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You're watching Ciccio you channel to make a ridge Alaska's news story. In the States number one evening news this is the channel to lose live. Good evening everyone making a big impact during his short trip to Alaska with a signature us Secretary of the Interior has taken the 1st step toward opening more of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska and studying the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for future exploration counties Dan Carter tells us what an order signed by the interior secretary today named stand on has one former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar signed the current management plan for n.p.r. a One that places areas off limits for the Protection of Animals important to subsistence users but with a new administration comes a new plant. The war on North American energy is now over. The interior secretary wants more opportunities for oil and gas development on federal lands the only path for energy dominance is a path through the great state of Alaska and Alaska Oil and Gas Association of it Secretary Ryan Zinke he ordered a review of resources on Section $1002.00 of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and a revised management plan for the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska this order provides for clean and safe development of our nation's vast energy resources while the same time avoiding regulatory burden. 4 years ago $11000000.00 acres of the reserve was made unavailable to oil and gas companies the new order seeks to maximize tracts of land offered during lease sales entirely couldn't be better we we really need this this new chapter going forth to Alaska's leadership applauded the new direction coming from an interior secretary this plan already represents a. Balance the Wilderness Society objects you know this is a long and arduous process that will cost taxpayer money and result most likely in another gift to the oil industry it argues there is already many leasing opportunities on the North Slope including in the reserve the regulations that provide for clean air and water are very important and there's no reason for this administration to undermine those this secretary argues subsistence concerns are understood nothing I signed a day anyway diminishes relaxes the environmental protections that are now. A signature that begins another review of n.p.r. 8 and seeks to learn more about the resources under and more. The secretary's order is effective immediately and sets a one month deadline for a staff to deliver steps to review the n.p.r. Management plan All right Dan thanks almost inside the dinner in a center we're thrilled with the secretary's order a group of about a dozen protesters gathered outside. The group's message was that they oppose opening up Alaska for their oil and gas development saying they don't want their land sold top oil companies also citing climate changes effect on the environment we hope to let Secretary zinc know that he's in the front lines of climate change and that there's communities out there that rely on the icing on the land of the sea for hunting and fishing and subsistence and we want them to know that our London not up for sale for the oil and gas and polluting more carbon emissions into our atmosphere a big decision is expected tomorrow from President Trump about u.s. Involvement in a multi nation pact to take action against global warming President Donald Trump kept his position tight lipped today when asked about the future of the Paris accord. They're hearing from a lot of people both in. Thank you everybody thank you very much the agreement was negotiated in 2015 for countries to voluntarily reduce their carbon emissions almost 200 countries have signed on with a goal to limit global warning to 2 degrees Celsius supporters of withdrawing say the agreement hurts the United States economy and energy production but opponents say it sends the wrong message to the rest of the world in terms of u.s. Leadership by think is it's disastrous every other country in the world I think except for Syria in that garage was signed on to this. Climate scientists the peer reviewed climate scientists all say this is is happening. More than $22.00 Republican senators wrote a letter asking the president to withdraw Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan were not a part of that letter today Murkowski said she was quoted Gnostic on whether to stay or get out of the agreement but said but she also says she does have concerns about the accords focus it certainly is there to help others you have a green green climate global fund that was established to to direct billions of dollars outside of the country and yet here in our state we have communities we have villages that are directly impacted by coastal erosion that has come about through changing climate. 