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Draw your breathing and posture and look at what the future holds for trucking make sure you never miss the Road King reading enjoyment today 247 at any T A petrol location you can also read the digital version of Road King online any time at Road King dot com America's finest city 75 years this is E M 7 am in the San Diego's talk breaking. News. New C.B.S. News on The Hour presented by certain actress and Allison Keyes President Trump is pushing arming teachers to protect students in the wake of the deadly Florida school shooting though many teacher advocates are vehemently against the idea the president points to an armed security guard who never entered the building while the attack that killed 17 people went on a security guy doesn't know the children doesn't love the children this man standing outside of the school the other day doesn't love the children probably doesn't know the children the teachers love their children they love their pupils they love this students a woman close to suspected shooter Nicholas Cruz wants the F.B.I. About to give last month C.B.S.'s Bill breakoff she told the call taker that Cruz had violent tendencies and warned he was threatening to kill people a woman said that Cruz had the mental capacity of a 12 to 14 year old and she was calling to clear her conscience she said of Cruz during a call I know he's going to explode the F.B.I. Has admitted it failed to investigate the tip a former truck deputy campaign manager is pleading guilty to conspiracy and lying to investigators Rick Gates made a deal to cooperate in the investigation into Russian battling C.B.S. News justice reporter Paul aree this is all about getting former trial campaign chairman Paul Mann afford to cooperate now over the past few days Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been coming out man import from every conceivable direction he has filed dozens of new charges against him he got a plea deal with a Dutch lawyer who used to work with manic. And now he has the gates CD on a security issue at the White House yesterday a Secret Service says a driver deliberately random minivan into a metal security barrier C.B.S.'s Jeff the gay Secret Service quickly arrested the female driver the vehicles windows were shattered but officers didn't have to fire a shot federal law enforcement sources say the suspect has been on their radar for some time she has been cooperating and they believe she has mental health issues the president and the Australian prime minister were inside at the time a stunning victory for the American man at the Winter Olympics C.B.S.'s Steve Butterman this was not a medal the U.S. Expected to win in fact the U.S. Was not even considered a medal hope for incoming but the Americans win the gold medal match over Sweden the final score and just 7 the Americans do something no American the pearling team has ever done win gold at the Olympics for president Trump's daughter Ivanka toward the 2018 Winter Olympics today and you will see we are thinking she told South Korea's president that she will use her visit to pressure North Korea to halt its nuclear program the U.S. Olympic team plan to win at least $37.00 medals but currently has $23.00 this is C.B.S. News now is the best time of year to wrap up insert a comfort wrap up in comfort today with certain I comfort find a retailer etc retailers dot com. You've heard the expression The only thing for certain is death and taxes but maybe that's not true in fact you have more control over how much you pay in taxes in retirement than any other time in your life but your C.P.A. Doesn't understand how to lower your taxes in retirement because it's not their expertise the only way to lower your taxes is by having a forward looking tax efficient investment strategy Ela close by and here C.P.A. 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California finance lenders law Democrats in town America Boy that's one of the stories we're following I mean 760 the 2nd day of the California Democratic Party Convention gets going at the convention center at 6 30 am with dueling Brecker souls did by state treasurer John Chung and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein that when he starts at 4 15 pm on endorsing candidates tenants groups from San Diego Los Angeles and Sam's as go will rally outside the convention 915 this morning urging lawmakers to support rent control and the repeal of the coastal Harkins rental housing act and the ball drop for the sandwich Chinese New Year fair a 10 AM A J. Street and 3rd Avenue near the Gaslamp quarter new Xbox you buy Stater Brothers state a rather specialist meat counter as an amazing deal on T. Bone importer has stakes at just 499 a pound bear with Russia's barriers that only $0.99 a pound Stater Brothers where you always get more or less most it clear and cold overnight right now it is $49.00 degrees at Lemberg field and said he will state as provisionally suspended as a senior pope while investigating whether he got a $1400.00 loan from a sports agent as reported by Yahoo Sports America $760.00 K. a Plan B. Talk in breaking news. It's where the radio very much and I regularly talk about everything from politics to social issues of the day whether you're a lawyer or you're just starting your day once you're. There says world i Radio across America 8669 you write I mean I'm very McNamara I welcome to the show yes still in the news today gun control Hemingway on Fox News yesterday had a great point when she said a lot of us said for years maybe we should be enforcing