You know the big seller starts them. Watching g.g. You use channel to pay correction pilasters news. The Channel 2 news. States number one news. Good evening crying education and doing what the governor's proposed budget because those are a few of the issues candidates Frank Rich assembly will tackle if they get elected but some of the candidates spoke of the I could Chamber of Commerce meeting today Travolta's Christian dram introduces us to the Christian mags Ellen tell Christine Hill and Rhonda leave are the 3 candidates vying for District 4 seat at the midtown area of anger range this seat is currently held by Dick trainee who is reaching his term limit as immunity cuts are mixed reviews about Gov Gen Levy's proposed budget among District 4 candidates as they discuss the topic at an anchorage chamber meeting I find that you have all this or that you all are going to last and it will hurt the last 8 years that heat for. Sharp. Left but it was a. Wake up call but my decision to do this or you can. Be a. Great painting on a very beautiful stand the very gentle stand that you're here if you refuse down Meg's all Intel is a small business owner and attorney who spent her career representing those with disabilities or who can't afford representation she believes in an inclusive community prioritizing infrastructure and addressing homelessness I think the issues on everyone's mind and crime and homelessness those you know not that big necessarily go hand in hand but that's what we're hearing at the doors I've knocked over 2000 doors and it's either crime or homelessness candidate Christine Hill is a small business owner who serves on the Mental Health Advisory Board and volunteered at hospice encourage her platform his family's 1st. She values smaller government lower taxes and education school is very very important as far as the children getting a good education and unfortunately we're spending a lot of money and I don't think we're getting our bang for our buck with the education and as far as with crime this is not the same place it was Anchorage was 1015 years ago and Ronald even is a real estate option business owner you might have seen him on t.v. Before complaining about homeless issues he says he's passionate about education and the university as well as hospitals and public safety he also believes in official government spending and that's why I think that in reviewing the exemptions especially property tax exemption scrawled the city should be that reevaluated and everyone should pay their fair share of. Candidates for district to seat a the Chevy act Eagle River area also spoke at today's meeting we heard from them in the 5 o'clock report candidates for the West Anchorage seat and uncontested candidates will speak at the chambers meeting on March 25th like Rebecca thank you so much Tamara bouts of e-mail to voters in Anchorage and on the proposed 5 percent alcohol retail sat sales tax all the money would be does a good for substance abuse treatment for mental health services public safety and homo services Shelties great Robinson spoke with advocates who say that revenue is needed now especially with state budget cuts micro Beca advocates say for about 2 quarter's per cocktail this tax could be a big difference for the most vulnerable residents in Anchorage to me it seems like some really now and they're very simple solution to a lot of complex problems just mean con advocates for strategies that help prevent homelessness She says the proposed alcohol tax could be part of the solution especially since state support for other social services is uncertain our proposed state budget recommends several very significant cuts and locally we know that we've been underfunded for quite a bit of time and I think for our community members who are very passion. And about our green spaces our tourism industry the business impacts of visible homelessness and for community members who genuinely are focused on the other community members this is a way this is a win for all parties if past homeless services would only be a small part of the plan drug and alcohol treatment mental health and public safety would receive larger shares of the Revenue Service is that assembly member Dick trainee says the state government would not help fund it's a measurable cost increase in alcohol but this imagined process id is going to be felt because we'll have about $11.00 to $13000000.00 coming in we take or the needs are gone so we can't count on the state anymore to come bail acreage out that's not going to happen. Khan says she hopes everyone will look more into the details of the proposed tax before making their final decision Mike Rebecca partakes law grad there is another side to this issue strong opposition that they all call taxes coming from so local bar owners nobody knows the details and then you know there as always then you know the devil is in the neat bills coming up at $630.00 here from the longtime owner of Darwin's theory about why he's buying a tax proposal that is later in the News Hour tonight the Kodiak city council is free on bail after each charge last week with 6 counts of felony assault including assault with a weapon Kodiak Daily Mirror reports 31 year old Randall Bishop pictured here is also charged with 7 misdemeanor assault shouts according to the city website Bishop one of 3 year term of the Council of 2011 and was reelected twice by street judge Dawson Williams set bail of $5000.00 he told Bishop that under state law and Jews with the intent to cut off the air or blood to the brain constitutes assault with a deadly weapon your faces are full of whatever hearing on March 18th the names of the officers who a.p. Says were involved in a fatal shooting last Thursday have been released according to a.p. Those officers are Stephen I. No Kill really Brandon Schafer Kyle Haskins and Matt to kill it is all for the officers opened fire on March 7th shooting and killing 23 year old Dylan Akki