33 companies have pressed the president to stay in the Paris Agreement arguing the deal is also good for trade including Apple Facebook and energy companies Exxon Mobil and the pain well they're vacant underutilized and sometimes contaminated pieces of land sitting unused for decades as Anchorage continues to grow the city is taking a hard look at a number of properties scattered throughout the city hoping to transform blighted spaces into community assets shelter travel schedule Torreon explains Travis will go as an anchorage just received the go ahead to move forward with a new project looking to revitalize some of the area communities it's a project paid for by the Environmental Protection Agency that is looking specifically at properties around town that need to be cleaned up in order to help the city grow a little bit more sustainably. Look around acreage and you'll see beautifully developed properties. Mixed with lots that could use a bit of work we have several areas in town that are underutilized are vacant or blighted and have either some contamination or perceived contamination around town but now new funding awarded by the e.p.a. Will be going towards drawing up plants to clean up potentially contaminated areas and helpers don't want to purchase these tyrants because of the concern of having to take on some of that liability and that cost for review the city will be utilizing a $300000.00 brownfields assessment grant to designated polluted properties 3 feet of action plants they want to feel what you know what's on the site is there contamination what would it take to clean it up and then with that kind of a they couldn't move forward with the cleanup at redevelopment which is a really good thing for the community so far municipal workers have designated 12 areas to begin their search concentrating their efforts in Fairview Mountain View and downtown for trying this for redevelopment economic growth in key areas ultimately hoping to incentivize new housing development and business expansion in at times stagnating neighborhoods. Now a city official told me she expects that grant money can be stretched to property assessments of about $8.00 to $10.00 properties around town alternately determining if they are actually contaminated and how to clean that up and bring it back to market right Travis thanks sign of the season biologists say they're hearing more and more about moose and human encounters and advise people to be careful especially if you're biking during calving season single tracks typically move people moving fairly fast that the vegetation is more dense now they can see they're coming around sharp corners and Mama moves are not going to move even if they hear you come in they're going to stand their ground fishing game advises that if people see a moose calf alone they should not assume it's been orphaned the mother is in all likelihood forging close by and will return within a couple of hours at all says he's heard of reports of moose kicking or in one case stomping a person he says this doesn't show a trend just yet it could just be more cases are getting reported well another beautiful day out there we even reach 70 degrees in Anchorage for the 1st time this season and Jackie looks like we're going to have a repeat tomorrow that is very likely counseling with all the sunshine we will see again tomorrow right now it is 63 degrees we have winds out of the south at 4 mph and the region will remain under a dome of high pressure and that means dry and warm into Thursday may not last through Friday though we'll have more on that. Coming up a little bit later in weather and in fact we got to 75 degrees here. I knew I was sweat and some so I had I 75 was very very warm Jacki thank you well up next on The Late Edition a critical test of the country's missile defense program by some are skeptical of Alaska we believe in Alaska. Sadler's is then you're dissing the Magnolia home coming to you in a game leads me to this design collection is reminiscent of the eclectic furniture find skill and it has discovered while decorating homes for stylish relax the physic nation created furniture that is interesting in a portable and then only a collection will make it easy to give your home a fresh new look. Come in browse and fade in fabrics Magnolia collections showing it's just another reason to step up to sad but. About one in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer the good news is there are new ways to detect in treat this disease imaging associates is the 1st in Alaska to offer multibillion metric crossfade m.r.i. Imaging associates partners with local neurologists providing Alaskans best in class diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer the choice is yours choose wisely imaging. Associates the expert radiology exception Ok I think you start with the entire line of the 15 year period the safest most beautiful and most dependable shivs are just relentless today the sales and service illegally ownership dealers. If you're watching you need to. Use the. Late Edition. A critical test of the u.s. Intercontinental missile defense system but not yet definitive proof that the American military is capable of defending itself against a missile fired by North Korea this is video of yesterday's u.s. Test where the Pentagon's missile defense agency launched an interceptor rocket from an underground silo at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California the target was an intercontinental range missile