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C.b.s. a Dot com The San Diego City Council is pledging to build more than a 1000 housing units for the city's homeless population by January 2021 the resolution was approved Tuesday on 9 to 0 vote it's cloudy and 62 degrees now at Lindbergh Field I am 760 k. F.m.p. Talk and breaking news. It's one of the i Radio very much and I regularly talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're a lawyer or you're just starting your day. There says world i Radio all across America 86690 right I mean I'm very McNamara thanks so much for being here this morning. The story came out the other day and we haven't had a chance we should happen while we were on vacation so yeah. But the man who verbal The accosted on 911 widow. At a demonstration on October 13th has been fired from his job confirmed self in handsome and ink via social media over the weekend the anti police protester in the viral video identified as a former Davis a data specialist at self and hands and ink that is an organization according to I did some research here and. Is as self and has been Inc is an organization that helps youth reach their potential Ok but real life all right. He. Steve Wilson told the widow that the n.y.p.d. Are a bunch of sodomized. F.-Word. Saddam izing immigrants with their bellies sticks. And said her husband should. F. Ing rot in the grave Wow. Cell phone has been publicly reacted to the news of their employees actions on Saturday condemning Wilson announcing his firing Steve Wilson is no longer an employee of Sci his behavior does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations we have for our employees the company said in a tweet note to the n.f.l. . And the the kneelers you do not have free speech rights free speech rights have nothing to do with you in the relationship with your company right as we said all along with the n.f.l. From those that still today say their free speech rights are being violated you have no free speech rights at work and if your free speech rights and what you publicly proclaim that is picked up by the media are not the values of your company and how your company wishes for you to act and communicate with others. You have no free speech rights their free speech is about and we have to continue and again we understand how we used to get angry when we used to have to keep explaining the 1st Amendment and free speech but then we realized the majority of Americans can tell you the freedoms of the 1st Amendment we are no longer angry or frustrated we're no longer frustrated yet we're still angry are we. If not this segment we will be next I mean. I know that it's the 1st Amendment is not about protecting people from punishment by the n.f.l. Or any given employer. It's the federal government punishing you for your it's your sandwich it's the government punishing you and that is what it protects you from right it's not an either or it's a government either restricting you or punishing you don't think about the relationship that you have with individual rights right or the relationship you may have with your company right for instance the government cannot put you in jail for using the wrong pronoun yeah right that will be tested someday it will be that will be it will be you know it's being tested right now in Fort Hood a guy has filed a suit against the state for these the license plate scanners because they scan their their their roadside they scan these license plates and they can stand you know they're automatic scanners so his contention is that they can essentially develop a pattern of where you go the government by using this technology can track your behavior of where your vehicle by where your vehicle goes all the time they can store that up to 3 years and so he's filed a suit that would be interesting to see because that's a little bit like the cell tower case and I wonder if that I suspect this case will get to us Go to us at some point and and I would say that it is unlike because there have been. People that object to the fact that when you have a toll tag and then in essence the you know the they do these are sure all government organizations that may share or their information would be available to law enforcement or law enforcement can follow you wherever you go. So they they can they can track a pattern but a warrant is needed for that but the difference is. That is the fact that you have proactively. Said I'm going to you don't have to get a toll today right here on now he's the tolls now you know you don't you don't have to use a toll road or the told tags now even if you didn't use a toll tags that would pick up your license plate and send you a letter so they could still you know track you but you don't use a you can use an alternate route but in some cases in some cases right. But you it be interesting to see how the Supreme Court looks at that and just says you know and it may be look you're on a public road anybody can scan you well because you ask yourself a match and you had an officer or a group of officers writing down license plate numbers. You know if they could if it was humanly possible for them to write down license plate numbers. And sit on the corner all day and do that. Or just sit in a vehicle you know and do that I mean they actually have some of the departments are getting these these scanners and they're in their squad cars or will be soon so that it helps them identify that that those license plates. Sooner but if you're talking about being able to set up in a stationary situation where municipalities or authorities in you know in a given governing entity can