To Lose. Anything everyone new information tonight about just what the Senate Republican health care bill would do for Americans the Congressional Budget Office estimates it would leave 22000000 more uninsured 520-2626 today Republican leaders revised portions of the bill aimed at the turn people from dropping health insurance and change requires a 6 month waiting period for people who let their coverage lapse for $63.00 days 5 Republicans have come out publicly against the bill and Senator Lisa Murkowski said she had to vote today she would vote No 4 of the others opposed say cuts didn't go far enough others worry about the cuts to Medicaid but Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price defended the bill saying it will bring premiums down and that the Senate's proposal brings Medicaid up every year channel to try to catch a torrent brings us details on where Alaska's congressional delegation stands on the issue Travis castle and Senate Democrats are reportedly unified in their opposition to the Senate's new health care repeal plan and not every Republican is on board either the majority leadership is going to need every vote they can get to pass this bill but still both of Alaska's senators are expressing hesitation to vote yes in Alaska Medicaid insures one out of every 4 people I have bipolar disorder like former commercial Fisher John McLaren's who says his medications would cost $1000.00 a month if expanded Medicaid coverage is ruled back without a c. Myself. Not on the street but the u.s. Secretary of Health and Human Services tried to assuage fears expressed by Americans just like McLaren's we would not pull the rug out from under anybody we would not have individuals lose coverage that they that they want for themselves and for their family still Alaska's top legislators hesitate to support the bill Gov Bill Walker has said he's deeply concerned about the Senate's health care plan and has since dispatched his commissioner of health and social services to Washington d.c. . In a statement on Monday the commissioner said Governor Walker and I are working with our congressional delegation to ensure Alaska's voices heard in this national health care debate I'm trying to get some serious answers to some really very serious questions Senator Lisa Murkowski told c.n.n. On Monday she wants to protect Medicaid expansion and federal funding to Planned Parenthood and overall she's not ready to vote yes today I don't have enough information I don't have enough data in terms of the impact to my state to be able to vote in the affirmative Senator Dan Sullivan hasn't expressed a decision on his vote yet a post on his Facebook page on Monday read I've been relentlessly focused on educating leadership about how big of an outlier Alaska is as a relates to health care and insurance costs I'm terrified I'm scared for McLaren's He's watching the news closely wondering what's next for the future of his health care. The Senate Republican health care plan is also expected to bring significant savings to the federal government of about $321000000000.00 over the next 10 years if that passes chasm right Travis thanks a change in administration means more progress on a road between King Cove and Cold Bay going to walk or announce the trumpet ministration gave the state the green light to begin looking at the least harmful route between the 2 communities if you ability or the unique family lawyer fees if anything just charged the patient period it. Would mean so much for this community people have suffered too long now over the years dozens of residents of King Cove had to be medivac to Cold Bay for health care the Obama administration rejected a proposed road through the eyes and back National Wildlife Refuge to call base all whether airport because it's a it's a recognized haven for migratory waterfowl But today and barrier secretary rising he said the state can start surveying the best possible route critics say the area is home to incredible and significant wetlands that would be disrupted if a road was built. We're very disappointed and the there are globally significant resources here and we will do everything in our power to make sure the administration is is lawfully pursuing its next move is the vision of village council presidents have also spoken out against a proposed road Governor Walker says the state will complete survey work by July switching gears to Alaska's budget woes the state's court system took another hit this year after already cutting 70 positions and converting Fridays to half days last year courts and offices started closing on Fridays translating into an unpaid furlough the deputy administrative director for the court system said the change save the state $2000000.00 per year and resulted in a 4 percent salary reduction for employees Meanwhile attorneys say the courts and judges have a large amount of work to deal with it less time in front of a judge tomorrow the University of Alaska Board of Regents will meet to approve a budget for next year if approved the university would have an operating budget of $317000000.00 of unrestricted general funds the state legislature decreased the university's overall operating budget by about 7.9 $1000000.00 That's about a 2.4 percent decrease in order to make up that shortfall the system would need to keep cutting and reallocating money as it stands the proposed budget currently prioritizes