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From the studios of music my local San Diego's talk and breaking news this is a m 760 a teenage drug smuggler and 7 sixty's gallantly that's one of the stories we're following 2430th Street 3 of the right lines take a way around an accident or be sponsored by a fight a phone lines trusted by 1000000. Users who are stuck in traffic but your business is. Business I want to plan for the 12 dollars the business the expressway visited by to convert your free 30 day trial a teenager has been arrested for trying to smuggle drugs near the border using a remote controlled car Border Patrol agents found the 16 year old hiding in the brush they seized 2 duffel bags which held over $55.00 pounds of meth San Diego Development Services Department has begun accepting permit ready building plans for the construction of companion units that would be attached to existing single and multifamily properties and the development as Services Department began accepting permits recently cloudy and $58.00 at Lindbergh Field a m $760.00 talk and breaking news now it's Armstrong and Getty. Going to sing and they were going to lay out an explanation this is our theory on the whole impeachment hearing things this is the way I feel about it anyway. And we're not trying to hide anything. If there's if there's any any news to be made out of these things we're more than happy to bring it to you but oh yeah I feel like if you're the sort of person that wants this in full it's available on so many everywhere 1st of all if you carry a phone it's available on your phone but radio stations t.v. Stations you can listen to a wall and if that's what you want you know listen to us anyway so you know our theory is just well will offer you something different a little analysis and other news that's going on in the world sure will summarize what happened bring it I like but the biggest thing that has happened today is this ambassador someone who was a truck guy. And some people think this is the bombshell of the hearing so far let you be the judge. As I testified previously Mr Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Selenski. Mr Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election d.n.c. Server and Bill Reese mine Mr Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the United States and we knew these investigations were important to the president. So there you go that's never been a doubt has no it's not to me I assumed that it was going all along and either you think that was not a good idea but we're about to have an election or you think that's outrageous any must be impeached right. All right and I've got some polls on that me will hit you with those later independents have dropped 10 points on whether or not they think the president should be removed they're all hot have him removed a week ago but it's gone down time you know single poll the same polling organization same hole which polls all of them Ok There you go see that's how thorough we are on here does this move the needle I don't know as he just said as I've testified previously this is previous testimony right all this stuff is just testimony this is you know that was said weeks ago then they release the transcripts now they're saying in person it's 3 dips into the same well I realize I'm literally the only person in America making this case that they shouldn't be called impeachment hearings there are Ukraine phone call hearings there Ukraine policy hearings and it would be like every time a cop says to you or were you Thursday night that would be a prosecution question. Getting way ahead of itself other girls and it's called a lot of this the world's longest h.r. Meeting that stuff from Friday with the Master who is mad about how she was fired her boss said bad things about her that's actually pretty funny. But anyway what the networks be airing this if the Democrats hadn't convinced everybody to call them impeachment inquiry hearings I don't know because that's just it's good branding sure but that's all it is good politics yeah yeah but you know I'm calling him out on. I'm one man one brave man a little man I want to get to a disengaging from China in the next segment completely economically we are financing the worst evil doers Well we've been financing the worst evil doers in the modern scene for a long time obviously there are warlords in Africa who do things that are loath some but if you can't see a little evil times impact yeah scale that's how you come up with the worst we are financing the worst evil the doors on earth and they are doing incredibly loads some things and they're fun distinguish is to do with them on a much larger scale we are financing the existence and growth of unspeakable evil How does that feel America one of the world's biggest mistakes. Financing China for decades thinking if we pull them into the free market world bill will become nice people right and the world is wrong and may pay a price for that for centuries to come the world is gonna lower your ideals of freedom if you want to suck on the warm teat of China there you go Well said well so I think that was Gordon somnolent there wasn't. So we got this note about we talked about this yesterday Mayor Pete making a conciliatory speech about the Tea Party activists and how they have legitimate concerns and he heard them and Bob and of course the lefty you know cohort of the Democratic