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The frontrunner there for months,onald trump has fallen behind to ben cacaon. Well speak with dr. Carson live in a moment. But first, the shrinking field of Democratic Candidates gathered last night in iowa for a big dinner thats o ten been a turning point. Chief white house cooespondent ed henry is live in des moines to tell us what happened. Ed . Chris, for Hillary Clinton, this was a political equivalent of a defens shes back in the leadadid not want t t make a mistake. She played it so safe, it opened the door for bernie sanders, the democratic socialist senator to electrify this crowd of over 6,000iowa democrats. She brought along her husband bill for his first rally of this campaign cycle, plus pop star katy perry. The comeback kid declaring that after what was obviously a brutal start to hercampaign, his wife has had a remarkable few weeks from a strong debate performance to a series of democrats simply dropping outf this race. So the front runner used this big democratitidinner to focus instead on hitting donald trump, ben carson, the rest of the republican field and basically acting as if shes already the general election nominee. Listen. When republicans debate, they compete to insult each other, demean women, and they dble down on trickle down. Actually, it is reality tv. With a cast of characters who dont care much about actual reality. Now, that cautious approach tripped her up at the 2007 Jefferson Jackson dinner, but that was an historic night where she was taking on barack obama. This field much weaker. Though, bernieieanders basically said hold off on the clinton coronation without naming them, he directly slammed both hillary issues from nafta to the defensive marriage act and the iraq war saying they were too far in the middle. Hes been the consistent liberal drawing the wildest applause of the night. Im the only democratic ndidate for presidede w w does not have a superpac. And we are going to prove the experts wrong. Because were going to win this campaign now, the only other democrat left, Martin Omalley bically called cnton a wather vane. D despite her resurgence, she still has this looming investigation of the server. And this friday, the state Department Releases more of her emails as the drip drip continues. Ed henry from des moines. Thank you for that. Now to the republican race whwhe dr. Ben carson is now the front runner in iowa. Hes also the author of a new book, a more perfect union. And dr. Carson, welcome back to fox news suay. Thank you, good to be with you, chris. Lets start with those new numbers out of iowa, a des moinesregister poll shows you leading trump, a swing of 14 points in your favor since august. A poll has you leading from 28 to 20 . And in that poll, an astronomical 84 of iowans have a favorable opinion of you, only 10 unfavorable. Dr. Carson, whats going on . Well, i think people are actually having an opportunity to listen to me. It really shows the power of social media and of word of mouth. Because as you know, you know, a lot of the media has it in for me. But, you know, if people listen to them, you know, i would be polling at less than zero. But the fact of the matter is, you know, this is a very serious time in our nation. And its a time when people have to make a clear decision of which direction do we want to go in . Is truth and integrity something important . Are traditional American Values mething important . Or are we ready to turn overer everything and get rid of all of our values for the sake of Political Correctness . This is a very crucialelection . This is also one of the first times, one of the few times that donald trump has trailed in the polls. Here was his reaction. We have a breaking story. Donald trump has f fllen to second place behind ben carson. We informed ben, but he was sleeping. Now, he went after you as even more low energy thanan jeb bush. He says youre very weak on immigration. He even questioned your faith as a seventh hay adventist. What do you make o o at . Well, itkind of that we had a couple of months ago ago. He went ballistic on that. It seems interesting he would be doing that. I refuse to get into the mud pit. The republicans were there trying to destroy each other. I think that was a huge mistake in the last cycle. And im certainly not going to get into that. No matter what anybody says. Do you think it shows something about trump . Says something about his character . Well, he is who he is. I dont think thats going to change. And i am who i am. Either. So, y yu know, neither one of us probably is going to be somebody who is going to be managed by handlers. Thats not who we are. And theay i kind of look at it, if people resinate what im talking a aut, they will k kw its s e truth. And what i truly believe. Works with them and they feel im the good representative for them, thats eat. I would love to have theirvote. And if they dont want me, thats fine, too. Because i would never lie just to get an office. I wouldnt be happy and the people wouldnt be happy. You have also started a 500,000 ad buy, and for early voting stage, with the tag line heal, inspire, revive. Heres a clip. Washington is broken. The Political Class broke it. Together, we can drain the swamp and protect our childrens future. Im ben carson, and i approve this message. Doctor, youre doing well with social conservative, but whats your pitch to republicans across