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Same day as the funerals for the victims many saying they will return police in Mesa investigating a double shooting at a hotel there that left a man dead and a woman injured when they got. To work. Chris a damn sick says the woman led them to tell room where the man was found with a fatal gunshot wound not clear of the victims were involved in a domestic dispute or if there's a suspect on the loose that afternoon commute mess Monday afternoon and I want to box truck overturned on to a car and I'd stand coyote's with a 43 overtime shootout win over the capital's Jeff Scott Arizona Good morning from the k f annex weather bad weather center for today a sunny Tuesday and a high of 81 to my clear low 56 tomorrow Wednesday sunny high 81 Wednesday night partly cloudy low 56 Thursday partly sunny with a high the 83 mostly cloudy on Thursday night low 59 I'm Jim Time is from the k f our next weather bug Weather Center earlier mid downward 75 degrees our next news will be in 30 minutes or when it breaks coming up we've got successful aging You're listening to independent talk 1111 x. I'm Jeff Reynolds and you're up to date or you or someone you know in search of high quality senior services and don't delay contact Glencross center for modern aging today is 63999475 Glencross center for modern age you can assist you or your loved one with an If Then it were assisted living options housing as well as skilled nursing and rehab options don't wait center for modern aging today as 639399475 find more info online explain Croft dot com That's geology n.c.r. O.s.d. Dot com. All packages for a living a gas powered Mercedes-Benz sprinter delivers transport people a Sprinter van with 0 percent financing is a 5 star idea if food deliveries your thing and a gas printer caters to you and if you're a general contractor the sprinter with 0 percent financing nails it with innovation safety and technology sprinter is built for you and it's built for Your Bottom Line with 0 percent financing. 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Successfully giving you winning strategies for living and loving life your hosts are John one and 1000000 because it is quite a difference in just living and living well the aim of the show is life and how you live it welcome to successfully now your hosts Good morning and welcome to successful aging. Life where we provide you with the latest trends health updates and expert advice for living your best life I mean host John ones the year of my cold Sunday morning early morning we've got a great show to different but we're Joanna tell us about is a little different for us and we're really excited about that before I introduce our guests I would like to say hello to everybody on Facebook we are streaming live over on our successful aging Facebook page so you can find us over there and take we are talking with Stan and Rose Flores stand graduated from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor's degree in religion and a minor in behavioral science he received his master's of divinity from Golden Gate Baptist the Theological Seminary in the San Francisco Bay Area After graduating he and Rose relocated to the Seattle area to start a church he served there as a pastor and chaplain for East Pierce fire and rescue. When he moved back to Arizona he served as a hospital and hospice chaplain before starting at Glenn Cross center for modern aging He served as a chaplain with the Arizona Department of Corrections and Rose stands wife has served in ministry for over 30 years as a Sunday school teacher. She is a requested guest speaker teacher and lecturer and she has served in the administration as well they've been married more than 35 years and have 4 children and 5 grandchildren and we're going to talk today a little bit about faith and how it affects your health so welcome Stan and Rome was thank you thank you it's good to be here yes good morning Stan wine and Rose welcome to the side of the bench who talked today about faith and spirituality how it affects your health and hopefully maybe we can weave it also into a little bit senior health if there's a difference to be looking for me those little tweaks or less list have you started talking about faith and religion the difference if there is any between faith and religion talk about a well John faith itself is what you believe it is it is that deep seated. Sticker here Faith is what you might need. Faith is what you believe religion is how you put it into practice usually that is the form of how you recognize your religion serving your religion or your faith I should say and so there you have it faith is what you believe religion is how you practice that faith any difference between religion and spirituality indeed a lot of people today are spiritual there in fact what you can say you can ask us almost anybody do you believe in something and they'll say yes I'm spiritual but then they oftentimes will not say I am religious I'm spiritual I believe in. Something out there but in. May not be the standard Christian faith or another kind of religion and they just bill have a belief in the spiritual. So you both have had a variety of positions in faith communities how have you seen people's faith in pact their health. They want take this on or no and you start knowledge and with it well in particular is when people start to get older really is an m.p. People start dealing with sickness and disease their faith really comes into question and in fact those people who have a great faith they they turn around in a cooperative their beliefs and they seek the god in order to help them get through that that crisis that illness in particular if it is a life threatening disease they ask for God for healing a miracle the miraculous or if they have a disease in which they are not