Maybe between 2 and 5 being carried out of the house after that shooting happened she was taken away to an abbey an ambulance now what we see right now we do have the crime scene van from a.p.t that is here now in cases of serious injury are sometimes homicide this van will show up in order to do forensics on theme I want to reiterate that we don't know the condition of the victim so this van can come out just in cases of serious injury and we're keeping an eye on the condition so far now everything that we know is pointing to something being random with a bullet flying through a home we'll have more on this story coming up tonight at 10 and the latest at Katie you use dot com Live in Fairview Nikki Carter Hall Channel 2 nails All right do you think so book. Is asking anyone of the information to call dispatch at their non-emergency number 311 call crime stoppers 561 as to you'll be if you want to give tips a lot of mostly on that shooting nobody go to juvenile female so you think former Governor Sarah Palin's son who's facing criminal charges was in court today with news reporters were bubble out it challenges Cameron Mackintosh has details on the judge's reason for that decision Michael Rebecca District Judge David Wallace gave 2 reasons for denying our coverage requests day Firstly he said the paperwork for media coverage in court needs to be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the proceedings Now that's according to rule 50 be in the Alaska court systems rules of administration it's a rule that judges often overlook because Katie has covered numerous court hearings in the past despite not turning in paperwork a day in advance George Wallace The 2nd reason for blocking media coverage was the quote privacy interest of other persons Furthermore payments attorney Patrick Burt says he's planning to file a motion with the court to bar media outlets from all of payloads court proceedings in the future when asked why Mr Burt's Burke said it wasn't just about his client he said quote Given the therapeutic nature of Veterans Court I don't think it's appropriate to have media in there recording. A paling is charged with. Burglary assault and criminal mischief after an incident at the family's Wasil home in December through Veterans Court he may get the option to enroll in something like a mental health treatment program instead of a regular sentence Mike and Rebecca are very scared but the school shooting in Texas has had another local impact with what I heard grandfather inspired to take action on Maguire is reporting live a school board meeting and that's about to start start at about 7 o'clock tonight. I might go back out one man is going to come here and speak about metal detectors now they used in some schools across the country and not everyone is so sure that they're the best way to keep student sites. Silence across Texas potential killed and 10 more wounded which seems a grandfather to a 6 year old student at Sydney elementary wants metal detectors installed in all schools and he doesn't care about the cost and there's no way you can put a price on account why. I don't care how much money you have or how much money you spend you're not going to write back turn the way the school for special needs students is the only one in Anchorage with fixed metal detectors officials say from a security standpoint it makes sense to take them district wide but it would change the feel of schools and create a choke point for students but there's more to a school if. You know. You know it's not what he is putting one in the running everything in April is to hold a committee to discuss ideas for security solutions but have video cameras and Kayla's locks were accepted metal detectors were rejected we talked about it and we kind of all agreed that we didn't need to take that step yet that's 15 year old Alexa Todd a member of March for allies in Anchorage she and a group of students instead want more regulations we're trying to attack the source of trouble isn't it is certain areas where we can try to limit how many guns are in the hands of those who would do harm to others and that's what we should do 1st the students and Sims insist on and to gun so I want to shout my granddaughter my gun here in the house when they're loaded I'm going on. We're not we're not anti-gun we want to make sure that that's very clear to everybody because we've done a lot of oh you want to get rid of our guns like no people to be safer with the guns members of the community all working in their own ways to make sure tragedies like Texas never happen again in Alaska. K. X A N R N.B.C. Affiliate also reports that it would cost upwards of $46000000.00 doubt that every Texas school with metal detectors Now we tried to get a figure for how much of the possible Alaskan schools but we didn't get that at the time of broadcast reporting live from outside A.S.D. I'm sure McGuire channel to news. A former Alaska has more in the sudden loss of her daughter who was killed in that Texas school shooting on the hard who grew up and was still assess her daughter 14 year old can believe on was one of the victims she says her daughter spent some of her younger years in Juneau where she remembered catching her 1st salmon in cross country skiing for kindergarten class now has calling for changes to gun laws liability for parents whose children use guns in crimes and stronger school safety I also want the improved security in the school I'll tell you. That one door to our room was like the weak point in the school and here when we did that there was 2nd student also had ties to a law school Lucille was that of a group says her great nephew 17 year old Chris Stone was killed in the gunfire or trying to block one of the doors of the school to stop the shooter she says he was always that you're so this is supposed to be the time of year when students are signing your books not planning funerals a moment of silence was held across the city of