A few hours ago stacy acted as a private citizen stepped up and says he is calling for a special prosecutor to handle the grand jury in the jones case the officer who shot and wounded a suspect who was pulled over at the very beginning of the month. We talked to stacy walker impartiality and transparancy, i think it just makes sense to bring in a third party here a special prosecutor to bring the facts and the evidence of the dci investigation to the grand jury that will be made the decision. If you consider the fact that the victim a case that involved lucas jones and another involved officer shooting you consider the fact that he has to maintain a professional relationship with Law Enforcement, in the interest of partiality and transparency makes sense to bring in a thirdparty to bring the facts and evidence to the understand that stacy walker is speaking as a private individual. Jerry mitchells family also backs the decision and they say it would be a huge step in creating more trust in the legal system. As of right now the linn County District attorney has been handling it from the start. A little bit later on in the show we will talk about information from other parts of the country that already automatically employ this kind of system. There are places in the country that do it and we will take a closer look at that. Besides supervisor walkers comments many turned out to do what they can to help jeremy lot of Community Members together. Jeremy mitchells brother told us they are hard were heartened to see all of the outpouring of support. You never wanted to be black versus white its just people being good people and supporting each other. Theres another benefit on sunday in iowa city. The information is on your screen. A group wants lawmakers to protect more kids under existing drug laws. The drug endangered child workgroup claims it doesnt protect kids in danger. You kind of think that iowa is a bubble. Iowa Coalition Executive director as part of a larger workgroup helping to better protect families from substance abuse. Part of the focus was to move beyond looking at how methamphetamines impact parenting. This group wants to change state law to include allegations of cocaine heroin and opioid abuse as additional drugs that could warrant a child abuse investigation. Right now the only drug on the list is when the drugs are used in the presence of children, thats when the safety of those children are in danger. It paves the way for more discussion about how drug use could impact children even if they arent home. Those chemicals are toxic to the environment so child can be a school come home and we would by the drug use. This proposal is about staying proactive. This would help some of those families that kind of our having parenting problems. If we are able to use a framework that says there are drugs that are dangerous substances and could imminently affect the safety and well being of children, we can align the apop to the families the first time around. Right now the workgroup is voting on the final recommendations and are hopeful that legislators will take up the issue next session. Data from the to public tours department of health seems to think that the current laws need to change. Take a look at your screen. The number more than tripled. Right now in marion and neighborhood is quiet after police were called to a home for person with access to weapons refusing to come out. It took crews about one hour to end the standoff. The public was never in any danger. Police requested lockdowns at nearby schools. We are checking in with our meteorologist where both of us were happy to see the snowflakes. It was pretty cool rebecca and i were out catching the snowflakes in our mouths. You can see the snow showers are now starting to wind down we will not see too much more on the radar the worst of the system is behind us. Our first snowflakes of the system is going away with cloudy skies overnight with temperatures on the cool side. For the morning commute tomorrow expect overcast conditions temperatures around 33 degrees the winds will be 10 to 15 miles per hour. Later on in the day the high will be in the mid30s. Right now and huge sign of progress in cedar rapids that will help you in your daily commute. The first phase of the highway 100 expansion is about to open. Matt hammill joins us live with the timetable. Reporter for right now and for most of us this is where the road ends. This is where highway 100 runs appear to edgewood road and stops. The first four miles of this in that changes everything. There are times of day when drivers on edgewood road and parks parts of interstate 80 are desperate for an alternative. Its near completion. Kathy cutler has been waiting to say those words since 1999. This saturday everyone is invited out to play on the new pavement stretching to covington road. Or take a walk along it that would be okay. When that area is fully developed it could house an additional 20 it could house an additional 20,000 residents. In the decades ahead City Council Members say the tracks of land along 100 will be incredible. Is by far the largest single proof ridge hes proud bridge hes proud that they are expanding parks