the laws and policies we have now instead of passing new laws that we won't follow here's part of the audio from her people do seem to want government action at times like this if they do care about government action there are all these opportunities as Tom pointed out with the Florida examples but also this is the 3rd shooting I can think of where there was a specific government failure in the Charleston church shooting the Texas church shooting there was failure to put people on the lists that would make it so that they would be caught doing a background check here you had multiple people giving specific credible assessments that this guy was going to do exactly what he did rather than put new laws on the books that are not followed I think that a great thing for the government to do would actually be to make sure that the laws that are on the books the guidance that is on the books is faithfully executed rather than have another thing that isn't followed and if it shouldn't be that hard you know it's when you when you think about things like this the school shooting is different. From the Texas church shooting because in Texas the shooter in the Texas shooting was former military the U.S. Air Force did not disclose that information to the F.B.I. It was not relate to the F.B.I. And should have been. However it's the same idea of following protocol. The question is what was known about the shooter in Florida and why wouldn't that why wasn't that information shared with the F.B.I. To the extent that it would have shown on any kind of background check we have laws on the books we've been saying that for years but if but how many examples do we need of those of the protocol not being followed or the laws not being enforced before we all again regroup and realize that. Sometimes either it's not preventable or it would have been preventable with such enforcement of current laws and standards I also found this from American Thinker dot com and Jack Cashel column that that here's the headline did the progressive Broward County solution cost 17 student lives with a question mark E. As it as a question he refers to a article that was written in public source called the Broward County solution and they talk about the fact that Broward County used to leave this used to leave the state in sending students to the states juvenile justice system that means a criminal justice system but the juvenile criminal justice system right county leaders worse bonded with a perfectly progressive solution lower arrests by not making arrests authorities agreed to treat 12 different misdemeanor offenses a school related issues not criminal ones the results impressed the people who initiated the program arrest dropped for more than 1000 in 201120122 less than 400 just 4 years later. One particular motivation behind the programs like Broward County's was the pressure from multiple sources to reduce the statistical disparity between black and Hispanic students arrest on one hand and white and Asian student arrests on the other for instance a Denver organization successfully advocated for a program like browers to help achieve racial and education equity in Denver schools by virtue of his name alone Nicholas Cruz he adopted son of Linda and Roger Cruz became a statistical panic as such authority as a high school in Parkland had every reason not to report his troubling and likely criminal behavior to police according to a source who spoke to The Miami Herald hers had been suspended from the high school for fighting and also for being caught with bullets in his backpack that was apparently at least one of the reasons why administrators reportedly e-mailed a warning to teachers against allowing crews on campus with a backpack he was later X. Belled for reasons that have not been disclosed but he apparently was not arrested . Goes to in July of 2012 the Obama administration formalized the pressure on school districts with an executive order warning school districts to avoid methods that result. In a disparity use of disciplinary tools the White House focused on black students in particular and headlined the press release announcing the dubious stroke of racism President Obama signs a new initiative to improve educational outcomes for African-Americans. Cruise had to have had done something more troubling than carrying bullets in his backpack because he didn't get suspended for that before even talking about gun control Republican leaders should demand a complete audit of Cruz's school records and then the rethinking of the Broward County solution wherever it is applied and you know you and I talked about this before this isn't the 1st time that this has come up when school districts around the country were attempting to initiate that we said well all you're doing is you're pretending that these things don't happen right they still happen you're just pretending they don't happen and in this particular case I didn't foresee at what what what might the possibility of what the question is here but if it got to the point where school administrators knew they was breaking the law but because of fudging the statistics of wanting to fudge the statistics they pretend that these things really don't happen we're not going to be in the real world we're going to be in the pretend world here and pretend these things don't exist in order to pretend that we have racial equity when it comes to crimes being committed based on demographics which is ignore a crime which is to ignore which is to ignore crime and therefore also not have law enforcement be updated as to what's going on