Party went crazy because they considered the Tea Party movement akin to a Klan meeting which is utterly fictional incredibly insulting and just completely unfair will he have to make that point tonight on the debate stage that this note from Frank guys mayor peach should use the debate to create his own sister soldier moment to take over the moderate wing of the Democratic Party now that's a slightly obscure reference unless you're really into politics but. There was a rapper when Bill Clinton was running for his 1st term or 2nd term 1st term and she was saying some really actionable nasty things in her wraps and he said that's no good we can't have that and a lot of people got mad at him for it but moderate America said Ok so he's reasonable. And I think Pete does have that opportunity. Can you get the nomination like that now though because there are a lot of Tea Party folks and this was another bit of the fiction that's a good question here are you with fully on taking on that that war in Sanders wing like a battle I think he should I think there be a great idea but anyway I think the only way to get the nomination the other lie that soft said about the Tea Party in fact you quoted it the other day I can't remember who said that is that you know the Tea Party movement was all the owned subsidiary of the Republican Party there were branches of it that became known name names if you want but it was staunched. Not loyalist Republicans millions and millions of people who said the Republican Party has lost its principles and we're going to kick him in the ass still a find of again remember Rush Limbaugh's theory that John McCain was behind the i.r.s. Investigations of Tea Party that's no longer in dispute I think that's pretty widely recognized right so you can't say it's a holy senator of the Republican Party when the Republican party was breaking constitutional norms to investigate them and squash them right so my ultimate point being if peak were to come out and say I for instance I've met with Tea Party groups I get their concerns about federal spending I get they were concerned that their government was going to take over a 6th of the economy and health care even if I disagreed with them they're good people working hard who want to make sure their government was working for them and of course I'll talk to them of course I'll respect them as fellow I ought to write this for Pete Not that I want to get elected but if he comes out with a moment like that all those pissed off disaffected Tea Party you've barely Republicans might think. That's interesting we'll see if he goes that I wonder if it's inevitable that somebody has to do that that this has to turn into a I'm somebody is going to say no that side over there the Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders side they're wrong right they're wrong about all this stuff it's an electable it's unconstitutional it's undoable and you're going to lose 48 states right I just say that right on this case lately split the the crowd yes depending on the crowd or the crowd usually the Elizabeth Warren type crowd see get booed off the stage yeah that's why they should never have live audiences for these things it's so stupid it's just you know it is the laugh track. The indefensible left traction. In terms of track critic as you should be but it's as bad as the laugh track but it matters so so these 300 people in the audience happen to be hard core fans or or super lefties or activists or whatever they're going to materially materially mislead the American people they ought to limit the audience but the networks like them for the same reason I got a damn laugh track for y'all and not y'all But yeah other ya'll her so stupid you can't tell when a good point been made unless a bunch of yahoos clap. Your strawman you're getting far too astute for that sort of crap so fellow by the name of Roger Robinson who's a think tank or now and a writer he's a business guy he was on President Reagan's national security council. And he's making the case hard that we need to significantly disengage with China economically I guarantee you find this interesting it's got a bit of history to it and it's got some facts about what the direct correlation between American dollars and Chinese oppression let's going on right now and I got more of that list from the most unhealthy stuff in the fast food drive through is out there trying to save you during this holiday season we're going to run around so shovel that sweet and sour pork down your throat right now because in about 5 minutes you're not going to want to anymore Stay with us. Are. There direct on the 94 west at 30 s. St can't is over to the right shoulder but boy it is just jammed in salad from 125 c. 