student success that includes recruitment retention and degree completion but certain u.a. Staff will not have salary increases the proposed budget will also see a tuitions rate increase volunteer Treasurer is accused of taking thousands of dollars from a youth hockey association to pay personal bills 33 year old Jennifer Sue Chan faces felony counts of theft and scheme to defraud or allegedly cashing checks and withdrawing $180000.00 from the Mustang Hockey Association Police say an investigation revealed the theft took place from August of 2015 to June of 2017 and the p.d. Property crimes attempt of obtained a warrant and she was. Taken to the anchorage jail today bail was set at $10000.00 firefighters are working on getting better containment of a fire northwest of Los Phila local pilots reported the wildfire around 6 o'clock last night in an area about 80 miles northwest of Los Cilla so far it has burned 56 acres firefighters from the mats to area flew in by helicopter to control it air tankers from Palmer in Fairbanks dropped water several times a day Firefighters continued to suppress hotspots in the area and 3 crews have demobilize from a fire burning on the Kenai Peninsula leaving just one behind to keep an eye on it Division of Forestry spokeswoman says the fire is being reduced to a type for response that's just below a type 5 which is for small camp fires a lightning caused blaze has burned close to $1000.00 acres and they can our National Wildlife Refuge Well speaking of those fires traces in the Weather Center tonight in Tracy is the weather going to help in the fight against those fires because when the fire of the weather of the last few days is going to bring the next few days is going to bring some rain into the region which will help knock down all those fires in continue to reduce that fire danger it started up tonight we're seeing those showers moving through the south central area through Prince William Sound anchorage in the news consisted of valleys it's raining out there right now now over the next few days this is a 48 hour forecast so we're looking at by about Wednesday night we could see up to 2 inches for the areas around Seward even into Whittier for the Anchorage area in the menus consist in the valleys closer to less than half an inch but those areas in light blue between half an inch and an inch and a half so for the acreage area well it's going to stay as I said close to about less than half an inch you can see the rain drops over on the pond it could be fairly Park tomorrow we're also seeing some rain coming through the area temperatures over the next few days staying on the cool side into the low sixty's so Cousin it's going to be a little bit cool and a little bit rainy for the next couple of days Casey thanks Up next on The Late Edition he helped save his friend from the bear attack over the weekend what came in handy during the rescue and a pizza man in Raleigh now police are looking for this man to tell the sack. The late edition is brought to you by all Lesko sales and service at a k. Sales dot com Your only locally owned Chevy dealers. And by imaging associates featuring Alaska's only high field open m.r.i. Expert radiology exceptional hair her usual mask a sales free service today for up 212000 R.P.M.'s on the on the Wheel Drive 2017 Chevy Silverado cruising don't wait to see is today an Alaska sales and service and a.j. Sales dot com. About one in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer the good news is there are new ways to detect and treat this disease imaging associates is the 1st in Alaska to offer multibillion metric prostate m.r.i. Imaging associates partners with local neurologists providing Alaskans best in class diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer the choice is yours choose wisely imaging associates expert radiology exception. 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You're watching Channel 2 with things like. This is the channel choose Late Edition. For one cyclist and his friends it was a weekend that started off with a usual ride towards Clooney leg but the ride proved to be more dangerous than expected. We heard a noise to our left it could have been a moose could be a porcupine we didn't really know what was happening so we slowed down we didn't stop and nothing happened so we picked up some speed and tried to keep going and. Jumped out of the bushes Alex says the bear grabbed and pulled his friend Frederick down when yelling it didn't work in police says he remembered a canister a very spray he'd been carrying for the past 16 years after using it the bear ran away the police says its friend remained conscious and guided him through what to do next both came out of the encounter alive and his friend is recovering in the hospital the police he says he's thankful they were both in there but the event hasn't kept him from the outdoors Now Saturday's attack comes after a series of other bear encounters that same night trooper say 45 year old Joshua Bracken was attacked while walking on high in hope on Palmer Creek Road he sustained minor injuries last week a deadly black bear attacked in the interior killed 27 year old Aaron Johnson she and another woman were surveying a mine Johnson's employee was later rescued and on Father's Day a teenager competing in a popular trail race was killed at Burravoe bridge 16 year old Patrick Cooper died at