you something, im just honored. Im really honored. Reporter but today, the bombast was back. Trump complained on twit theyre he had not been given any credit by the voters for selffunding his campaign. And that the media has not covered my longshot great finish in ioio fairlrl trump called cruzs victory speech long, rambling, and overly flamboyant. Trump still holds large leads in New Hampshire polls but the race is quickly become a battle among trump, cruz, and iowa thirdplace firn marco rubio. Its good to see you guys. Reporter the florida better position to be the nominee thanruz. Who iss closer right now. I think i am and ill tell you why. First of all, were one delegate apart, dpite the outcome. And i think we have the best chance to unify the party, but also to grow it. Reporter but rubios newfound momentum also comes with new attacks from rivals john kasich, jeb bush, and chris christie, who also need strong showings in New Hampshire to stay viable. Lets see if hellll answer your questions and stand up and take that because i dont think he will. And you know why, i dont think he can. Setimes people under duress will react in ways they probably will regegt later into dont take that well. Reporter christi finished tenth. Cruz worked really hard for his victory in iowa, holding twothirds as many eventas trump. And when you do the math, trump collected twice as many votes per iowa visits than cruz. Pelley worth remememring they havent picked the nominee now we go to the democrats and here is nancy cordes. I am so thrilled that im coming to New Hampshire after winning iowa. cheers reporter the first woman ever to win the Iowa Caucuses did it by. 2 of 1 . Arar you conceding the race in iowa . Last i saw we were four delegates down. As i understand it, there were some precincts actually where delegates were won with the flipave coin. So we want to takak a look at that. Tails reporter at least six precincts broke a tie with a coin toss. Hillary clinton. cheers reporter the large turnout, evenly split, caused challenges elsewhere, too. We should do a realignment. Reporter in the end, 84 of young voters under the age of 30 went for sanders, but of caucusgoers were 50 up and and the Granite State is rockier territory for clinton. The latesescbs news Battleground Tracker shows sanders leading in New Hampshire by 19 points. His democratic socialist message plays well with the states large independent population. It sounds to me like youre ready for a political revolution. cheers and applause reporter sanders also has something of a Home Field Advantage here. He is from neighboring v vrmont, but crts has deep ties here, too, scott. It is here that she stage aid comeback eight years ago after a stinging floss iowa. Pelley nancy cordes for us tonight. Nancy, thank you. Two carn ults of the Iowa Caucuses mike huckabee, who won there eight years ago, did poorly last night and dropped out, and so did democrat martin omalley. Clinton picked up 22 National Convention delegates in iowa, sanders 21, but thats a little already has 362 super delegates, Party Leaders who pledged their votes to her. That brings her now to 384 or about 16 of the 2382 she needs. After New Hampshire, the polls indicated the primaries are expected to break clintons way. On the republican side, cruz pickedp eight delegates, trump and rubio seven. Ey need a little over 1200, so far to go. John dickerson is our cbs news political director and anchor of face the nation. Well, john, as we just heard what, a difference an election makes. Tell me, how is the race changed . Whats the new framework . Reporter well, weve been talking about this race in terms of the establishment versus the outsiders. But we should maybe look at it in terms o o the ideologog versus electability. If you look at the entrance polls in iowa, those who were asked, who shares your values . Overwhelmingly they went for ted cruz. When people were asked, who do the large share went to marco rubio. Going into New Hampshire, ted cruz is saying im the true consistent conservative, the keeper of the flame, rally to my light. Marco o bio is saying i can beat hillary clinton. Pelley a question of ideology and electability. Tell me, where does this go from here . Reporter well, marco rubio did well in iowa i i part because he did better than expectations but now that hes saying hes in the top tier, he is the alternative to cruz and trump, those expectations are very high. So he would have to do very well in New Hampshire, which is a lessideological state. Of course, he has new competitors there in bush, christi, and kasich, all of whom want to crag him down, and, of course, there is still the roiling fight that willl continue between ted cruz and donald trump. Pelley john dickerson. Well be watching on sunday on face the nation. John, thanks so much. Now, in another important story tonight, Health Officials have confirmed the first transmission a person in dallas was infected after sex with a partner who had been in venezla, where zika is epidemic. Its usually transmitted by mosquitoes, and its suspected of causing devastating birth defes. Hardest hit is brazil, where we find dr. Jon lapook. Reporter its a searchanddestroy mission by government workers. Each morning, teams of army and Health Workers target neighborhoods in the city of retief, lookingo kill mopses that may carry the zika virus. Recife is the epicenter of the explosion of microcephaly, an abnormally small head at birth linked to the infection. Each is a notified case of microcephaly. Reporter dr. Jailson correia heads up the citys health department. We are expecting now to reduce the mop plaigz of mosquitoes to see less zika infection in 2016 and hopefully less microcephaly cases later on. Reporter there are 72,000 homes in this district alone, two months. 