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Text fast 231004 your free tax link it now individual results may vary help make the holidays happy for orange or military men and women the 2019 Warrior Foundation radiophone Friday December 6th an opportunity for Sandy against to give back in honor of those who bravely sacrificed themselves to protect our freedoms our families our nation your cash donation will help to send our heroes home for the holidays the Warrior Foundation radiophone sponsored by Walter Anderson her saree more info at 760 k. F.m.b. Dot com. Be Armstrong in getting fat. South Korea doing some sort of deal with China. In that direction in the orbit's we can talk about that angle of stuff to us we get the impeachment inquiry hearing Fanny's going on right now in the headlines Marshall lab in just a few minutes and a debate tonight so stay tuned for all and yet another person just trying to enjoy their town attacked by a vicious dog from a bomb in junk Oh my god woman terribly injured just trying to use her town's amenities one of the that's one angle I don't get lolling the indigent to have dogs what ideology blinds logic all the time more on that to come. Mentioned a moment ago Roger Robinson he's a think tank guy with the Prague Security Studies Institute he. Business guy economic guy he was the senior director of international economic defenders on President Reagan's national security council where he was the principal architect of the secret economic and financial strategy that proved decisive to defeat the Soviet Union we did not bring down the Soviet Union by force of arms we brought it down economically and he mentions that in 1902 the Soviets had an empire stretching from Havana to annoy but their hard currency revenue totaled only about a 3rd of what General Motors made at the time so they were on rocky ground and they were spending more than they were making and President Reagan and his people realized they were incredibly financially vulnerable and so they wanted to squeeze the evil doers of the Soviet Union economically and to slow and ultimately terminate the flow of cash from the West because it was the U.S.'s ours life support now we're working toward disengaging ourselves from China in this discussion but the Europeans at the time had a belief in most politic as the Germans called it looking east if we build commercial bridges it will lead to geo political cooperation and the Soviet Union will turn into nice people which is precisely the same bet that Nixon and and Kissinger made with China back in the early seventies Well it didn't work with the Soviets and it was never going to work and so Reagan said no we're going to stop that and drew the line on a pipeline project dried up the Soviets money they're spending themselves to death in Afghanistan the rest of it in the Soviet Union fell not long after the pipeline thing got caught it cut off I'd like to give you more of the history because I find a really interesting but let's move on to China so this gent name keeps slipping. And Robinson. Says the story with China today is certain similarities but with one big difference the u.s. Has been playing the role of the naive Europeans. Since the 1970 s. The Kissinger policy of engaging with China our government is operating on the assumption that economic and financial ations with China would lead to Beijing liberalizing politically and then in a one way back China's entry into the World Trade Organization the pain the pace at which we have given China access to our best technology and capital and trade markets has accelerated in this still accelerating by the way it China's shown no signs of embracing individual freedoms or even the rule of law or even the w t o rules that they agreed to if anything they're on the other way right they if they sure are in last several years instead with our support the Chinese have launched a massive campaign to become the world's leading superpower we know about the Belton road initiative a strategic undertaking to place huge segments of the world under China's influence or outright control long and short of that is they build a bunch infrastructure roads highways bridges ports whatever in 3rd world countries and the 3rd world countries and up owing China their Heiney And so China controls our politics from then on. Anyway. We know about the Made in China 20 Try 2025 strategy to dominate key technology sectors China's trying to do that we know about China's practice of forced technology transfers share trade secrets in r. And d. We know about China's predatory trade practices we know many of these things only because President Trump has brought them to the forefront of our national attention for which he deserves credit and the ongoing tariff war is a good thing in the sense that we've finally begun to take a stand but then he gets into the issue I have never really thought about that he says is even more important and that's that China has over 700 companies in our stock and bond markets and our capital markets it lists the various exchanges they're on and some of these companies are on the u.s. Commerce Department entity list known as the blacklist but all of our investment funds are pumping money into these evil Chinese companies that are producing the facial recognition stuff suppressing the waiters surveillance cameras placed on top of Chinese concentration camp walls and then he gets into how our retirement funds including some government federal government retirement funds are literally pouring trillions of dollars into supporting the Chinese companies that are doing the bad stuff and the Chinese Liberation Army the People's Liberation Army weapons system we're financing and he said it's growing at such a frightening rate and this is his main point there's going to come a time very very quickly where your 401 k. Could drop by 30 per cent if we have to go hard at China who that hurts they will have us by the balls forgive me. Our people's financial security will be so threatened by any Chinese cut off we won't dare defy them that would be horrifying in this