the scene after being mauled by a black bear the Department of Fish and Game said elements from the bird ridge and Pogo mine bear mauling. Of the attacks were predatory in nature a pro-choice are asking for the public's help finding a man they say robbed a pizza delivery driver at gunpoint It happened yesterday afternoon when we say 24 year old George along and another one named suspect met the driver outside of an apartment building in East St Brigid's driver says long since threaten him with a going to the pizza place a nothing else was stolen suspects escape with a pizza and police are asking anyone with information to give them a call shoppers be where the Anchorage Police Department is warning residents of a group walking up to people in parking lots offering to sell electronics but instead of an item inside the boxes are filled with rocks police suggest when doing a private transaction the parties should meet in a public location when other people are around don't go alone and write down the other person's vehicle description and license plate just in case always use cash other forms of payment could be stolen or forged Police also say to make sure you actually see what you're buying and if possible make sure it works when we started the work week with somebody died and it looks like we'll be seeing much more of the same tomorrow right here detailed in her book out. The Honda perfect accord sales events are chance to get credible deal. Which has General do you want to just recently. Good evening we are starting off with that radar here in the south central area the front is actually in the Bering Sea but the center of the low pressure is in the Bering Sea but the front has been moving through south central and we're kind of picking up some heavier showers in the Anchorage area in the last hour or so you can see that brighter reflection coming through so expect to see a few more showers tonight and a few more showers tomorrow this is what it looked like today we did have those clear skies earlier in the day and then we had the clouds can through and a few showers over the mountains in the sea evening as well outside our window still seeing the rain coming down and tomorrow we're going to start today with cloudy skies probably not a lot of showers 1st thing and then by about noon our chances increase to 40 percent as we move through the day increases 70 percent by 4 o'clock and then we are likely to see some showers coming through tomorrow night temperatures stay on the cool side once again because of all that cloud cover it's not going to cool off a lot tonight only to about 52 degrees not going to warm up a lot tomorrow either only to about 63 for our daytime high so this is our satellite forecast map we've got the low pressure this is the center that's actually bringing those clouds and rain into the south central area but it's going to get a little bit of a boost by a new system that moves in behind it so right in that same location falls right into the Prince William Sound area so this one is going to be more of a direct hit into Prince William Sound and the north Gulf Coast continuing to swing that front not only into South Central but it's also going to push it into the panhandle and behind that there's another one now the hope that we might see at least a little bit of clearing for the holiday weekend comes from this small ridge of high pressure we can just see the model building it out out over the Bering Sea by about Friday which means it slides in over the weekend at this point it's a really. Week system not look like it's got like it's going to strengthen enough to bring us really clear skies but we've got a couple days to keep watch on that system this is the actual satellite map from tonight you can see that system down into the southwest in the front moving through southwest and into the interior and this new system already moving in from the Northern Pacific into the Gulf of Alaska and rain again for the Southeast Panhandle tonight and you'll likely see a few showers in areas tomorrow particularly down in the southern panhandle but for interior Alaska partly sunny skies you'll see some sunny breaks and temperatures on the warm side Fairbanks $74.00 for your high tomorrow into the upper sixty's in McGrath will actually get near 80 degrees in areas maybe around 4 Yukon and Bettles tomorrow Kotzebue back into the mid sixty's with 63 degrees and you're going to hit 47 with mostly cloudy but the rain continues down to the southwest Kodiak also expecting to see some showers and Prince William Sound all the way from the Kenai Peninsula in the valley these in Cordova expect to see that rain coming through tomorrow as they said through about 48 hours Seward could see a couple of inches of rain coming through and the madness consisted of valleys it's mostly clouds but you could see a few showers building in the afternoon high temperatures only into the low sixty's and clowns and a chance of showers on the Kenai as well Anchorage that's what we're expecting rain likely to develop through the day into the low sixty's we're going to see those clouds sticking around for Wednesday and Thursday Friday as well not much of a change or daytime temperatures staying on the cool side by the time we get Saturday and Sunday a few sunny breaks and our temperatures warming back into the mid sixty's so that's our hope for the 4th of July which of course