fired from a test range in the Pacific Ocean the head of the defense agency called the test a critical milestone test comes on the heels of North Korea's reported launch of a military projectile Monday morning that landed in Japan's maritime economic zone a successful test the cost 244000000 dollars and is part of a $40000000000.00 missile defense program launched in 2014 that has had mixed results in the past back in Alaska some of the 1st steps to welcome the f. $35.00 style said Air Force base construction has started on a wider gate that will give construction crews easier access the crews will build $36.00 of buildings and 420000 feet of additional infrastructure to house 2 squadrons of fighter planes which are expected to arrive in 2020 half way through the special session and so far lawmakers have yet to hold a single meeting on key fiscal proposals the state is facing a 2500000000 dollars budget deficit the Democrat led House is hoping a conference committee for House Bill $111.00 the oil and gas tax reform bill will soon will be named soon Meanwhile Senate Republicans are waiting for joint discussions on a budget which the House has not scheduled the only thing the Constitution requires however is that lawmakers pass an operating budget. Mr President it's time that both bodies come together to fulfill or constitutionally required scope of work and we call those meetings. So there we can get the conference committee together get the final number the $111.00 is a good place to start we think there's ways that we can work out the differences between the 2 bodies and come up with a good compromise but until we have people to work with that process is installed. We're printing approximately 18000 layoff notices that so many layoff notices will go out to state employees tomorrow meaning that 30 days remain until they would actually lose their job unless the political gridlock breaks open state officials say the notice is a heads up before the formal layoff notices are given out makers remain at odds over spending and a plan to address the deficit lawmakers in Juneau have made progress however on the governor's anti opioid abuse bill House Bill 159 it cleared the Senate Finance Committee It now heads to the full Senate for approval but something that could happen as soon as tomorrow House already cleared the bill last week h b 159 changes the way opioids are for scribed and monitored 25000 people at the University of Alaska may have had their personal information exposed after a data breach late last year or is university sent out a letter that says the names and Social Security numbers of staff students and faculty members might have been access to due to an e-mail phishing scam University says the attackers a could only have access the material briefly and that there is no evidence to suggest they have utilized the personal information to read more about the story plus find research resources for potential victims of the scam you can head to Katie you dot com Will 70 degrees and sunny can't get much better than that the Jackie says there's a change in the forecast tell us about it next. No matter how different we may seem there's something we all share as Alaskans the grit determination and ingenuity that has made impossible feats possible the same spirit that 40 years ago maybe boiled field of crude obey possible today the Alaska Oil and Gas Association celebrate something bigger a celebration of the spirit that connects all Alaskans that sets us apart from every other place on earth that will lead us into the future. That I am Dr brewskies lying problems are a primary care associates where we provide a full spectrum lot better services from family practice of Urgent Care to provide open while this exam get additional treatment of work related injuries from serious when you are a family member need medical care where for convenient locations and Anchorage at Eagle River to serve you including extended hours in the evening even on weekends now and for nearly 35 years keeping Alaskans healthy at work and at play we are primary care associates did you know that there are patches Alaska's best selling travel trailers and a.b.c. R.v. Sales is a top selling our dealer in the nation come choose from 5 stylish floor plans designed for comfort and convenience and remember the archives so lightweight and nimble most any As you can tell one your next big adventure or weekend getaway is Colleen enjoying life outdoors with all the comforts of home in a 1st until stylish are part time a.t.c. R.v. Sales 555-0000 Seward Highway. All right let's get started you're both over 50 Yes Ok that'll that'll cost you why the new health care bill in Congress see if you're over $50.00 insurance companies can charge you 5 times more it's an age tax many preexisting conditions and I have asthma Ok well insurers can charge thousands more for that there's going to be a big bill. Senators Televen vote no on the health care bill. Journal July with meteorologist Jackie. Check out the beautiful conditions we had today yes it was very warm day just a few wispy clouds out there just added to the beauty of the sun here into the late evening hours so here it is folks your 1st