a.p.g. Says he 1st fired at the officers before they return fire killing him a.p.t chief Justin Dahl says he believes the officers were given the suspect commands and he was not complying. Still have the support of family can mean everything here from the support system that helps keep the alleys are called Stay positive during the race. The News Hour is brought to you my Sadler's. More members of the home furnishing stuff to Sadler's. Father helping Alaskans finish cancer by year at home in the province cancer. Robert Stone is a lifelong Alaskan and an avid outdoorsman He's also a seasoned attorney skilled at helping injured Alaskans with new legal claims fighting insurance companies it's like cracking big game you have to be persistent and know your prey insurance companies use misleading tactics to we face it but Robert Stone knows their tricks and would resolutely fun for you don't go it alone let me be your guide through the legal for a rubber stamp dedicated to helping injured Alaskans to your health we've been through a lot you made me miss my 1st grade field trip they learned about Picasso I learned about the park grade. They call it the kissing disease but I assure you no kissing in sun and happened which eventually led to Leo and sleep training and just this year my 1st disc I know we've had our differences but I'm still in it for the long haul that conversation you have with your health it's our job that Brahmins to keep it going strong. 3 check in and 3 check out tears your latest leaderboard Pete geyser is top of the trail he left at 215 today followed by defending champion Lawrence your life at all some An hour later Jesse Roy are in 3rd place and also the only other musher to make it to Quebec so far left the checkpoint just before 5 o'clock Nick body image say they are both out of shock to lick in 4th and 5th places with a major difference between the 2 but she left check to lick at 8 o'clock last night now Nikki but she is living a nightmare all over again for the 2nd straight year something has gone wrong on the Norton Sound and k. Burgess reports from you know likely well for. Everything seemed to be going to according to plan for nicotine. With rest and you know Clete and then moving on to one shack to live. But after she had to live that's where things went wrong you can see here on the tracker he stops on the ice right before the shelter cabin and camps for about 5 hours Nick told be a dinner out insider the dogs got into a fight right before the shelter cabin he says he raised his voice to break up a dog fight there on their own just them and their father's confidence and that's when they stopped moving when dad had to break up a dog fight verbally you know a little growing match a little playground issue then you know he went to a voice talking that dogs this is serious this is serious maybe we better back off John Rose's dogs can get mental hang ups just like people can he already had a team that was considering that they might possibly be in a stressful setting they're not well rested nobody's teams are extremely aggressive but they're not well rested if you ask other mushers what happened in. It is not unheard of. News if you have a need and all depends on how well you manage your dogs early in the race much rest they get. What is at the end of the race. May push if you are to be done well if you want to brush the dog much you can. Get some physically and mentally prepared for the long long runs and long expenses where it's very hard for them to see progress. And show if they're well rested then they endure the rigors of the trail so now that the Ts faltered what does this mean for the rest of the field. Their dogs specifically their thoughts about the dogs next time I think they should more than 250 miles left in the race it's clear the current leader isn't always a sure bet. So of course that m.k. And the rest of the crew will continue to keep us updated on the latest from the trail shelters in Cape Burgess they're reporting so return for rest and relaxation several mushers are no longer running 14 dog teams and many of the dropped athletes are back here in Anchorage. Dropped I did there are I did a ride dogs are receiving special care at Highland mountain Correctional Center ahead of the news hour we take a closer look at how the inmates help the canines recharger more cover while waiting for their team to work term many measures we've met and chatted with say they love being in the wilderness with their teams the scenery of Alaska is like nowhere else but it's pretty clear for one fan favorite something just as wonderful is waiting for her at the checkpoints challenger John McGuire has the story. 1000 miles of trail it's the longest without much of a company I looked for them in McGrath It was quite sad when they were here you have to be honest in a busy you know with clay crowd I did Russia and Yukon Quest champion I was. It's a spectator and personally I don't like it. But the good part is I can say my beautiful wife come in how about that. Anticipation is high to be reunited with Cole who took a big risk in pushing to the midpoint of the trail before taking a 24 hour layover. You know are a gamble early in the race it didn't pay off that's what put her back going to all the way to I did rod this specific years it was really bad and she it cost her just before 9 pm Sunday. She arrives and jumping on you don't I might be more fights for the crowds that are there to greet their favorite Muschamp finally a chance for a quick release. As night falls circles 1st priority is caring for a dog the father thought of it saying it's going to say the number one is relief big surprise yes he regularly flies across the sea I did her on trial to watch his daughter race and was a time the chief didn't have any water coming from Cal Tech when she was slated to hydrated this is much better maybe sitting on the sidelines but he isn't sitting back he's focused on studying