is on Tuesday going to show you this photo sent to us by Michelle Cosper took in catching McVeigh No she did not take this today this was a couple of days when we got to show you what that blue sky looks like just a stunning photos to beautiful scene Michelle Cosper Thank you. Sending in the photo weather pics Ok to you dot com Let's see what a law school looks like I want to go there I know it's. Not water that would just be so great and you're right Tracy thank you well up next it's a big win for the trumpet ministration why the highest board is allowing some parts of the president's travel ban and how it will affect Alaska after the break. No matter how different we may seem there's something we all share as Alaskans the grit and determination and ingenuity that has made impossible feats possible the no on the Senate go explore magnificent Prince William Sound on the day Cruz voted Best Buy Alaskans more glaciers more wildlife and 3 cruises from Phillips cruises in 2 hours visit 26 glaciers dot com to book your adventure today the 26th wish or . Whatever you. Will Follow prices on everything for your celebration at Fred Meyer. $3000000.00 stakes for just $297.00 pound cartons and strawberries are 2 for $5.00 . The president of the United States and the prime minister of the Republic of India President Donald Trump welcomed the leader of the world's largest democracy to the White House today President Trump and the prime minister of India spoke warmly of relations between the 2 democracies during the late afternoon joint appearance in the Rose Garden there are disagreements between the Trump administration and India on trade combat and climate change and security especially involving India's neighbor China President Donald Trump highlighted the social media skills of both leaders saying they are active presence and massive following on forums such as Twitter that help them communicate directly to their citizens the phone I look forward to working with you Mr Prime Minister to greet jobs you know countries to grow economies and to create a trading relationship that is fair and reciprocal. It is important that barriers be removed to the export of u.s. Goods into your markets and that we reduce our trade deficit with your country as a prank or deliver good news to the president today allowing some of these so-called travel ban to go into effect but not all of it full case will be heard by the high court in October Scott McLean is in Washington with the details. All we do is win win win on the campaign trail President Trump promised to win and today he got one but it's only partial and it may be temporary in a $6.00 to $3.00 decision the Supreme Court allowed some parts of Trump's revised travel ban to go into effect but not others in a statement Trump called it a clear victory for national security it allows the travel suspension for the 6 terror prone countries and the refugee suspension to become largely effective the court's ruling means that people from 6 countries in the Middle East and Africa will be barred from entry for 90 days unless they can prove bonafide links to the u.s. Like family a college admission or a job offer the court seems to have thread a needle actually quite elegantly where they have dealt with the people who have the biggest hardships the saddest stories the people who have close relatives effected countries Iran Syria Yemen Libya Sudan and Somalia are all majority Muslim lower courts had blocked the travel ban before it went into effect ruling in part based on Trump's comments on the campaign trail Donald j. Trial is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims and during the United States the White House said the ban was for national security reasons not religious ones the court will sort out those arguments when it hears the full case this fall in the meantime both sides are claiming a win Department of Homeland Security has yet to say when the partial ban will go into effect in Washington I'm Scott McClain now that partial ban could go into effect as early as Thursday so we want to know how immigrants and refugees in Alaska could be affected according to an immigration attorney and court has a large refugee population but not everyone may have an established connection to an America with a certain rights are granted when you're in the u.s. But when you travel and come back you may no longer how many even if you are a lawful permanent resident and have a green card. But something that becomes a problem with a lot of people from war torn countries or who are refugees they don't have access to documents to prove those relationships so even if you have an uncle or a brother or cousin or even you know a parent or a child and you may not be able to prove that now the president said last week the travel ban will take effect 72 hours after being cleared by the High Court which in gears now to sports it's going to yeah men's basketball skills on their latest recruiting Why is named by William. Alaskans need Senator Murkowski to vote no on health care repeal should be a deciding vote Murkowski decides where the year costs go up by double digits whether you're one of the 62000 who lose coverage whether Medicaid is gutted infusions speak right lest the law and dot com 5656100. Center McCaskey when this happens often professionally isn't thinking about the health care bill in Congress. She isn't thinking that it will