official $7070.00 degrees and look out to Leo was at the airport even $38.00 degrees last night so those mornings and overnights are still pretty chilly and the coldest it's been boy we were almost there 36 degrees in 1999 it was up to 75 in 1964 but the Cape to you midtown studios did hit 75 degrees today we're not there now we're at 6370 though still holding at the Campbell Creek Science Center warm conditions even for this time of the evening 58 degrees right now at the sand like Forecast Office and as well as Girdwood now for the Bering Sea they start dealing with low pressure cloud cover extends across the Aleutians and back into the Gulf of Alaska will also see a dome of high pressure keeping things clear keeping things dry and really heating up things into south central and southwest Alaska now there in the Panhandle they do have some precipitation pushing through and that's going to be the case so this is about just about besides the Aleutians the only active weather we see across the state it's that high pressure that gives us those tranquil conditions into the interior there 59 in Fairbanks 61 in McGrath and even sixty's holding around Bethel and Dillingham Tonight however cooler up around Nome even cooler for cost of you 38 degrees there Juno chilly 50 degrees this past hour the same for you and cold day back through the south central area we're holding on to a pretty nice tranquil evening with fifty's along those coastal locations stretching east into Prince William Sound in the north Gulf Coast 60 Invalides and even warmer for Watson. Here in the last hour 66 down around Kodiak it's a cool $49.00 here and we're going to continue to see high pressure will see cloud cover 1st increase around the coastal areas late on Friday Kodiak will see some of that cloud cover as well it's all because of high pressure that slowly works its way into the north Gulf Coast shower activity by Saturday and then another big storm system expected to just lurk right to our south as we head through the weekend but high pressure might help us out at that point here's a look at your forecast boy it is going to be a nice sunny one all over again so like we get to hit repeat on this day and we'll see those warm temperatures into the sixty's and seventy's except for Kodiak they'll be still into the fifty's but a nice warm one into a valley so I think this is a kind of a nice marker it's the last day of May and there is a trend that we're seeing these 1st 70 degree temperatures a little bit earlier in the year Tracey Sinclair is going to have some statistics on that when she joins you tomorrow so those clouds look so scary and you know the rest of the I'm sorry if I just say that there is a chance on Friday of not only isolated showers but a possible thunderstorm and that would be the case into Saturday as well so we'll see if that happens as it's a low chance at this point and the best thing about the sunshine is that we get to enjoy it for only for another hour no. Thanks. Jacki thank you well the National Spelling Bee kicks off in Maryland here in the unbelievable words to young Alaskan state to stay alive in the competition. For nearly 70 years the members of Alaska USA Federal Credit Union help each other achieve goals today that colonies integration choosing to implement our trail by the mountain bikes or back by popular demand and if you haven't stopped by Bailey's lately you're missing out we get new product in every week and we constantly monitor the latest trends in furniture to help keep your home fashionable so get inspired because Bally's has the best selection of dining bedroom and upholstery and the largest collection of artwork lamps rugs and accents in Alaska get the best price on your new furniture with body fries and right now get your new mountain bike before they're gone only at Bally's furniture. And. Anchorage is most successful Well they're not celebrates a birthday or Marsha long hair haven for nature lovers turning 101 this Saturday. Is available now. A century ago construction crews for the Alaska Railroad built the embankment for the tracks that they verted rabbit creek and other streams creating one of the Cook Inlet largest freshwater marshes a free discovery day is planned for all ages that includes hands on science demonstrations release of a rehabilitated bird and archery while 2 students from Alaska competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee that kicked off today here is Eagle River 6th grader Joshua Saylor spelling a word I didn't even know until I had to look it up this afternoon Savoyard savor yard. The oh why r d c boy the boy I mean someone from the boy region in France Fairbanks 7th grader Daniel Dowd is also in the competition he was asked to spell on a coma coast this which is a fungal infection of the nail roared through. Laurie. For you. See. Oh yes. Josh made it through round 2 today Daniel made it to round 3 but unfortunately will not be in the final tomorrow only 50 spellers advance to the finals based on a preliminary test will show the final championship round tomorrow night and even though they did it and lots of sports action to talk about coming up in just a few minutes Beth will have the latest headlines for you right great. 