being healed they ask for God's guidance and grace and strength to get them through so how do you see the difference if any between faith as you talked about rightly so what faith is what you believe in the spiritual see ritual of the aspect in terms of how it effects people's health or is there a difference. Well I would say I would say yes but I'm not. You know let's put it this way John I have to speak from my perspective of my faith I believe so with my faith I have I know that I can go to God and I can ask him during times of illness sickness trouble or trials I can say Lord I'm asking you to help me I'm asking you give me direction a straight them asking you to provide for me now the person who is spiritual and doesn't have a direct deity if you will or a religious upbringing but there are spiritual they might turn to all kinds of different things from stones to ensue. It's to never universally opt in nature or even an energy you hear that people have faith in and so that would go back to the religion if you are brought up in a faith and you have a religious practice then that religious practice helps you during that time of crisis because there are things that they do during that time so. You practice as a chaplain many years in many different environments got that. When they come to you and people come to you for counseling whatever their issues are in the spirit personally you know to not as an arbitrator between whatever but as it impersonal. When they come when they say I'm spiritual just by basic definition you've talked about there's not much they can rely on from the spiritual aspects if they have a problem like cancer for example or a some other to building disease are you seeing people still relying on the spiritual Do they make a switch to a faith beyond the spiritual because animism of those kind things are real challenge right there again we see that and we see that a lot in the world today so when they come to you where do they wind up going when they're faced with something major like that well if they come to me they typically recognize that I come from a Christian perspective so they understand where I'm coming from and what I will do is if they come to me I'll 1st get to know them and to identify where they're coming from whether it is a spiritual concept or are they religious and what Faith and Practice do they believe and then if they turn around and say as what what do you believe Stan what do you believe in this situation and if they have kind of a loose knit spirituality then I'll try to guide them and lead them to something that I think would help them through that and if they don't if they have something in which they already believe and I try to continue to support them and what they practice as a chaplain right as a chaplain I had a real life experience and this is when my faith was challenge to when our daughter . Diagnosed with an illness I thought I had faith that could be moved but I found it was moved because everything I knew everything that I practice came to be a challenge for me and it was affecting my health I went into depression and anxiety and it was my younger daughter who kept calling me week after week giving me scriptures quoting the Bible the very thing I knew right back at me and it it helped me get through that and that's you know in Rose has a great faith she has a strong faith but when she was challenged personally with something that was our own daughter and her illness and there was no no cure no answer that's when her faith was tested in which are you going to continue to believe are you going to continue to put into practice the things in which we've done before which we've instructed encouraged others and so everybody who goes through that that time of crisis in their life their faith is challenge and that's where the the proof is in the putting if you will and sometimes we have to go through that time of testing the trial and get back to what we believe and then when my wife was amazing and in the sense of going through that struggle I mean there was a time John that she would said you know God I believe in you but you're not taking care of my kid you're not yeah you know you're not helping and you're not you know yeah I did she said she said Don't ask me at that time to even go into the pulpit Omar to teachers I mean I can't I don't even know if I can speak on your behalf right now I had to engagements Up ahead and I kept them out of my promise to those organizations but truly I said under my breath to God I says freeze do not ask me to speak in an altar in your behalf because I had to work out this and then people would look at rows and they would have their expectations of what she's a pastor's wife she's been in ministry for all these year she should be strong and she should be up there now even this guy as a pastor and as a chaplain I was challenged to in my faith. During this health situation and so people just didn't get it didn't we also everybody every goes through a time when you know absolutely we're going to take a quick break here you're listening to successful 89 Independent talk a level 100 k. F. And x. And when we return we're going to continue our conversation with Stanley and Rose Flores chaplain at Glenn Cross center for modern 18 and his wife as I just said Rose on the subject of faith and spirituality and how it affects your health Come on back you don't want to mess this. Are you or someone you know in search of high quality senior services then don't delay contact Glencross center for modern aging today is 639399475 Glencross center for modern aging can assist you or your loved one with an If Then it were assisted living options but housing as well as skilled nursing and rehab options don't wait dogleg Cross center for modern aging today is 639399475 find more info online at Glenn Croft dot com That's genealogy n.c.r. O.s.d. 