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Thank you from the studios of c.b.s. So this is am civil 60. Gold and breaking news. C.b.s. News I'm Frank said upin to you information has come out about the foreign business dealings of a one time top trump campaign official wired to c.b.s. Was Steven Portnoy at the White House a blockbuster report alleges Paul metaphor was paid millions by a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Lattimer Putin the Associated Press says man a 4th signed a $10000000.00 contract with a Kremlin ally a decade ago after proposing to greatly benefit the Putin government by lobbying the u.s. And other Western governments man a 4th has denied any Russia Tyson says there's nothing nefarious about his work for the Russian oligarch this week the White House spokesman is trying to minimize man of Forte's role as Trump campaign chairman for 6 pivotal months Frank American forces have taken on a new role in Syria c.b.s. David Martin reports they airlifted a force of about $500.00 opposition fighters to a strategic location on the battle to drive ISIS out of its stronghold in Walker's would be a 1st in which American helicopters were ferrying Syrian fighters on the battlefield do not know if American advisors were on the ground with the Syrian fighters a day before the scheduled household on the Republican health care bill Republican leaders are still a few votes shy of what they need to pass the bill c.b.s. Has Major Garrett tells us the political stakes could not be higher certainly many Republicans on Capitol Hill see this as a pivotal moment for the president's agenda not just health care but everything that this White House would like to accomplish after health care tax reform infrastructure spending laying the foundation for building the wall in the southern border Supreme Court nominee Neal Gorsuch is about to take a final round of questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee South Carolina Republican. Lindsey Graham told c.b.s. This morning there's no reason why Gore should should not be confirmed right Corsica's a mainstream conservative and I've never really seen a body do any better now hearing he's acquitted himself well reports of domestic abuse among Latinos are on the decline in Los Angeles the question is why live to c.b.s. Is Vicki Barker analyzed police chief says fear of deportation is the likeliest explanation for the 25 percent drop in sexual assault reports and the 10 percent drop in domestic violence violence reports this year the team is the only ethnic group affected He says the falloff in reporting abuse strongly correlates with President Trump's efforts to crack down on the estimated 11000000 immigrants living in the u.s. Illegally the Dems opting not to report their abusers for fear their family will be torn apart Frank Chicago police are after as many as 6 men or boys who sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl in an attack that was live streamed on Facebook the girl's mother showed police officials a video of the attack they were pouring stuff down her she was so scared they were pushing her head into an every day no one who watched the attack in progress called the police s. And p. Futures are down 2 points this is c.b.s. News. From the studios of c.b.s. News 8 then he goes undisputed news leader this is am 768 man arrested after attempted kidnapping on 7 sixty's Devore Simon that's one of the stories we're following. Now 15 fast market that was the scene of a car fire that's also about the east 94 connector to the south 15 block the south 15 jammed coming away from the 8 o 5 north 5 just before the 52 working a crash in the right light traffic brought to you by a Burger King breakfast what's best place to have your breakfast How about on a warm croissant now at Burger King get to christen which breakfast sandwiches for just $4.02 for $4.00 gross sandwich only at Burger King price of participation vary a man is behind bars after several kidnapping attempts in San Diego area police say they saw Spicer Khan and trying to lure several women and young girls into his car and is going to go. Khan It was arrested yesterday and officers found an illegal assault style rifle along with a 1000 rounds of ammunition in the trunk of his car San Diego County will see more rain this week the National Weather Service says light showers will continue today and tomorrow and the area could get from a quarter inch of rain to one and a half inches of rain through Thursday gusty winds are also expected in the mountains and deserts it is currently cloudy and $61.00 at Lindbergh Field for news every half hour and when it happens follow am $760.00 k. F.m.b. Now it's Armstrong a Getty. Yet. You wake up on a shocking Duckie kind of day I put on my underwear well gonna cook and me and my baby for. A little friend Ok oh well I'll do it was. The one who are real classy let me just go to the store Ok Jack until it's great to be on the voice of the West how do we allow them to have a radio oh who wouldn't want opportunity to talk to Jack Armstrong and get it here why are you here today I don't want your new There's. The back door say I don't know what you want. When you want. What the hell is this impulse of. Well Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty who hosts the popular radio talk show asked the same question of their listeners and here's their response they don't want to get in that state from Donald Trump. This is Ed McMahon and now he. Is Armstrong and get a. New Studio season your a dimly lit room dba them about the