Santa Fe Texas to reflect and mourn those lost in the seas wending Woolfolk brings us an update. Silence can't begin to fill the void but I just pray for comfort got a prayer for peace and prayers don't always lead to quick answers even the time we don't understand why we don't have answers or why things happen the way they do God and a community with ones still raw. 8 students and 2 teachers gunned down authorities say by one of their own 17 year old Demetrius but Gucci's he's still in a state I think there's definitely something going on there in terms of mental health history we have to get that evaluated before I can say much more investigators are still poring over the teenager's journals and social media posts hoping to figure out what made him take his father's shotgun and Revolver burst into an art classroom and start firing during 1st period Friday now 10 crosses stand on the campus grounds each marking a life taken it's shameful what's going on in America's is like this is the worst hand for this gun violence Greg sanest drove from Chicago to honor each victim this is going on too often any We just we don't have I don't have any solutions I'm just offering the families some kind of. You know across just something simple a memorial in a mental and a place to mourn an unspeakable loss under Texas law the maximum sentence for capital murder charges for those who are under 18 is life in prison with the possibility of parole in 40 years when he will vote and he's the news Santa Fe Texas. With a student who confessed to the killings and said If A is no jail on suicide watch the Galveston County sheriff says 17 year old to be trials for gorgeous is facing capital murder charges we're going to discover as the day school officials that I was the teachers and support staff will return to satisfy high school on Wednesday there a P dogs will be available to help people who've been affected by the shooting students who were turned out Tuesday May 29th counseling will be available for everyone at that school back here at home and usually cloudy and cool that's whole bay was turned out so for us when the time Jackie joins us now with an update on some R.J. Yes write update on summer so less than 2 weeks left in this month so may has a chance to redeem it's cloudy and cool reputation widespread clouds and showers. More numerous to the north of coast in Prince William Sound and as we go through the evening hours tonight here locally we could still see some sprinkles and low temperatures 40 to 45 degrees and getting on with our forecast for the rest of the week high temperatures up to 58 on Tuesday we will see some sunshine Wednesday and Thursday and here's where we could see an official 60 degree high temperature come our way that May has been unusually cloudy and cool on lots of folks are ready to see that change including me and you guys a lot of things Marcus coming up shortly our 3rd strike be going up later in the newscast they say it's so large for justice for Alaska natives are taking to the streets this evening to protest. The Newshour is brought to you by Mattress Firm shop receiver before you shop anywhere else conveniently located with 3 stores in acreage and one in which silver. And by Providence helping Alaskans finish cancer right here at home of the Providence Cancer Center. I can help her feel like yourself. I can run a 5 K. . I can do. I can write. A procedure I have. I can give support. I can find someone to treat. It takes all of us to finish cancer so do something because you can. Go to finish cancer dot org to get involved searching for the mattress of your dreams now's the time to buy during temper predicts nationwide Memorial Day sale choose your perfect temper petered out an adjustable base and sync up to $700.00 it's a mattress J.D. Power ranks number one in customer satisfaction unbeatable comfort at an unbeatable price point savings up to $700.00 shop local retailers samplers home furnishings mentors firm and the ultimate mattress store today and sleep easy tonight on your perfect temper predict. I crossed the Pacific Governor Bill Walker met with Vice Premier Louhi in Beijing today as part of Alaska's trade mission to China facials from the Alaska gasline Development Corporation are also with the governor according to Walker's office delegations from each country had meetings last week resulting in significant progress towards efforts to increase Chinese imports of U.S. Goods and services but those efforts include Alaska's Energy and Natural Resources Governor Walker extended Thanks to both President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping for quote working together to improve trade relations between our countries jugglers but I guess it is traveling with Governor Walker right bell that will bring us reports about the trip for the trade mission is over. They gave this girl a radar go oh yes they did that is right I heard along with a pretty good check out some of the speeding on some of our local highways and what we saw is a face. Well a lot of people are saying their patience with the spotty weather tested a couple of days this week called promise we'll have more on that coming up. Next this means worth protecting probably me teams you can provide years of service a life changing seasons one to break apart the integrity of you the service the solution she S.P.C. OK I must have missed this what you missed but just uses here Channel 2 we've hit the 60s twice this won't know but it's not official not official yet no. It's official for K. To you though what happened O'Reilly May 10th and also May 18th $6465.00 degrees but only $59.00 so far at Anchorage International Airport Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport So there's there's room for improvement as in there let's take a look at our satellite radar imagery some heavier showers into Prince William Sound but that easterly flow many times keeps the Anchorage area on the dry side not cloud