monitor you and that's what they're doing I mean if you think about that so all that data is stored right it goes directly into a database and your you can you can from that create programs that will extract you can type the number was this was this license plate seen here on this date or in this date range right. That becomes a little bit different and is it like the whole n.s.a. Thing where the government is just storing data on cell phones you're your metadata on cell phones and people say well they're not listening to calls so it's not invasive but they can track behavior you know knowing what types of calls you made they can from that determine what your behavior was to a to a great extent. This is interesting because it's tracking the vehicle but which in turn tracks the vehicles owner or at least pairs it down to a household and then again you can determine the behavior there so. It'll be a niche interesting case because I think it's going to go all the way to Scotus Well you know I I I realize in my life I cannot live a life of crime because number one I have you know I've got the whole what it location stuff and in my vehicle and all that which again the authorities don't look at but if they wanted to they could get a warrant look at it. Then I realized that when I take my bike rides or hikes you know I have the app that you know that after you're done you can see exactly where you've gone well that's stored somewhere that the police could also use and they get a warrant for that and I've realized my almost my entire life and I haven't told tag . So I have a I have a toll tag. Trying to think what else is already placed the know because everywhere I go even if I go shopping they've got cameras they've got cameras are monitoring maids and you and I and many people now have cameras it's very common to have cameras in your home oh you know think about just get walking down the street going for a walk every day oh yeah there's there's there's cameras in the home and then what is my job everybody can monitor every word I say on my job they can monitor me or I guess I'm talking into this microphone Well I have 0 privacy now much of that is proactive in that we engage in that yeah you know we do that voluntarily you could I'm sure the hearing in the hearings or the back and forth in the debate on this whole thing with the license plate scanners in Florida on this case will be Ok but you also that's kind of a voluntary you know process you can choose to not be in a vehicle you know you could take public transit. Depending I guess on the availability of that well if that were directly or using a bicycle or walking or whatever and I guess you would start of this particular point any police officer if you're in front of them for any reason can run your license. Yeah they don't Right right but they could run your license and make a judgment on you right at that point just based on the information that they have that you have unpaid parking tickets and the question becoming is you know you've got a warrant out yeah you know what that and what the what the complaint is is that because this is where it gets interesting is that you're developing a pattern it would be like the police following you as opposed to a police officer just by happenstance and stance you know while Ron patrol right you know you know pulling that up now an officer can also follow you I mean if they if they suspect something now they're not going to follow you for days and store all that information for 3 years outside of an investigation but they legally could they would not need to write warrants for most of you know for just following you in a vehicle so I guess what is the difference between that and DUI road blocks where they stop everybody who goes through we have the if if their claim is if their argument is by the way folks we're just having a discussion here. I realize we're on the radio right right and I realize oh we're on the radio here but well I think it's an interesting That is just based on right technology in the world technology because you know you got a DUI right now some states like Texas in Oregon as far as I know I don't know about Oregon anymore but when I was there no roadblocks are allowed they find it unconstitutional by the state constitution right so we don't have roadblocks You're would have so you can have more rights in a particular state you just can't have fewer rights some of them but across the country. Are Fine so with the with the same. Premise behind. That. Could they would that I'm assuming somebody would try to use that that look worse scanning every body it's not that we're picking out one individual we're scanning everybody if we well not one individual by race or one individual by you know I think the difference comes with with the data center and its story you don't know what it could be used for beyond any given day or moment right so in the moment of a DUI roadblock or like when they set up. We call them speed traps are apologies to officers but that's what they call them speed traps from the radar gun although as I say they call them that to look at your car yeah yeah right you know the whole you know what I rescind that apology I don't apologize that I you know I hit my brakes you know I hit my brakes but that but you know when they so when they do that it's kind of the same thing right it's just at random they're going to be in a particular spot whoever passes that spot is going to be subject to that action or level of enforcement by that particular enforcement agency Well now what's different is you're getting you're taking this data and the what what that database