the tame I'm making is why I feel positive sometimes when you run this far into race and you have you're so sleep deprived you don't you don't really have a concept everything is more negative than it really is so I'm going to reassure her that the dogs look good you look good and you're going to get better and better and better it's all positive because everything can change on the coast a storm could do it and then a storm could also blows away. The top you know 10 people anyone has a chance to answer she is she as well as the other 9 probably in the top 10 have a chance. To win so you never dog race you never give up until the last moment as a trace of. Yes I did around championship will that I guess would be. Impossible to put that in words it would be it would be I would be extremely happy for her so she has worked very hard as. A student of the sport as well as putting all the effort and time into it in the meantime for just a few hours the priority spending time with the 2 biggest fans you know you are going to cry I mean this is love love my life and my father couldn't he couldn't mean any more I mean everything to me reporting from you know the Clay Shaw McGuire Channel 10 years. Anyone who has followed circles career knows she wears her heart or sleeve obviously evident right there now she left check to look this morning she's currently in 7th place for one veteran I did a ride musher yesterday was a special day not only a full day spent out on the trail heading for Nome but her birthday to this really good very very. Very quiet just me dogs I'm going to tell tag and. She was very late so not to go over there and then look up and love them but on the trail they've always go with the dogs. Fail or pulled into you know it's late late last night and spent a while working on his dogs before taking a nap inside the checkpoint along with the usual sourdough pancakes he was welcomed by some greetings from locals and loved ones including a big box of sour patch kids so happy belated birthday failer that is a trail on the news hour if you missed any of our stories or want to see behind the scenes footage visit our I did a read section on Katie who you da called Always fun thank you so much we have a story a little bit later that you're really going to want to say we are there for you buddy 8 years of the making a daughter finds the mom she's never about until today that's coming up at 630. And Puddles are showing up and some are pretty big and wet roads will rephrase overnight and I'll be back with your forecast coming up. Like I did or my spine interview days he where to Katie you don't come for a chance to win. Thank. You Jeanne Moos coverage of the I did a sponsored by Exxon Mobil Alaska Anchorage Chrysler Dodge secret and matching. Exxon Mobil has been a proud sponsor of the I did this 970 and every year at this time the race to excel in math and science takes a very exciting turn. To join the team Romney I did write in your school visit I didn't dot com slash teachers. Exxon Mobile energy lives here today just for a documentary much to graduation there's only one I did rod and there's only one I did ride frail sale to make race sponsor Anchorage Chrysler Dodge the ground check point number one for your next ride get Ram 4 by 4 the winners truck all ramps are and with the team here in Alaska I really believe for accomplishing that. Tuesday it's the superstore turf war we need to reach such a place to minimize. The slander when you take your 10 now. Yusuf Islam to Sunday's. The burger joint you know as a little. Girl just because what is that melting snow puddles. Hey that's an acronym I can use that. Will be loaded so that's right I can use it for an abbreviation Rand Well we're looking at that freeze thaw cycle so that's never gory in it happens a lot in the spring and again into the fall I would say be very careful if you're one of those commuters that takes to the road early in the morning or you're out there even late at night so it could be rephrasing to icy conditions so do be careful skycam to take a look at what has been reported as Fell fall along the anchorage hillside you can see the cloud cover this is our Eagle River camera even had some of that rain snow mix hit the lens but it looks like there's a little bit of clearing out there in the distance check out the snow formation made by our Magpies wings as it was taking off cool impression I love that fact that Mother Nature often is one of the best artists that Stella thanks for sending that in well there are some subzero temperatures showing up again along the Arctic coast but not necessarily south of the Brooks Range it is warm 35 degrees in Fairbanks as well as McGrath we have thirty's holding over the Bethel Dillingham area then we even go to 40 degrees to 43 in fact for an Alaskan here but no not as the next big check point as those top contending teams make their way toward that location $23.00 is their current temperature another area of low pressure along the Aleutians and that will be bringing again some cloud cover mix precipitation to any region it touches which will be southwest Alaska the Alaska penicillin Kodiak Island even up in store for a mix of rain and snow now mainland areas are also still seeing cloud cover and even some snow fall trickling through the gnome area also down through southwest Alaska but it looks as though over the next couple of days the racers will be seeing freezing. Foghat times into the overnight hours we'll have that editor forecast coming up at 630 but now for a look at our weather bulletins we have a wind blizzard warning through tomorrow morning again for the cheesey coast north of Kivalina with gusts to 40 and 55 miles per hour same thing for the St Lawrence Island and Bering Strait coast winter storm warning and then winter weather advisories right through the middle of the Brooks Range extending both east and west Southeast Alaska a little bit of a shower activity there