and setting aside land for new school. It sets a roadmap for important things such as trails. They will see a plan in advance and they will know what its best suited for. Thats exciting. Reporter miles of highway 100 should be open in a few weeks. You can come check it out this saturday starting at 1 pm. The entire extension a total of eight mile should be done by early 2019. We are learning that an investigation into the suicide of an eastern iowa war veteran family and friends started demanding answers this past summer. A veteran of the wars of a rack in afghanistan he committed suicide jurors committed suicide. In a letter today the office of the Inspector General told us importance of this work and i expect it will be published in the spring of 2017. The senator tells us she intends to closely monitor the investigation. She will hold the va accountable for whatever the investigation might find. With a new president taking office that means a new head of Veterans Affairs must be appointed. It appears a familiar name is among the list. Palin. Sources say she has been in contact with the Transition Team and has expressed interest. Palin was among the first prominent republicans to endorse trump for president. They made their appearance in iowa head of the caucuses. Right now the president elect has not indicated how many people they are considering for the top job. The Transition Team is the next Vice President mike pence. The governor met wi governor. Iowas governor. The governor has a decades long relationship with chinese president. Pants along with trump will travel to indiana tomorrow to celebrate a major win for the future president. We are learning more about keep about half of those jobs in indiana and now we are learning it will be a little bit more. They are saying the indianapolis facility will become a worldclass furnace factory. They will produce gas furnaces and they will have a major investment in that area to make sure that it is stateofthe art. This is a place that was about to lose 2000 jobs. That and they will get a facility that was is world class. Carrier says this is all because of the Trump Partnership in their ability to back more competitive businesses overseas as well and looking out for their interests they still say that they support of free trade climate and they still support globalism. When donald trump heads to indiana to announce the deal. Fox 28 morning live, december for families means christmas vacation and that means kids will be spending a lot of time indoors. Convenient quick trips you can take this year more than a Million People using google products and services could be vulnerable to an attack that started in august and continues. Tonight the company has advice for anyone using their products to avoid in more problems. Anymore problems. Thousand . New devices every day. The issue is users are downloading apps that look names like wifi enhancer, gps and beautiful alarm. Once infected, those behind the attack can steal all kinds of personal data from a users smartphone or tablet. Tech experts tell fox 28 news there are ways to the users smart phone. Tech experts tell us there are ways to prevent your so far in getting hacked. Your cell phone getting device from anywhere except the google place store. The company says its purging all suspected apps from its services. Take a look at your screen for more information. Go to our website for a link. Theres a crucial step to protecting your guests during your holiday meal. Researchers found thermometers are important. They can ensure that the main courses cook to a safe temperature. 25 percent of the time did people actually use a Meat Thermometer. With the recipe, 85 percent of the time. We got an increase of 60 percent, this is huge we got way morepeople, almost everybody used a Meat Thermometer and used it properly when the researchers hope their findings will encourage publishers, educators and even those swapping recipies to remember to write down all those safety steps. Now that we are deep into the holiday season, for many, theres a lot of stress that comes with it. Whether its family plans, theres a lot of stress. The holidays can sometimes feel less than cherry. Experts say when the time comes to get together is to spread out. Everyone has an opportunity to go someplace physically where they are comfortable. At the end of the day family is all you have it makes everything a lot easier. Alcohol can ramp up Difficult Conversations and suggests if there will be a problem control the amount of just ahead, you need to have other departments come in and assist you. Closer look at the partnership between the smallest Fire Departments even when they have to face the biggest blazes. Many of us experienced the z2z24z4zwzwz z z1212fz you are looking at a live picture from capitol hill. Democrats in the house pick their leader for the next two years. We will have details on that coming up. I think we are done with the snowflakes and then the weather just gets gloomy and cooler. Nothing really exciting in the next two days next week i think the action will pick up around the midwest and we will talk about that in a second. Lets go to the radar. You can see the