in the schools because if you ignore it there will be no investigation and that's the problem here I mean you know it's I find it kind of odd that in a world. In which in recent years they've sent children home small children home for chewing up pop tart into the shape of a gun he has bullets in his backpack Yeah and isn't sent home here's my question and I think the question being posed here ultimately. What is that what happened what is that event where he was expelled What was he expelled for and is it something that otherwise if not for this insane policy would have been reported to authorities as a as a crime as it rose to a criminal level Well I I think I told the story this goes back you know years ago when my my nephew was 8 or 9 years old and so this has to go back I don't know probably into the ninety's or the mid ninety's and you know my dad you know if you know my dad when we were Boy Scouts he was my dad he hopes a once in a while now we're walking out the door of your knife and compass used to see you every night because we all carried pocket knife Yeah right well I don't I don't remember whether my father told him or not but you know he had a little you know my nephew had a little pocket knife just because and I don't know whether it was my father gave it to him but when father views it as a tool they brought a tiny pocket knife Right right and somehow it got into his my nephew's little school knapsack. He went to school is on the bus then drops on the bus everybody burst into screaming terror the police are called after him but he is brought in my nephew was 9 years old at the time absolutely petrified by. My father you know my grandfather must have put it next to you and you can't stand even in the ninety's you couldn't do that right and you know they let him go but I mean they question the day everybody was in there you know the police were there security were there the principal there I mean it was. A loot Lee number one a nightmare for him but all but also all the I'm urgency bells and in the the schools principal's office law enforcement everything was there because a small pocket knife dropped out of a 9 year old's knapsack on a bus. And we missed this. Well that's what's insane is that all of the stories where there's been these massive overreactions and you had a seemingly a pattern of behavior by this individual and it was ignored how many times how many items ignored along the way you know Molly Hemingway. And her point on this if you look especially in recent history you don't have to go back but a few months the tremendous failures in communication so the question becomes why I'm still curious as to what happened with the Texas shooting and how a dishonorable discharge is not reported to the F.B.I. But in this case it seems it could be very very different we have the a great possibility that a decent possibility that this the base this pattern of behavior by this individual was basically just ignored for the sake of making things seem better or appear better they're not actually better it's only on paper only on records does it appear that it's better only anybody looking at a statistic would feel safer but the reality could very well be that no it is to cover up crimes because we need to look away at certain times of because it doesn't fit the narrative it doesn't fit our mission statement of making everything look appear to be equal in terms of justice there's only thing at the. There's only one thing that counts when it comes to justice Well unfortunately what is is irrespective of how we wish to classify it and how we wish to identify individuals or categorize individuals we. At least for now in the legal setting we judge literally judge people based on their behavior and the color of their skin really has nothing to do with it it was can you show can a prosecutor determine when investigators determine that something criminal in nature happened that's what it's all about then from that OK Does this person pose a threat should they be detained for any period of time punishment is part of it but it's also keep in the public safe by keeping people away from the public what they want a massive failure of a justice system when we start deciding that the identity politics is going to reign over true justice. Well again as as they point out here he had to do something more than bullets in the naps and because something the X. Factor what would have been all I know is bullets in a knapsack would get you expelled from any campus and not be brought right and and even at that depending on what age that happened well a 6 year old pointing a finger or knowing a pop tart into I don't have into the having shape of a gun gets them sent home having bullets on campus will get you arrested Well yeah that's that's criminal right so you can't do that so if something worse done from that end is the school hiding it because of this policy the progressive policy of wanting to pretend what happens doesn't happen because we must pretend we have equity based on race right that would be the question that he's asking here he's asking the question he's not making the allegation he's he's asking the question based transit policies that are in effect right now in Broward County if that if that's part of it it is it's tragic regardless. But this is tragedy upon tragedy is the case is this going to be part of the discussion on the left when it comes to gun control and how to solve these problems $86690.00 right I Joe Gaynor is with us G.'s agricultural marketing service when I was growing up as a kid I used to go to auction with my