now becomes right if it were just scanning and let's say they kept it for 48 hours 72 hours 30 days. But didn't keep it for 3 years because 3 years would be a pattern you know I mean 30 days could be questionable I mean you could have the same argument but if but the DUI data isn't necessarily stored on any given I mean the road stop right isn't necessarily stored on any given individual I mean unless there is a pattern of behavior just by happenstance but but because of a person engages in certain and we all do we all have our certain areas that we go to we shop at the same store we go to the same places maybe you know whatever it is you know nightclub movie theater whatever it might be for entertainment our job and everything else all of that becomes something different when you could say Ok here's what that person engages in or where he visits or she visits it doesn't necessarily prove anything but it backs other circumstantial evidence. Or supports other hard evidence well in the case and then the question is you know do you what would be needed to get that data and the other thing that they did anything and the other thing I would differentiate that from you know the the cell phone metadata whatever and those point you're dealing with a private company and the private company has rented the airwaves by the way right you know they they have bid for those airwaves so that's that you know and so this is the government directly gathering that information which How does the court view that differently than the government intercepting what's going on in a private communication from a rented airway in a private transaction you have made with a private company where you believe you have privacy where on the road if it's the government directly doing it where they're scanning you in public with the court's view that is different and I don't know I I have more questions on this yeah the man that filed this case in Coral Gables Florida Raul. His lawyers making the case and just as I said earlier it's the equivalent of this technology now is the equivalent of police following you 24 hours a day anywhere your car goes. Is that against the law police just following you I don't mean going into your home or looking or searching your property just following you on roadways no because they are all not against the law they they follow suspects all the time well and that's the thing even if they don't suspect anything could they theoretically I mean typically they would there would be no other purpose but. They can follow anyone as long as it's on roadways and they're not violating the 4th Amendment there if they're not doing any kind of search of your property they're just following you that's not necessarily against the law 8 $6690.00 right I in addition to being required by law pretty and post trip inspections are vital to the safety of professional drivers conducting thorough pretty trippy inspections allows you to catch any problems before heading out on the road post trip inspections give the shop time to react to any problems that were identified during your next pre or post trip inspection check all safety equipment including fire extinguishers triangles and spare a few zoos to make sure they're in the proper location in the event of an emergency responders trying to locate the fire extinguisher it's crucial that it's in the proper place and easy to find th truck service understands the importance of these inspections if you find any issues during your own pre or post trip inspection stop by a location near you to have your vehicle looked at by one of our expert technicians this maintenance step is a service a key a truck service road squad if you break down we show up call 809 to 4 shot be placed back with more readily radio with a recorder yet very Macnamara. 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Out to be the 1st summer which is actually what I can think it will see as I go back to the Democrat Party this only inviting millions of illegal aliens to break our laws violate our borders is that a charge to me is unfounded as it is unlikely that Becky is weak and if he doesn't like it he can come body slam me and welcome I am $760.00 I gotta believe it 90 percent of America says care millions from Central America don't get to walk to the United States incoming talk can't decide immigration policy on a motion breaking news call now. It's right radio he is there and Hurley and I'm very McNamara 8690 right I just read here from c.b.s. News now now this this is fake money here fake news yeah this is this is this is what's wrong with the media today. They got the headline right but the 1st paragraph one winning ticket was apparently sold for the world record 1600000. Mega Millions jackpot. And. Now 1000000 and they had a write in the headline I have mine was right Mega Millions old record $1600000000.00 jackpot one apparent winning ticket in South Carolina Lindsey Graham has resigned apparently from the Senate after winning just just that would be so funny if it were if it were him yeah well congratulations what is that person going there group of people going through right now if they know you talk about freak out mode there's someone wrote the story again you know because they they did the series on cable orrible stories of people one of the lottery and it just ended horribly. And someone did the story here's why you know it would be a here's why it's a good thing if you don't when and they pointed out those cases that was there were no specials. You know people just just well 1st of all don't you can't tell anyone you tell even your family word gets out even if you don't