Armstrong. Getting communications compound on a Wednesday and I just realized this Wednesday night forgot to take the trash out this morning and today we're under the tutelage of our general manager Neil Gorsuch soon to be a member of the Supreme Court of the United States oh or will he yes he will but will he I think so yes unless. Well he's going to be yes no matter what and coach interim manager Senator John Cornyn of Texas will be talking to him in a little bit he said the senators on the Judiciary Committee is as a former judge himself and in a world exclusive hard hitting far reaching deep seeing. A medical exam punsters yet a year of you politicians never seen him at all that's where you're wrong no matter what we ask him he's not going to say anything but call me the surgeon because I get anything out anybody. But they call you yeah occasionally. I come in that I don't I'm breaking news within the last hour a.p. Reporting now that people picking up on it that old man of Ford was taken millions of dollars from a roof skis for idea things yeah and or Ukrainians whatever whatever those that are you. Saying thank you Andy I think you're under the. So that's going to be a big story was he looked he from the 1st woman I ever saw me looks like a criminal he looks like a cartoon gangster. I'm not shocked by that I don't know what it's going to be politically but. He looks exactly like and this is going back a ways but that Wolf gangster in the I think is underdog cartoons or something like that I mean it's as if the character was based on I'm the big pinstripe suits that kind of big head in the desert with Bill earring and. Says Donald Trump once told us we need to study the world. Around her. Study the world yes and so will kick. The show by introducing everybody c.e.o. We got here early this morning for reasons that don't matter to you but so I went to the Starbucks and I texted out saying they want to think from Starbucks and she People wanted a couple of things and Michelangelo texted me yes I'd like a hot chocolate place like a child. We were going to do that really I could show you I know I saw and heard. You know unfortunately they were out of stickers or I got you know stick all over the world was crushed in this thing that I have that I'm just like good morning to board operator Michael Angelo our this morning well I'm going to enjoy my hot chocolate and my so my 1st grader and my Laffy Taffy are going to give us what I got here well I'm. Requesting a large black America Cano place which I saw that really you date whoever you want to date it's not a business but what would you like to agree. There's a positive shot who smile lights up the room our assistant executive producer are you shown to him very well I think the surgeon is an excellent nickname for Joe because much like a surgeon sometimes he has to cut in order to heal. Oh. I saw I saw both of the Dave Chappelle one hour stand up specials yesterday. My opinion of them remains the same I love Dave Chappelle deep in the heart of Texas I think is the stronger of the 2 hours but the other one also has some very good highs. Just very funny these are both. Somewhat aged couple I think one of them was for a couple years ago one of them was about a little more than a year not ripped from today's headlines it actually comes up in mailbag and I want to turn to you at that point you have to pay for these notes on Netflix if you have so much I got it yeah so they Ok so they just figure they'll have more subscribers exactly by by having that kind of a product that's where they make their money because I paid him what $40000000.60 for 3 specials a year old 2 of them he already had made that's crazy so he's got another one coming out this year that will be more current There's Vince and our senior executive. This morning that's arraigned a little where I live yesterday and Harry the hoarder opened his garage but the rain didn't it doesn't stop the hoarding but it did contain it to just his premises so it's in there with his garage door open and he's got his hoard up to the ceiling but it wasn't didn't spill out to the driveway such as the. D.v.r. Ordering in your garage Mr day she liked the fact that the rain made him forced him to keep his hoarding indoors Yes that's why I'm but he moves it outdoors sorts that around and moves the ball back indoors how frequently a daily basis or couple times a week or what like $10.00 to $15.00 times a month. Sort of the other day while Tuesday I move the horde out of the driveway rearrange it and move back in the garage I'd like to know what he thinks he's doing nothing to it but to do it's not going to hoard self gotta get started are I wonder if he knows what he's doing he just does compelled to do it that's why it's not like your neighbor's kid breaks your window or whatever Ok pay for my window but there's so much going on in his head that I want to know about that I care about the needs healing what if it's murderous thoughts though Boy I hear yelps everyone thought of like you know their murderous and cannibalistic is my guess there is Marcia Phillips who does our news every day Arias my Marshall I'm doing very well we have a big celebrity birthday today. Shatner I have searched earnestly and desperately for intelligence and perception of the universe and I have found it everywhere except here Armstrong Getty William Shatner 86 years old today net worth at least $100000000.00 Some estimates put his net worth around 600000000 while it gets a little vague because in 971970 he was hired to front the t.v. Campaign for Priceline