force her to choose between filling his prescriptions for paying their mortgage she isn't thinking they'll want to premiums go up they'll lose their health insurance and she shouldn't have to but you should Senator Murkowski So when you vote on the new health care bill think about what's right for Alaska and vote no. Alaska's sports league here again. Welcome back to you a men's basketball team is an avenue to look far to fill out its roster for next season and coach rusty Osborne didn't even have to look past his living room for this latest recruit the team making the announcement today that Osborne son in diamond eyes stand out Kyle and born signed his National Letter of Intent to play for the singles on top of winning a state championship Conlan was a 1st team all cook in a conference performance for the links Allen will be the 1st to a athlete to play with his parents as head coach rest he says he knows it was a difficult decision but he's excited to head in the team. From hoops to home runs 2 teams left in the cold world series as a.c.c. Foes l. Issue and Florida me in the title of the Tigers looking to win their 7th National Championship and the gators their 1st in the best of 3 series in the 4th inning Jonathan India up at the plate he would hit a ground rule double to deep center now that would be good enough to score to the Gators put up for reruns in the 7th inning. Now we fast forward to the 7th An excuse me those in 4th quarter of one Mike Rivera singles a center scores are one enters will go on to win this game and they are now one win away from the 1st national championship. Speaking of baseball little college ball in our own backyard pilots in Oilers getting rained out in Kenai today but out in the valley bugs beaten the Oilers 6 to 2 Jake these went 3 for 3 in this game is batting 313 on the season another Alaska baseball news South High graduate Johnny Holmes a recently making his professional baseball debut on Sunday for being drafted by the San Diego Padres Holmes a win 2 for 5 or 3 R.B.I.'s in his working league debut getting hit in just his 2nd and back of the game for the Arizona pod race. Prides itself on being the oldest trophy in international sport the America's Cup. Wrapping up today in Bermuda when Emirates Team New Zealand clinched a 7 to one victory over Oracle Team USA when in fact a trophy the self-serving nation last held a decade ago this was must see t.v. In New Zealand as reports of many people across the country waking up at 5 am local time to watch the race and they did not disappoint as the Kiwis pulled off the upset the team celebrated the boringly shower each other in champagne even taking a swig have of the trophy. Now from sailing the seas the fishing them a Texan makes his way on to the valleys halibut Derby leaderboard looping Gonzalez of Clint Texas reeling in a 158 pound Aladin on June 20th consult his telling cave Dak it was the biggest fish as ever caught and it took him 25 minutes to reel in currently in 3rd place on the overall leader board but won the 2nd one the 2nd week prize attempt at Miller's currently the overall leader and get this 266 pound al of it as you can see it doesn't even look like it's hanging in there on the ground walk to. Courage probably 10 shows and then for no kidding and a man from Texas can you imagine that kind of competition out there now and I'll ask him got to bring the. Magic They are all coming up what weighs a pound and it's all the energy needs right door of a little snow monkey when we come back. The later the live the turkey or better. The length. Of the burial makes the difference. I love Alaska there's a lot of freedom here and part of that is choosing to be able to go to Planned Parenthood that right now behind closed doors the Senate is planning to vote on a bill that would block millions of women from getting care of Planned Parenthood including birth control and lifesaving cancer screenings the House of Representatives has already voted to take away this vital care it's so important to have somewhere to go that you can actually afford if I am parenthood were defunded and I don't know where people would go women's health is at risk it's time to stand with Planned Parenthood greater Mrs Tuke number one this is an opportunity this is week on today. Finally tonight the Great Plains zoom in Sioux Falls welcome to new edition the season as you announced today that a baby's Suno wanky was born on May 16th the parents 9 year old and 12 year old she show up isn't that like I said Ok the evil eye is the 6th cell monkey born at the Great Plains in the past 4 years endangered monkeys usually weigh about a pound of earth and mom carries a newborn on her belly for the 1st 4 weeks only 14 you assume that's no monkey business who is says their moms take very close care of monkeys they say babies usually hang from the mom's belly for about a year the new baby does not have a name yet the people attending this is annual fund raising gal in August will be able to wear the pros get called up every day. To get much. Past his place to talk of Judy we're. Islands tonight I'm grounds of the summer of saucers 94770 years ago we had Mari Island we had sightings and we had we had Roswell finally but everybody talked about Roswell never many people talk about Mario and I can Thomas as well as you talk about Mario and so Ok it was June 21st 147 Puget Sound area near Mari island there