free but we have a few sunny breaks out there but you can see how the other side of the Kenai Peninsula is fairly dry. Time lapse imagery shows those clowns over the anchor Jerry getting lower and lower we lose visibility on sleeping lady for a bit looking ahead will continue to see mostly cloudy skies a chance of sprinkles on low temperatures eventually $40.00 to $45.00 degrees so are all naturals we hit $55.00 for the official high it would be closer to 60 if it were up to the average of $58.00 degrees we've had no precipitation for the last 24 hours just a 3rd of an inch for the entire month of May so far despite the continuous clouds we still see that continuous circulation of low pressure so clouds and even some showers along coastal areas some of those clouds do produce some showers and we're getting into the season then into the interior in the afternoon with a formation of a thermal trough a possibility of some thunderstorms you can see some of those showers becoming heavy right around the area heading that way just moving north south of Dillingham and across the south central region pretty clear from the Anchorage area clear of precipitation that is and across the and let you do see those showers start to pick up again is pretty widespread across the eastern side of the Prince William Sound Here's a look at some of those showers developing and moving north into the interior and they had that run of sunshine into the panhandle but over the weekend the clouds returned as did the rain there temperatures much cooler 50 degree temperatures this hour and we have 46 in Kodiak we go back to the fifty's around Dillingham and then had the sixty's from Bethel to my grass even into Fairbanks 65 this current hour and. A big improvement you're above freezing and 33 is your current reading with dead horse at 30 across south central ask of those fifty's showing up from Ileana also to Homer a little bit cooler for Kodiak at 46 but then you can see where that rain is a little more prevalent $46.00 degrees also for Cordova so these areas of low pressure will continue to spin underneath a very broad expanse of upper level low and then you can. Say the next in a series or an of slow pressure system cycling on through so south central mostly cloudy skies some scattered showers will still be into the fifty's those are the expected high is close to 60 deal for around $59.00 when's up picking up out of the south 10 to 25 miles per hour and the Anchorage area looking at cloud cover now Wednesday and Thursday those are chances to say somewhat sunnier conditions for the local area but just to recap Anchorage has yet to reach its official 60 we have twice so far this month's mid sixty's and that big low continues to envelop the state of Alaska more on the forecast coming up a little bit later in weather as well because there's a large I.Q. Too many people are driving too fast on little sort of drive as well as the glen and sort of I watch and that's a problem for the Anchorage place Department trying to stop the step that down with extra patrols and a focus on safety. It's almost guaranteed that when you're driving in a police car. Everyone around you slows down but not always so we got that Jeep that's ahead of us. He's in a in a construction zone to 75 miles an hour. To try to slow down you know he's now he's between 74751 person speeding then another . We have been doing 74 and this truck is about to pass us so I can get them coming at us going away coming up or if this guy right here will slow this guy down the side of 75 police say is the average here even though the speed limit he's 65 speeding on the glen of the super highways as well as Minnesota has been increasing over the years and A.D.T. Wants it to slow down well the speed limits were set for a reason and anything that can happen on these roads will where you guys on this side of the highway are you trying to avoid the move. And then you. OK if you would go down here they get back over on to the bike trail OK OK The police cars can track speeds from all angles the vehicle even the back but to really test this out for the one gun the lead truck I. And the passing lane the speed limit is still 6530 is no little subset that says well you can be way to the past. But if you do and you're caught those tickets will be higher than your speed it isn't uncommon for us to issue $3000.00 traffic citations for those speeds that are $100.00 plus in a Double Fine area. So remember the number 65 and keep on driving down the road. And Minnesota is not a highway although place have a drivers trade like what So 75 in a construction zone putting yourself at risk in the construction while as people work again. That is not a great job next making sure summer vacation doesn't result in hungry children but take a look at the steps of the anchor school officials are taking to keep the school lunch program running So most families who need a little home. Get a comprehensive dental plan industry giving you something to smile. About. It's just one sugary drink for your child I can't be so bad right. On week after week year after year the effects of all that sugar add up. To 3 tranks can lead to type 2 diabetes they can destroy your children's teeth turning their mouth from this to this. Point out those sugary drinks serve water low fat milk get the facts about sugary drinks and play every day diet Alaska dot gov to Alaska's actually home store for memorial sale savings or reclining sofas just 699 actually also offers a discount for active military and low interest terms plus buy it today have it today and almost because Ashley home store I'm Dr Ben Mischler with the Taliban history we put our patients 1st by offering convenient hours for the whole family whether you're a businessman or busy mom we make scheduling easy offering early morning lunch time and evening hours be killed in history giving you something to smile about there's a common thread I see every time I'm in the field