the political spectrum . Well, basically, the pitch is ameriri right now is in terrible trouble. I mean, we have to stop all the divisiveness,`recognize were americans first. Not republicans or democrats. We have to begin to take care of those who are coming behind us. Our children are precious. The fact that we could be spending up their future and some peoule dont even think its a prprblem, we have to become fiscally responsible, and its absolutely crucial that we deal with the global jihadist movement. And with putins ambitions. And with all of the things that are going on that are becausesee have not taken a leadership position in the world. Well, let me pick up on that. Obviously, as you rise in the polls, your pocies, you plans attract new attention, especially ur plan to end medicare. Whwhh serves 49 million Senior Citizens and medicaid, which serves 72 million lowincome americans. Before we get into your plan, let me make sure ive got this right. Dr. Carson, you would end medicare . No, thats completely false. And thats a narrative that somebodys putting out there to scare people. What the program that i have outlined using Health Savings accounts starting from the time you are born until the time you die, lrgely eliminates the need for people to be dependent on Government Programs like that. But i would never get rid of the programs. I would provide people with an alternative. I think they will see that the alternative that were going to outline is so much betterhan anything else. That they will flock to it. This seems to me to be a bit of a change. You would have a choice. You can do Health Savings accounts or have the traditional medicare . Oh, yeah, i do not believe in imposing things upon people. I believe in presenting things that are so attractive that people will very quickly migrate to them. But heres the concern a lot of people have about this plan. Year to every individual whether its a lowincome sick person. O. Well, thats what were saying, sir. No, thats the old plan. Thats been gone for several months now. The plan now for funding Health Savings accounts is using the same dollars that we use for Traditional Health care. We already spend twice as much per capita on health care as many other countries in the world. Utilizingg that money, the place where the government would come in is with the indigent. Thats where medicaid comes in. The Medicaid Budget is 400 billion toto 500 billion a year and we have 80 Million People that participate, which is way too many and we can fix that by fixing the economy. How does the Health Savings account workf theres no government subsidy . Well,et me juju tell you. Im telling you right now, with the indigent people, 80 million to 400 billion goes 500,000 times, eechl manach man, woman and child. What could you buy with that . And you still have a couple thousand dollars left over for cata catastrophic insurance. Everything else is going to come out of your Health Savings account. How do you get the money for your Health Savings account. Im not talking about medicaid, im talking about medicice. You used to say you were going to end medicare and have a 2,000 government fee to every individual, man, woman and child. Thats gone. That is off t t table. Were not having the government do that. I dont want a Big Government program. You know, ive the one thing about me, ill tell you sometetng, im not a polititian. So o dont say that because i thought this a while ago before i had an opportunity to talk to a lot of economists and various people and cost it out thth i cant change my mind. One of the things thats very important about our country, we have a lot of incredibly smart people with a lot of experience doing things. I listen to that. When im out on thehe ad, i listen to people have to say. But, sir, im a little Representative Government let me dont mean to interrupt, but im a little bit confused. If im a regulul person, im not indigent and youre going to give me a Health Savings account, but youre not going to give me any money, why wouldnt i want medicare . Whats the advantage of the Health Savings account . Well, remember, you alread if youre a regular person have a job. And theyre already giving you some health benefits. So, instead of that money going into the inefficient system that it goes in nono, it gets divided and divvied up into your familys Health Savings account over which you now have control. And to which you can contribute anything you want. Thats the dference. But isnt that the that money that money is already there. Going to be government money going into my Health Savings account . If theres already government money going into it, it certainly could, absolutely. And would that be 2,000 . But not but t new government money. No,the same listen carefully, because this is the concept that sometimes can be confusing. Okay. The amount of money that we are already spending for health care in this country is astronomical. And its almost twice as much as many other countries in the world. And yet, we have terrible problems with access. If we take those sasa dollars and divert them into a system that gives you control over your home health care, you and your health cararprovider cut out the middle man, the bureaucracy. Those dollars go much further. We wont have to use a many of the dollars are already there, chris. I ununerstand, but t teyre in a government system. Last question, i want to understand. All