case this is a serious man with a serious understanding of global finance. And c. Is known for his final point I hear we go here's the way he says it a little more eloquently than I did doesn't use the b. Word what if the scores of millions of Americans wake up one morning discover that 151822 percent of their retirement accounts are in Chinese securities that's not far fetched indeed it's almost certain happening happen if nothing else is done and if that happens those scores of millions of Americans will have a vested financial interest in opposing any future sanctions or other penalties against China irrespective of the severity of China's offenses or the overall threat it poses to America's national security that's what China is knowingly working towards and that's called checkmate. In gauge China's I'm sorry Congress has not had a single hearing on this question he points out we're busy with a bunch of stupid stuff. I'm sure we talk more about that in the future what's coming up your news Marshall Well pretty quick pro quo in Rudy Giuliani front and center at the impeachment in Iraq we're on to bribery quid pro quos dead nobody likes Latin so except for or of us Tenia loop I'm holding a wealth by the heirs Ok so I figure like a Black Friday shoppers alert just for you coming no he had a will by 2 years. To tell the truth. So Wolf say to him. Moments. Why do you. Owe him 760 k. F m b m Roger Hedgecock with the Roger report there is work there again between Iran's terrorist front people in Gaza Strip the Hamas and Israel rockets exchanged both ways and again in Europe in the United States we hear incessant cries against Israel and on behalf of the quote Palestinian people well let's look at this age old conflict with some fresh eyes how many Jews serve in the government of the Arab nations surrounding Israel none how many Arabs Muslims serve in the parliament of Israel dozens how many citizens of Arab countries surrounding Israel get to vote for their leaders not many and when they do it's pretty rigged in Israel by contrast a nation of 6 and a half 1000000 people has 29 political parties and a pretty active parliamentary system of democracy and finally how many Jewish temples are in the Arab nations surrounding Israel 0 By contrast there are over 400 mosques in Israel 73 of them in Jerusalem as Roger reports now this war if you want your home sold guaranteed then it's time to call Danby you're in the beer home team and expe realty the preferred agent of Armstrong again what we love about Dan and his team is they truly believe the seller deserves. 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C b s News Special Report damning testimony from a un Bassett or Gordon sound and at today's impeachment hearing sister Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Selenski son. Unclaimed everyone was in the loop including President Trump and Secretary of State Pompei al of the president's personal attorney someone says we did not want to involve Mr Giuliani I believed then as I do now that the men and women of the State Department not the president's personal lawyer should take responsibility for Ukraine matters the Embassador also maintains he was against withholding money from Ukraine I was adamantly opposed to any suspension of aid as the Ukrainians needed those funds to fight against Russian aggression Republican Congressman Devin Nunez and he just subpoena Hunter Biden and the whistleblower for closed door depositions c.b.s. News Special Report I'm Deborah Rodriguez yell from the studios of. San Diego's talk Breaking News this is a m 764 bombers on the loose I'm 760 gallantly that's one of the stories we're following. Going to crash on the north 15 at Mira Mesa Boulevard were sponsored by and dot com Are you hiring with indeed you can post a job in minutes set up screener questions then 0 in on qualified candidates in an online dashboard get started at Indeed dot com slash ire police and National City are looking for 4 bandits who robbed a jewelry store last night the robbery happened at the Westfield Plaza but need to Jerad store just before this store closed at 8 pm the 4 suspects one of which was armed with a gun all wore masks and smash display cases making up with an unknown amount of jewelry nobody was injured in the highest California will not be buying cars from General Motors Chrysler Toyota or Nissan any time soon the 4 auto makers and others have sided with the Trump administration in its battle over admission rules here's Bill Holland with the market update stocks open later then recover some and go on hold to clients tell you that it is by 4 to 3 another character from that excuse for profit taking a direct. Levels target up 12 percent to an all time record high on a blowout quarter very positive guidance low is up 6 percent also beats positive tides Boeing kitchen order for 3787 Dreamliner with 8800000000 from the Emirates Moody's says an action is AAA credit rating is in jeopardy Paul and I am 760 we currently have cloudy skies it's 59 degrees at Lindbergh Field new sponsored by valley view Casino and Hotel now join the players club at the all new Valley View Casino and Hotel to receive $200.00 in free offers no strings attached visit value casino dot com today Valley View casino dot com am 760 talking breaking news more Armstrong and getting next Mark Larsen here coming up we have you on the weather the traffic we have you covered