while this was born here we're serving our neighbors helping neighbors and strangers alike let me sometimes it's nice to see all the good this morning folks we have seen a community after community. And. Well it's a March to highlight people impacted by poverty the most chance age at Karni is live at the World Money rally March that's trying to highlight the complex issues of poverty and Alaskan natives and other native people. Get my camera back of the rally actually just wrapped up here at the intersection of Benson in Minnesota moments ago and according to the people that organized this March the Alaska poor people's campaign. The goal for this group is to highlight the struggles that Alaskan natives and Native Americans deal with as the highest poverty rate of any racial group and also. They oppose they claim they oppose laws that result in voter suppression they also add that they claim that the government contracts it to honor the Constitution is not being honored and the March wrapped up here as I said not too long ago but they're all around planned for later this March on the 29th and 3 additional marches later in June reporting live at the intersection of Benson and Minnesota Carney Channel 2 news. Was a charm campaign spied on by the Justice Department under President Obama will tell you what happened at a top level meeting today at the White House and over the president's command support investigation. Of Wall Street today an off day for the Dow's up their way for a 100 points the Nasdaq up 40 S. And P. 500 up 20 There's a look now at stocks a little closer to played. Such at Providence imaging center we are dedicated to creating a patient friendly setting that means more even just a comfortable environment it means skilled compassionate nurses in certified technologists delivering advanced care it means cutting edge technology it means Rays which makes the implant placement more gentle and precise for teeth that last no matter how long you have ignored it we have the answer give us a call Thanks Dr Cross big you bet that's what I do. President troubles very active on Twitter over this past weekend on the sporting critics calling it a president move by the president to try to steer his own Justice Department one tweet in particular is getting a lot of attention even leading the Justice Department to take another look at the early days of the Russia investigation N.B.C.'s Blaine Alexander breaks it down. Tonight the White House confirming the Trump Justice Department will investigate the Obama Justice Department and the beginnings of the Russia investigation the coming shortly after deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein and F.B.I. Director Christopher Ray left the White House and it formalizes the president's weekend tweet demanding an investigation into speculation that his campaign was the target of politically motivated spying triggered by reports that an F.B.I. Informant contacted members of the Trump campaign early in the Russian investigation in a statement Rosenstein promising the Department will investigate whether the surveillance was for inappropriate purposes but some home of the president demands inappropriate the president has just taken his all out assault on the rule of law to a new level and this time he is ordering up an investigation of the investigators but perfectly legal says the president's attorney Rudy Giuliani I don't exactly force them to investigate. Dr I want to conclude. Perfectly appropriate for the president who threatened to get involved with his own Justice Department now doing exactly that and on the Russia investigation Giuliani says that Muller may wrap up the obstruction part of that probe bust up temper 1st to avoid what Giuliani calls Komi territory or announcing the findings right before the midterm elections when Alexander N.B.C. News the White House OK it's Arbor Day and we've got a great story if you're a true over we're talking free trees when we go back and a new baby moves and they are all on their way but this time of year comes with a warning about their protective pools mom was. On or by the US just Highway 60 officers are true but the mountain bikes are back by popular demand and if you haven't stopped by Bailey's lately you're missing out we get new product in every week and we constantly monitor the latest trends in furniture to help keep your home fashionable so get inspired because Bally's has the best selection of dining bedroom and upholstery and the largest collection of artwork plants rugs and accents in Alaska get the best price on your new furniture with Buddy's price and right now get your new mountain bike before they're gone only a Baileys furniture. Shooting near downtown we'll have a live report of what police know so far and Whistler babies are being born which means we need to watch out for some mean Mama Lou it's Arbor Day By the way they were handing out free trees. And. You're watching the Oscars number one lose deal with Mike Brooks wrote back up and Jackie personal with the Weather Channel to do zone continue. To proceed and update on the breaking news tonight a shooting in Fairview near the area of useful over the avenue at a height or street child says they got all is at the scene and brings us the latest thinking. On my camera back in the past half hour or so we've really seen the police presence here actually increased police have been walking up and down the street here on Hyder looking for more information and talking to witnesses but just to recap for our viewers who may have missed the top of the show we're talking about a really tragic situation according to details from both police and witnesses a police saying that sometime around 4 o'clock this afternoon 2 cars were driving down the street here and the occupants were shooting at each other now after that happened one stray bullet flew into a home here and hit what they now describe as a juvenile call her her condition isn't being