uncle to buy a cows and he always wondered why the gun of front that's on a cell phone is buying cows or deciding not to back out and he always was basically an information disadvantage to address this information disadvantage U.S.D.A. Has introduced a new electronic data platform that presents current commodity price information from all stages of the marketing chain to be able to provide a product that he can use it or somebody that's doing the same kinds of things you know someone vegetables at a farmers market they have some information and I think that's really we're market news fills a gap the new platform is called The market analysis and reporting services or Mars and right now it's filled with very information but over the next year we're going to continue to migrate the rest of our commodities into their the online addresses my market news one word dot A.M.'s dot U.S.D.A. Dot gov This is Stephanie hoe for the rest a part of Agriculture in Washington D.C. The U.S.D.A. Report is a service of 7 X. Roadmaster X.L. Premium highway diesel fuel had good results with what I radioed toll free at age 36 my favorite Audi. Miss a show listen anywhere at any time on demand to catch up on Eric and Gary's topics of the day visit Red Eye radio show dot com and click on demand that read I Radio Show dot com. And T M Petro travel stores coming out of the cold and warm up this winter with hearty delicious microwave balls all 2 for 6 bucks for milk big bowl chili with beans or dingy more big bowl beef stew or potato in hand. Better stuff and I'm sure you're craving for some crunch with preterm labor and grab and go bags of chips and snacks for only $0.99 each Right now only at the end Petra travel stores which you replenishment refreshed. I'm here with a your royal truck tires engineer to talk about the universe L D 10 drive time yes the long lasting L D 10 is smartly verified and comes with Tiger clutch traction that grips the road car their actual tiger claws on the tire of course not and you call yourself an engineer maybe next time. And has what smart truckers want without the high price visit you know royal truck tires dot com today. Come join Red Eye radio host Eric parley at Red Eye radio lobby for a boost good good time during the middle america trucking show March 22nd through 24th in Louisville Kentucky this year's star studded event features live appearances of musical performances from country artist Ted you're talking about Tim Collins Lucas home Ray Scott I were Jordan and Tony just says that our lobby number 41064 in South Wing lobby and register for great prizes like top tested gear C.B. Radios G.P.S. Units are much much more use of Red Eye radio show dot com for more information partners of this year's Red Eye radio boot scootin events include you know Roy Pilot Flying J. Chevron Della Peterbilt Motor Company Mercer transportation hotel 6 test embassy Christopher truckers really fun don't miss out on the fun with red eye. Radio celebrity lineup at them in America trucking show March 22nd from 24 at the Kentucky fair and Expo Center group form 1064 and south wing lobbying if you live a bus My goal is wired to 28 years of it I said I was actually the only person we'd call to sell our San Diego homes is Dan beer of E.X.P. Realty to sell your home please call Dan at 806762420 or online it's sold by day and beer dot com sold by Dan beer dot com avoid this all a procrastinator syntax lock in your solar investment today before the announce 30 percent tariff price increase goes into effect call the local name you can trust call power more solar at 760504038 or visit power more solar dot com was just a mere fun summer and still place finish. Using bruises that occur around 3 Joy draw you get a blank slate or pray for your little martial arts in there. See what she did I guess for a week or as we discussed the use of bases stories that even if you've seen clue what it reminds me here at all if I see you getting. Drunk. Pusing brew 3 tickets on sale soon is it $760.00 K. Yes indeed. It's what I really owe easier Hurley and I'm Gary Mack Mern ever got a chance to talk about it but we're always talking about different economic issues or how the economy is overall changing even if the economy overall is doing better you saw were Wal-Mart shares took a dive yesterday yeah. It was probably not totally unexpected in terms of what was going to go on with their earnings and. Same store sales because they're up against a real massive competitor in Amazon right now I mean those 2 in terms of retail the retail environment this is a battle of the ages because it really is kind of redefining you know Amazon has helped to redefine the way we shop. We've we've. Taken you know the whole idea of going to the store if you think about how foreign that is now if you can get something to live or to your door and Wal-Mart is and they by the way knew this was going to happen they talked about this right. They don't talk about the shares and the prices but at their meetings over the last couple years their annual meetings they pointed out that their their biggest competition is going to be e-commerce in general and Amazon of course is the leader there as the brand name the household name so their C.E.O. Was talking to analysts who said look we're making progress in our efforts to compete with their efforts to compete with Amazon and others and I think you know myself how well because if you look at the way easels did it he did it his the way that he built his proprietary supply chain. Was kind of the mindset that Sam Walton had. But he he built it in a