right. Lets say ive retired. Had a job, health insurance, now ive retired and i need government help for m m health care. Wheres that money c cing from . The same place the same dollars that would be going to you through medicare would go into yoo Health Savings account. You continue to use it just like you have been using. So in other words, does the government as a snior citizen. Right. If you decide you dont like that system and you prefer just to keep the system like it is, im not going to deny you the privilege of dog that. Well, this is intererting, obviously, to be continued. And as you know, and i suppose its a good thing. Polls, more discussion oyour proposal. D carson,hank yoyo thanks for talking with us. And of course, well see you again on the campaign trail, sir. Good luck. Oh, its a pleasure. Thank you. Up next, as carson surges, jeb bush downsizes. Our sunday Group Discusses the changing state of the gop race. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about paul ryans almost certain election this week as speaker of the hse. Go to twitter at Fox News Sunday and we may use your question on air. This program is proudly brought to you by charles schwalb. If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot ofofood questions. 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This means lean and mean and means that i have the ability to adapt. You have jeb bush has 125 million. Honestly, i dont think its going to help him. Ill be honest. Gop president ial candidate jeb bush announcing major cuts to his campaign. While donald trump calls on bush and others to tell their superpacs to give back the money as he is now doing. And its time now for our sunday group. Head of Heritage Action for america. Bob woodward, conservative pollster, kristian ltice anderson. And michael, its been a big week in the republican race, as weve been saying, carson is up, trump is slipping, at least, in iowa, and jeb bush announcing major cutbacks to his campai. 45 cut in payroll. Whats going on . Well, its a sign of how fluid this race actually is. And thats especially true in iowa where voters are paying attentoon. Money has started to b spent by he candidates. And in many ways, the reason the race is fluid, the Republican Party is going through a transformation, a healthy debate about what the future is, and i dont think you could have seen the extent of that transformation more than some of the stotoies over the weekend about george h. W. Bush and his advisers. Not knowing what to make of this. How do we understand it . And its the grass roots conservatives who felt unheard by washington, unheard by the washington establishment for so long, taking over the party, thats what some of the enthusiasm comes from. Ben carson, vry traditional iowa candidate, socially conservative, upsetet with washingtoto d. C. In the way thats working. I think the difference, and we saw it a little bit in that last segment is that carson doesnt have the same policy proposals laid out yet that Mike Huckabee did, that rickantorum did. D. Itll be interesting over the next several months, does he match up with that rhetoric, that populist outrage with the type of policy agenda that a blue collll conservatism that a former governor had to ultimately lead them to winning iowa. You would certainly have to say fluid discussion about medicare a medicaid. Do you think that hurts them . Well, you had that conversation, aaonversation over amnesty. Hes traditionally supported amnesty and laying out what he thinks about those types of issues. I think theres 2 1 2 months, people are rightly open to ben carson for the right reasons. Hes not part of is corrupt washington establishment and now hes going to lay out a policy agenda that connects the dots. Whats the bigger deal . Which is the bigger deal . Trumps slide, and i want to point out in iowa at this point, but theres been a slide in iowa, or bushs continued problems, especially given the advertising in new hampshire. He came into this race wanting to run this Joyful Campaign where it was going to be about his ideas and record as governor of florida. And its been hard for him to get enough oxygen around that despite the over 100 million with the superpac. But hes making the smart choice by choosing to retrench and pull back in terms of what his campaign is spending. This is what you saw from the mccaiai campaign in 2008. Had a vererrough summer. He came back to be the nominee. The Gingrich Campaign in 2012. A rough summer, retrenched, changed strategy, came back and won south carolina. I think by making smart chces now, the busus campaign has a shot at putting itself on a path back to being a strong contender. And how much should we make as a pollster . How much should we make of the fact that donald trump in iowa in two polls is noww in second place . Bear in mind that the big message out of the Trump Campaign is im a winner, whether its im a winner in business, in the polls, hes not winning in the polls anymore, that undercuts his core message. Thats why i think youve seen him sort of lash out very frustrated trying to dismiss the polls. I dont think he knows what to make of a race when donald trump isnt the winner. Lets turn to the other big news for republicans this weekend. And that is thh paul an is almost certainly going to be elected. The new speaker of the house next thursday after getting the support of all wings of the Republican Caucus in the