dot com Right so he agreed to take share. Years in the company is part of his payment well of bubble of course burst in 2000 but the shareholders who rode out the storm had the last laugh those same shares have soared in value and shatters always been a little coy about did he keep the shares that he sell the share honestly because he's got like 5 ex-wives that's probably why. He lets man talk about my money we just talked to the guy who funded Priceline the other day we should i ask him about the Bill Shatner decision which I think turned out to be pivotal I think that was a huge part of Priceline success Yeah yeah yeah yeah he did those spots for a long long time anyway Happy Birthday William I'm Jack Armstrong he's just getting on this Wednesday March 22nd 2017 we Armstrong you getting in we approve of this program chatter one of the more likely like a bowl or other people on earth terrific very amiable let's begin the show now Fishley Corning to have c.c. Rules and regulations and the Prime Directive course of Starfleet Mark I ask a few of them. You know for suggestions and my son down teenager said Ask him if he would rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck. I've never heard it either it was a course not a radical while ago I read it while ago. But you know that's where it's going from here and if you can you can tell him I'm very rarely at a loss for words you're all right you know you got me I will tell I'm a teenager still I'm sure there there you go. So who asked back and who posed that question to Gorsuch I was Arizona Senator Jeff Flake so from Republicans you get what you like better horses ducks or ducks as a Democrat you get why are you such a Nazi that's the way confirmation hearings work now. And 11 hours how many hours was it you have 9 days longer over and more today yeah you know just they're just trying to get him to stumble or slip up intentionally trying to anger him. By one way or loses his cool right by another the other side is why is it difficult being so wonderful Right exactly those questions Jeff or gotten a if you ever spelled chocolate ice cream to impossible to get out of your shirt isn't it just weird right what are the headlines Marshall found we got new reports about a former truck campaign manager Paul man to forge ties to Russia Trocaire in trouble and a legendary t.v. Producer musician the false and the self professed CIA assassin is now dead yeah I saw that what a weird coincidences we had a text about it just the other day I got those stories coming up 635 armed struggle getting shot for you that all of a coincidence please sucker celebrity to mean something to me how does mail bag look policy outstanding Oh my goodness the passion the Yanks they froze the pair of those stay with me while all that. Well some of the Lego's look. If you close the Lego You're listening to the Armstrong and get the show. I want solar. 15 just past Market Street and earlier car fire has been cleared from lanes traffic though still jam solid back on the 8 o 5 and then also the east 94 ramp to the south 50 was blocked while they work on that so that he found 94 is backing up and then separately there was a problem on the west from 94 just before the 15 with a crash in the center divider so those west 94 is jam coming away from Federal Boulevard and a problem and will play at 5 northbound before the 52 freeways the crash it's taking away the right lane traffic is stopped from. Looking at delays as well if you're heading northbound on the 8 o 5 it's especially tough now between the 50 torn alcohol involved card and then again from bell boy to Gov drives traffic brought to you by a Burger King breakfast what's the best place to have your breakfast out on a warm person now at Burger King get to Christiane with your breakfast sandwiches for just $4.00 to perform dollars pro sandwich only at Burger King price. Participation Barry follow Mike later today from 10 to Lt he want to have 768 remember the morning tolling Good morning serve don't step on the thank you play what you gave the baby chickies in the show room maybe chickens for kids some house or thousands of babies because it's our way of celebrating spring in Toyota Charles Prestwood our huge selection and low prices of thousands of trucks and cars and thousands of little chickens we can all have sweet little cheesy so little cheeky say spring and friendly and it just shows how we are the friendly no pressure no hype salesman we sell cars here plus the cheeky safety of a growing family we understand come to toil to Carlsbad only to remove the baby Jesus I'm going to my office Ok servant be careful the baby duckies what Lucky's the doctors that are in your office are. We going to get used to it it's going to go to Carlsbad needs used cars and is looking to buy cars now sell your car today and get a great price just relaxed and friendly service details online a toy to Carlsbad dot com. 