go public at at when you claim the prize the word gets out when people know that you're rich but even more so that you won the money this way you didn't earn it. Then people come at you believing you didn't earn it so it's shows money for them to get a piece of it I mean that's what I'm talking about that's the psychology behind it or wait a minute if everybody has a right to my earned money well then they have a double right to my Nonna earned lucky money especially because how is that prize constituted. By me buying a ticket and you won the prize. I get a piece of it a sense of entitlement I'm going to take that to the Supreme Court and let everybody that's yeah exactly you know it's but you know that's that's the dynamic especially you know people who are famously wealthy but forget about that people who win something and don't earn it people get jealous are usually. $1015.00 free trips to. Crash for John Reeves with Reef point real estate friends there is never been a better time or should I say a more important time to call my friend John reads if you're thinking about selling your home you know the market has changed and it's slowing down dramatically reading here inventory is up 100 percent and homes available on the market have doubled since July so it's critical that you work with an agent that you can trust and one who actually guarantees your success every time in writing don't risk letting the market dictate your home sale call John Reaves today he's the top agent in San Diego he understands this market and already has the buyers in fact if your home doesn't sell and your agreed upon price John will buy it guaranteed in writing listen John already has the buyers and he'll show you his entire database over 4000 ready buyers looking to buy right now so your own could already be sold call John reefs 858800 home and start packing that's 858800 home from a teacher accused by student centers a plate of city parking that's one of the stories we're following on Am 760 a former law a Country Day School teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with one of his students is pleading not guilty to felony charges Jonathan San Martino entered the plea on Tuesday to charges including statutory rape some are. You know just completed his 1st week teaching at the Harker school in San Jose He's on paid leave pending the outcome the San Diego City Council is pledging to build more than 1000 housing units for the city's homeless population by January 2021 the resolution was approved Tuesday on a 9 to 0 vote a 31 year old woman has serious injuries after a solo accident Tuesday on an electric scooter and Golden Hill Police say the scooter rider found herself unable to slow down as she rode along Broadway though it's not clear exactly why that happened right now skies are cloudy and $64.00 degrees at Lambert Field am 760 k f m d talk and breaking news c.b.s. News update South Carolina lottery officials say someone there is waking up the billionaire Yesso winning Mega Millions ticket was sold in the state but we don't know exactly where just yet the c.b.s. T.V.'s Pat Harvey says some players in California came close while no one in California won the whole jackpot 8 tickets all throughout the state matched 5 out of 6 numbers including in Rancho Cucamonga Chatsworth our kids and Norwalk w c b s t V's alley Bauman with this advice in case you also have a winning ticket which is possible since mega millions is played in $44.00 states plus Washington d.c. And the u.s. Virgin Islands if you actually win the jackpot gaming officials and vice versa the sign to back your ticket it doesn't matter who paid for it whoever signed the ticket gets the prize this hopeful in Texas you have to get. Which is going to be if you did when you still have a chance to win the Powerball which is drawn tonight for more than $600000000.00 c.b.s. News update on that Piper. A Game 716 k. 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Leo Palmer goes for nothing written by you. And he is here counting on your imaginary 8690 right eye so yeah I want to know when are there in South Carolina from what we know one winner in South Carolina of the Mega Millions one ticket one take one take one winning ticket was sold off as one winner but yeah but that the craze if it was like the entire population of South Carolina got together and bought a ticket they all get 10 bucks. I mean it didn't happen after taxes they after taxes they get 5. Yeah. Yeah that's a lot of money to deal with we had read that Fox News. Story earlier that said Hey remember how it was supposed to supplement education it doesn't meant that they even talk about the states were doesn't even go to education as any more than a tax or your soul to soul a bill of goods and also since 2017 they have made it harder to win the big prize Yeah so purposely they they said now the cost has doubled over a period of time and the chance of you winning the big money now has gone up even higher in and they talked about how they originally you could pick a number I've never played it but it was like between one and 75 now it's one in. My friend it was one in 70 now it's one in 70 five's are much slimmer and and weights more expensive right you could still one some of the smaller prizes but they made it very hard they made it harder to win the real big prize right and and it really doesn't go to supplement education anymore because the states even that use of prejudice have taken other education money that was targeted for education from the general fund and move that house where so it wasn't this great you know huge addition to what schools were you know