was a boat that had it was basically they were a bunch of guys a crew Harold ball was they were picking up driftwood in the Puget Sound area they saw these discs fly over their boat. Stuff melted off of one of them and fell out of the boat killing the dog and hurting the kid. So what happened I mean why did why did Paul end up in this in this web of men in black and this guy Fred Chrisman How did he end up in this situation. Well you know x.l. The details are still as much as we do know but still a lot that's murky I mean what is the relationship between encouragement for one thing I mean Kristen wasn't there one and all for what he saw he came in later and suppose they thought of something else. But they and they weren't Harbor Patrol men which is what a lot of people recently released and they were they weren't. Still Defense people or military in any way shape or form they were recovering logs you get like for every law that broke broke free from they want to raise you know which is how they then move logs very blog they can recover they can get $25.00 That's a They're setting out to do and so go in prison were I guess in the business together of doing that but you know prisoners are real slippery guy real shadowy guy and. You know I guess and he comes in later and he says he sees he sees one also his own and. And then he kind of calls on the story and you know he's the operative he brings the flag eventually to the Air Force investigators who die in a plane crash and then later on Christmas suspected by Jim Garrison and the main guy investing in the case as a nation as a grassy knoll shooter. We know that did Big Chris but having a relationship with a business relationship with Ray Palmer amazing story straight magazine did he have a you have some sort of relationship one of his relationships in that. You know he did call it a business relationship Christmas exactly Christmas 1st comes on the scene he's interviewed in a Harper's magazine article about the 1st science fiction convention the 1st time you see Chris an imprint but after that he's in print in amazing story Ray Palmer you know very polished holds to cause he did publishing these stories about the shaver mystery there's this does this underground civilization of these weird little gray like creatures called the Darrow's and and people would write letters in and you know half the magazine would be letters of people's personal experience with these Darrow's and one of them was Christmas and Christmas and talked about how he and the 6 experience in the military is fighting in Myanmar Burma and he was playing the piano in an underground cavern fighting the Deros and actually got shot his buddy got shot in the on with something which And the way the guy describes it because of the scar they can make a hole bored in his office sounds like a laser you know honest this is the whole laser event of course so Christmas and Christmas and Palmer are connected in that way lot longer for more Island Krisna was writing shaver mystery letters to Ray Palmer to the shaver mystery dealt with these underground creatures that look like the alien greys we know today so once again we have how did you know Ray Palmer also looks like the alien. The material we're looking Yeah yeah I remember I think pictures of Palmer You know back to a red face and I read beating stories in some of the older copies but only congressman Richard shaver Richard saver himself who was channeling most of his experiences through. A series equipment that he lead to had on as a loader but he was a giant you know he was doing you know 8 feet tall and there is you know 2 guys together it's extraordinary the contrast Yeah I mean it's true I mean I've seen the old pictures. And everything and so so then the situation happens with Mario and Kenneth Arnold in the learn to do this why was Kenneth Arnold on to this this is before his sighting correct. No. Well Laurie Allen happened before deciding to write. His he became famous and so Palmer hired him to go investigate more. M.r. Allen had already been like what a week out and then Arnold saw his you oppose over the or you saw his flying wedges he says over Mt Rainier that he saw 9 in total right running and he got famous for that you know so he was the guy to talk to about investigating the flying saucer point didn't he also though after he and investigated Mario and didn't he also have a problem with this plane and almost died in a plane crash. That happened you know what exactly went on what exactly went on with that. On. A. Got it covered actually now this is interesting the other 2 editions of the more I've got right right there's one called more Island you know so that story is in that 1st edition it's not in the 2nd edition which is causing a carryover in prison term events that are so all 'd you really want to know that one I think that if you're right about that there was a there was an incident we only. Diana's plane. And some of the stringer reporters were involved the Marianna reporting died as well or they were killed from what I read a long time ago you know Davidson and brown the 2 wars investigators done that in plane crash in a plane crash and like I said if you go to kill so if you go to kill some museum you know and you ask them about me being 25 crash in the and the area where it went down they have a lot of the plane parts at this museum I can't believe they have the