released right now but witnesses on the on scene describe something really terrible Take a listen to the woman that shows a little girl. Maybe year old or so about 2 or 3 yet about 2 or 3 years old before it's all been through so to speak. So right now we're seeing police kind of walk up and down the street and talk to witnesses and an investigation that only continues to be adding more police presence my car back up so they can help us with the scene we see what looks like for what you saw behind you was that Were those those trolls will do. What police have in an announced exactly where the shooting happened they're probably waiting to notify family because the injuries do appear to be somewhat serious the crime scene van is on scene. But we have seen a lot of police activity at that white building behind me we should also probably mention there are a lot of streets closed off I've seen a couple people who live down here being escorted by police but they're not letting any vehicles into the area they can mention the base 2 cars were driving down the road shooting at each other any idea any description of the people or the type of cars that might have been involved in this. Actually at this point no police aren't releasing any description of the vehicles or the people involved but they are asking for witnesses to come forward so if you did see anything left police no I think your last question you talked to the neighbor who are people in this neighborhood reacting to the situation as you. Know many people are understandably terrified the young man that I spoke to earlier has a child of his own and he was saying he's not going to stay here long I mean what police are describing is something totally random they're describing a bullet going through a home and hitting a little girl I can't think of anything that sounds more scary and that's exactly how people in this neighborhood are reacting people are also saying though that they're kind of used to hearing gunshots around here but they're not used to something as horrible as this happening from both those situations we sure were troll being injured boy stray bullet here and go shots if you're a road a much more that's not right for every curveball for a large service actually open but you know we have some sunshine for an hour or 2 on Saturday then back to clouds what gives up the month major JACKIE Well it has been tough it's been cloudy it's been cool and although as we've mentioned here Kate you has hit the mid sixty's twice this month it's still yet to happen officially So OK to use weather monitoring equipment has recorded to 60 degree plus days this month last Friday the a change at $64.00 degrees and prior to that Thursday May 10th we made it to $65.00 now the official high for the year so far stands at $59.00 degrees so the National Weather Service having that mark on Sunday May 13th so the wait. News and checking our forecast it looks promising for mid week so here's a look at the graphical forecast and by sometime on 11 30 pm on Tuesday night the skies will clear up enough to allow for partly sunny skies Wednesday and Thursday with high temperatures 55 to 60 and that's when we could see Anchorage maybe hit that 60 degree mark will have all your statewide forecast coming up a little bit later right here on the news hour for those Shockey it is Arbor Day or low school and what better way to celebrate them by planting more troops as John's who came back and tells us one local florist was giving away free saplings to help keep Anchorage great Karen home I can Rebecca but boy is was handing out free paper birch and Siberian larch saplings to its customers today and I went to their diamond location only about an hour and a half after they opened and most of those young trees were already on their way to new homes each tree came with planning instructions from the State Division of Forestry they say the goal is to increase the canopy over encourage by as much as 40 percent according to the Arbor Day Foundation some of the benefits trees bring include saving energy increasing property value and even reducing crime. Clean up the air which is lovely and beautiful and they can really change your whole yard if you have a brand new baby tree near you are that are really bright in a place where really hoping to just get these guys out there and spread some of the tree love. Now this is the 1st year Burgos has held this event and I'm told that Arbor Day actually started way back in the 1800s in Nebraska so it's a pretty old tradition that's traveled a long way to get to Alaska Mike and Rebecca All right they scam in Fairbanks lumber prices have hit an all time high the Fairbanks Daily News but a Reports north of the wood is selling sheets of plywood for 23 dollars 50 cents that's up from 16955 years ago they put planks of lumber to inch by 6 inch costs $664.00 each so for 5175 years ago the National Association of Home Builders estimates the rising cost of lumber is increased the price of an average single family home by about $7000.00 the organization is encouraging members to pressure federal lawmakers to find a long term solution to a trade dispute with Canada that is driving up lumber prices I guess in climate issues across the state the general Empire reports the Climate Action leadership team has released a draft for a state level climate policy document outlines plans to reduce greenhouse gas by 30 percent and a 515 percent increase in energy efficiency by $2025.00 to proposes using carbon pricing a marketing based method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions which puts a price on carbon emissions the Department of Environmental Conservation says Alaska as the 4th highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions of any state in the country well you might have seen 2 little signs of spring in Anchorage or easily. There are a muso there are 2 newborn calves hanging out of the lanes of the glen I weigh between ship