different way you know when you can get things same day or next day delivery then you know that's that sets the tone Wal-Mart you know well we'll get a Chia And you know again for a lot of the especially. Middle class individuals. Brick and Mortar is is far from gone this is not the end of brick and mortar it's just going to change how they do thank you and how they compete but I think as you ordered something on Tuesday that won't get here till Thursday yeah that's not acceptable it was unacceptable and it was for free I don't want to pay to get it one day and I'm like but still it's unacceptable to me now here's your forecast rains continue today for portions of eastern Texas Arkansas the lower Tennessee Valley most of the Midwest on into central P.S.A. And as that rain shifts off to the north and east the cold air is receding to the north and we're going to pick up an area of icing today from Kansas throughout much of Iowa and into Wisconsin and Missouri this flooding we've seen in the south this week has turned deadly as many as 7 states have reported deaths the best advice when you see a flooded roadway turn around don't drown Minneapolis could see one to 3 inches of snow today as another somewhat potent system moves through the upper Midwest we could see some treacherous travel north of I $9094.00 out of Chicago into Milwaukee and up towards Green Bay also along I $35.00 near Minneapolis St Paul going toward Duluth less than a month now to the start of spring your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 86690 right I. Ternium late friend to lunch is on me really Later I will have the lobster What's the Kaisha visited lectures Carlsbad Alexis can do you know about an El certified pre-owned Lexus L sort of pipe they come with an unbelievable warranty program and 2 years of maintenance is included. Period misuse what you just told about the warning on my sort of fight for your own Lexus the warranty has a limited by up to 6 years. The Dr can I have always said was I just go to the certified pre-owned Lexus Yes simplicity Lexus Carlsberg Lexus can do you don't and that made him feel it was in limited by a warranty thing and. I'm a lawyer what have you been saying these people made this for 2 years and unlimited mileage excuse me when you buy an el sort of. Sorry good 0.9 percent financing on the county's largest collection of L. Certified Yes models only a Lexus go bad and like to see Lexus Carlsbad dot com or Lexus asked me to come today I'm pretty incredible offer in February when you. Exit on the flight that I never for that one of those will follow me and Sept 6th the Navy sailor was in critical condition after being struck by spinning helicopter tail rotor blade at Camp Pendleton the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing says the accident occurred around 6 pm Wednesday evening a 29 year old man was carjacked in the Otay border neighborhood Friday night Sandy Police say the victim was unlocking his pickup truck in the 9500 block of custom house Plaza when someone stuck something cold against the back of his head and demanded the keys and the cigar canyon trail races step off at 6 am with a half marathon 50 K. Or 100 K. Newswatch by state about his state about his famous we count as an amazing deal on T. Bone important states of just for $99.00 a pound pair with fresh asparagus that only $0.99 a pound state of others where you always get more for less mostly clear and cold overnight right now it is 48 degrees at Lindbergh Field and the Sandy was statements basketball team visit San Jose State Saturday night tipoff at 7 pm It's the Aztecs last game of the regular season America $160.00 K. Up and be talk and breaking news. C.B.S. News. Update what a mess for law enforcement and more criticism for arms deputy Scott Peterson who stayed outside of a Florida high school the 17 people were killed C.B.S. Has been well before casts records show Peterson had been at Stone A Douglas high for at least the last 8 years he met or exceeded all categories of his last employee review and in 2014 was nominated school resource deputy of the year the president who has called for more trained gun carrying staff at schools at this to say about him when it came time to get in there do something he didn't have the courage or something happened but he certainly did a poor job C.B.S.'s Bill rake off a missed F.B.I. Tip about suspected shooter Nicholas Cruz C.B.S. News confirms that on January 5th a woman close to Cruz called the F.B.I. Tip line to warn them of these threats to kill people the caller said quote something is going to happen because he doesn't have the mental capacity to C.B.S. News Update I'm Allison Keyes. Maybe I'm 760 K. F. And B. Peterbilt superfan will drive away with the one millionth Peterbilt truck during the middle American Trucking show on March 23rd in Louisville Kentucky join us there and go to Peterbilt dot com for more info. Hard work doesn't care how long the road or when the last time you slept was. Hard work doesn't get a little under the weather and shouldn't care how heavier load is hard work only cares about getting the job done right. And that's what you do go. To. The Rotella the engine oil that works as hard as you. Eric Harley here for Ana tracks the E.L.T. Mandate deadline has passed but it's not too late to keep you compliant there are lots of providers but on the Tracks is different on the tracks pioneered telematics 30 years ago and they've been making electronic logs for 15 they have a solution for fleets of all sizes installation takes no more than 3rd. 