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Are you familiar with the timeline though it was in 06 some difference is going to make Well because politically I'm talking about. Which is all that matters I report you decide when the people will decide exactly what comes campaigns what you're trying to report the fact you got millions of dollars from Putin people that's the way it looks funky I'd say absolutely it does. Say so right. But that my point is we've got to did report exactly what it was before we go to this is a disaster we're the weird of the opinion leaders and you know leave did not follow I think it's a political disaster and last as you stated yesterday we are completely into the we run with our own facts the world then people who are you know on one side are going to Norman the other side will go with them whether they were true or not so does make a difference a yes I think there's a there's a really good chance of that. William or not coming up it's just breaking this morning so yeah mail that. You know I almost didn't get mail bag ready because I was sitting here haunted by a dream I had last night on to buy a dream was to get a story I was offered. A way just as you did we don't need details just give us the realm of what my kids was Saxon Monsoreau my kids was dead that somebody they are granted by a dream yeah my wife had a dream like I was seriously that kind of serious dream like real life during the day she said it took her all day long to shake it. Out. No You mentioned the odd odd coincidence of Chuck Barris coming up the other day and now he passes away what he gave away the story was with no excitement whatsoever you got to build up to that. Earlier Well those are working at cross purposes today we can't get together on the man a 4th thing it's this surgery to show me he's trying to make a joke of my kid dying in my dream and now I'm completely ruined the whole Chuck earth is that bad in which I don't even understand the major celebrity is dead We'll tell you who won don't tell. You but if I thought everybody knew I guess that's because I'm a fan and I thought Marshall's tease was like you practically you know perhaps not . Was it Chuck Barris or Barry but they're both dead or Marion Barry or Barry give. Or he worked for the Bush administration. I was rolling there for a minute and were away I asked So this is even weirder Mike was digging through his garage found old cassette tape he's curious what was on it and he explains what it was but our show was playing in the background like in the ninety's or early thoughts and they were taking calls and the Lennon murder truth guy was one of the calls who used to crank call us this guy would. He call and start with a perfectly plausible you know yeah I was I haven't been there when new blah blah blah and then he did each outlet in murder Truth dot com I think that was the yeah website so anyway my campaign here that in a tape and comments on Jamie Coffey was great too yeah Jamie our news person way back in the day well then we get this note from Jan Hey guys. You remember the Lennon murder truth guy he would sneak past your call screener Well he made it onto a Buzz Feed list which is 36 of the craziest tin foil wrapped conspiracy theories anyway check him out number 6 will shock you just kidding I don't even remember what number 6 was so how the hell does Ellen t.g. Come up twice after all these years was his conspiracy theory on John Lennon the government killed him or something. Wasn't Stephen King involved I don't remember at all. It did show him look it up if you do it's crazy talk yeah it was completely nuts. Let's see this is from Dee whose last name apparently is Asian. But I won't use it why does simpleton Jack it's actually old Simple Jack now. Isn't that kind of earnest and and. Down home down to earth that's the way I take old simple joke you're taking my if you're looking at my intelligence sums I'm actually a dullard which is slightly below average whereas a simpleton can barely all white themselves exactly so. Why does simpleton Jack insist on calling Vince America's most prominent Asian American dog goes according to Vince he's Asian Vietnamese and Italian there's fake news and then there's fake Asians and he has both well I think you're Asian enough to get into a college as an Asian or anything else the government does and his dad well he's quibbling with the American half of America and me to figure it out that's what your dad was Italian American Correct Correct yeah he was as American as we were a nation of immigrants d. All right Sicilian very hairy people who think I'm still here melting pot cetera I found a list about 15 conspiracy conspiracies about John Lennon's death I'm not sure which one that guy was a big fan of this his website still existed to get your computer virus murder Lennon Truth dot com Lennon's not my career let's find out I'm on record for the dot com I believe. But I actually need you to pay attention to this Xan if you don't mind yes. Well he writes Dave Chappelle's new stuff as reference yesterday is hilarious but I think he's gone too long he's been gone too long he clearly didn't take into account the rise of extreme political correctness I would interject or maybe he doesn't care his stuff was so funny but the audience was worried to laugh about it he was a little freaked out so as I audience got more comfortable as time went on but that given was weird and a little bit telling Would you agree Did you notice that yeah and I think you're Joe you're right your assumption that he. Doesn't care a lot of why would somebody want me to just come from the specter of no there's there's no subject that is off limits we can talk about things we can laugh about things yeah I would say a guy in his position at his point his career his wealth. And that's not by the way that's not a shot of any sort but he is the end of position where he can say yeah all of gotten turned into a bunch of panty wadded babies and I don't care here's my stuff which I appreciate . You know many many comedians has just written another one talking about it the other day a major source of income is gone because the college circuit is gone he used to be going to