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We're talking with Stan and Rose Flores on the subject of faith and spirituality and how it affects our health so the question that I want to ask you now are what are some of the misconceptions people have about faith and prayer and how do you explain knees in regards to people struggling with health issues can you give us some examples both of you and I think that most people that come to us for prayer or guidance and direction regarding an illness. They're looking for healing they're looking for answers to recover and I think one of the greatest misconceptions that people have is that God heals everybody especially if they have the faith to believe I've seen more people hurt from that bad theology than helped because when got when they they go into this situation being ill and they're saying Ok if I just have the faith to believe I will get well and I got to claim it and I cannot hold on to how I'm feeling I cannot you know I need to talk positive and a person doesn't have the opportunity to go through that those issues over their health and their body and their feelings and so then when God doesn't come through in their mind they either turn around and say I don't have strong faith or God's not really there or I've done something wrong and I mean and stuff a good example would be my cousin he was a young man he was only 1000 years old had brain cancer so I came to visit him as I was going to the Grand Canyon and versity and I went to visit my set old man I said Look I've got an hour every day for lunch I want to come over here I'm a visit Michael and she said I'd be great so Michael Turner told me said Stand my faith he says Do I have weak faith they said why are you asking that Michael I said you're. A man of faith and he has because I'm not being healed people have come to me and said Michael if you just have the faith to believe God will heal you from this disease and he says and look if he says I'm not happening and so I said Michael that is poor theology God doesn't heal everybody and end but we must have faith to believe that God can and we must have faith to believe that if God does that he's going to give us everything we do need to get through this and that gave him a sense of peace and calmness instead of believing that he didn't have great faith and that's why he wasn't being healed so how do you respond to obviously. Consistent answer for those that you know they're Christians. How about those that don't come out of a Christian environment they come to you looking for some kind of healing because they don't accept the god notion that you might as easy as a pastor but they know about God So they come for healing and they don't get the healing and they start looking for other directions how do you respond to that like for example we all know in Arizona we have a lot of Native American Ok. Where the you know animism comes in and spirituality in very distant forms How do you respond to them If God doesn't heal me I want to go elsewhere and I'm thinking to go into the den a resident of a reservation and see if I can find some help elsewhere wherever that might be we've seen this do you want Congress you know I think that Ok. We have seen this let me kind of go back from the perspective of being a prison chaplain as a prison chaplain I turned around and I had to deal with all kinds of different beliefs from Buddhism to. Judaism from Islam and all these different things and knowing their religion if they came to me regarding healthy. Issues or other issues I would try to turn around and guide them to their beliefs and their practices they would clearly understand that I didn't believe that but I knew enough to what they believe that I would encourage them to pursue what they believe they would open up John and see that I cared for them that much that many of them when their prayers were answered they would turn off a stand what do you believe what do you think and that would give me the opportunity and the door to basically share my beliefs and my faith in God and that God does not heal everybody but God does care for every we don't live in a perfect world I keep telling them I said we live in a world that is not the way they got it planned it I said so in this world he said he's not going to remove all the troubles from us he said he would see us through all the troubles if if there was a greater for example that would be Jesus Christ himself if there's a cup of suffering can be taken from me then let it be so but not my will be done and I will be done and the angels came and assisted him gave him the strength to do what he had to do and that's where got helps us so John back to your question. I believe other faith groups other religious groups they should go to what they believe in give it their best and I've seen some people recover I've seen some people do well because they have a great belief that of recovering and getting well and those who don't if they're if they if they give me an opportunity to share that with the what I believe you know the. Transition is very nicely into this next this next question you the holidays or you're really right around the corner you are we probably get the most difficult time of the year certainly for seniors between Thanksgiving and the 1st the year and other people also some because we're such a mobile society we're many people all alone as a go so how do you you know feel well are there just to go to a struggle with the hopelessness or loneliness because that's all of how do you deal with those and how do you see the fixing their health and what do you tell them especially like I think the example I think of it is a you know I think you see a lot of that a lot of that they still struggle with health issues except for them when they die the next