snow showers that were around during the Late Afternoon and evening hours. There were no accumulations. Now as we going closer you can see theres not much showing up on the radar. They will be gone after midnight and again tomorrow it should be a dry day. The snow has been running a little bit late this year. 124 years in 84 of those years we typically see measurable snow by november 30. Our first one inch of snow comes right around december 1 which is tomorrow and we dont see any snow tomorrow or the next couple of days. As far as the corridor goes tomorrow morning we will have clouds and chilly temperatures winds out of the miles per hour. Today this low pressure extends back to the east squeezing out the available moisture and giving us our first snowflakes. The atmosphere doesnt have anything to cause any more snowflakes since it passed through. Temperatures will remain chilly you can see of the last of the snowflakes fadeaway about midnight and as we go towards 6 am we are still stuck in the clouds with a stray snowflake or two. A lot of clouds around but it will be an overcast day in the temperatures will struggled to get out of the mid 30s. Heres todays system with another one bringing inches into sunday morning. This piece of energy is the one to focus on. It could create a large storm system for the middle portions of next week. Our model which came in this afternoon takes the storm right up over western iowa putting us in the dry slot the heavy snow is expected to fall into the minnesota. We do have other models that say the system goes to the south and spread some of the snow into eastern iowa. Until we get the story we will not be sure. In the north tonight low temperatures at scattered snow showers coming to an end. Scattered rain and snow showers coming to an end in this part of our region and low temperatures just a little bit above the freezing mark. Tomorrow in the north cloudy cold 35 degrees. Temperatures in the south in the mid30s. Heres your extended forecast on your screen. Some minor accumulations possible over the weekend. Rain on tuesday and wednesday with ties in the mid40s highs in the mid 40s. Can look at to kind of predict or understand the trends that we have heading into different seasons. One of the things is la nina which occurs when there are colder waters in the pacific. That leads to a different type of pattern. It typically leads to a storm track of the blue line which cuts to the Central United weather conditions in the northern half. For us here in eastern iowa that means slightly colder and near normal snowfall but every la nina is not exactly the same. This just gives us an understanding of what could happen but it doesnt mean it will happen. Coming great pride that i accept the privilege extended to me by my colleagues. Despite an electoral pumping democrats stick with their leader in the house. The message nancy pelosi had the butterburger is made of just three cuts of fresh midwest beef. Nothing more, nothing less. So we got the sirloin, the chuck and the plate. No fillers; thats it. All prized cuts, all wellmarbled for richness and flavor. This is where those three wonderful cuts of beef come together. E juices of the burger. It doesnt get any better than that. And thats the culvers butterburger. Welcome to delicious 7 people dead from wildfired small rain fall slow but we are still following the latest information out of gatlinburg tenss the wildfires. We know tonight seven people have been confirmed dead and that number goes from just three last night. There are house to house searches going on and you can see some of the work thats being done trying to get the fire down to normal. It covers more than 15,000 acres but its only 10 contained. This is a picture from one of our colleagues showing some of the utility crews trying to while the fire burns just off into the distance. We have pictures from another one of our partner stations with everything destroyed. A park bench and right behind it the students are still smoldering in these people just starting to pick up the pieces. We got reports yesterday of people literally running for their lives as the fire was moving so quickly. Seven people are dead tonight covering 15,000 acres fear is that that number of the deceased and injured can only rise as some of the firefighters and investigative cruisers able crews are able to cover more land. We will keep more track of it. Despite a defeat in this months election democrats are sticking with her longtime leader. Today nancy pelosi was reelected as minority leader. She was quick to go back on the attack against her counterparts American People to tell the republicans in congress and the white house keep your hands off our medicare. The former speaker of the house was challenged by tim ryan. He managed to earn 32 of the vote but conceded. In the Senate Lawmakers unanimously approved a new bill coauthored by chuck grassley. Among Law Enforcement officers this bill comes with a sense of urgency. The Public Safety officers benefits improvement act is to reduce the backlog of families awaiting Survivor Benefits congress established the program 40 years ago. Now the Justice Department is failing to meet the