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My pilot app is loaded with features to put the beat down on wasted time like fueling status to help you choose which lane is likely to open up 1st store problems to make starting the pump quick and easy and mobile while it provides you a place to save all your card info and get digital receipts you can even reserves showers in parking spaces right from your phone and go to the i Tunes store or Google Play to download the my pilot Absa day and experience the fastest viewing on the interstate Eric Carter here for the St Christopher truckers relief fund if you could help a truck driver get back to work make their pile of bills less daunting give them one less worry wouldn't you every year thousands of truckers lose their jobs homes and more when a medical problem causes financial hardships but with your donation to the St Christopher truckers really fun you can help get them and their families back on the road donate today a trucker's Fund dot org That's trucker's Fund dot org Give today at truckers Fund dot org. Well listen website and read on a radio show Dr. Gary Eric and he's earning on Gary McNamara OK I want to read something to you we haven't discussed this OK we have not discussed as yet I don't buy those aren't OK I'll tell you my opinion 1st before I even read it to you I don't buy it OK This is from The Washington Times as a Miller OK they are calling him lying Ted anymore Senator Ted Cruz's stock is rising among members of President Trump's base who feel double crossed and for the president offered amnesty to illegals in the immigration debate some who oppose Mr Cruz in his 2016 run for the White House are even clamoring for the Texas Republican to mount a primary challenge to Mr Trump in 2020 you can stop there this is not happening. I don't know what you're smoking but you're smoking something. Now there have now it's not that there might not be they did find some Yeah they did find the sun let's so right so there's a there's probably small group but don't write it as if it's a thing. And it's as are the the new file as steam for Mr Cruz for Mr Trump dubbed lying Ted when they battle for the 2016 Republican nomination is coming from people who are diehard supporters of the president quote Ted Cruz has kept his word to the American citizens and we are watching this very very closely said Sue Payne a conservative X. Of activist in Washington's Maryland suburbs who in 2016 championed Mr Trump and reviled Mr Cruz Yeah I'm getting very sick of the Donald Trump right now he's turning his back on the people who put him into office the most by Mr Trump but have alienated supporters include the budget deal that threatens more skyrocketing debt and a tax cut law that could make people pay more in the high tax states that would be Republicans pay more in the high tax states for many However the biggest double cross was the offer of an immigration deal with a path to citizenship for 1800000 dreamers who came illegally to the U.S. As minors Mr Cruz distinguished himself on that front last week by casting the only no vote against opening the Senate immigration debate in which all 3 competing proposals included amnesty for dreamers the effort collapse when all 3 immigration plans failed to garner the 60 votes needed to survive Mr Cruz voted against every plan. William Green the president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC accused Mr Trump of dereliction of duty by abandoning the get tough policies that put him in the White House this betrayal destroys his credibility and opens up a huge window. Sorry I. Yes portrayal destroys his credibility and opens up a huge window of opportunity for Mr 900 overs not hurt others know he was residential primary challenge of. 2020 you know again the only thing they say is you know that the down here from using any polls whatsoever is that Donald Trump still has support of 80 percent of Republicans overall. You may hope that that's the case and there may be individuals out there that are part of the the official you know lobbying groups or somebody who is a political activist we don't sense that at all no I don't sense I don't sense at all know that there has been any serious or Roshon from from Republicans on. Donald Trump and again we go not on this point and again a lot of it's anecdotal as true as to what we what we see and what we hear on the show but. Maybe there's a little on immigration Yeah maybe if we go there is not on debt but if we 0 able to fast forward to January of 2020 and have a conversation OK then we could look back on the number of things he did or did not get done so we could you know assess but one year. You know it's we're just not the area 13 months just not there yet. Go back in history with any given president. And you're likely if you look I was going to say hard enough Actually you probably didn't have to probably wouldn't have to look too hard but after 3030 months of any given presidency you're going to find a group of those based supporters a small small group but you'll find another number of them that aren't happy are unhappy for whatever reason I mean we can go back to. And on immigration you know clearly not happy with the president not getting the wall done yet so there's no doubt by the way I don't have a problem with people who are on nappy with the president but I just have a problem with this I don't know it's it reminds me it's reminiscent of C.N.N. Remember Van Jones is rolling up his sleeves they're going to be working with elect or this. Yes I'm not gonna happen and it ended up in a she lost no more than he