answer is reincarnation they're going to another state right depending where they are I mean it's got to be very complicated especially for those around you know a lot John and he's deceased The only thing he's doing really good you know holidays can be the worst of times and it could be the best of times it could be the times of joy filled with Festival family and friends and food or it could be a time of loneliness a time of regret and it could be the worst of times so you're focusing on the joy and excitement and giving and you feel so alone and maybe in your still separated from everyone so again that caused the illness also during the whole of the they're Ok and then all of a sudden nobody showing up for the holidays and and now you've got another problem I see the depression. Anxiety and the. And the grief of loneliness that to you the emptiness it really affects their health tremendously so well how do we scientifically we know that when we laugh the endorphins are released and we brings us joy so when you subtract that from your life you know and the sadness and the anxiety also do something to the brain and the connectors and cause all these emotions and they affect you physically so I guess your next question or your question was How do you help them how does someone's faith help them during these holidays especially in light of the you brought up an excellent point I think the biggest thing that I see happening in that cause all the potential all kind of other issues is depression Yeah Ok that's one how do you deal with that from a faith perspective if somebody doesn't have a faith even a lot of people still if they they maintain their atheist or agnostic we know if you atheists believe in something but that's not the question right so how do you deal with that in the sense of depression which can really make you ill it's the same I'm going to give an example you of from Glenn Cross will use any names keep everybody away from you know watching all my P's and Q.'s he's accused but I just met with a young woman who is dealing with health issues extremely difficult health issues and she's terminal said I want to give up I want to die there's nothing living her there's nobody you care nobody this or that So what I do it we're getting is this I asked her what do you believe in she is I don't believe in anything I don't believe in God I used to believe in God but it only going to so what I do know this John is I'm going to build a relationship with that person allow that person to see that I care for them and then once you start to build and and talk about 30 interests and their things then they start to open up to you and then they start I start putting together what are some of the reasons positive things you know what about your you know I start focusing on the good things and then if they come back and say chaplain tell me a little bit about God if you know then I'll be happy to share that with them. So you've got to build a relationship with those who are suffering with depression and who don't believe and who are going through those long wait times during the holidays is just be there with them the Bible says weep with those who we rejoice with those who read Joyce. Ukraine and trust building a trust exactly. Well we're getting ready to go to Manhattan. Ready to go to end their commercial break but don't you think that by building that relationship you're trying to fill the black hole that maybe they have think about that for a minute Chris we've been talking with Stan Flores at Grant Cross center he said at that house or chaplain at Glenn Cross center for modern 18 and his wife Rose on the subject of faith and spirituality and how it affects our health so when we return we are going to continue this conversation please come on back this is successful 89 Independent talk 1100 k. F. And x. . The House impeachment investigation will be televised starting tomorrow but the trial for a long time Trump political advisor Roger Stone is underway now correspondent Shimon Peres reports the prosecution rested its case this morning after candidate Donald Trump's deputy campaign manager Rick Gates testified Gates says Stone wanted to contact from son in law Jared cushion or to the brief him about hacked e-mails that were damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign basically dollars Trump says that he did not recall having those conversations Rick gates on the other hand said yes these conversations take place Donald Trump in the raising questions that he submitted and the answers that he submitted smaller said I don't recall those conversations former President Jimmy Carter is recovering from surgery to relieve pressure from brain bleeding linked to recent falls right now on Wall Street the Dow up 28 the s. And b. Ahead 10 the Nasdaq has added 36 I have been hanging. More than 100 Mormons living in northern Mexico and fled to the u.s. Following last week's massacre that left 9 members of their community dead some say they're staying put. But one of the victims. To the residents living in settlements in Sonora left the same day as the funerals for the victims many saying they will return police in Mesa investigating a double shooting at a hotel there that left a man dead and a woman injured. Officer Chris Sadam 6 says the woman led them to a hotel room where the man was found with a fatal gunshot wound not clear of the victims were involved or domestic dispute or if there's a suspect on the loose that afternoon commute mess Monday afternoon and I went to. The car. With a $43.00 overtime shootout win over the capital's Jeff Scott. Good morning from the weather bad weather center for today a sunny Tuesday a high of 81 clear low 56. 5630. 3. 