house. Here he is. We have become the problem. If my colleagues trust me to be the speaker, i want us to become theesolution. We ask you for questions for the panel, and we got a bunch about ryan from you. Mark grass writes on facebook, how is paul ryan going to be any diffent than john boehner . And tim cameron sent this. Is he, ryan, ready to fight, get back to Constitutional Authority if he wont fight, nothing is gained. Bob, how doo youanswer . What do you expect . Well, i spent hours three years ago interviewing ryan. And first of all, hes a real conservative. And theres a time he went to john boboner, thth speaker, and said to the speaker, what were talking about are not big ideas. And, actually, ryan is the big ideas person. He p wants to really reform entitlement spending. I think its possible. And, you know, you see him there, had ee kind of vibrates reasonableness. Hes calm. And i think he has a possible path to doing some deals with obama in the last year. Is he able to quell the House Freedom caucus who some would say are not so reasonable by Bob Woodwards definition. By anybodys definition, but aparentally as an agreement with them. And remember, thoseeople are d ryan really wants to conserve. Wants to fix the government. He talks about big ideas, he talks about things that are deep change, deep reform, and so, you know, its a moment to be optimistic if thats possible. Will ryan, i think its the big question. Will,he be able to satisfy the right wing of his house republicic caucus any better than john boehner did . Well, rather than me just let me say, look at the recrd here. So last week, he meetc with the Freedom Caucus, gets the freedom cacaus to go along, 2 3 of them, not the 80 . 2 3 of them said, yes, well support him. But what did they agree t they didnt agree that they would not use the procedural measure to say we wont use the step to vacate the speaker seat. What did he say . He said im going to stick with the majority of republicans agree to anything he puts forward on the floor for a vote. Youre saying a majority of the majority before youd even bring something up. Youre not going to go in with 20 republicans and then count on democratic votes. Correct. What we have, then, is a basic agreement that were g ging to operate on the basis of faith and trust in each other. But when you come to Something Like the debt ceiling, which is coming up very soon, how do yo seeehe Freedom Caucus, w wch has defined itself as in opposition, defiant to republican establishment leadership. Boehner, mcconnell in the senate. How are they supposed to shift and say, oh, yeah, were going go along raising the debt ceiling without talking about things like planned parenthood. Were going to talk about a budget. But it just doesnt make sense onhat level. So i dont see a honeymoon coming. Ifact, i see that were pupuhing down the line to yet another implosion. Michael, as the head of Heritage Action and, you know, one of these more hard line, more conservative groups, is there going to be a honeymoon for paul ryan, or not . And what about these specific well, i think thats up to paul ryan. I think i radiate reasonableness just like paul ryan does. , look, at the end of the day, people are right to be skeptical of paul ryan. This is a party that since 2010 has done very little to unite ourselves around big, bold ideas, the conseative reform agenda and has looked down the nose at republicic voters. I think paul ryans somebody who could change that. If you go back to 2006, he put forth his medicare premium support ideas, only had 18 fellow republican congreremen sign on to that p pece of legislation. Over the course of five years, he united the party around those big, bold ideas. Since that time, hes done very little to join the debate, between the conservative base, and the specicil interests, thehe chamber of commerce that run this party. Hes largely voted with John Boehners agenda, largely done very little. And sometimes hes stood up. Going to be oh a short leash . If hes one of the few people capable of putting forward a conservative agenda, hes going to find all of us who want to take the fight for the american eople to washington and to esident obama and hell find he has veryry very strong support. If its going to be more of the same and more of the chamber of commerce, i think not okay. In 15 seconds because were running out of time. If paul ryan says, look, i will sh astrong, conservative agenda on things like entitlements, but i dont want to get in fights about shutting down the government or the debt limit, can you go along with that. If congress doesnt use the power of the purse, we dont need d congress ande have an executive with no check. Theres no purpose in having a debt limit and saying were going to force ourselves to address the fire thats burning in our fiscal future. I think paul ryan wants to use the lelerage, unite the parary arouu big, bold ideas and we want to be a part of that. We have to take a break here. Well see you later. Up next, well talk about this with congressman jim jordan, but also as a member of the House Benghazi Committee about his sharp questioning of Hillary Clinton this week. Americans. Coming up, what Hillary Clinton told her daughter chelsea the night of the attack. Asked her about i at this weeks hearing. Theres no evidence for a video inspired protest. Where did the falsls narartive start . He joins us next. After Hillary Clinton testififd