Creek and the Jaber exit. Although it was around 12 today she was gone around 12 o'clock she was gone so cyclists participating in the $36.00 running of the gold Mughal drugget triathlons we could describe the mother as looking pretty aggressive. Officials are warning anyone using the trails to be aware of their surroundings especially with recent reports of bear kills. Along the road if you do run into any wildlife officials Turturro wanted to go the road to federal wildlife officials are investigating the apparent poaching of a black bear along a popular road near the keno river chaos or room reports wildlife officers from Kino National Wildlife Refuge received a report that a barrier was killed on skewered Lake Road now about a half mile from Jim's landings where that happened witnesses described the black bear as weighing about 100 pounds and it seemed to have no fear of vehicles or people witnesses said there was shot as it stood in the middle of a road and taken any blue hatchback car investigators found a large pool of blood on the road in a tragic mark between the woods and the road the last 2 years are asking anyone with information about this to contact a federal wildlife officer the number is on your screen. School district is trying to make sure that kids on free and reduced lunch have enough to eat during the summer book says this has become a bigger and bigger issue as more students qualify for free and reduced lunch know every summer the district provides the par 3 meals the children all over the city regardless of whether or not they qualify for transfer rights lunches or any of their students in the district is that while it will be providing breakfast and lunch at different locations all over town many children might not be taking advantage of the programs. Because when the when school lets out kids are still there and there are still hungry kids the that because school's out they're not eaten in school lunch the way they would have if they were at school and going to class every day so obviously there's a need the school district has about 40 some percent of the student body in total is eligible for the free reduced program so obviously there are kids in need and then need doesn't end when school lets out on Wednesday so now quoting to this trick only about 15 percent of students use the program while around 40 percent of them qualify for free or reduced lunch during the school year all right coming up a lot of people fear artificial intelligence but good thinking machines one day because it is really good design to me please. Thanks to the vision of fragile Meyer customers have been able to find everything they need in one stop for the past 96 years this week we're honoring his legacy with their founders day sale. A big con so many are against throughout the store. So whatever you find to teach your line stakes are $298.00 a pound a charmer and former gas grill is $15999.00. Health news tonight a new study looks at why some children with autism are not diagnosed during the early screenings researchers in Norway followed more than 68018 month olds who tested negative for autism they've both serval differences in behavior between children who were later diagnosed with the disorder and those who were not autistic children tended to have delays in social interaction communication and motor skills those with by older or more infrequent symptoms were less likely to be diagnosed earlier he research reveals fewer men are getting screened for prostate cancer a University of Washington study looked at P.S.A. Test rates for men under 65 between 282-0148 showed testing biopsy and prostate cancer detection dropped significantly during this time many leading medical groups recommend against P.S.A. Testing for younger men who are a low risk for the disease also in the medical beach to learn do you know that men who don't sleep well may face a higher risk of erectile dysfunction researchers surveyed nearly 400 middle aged men about their lifestyle or health before men who have had worse erectile function as their quality of sleep decreased age depression and health problems also increase men's risk O.B.D. Experts say men should know that improving their sleeping habits could have other important but if it's over it is turning to artificial intelligence to tackle chronic disease today prime minister Theresa May announce a strategy to develop smart technology in an effort to open what she called a whole new field of medical research achieving this mission we're not only save thousands of lives it will incubate a whole new industry around AI in health care they said the smart technology research would benefit people's health and Britain's economy creating new high skill jobs and innovation centers a lot of debate about this whole thing this is a controversy it's a controversy here could could be good could be could take over the world you don't see that. Elements without restraint the color for a start OK really scary All right coming up it's a spectacular disaster the latest on what's going on with the why volcano eruption To. See. With this past weekend was the 5 year anniversary of the E.F. 5 tornado in Moore Oklahoma the massive tornado killed 24 people including 7 children who died when it hit an elementary school more than 200 people were injured more than 1000 homes were destroyed including a medical center the town has recovered and has now adopted some of the nation's toughest building regulations including more than 2000 new storm shelters very good idea here's a look at what's going on across the south central area you can see extensive showers starting to pop up over southwest Alaska and continued flow right into Prince William Sound and the north Gulf Coast so that combines for cloudy wet weather but after the clouds and after the rain you can see a little bit of beauty in this was out of say Mary's there on the Andreozzi River which Walton Smith says is ice free but just a couple