59. The k f n x weather bug Weather Center. $76.00 degrees our next news will be 30 minutes or . So. Are you or someone you know in search of high quality senior services then don't delay contact center for modern aging today is 63399475 center for modern age you can assist you or your loved one with an if then it works just a living options housing as well as skilled nursing and rehab options. Center for modern aging today is 639399475 find more info online explain Croft dot com That's genealogy n.c.r. Dot com am I diamonds until the. To the public. That you can touch. In. The Phoenix area. With. 100300. 00. And how it affects our health and I wanted to ask you what are some of the similarities between different faiths that you see from a pastor perspective most religions that I experience most known religion they are they all have good. Moral training and skills and and very positive things even you know even even those that we think there are kind of like. Their way out there you know in prison I work with all these people and I've seen the best of what they believe in and that's why we encourage them to practice what they're doing because we know that if they connect with what they believe in and put into practice in fact one of the things I would tell some of these people I'd say is Well what is your faith teach you about how you act you know and how you're doing this and that. Well I should be doing this now as at the then what then what do you need to do well I need to go back and do that so right now that's not my belief or my practice but I know that the good thing so this any of the of those religions that are not the crazy ones out there but any of those main religions are helpful to a person to live life to to get the best of the can and that helps their mind and helps their body you know now my religion my faith I believe it's deeper because my God talks to me all the time through the reading it was word through prayer through going to church through studies and all the different and he continues to encourage me to do the right thing to live the right way and and all those kinds of things so yes I'd say that's one of the differences we don't we have a faith that we believe that we can talk to God and he can respond back to it's not a belief but in different ways where a lot of these other faiths don't always have had bad you know there's not going to be an answer back it might be more of a just a feeling or a sense so for the kind of brings me the conversation we had during the break there's a good lead in to this question actually. As a chaplain How do you respond to somebody who has a kind of a 2 parter so give me a chance to get through it Ok how do you respond to what the someone feels hopeless or struggles with self-worth number ones out here who especially this time of year we come into depression the holidays etc. So when they come to you with feelings of whatever these feelings are the there Don let's put that way my sense is when you talked before the break about a ministry of presence that's what takes over in the conversation not where you coming from are you a Baptist or Buddhist or Catholic and Muslim it's the presence piece that you operate with as a human being the starts the dialogue I am I on to something that has literally been perhaps a little right Crystal then when somebody comes is how does that the chaplain I'm hurting my families you know is gone I'm sad nearby myself I've got this disease or whatever it is or nobody come visit me. How do you start the conversation. Well the 1st thing you do is you you know address their need Ok Jesus turned around and he fed them and then he preached the good news or preach the good news and fed them he took care of their needs so when a person comes in there with deep depression and whether they have faith or not faith you turn around and you build that trust with them that relationship with them find out where they're coming from John do you have that faith do you have a religion and then we try to guide them into that situation ministry of presence oftentimes just letting them vent letting them share and you're just there it's one of the greatest tools that we as chaplains utilize is being there for them to where they can talk and share they can get mad they can turn around and doubt they can curse they can do whatever they do and once they get all that stuff out. Then you can start pouring stuff back into them by sed slowly giving them some things to which they can utilize have you found over the years by taking that approach because a lot of times people just want to get it off their chest right whatever it is and anger you name it whatever the belief system they come from but when you open up that dialogue do you find then as you then a conversation really begins in that they actually pretty many of them know what they really have to do but the anger that was blocking it and so they couldn't make a decision they just want some help and we interpret as they pray for me that's not really what they want they want to be able to take charge of their of their own situation is that even Paul possible most people know the answers John most be especially if they have a religious training whatever it is a most people have the answer a good chaplain a good counsel will turn the running get that person to go and identify those things that they know are right. And again when they get all that garbage on that anger that disappointment that dark cold and they start to come up and see a little bit then they start to know what is right what to do and then encouraging them to act upon that exact even based upon their own principles background whatever they may come with you whether it's Muslim. Or Christian whether is Buddhist or whatever happens to be I found out that's the best way to be a Christian witness is to love them where they are not try to convert them to where you want them to be but not be ashamed of who you are and I am definitely not