colleges and doing comedy was a huge bit of being a stand up comedian now the kids are too politically correct they won't laugh at anything they just want to be angry all the time it's what a weird sociological change Speaking of sociological changes Scott. We're talking about when kids should start school he said he grew up in a little town in California kids I went to kindergarten with same kids I graduated from high school with. Several of my classmates parents were teachers or school administrators and long story short too late they all started kindergarten a 6 year old's fast war to high school my class was the most dominating both physically and mentally that our town had seen in decades where 1415 year old freshman bunch of us has Carr's a sophomore as well as the class with 18 before senior year is over compared to kids of the other schools that we played sports against were full year old and a full year bigger high g.p.a. Is etc etc and you were talking about this yesterday as if it just strikes me that what if you wait 2 years then you would beat the piss out of everybody you play absolutely wait 5 or 80 years and has grown man what is this being portrayed as like a great thing but did they feel other schools did that in every But I don't now I don't know why I don't I just seems to me that if you're on the kind of in-between you'd be better off as a kid being on the older and rather than the younger end a lot of advantages in what name a disadvantage or not that there aren't any it's fine it's just funny Scott celebrating it is how special his class was well yeah unless you're cross-town rivals in hell back to learn 7 they don't want to you what why. Got this the Democrat party hoping to raise money long letter about how Neil Gorsuch is an evil evil human being my favorite sentence if he's confirmed Gorsuch would be a stool pigeon for corporate interests a stonewall standing in the way of working people seeking justice and a rubber stamp for Donald Trump's extreme agenda on our nation's highest court Ok fair assessment. Right here is Chuck who wants very badly for us to educate our audience about an e.m.p. Attack from North Korea electromagnetic pulse as to any belief they could pull that off. I don't know if anybody on earth could pull it off on a great scale let alone North Korea and Chuck says At present they are very close to having this capability and may in fact already have such ability I have no idea how he knows this. If you are unfamiliar with this topic please get educated on the subject. For approximately $2000000000.00 The Us power grid can be hardened against such attack without such charting we the people could literally be set back to the dark ages where we would remain for several years during this period roughly 90 percent of all Americans will die well 90 percent yeah thanks very for a lot of research how you're awfully It might be 88 might be 92 you throw in something like that I then discard everything you've said. That 90 percent of them will die Ok I find it hard to believe the government is ignoring a threat that would kill 90 percent of Americans very easily. If I get to pick which 10 percent survive. Wow that's a death panel. 990 percent still matters yeah I'd say go me back when you're willing to go 75 percent better or something to talk about some martial layout the breaking news of the day going to dominate currently Chuck Barris is dead. So I said check on Chuck Woolery Ok Ok shots are dropping left or right around here. Thank you to the Armstrong and get your. Local you know the stories you need to the stories you want to talk about San Diego police officer involved in crash on 760 s. Never sign and that's one of the stories we're following. 94 before the 15 clear. A crash of the center divider look at a solid backup often before College Avenue traffic lights you buy a Burger King breakfast what's the best place to have your breakfast How about a warm croissant now a Burger King get to croissant which breakfast sandwiches for just $4.02 for $4.00 gross on which only a Burger King price of participation very a city go police officer is nursing injuries following a question Sanusi dro It happened late last night when a van t. Bone the officers vehicle that officer was taken to the hospital with a wrist injury and a woman who fatally shot her 74 year old great aunt in the victim's Tara sent a home in December 2011 is scheduled to be sentenced today here's Bill Holland with his market update stocks more overseas overnight and here at the open as well I prefer the climb from record levels yesterday and the ongoing political turmoil Well prices back down want to have percent to $48.00 this ahead of reserve data later today the Fed speak on interest rates continues or the dollar is down again mortgage applications down 2.7 percent this week Fed Ex higher in revenues and guidance Nikkei lower on the beat but revenues Miss Sears begin to look at collapses and that Costco to expand grocery business the holiday I'm 760 it's currently lightly raining and 61 at Lindbergh Field news brought to you by 711 coffee sounds good right now how about free coffee stop by 711 to get any size coffee free when you buy any qualifying breakfast sandwich during Bev as now it's $711.00 at participating locations for news every half hour and when it happens follow am $760.00 k. F.m.b. More Armstrong you get is next. C.b.s. News update information gathered by the Associated Press shows that Paul Ryan a 4th for a time a top trump campaign official made millions of dollars a decade ago from business