were getting to fund them and the other thing is it's mostly poor people that play the lottery the poorest peoples and the most money on it. Over what they say the average American spends there is American spends $201.00 thing $250.00 something dollars but the average poor person spends over $400.00 a year on lottery tickets now that's the average that's taken everybody into consideration and if you just take the people to play it it's probably higher Yeah . I just you know for me I just I'm an odds kind of person I don't fear flying because I know the odds are one in 10000000 of me dying and those are extremely high odds I understand the odds I understand the odds of me winning the lottery or what. 20 times greater 1000 times greater than me dying in an airplane. So yeah you don't really have no chain meant that weighs anything I think for people of the day they buy what they buy a ticket for what the dream yeah yeah for for I don't know what's the cost of a mega millions it's 2 bucks as it is now you know what they say if you you can't win if you don't play and we say well I don't lose if I don't play I didn't know someone who won and I say I did because they did the right thing while they were forced to do the right thing this is in the early ninety's. When our state 1st got the lottery. And it was I think it was either a it was 6 or $7000000.00 and they won and but the they didn't keep quiet about it and the phone started ringing before cell phones off the wall and they disconnect their phone the next day and left and you know because I'm sure it became crazy with relatives you didn't know you had in the whole thing. And that's the real you know that's the real risk because that's like we said the psychology is different because people look at it as well you didn't earn that money and it's a jealousy thing and they were trying to win the money and their little dream in their mind of them winning the money and you got it and you're their relative a wait a minute I want or or just somebody that you know and sometimes it's not not even people you you know some of the stories about just the you know and God bless all the nonprofits but nonprofits non stop knocking at your door. You know and you want to give back I'm sure most people would but you can you can give you know I mean you could pretty much give all of that away if you fulfilled every request there would have been much more excitement when I was younger me winning the lottery these days to be like want to hassle Well I would you know it would take so I thought about it would change my life too much I thought about that kind of money because after taxes it's going to be somewhere around $5.00 if you want the one time payout it's somewhere around a 3rd or 35 percent you know of the overall prize so one point $6000000000.00 so pare that down to about you know somewhere around $55060.00 or $600000000.00 That's a ton of money you're richer than Mitt Romney already you went to bed poorer then then Joe Biden and you woke up richer. You know the story always goes you was one of the least rich guys in the Senate and you woke up richer than Mitt Romney and the whole thing is is that you you what do you do I've always said like those really expensive cars really expensive sports cars you know if if I were you know the billionaire and I had that kind of money but still knowing myself where in the world what I drive that car I wouldn't be able to stop and park it anywhere you know what I mean I mean were you going to take that I wouldn't mind taking it out to any gossip just place the Texas Motor Speedway and putting it on the track a couple of times but I mean what are you going to do with the money. The point is that I would be so paranoid all the time with 600 I mean instantly having 600000000 in the bank. It would it would. Be a bit disturbing there's yeah there's nothing. I'm not saying I wouldn't want you know I try to be clear it would it would be a huge hassle I like my life I don't want to change. And I don't care what anybody says that kind of money changes your life I have a set of changes the reaction that everybody has towards you is your life I have a friend who a friend a family member who. At one time was working for a multibillion or. And it is you know how we talk about the president sleeps 4 hours a day. And my family member told me that this person was the exact same way only because there's not enough time in the day we're talking about this with our own schedule and sleep the other day and how my schedule is very busy multi-billionaire although at least one listener thinks we are but but the point was is there's so much going on now this person earned their money they didn't when their money they earn their money but but still you've got so much going on managing your wealth is more than jobs more and I was also have a full time job Yes You know you hire somebody else to do it but there's the other problem I can't trust anybody else. To you know I couldn't trust anyone else that do that that would be the thing because you know people what would you do and I said I don't know I probably would I don't want to distance myself from the money and set up some kind of foundation. You know and would I be able to do this because odds are if you win that kind of money you're not going to be able to keep your name private so this it would be it would be hard to manage you can you can do that legally in terms of you know claiming the prize but. If you've got that kind if it's $600.00 if all the sudden you're worth $600000000.00 someone's going to notice the bench really exactly though the words your life your life is going