ashamed of telling them you know I believe differently than you but what is your belief says they're not looking to know what you believe they're looking to know find out how much you care about them in a situation that's not right without caring that caring opens the door for them to turn around and says you know what you're genuine You're something's going on here tell me about what you believe your friend you found that to be working with when. And I mostly worked with women for 27 years and the key for me was always my presence taking the time to go visit them at their place not asking them to come see me in my office but going to see them and I built great relationships with these women been open their doors open the doors for me a to able to minister to them or help them find the answers that they like you said that he already knew so. You know people call them down and out the ones that maybe had really bad upbringings or terrible stories but just loving them where they were at was the key loving them and then taking them further and sometimes you had to be the one that showed love 1st because they weren't getting it anywhere else and see John that's that faith that helping them to heal what we're talking about is putting our faith into practice and they're in a bad health situation mental emotional East whatever it may be and that's getting that to help them to overcome those things and to. Have victory have victory over them Ok. Ok so it's right now before it gets too much later why don't you give us some of your contact information in case anybody would like to ask you some questions about Today Show me where she had. Well you can go on our Facebook page come up one dot com and you can see us there you can ask your questions there you can write you can private messages there private messages however on facebook pages of heroes I'm the one that has the 40 niners losing on a recent was. Not the preferred much by faith. Personal heroes is the main is the hot so it's Club One dot com Facebook that's the best Wimber one not spelled out rice number one though that's the best way Ok Will what was involved. And with your job as a chaplain with the Arizona Department of Corrections you kind of talked a little bit about that but you know what I have. Issues in that type of thing we dealing with well my main responsibility to is take taking care of the people spiritual needs whatever they may be and that's even at the Glen Croft that's wherever I go as a chaplain the fire department I go in there and whatever their spiritual needs are my job is to help them to obtain them to equip them so they can get what they need and so in the prison again they had different groups they had from like I said Judaism Buddhism they had Arion ism which they call it they call that a religion actually they get it's a Viking religion Ok Ok they had asked stick religion Ok Astra 2 is the Viking religion asked take religion they had. Protestantism they had Catholicism there all these different things my job was not to go in there and and share with them what I believe my job was going there and to make sure that they had their Bibles or reading materials their speakers their pastors the rabbis and these different things Ok now as a chaplain I was also recognised as their chaplain So whenever there was a need. They would call me I need to speak the chaplain I just heard word from my mom that she was dying or my dad or this or that or my son got into print problems and they call me Ok Other times I was sent to them especially with the bad news that's why when a person would come around and they would say the chaplains on the floor the cabaletta floor they would say races that somebody has got some bad news you know the Japanese come in here to deliver bad news and then oftentimes when I would because I'm more of the chaplain likes to be out there not just the bad news I want to build those relationships so when I say when I when I would come in the 1st thing that says I've got good news and they go chaplain thank God thank you. I got that misery a bit so that answers the question I was going to have a hard break so you job was used to it was that the talk to everyone when they choose to talk to you that is probably a combination I'm guessing well it at the clinic Kroft We have $900.00 at the prison we had 15. $11500.00 just just just the prisoners the inmates and then we had the staff too so no I couldn't see them all but I would hang out where most of them would be Ok now in the maximum security of your I was at this not like an open yard if I was in the open which I did serve in some of those I would go out there when they were playing football and they would see the chaplain walking around go and you know just chit chatting with everybody but in a in a close custody situation they were in a very close space is really hard to the heart so. Usually they would call me generally come to you and then I'd offer services in which they would come they could come if they were on a certain point though. An arrest Oh it was it was scary I mean very interesting and very sad. I think what the funniest thing is when they gave you your guard thing bulletproof press and military fans and it was a Bill Frist tank proved it was just another of the British and prove their case yet it wasn't long enough I said could you get outside x x l e w w Yeah. Crazy crazy ready to go to a break but you're listening to successfully you know an independent talk a lemon 100 k. F. And next and when we return we're going to continue and bring to a close our conversation with Stan and Rosa Flores Stan is a chaplain at Glenn Cross center for modern aging and working to be talking a little bit more about faith and spirituality and how it affects your health so come on back you don't want to miss this. Are you or someone you know in search of