dealings with a Russian businessman close to Vladimir Putin c.b.s. News Correspondent Steve important as the latest humaniform was fired after 6 months as Trump campaign chairman when payments to him were revealed in secret Ukrainian records now comes a blockbuster a.p. Report that man a 4th was paid millions by a Russian Aula guard after. Retiring services that would greatly benefit the Putin government man of Fort says there was nothing nefarious about his lobbying efforts this week the White House has sought to minimize the role of the man who ran Mr Trump's campaign through the nominating process the Associated Press report comes out at a time when the f.b.i. And 2 congressional committees are looking for any evidence of possible collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia c.b.s. News update on Frank's sunny day here Director v.a. Landing at I direct on loans San Diego's v.a. Home loan specialist that I direct we make the v.a. Lending process easier our dedicated team of v.a. Specialists has the most accurate information on the v.a. Home loan program if you're an active service member veteran it's important you work with a lender that knows the benefits of a v.a. Loan a 4 for a v.a. Loan for instance are you holding off from purchasing your dream home due to lack of a downpayment with a v.a. Loan in San Diego it is possible to purchase a home up to $612950.00 with no down payment and no mortgage insurance issues I direct home loans we understand the benefits of the v.a. Loan and make your v.a. Lending process easier I direct is a proud supporter of San Diego's Warrior Foundation freedom station a 4 for 8 v.a. Loan or I direct on loans dot com by direct Tom loan the lending meetings here licensed by the Department of Business oversight of the California residential it is learning and I'm a listener to no one for Equal Housing lender subject to change without notice for 4 for details about credit cost in terms Joyner said here is sort of wide financial planner with your financial advisors you know you have a choice with your money in your retirement you can keep doing what you're doing or you can take control if you take control and create a plan all your questions become answers and all the uncertainty and doubt becomes confidence right to go that's right so let us prove it to you with our 5 point retirement master plan it doesn't get much easier than this in this plan you'll discover simple strategies to minimize your risk transform your savings into income workhorse and retirement how to save thousands of unnecessary taxes penalties. And fees how to wring every nickel out of your Social Security benefits plus why so many retirement plans fail today this customized plan is specifically designed for you this is your one chance right now to finally take control of your retirement if you're recently retired or retiring in the next 10 years call it in the next 5 minutes 888-994-6257 or go to pure financial dot com. Am 7 sixty's brick Winterbourne division in this country is along the following 2 lines the big government party and the Freedom Party sets up this afternoon from 2 to 6 am 760 to David Horwitz is a new book we're going to talk about the people against the conservative movement today and what motivates all talk about this coming up at 10 o'clock on my site or show but 1st back to Armstrong and getting. Better I know it's a bombshell anymore some things seem like bombshells and they disappear by a new and dime in the modern world gives us her way the news cycle works but this seems like a bombshell today welcome to the Armstrong and get the show news out Marshall alley Associated Press reporting this morning the president trumps former campaign chairman Paul man of court was paid millions of dollars by a Russian billionaire to advance the interest of Russian President Vladimir Putin the report says Man Apart signed a $10000000.00 contract with the Kremlin ally at decade ago to advance a program to greatly benefit the Putin government by lobbying the u.s. And other Western governments and he ends up in the campaign manager for Donald Trump who sometimes prayed always praises white America and strangely I mean how could there possibly be anything bare so from 06 to 09 he got 10000000 dollars which ain't nothing to that's a long time on pale again that's serious money well yeah he will Yeah yeah. Yeah I just want to know more about it because indeed he was he personally paid $10000000.00 as a lobbyist as a firm it's a 3 year. Well and then the the leap forward is that he therefore is a fan of Putin and the government they have a long history together. What. Because that is where everything I said is definitely true I'm not trying to defend the guy it's just I don't think it's still a bit of a leap now it's not a very foreign leap though if a guy got $10000000.00 to specifically advance the interests of Russia and United States politics and in the media and denied it right and you know and then lived in says that he never did he don't think he could possibly still be in that role exactly when he's when he was running a presidential campaign and hoping to get money or even having a conversation about getting money somewhere I mean you'd have pretty close contacts with somebody who got paid $10000000.00 for all might imagine they still have each other's phone number yeah yeah possibly that's the key there's got to be something if there's more smoke more smoke for this one is you know where this one is so smoky I need to stop drop and roll and crawl out of the room for error having come on that $10000000.00 to specifically advance the interests of Russia in American politics he's also won't be there if he's running the campaign of a guy who mysteriously praises one of the 1st people on earth all the time I would agree it's an odd coincidence is that life amazing sometimes the part that makes it difficult for me to believe is I just can't imagine Donald Trump being led anywhere by anyone I can't imagine anybody sitting down and down and saying this is what we ought to do because I think it's a good idea done in terms not built that way yeah but if he trusts and likes man a fort metaphor to right ear metaphor is a metaphor a lobbyist is a manipulator. Sodger a bribe or a threatener and metaphor it's really really good at it according to well according to his paychecks and so yeah he absolutely getting trumps here and. And appeal to his vanity or whatever else I just you know again more smoke a little fire but this does not look great. Meanwhile you've got a Ukrainian lawmakers released new financial documents allegedly at legibly showing Paul Beneforti laundered $750000.00 in payments from the political party of a disgraced ex leader of the Ukraine using offshore accounts to hide them that x. Leader of the Ukraine had very close ties to Russia so you've got these both these reports coming out the last 24 hours about Paul man of court and his financial dealings with the. Allies Russia it's a really all a dark sewer close to them. Yet to refocus on the fact though that even deny that he ever had any ties with Russia now no ties other than the $10000000.00 I got from one of Putin's closest pet bazillion errors as Esquire called them. All right another note the great Chuck Barris the game show entrepreneur musician and the self professed CIA assassin is dead page 87 guy I love Chuck Barris he was great I didn't realize he was that old by didn't realize he was nearly the same age as Chuck Berry Wow died of natural causes game show empire includes of course the Dating Game The Newlywed Game and The Gong Show I think I might can stow and it's Chris going to say list right. About Brokeback he called himself the king of daytime television he wrote in his autobiography Confessions of a Dangerous Mind he had also been a CIA assassin famous trousers bearers. For pop songs. And edition I admired 33 days. Ago but it's a good movie yeah the book became a movie in 2002 it was a George Clooney debut as a director a movie director so. Movie Chuck Leavell do you write I read a Chuck Barris book but I don't think it was that one often air down nail down what it was because it was a great show business book that he wrote about I think it was that he was out when that was what was so weird about it is it was a straight forward autobiography in which he you know told us about him being one of the real innovators in daytime television like in the late sixty's right when he was younger he'd already he'd had a long career by the time the Gong Show came on but anyway interspersed with this and then I created the Newlywed Game which was notable and it was fun it was great fun I remember what it was all gobbled up and then the next chapter it be about going to Ukraine the sets maybe somebody from the CIA It was just a weird town I was a kid i love we love The Gong Show so much I loved it to grow enough I start dichotomy runs because obviously wasn't my When I was watching but yeah I mean you Jean Jean the dancing machine was one of my favorite things ever growing up the fact that I didn't realize just to later but any time somebody had a dog act on the show he would put like meat in his pants so the dog would sniff is growing and because he thought I was hilarious I mean it's so funny as a host just a letter and will be right back with more stuff so dry leaves funny oh we would laugh at this I like that and then again I like green. Card That's a wrap that your news Marshall Phillips you have started getting showed the voice of the West. Remember my parents I think my mom specifically and this is not shocking looking back my mom did not approve of the show Ok I got a weird vibe it was ever honest I am whatever I want to be Gina Danson mage the. Unknown Comic the diagram which is the bag I had I got a thing of the Unknown Comic one time in Las Vegas and I went to his acting out in the front row and he picked on me that he made me the foil as the guy you're going to pick on the entire hour and whatever a still stayed sort of friend. Well you have a couple of clips named for you get out yes definitely he just stood up got no one on one stage and punched him right in the bag. To get into the news of the day and we do have a u.s. Senator we're going to talk to a little bit later grilling me one of the Supreme Court justices going to be Supreme Court justice all coming up on the Armstrong I'm going to show. 