did on the net I'm telling you that was that was that was the best ever so we're going to reverse remember yeah that's the thing that the news cycle is so quick sometimes we have to go back and savor those moments right and remember those moments to understand what the media was promoting at that time right was that what we're going to do is really going to we're going to get these people to flip on the electoral college they're going to flip and they're not going to vote for Donald Trump and he's not going to be elected they can vote however they want and they're going to vote however they want and he's going to lose votes and Hillary lost more votes and he didn't try and it was just. You know he's rolling up his sleeves Right yeah I don't care what he does with his sleeves it's not going to happen and so when you hear that. That and I didn't get past the 1st the 1st sentence word said and or even clamoring for the Texas Republican to mount a primary challenge and that's where you that's where you're going to get past the 1st I I don't I don't. Totally dislike Ted Cruz. I there's there's a chance he one day could run again he's young enough to you know have a you know campaign for president and probably likely has learned some things from his 2016 bed you know and so as they often do. And so we'll see where it goes and one thing that he would learn again becoming much more of a seasoned politicians from his hearers in elective office is you don't challenge the incumbent in a primary in the Republican Party Well here's the thing is that you know his appearance at the R. And C. In the summer of 2016 but we just I don't we just remember that and kind of think on that for a moment yeah he's not Ted Cruz is not going to do that he's never going to jump into I mean. It was by the way God bless him for doing what he did at the R. And Z. And great you know he made a choice that's fine but that was essential to the R. And C. Bowing what was you know a conservative off the stage and as we said it was kind of the proverbial ushering out of the conservatives in a way and it was some balik in nature I thought to a certain extent but beyond that. To be a challenge in a primary from Ted Cruz now if I'm wrong it will be interesting but I'm not. Well it is this betrayal destroys his credibility and opens up a huge window of opportunity for Senator Cruz we have to ask what are you smoking you know you weren't made a huge window you may be promoting it and I must say that there are people that are just look at every every president people are disappointed in and say you know look you know on the spending there may I'm sure there are a lot of people who are furious we've talked to a couple of them. And they're furious but the fact is even that isn't going to make them not vote for him the next time in and vote for a a a Democrat so that supports going to come around and you're not going to have a primary challenge if the economy continues to go as it should go if the president doesn't follow the advice of one of his of his trade representatives and go for steel and aluminum tariffs. We'll get to that maybe next week sometime or if the president decides to seriously we'll talk about that story when Adam Schiff releases the memo Yes we'll talk about yes exactly so I doubt. But if he but if if the economy if it keeps rolling along about 3 percent I don't care what Trump says nobody will challenge him in the primary there's that yeah there's not going to be you don't know if it did crash if it was down to one percent or we went into a recession and and unemployment went up then there would be a possibility of somebody challenging right a massive misstep right where he insisted he was right all along and of course the economy shows it's quite different or something else that might happen all right then you could talk about you know the anomaly of that kind of. Event happening were a challenge in a primary but that's again. Not based on how they laid it out because they're what they're unhappy about I'm not saying they should be unhappy or if they're on happy based on those issues that's their right to be unhappy but to write it as if it's and using those words huge window of opportunity Yeah let's talk on that down just a little bit now for one thing if the president were to collude with Putin and suggest the formation of a USA U.S.S.R. Union right you know a global government what would the coin look like by the way. I did certainly I just killed him by saying yeah he was a star but it didn't fit any other way. I could say us us that you can Russia just I have to say you also because I'm sorry I think I think when you have to because if it's going to if we're going to go big We've always said if you're going to do something go big then then let's at the same time and creating this union fate would recreate if you know the former Soviet Union. American Union. As well you know it was that a year wait a minute hold it that was in Red Dawn I by the way oh wait a minute read on one. Read on to the real read on yeah that's that's no joke it was wasn't about I was going to tell you that America by the way I don't know how I ever lived in Oregon for 3 years because we've had rain for 24 hours now and I've had enough of it but there yes a seriously and so yesterday there I am and just going through and all of a sudden boom there it was Red Dawn Red Dawn 2 and it was right at the point they said they're looking down the binoculars They're North Koreans might. Yeah just the movie it's just there's there's just no excitement there well not like it was back in