2016 the deadliest year in acreage history was outlawed in Night City To the team of doctors from the audience from the Gulf got a brush and work smart. And play even harder. To play care of your back like Alaskans have been feeling as they as I'm trying for over 45 years. With the best treatment available for low back pain pain contention haddocks perfect. Trying to keep you from doing what you love. One of cancer's greatest weapons is fear. But for 25 years Alaska's women have come together strong determined fear less. Stand and fight breast cancer join the army of women together we can do this register today for the 25th Annual on last year run for women. The Stanley Cup Finals are underway it's Game 2 in Pittsburgh where the home team took the victory on Memorial Day today something of the same. Was to get. Their 1st period predators strike 1st quick moves to get around Pittsburgh and I fired the evil one No thank you to the Penguins would take you through. The back of the net or just tied up job in the 3rd and take the lead and that is they would keep that up your story to warn them of a 2nd or so final for one thing would carry. 3 is Saturday in Nashville and we had a little further east where the Orioles host the Yankees to wrap up the series at Camden Yards. And tied up at a game apiece that wouldn't last long with a virgin joined by a team member of their flock Adam Jones bottom of the 3rd brings one in with a double from left to worry Mark rumble with a line drive to pick that up in the wee nothing we Yankees out a couple in the best to make it interesting but the O's keep their distance final 10 for Baltimore. Some Alaska's best high school ball players are out on the diamond this weekend as well as state finals for baseball and softball begin 1st on the men's side for tomorrow versus colonies for a thing all things off at 10 am Wolf a service at 1 pm battles West Valley at 4 o'clock and south and bridge goes against you know Douglas at 7 Now this is wrong one the championship is Saturday at 3 and all of these games we played at McKay He stadium and for the women the state softball tournament is sending the top teams to Fairbanks a small and large school competition kicks off on Friday June 2nd beginning at noon the champion will be crowned after the finals as 3 on Saturday afternoon and back at home a few more days to opening day for the Alaska baseball league pilots and miners open Monday June 5th in the Mount Sioux chips and Bucks kick off there's a. Both at 7 pm and the Oilers begin swinging for the summer at home on Friday June 9th against the minors if you didn't already know the University of Alaska Anchorage just so happens to be the home of multiple stellar running squads especially when they come together with the multiple G.-Net titles and 10 all America Awards this past weekend alone the Seawolf men and women placed 5th and 11th in the nation respectively in Division 2 program of the year standings it's a combined award from the u.s. Track and field and Cross Country Coaches Association given to the top performing schools across the cut cross country indoor track and field and outdoor track and field seasons the reflection of the trail together squad than the coach here he had . Children. And their administration so. People here appreciate. The hard stuff that we can here we can do but we have to keep my central high school grad Aleo strainers college running career is so far living up to all the hype and she's even now 2 for 2 in the steeplechase the Boise State Fair now won the West regionals 3 k. Steeple punching her ticket to the national championships now a week away she's ranked 4th in the nation with a time of 955 $61.00 she's also 23rd in the 5 k. Really started you know 1st minute of the year in the. Entire show you to get a chance to go against the best of usually. In the hunt for a national title Austrian or will toe the line next week in Eugene speaking of tough competition a paraplegic a marathoner is back at it again. In line May 3rd tense marathons at the back to make the choice to have fun with life you can still do things to this by the disability I read words broke us back about 7 years ago and since his recovery he founded a project called Game squad he says it's a local outreach program helping provide sports equipment for disabled people a bunch of cities for example for the school district. And his hope is to garner some attention for the cause at the mayor's marathon he's been training day in and day out so we're looking to catch up with him at that race as well and actually if you catch the 10 o'clock newscast tomorrow Cari Patrick have a pretty special story up their sleeves for that too it's all about baseball but it's awesome and Iraq has so many great things for the community it's great to see I'm keeping on to keep an eye on exactly absolutely all right that thanks Well Alaska's food security has been making news recently coming up we look at a simple way to keep Alaskan problems and the economy growing stronger. we're stuck here we're always trying to get out we're always trying to get back to where we came from as Carl Sagan said we are made of star stuff and