across south central asco well above the freezing mark at this hour and as we have been through much of the day now for a look at the forecast here is that area of low pressure followed by yet another one this is what will push snow into southwest Alaska a mix of rain and snow and we're not going to get out of the clouds anytime soon but our best day tomorrow a little bit of sunshine tonight scattered rain snow showers but that will be about it southwest winds 10 to 20 miles per hour so Tuesday sunshine back to clouds for our Wednesday with a chance of some mix showers Thursday Friday and check out these high temperatures all above the freezing mark through the next 7 days that's why I say it sure is looking and feeling like it's a break up out there so watch out for this freeze thaw conditions it will be icy in those early morning and late night hours will be pretty much be saying the warm March temperatures continue a lot more in the forecast plus the I did Arad outlook coming up a little bit later courage or he will see the crocheted just 6 minutes of which as you know the latest on a deadly plane crash in Africa and we'll find out if the same type of jet that went down is flying the skies over Alaska. Let's face it there are 2 I didn't ride the race and the story behind the way people should be unforgettable commuting for 10 days this March we celebrate and I'm sure tradition and a lot of school colleagues. To dream big and dare to fail these are the stories that the Great in the last place. There until it arrives and you can feel the cold one chance in the south along lacks experience either I'm 47 and my dear son shall soon . What can you expect at the Alaska Center for Pain Relief. Really. Dr Christopher j. Is a pain management position providing exceptional service to his patients no 2 people experience pain alike we tailor personalized treatment sees patients individual condition. Don't continue to bear the burden of pain in everyday life call the Alaska Center for pain relief today and start your journey to relief. As Alaskans we've always known adventure driven by discovery and love for our stage we've built the stage for more than 50 years we've even rebuilt at till tomorrow. Since in this case is a new beginning that we're talking here to to use what may have happened over they've now recovered the flight data recorders they will be interested that this was a relatively new aircraft and because it only been in service about 4 months it's the same type of act. As the water flooded by live there was a tragic accident later last year and that's in one of the same series of flight but it's to say it is human suffering departure it has been a day of investigations precautions and warning after yesterday's crash of a Boeing 737 jet in Ethiopia 8 Americans about the 157 people killed when the Ethiopian Airlines plane went down just 6 minutes after takeoff in the East African country searchers found both black box flight recorders today and some airlines are grounding planes similar to one that went down in the seats or over those latest Robey Kenya. There's hope now that the discovery of these black boxes will give investigators the clues they need to say definitively why this new Boeing flown by an experienced pilot who was from the sky just a few minutes after takeoff killing all 157 people on board we are learning more about the identity of the victims there were 35 different nationalities on this very diverse list of passengers including 8 Americans there were also 32 Kenyans killed one of them a student at Georgetown University where he was a 30 year vol student investigators will be combing the crash scene for more clues and to try and find any human remains Meanwhile some countries are taking the step of grounding this airplane model the Boeing 737 Max 8 This does not mean that. The incident was related. To the fix on the specific But we have taken these as an extra safety precaution China and Indonesia saying they will use these models until they know more about what caused the crash is there a harm and n.b.c. News Nairobi. If you'll be there one so the senior pilot issued a distress call it was told to return. But all contact was lost shortly afterwards Now we reached out to multiplayer lines have flies to Alaska state to ask if they have any Boeing 737 x. 8 aircraft in their fleets the following responded some country says they fly Boeing 73780700 but no marks for American Airlines as they have 24 meg so your craft in their fleet Nome flight of Alaska United said they currently have 14 Max knowings and their pilots they say are properly trained to fly them safely and Alaska Airlines said today they do not have any Max aircraft in their fleet but previous social media post where the company said they had ordered 737 bugs or Graf with delivery expected this year more than 80 people were injured after a high speed boat collided with a marine creature off the rolling coast of Japan on Saturday by passengers had to be air lifted to the hospital but remain conscious though the crew of the vessel so that they had a logic appearing to be a marine creature the Coast Guard is investigating but it took to find the cause of the collision. Coming up what possessed turning do it a woman is attacked in the SUV after breaking a very poor like error in judgment. With a touch. On the. I love my new Honda c.r.v. He also drives will get me through winter on the 6 assistants I learned things I might miss while I'm writing that on his mind my home. The cars function like he has never let me down and I feel good buying from company and I got a fair deal from my true. Yes And I said so to several financing options and I didn't feel rushed with the decision as I appreciate that thanks Isaac and thank you passing that along. Everyone knows Me to You groups and veggies to live a long and healthy life. So it's up to you to do like you can to make everybody. In Alaska we're lucky because we have fresh