of miles away where the Andreozzi empties into the Yukon there is still some ice flowing down the Yukon but it's actually a double rainbow you can kind of see that faint rainbow just behind that so Walton thanks for sending that in out of St Mary's looking ahead for the Anchorage area mostly cloudy skies we have a few sunny breaks developing here and there overnight low temperatures eventually $40.00 to $45.00 degrees are extremes across the state today go from Isles an airforce base at $67.00 north to no exit at $24.00 the states cold spot daytime highs made it to the mid sixty's around Fairbanks McGrath topping out at $65.00 as well and those 60 showing up for the Buffalo area today but it made it to $52.00 a gnome staying under the 40 degree mark out of conservation above freezing today at $33.00 and then down to 30 degrees and under the freezing mark for dead horse but the panhandle of cooler week for you your highs were into the fifty's today across much of the south central area cooler over. Prince William Sound with those rains coming down also for the eastern side of the Kenai Peninsula we had temperatures into the low fifty's and Seward but a little drier around Kenai $58.00 degrees was still a topping out with $63.00 made it to $64.00 and talking as so the continued cyclonic flow will persist in across the state of Alaska this expanse of broad upper level low pressure system will ensnare these low pressure systems at the surface and steer them right on into the Gulf of Alaska this one will be passing through the western Aleutians by Wednesday morning it's just through the central illusions that continues its eastward track and then probably will become a factor for us a little bit later in the week but for Tuesday on into Wednesday we could have enough clearing behind this initial system that will see some areas of sunshine or breaks of sunshine northern Alaska here's a look at your forecast Point Hope north east winds 15 to 25 also be a bit windy along the Arctic slope between as well as crude obey isolated showers even a thunderstorm as you move into battles a high of 61 showers and thunderstorms possible for the interior in the afternoon as those temperatures heat up to the low sixty's for some locations and for McGrath about 61 so west coast partly sunny at least for most of those locations winds out of the West for gamble 15 to 25 miles per hour southwest $5.00 to $15.00 around you and all of so they'll be some sunshine there summers progressing through the Aleutians even parts of the Aleutians will see some sunshine advance of that next storm system so enjoy it while you have it for Southeast it's more shower activity so was somewhat cooler daytime highs with highs into the fifty's and across the south central area mostly cloudy skies continued chance of showers for the Anchorage area it's more like sprinkles south winds picking up in the valley $10.00 to $15.00 up to 25 miles per hour under advisory status and Wednesday Thursday we could see some nice sunny breaks for the local area still looking at. Hitting that high of 60 degrees for the official high but has made it to 59 when we have seen that May we want something else we're bored with this clouds and rain but Thursday could be that day that we at least have that 60 degree official mark so we'll see how that shakes out perfect so it doesn't mean listens to you. For sure but why is big island remains under a state of emergency a volcano they are erupting repeatedly now causing lava to flow into the ocean cutting up escape routes and creating new dangers of these big films of lava destroying more homes over the weekend the situation getting worse tonight and we see as we go on with your as the story. Today Kill the way it is a run down with vengeance rivers of fiery red line pouring into the ocean these new dramatic images capturing the explosion of steam when the 2 me. Towering geysers of lava are moving faster burning hotter and more violently than ever before. With molten fireballs launching through the air a soaring lava bomb has now struck its 1st victim. Our crews there is Marc Klaas the search for injured neighbors putting out the hope they caught by the Red Hot Rock shot in Jewish friends play a role cost the Falcon to forgive her lower legs. Will. Receive be moved to the for the. With new features exploding out of the ground over the weekend a sea of lava is now flowing into the ocean the steamy combustion when it hits water creating a new threat known as lakes hydrochloric acid gas mixing with tiny shards of volcanic glass that trips across the air getting too close can irritate eyes and. Line somewhat with it at least 4 more structures destroyed over the weekend a curtain of fire is now rolling over a highway cutting off a vital escape route for coastal residents we have 2 cats they wouldn't leave so I say good bye to them. And everything else as Kill away as crater a rock to the again Saturday a blanket of acid is creating even more health concerns on the big guy we have 2 children can put a hospital back Mark the full Kaino a cauldron of trouble exploding into the air across the land and now out it seems even though they are concerned about lava pouring into the ocean creating hazardous health in terms of air quality this is what people in so many local neighborhoods are worried about when these massive fissures open up they can destroy lives and homes in a 2nd back to you think we go about a little too close on that one that was scary it looks almost unreal it does look like movie special effects and totally does but it's very rare over those people at the gas pump church well Up next helping dads help their daughters they can be a little scary when you're a father and your little girl needs help with their hair style weeks of this are getting some special training. These were never respond to escape the cold popular models offers in June for to find out more about all our great deals visit toyota dot com to get