the day with the Russians and knowing why they killed them why they killed the original the original script which your original script of supposed to be China attacking Michigan right then they realized they were going to have to release the movie in China they didn't want to say they way they were the enemy what why did we come to this movie again. That's the best ever to be shined it was like Well now we realize that we need to you know ensure the movies could be played and in big countries with huge populations and so we're pretty sure it's not going to be played in North Korea right respectable border it's the Chinese that we're fighting so we can be fight the Chinese right why didn't they just have their movie mark an imaginary country like make it up a stand. I mean what. I. It's Hollywood they make everything up that's the whole things they should just make up a country make it up stand Yeah it would have been better already North Korea All right somebody has to go out from a conservative publication or whatever and go to the college campuses lesson do you think we should invade make it up as them should we should we normalize relations with. The president move to normalize relations with make it up as then do you support that is that a fake or is that a fake or true story is that fake news or real news right 86690 right I What's the difference between standard number 2 diesel and premium fuel run Jesson is director of product management for sent X. The makers of sent X. Roadmaster X.L. 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Also we have safety tips it's all in the latest issue of truckers connection which is available now so be sure to pick it up do you have accounted for sitting in overdrive magazine and radio looking for truckers to enter the 5th annual trucker Telesur singing contest visit trucker talent search done come where you can enter by filling out a form and entering a You Tube video of you singing in the video can be shot with a smartphone with or without a Company Men 3 finalists to compete for a $1000.00 cash prize at the great American Trucking show in Dallas and other submissions close May 1st so be sure to visit trick or Talent Search enter today. Armstrong and get the show on Monday morning surely there will be 30 or 40 big news stories to talk about plus we're going to talk to one of the leading comedians from the Middle East really interesting do and the Olympic ceremony closing showdown between a Vulcan Trump and that North Korean general We'll have all the details is it too late to get someone else to shoot down with the next Armstrong you get here Armstrong you get a 5 am to 10 am on AM 76 to talk in breaking news if you've been declined for a home loan because you're self-employed we have a new home loan program for self-employed borrowers you need to hear this I am Ken Tyler president of right choice mortgage being self-employed myself I know how difficult it can be to get a home loan so we came up with a solution instead of using your tax return or deputies to get approved use your personal or business bank statements and use your deposits as income no pianos required this self-employed mortgage program will help you get a bigger loan at a better rate called Teach agents and are self-employed mortgage special us call 833889 fun as 833-889-3863 imagine that a self-employed mortgage that's not hard money rates are in the threes and fours call 833889 fund that's 833-889-3863 so if you're self-employed and you want to buy a house it cash out or just lower your payment call T.J. 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Probably haven't actually was asked about it they said last night and he says well we're hopeful it was at an event last night Adam Schiff was there we're hopeful it'll be in the next few days well the house is on recess recess this week so you and I kind of did the math on that and we believe there would need to be another committee vote yeah you'd have to take over the day I do because if there are redactions assuming there are going to be Rick redactions it changes the memo then you would you would go into a full vote again or a committee vote again and that's not going to happen this week but nobody in the media screaming for me said No memo has to go but it's also because he wasn't even that wasn't him actually bringing the press together saying this is going to happen actually somebody at an event approached him last night and asked him about it so he wasn't really forthcoming in saying it must be really so so did she get not a memo exactly get the memo on the memo Yeah we're going to need to see that. 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Visit the Peterbilt booth and see this truly one of a kind peak for yourself for more information on the one millionth truck Peterbilt heritage and a dealer near you go to Peterbilt dot com truck driver find yourself singing along with the radio down the highway well OVER TIME magazine and read our radio and teamed up and they're looking for truckers with a valid CD All the end of the overdrive read our radio down search singing contest visit trucker Temin Search dot com where you fill out a form and enter You Tube link to a video of using in the video can be without a company event and can be shot with your own smartphone 3 finalists will compete live for a 1000 Boughner cash prize the great American Trucking show on Dallas in August Sears songwriter and trucker justice will MC and performer new vet the winner will be featured in over. And on Red Eye.

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