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Be a lending meatier licensed by the Department of Business oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act animalism written one for people has a hunter. For 35 pm 716. Thank you for that think you're a man of the law. And I really want to congratulate President picking quite frankly I was worried about who would pick. Maybe somebody on t.v. . Making a funny. Openly mocking the President welcome to the Armstrong and getting shore to talk to us Senator John Cornyn of Texas who is on the committee there the judicial Commenee about the whole Gorsuch thing and. Try to get him to say something that is of any interest or newsworthy which is not easy with a politician. Not easy you know you're going to be a hard hitting world exclusive Armstrong you get a in-depth interview Stay with us if your show of any note and we're barely qualifying for that you can get a politician on any day you want to get a politicians to come on getting them to say anything though is not easy to do they will be a hard hitting in-depth a world exclusive Stay with us they make their living not saying anything they want to well they fill the time with words yeah while not saying anything they're good at it oh man a Ford is saying something Jack is a tempting to smear the man really is a respected gentleman. Long time force on the American scene Jack is trying to smear him with facts. He don't appreciate he's always looked like a crook to me 1st time I someone Meet the Press I thought Geez that guy I feel like I need to take a shower so you're racist or something. In a statement to The Associated Press metaphor to confirm that he worked for the aluminum magnate who is one of Putin's oligarchy Why did I get hired by an aluminum magnate from Russia yes say that now I know what your motivation is jealousy my understanding aluminum isn't magnetic I am confused by this whole malarkey and fears he confirmed that he works for this gent and various countries but said the work was being unfairly cast as quote inappropriate or nefarious close quote as part of a quote smear campaign I worked with Oleg Pascoe almost a decade ago representing him on business and personal matters in countries where he had investments metaphors that might work for Mr Darragh past that did not involve representing Russia's political interests now a.p. Claims to have a memo that I believe specifically says that it does work did include that so then it will come down whether that memos. For reals or not yeah yeah well you know here's the difficulty I read the memo on. The Twitter feed of who the guy ran for president that you're all excited about Scott Walker now a guy from Utah Oh McMullan Yeah he was on Macmillan's twit Oh I haven't. Molyneux has the memo with the important stuff highlighted on his Twitter feed Oh interesting yeah I have to take a look at that. The difficulty with the with the metaphor it's defense is that in an oligarchy of plutocracy a system like Putin's the the dividing line between representing someone's personal interests and the interests of the government there is no divine shine that's the whole point of you know that sort of kleptocracy. So. You've got to bring it home at some point what does this have to do with the campaign with Donald Trump with anything trumps campaign manager got $10000000.00 to advance Russian interests you got a new United States while he was campaign manager. With his marriage on which her campaign we have to assume that that he got $10000000.00 to do that and then when he became a campaign manager for Trump years later he was you no longer was going to try to do it which could be true. Well the other right I need to read all this but it was 06 to 09 the contract covered they say so you know that was almost a decade before Trump ran by almost a decade as if it takes too long to say 70. As usual big big high road get me over here I want the facts before I rush to some sort of judgment and I think there's plenty of smoke here but I'm not seeing anything to do with Trump other than his weird man crush on Putin apparently but and you your campaign manager the guy you want to get paid $10000000.00. By Putin's guys I mean the way their government structured from everything I've read a guy that's a good zillionaire in Russia you don't get that way unless you're a Putin guy he's fired campaign manager by the way let me throw that in there to get rid of him but it's not like the United States where you could become a billionaire obviously and really be out of step with the government like Warren Buffett you could you could you could hate the president and work to get rid of them and be a billionaire that it doesn't happen in Russia no you're not a billionaire and let's hear your own team Putin and if you are on team Putin you stand a really good chance of being a billionaire now and he paid manna for $10000000.00 to advance in political interests in the United States allegedly now so you know and you've got to hope that they once the contract is over that nice working with you more about their business so as long as you're long as you're leaping to conclusions or certainly inferences where do you think this ends just with a reinforcement of perception that Trump is sweet on Russia and I think it takes him several more notches down the. Road or bell for something yeah I just I think if Trump comes out strong against this Saturday other that Russia does that narrative kind of. It convinces the Democrat base and will be there to motivate them but it doesn't go any further it would help if he'd stop saying things like he did to Bill O'Reilly in front of a Superbowl crowd was 6 a lot of people kill people when you're talking about Putin you think us is so innocent I mean that's a crazy thing to say that was a completely crazy thing to say yeah. Well say I don't I don't personally think Donald Trump is trying to advance Russia's interests against the United States and you're hinting at it all morning scurrilous irresponsible for my to them Senator John Cornyn next on the Armstrong and Getty show. If you are a sole proprietor real estate investor or other high income earner and you don't know Jennings financial you're probably paying way too much into. 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