that is why we yearn to get back to the place we came from and that maybe we're God is trouble 86733700 that's Tripoli 673-3700 go to Roland in Texas hi Roland you're on Ground 0. Cocotte How are you doing great man. I believe in one Father God a spirit in the vicious Christ with a center came in flesh form to die for our sins and Holy Spirit but all in one God . And when the apostles asked him how should we pray. To Jesus day we know the morning prayer we know go ahead when we want to talk about. What are there heard out here for a sermon Ok we're here for you to make a point if you're going to make immense an earth as it is in heaven now I would like to believe that there's billions that there are billions of galaxies. Throughout the universe and all that and there may be life and all that all I'm trying to say is that. Jesus mentions here on earth as it is in heaven so I'm saying that as human beings that they only exist here on Earth. And they're either going to get say that or not say and I don't know if there's other living creatures out there that also have a gun that's going to say you realize that violence arrived I know that there are 2 things that they won't be having they won't have money or a Bible in their hands I just don't believe that they will and so that's the thing is there any aliens arrive if they arrive at the beings arrive do you think you're going to have a Bible and tell them why you're right you're so right I don't think are going to do that I think they want to know you know what the beliefs are and whether or not the stories that they have about their creation to match the stories that we have about our creation or maybe their myth ologies or maybe their religions or whatever they may have been See yeah the Bible is a book for this earth but there are probably other stories in books and very interesting books to read that are not religious or they're not from a certain religion but still have some very beautiful passages in them and still you know if you read them they may give you guidance and wisdom. And the reason why what I said is that you know that because the things that are happening right now we're not going to be able to go to other planets and all that before the 2nd term you know Christ because we can see all the mayhem that's going on right now around the world but we're already almost a 1000000 'd and the 2nd coming hasn't happened yet we allegedly have gone to the moon the 2nd coming hasn't happened yet and now we're planning on going to the moon and Mars and the 2nd coming is not happening yet. So don't tell you're telling me but I want to ask are there what's that go ahead I'm sorry but like the sign seemed like the think that's going around all around the world it really is like like the 2nd coming would happen 1st and for it would take hundreds of years to develop a method to get out of here and go live in other planets and galaxies so I think that but I think well many saying less than that so I guess the 2nd coming is becoming long before that right that we're trying to tell me you think Yeah Ok so long before the technology comes to the United Arab Emirates who said that they're going to go to Mars and colonize in 2117 So you think the Jesus Christ will come to Earth before 2117. Well you know not exactly it's going to hold a long time to develop a colony but by that people could go over there and live that's going to take many years really don't you think that you're going to live to see the 2nd coming or do you own 62 and I see the signs of it so 'd. The chances are yes but there are also no Ok but I was holding that for ever forever and ever that time we come to me come into Nobody knows only God knows when because I was always told that I was a kid that I would see the 2nd coming and the all time 10 years younger than you practically never knowing North Korea and Russia in your body start again gathering in the Middle East surrounding Israel and you know what you know what I'm talking about the Armageddon thing to do you think that's a lesson for to return then us getting out of here you think that they were going to get out of other planets do you think the aliens if they return would return before the 2nd coming I'm sorry aliens are real and they are set to return to this planet do you think we would do it before the 2nd Coming of Christ do you think they would herald the 2nd coming of Christ. That's a good question because I don't know if aliens would even know what a god or a Jesus is maybe not maybe so who knows Roman drink if they're trying to human beings right recall recall Thanks for calling going to Dale in South Carolina hi Dale Your Ground 0. Hello how are you doing tonight doing great man. Of an Margy for 6 months you're just fantastic Bell will want to mention this thank you you know. We we have been to the moon right so no. I don't know you know you know if I didn't know you know I mean I I like to think we've gone to the moon but I have my doubts 69 No I don't think we went to the moon in 69 I really don't I think that I think that for all of 13 we went diving we finally figured it out after Apollo 13 we had to screw up a bit in space and finally we figured everything out so