plane parts in fact we went to the area where the plane went down you still find little nuts and bolts every once in a while of of these. Plane parts of this plane crash that was the 1st crash that the Air Force had to deal with when they separated from the Army. Right in fact that's what Davidson and Brown were on their way to to attend the official observance of the creation the Air Force when they crashed and you know all that business about flying the plane all that happened after my last visit there I'm coming out to Seattle in the summer I'm going to make it a point to go check out that site and and see you know I think it was Bill Burns the 1st artist. You're going to go to was the m. Because if you go to the museum a company that made him that museum visiting Kelso All you gotta do is go to the council museum I was very surprised because you know I don't know why I don't know how we brought up how this happened we were we were getting an investigation we're doing an investigation in Kelso with a gentleman and he took us around and we ended up in Kelso kill so long you area where the plane crash was it was up a little higher we went to this museum and the curator was out so we went to grab some food and came back and then they said yes the curator gets really nicely you'll go downstairs you'll find this wreckage of this plane and sure enough he put on the gloves come up through it he puts it down on the table really dope at least as you can touch it but look at it and I was like wow I don't know what's happened no no slag I don't know slag there was there there was a little plane it was put in a Kellogg's cornflakes box it was that would be a fine you know yeah yeah that's that's a little bit like I thought it was I didn't know that cornflakes box that's weird I didn't know that one. If it was a slag it was Muslim in the very small to put a cornflakes box. You know well 'd. The cornflakes boxes were bigger then than they are now. Not that much claim to put in it and what's interesting is that even though you know and we talk about the flag rock and they said well we don't know if it's really part of the u.f.o. Or part of the donut shaped saucer or whatever but I also remember back in the day even at Roswell they said that not only did they find this metal this foil type metal which they did also find it Mario island but they also found this pumice type rock it was light and they figured it was the result of the melting of the metal that this saucer had put out so they also found something similar to the flag that was found in Mario and they found the same thing at Roswell. You know. I think that should be noted as well there's not there's not too many. People who know if they've studied it and they don't know that there were a lot of connections both to Mario and Ron's well which would like you say you know you said in the beginning the show there could be a connection between the saucer scene that was in trouble at Mari island to the saucer the crash at Roswell and it was technology do you think it was alien technology or do you think that maybe you know or believe anything about the Nazi saucers in the probably the scientists that were conducting because it's interesting that in the northwest we saw these things 1st especially with Boeing and Martin Marietta and all the other aircraft up here that yeah the whole the whole Hold on a mystery is wrapped up in the military industrial complex Yeah you know whether whether it's a human of it even if it's not in the hands of still a fascinating mystery because it's there's just you know it's a spy networks and covered up technology and it all has to do was. Like I said No Send us your company you know I. Think job Krisna job applications are the answer nuclear reactors out there to write the as a document that I think and then the one of the books who he worked for was the a security guard at Hanford I think I remember that. Yeah and the person who approved his employment was Mark Felt's a guy who is now recognized in history as the as deep in the Watergate mystery and vest and that is where things take a really strange turn because Mark Felt remember one of the things a Christian used to say was that all television series Invaders was based on his life and you know if you follow the nothing the Christian said but it turns out this Mark Silva guy approves Chris man's job application for the Hanford nuclear reactor He was a consultant to Scripps consultant to a show called The f.b.i. Which was a clean Martin production because Martin Finbar production William resemblance Jr. Jr really the same production company did the innovators really so so that connection so this very solid connection to what autism is trying to say there well it's a it's a pretty solid connection to say that we have you know we have the invaders and we have the f.b.i. And all these shows were produced by Quinn Martin to I think basically prepped us all for you know f.b.i. Intelligence how they work and also the invaders and quite possibly hiding in plain sight stories about invaders and U.F.O.'s and aliens in the course Chrisman involved with all that it's just it's creepy that this guy just shows up from the from out of nowhere and he becomes one of the most prolific people in u.f.o. History that barely gets any recognition for what he was involved with tonight we have 10 towns with that on Ground 0 to talk about the Marianna case and Fred Christman who of course many people don't really know and he's not talked about much in u.f.o. Lore but he should be because of all of his strange connection including connections to the Kennedy assassination we'll get more into Kennedy and also the connections to trump that will be coming up to on Ground 0 Tripoli 533700 s. Tripoli thanks. 