for 11 hours before the House Benghazi Committee this week, the consensus was republicans found no smoking gun. But there were some tense moments, especially when congressman jim jordan confronted clinton about what she told the American People after the attack and what she was saying in private. Congressman jordan joins us now from ohio, and welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Before we get to clinton and benghazi, i want to pick up with what the discussion we were having with the panel about paul ryan who says its almost certain to be elected speaker this week. When you were here just two weeks ago, you were saying that you were going to demand all kinds of assurances from ryan about changing house rules, almost none of which you got. I guesssshe question is, why are you supporting paul ryan . Well, we do have a commitment from paul to work on changing the rules and we may get some of those changed before the vote this coming wednesday and thursday. So we think thats a good step. Plus, also, one of the things paul wanted was this change to the motion to vacate the chair. We have not agreed to that. But we think, as discussed in your previous segment, wehink paul has the kindnd of vision and is the kind of messenger our party needs to accomplish the things we told the voters were going to accomplish. So were excited about that. He didnt quite get the endorsement threshold. But our members said, a super majority of our members said we think paul ryans the right guy at the right time to lead our conference. So what happens, and you know its going to happen. At the first time that you and other memeers of the Freedom Caucus that paul ryan is being insufficiently hard lined. Are you going to give him running room . Well, were going to work with him. And we thihi we can come together as a group and fight for the things when we met an hour with paul. He told them, were going to have our initiative on how were going to reform the tax code. Were going to come forward on how were going to reform our out of control welfare system. He talks about our replacement to obamacare. That big bold agenda and vision we need as we head into a president ial election. Pauls the right kind of guy to do that. And we think we can unite and push those forward. Send them to the senate and talk about those ideas with the American People. All right. Lets turn to benghazi. A lot of peopop, i have to say, including me, thought the most dramatic moment was when you confronted Hillary Clinton about what she said about the attack. How e described it in public and d private. That night, the night of the attack, 9 11, she put out this statement, some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. But you revealed this, two of our officers were killed in benghazi by anan al qaedalike group. And the next day, heres what she told the egyptian minister, we know the attack had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest. That set off this exchange. I i reading what you said, plain language. We know the attack in libya had nothing to do with the film. Why didnt you just speak plai to the American People . Im sorry that it doesnt fit your narrative, congressman. I can only tell you what the facts were. Most of the mainstream media, i think, the c cnsensus was t tat you and t t other republicans on the Benghazi Committee didnt come up with much new. How do you respond to that . Well, i think it is new to tell the American People she said something completely differere in private. E. She e s tellili truth in private and spin to the American People. Who talks in language like that . Someone sought to justify this behavior. Contrast that with what she said to the egyptian p pime minister. We know t t attack had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack not a protest. Thats plain language, straightforward. Why didnt she talk in those kind of terms to the American People . D heres why its relevant. At the endnd of the hearing, we ask her, relative to her email situation. Her and her legal team determine which emails are public and which are related. And we said i i the fbi find deleted emails, will they agree agree, will clinton and her team agree to allow a neutral third party like a retired federal judge to examine those deleted emails and determine if some of those are appppcable to our investigation . Her response was, no, they wouldnt agree to that. So we have her doing all this spin the night of the attack and now when it comes to her emails, she gets to determine which ones are work related and which ones arent. And calls into question her evaluation of those emails and she wouldnt agree to allow a neutral third party to d it. And thats why its relevant. B b clinton in her response to you said, look, things changed, answer al sharia, the al qaedalike group, retracted the claim of responsibility. I see youre shaking your head. But this is what she said. She said the Intel Community analysis changed. It was the fog of war. Chris go ahead. That may have happened, but her public statements didnt change. They continued all the way through susan rice, five days later on five different tv shows said the same thing. She said it was a consequence of the video. Intel reports may have changed. But theiei public statatents didnt. They knew the truth from the get go and didnt level with the American People. And i think they didnt level with the American People because