deadline of one year. For death benefits are pending approval. If passed by the house senator grassleys bill would essentially put the burden on the Justice Department to deny benefits from any family. Investigators in central city are still working to electrical expert will examine the ruins to try and nail down Fire Agencies responded to this dangerous scene. And it highlights the importance of communication and coordination between rural departments when disaster strikes. It is known as mutual aid. The joint effort is even more critical in small towns where volunteers often have full time jobs far away from the fire station. Were blessed that theyll come you know theyre always willing to help every Department Around this area help each other take care of the problem. One firefighter from prairieburg was hurt during this blaze. But Authorities Say they were quickly treated and released. Next on the fox 28 news at nine area was hurt. Coming up, its a new year and a new team and its a new process. We will talk to the boys as they try to defend their state with our 3. 50 sub of the day, theres never been a better time to try something deliciously different. Every day of the week, get a featured sixinch subway sub for just 3. 50. All with no artificial flavors. The 3. 50 sub of the day zach, after a brusing road after pretty hard road trip the panthers have got to be happy. Its been nearly 3 weeks since you they a been in the confines of the center but now they are back. They hosted george mason doing their thing. They struggled early down by 10 points but battled back. They turn around and slams it home for 10 points. Later in the half jordan gets into the action. They will drive and sink it. The panthers all fall 5054. Today it was the womens turn the two teams going at it on the court. It was a whole lot tougher. The irish are the Number One Team in the nation that didnt stop them from doing their with time winding down in the first kathleen comes up and she beats the buzzer but the hawks trailed from the opening tip it could never really come all the way back. The irish are up late in the fourth quarter. Last season the xavier Basketball Team finished their season like every other team. They won their last game. The saints are ready to march back to des Moines Xavier made history last season but today that state title is just a memory it was incredible definitely a feeling ill never forget but i know that its a new season so turn the page and try to do it again we want to think about our success but only in terms of thinking about it because we want to get back there its a whole new season and we want to continue to be successful for the saints success starts back at square youve gotta go through the peaks and valleys and there will be valleys because when youre the champs everyones gunnin for ya there will be valleys because when you are the chance Everyone Wants to beat you. We are excited to have those expectations to know our program is on the map and people look at us as a big game. The best way to deal with expectations experience. Because we can bring it we have a pretty mature group in terms of experience. The saints have the smarts the scale and the savvy its a true team. Everybody is getting along and loves each other. The chemistry and the talent we have here is pretty good. The competition on tuesday. Sports. On the gridiron the guys were named third conference today. They all made honor mention. Penn states defense was named. Before we go have to wish my grandmother a happy birthday. Day, terry . Clouds and Cool Temperatures as we start off the month of december. We will talk about the forecast z2z24z4zzzzz z z1212fz y24zzy y12fy [ tower pinging ] [ whistling ] weve got a problem, friend. Half off any smartphone for anyone who switches . Whats the problem . The naughty list shouldnt get deals even these . Yeah, any smartphone. Call the big guy [ bell dings ] santa . No, jingles. [ knuckles crack ] [ spits ] ooo. Ouch. [ neck cracks ] [ darien ] switch and get half off any smartphone. Plus up to 650 back. Y24zzy y12fy Weatherfirst Team coverage we are taking a look at collins wrote this chilly evening. We are checking in chief meteorologist looking beyond the seven day. First and foremost a wanted talk about the first snowflakes of the year. Those have been spinning southward around the low pressure up around Lake Superior pulling down cold air. Those will be coming to an end of by tomorrow morning we will are left we are left with overcast skies and a cold day. You can expect temperatures to be in the mid30s. Take a look at your screen. We take you to our 14 day outlook and the important thing to notice temperatures drop to 32 degrees by the to 14 december. We have a major storm that we are expecting to move into the midwest sometime next week. It could send some warm air where temperatures are expected to be above normal. That the storm passes the winds turning from the north and you can see temperatures are expected to fall. There could be a couple of days where temperatures are down in in our sevenday forecast you can see we have 36 degrees for thursday afternoon, friday 35 degrees, and temperatures begin to moderate as another