your Toyota today. To you let's go places a lot of our patients are becoming more aware as to the differences in quality between the imaging centers they're doing the research. That diagnostic imaging that's accomplished is going to provide the information to the patients physicians for accurate treatment plan we see things that literally others don't see. In the winner and this is the patients who are. Imaging associates expert radiology exceptional care and if it's spring in Alaska it's time to go road trip but this week we head to southeast for a white knuckle venture with a twist Plus we go deep into the pledge again rain forest on Deer Mountain Trail I'm about the pulse of the road trip and a laugh at work in parts can right now but the goal is not like that just one problem there's no. Community of metal or patent as Harvard Harvard Peter classmate of art works this does a road trip in Alaska and Channel 2 news. In the Blood dad in the eastern I was proving that helping your daughter get ready in the very start of his own daddy daughter pair factory to teach dads how to open a little girls by the Gilbert goes the store. It's a daddy daughter bonding and Anyway here's kind of home a A.J. Johnson is teaching specifically to dads how to take care of and style their daughter's hair then he's got a long Johnson has 3 daughters of his own business in his view the man couldn't you can see in your left hand he says Hair Care does not have to be a mom's job it starts off that conversation of being like we're a family unit we're a family and all and it doesn't matter what the problem is mom and dad are both here for you Johnsons teaching the dads how to do everything from ponytails to buns to chain link break Sandia to a ponytail the daughters satisfied with their dad's work to get here good job family home their families well hell for the most part like it's just like that if you think that the time. Comes. But in the end Johnson says it's not about how well you do but more importantly about spending time with your kids your thing you're right we want. To cheer for you it was a was a magical day and some of the official photos of the royal wedding or know of will take a look at we've got. Lots of sun absolutely no fun. And we turn it all the way up there for nothing. Our weekend was dead in the water. Sure we can still sit on the little funds that. Did vote better sinking your spirits right now you can save $10.00 on Duracell ultra marine batteries and Batteries Plus both me should have named it the S.S. Going nowhere. Visit batteries plus dot com for a store near you. No matter how big or small your family is Continental miles. Has just the right crossover for your lifestyle see actually perfect for you in your story on the Mazda C.X. 5 just the right size for the young fan in the Mazda C.X. Not enough room for every. Well almost everyone. And then come give us a test drive open and honest financing in pricing and never any pressure comment on monster we've got nothing to hide. Said girl I was taught the importance of respect for my family respect for myself. Today I see the best in violence and sexual abuse hurting our children. If you or someone you love is the victim of domestic violence or sexual assault there is. Asking for help. We can stop violence everyone can do something. Going to about it turn on the LATE EDITION just a few days left to the end of the school year and as we gear up for summer school district visuals are looking ahead to next year the focus of school start talks that if your member is to be asked people what they thought about the lying the current schedule by about 30 minutes that was one of several options they were looking at what have already weighed in on those potential changes to the school district is looking at what you liked what you didn't like what it should do no will have that story and more coming up so by the turn on the channel to leave it well fine type Prince Harry in Macon MARCO Now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released 3 official photos of their wedding day the pictures were taken after Harry Macon took their carriage ride through the town of Windsor one photo shows just the duke and duchess at the terrace steps at Windsor Castle not a picture shows them but Megan smother Queen Elizabeth Prince Philip and the royal family and the 3rd picture shows the Duke and Duchess with their page poised and bridesmaids. A color spokesperson so the Duke and Duchess would like to thank everyone who took part of the celebration of their wedding. And they feel lucky to be able to share the day with it really have time for course that it was an honor to take the pictures so I'm sure Early Show fans who stayed up late to watch the royal wedding as late as I could I hung out with Jack and watched some of it I didn't realize that it was going to have to go to water for the game to that's a perfect way to the American version of the oh yeah we have among my friends I should have got. It well let's take a look at our 7 day forecast real quick let's just say Wednesday and Thursday are the best of the next 7 days it looks like for the acreage area so come on Wednesday there is a market that succeeded very very good I'm Pam Colter as the Russia special counsel continues to investigate whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election the Justice Department will review whether there was any political motivation in the F.B.I.'s handling of the investigation and C.B.S. Is Major Garrett says congressional Republicans will get sensitive information that they've been demanding the White House chief of staff John Kelly will soon organize a meeting between the Department of Justice the director of National Intelligence and leaders in Congress to review quote highly classified information Republican members of Congress have requested on this general topic the Supreme Court says companies can for.

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