libya was supped to be their baby. This was supposed to be the shining Success Story for thth clinton state department, the Obama White House and they couldnt have a terror attack 56 days before an election and had to stay with this narrative about a vieoinspired protest leading to an attack. They stucucwith that all alonon so they didnt change. Critics would argue, sir, after spending 17 months in 5 million, what you came up with, and i ttnk you might agree, was an email and a phone call that however convincingly, or not, she was able to explain anin away. Is that all there is . Wheres thth beef . The c cairman has been clear about this. Shes one witness of 70 witnesses were going to get to. We have yet to get patrick hes the guy,y, the undersecretary in charge of diplomatic security. Hes in charge of the security situation, and we have yet to get his emails. We cant get patrick kennedys emails yet. Just this past week, we got 5,000 pages of Chris Stevens emails. We just know have gotten the ambassador emails. Instead of the democrats on the committee always criticizing and saying its about politics, remember, theheolitics started with clinton on the night of the attack. Instead of them doing the criticizing, why dont they help us get the information so we can get to the truth and can get our report written in a much more timely fashion. Stepping back for asecond, what is your theory of the case . What do you believe that Hillary Clinton did wrong on benghazi . Oh, i think it was pointed out in the hearing. Th security situationonas not in any way adequate to what had taken place leading up to it. In the months and weeks leading up to it, we had over 200 security incidents in libya. And when they repeatedly asked ground, there, it was repeatedly denied. And then we have the spin that took place after that we discussed. So i think all those things are important, important elements and important truths for the American People to ununrstand, and for the people of the four individuals who gave their life that day, their family for them to understand. And now, if we can actually get more of the information, i think well uncover more detaiai about what happened that terrible night. So when you hear, and im sure youve read the reviews of that, if you will, the analysis of the hearing. When you hear people say, look, if you didnt trusus Hillary Clinton going in, you still dont trust her, and you still feel confirmed in that belief and you basically feel this has been a litical witch hunt, you still feel that way and still trust her, is at frustrating to you . Whats frustrating is the lack of help weve got from the administration. Whats frustrating is the five democrats on the committee who havent wanted to push the administrationn to give us the documents in a timely fashion. Why in the world should it take this long to get ambassador stevens emails . Y should we get them in the last week, approximately 5,000 pages of his emails. Thats the part that frustrates me, frustrates the chairman, i thi, the American People who have been watching this and trying to get to the truth. Congressman, ive got about a nute left, i want to get into a new subject with you. The Justice Department on friday announced it is going to bring no charges against lois lerner or anyone at the irs. They say they found evidence of mismanagement, evidence of bad judgment, but no crime. Yeah, that is just flat out wrong, in my judgment. Heres a lady who systematically and for a sustained period of time targeted people for exercising their most fundamental rights. The president prejudged this case. Remember r he facts here. The president said, theres no corruption here, not even a smidgen. The chief investigator, the chief lawyer assigned to the Justice Department to evaluate this was a maxed out contributor to the president s campaign. It s suldnt be any surprise. The Justice Department said theres nothing wrong here. Let me ask you quickly, is there anything you can do about it . Unfortunately, i dont think. We got Loretta Lynch coming in front of the judiciary committee. I plan on asking her serious questions and hopefully tough questions about how they this investigation went and who they actually talked to. What happened in this investigation. And why they could arrive at this kind of conclusion, when i think all the facts point to someone was involved in criminal activity and i think it was lois lerner. Always a pleasurere to talk to you, sir. When we return, our sunday group weighs in on benghazi. What did we learn from clintons testimony. Let me know on facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and use the fnsns you cant predict. The market. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your investments through good times and bad. For over 75 years, our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments so in a variety of rket conditions. You can feel confident. In our experience. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Jeb bush this president , with all due respect, believes that americas leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good. America has led the world and it is a more Peaceful World when were engaged the right way. We do not have to be the worlds policeman. We have to be the worlds leader. We have to stand for the values of f eedom. Whos going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east . But for the United States, who . Whos going to stand up for the dissidents inside of iran that are brutalized each and evevy day . But for the unitededtates, who . Whos going to take care of israel and support them but for the United States, no one no one is capable of doing this. The United States has the capability of doing this, and its in our economic and National Security interest that we do it. I will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forwrwd. Announcer righthto rise usa is responsible you know, a lot of things have been said about me, but quitter is not one of them. Hillary clinton taking a victory lap on the campaign trail after her 11hour appearance before the House Benghazi Committee. And were back now with the panel. Michael, clinton and her supporters say that the Committee Republicans basically didnt lay a hand on her during those 11 hour. Are they right . Well, basically, there was no great historic tv moment that came out of it. But hes a great prosecutor, hes trying to conduct an investigation, trying to get answers to questions, i think the American People need and deserve if were going to have the type of governance that we should have. Why is it that we kept Embassy Staff in benghazi when other countries like britain had pulled them out . And if that reason was valid, why did we ignore 600 requests for additional security. Why is it that Hillary Clinton told her family this was a terrorist attack. At the same time, she was telling the American People it was caused by a video. The slain americans this was caused by a video. Whats the role of cindy blumenthal. And what role did the fact that this is going on 56 days before a president ial election. These are reasonable questions. Questions that the American People deserve to have answers to and are highly relevant if we want to hold the obama administration, the secretary of state and a future president ial candidate to the highest values that you would want to have in our government. I want to ask you about another side of the hearing. Obviously, we talk about watergate a lot. And parallels or differences. One of the differences, i thought, i remember well on the Senate Watergate committee some of the republicans actually asked tough questions of about richard nixon. And in fact, as you point out in your book, it was a Senate Republican staffer who elicited the information about the nixon taping system. Here is thehe kind of thing the clinton during this hearing. Do we want badger you over and over again until we get the gotcha moment he was talking about . I wonder if you would like to comment on what its like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend. Are you surprised that not a single democrat on that committee had a single pointed question for clinton about the very real issue about what happened in benghazi. Well, watergate was about a series of crimes well establblhed. And so, it was the republicans who eventually turned on nixon and it was a bipartisan inquiry. Here, its not. It clearly is partisan. And, you know, look the death of those four americans isnt pais. And there are legitimate questions here. They didnt ask him. Well, heres the issue. But there this is a tragedy. And it should be investigated. Youre right. And she should answer. And, you know, she did or attempted to answer all of those questions. Theres no crime here on her part. And to try to criminalize this or suggest it as some people have said, oh, shell be in jail. Theres no evidence of a crime. There is evidence of inconsistency. I mean, my god, this is our business, our lives. People say one thing privately and saying Something Different publicly. Does that bother you . As jim jordan seemed to point out that she was saying blaming it on the video publicly, but telling chelsea that it was an attack and telling the egyptian prime minister. It better bother us. And this is the question were going to look at. And, you know, if shes the nominee, shes going to get a full field investigation by so we dont get what we got with nixon, which we didnt know about, quite frankly. I mean, this was hidden. So i think theres a big burden on journalists, on television and in the newspapers, bloggers. So when we get to election day next year, people can say, you know what, i know or i had the chance to know Everything Possible about these people. And so, this hearing is one of the pieces of the puzzle. Whats your read on the hearing . Is as seems to be the consensus in this town, is she now free and clear politically both on benghazi and the emails . I think theyre two very separate issues. I think the benghazi investigation unveiled the fact there was potentially very classified information being stored on a private server in her own home. Thats an issue that did she as secretary of state handle the issue correctly . I dont think either of them are behind you. Because 52 of americans viewed the hearing, they said the investigation into benghazi is justified. And Hillary Clinton is only viewed as honest and trustworthy by about a third of americans. I dont think shes put this behind her. But ultimately, it may come down to the fbi investigation that determines whether this affects the race or not. Why . Sometimes id listen. It sounds to me like, you know, michael wants to relitigate this and what about this . Weve had seven committee hearings, spent millions of dollars. I thought conservatives were concerned about spending money recklessly. Look, the hour