to change managing the money because I've said you know I probably want to come up with some type of what I would do I don't even know what the foundation but that means you got to run the foundation so this jobs gone well I don't want to run might not last there are laws about writing the money away there are laws about giving money to your let's just say you want to take it you claim the prize but you want to take this and you want to go give that to your family members Well there are tax laws if you just write them a check and you've got to pay the gift tax the giver has to pay the gift right well I guess my point would be it would be a full time job figuring out what to do even if you're going to give it away that's what I mean it's going to be a full time job is going to be huge hassle Yeah and it's like Oh this life I have is gone well I like this life right now if I just said if I was in my twenty's or thirty's I'd probably be going you. Right you have a let's have a grand old time but all of a sudden you get a little bit older like well like what I'm doing now I don't want to change my life I like my life well yeah bitch you're you're not as secure as you could be well that's part of why I like my life. I want to I get to do challenging I get to do challenging things and I you know I I like everything that I get to do and so. I'm not saying that there would be a part of me that would be greatly excited about that oh yeah because I have you know I would love to you know I think about here's one of the workers one thing I think about that if I can this is one dumb thought that go through my but it's still a thought. Worth talking about is that if I won 1600000000. Because every day I mean every the average person out there and I still consider myself sort of average I don't you and I think alike it's not like we don't even think we're on the radio we do a radio job but it's like you know it's like any other job. We've ever done you know really I mean it's not I never think that outside of being and doing this I never really think I'm on the radio so when somebody comes up I'm still today a little shocked we work in an older warehouse with those that don't know yes well you know I mean we've really got you know it's almost like we come to work in a warehouse where this was right at the end of the show we grab our lunch pails and go. That's what the feeling is it's like that in the last time I worked 3rd shift this is the only time I've worked 3rd shift aside to being a machinist and so the mentality sort of the same so but the the the thought and so there are still you know challenges that I think about every day and what to do here and there and you know just financial decisions and everything else that become a part of your life everything that you're doing in your business and personal life where you have 1600000000 all that goes away and I always think to myself I don't know if I want to get to the point where the only thing that now is it in my way because I have 1600000000 you know I think I'm thinking about is death. Right but I've got all these other things but I can think about that basically keep debt the thinking of death at a distance Well all those challenges and problems are taken away and all the sudden I'm going to get all this money death I was you know I talked one time about this there was a guy and I blanked thing out on his name but he developed a game and he sold it. I don't know I'll have to look it up but anyway the guy sold his game or the company that you know that surrounded the game for $2000000000.00. And his take of that was you know roughly like 1.8 So he became a billionaire you know overnight I obviously he was earning before that but then he talked about one night he went on It wasn't a rant just a series of tweets and he was talking about I was at this party and it was the 1st time I was in a room with other billionaires and I was talking to people that I had nothing in common with. But I did but then I talked to this girl who was there and she wasn't a billionaire so we talked with one girl who was a billionaire he's a single guy and he had nothing in common with her but here's the problem he talked with a girl who you know worked you know for a living had a job and was not a billionaire far from it he had nothing in common with her and it was well I'm not trying to cry I'm just I don't know I'm just saying it's a weird place to be in because I'm you know I'm not from money I'm new money but I don't fit in with these people and I don't fit in now with the people because you don't know what the motive is here's the here's the problem with being famously wealthy like the the person in my family member works for you've got to put up I mean your security is surrounding you all the time yeah that's the you're famously wealthy so you have security detail we talked about this with the president the president has had security detail that. Is is parallel to you know the types of security detail for you know maybe not necessarily the president in terms of the training but you know up in that level you know what I mean and so you're going to have to be very careful because there are p. There are threats against you all the time is one of that story that I read that you read that you mentioned earlier talked about the guy who won the big lottery and was actually what. Kidnapped or some of his family was kidnapped or whatever right place right on the money yeah you know and so you know at that point when you win that kind of money you probably need security so your whole life is destroyed once your security once I Once you have a posse Well I'm not a posse person well read that you know nothing people are security Well I couldn't have a pos Yeah you know I it would be a very different life a life I don't know how you make it work 86690 right I get in touch with what i Radio toll free at a certain 6. Right still at t. 