frozen food. As well as feet and maybe from the last. When it comes to living a long and healthy life remember everybody it matters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting new cases of the measles she says at least $228.00 cases of measles have been reported across the country this year in 12 states know including California New York and Texas the new Stu's New Hampshire one featured as of March 1st 2 of the larger outbreaks ahrd Washington State and New York people in Oregon why in Georgia were infected in Washington and New York reports 11 new cases stemming from an outbreak after an on back native resident became infected a broad disease was eliminated in the u.s. In 2000 but is common in many other countries which is how the current outbreak started. More than 2000 immigrants in u.s. Custody are under quarantine from being exposed to a contagious disease in the past your health inspectors have opposed to gated 51 detention facilities for moms chicken pox and influenza according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the time period they reported cases of moms grew from 0 to 236 and just in Texas officials say nearly 200 people have the virus and some Tobar agency says it is committed to ensuring the welfare of all those in custody with comprehensive medical care but it is unclear if the agency is taking additional steps to deal with the outbreak in those facilities in Arizona a Jaguar attack a woman trying to take a selfie you know to sue in Phoenix what a Wildlife World Zoo says witnesses saw her crossing over a barrier to take a picture of the Jaguar enclosure and that's when the animal reached out and attacked her Are you a Jaguar let go after when this distracted it with a bottle and needed medical attention but is expected to be Ok and one who was attacked has apologized and said whole situation was her fault nobody wanted to pull her away when she was still class by the quads they're wild animals and if you get too close you will pay the price to sure she love the sushi here. Because she comes here often. This is not the 1st time the feeble drug war has heard a part visitor a year ago was fresh another person who crossed the barrier to the Wildlife World Zoo tweeted that the Jaguar would not be put down because of the situation earlier in the news are we've heard from people who want a new types of alcohol sales heritage coming up a long time Barker sounds off against the tax why he's urging voters to say no. Buy the on the raffle or what if we take it to the mill. To. Blame somebody else made a suggestion Yeah right now you can lease the all new $29000.00 ramp board just to $59.00 a month plus every new Toyota comes with we'll take care our no cost make its plans Hospital here Pacific health proud. He is urging and no vote by a local bar owner says the city hall has a hidden agenda with the alcohol sales tax on the ballot that will soon be in your hands the reunion she always hoped would have been there a little daughter finds the bomb she had never heard of till to them and they couldn't finish the race so they're getting some special t.l.c. In prison inmates caring for these to run down. The watching the list goes number one Lucy with Mike Brooks Rebecca Hall Show and Jackie Purcell with the weather looks Channel 2 News Our continue. To go by them that will be on the approach ballots being mailed out starting tomorrow a sales tax on the retail alcohol sales now the owner of one local bar says the proposed tax is full of hidden provisions shelters and Davis has a closer look at that longtime bar owner in Downtown is waging a campaign against the tax claiming that the ballot proposition would allow the assembly to tax bars as high or as often as they please while using the money to pay out past debts rather than addressing homelessness in Anchorage member which says that there is no truth to those claims. I set out to everybody and I mean this here Darwin b. Were has owned and operated his bark Darwin's theory in downtown Anchorage for 37 years now with the possible alcohol tax on the miscible ballot he's been busy speaking out against the proposal the problem with this uncle tax and sounds really good you know we're going to do the good to the homeless and Millie the chronic in the rears and I'm all for them but they just want to tax the liquor industry which is not our fault according to be where the measure contains hidden provisions once they get this 1st of all tax and make a bit more out to help taxes as often or as high as they want absolute hogwash the only way to change the taxes is for us to go back to the public even Berkowitz says that the money would be directed at programs and projects to combat homelessness and addiction some. And that the anchorage Economic Development Corporation believes would be beneficial for all of acreage so we need to find a modest new revenue source that can be dedicated to addressing these key social issues that are impacting our overall community and the measure would also allow for bars and acres to open earlier than before 9 am on weekdays and 8 am on the weekends but the were says that it's just a trick to get his industry on board with the tax it's a whole different deal it's 2 different issues so don't fall for that the city election will officially begin tomorrow and the last day to vote on the ballot measure is April 2nd. And of course the discussion over whether an alcohol tax is the answer for homelessness or addiction in Anchorage is not a new debate but starting tomorrow the voters will have to re weeks to make their decision on whether or not they want that 5 percent tax to generate revenue which would combat those very issues to pass that tax needs to 50 percent plus one majority vote for those lovely Well the top of the road seems are into and out of Korea meteorologist Jack Purcell is at the Weather Center with the latest on the weather grading teams along the Iditarod Trail Jacki Well