33700 I'm quite sure as you're listening to Ground 0 and we'll be back this is ground 0 with Clyde Lewis by News Talk 103.7 f.m. And a 7 50 am of Q day. I'm Jim Ferraro all through the book Blindsided a true legal thriller that could happen to any one of us and never forget the moment I got the call from a mother whose son was born without eyes because she was exposed to a chemical giants product that thrust me into a modern day David versus Goliath battle as an attorney I had to seek justice for this family and take down a dark side of industry and I did not quit until we want to read more about this riveting and dramatic adventure please visit your local bookstore or go to project blindsided dot com today in a bill s. When a 2334 w w w dot in m.l.s. 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I'm like Who is your Listen to ground 0 the trip off the truck pocalypse is the new book from Ken Thomas tonight on Ground 0 talking about Mario island in the whole of the connections going in to trump but of course those 6 degrees of separation or whatever you want to call it from Ari Island to now you can connect all the dots and you can you go from Harold all citing to Fred Christman who had ties to the candidates he was one of the hobos was he not they identified him as one of the hobos in the Kennedy assassination. Yeah well actually the person new identified of Mr Allison is a Jim Garrison who was the 1st the district attorney in New Orleans who was the 1st person to her try to bring a legal case to prosecute somebody other 'd than the army Oswald for the crime so I diet I have a strong belief in Karen's case I think it was a it was a major player and an early time when he was gathered gathering evidence from directly and and that was in the case he was trying to make was in that prison was in fact you know there are Fishel arrest records for the 3 tramps and one of them is for Harold Doyle. Right which is clearly enough you know if you say that with a Texas act that America all or O'Donnell. Chrisman arrested as Fred Christman or need to use no no no no no the arrest records are for 3 different people the idea is that those tramps are a combination of. Christman the Howard Hunt and Frank Sturges hunt in Sturgis or to Watergate burglars European Union. Good see in your opinion what and who was Fred Christman Why was he involved and how did stingers and every little thing. Oh he was some kind of operative right we know that he was connected in the us s. You know they're a little more tuned in and his a little more than I am and it's interesting that you like I said he was not originally is the kind of injection itself into this and he's the guy that loads this leg onto the plane then eventually explosion killed 2 people that my guns at the bottom of that so all that you know sounds like an operation of some sort and of course the person you know in this goofy world upside down morally and the very thing else. You know if you're a good operator like Krisna was because they were able to cover up whatever they were trying to cover and you know that's why it's not a famous case because prisoners in the job so he got a choice assignment to shoot Kennedy 63. Interesting Ok where he can Thomas tonight on Ground 0 Mario and of course the 1st original u.f.o. Sighting the entering the men in black an operative and of course jumps into the scene and says I've got all this information about us both they have all these documents Jaeger who are have all these documents on the case and for some reason for some reason and then and Ken said it's a very good reason that this is not been talked about by u.f.o. People or doesn't there isn't that much said about it is because they successfully covered this out and added And there are a few people like me and others who have read about this case and think that it needs to be brought forward and it needs to be talked about more because it would most certainly reveal a lot more about what happened at Roswell what's been going on with the government their cover ups and how that's been going on and how operatives do their work do their dirty work to cover up and to obfuscate a story as important as the Mario Island case tomorrow in the Internet the summer of the saucer 70 years ago. Summer the saucers $947.00 Mari Island also kidnapped or not sighting and Roswell will be back with more to go and 'd 'd 'd 'd 'd 'd. I'm Jim Ferraro all through the book Blindsided a true legal thriller that could happen to any one of us and never forget the moment I got the call from a mother whose son was born without eyes because she was exposed to a chemical giants product that thrust me into a modern day David versus Goliath battle as an attorney I had to seek justice for this family and take down a dark side of industry and I did not quit until we want to read more about this riveting and dramatic adventure please visit your local bookstore or go to project blindsighted dot com today in a mill as 12334 w.w.w. Dot in m.l.s. 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