on all fronts Stormwatch team on it and impeachment craziness We'll get to all that coming up after 10 now back to. This 10 e.o. Loop bomb Jack holding a won't by the years in Latin. I'm not even a Latino but I know the tongue that comes from a play. So it's like I'm in a tiger by the tail of the horns there's already an argument on line whether having a wolf by the ears is worse than having a tiger by the tail as I stated let me point this out to you you've got a tiger by the tail Granted it's a 600 pound cat. But there's a chance it will just run away Ok you're behind it it's and this is a crazy person right he got a well played the years man you're staring at right now face if you let go of those ears it's going to eat your head there's just no doubt you know dog behavior it's common. And we're talking Latin because quid pro quo is the Latin phrase of the day and yes the impeachment hearings I'll tell you this having just watched some impeachment hearings Bester someone testifying going going to be. Nobody denying that there is a quid pro quo anymore he just said oh yeah it's my understanding that they had to do this in order to get that I mean so that defense was never very good and that attack was never very good because foreign policy is full of quid pro quos it's just a question of whether it was a proper one I'll be interested to watch when Jim Jordan gets his shot what angle he's going to take by the way Fox is getting huge ratings out of this they have the highest ratings they've had in years wow Hannity and Tucker Carlson both drew over 4000000 people with their shows last week that's and that's huge in the world of cable news I mean that's unheard of how much you're Rachel Maddow Do you have any numbers on. He was in 3rd place among the cable news. Channels a looking at that news now Marshall a Bally impeachment inquiry hearings cooking up of the testimony from USA you embassador Gordon son Len who claimed as far as the truck bed ministration dealing with Ukraine was there a quid pro quo as I testified previously with regard to the requested White House Call and the White House meeting the answer is yes now appearing in a house impeachment hearing sound and continuing Mr Giuliani conveyed to Secretary Perry ambassador Volcker and others that President Trump wanted a public statement from President Selenski committing to investigations of the research and the 2016 election Mr Giuliani expressed those requests directly to the Ukrainians and Mr Giuliani also expressed those requests directly to us we all understood that these prerequisites for the White House Call and the right White House meeting reflected President Trump's desires and requirements. Went on to say that he and his colleagues did not want to have any that's the phrase they used on our wedding night with Judy I said I have a number of desires and requirements. I had an attorney along at her sign the uniform things are going to. The flip side Lynn says that he and his colleagues did not want to involve the president's personal attorney and diplomacy efforts with Ukraine but they were told to by the president so this is pretty interesting. So what's the defense going to be either from the congresspeople in the room or from the White House as Joe said it seems odd that you'd be making any argument that there was no quid pro quo with this point clearly there was and I've I've thought since the beginning you tried to hold him up for something now whether or not you think that's an impeachable offense that's a completely different question but. The new angle that everybody knew Pompei own knew a number of secretaries knew in the administration it was just everybody in the White House knew so does that make it worse or better probably depends on which show side you're on yeah it was everybody knew and nobody was complaining about intervening things how big how big a crime could it be or you say this is how corrupt the White House is you know speaking of Rachel Maddow she will be making the point that it's a massive conspiracy I think and we've gotten this directly and indirectly from various folks who've worked in the administration Trump is Trompe and when he is trumpy you find out you figure out a way to deal with him sometimes you talk him down because he's an impulsive guy he makes statements without carefully vetting them this part of the reason people love him and sometimes he says stuff the foreign leaders on the phone that you think oh boy how do we are not this one and and there's a chunk of America that thinks well no harm really came of it and we're fine Ukraine's fine their relationship seems fine they got the aid eventually yeah after a little after the whistleblower came out or certain part of America thinks no way he was just trying to damage Joe Biden because he knew Biden was a leading candidate and is just so you know just as I the beholder speaking to Rachel Maddow glad you brought it up because the Forbes article I read was unfair and that they just touted Fox So Fox did have their highest ratings they've had last week. This week for whatever reason Rachel Maddow on Monday night she had the biggest rating she had and she had the biggest audience in all of cable news with 3400000 viewers which is enormous for Amazon b.c. Right. Because they they split some of their viewership with other channel right where Fox affiliate Fox has got that whole crowd so she's doing really well