after this ended. Remember, this went on from 10 00 in the morning until 9 00 at night. In the hour afterwards, she raised the most money from small donors, anybody, but a majority of them were small donors. That tells you the democrats. And remember, were talking about a democratic primary here. Democrats thought she did exceedingly well. You look at the poll numbers. Her numbers have gone up in iowa and nationally since these so the fact is if you even talk to conservatives, conservative writers in this town, from erik erikson, john pott horts. They all said she did very well. One of them said, you might as well have sworn her in. Michael . Yeah, look, this will have an impact on her. Itll have an impact because everybody has built into their baseline when youre dealing with the clintons that theyre going to mislead, theyre going to opt to escape. Theres going to be a scandal hanging over them. Thats something everyone knows about the clintons. The case that hillary made in 2008 was at least im competent. You want me to pick up the phone at 3 00 in the morning, i think coming through this, she doesnt look competent. Why didnt we, and why did we ignore 600 requests for extra security . She had an email server in her house with classified documents on it. She surrounded herself with staff. And nobody either had the good judgment or felt comfortable enough saying to hillary, hey, you know what, maybe storing emails on a private server in your bathroom isnt a good idea. She know longer looks competent. These are all legitimate questions, but the hearing was a big home run for her. Lets face it. Part of the job of being president is dealing with inconsistency, dealing with adversaries. And endurance. She really showed that she can sit it out and, you know, she says shes not a quitter. That is, in fact, true. Lets not forget that the other reason why her poll numbers might change in the next week or two is that half of her competitors have left the president ial race or decided not to enter it. So we wont know necessarily if her path to the democratic nomination is sealed at this point. We wont know if its because of this one hearing or a variety of other things that have broken her way. She did well in the debate. All, there was no gotcha moment. They had built up this hearing. This is where were going to expose hillary. Didnt happen. If you want a president who can testify for 11 hours she may have helped herself. If you want a president who doesnt keep things on a private server, she didnt do a good job. Thank you, panel, see you next sunday. Up next, our power player of the on and off the court. The nba pro basketball season starts tuesday. And too often, the game is overshadowed by players getting into trouble off the court. But washingtons best player handles himself differently. Heres our power player of the week. You learn something new every day, every year. John wall is the star point guard for the washington wizards. The leagues number one draft pick at age 19, now starting his sixth year in the nba. How do you feel your game has matured over the last five years . A whole lot. Come in early, just playing that one speed. And not being able to knock down open shots and trusting my teammates. Im not even reaching, the best i can be in the league and im scratching the surface. But even more impressive is his growth off the court. As someone who gives back to the d. C. Community. Understanding that youre not put on this earth just to be a basketball player. Youre blessed to have the opportunity thats less fortunate and make things better. Two years ago, wall signed an 80 million extension, but that was part of the announcement. Im going to donate 1 million to the charities in d. C. And area. And just want to donate my time along with the money. Hes kept his promise. Starting last year, he teamed one the boys and girls clubs to give hundreds of kids backpacks filled with school supplies. They dont understand. They think im making their day, but theyre making my day even more brighter. Then in september, he donated 400,000 to a center for homeless children. The most important thing for me is the kids. Those kids get an opportunity to get education, have somewhere to lay and have food on their plate. Youre a veteran. Time flies. What would you tell the 19yearold john wall . To take it more serious when you first come in. And understand what it is. The last time basketball fans saw wall in action was in the playoffs last season. When he fell and suffered five fractures in his left hand and wrist. Was that something that fueled you in the offseason . Yeah, definitely. And made my fuel and my motivation even more better and my job to determine to get what i want to get for the organizations. Walsh says his goal this season is for the wizards to get to the Eastern Conference Finals or even the nba championship. And goals for john wall. Goals for myself is being all nba defensive first team, all nba team. Mvp conversations, leading the league in assists and being a starter in the allstar game. Given his record so far, dont bet against him. As a player or a man. Can i get a five . I want to be remembered by this, building my leacy. Because he could, but because he wanted to and loved to do i now, at the ripe old age of as they kick off their season wednesday against the orlando, magic. And thats it for today. Have a great week

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