overnight those low temperatures are going to fall into the teens and that will probably feel pretty nice for the dogs and even the twenty's but they've seen some pretty warm temperatures that's get to the overall picture a low move through during the weekend even bringing some high winds to parts of Anchorage now along the trail they're saying above average temperatures and decreasing when you know locally freezing fog is in the nighttime forecast with low temperatures to 20 and mostly cloudy on Tuesday same basic situation for the shack to an area and many of the top contenders as we mentioned are into and out of Korea starting to see cooler temperatures teens overnight highs to the low thirty's White Mountain mostly cloudy some isolated snow showers with highs hitting the low upper twenty's to low thirty's and no more finish on Tuesday you could see again mostly cloudy skies with highs some 25 to about 32 degrees now here's a little easier way to look at all those outlooks from the gnome area a little cooler on Tuesday 22 but the temperatures warm up back to the low thirty's on Wednesday and then you can see some of those other big checkpoint side through anchorage in there as well on the bottom just to see the difference in some of those daytime high temperatures over the next couple of days will have more in the local outlook and we saw some hefty snow totals out of parts of Southeast Alaska along with some gusty winds more on that coming up road drugs to the Bush also there was a pretty emotional in a hurry do you have problems hospital today we met a woman who just flew from Texas for the journey of a lifetime we were there with a. So women met almost strangers they are able to touch for the 1st time in 28 years. All the things 28 years ago Joanna wines was born here at Providence Hospital today she's back. There and it is very very well the thing. For me. Oh I can't doesn't believe in the same place we were 20 years ago it's crazy in less than 5 minutes she'll meet her birth mother Amber Davis she gave me. To have a better life she knew she couldn't support me this will be the 1st time they have ever touched since the day when I was born come in for your mama Amber recently got sick so Joy and I got on the 1st plane from Texas she could find to be here and there is one thing Joe went to has wanted to do since she can remember and maybe to jump in bed with her and kind of now go through it is finally time. To. 'd get a hug 28 years in the making here active you have that and just like that I can stay here for 28 years becomes like yesterday see the moment. And you want to use a service called birth parent finder to find Amber it's a group that out of l.a. That searches for parents to reunite them with children who were adopted coming up next they couldn't finish the race so they're being cared for by others but for the drug the drug dog spending quality time with the inmates at Highland mountain Correctional Center isn't a bad thing in business news on Wall Street to step back to satirize. Getting some special t.l.c. And they said I love my gradual center take care of the return by Deborah dogs until they can be picked up by their handlers childish animals and brings us the story. These guys look like they're going to be here the very cozy out there the sun looks happy anything new that we can do in prison anything that's different and out of the ordinary is really really special long term partner work with the thought. And do something productive with our time. Anything that bridges the gap between. Prison and society. Makes us feel makes me feel relevant and significant just being a part of something that is so big out there in the world. Will Close your musher handlers who are part of the mushers crew like their pick crew they come and throughout the day they will pick up the dogs that they're in charge of. You wasn't feeling so hot and then little lady this is her 1st season so sometimes young dogs big cases like this they're just not mentally ready for like years the best yesterday or the day before we had a pretty angry dog and it was very rare for that to happen but I thought his name was Chibok which I just thought really fit. To everyone is just super eager to be able to do this and so it gives an incentive to for other women to say oh you know maybe next year I can participate in that being able to stay out here with the dogs give them something with from being in there I am able to go to the halfway house in 3 and a half years so I'm looking at another 3 I did Arad's hopefully. And Highland mountain Correctional Center is caring for fewer dogs this year that's because there are fewer voters competing and the other all the birds are pretty good dogs but they look for a photo with the boat rejoinders that it's weak that's a nice project you are going to extol the Newshour it's whether it's washing up or Independence doesn't discriminate. If you are living day to day with neck or shoulder pain numbness or weakness in your arms or migraines you may have a cervical spine condition causing the symptoms such as pinched nerves or unstable spine you can put an end to your chronic brain call Arctic spawn to learn how laser spine surgery can have you up and walking within hours pain free arctics by the neck brain specialists of Alaska. Chevy's all things Alaska's gorgeous to feel in this moment of so many crazy ideas of how physicians think and John. We. Always are. Going to claim as you said do you. Think you should lead to. The moment. We have clouds and even some make showers which will be rotating through the south central region this evening the hillside is reported some snow coming down at a pretty good clip earlier into the day now for your evening hours a little clearing toward morning that should lead us to some March sunshine as we start off the day your temperature will be about 29 degrees look at this beautiful shot of these ice crystals nature's diamonds according to