this week I don't know if the fox crowd that adds nothing and moved on I don't know I have no idea part of my friends I do have a Black Friday shopping day warning got to be where a Black Friday repeat of black people only get one Friday in your world just sayin I ignore Black Friday every year you're a Marshall but go ahead now a lot of other people don't you know that just because a store is advertising a Black Friday deal doesn't make it a great deal in fact it already the 1st time I've ever heard as women at notes warning to the new Wallet Hub study of this year's Black Friday ads there are a lot of reruns from the last year so you tell me it's the same sale that they but they usually have in that they'll have closer to Christmas and yeah this is really interesting how can I claim to be the king of Black Friday if somebody is beating me up it was a little more than a Labor Day sale dress holiday finery you are letting. The wallet of study found that 80 percent of the deals the chains are advertising this year same products they had last year and many of them are back at higher prices than some of our What's Next taco Tuesdays on Wednesday. That would last no Grammy nominations just announcing a rapper coring a whopping 8 Grammy nomination Oh I love less so this is the 1st time I've ever heard listener who's going to lose it was on s n l a while back I think we use about her use it every now and then after her music for pop music ever No Ok You know my son's in super. Get back to the n r n n r Is that what it is and so far it's 2 letters and her name is Kid is because what he never intended or Oh no no no no he's a rapper he's a Christian rapper though well and also there's no bad words which might be one of the reasons that my 9 year old and his friends enjoy the rap because it sounds it sounds like you're listening to Eminem except there's no bad word oh and f. And f. There you go you have the wrong letter Yeah that's better anyway along with that Billie Eilish and Lil Naz ex earned 6 nominations each so one hit wonder this is a little known as x. Is a no talent. Lightning in a bottle cool song we listen to him I want to see you know happy the rest of his day but I don't need him for that and he never does the song live right ever heard rarely he's done it rarely has other songs that he's put out sense than have yet through yes that's the same sort of moment you want but I'm not one of these head to heads going for him or for you said young man typical one hit wonder which is the thing in music that your dues are Marshall Phillips the armed struggle getting to show the conscience of the nation and we have to have an in-house meeting what about's Walky Yeah we're going to muzzle squawking freedom tenders That's my vote and we were not going to fall to go Sean and we have placed a temporary restraining order on Squawk as we had a you know nigger and hanging is they had a combat veteran Marine suggested that his screech is really really rattling for folks with p.t.s.d. And I get that it's a horrible sound so I got to tell you what about the Liberty Bell what I want to happen to that what about it. Sounds like that's not what I'm going to. Tell you I'm. I'm a little concerned about our coverage of the impeachment hearings looking at these cable news ratings 4000000 people watching Hannity and Tucker and almost that many people watching Rachel Maddow let's say numbers for cable news so why are you concerned you think we're not doing it enough or yeah you know. Almost because I'm not that interested but that's because here as for Trump I just feel like I know everything already a know it all know this now I know there's a there is an enormous amount of repetition going on. Now I think I think we're fine and he will certainly take your input via text line 4 and 5 to 95 k.f.t. Say it's 415295 k. If he say for you prefer the e-mail mailbag Armstrong you get a dot com Oh hit you with the latest polls next it won't take very long there's one interesting note in how independents have lost interest maybe some of this information this week's new people I don't know are there are there is there a chunk of people out there that didn't believe Trump was doing this and now we'll believe it yeah probably but not significant. This someone might actually move the needle a little bit if I were a betting man wait a minute I am I would I would bet yeah this testimony will get some people's attention but it won't get near the overwhelming impeachment is a serious thing maybe maybe it should happen more often I don't know but it hasn't and it probably won't it's an incredibly serious thing you need an overwhelming belief among the American people that this person must be put out of office no now and never allowed to hold office again an overwhelming number you do have no where near you have an overwhelming belief among 45 percent that are confident all right but if it's right but it's about the numbers anyway I got a little on the polls and then we'll move on I promised so just for the record I can't hear that polls what polls exchange too much it would be of which polls all of them Ok. And if you want to do the long version that would be fine too that was Cohen Trump's guy being questioned on the c.n.n. That's right with Trump's behind in all the polls this was in the general election to Hilary your final point you're losing ground what polls holds all of them some of them all of them Ok Ok. Ok where is Cohen now in prison oh sorry so sorry Ok. 75 of the 163 that's the crash that takes away just 3 left lanes Let's thank you drive is pretty much a struggle at Washington stream cipher with its 30th cleared and earlier crash 94 west in September from about Bancroft sponsored by Hotel Del for not experience the holiday magic hotel Delk or not beachfront winter wonderland whisking by the sea tested piece. By last. Night's princess's ticket hotel down dot com Omar Larsen today at 10 and 760 it's time for today's edition of The Best Is Yet To. 