high quality senior services then don't delay contact Glencross center for modern aging today as 639399475 Glencross center for modern age you can assist you or your loved one with an If Then it were assisted living options housing as well as skilled nursing and rehab options don't wait call Glencross center for modern aging today is 639399475 or find more info online explain Croft dot com That's genealogy n.c.r. O.s.d. Dot com. When you need them your local volunteer fire department routinely answers the call whether it be a fire traffic accident or a cat stuck in a tree there is always someone there for you however because of declines in memberships and departments are becoming understaffed and struggling Here's how you can help your neighbors and your community no matter what skills you may possess you can make a difference your local volunteer fire department desperately needs your help can you direct traffic install a smoke alarm help at fundraisers in your community needs you you don't have to fight fire to be a volunteer will you make that difference will you answer the call brought to you by the National Volunteer firefighter recruitment center the program service or the volunteer firefighter Alliance for more information on how you can help and make a difference visit w w w w n d f r c dot org That's w w w I don't envy f.r.c. Dot org. Vicki how are you doing how's the knee it's coming along Dr but still some soreness Let's see you know this soon after surgery some pain is pretty normal I was hoping to get more painkillers the 1st round worked great we're being very careful with those now prescription pain killers are opioids same as heroin it's easy to start taking them not so easy to stop. Last year in America an average of 40 people died from opioid abuse every day long term addiction has become America's newest health epidemic so no pills you're doing great so let's try these stories plus your physical therapy if the soreness doesn't continue to get better give me a call for opioids The smaller the prescribe then taken the better because even a few prescription painkillers can sometimes go a long wrong way a message from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the orthopedic trauma Association visit ortho info dot org slash prescription safety last year alone there are $550.00 juveniles and over $800.00 victims of sex trafficking identified in the state of Arizona each day there are over 200 prostituted people being sold online for sex in our state there are over 300 illicit the size parlors operating as brothels in our neighborhoods each day over 10000 potential buyers shop online prostitution ads in Arizona even one is too many it's simple math if there are no buyers there be no business for the traffickers and no victims of human trafficking visit trust a.z. Dot org to get involved and see how you can help stop human trafficking in Arizona . And we are continuing our talk with Stan and Rosa Flores on the subject of faith and spirituality which and how it affects your health which is a little bit different than what we were normally a little more clinical. On our show and this is been really fascinating and I want to ask you there have been studies about how faith generates optimism and improves relationships I truly believe that even mental health but what has your experience been with Bess I mean you've been in so many different areas and well it from a personal note I mean there are times where I have a bad day I mean there's really there's not a lot of the chaplain you know. After their great walking. On water. And so with there's a lot of demands there's a lot of stresses there's a lot of this and one day I mean I'll get up and I'll just say you know I have a bomb today I am just totally down I just can't seem to shake it but then my faith I remember going outside and just saying a prayer to the Lord said father and know you're going to get me through this day and I know there's going to be a better day the Bible says His grace is sufficient and his mercies are new every day so I know that if I just keep believing keep trust and keep and then I start praising him I start looking at things to be thankful for that's what the Bible says so again that's my faith telling me don't focus on the mega things it'll pass start looking and identifying some of the positive things and then all the sudden I start to get out of this gloom and doom with this cloud and I go you know what. Things are going to be Ok because that's where faith is so i've experienced only rows you want to add to their you know I came from a very broken family and we I had been gone 27 years and came back and saw that there was a great big hole in our family and a big part of it was all the negativity over the years there was jealousy there was you know cutting people down and you know all this and so I came in 1st with that ministry of presence just being there bringing them together intentionally and then speaking about my faith and giving him positive feedback and helping them to focus on the things that were positive about our family and each other and then I would not allow the negativity you know when I was there and already lation ships grew huge I mean it's amazing what we've accomplished in that suggests by when you notice something you know that there's so much negativity but the positiveness and faith creates that positive from the effect that they they told us so we know what he guys came back you're helping the family get back to healing together and that also flows over into mental health big. A lot of things were just the horrific childhood that I had left there was 12 of us and left many of us devastating and it was my faith that help me heal from some of those childhood things and then now I try to bring that to my family and I've seen some mental health you know get better