30yearold Silvania Borges is pregnant with her fourth child. A worker added a chemical to kill mosquito larvae at a water storage nairchg her house. The majority of breegd of this species of mosquitoes occurs in peoples home. What are you doing at home to lower your chance of getting bitten by a mosququo . Borges told me she tries to keep her home clean, eliminate standing water, and occasionally uses bug spray. Still, she gets mosquito bites about once a week. Es had no obvious symptoms of zika, but 80 of the time, those infected dont feel sick. What do you worry about . Prejudice exists and is seriouou as a mom, i would give all my love, but i would worry about the outside world. Scott, i asked health mmissioner correia about the he said that has not been reportedreportedreported inreported in brazil but health offifials here are expececd to take a closer look. Pelley like us you probably have a lot of questions about zika, and after this broadcast, dr. Lapook will do a live chat on the cbs evening News Facebook page. So what are the chances of a large outbreak of zika in this country . We put the questiono dr. Thomas frieden who runss the centers for disease control. Everything that weve seen so far doesnt suggest that there will be a widespread outbreak of zika in the u. S. We have two things going for us. First, t t mosquitoes arere not present at all in most of the country, and theyre present in much lower numbers where they are present. Second, because people have air conditioning, are inside, are less crowdeded than some of the place wheres zika is spreading so rapidly, were much less likely to have that kind of widespread transmission, even in virus. Pelley dr. Thomas frieden of the c. D. C. Now, turning overseas, there was a bang and suddenly a gaping hole in a jetliner over wartorn somalia today, and Margaret Brennan has that. Reporter cell phone video shot on the plane while still in flight shows oxygen masks blowing in the wind near the hole in the airbus 321. Some passengers towards the back of the plane can be seen wearing people were injured. The somaliowned airline was on its way from mogadishu to djibouti, when minutes after in the fuselage. After the smoke cleared he realized quite a chunk of the plane was missing. U. S. Intelligence officials are aware of reports that there may have been an explosion but its unclear if thats from a structural failure or a bomb. Scott, the Al Qaedalinked terror Group Alshabaab controlled part of the country, and isis is expanding its footprint. Pelley Margaret Brennan in the washington newsroom tonight. Margaret, thank you. Now, five days ahead of super bowl 50, the nfl is studying how to deal with a 58 increase in concussions from 115 during the 2014 season to 182 in 2015. This after the League Already cracked down on helmuttohelmut hits. John blackstone is looking into this. Reporter after former new york giant tyler sash died at the age of 27, doctors were degenerative brain disease, unusually a aanced in someone soo young. His mother, barnetta, blames football. They could have all the money back if i could just have my son back. I dont you know, nothing else matters. And you cant compensate anybody enough for that. If you continue to deny my work reporter in the movie concussion, will smith pys dr. Bennet omalu,he pathologogt who first identified the brain disease chronic tramatic encephalopathy or c. T. E. In football players. He battled the football establishment to have it recognized. Obody is denying c. T. E. Any longer. Reporter dr. Omalu has studied the brains of dozens of deceased nfl players. How many of the players on the field on super bowl sunday will already be suffering from brain damage . The profefeional players willl suffer from c. T. E. I think thats a bit of hyperbole, quite honestly. I cant imagine that being the case. Reporter dr. Mitch berger, a brain surgeon, is chairave commit they monitors head injuries for the nfl. Over the past decades, the league has made dozens of rule changes top reduce the risk. An athletic traiair dubbedd eyee in the sky watches for injuries from a stadium box, and an independent Neurological Consultant monitors from the sidelines. Concussions are up, and i thenk its primarily because of the vigilance. So because of the affiliated neurotrauma consultant, because of the spotter in the media box, there were twice as many evaluations or screenings for concussions this year. Reporter but dr. Omalu believes it takes less than a concussion to damage the brain. So by the time you reach a professional level, you must have received thousands if not hundreds of thousands of blows to your head. Reporter dr. Omalu now has damage those blows to the head may be causing, and, scott, the nfl is looking at equipment changes and even newinds of turf that could reduce head injuries. Pelley John Blackstone reporting for us. John, thank you. A mother remembers her murdered daughter was the killer online . And snow plows overwhelmed by a severe storm when the cbs evening news continues. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i thihi you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. An honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep myody in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. Hey this is lloyd. Hes agreed to give it up. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day y nor arthritis s in relief with an easy open cap. Pelley Nicole Lovell battled illness and bullying and lived much of her short life online. Saturday in virginia, she was found murdered. Two College Freshmen are under arrest, and don dahler is following this. Reporter at a press conference, Nicole Lovells mother, tammy weeks, tried to describe the daughter she called colie. She uldnt finish. Colie had a passion for american idol. Nicole touched many people throughout her short l le. Yeah, i cant do that part. Reporter prosecutors have charged 18yearold David Eisenhauer with first degree murder and his fellow Virginia Tech engineering student 19yearold natalie keepers is now charged with helping him commit the crime. Commonwealths attorney mary pettitte. A very preliminary determination of the cause of death is stabbing. Reporter r isenhower is a former High School Track star. According to police documents, he first told investigators, i believe the truth can set me free. 13yearold lovell, who had survived a liver t tnsplant, wasas last seen at her mothers blacksburg, virginia, home last wednesday. Her body was discovered saturday lying on a road in north carolina. Lovells father, david, a a her stepmother, terry, stayed in touch with the teen through social media but they were concerned about her activities on some web sites where the met her accused killer. Were you aware that she was active on these teen flirt sites . We knew that there were some issues at one time with her on these sites, and we addressed them, and i guess we didnt do enough. Reporter the suspects are being held at this jail without bond. They have not yet entered a plea, scott. Nicole lovell, her funeral will be held on thursday. Pelley don, thank you. Snow stretches for 1,000 miles. Next. Got interesting. Whwhpause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . 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So look for powerful Cold Medicine with a heart. Pelley the candidates got out of iowa just one step ahead of a storm that could still spawn tornadoes. Heres david begnaud. Reporter tonight, a blizzard is sweeping across much of middle america. The zone of snow extends from colorado to wisconsin. More than 13 millioneople are under the threat of winter weather. In colorado alone in just 24 hours. In kansas, vehs had to be dug out. Blowing snow has made driving treacherous, with little visibility. Big rigs have become stranded. Some sedans didnt even have a chance. Even snow plows were struggling. The snow cut power to at least 1600 customers in lininln, nebraska, where monie and lee hetrick live. Its a moment where you go back to where people didnt have power and you have to learn how to adada. Reporter elsewhere t tay it was unusually warm from chicago to new orleans. Nashville set a record 75 degrees. That warmth, combined with strong winds, will cause severe thunderstorms and a loomingng threat of tornadoes for nearly nine Million People from the gulf coast to illinois. Tonight, we are in mississippi and right now the National Weather service out of jackson confirms there is a tornado on the ground, and people there are being urged to take cover right now. You tomorrow. David begnaud, thank you very much. Millions of people will be in the pathave flood of super bowl next. Get fastacting, longlasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protececve barrier thth helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. For fastacting, longlasting try gaviscon. Americans. Were living longer than ever. As we age, certain nutrients become especially important. From the makers of one a day fiftyplus. One a day proactive sixtyfive plus. With high potency vitamin b12 and more vitamin d. 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Ask a urology specialist today people are coming out to the Nations Capital to support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. How can you help . By giving a little more, to yourself. I am running for my future. People sometimes forget to help themselves. The cause is retirement, and today thousands of people came to race for retirement and pledge to save an additional one pepeent of their income. Prudential bring your challenens pelley the super bowl is coming sunday here on cbs, but first a wd from the sponsors. Heres demarco morgan. Each morning i get up, i die a little. Can barely stand on my feet. Take a look at yourself in e mirror. And cry reporter these singing sheep hope to have football fans flocking to their honda dealers, but whether youre an animal lover your skittles portrait. Reporter on who a sweet tooth and the mood to go an octav higher. I think a little higher. Dream on reporter get ready to be bowl ads. Its hard to resist great taste. Reporter en wheaton, editor of ad age. What does the super bowl mean to adadrtisers . The super bowl for advertisers is one of the last big things for them to put their brand in front of the most people in america. Reporter companies are shelling out 4. 8 millionn average for a 30second spot. Thats 160,000 per second. Over here we have their alphabet. It was called emoji. R rorter last of during last years super bowl, smaller brands like avocado from mexico spent 10 of their budget for an ad. E double dipped. Reporter Company President alvaro luque. Were trying to give an example to other brands that could be participating participate there and compete or share the stage with this huge brand. Reporter his brand grew 33 . The lesson . That resonates. And a brand that sticks for years to come. Just one look reporter demarco morgan, cbs news, new york. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For bll of us at cbs news all around the world. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs right now on cbs 2 news, winter wrath. Where the snowfall is impacting people the most and how its affecting those needing to vote in school elections. Elections. Plus. Post post caucus crunch, how tight races and record turnouts in iowa are setting the tone. Right now cleanup is behind frorothe winter storm. This is video we shot earlier today in cedar rapids. How much snow yoy received it depended on where you live but one thing we share is the wind that i istarting to pick up. Things are constantly changing in fact, this just in. We have a dense fog advisory in effect until midnight. We are seeing reduced villas ability, be mindful of that if you are on the roads. It is foggy out there, you can barely see the headlines on interstate 80. It is reduced down to 3 miles in cedar rapids. As you get north down to 1 mile as well. Be mindful of that. If you are heading homo tonight because we also have strong

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