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Begin to bring me some loser if she's leading the nominations for the Grammys I don't know Liz I'm going to get this Gaga job so later we'll play some live we may have had a key moment in the testimony today there is 9 hours of testimony yesterday I got some whole tape within just a 2nd her show it's not going to talk about impeachment we should talk about impeachment a lot. Of bringing it up for all the time and Hansen had me listen to this clip and I think this is significant it's going to be significant for the other side so this ambassador song is already said today several times when he's a goofy acting guy makes weird facial expressions and he's lighthearted he laughs he smiles he's a hotelier Oh gosh you know he seems group carious says this uncle that would pull a coin from your ear away after your the age of proper which is not a great saying I'm not wrong with that right. Oh so he's already said today yes there was a quid pro quo Rudy Giuliani told me to do it it was contingent upon the investigations to get a meeting cetera et cetera everybody knew it and it sounds pretty damaging to the president that stuff right vend this though so this will be the other side of it today here you go I find. Really called the president I believe it was on the 9th of September I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me but I believe I just asked him an open ended question Mr Chairman what do you want from Ukraine I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that what do you want and it was a very short abrupt conversation he was not in a good mood and he just said I want nothing I want nothing I want no quid pro quo Televisa Lenski to do the right thing something to that effect. So. It sounds to me like at some point Trump Bieber realized he went too far or realized he said something that people took too far or his advisors might have said on this doesn't look good or the jig was up whatever a wise Ne Ne Ne's or not to tell him to do the right thing and it's just a bad no quid pro quo so I think that will be used as ammunition on the other side the rest of the day today so ultimately though they didn't do it well and I go back to the whole Trump is impulsive thing everybody knows it and sometimes he says things that are never backed up again now this one went forward obviously for a little while with the sunlight and God knows what Rudy's been up to but at some point the president said Never mind it's not that big a deal and we all went on with our lives. Do you want to impeach the guy and remove him from office immediately and never have him hold office again 41 percent of Americans say yes 43 percent say no or whatever the new poll numbers are I get the latest poll right here the polls all of them and everybody's minds can change so that's the important thing to remember is when you are younger the last poll I saw was 81 percent of Americans said their minds were made up which is pretty amazing yeah but from the political morning Konsole poll which had a slight uptick among support for the president to 48 but it still was below their removal people at 50 so they got to $4850.00 Ok 50 is removeable removal but where did the uptick come from or how did it switch at all Republicans and Democrats more or less stayed the same the change was in independents 47 percent of independents oppose the Imp impeachment inquiry compared to 57 I'm sorry 37 a week ago so there was a 10 point shift among independents 10 points in one week in the same pool. That's a pretty wild swing. My skeptical bone is a humm. Really sure what caused the 10 point swing unless you watched it in thought this isn't just as exciting of a. I'm going to phrase the same thought a little differently and less for the umpteenth time you've been dragged into today is the beginning of the end of the trumpet ministration on c.n.n. Or as n.b.c. Or n.b.c. Or a.b.c. Or c.b.s. And you watch some of it you listen to it. Well me 3 times shame on me I suppose that could explain a 10 point swing so for the debate tonight yes there's a debate tonight do you know there have been 4 teen hours of Democratic debate so far this will be ours $15.16 the cvs. Good Lord why would you need. 14 hours level 0 now is just the warm up we're getting serious now. Anyway are they are they going to talk impeachment tonight I heard some strategist saying you'd be best not to so I don't know I would think you got to ask a question to Bernie and Liz at least how do you feel about being off the campaign trail all the month of January. For the Senate hearing Yeah that would be a good question and I'd be curious to hear the answer Berger who's got the debate tonight I don't know I think it's c.n.n. . And somebody check he's mayor Pete's got the. Headlight on him the spotlight on him as he has got a 10 point