from the world that you come from in that regard how do you think about the differences perception issues between faith and the power of pause the thinking some people would say it's just positive Thank you yeah well you know I think that you did mention positive thinking here in a minute or 2 right I do believe that the aspect of Christianity is to counter blessings which is thinking positive the Apostle Paul turned around and said that which is good edifying praiseworthy let your mind dwell on these things so I think the phrase positive thinking was kind of snatched from the Christian. Thinking and the same as we can have positive thinking without God Ok let's just posit Well my positive energy Yes absolutely kind of did intimate that in the early review the thing that where he said God heals everybody you so you kind of did indicate that that was kind of a thing Miska as a bad as a bully you know that Ariel you know so I would I would say that positive thinking now you know that can only go so far but a positive faith I think of faith knowing that my life doesn't exist for myself knowing that I have a reason and a purpose to live knowing that there's a future out there even when I come to those crossroads of war I'm facing the the time of my age who are getting close to saying goodbye because my faith says hey look it isn't over and in fact that's one of the things that I share. With with so many people in it at the prison or wherever you want this life especially when they get to the certain age where they are in hospice as they are there of their face. In time and I remember sharing with like a person I would say is let me talk to you about heaven he goes with you I said any new over this life is just the beginning it's nothing compared to eternity and so we started focusing on things that he can expect when he gets over on the other scientists and that's what he said you know what is not going to be that bad yet so so because we're only looking at the here now and our faith shows us that it's not just about the here and now it's about all right you know brings me the next point of conversation the concept of prayer Ok Frere compass a lot of things a lot of different people weekend reducing Zajac. To certain extent just by verbalizing did but more I'm more comparator more concerned or interested in your your response to this conversation people believing in prayer most people do a lot of nonbelievers pray Ok to do when they're in trouble 1st it's said that in war there is no atheist in a fox already and then it's over right right so if God does take care of people who really do it through prayer in the but they're really not believers how does that work in the whole concept of the return of the religious experience of the faith experience while John prayer basically we get this that we get this word prayer and we turn around and we think that who the some kind of a supernatural spiritual let me tell you a prayer issues talk and it's just talking to God and God talking back with you so real prayer is communication with the divine with our father so when I'm talking to him I'm praying to him and there is many health benefits for people who pray whether they but whatever they believe in meditate or whatever I mean I have a list of 10 benefits of praying and this is from the. Better sense of self good for the heart improves added to increases life span games forgiveness meaning the. You can find forgiveness as you're talking and communicating with God gives us hope relieve stress there's a health issue a stronger mindset recovery is a lot faster and maintaining a positive outlook in life that's what prayer in communicating with God can benefit you and your health your mind and your soul that's the answer the next question how does a benefit health and positively it can positively and you know. When you're praying you're talking. Is the one. That one of the things that I turn around John and say to people even English. Most recently as they would say is this but I was mad at God and I took I said you know what he can hear it he can take it. And I said thank you he's a wonderful counsel and that's why you can unload and then once you get all that garbage out then somebody can start to pour back and you know that's a great way to get the nod we're down to a 2 minute break. We've been talking today with Stan Rose floors on the subject of faith and spirituality thank you both it's been great having you on the show today and I think it's important to get this information out and these concepts. Are many many more people are are struggling with so many different things just like to thank. Our producer Kay Baker and of course my cosyn. This is successful aging I'm John when Sloan independent talk 1100. If you have any questions on today's show successful aging please call us at 888-882-7784 or check us out online it successfully. Join us next week of the same time have a great week everyone. 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Department of Health and Human Services us kids and the Ad Council You're listing to independent Jocko 1100 k. S. . Cave Creek Phoenix the home of the data show. It's 12 o'clock. The high court Dhaka and guns I'm Evan Haining the Supreme Court heard arguments about docket today not to decide if the dreamer's program is legal but to rule on whether president trumps executive order rescinding the program was proper correspondent Joan Biskupic said the opinions held by a couple of judges on the left and a couple on the right were obvious but Chief Justice John Roberts did not indicate which argument he favored the chief doesn't fully show his hand and last term at the end of the census case we were all ready to say that he was siding with the trumpet ministration about the citizenship Querrey.

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