that's kind of my base than anything scientific so please it's just a thought an idea it's a it's kind of a doubting belief in case you but I do want to make you don't you say that we have enough in case you know like people I call say you know just just great minds that we will find a way all this planet what was it with that with with al all with aliens so it was because I really don't have too much myself you know evidence. As far as like you do as far as you know really am and that is believe that we always got to get off this planet that that man will figure a way like you say it is a prison if we are everything you say we are but once you believe in the. Little man that will find the way that the scientists to get her I believe I would like to think that yes I would like to believe that Dale and you're right I would like to believe that we already have that and I think we do I think that I think there are traps for a lot of people on this planet yes we are quarantine planet but we're only quarantine as far as our minds tell us I mean we're surrounded by a plan to keep us from leaving but it's the Greater minds and it's the communication and divine intervention that teaches how to go beyond the stars and I think that when we're ready we will and when we're ready to accept which I think we're damn close to if not now to accept the embryology of aliens and the reality of extraterrestrial Lexa biological life I think that once we're there I think that we can leave the planet Ok I see a real personal question has a lot to do with do this you don't have to answer it directly but do you actually believe in a 2nd coming. No I believe in a 2nd coming yes I believe so I don't know if you know Ok the Christian in me says yes I believe in a 2nd coming. The speculative crazy guy that I am also believes in something called the 2nd incarnation which would be which is that Jesus when he returns he will return in such a way that everyone will become a part of the greater glory in the end so there are we all incarnate as Jesus like we that the idea of taking a sacrament or the Communion is kind of a fire drill you know you eat the body in the blood of Christ and it's because Christ wants you to be a part of the greater family and so when the 2nd coming comes or whatever it is the Christ attitude of the Christ consciousness that will basically be felt and literally we will be possessed with it so it will be an incarnation will be the 2nd incarnation of the Christ consciousness within every human being and we will finish sand and that's how we do it said there might not be there may not be a great wonder in heaven of a man stepping down from from the sky we may have it all incarnate at once in all of us or thank you so much let me allow me to Kawhi you you've got my land they gives me hope all like shit what you just said Good thing that I believe my life just kind of cursed in a way that does anything to do with the program but I just enjoy you every night because you're right on Monday you know that your opinion is always a lie so they don't just jabbered I don't think English they'll just remember job was cursed to or Joe went through a lot of hell but he never gave up didn't give up if we don't give up no it's not something we do that's what the loudspeaker wants to tell you give up you know once we reach ground 0 it's time to give up no give up there's no reason to give up because you know. This life where we are now on this planet what we're doing now I believe that the reason we're here is to find the ultimate joy. And we need to understand that we deserve the ultimate joint. There are a lot of things in my life that have surprised me because you know people who know me know that I think sometimes I don't deserve most of the things I get I mean I'm not a bad person but I just don't feel like I've done enough in my life to deserve some of the wonderful things I've been blessed with in my life and. God continues to it continues to give me a weapon every time I get doubtful and you know I've been through a lot in my life and it's so funny because you know God the Being that I love lets me think outside the box and gives me permission to be as wild and outrageous and weird as I want to be and I think he still loves me for it . And so you know I speak without fear because I realize I'm being protected and God is also blessed me with all of you and I know you protect me as well and many of you have helped me over the years and I'm really appreciative of that very much so and so you know I've been blessed with Sometimes I feel as though I don't deserve the blessings but I get and I think a lot of people feel that way sometimes God always gives you what you want what you need not always what you want and I think you should be happy with what you get because it may be something you really need. So I don't think 733700 that's Tripoli's exhibit 33700 we're going to wind our way back into this idea of the planet being a prison planet or a quarantine planet there if you would like minds are able to leave the planet but some of us are still trapped here we're stuck here why are we stuck here we can talk about the scientific aspects of it but a lot of people also talk about the spiritual until it stops the idea that we will not leave not until we raise our awareness to the point of understanding what is out there understanding creation understanding the physics understanding all of it is this what they're doing at Cern But are they going down the wrong path is their right path to understand the cosmos is there a better path to understand the idea of multi-verse. Tripoli 673-3700 that's triple 873-3700 I'm quite Louis Felicity Ground 0 and we'll be back. This is ground 0 with Lewis by News Talk one of 3.7 f.m. And a 7 50 am captivity. 