Cindy Warrell she sent in that beautiful shot to share with the state of Alaska at our highest temperature today goes to catch a can they made it up to 46 degrees at the sec the cold spot for this day falling to 20 below 0 overnight and there were some below 0 high temperatures along the Arctic so. A low dead horse at minus one and then across the interior who wonder whether it was much warmer than someone who wanted to say I don't know if you find it wonderful but 37 degrees for Fairbanks 36 and 2 McGrath and even above freezing for southwest Alaska but not quite the case for no they topped out at just 28 degrees we had temperatures above the 32 degree mark in just about every location on this map even early on that you made it to 3438 in Kenai and into the opera thirty's around was still a child and even Palmer making it to 40 above 10 a constraint you had some very gusty winds today a 90 mile per hour gust reported and Hider probably digging out from your $27.00 and a half inches of snow we see a little bit of snowfall up there. Southwest Alaska that will be moving through still through this evening and for much of Prince William Sound you'll see that rain snow mix even Anchorage has a possibility of seeing that through the evening hours this area of low pressure kind of lists becomes like a trough another one right behind it this whole thread snowfall back into southwest Alaska but snow and rain at times and then a development off that front pushes into the south central region north Gulf Coast by midweek this week so we are not going to get out of the clouds any time soon here's a look at your forecast for northern Alaska blizzard warning in fact for Point Hope through at least tomorrow morning with gusts up to 55 miles per hour out of the north and that is in part what is bringing some of that colder air back into the picture interior Alaska cloudy skies some snow along with some winds and rains may not be above freezing tomorrow just expecting a high of 30 above for West Coast it's windy winter storm warning in fact for the gamble as well as Bering Strait area continuing until noon on Tuesday for winds out of the north also up to 55 miles per hour at times back into the Aleutians cooler but still windy especially tonight around 8 at Northwest winds 25 to 40 miles per hour on the last Augusta $45.00 and also northeast winds that will kind of make it feel chilly across sections of the Aleutians rain and rain snow showers out of Southeast Alaska with daytime highs hitting the 40 to 45 degree mark South-Central periods of sunshine a little bit of a change for us but the sunshine not last lasting very long maybe just for our Tuesday still some scattered rain snow showers for tonight before it starts to clear as we head into our early morning hours on Tuesday and you know what you also need to be careful of is those icy roads it's kind of a freeze thaw cycle so your tire spin when you think you might have an advantage to be careful and will be back to some clouds and scattered make showers for the rest of the week and our high temperatures anywhere from. 36 to 42 degrees I think you will walk into Yes Not that I didn't mean to walk like that but we do it all the time don't you like the shuffle right now all right all right thanks Judge Well this week there are thousands of people saying I'm a great u.s. Cross-country trigger nationals underway we'll show you how it's impacting the economy and. They really need to brighten the place up it's time to Try things coaches and spectators from 10 different nations across the country people eat a steak gels and experiencing winter tourism in Alaska this week allies could start competing in the u.s. Cross-country junior nationals thousands of people coming to our courage for that over and case you missed it shelters their credit card tells us what this means for the economy. A prestigious cross-country race competition no nationwide 400 juniors age 14 to 19 that come to me down the national champion ladies and gentlemen this is. An important event putting a fridge in the national spotlight and pouring money into muni coffers it's great for winter tourism is great for bringing the spotlight on our man scatter Nuccio estimates at least half a $1000000.00 pumped into the local economy every 10 years Anchorage host the event and then local businesses absolutely benefit from having the influx of all these people coming in on spring break Mind you it's nice to have people coming here to Alaska versus everybody exiting all teams competing for the Alaska Cup which has been a new week one's hand since 2013 any reservations about competing against Alaskans that are trained by your building but I think I mean we can bring home the last pick up again this year. This is the sort of thing that we want to be able to do on a regular basis on the goodwill of the competitor and the people organize. The great players have a great time more of the great where. The different. It was very comfortable they felt really good apparently that more to say about their Mr Gordon and the race they're going to run throughout this week says good time spectators are welcome to remember the courses are close for better for Michigan visit Katie Utah top Still ahead what do you do when you're waiting for washers up on the other road trail you got stranded residents get various friends like to take a cab late or so we're not training is underway let me stress to. Everyone. If you would like a d.v.d. Copy or digital file of any story you've seen on Channel 2 news please called universal information services at 804 always free one step. At Providence imaging center we are dedicated to creating a patient friendly setting that means more than just a comfortable environment it means skilled compassionate nurses in certified technologist delivering advanced care it means cutting edge technology it means understanding the human body inside Said Charles his editor on field crew had a couple