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Well we really had some correspondence saying ball you know a true humble person would not be affected by winning the lottery it's not about you being affected it's everybody around you and it's your own life changing when you have that kind of money right it's going to change irrespective of whether you wish to keep it and do something with that or whether you wish to give it all away that's going to take a heck of a lot of time and energy for the life that you have at that point at least temporarily 1st significant period of time is going to change by the way I hope and pray it doesn't end up badly for anyone ever you know it has for others and yeah you know talk about it was a curse and the curse of a lot of Right right but but hopefully those the people who have won can go on and and enjoy great things and and maybe help non-profits and you know guys on the radio in the middle of night and I think I can do that listen it's their money but I still believe in that freedom to do what you do with your liberty right they tell me that we have liberty and this country and that includes the freedom to write me a check and they want. 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Now what makes progressive the number one insurer of trucking legends across America is a progressive commercial dot com today because again future is going to be in someone's records and that's not an access point for tonight's already figured it out did you know that studies have shown that almost 2 and a half 1000000 truck drivers in the us have one or more serious health problems such as obesity diabetes heart disease even sleep disorders and our truck drivers lack the same access to health that other Americans enjoy the unfortunate result of these circumstances is that drivers are often unable to get treatment and the early stages of disease minor illnesses become severe leading to hospitalization and disability the driver then may lose their c.d.o. And become unable to work this creates a downward spiral that leads to extreme financial hardship and possible unemployment go to truckers Fund dot org today and learn more about how you can contribute if you or someone inside the trucking industry may be in need learn how s.p.f. Can help we encourage you to educate yourself and peers on the St Christopher's truckers fund today donate if you can you never know when you may need some help too that's trucker's Fund dot org let's band together for a better tomorrow. America's finest city 75 years this is am 7 am in the San Diego's talk breaking. News. News c.b.s. News on the hour sponsored by terror works really I'm Peter King the winning Mega Millions numbers have been out there for a few hours when the numbers are 28756265 in the old I was 5 nomads all 6 of our Friday Jack but the $2000000000.00 that at least one ticket has matched all the numbers for the record $1600000000.00 jackpot bought somewhere in South Carolina if you c.b.s. T.V.'s Alabaman if you actually win the jackpot getting official that by its 1st sign the back of your take it it doesn't matter who paid for it whoever signed the ticket gets the prize what was Hurricane Wilma is now a tropical storm but it's raining hard in Mexico at. Tended for Texas Hurricane Center specialist Stacy Stewart people across northern Mexico and also in the central and southern Texas areas to be aware that more heavy rain is going to be coming your way so expect additional flooding it hasn't been shut down but a New Jersey rehab center isn't admitting any new patients after a viral outbreak that's killed 6 children and made a dozen others sick c.b.s. Says Hillary Lane is in Haskell New Jersey that the want to Cue Center for nursing and rehabilitation no new patients were allowed to check in New Jersey health officials say over the last month at least 18 pediatric patients have contract did they add nobody and 6 of them had died those 6 were part of the facility that provides long term care for medically fragile children from newborns up to age 22 in the u.s. Has revoked the visas of several Saudi officials who were implicated in journalist Jamal Khashoggi as death there's no word on any further sanctions President Trump says the killings should never have happened the process was no good the execution was no good and a cover up if you want to call 'd it that or certainly no good Turkish officials say can show he was killed October 2nd by a 15 man shot he hit squad that included a member of Prince behind its entourage a caravan of Central American migrants is expected to start moving forward again today after a day of rest in southern Mexico if they make it to the u.s. Border secretary of state Mike Pompei o says that's where they'll stop the caravan will not cross our southern border illegally under any circumstance the world series tends to produce unlikely heroes last night's game one was no exception c.b.s. a Steve Butterman Fenway Park in Boston the low in this game came in the 7th and they were forced to by just one run hard for her wardrobe and yet there's a run on all run for the Green Monster thanks to a Boston 8. 33 roundup in the finals and the Red Sox host a long. It's Angeles Dodgers for Game 2 tonight in Boston and Wall Street s. And p. Futures are down 26 this is c.b.s. 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