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Is just what it is Arnie what it was people for to scrutinize and take everything to the and to carry it because you know what he gave it to us just accept it Ok but there are some people though that believe that man's adventures should lead him outside the planet that we should go outside the planet and there are over time we realize that whoever created or whatever created this planet or even if it just created as odd as it actually which I highly doubt. There are many things many barriers that the intelligent design of this planet has for example there are things that happen to us as human beings on this planet or that are present all we get sunburned. We get bad backs because of gravity we get all these things happen to us as we age we age a lot quicker here meaning that maybe we weren't supposed to be here that we were put here or that for some reason you know we had to come here there are barriers such as North it's too cold there's too much ice we can't leave the planet from the north we can't leave the planet from the south because it's too cold. We can't leave that we can't leave the land because water keeps us from leaving it could be dangerous to kill us instead of save one step to this is a testing ground for what and this is a testing ground for everything that's on planet Earth whether you're an amoeba a fish whether you're a goddess whether you're a plug or it's in a prison it doesn't make any difference you are on this planet for one reason this is a testing ground for why that's it for why there was yes for what when we was when we being tested for what's the big path Ok so if if this is not a testing ground why the hell are we here that's the great question is now why the hell are we here I mean then I mean what are we going to have stood for what are we being tested for being tested for something bigger or maybe even better somewhere else or this is what they want us to be they want us to become bigger and better and want and it is in the end it is maybe planet Earth. Well it could be that we're being tested to see if we're able to gain what can be considered superpowers mental powers physical powers spiritual powers all of these things in our lives or we're being we're being here because we chose to be here based on the idea that would be an adventure and this is like 1010 and I 30 years to be here I didn't choose to be here and you didn't neither will i didn't choose my parents I didn't choose my religion to manage I didn't choose to be a loser and I didn't choose to go to 14 years or Caddick at all still really in terms. I didn't know didn't well me or for any of that I well Ok that the question is Why are you here and what are you doing and what is the what is the end all purpose dug I'm out of time thank you Don't be a sheeple trouble 86733700 will be back 'd 'd 'd 'd. Man if you're like me you appreciate the feeling of a clean smooth shave from a quality blade a sort of shave that cuts clean without the burn so why you messin around with generic razors that cost 32 bucks for an 8 pack when you can shave with Harry's high quality German engineer blades for half the price and of saving money in a clean shave isn't incentive enough Harry's will give you their starter set complete with a race or 3 of their world famous blades and shaving cream for just 15 bucks and shipping is always free will also give you 5 bucks off your 1st order bar way of saying thank you for trying us how are we able to save you all this money and still give you the best shave you'll ever enjoy by owning the factory that manufactures them that's how. So go to Harry's dot com right now and enter code 4242 a check out that's Harry's dot com code for 2 for 2 sleepless nights playing a sleepless nights waking up in the middle of the night can't go back to sleep. When I 1st came back it was kind of weird because they when I was driving and the traffic light would go out or you know I light in the road would go out that would make me nervous something in there any 2nd now so there's going to. I mean the destruction I mean that's something that stay within you know I need it surfaces normal reactions to an abnormal experience military life and combat trauma can have a lasting impact on your mental health if you or a family member having trouble coping Remember you're not alone it takes courage to ask for help and anonymous men as available online and by phone take the 1st step to healing visit military mental health dot org or call 8778773647. Years here in June shown to be present.

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