disturbance come in pulling moisture in and late saturday night and sunday morning there is the possibility of some snow. No more than an inch temperatures reaching 40 degrees by the afternoon that the system arrives tuesday and wednesday and precious in the temperatures back into the upper 40s. Most of the precipitation without storm will come in the form of rain. With the storm will calm in the form of rain. Across the globe the connection influence the weather. One of those things is la nina or el ni . O and what we are expecting this year is a week la nina. When it occurs we have colder waters in the Pacific Ocean near the equator when el ni . O occurs we have warmer water. La nina says the storm track right through the center part of the United States leads to color and wetter conditions on the northern half of the United States and drier and warmer conditions to the southern half. What that means for us in eastern iowa slightly Colder Weather and near normal snowfall. Note la nina is exactly the same and that doesnt mean that this no la nina is exactly forecasting. Coming up, they won the money now they unveiled the linn county supervisor Stacey Walkerspecial tonight linn county supervisor Stacey Walker is calling for special prosecutor to handle the case around jeremy mitchells shooting in the beginning of november. Walker says that it would help American Community and the judicial system and jerry mitchells brother agrees. I think it would speak volumes for Community Relations between the community trusting and being able to rely on our judicial system. In new york state just a little bit more than one year ago the governor of that state signed an executive action that would make that kind of action automatic. Whenever theres an incident of a po citizen that processes automatically goes to of special prosecutor. Process automatically goes to a special prosecutor. They say is a conflict of interest and should automatically go to a special prosecutor. Its not a widespread automatic practice across the country. Celebration after earning a 1 million grants. I will bid iowa bid posted hosted a celebration after grant to be distributed over the next five years. Now, a representative from xq is in cedar rapids to help iowa big decide the best way to use their new resources. Tomorrow were going to observe, see their students in action, talk to Community Members, and students and understand what works here, and discover what doesnt, and together we can butt our heads and think about how can we move forward. But as those who attended tonights celebration learned, that wasnt the only announcement to be made. Part of the grant money will go towards the expansion of iowa big. Weve been working with Linn Mar School district as a theyre going to make public their agreement to become a part of iowa big. They will be opening a second location with us. Iowa bigs director of strategic partnerships, troy miller tells fox 28 that they plan on opening that second location within the Linn Mar School district, but a specific location has not been determined. Live tonight in cedar rapids matt lange, fox 28 news. Right now, theres a festive president ial display in the corridor. Fox 28 news anchor karen fuller joins us now with a unique holiday exhibit. Kelly, Herbert Hoover is not Herbert Hoover is one of the most popular president s but he is the only commanderinchief to come from iowa. Theres some pretty unique history stories. You may not know that during a christmasy party the white house action caught fire. Christmas ornaments, shaped like fire trucks. Of course theres much more to check out at the Herbert Hoover president ial library and museum including a Large Display of Christmas Trees and other traditional items. The exhibit is open in west branch from now until january second. And this saturday, the museum will host a free event featuring santa claus. Are you getting into the holiday spirit . We want to see your photos. Open up your cbs 2 news app select see it, send it in the menu options videos and story tips. You can download the app for free in the apple or android app stores. Next on the fox 28 news at nine chief meteorologist terry swails give you another look at your weatherfirst forecast and how to prepare for the by tomorrow morning at think we will be left with clouds and another dream two story start to the day. The temperatures hold steady overnight a dreary start to overnight. You have a wonderful evening. You got your homework done . Mmhmm. All of it . Yep. Hmm, attaboy now you just get to kick back this weekend. Thats my plan. Except. Except nothing. Oh, well, cuexse me. Oh, yeah. There it is. I might have to write a book report for monday. To writek re a booport . I mean if theres no earthquake by monday morning, i have to write a book report. Oh, god. So whats the book . William shakespeares the taming of the shrew. By william shakespeare. Hey, thatll come in handy when hes mopping out the toilets at the house of pancakes. You know, i could go for some pancakes. Jake, please tell me you read the book. I really wis. Could, dadh oh, jeez. I was going to read it, but i cant find it

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