hours to spare between mushers arriving at you know the checkpoint this morning so they decided to do so football training with Channel 2 multimedia journalist and I did a rookie show me what it was show us on how to do something get down to it don't for McGrath 2 year old kid we're here for a quarter to a tee tee you from place to call and just the thing is quarterback can only do what you can do with what you're working with and as a receiver he tries hard but it's like he's running around with bricks and that's just me and so you come I need help I need help and so. I have my friend here yes come on enjoy this guy. All he is is an athlete and if anybody can help strong figure out how to be a receiver and catch the ball Yes I think you can do it I can do it starts out like 1st of all the most important thing the catching is having strong legs guys stretch your legs out get them to the body and really into it driving the forward lean into it really keep that any stretch that's where all the strength in your grip comes from comes right here yeah that's the most important part if it's in the you know something you know sport to look like. Stretch your shoulders arms up in the air push the Sunni leaves you're left with that that's your right to think you're left there you go and think you. See when we were out you got to know your left and rights so mental game it's a mental game let's get the pull of. One . True. Oh yeah good work good work. Good heart would show us on how to do it down said don't. The guy's got hands of gold. Rush. Town that are if you want to come. 6 from that's not how you'll find good friends or. I could hire you to you know to listen for a little known alternative fact all n.f.l. Hopefuls as they prepare for the n.f.l. Combine to come here. That's right you put in the work you put the effort into the combine you can go just like Shawn go for our job that's probably going to law school feel like we've made improvements but. He's getting better right sad sad sad so I'm optimistic because that's a common thing. That's going to answer is right here you got that celebration stuff you're. Going to be Ok we didn't explain Trovatore was born in the United States but race of Australia Yeah which gave him the bottle to suck so but no American football skills so that's what it's going to do less and shall require that we should not have the special there and the absolutely positive it was nice to see the negative praise the last and enjoy it well let's take a look at our forecast and it's going to be a little bit more on the sunny side of things out tomorrow and that'll be just about it but back to some clouds from that week so enjoy your sunny Tuesday break it will join the a c. But. This is you driving this is you e.t.i. Unlimited. That it went to 0 I decided to get a new car I did all my homework and I really wanted a Mazda c.x. 5 I love having the I 5 legs valid and pointy the super techie the sophisticated safety systems this is Brian Brian made it really easy to get into my new house just to. Be a snooze on the hour sponsored by Dell small business I'm hearing on Boeing said late today it will implement a software enhanced meant throughout the entire $737.00 Max 8 fleet that includes an estimated 350 jets worldwide it will be implemented over the next few weeks more than a half dozen foreign airlines have already grounded their models after the Ethiopian crash yesterday but u.s. Officials say the plane is safe c.b.s. Senior travel advisor Peter Greenberg is not too concerned I was like what 2 days ago what I love what the world the real 12 us pilots have reported to me is whether or not everybody got the memo on how to disengage the system on the plane that was the problem because it overrides the pilot's ability to control the plane if it detects that you're going into a stall it will immediately put the nose down and if it doesn't let you correct that that's where you have planes hitting the ground nose 1st which is what witnesses say happened with the Ethiopian plane that crashed outside Addis Ababa killing all people aboard House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the president probably is not fit to be in the White House but impeachment would not be worth the effort says it's not worth the pain and the vision it would cause the country but c.b.s. Political contributor Kaitlin He burns says for many Democrats impeachment would be a worthwhile effort you have Democrats like you wouldn't judge you are arguing let's let's go through a campaign process let's see these investigations through but let's also make a statement like our votes here then have other members who say look we campaigned against this president and think that the Republicans have not held him adequately accountable and then you have other still who are trying to. Kind of walk a fine or line here raps now off the president's proposed to school 2020 budget and save $4.00 trillion dollars spending plan relying on economic growth projections of 3 point one percent but for Democrats in Congress the budget was dead on arrival Politico White House reporter Gabby ors important to see how House Democrats are reacting to this already that you had John Yarmuth the chairman of the House Budget Committee say that this is a complete nonstarter in the house and so while the White House might seem that there think that there is room for negotiation Democrats are already coming out saying that a number of elements in this budget just aren't going to work for them African-Americans and Hispanics according to a new study breathing in far more deadly air pollution than they are responsible for creating Jason Hall of the University of Minnesota one of the study co-author says where those people live is key corporate on a regional and local basis they happen to be living in areas where they're simply exposed to higher levels of pollution this is c.b.s. .

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