lead in Iowa and yesterday's poll that came out of New Hampshire also a 10 point lead I said You're kidding me you know he's got a 10 point lead in the 2 1st states that regularly in modern history have made or break but the mayor of South Bend Indiana the election the go ahead the 4th biggest city in Indiana it's not what you think is 17th most populous state but it's not even the biggest town in Indiana and there were a total of $10000.00 votes cast in his election. And he got like 5800 of them or something like that if you went to Indianapolis as Mayor Pete they say What do you know right here you go back to South Bend. I don't appreciate that sort of city slicker talk out of it but I mean they're not just Indiana where you go oh I got to get to the Berkeley professor and his statement about rural people and how stupid they are. And I said b.c. Has the debate. Good guess there Michael but you know don't listen to me why would you guess it mislead our listening audience but it does want to love it audience how dare you it doesn't make a fly and blank what difference does it make you know anyway do you have the need to answer questions with I have an answer do you have that do you think my son has that and I just think it's interesting I've been trying to break my son of this habit answering whether you have an answer and yeah answers are wrong so why did you why did why did you tell me that might you have an answer to that question do you know I don't want to you watch c.n.n. Tonight and see if they have it so you clearly have it and I'm trying to tell my son that just saying I don't know is perfectly fine you know the phrase to that leaps to mind is Barb a tennis sappy N.T.'s which is Latin for wise as far as his beard. Or in other words he might look intelligent but he's actually far from a you does not actually have but what does that mean wise as far as his beard he appeared does not make a philosopher did people think that at one point sure since he was not going over there he's got a beard never thing well Ok. It's got like a long white beard he looks old and wise and at the time it's like somebody walks in the professor garb got the tortoise shell frames got the patches on the elbows the rest of it human they are oh that's a learned man then turns out he's a jackass that's what the Latin phrase means jack. Took a lot of explaining to him didn't find. Any. I can't I got I got so many of these and of the I'm so amused by them the Latin phrases Yeah I still like the wolf by the years best ipso facto my mom in high school learned that I knew that he wanted her. Here's a reminder when you need to know. You know you say you have 768 if can be said Diego. Is c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting I'm Steve k. Finicky impeachment with this is telling Congress about the pressure the Trump administration put on Ukraine to investigate the Biden swer live in Washington with c.b.s. The Steve Dorsey Stevie you embassador Gordon Sandlin has inspired President Trump his top aides including Secretary of State Mike and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani he told the House Intelligence Committee he followed the president's orders he worked with Giuliani who pressed Ukraine to investigate the president's opponents in exchange for an Oval Office meeting for the country's president and ultimately u.s. Military aide was there a quid pro quo as I testified previously with regard to the requested White House Call and the White House meeting the answer is Yes SAGAL And says Pompei o. And many others were all aware of Giuliani's efforts someone also says the State Department has blocked him from accessing his own records related to Ukraine Steve and tweets before today's testimony President Trump attacked Well House hearings political correspondent and O'Keefe is in Atlanta today were 10 of the Democratic presidential candidates are getting set to debate teacher it's not expected to be a big factor because the candidates running to replace the president don't often talk about it and that's partly because neither do the voters who go to campaign events in a.z. Ask questions about the issues health care the economy climate change civil rights foreign policy the former Democratic mayor of Baltimore Catherine Pugh has been charged in the 11 count indictment u.s. Attorney Robert hers says it revolves around kids book she wrote The indictment alleges that from November 2011 until March 29th teen miscue conspired with Jerry Brown. To defraud purchasers of healthy holly books in order to enrich themselves promote miscues political career and fund her campaign for mayor big day in the music world Grammy nominations are out today. Has the most nominations with 8 they include record album Song Of The Year and Best New Artist and 17 year old Billie Eilish is the youngest to score nominations in the top 4 categories. Of 6 and. Beyond say an Ariana Grande day are also in the mix it was. Michelle Obama is nominated for spoken word album The words are handed out January 26th on c.b.s. . C.b.s. News. Wall Street right now the Dow is down the 70 points Nasdaq going in the other direction so up about 5 points this is c.b.s. News. The biggest names in politics face the questions you want answered as commander in chief what do you think America's role in the world should be Face the Nation Sundays on c.b.s. 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