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Right in that immediate area slowing traffic considerably and of course the news of the day the norovirus outbreak in District 6 is spreading the city council votes tonight on a strategic housing plan is already a veteran leaving no stone unturned while delivering topics and opinions in a responsible way how can you have a showdown if one of the parties involved doesn't show mornings with Gail weekdays 6 to 9 only on 1310 k. F. K. . Who do I perform for I perform for all the awesome composers whose music deserves to be heard. I perform for all the stage hands to make sure I never miss a cue. I perform for a high school choir director who taught me to breathe from the diaphragm and sing from the heart. Speech debate theatre music the performing arts teach valuable life lessons that typically aren't taught in the classroom they help high school students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive lives I perform for Mrs Adding my high school debate coach who has helped me become more confident than I ever dreamed possible this message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the high school in your community. Thank you for who you prefer. America is kept safe because the Army National Guard responds protection supports our nation when it needs them most the Army National Guard responds to disasters such as wild fires and floods they protect us with missile defense cyber security and civilian support teams for chemical biological and radiological hazards be there for your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station sports talk. 1310 k. F k. Washington and Wall Street. For starters with. All. And good Wednesday morning America's 1st news continues it's the 18th day of December 6 minutes past the hour and president trumps on the cusp of being impeached by the house with a historic debate set to begin this morning on charges he abused his power in obstructed Congress votes are expected by early even if they're going to do often dealing with the fact that you know I don't think any and 0 can put it mildly that they took a perfect phone call that I had with the president of Ukraine an absolutely perfect call you know they all know it nothing was said wrong in that call to impeach the president of the United States but that isn't disgrace and it's a mark of our country and I'll tell you what other presidents in the in the future unless they do something about this other presidents are going to have to live with this and every time they do something that's a little bit unpopular a little bit strong even if they're 100 percent right because I've done a great job when you look at the kind of jobs we've created when you look at the economy that we've created when you look at rebuilding the military taking care of the vets you just take a look at what we've done with choice of veterans choice with accountability and events with what we've done to protect our 2nd Amendment and so many of the things nobody has done as much as I have done in the 1st 3 years President speaking right about the time that he sent off a fiery letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denouncing what he called the vicious crusade against him Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer telling c.n.n. He thinks the president is trying to intimidate Speaker Pelosi Well he's obviously under a great deal of duress but if he thinks he can bully Nancy Pelosi and backing off he's with the wrong customer the Maysan thing about President Trump as. President and before the very things he does he accuses others of doing bully is the most bullying President we have ever had accusing people of things this president accuses people of things all the time every day so he ought to look into the mirror he has these are serious charges impeachment is a very very serious process and we in the Senate want to keep it that way we want to trial that's not focusing on conspiracy theories or rants and raves from those who are known liars who put out conspiracy theories on the right we want the truth we want as Joe Friday and dragnet used to say just the fact the Republicans are already working on how to conduct a trial in the Senate in January and the chief judge of a secretive surveillance court defies a court says the f.b.i. Must fix problems Aidid in a harshly critical Justice Department inspector general report Judge Rosemarie call year with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said in a public order Tuesday that the f.b.i. Submitted unsupported information in applications to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter page she directed the f.b.i. To respond with how it will ensure the accuracy of future applications to monitor communications of individuals it's the specs of being agents of a foreign power the f.b.i. Says it's committed to working with the d.o.j. In court to quote ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Pfizer process Oh a judge has ruled that former National Security Agency contractor Ed Snowden violated secrecy agreements with the u.s. Government that allow it to claim proceeds from a memoir he published federal judge Liam O'Grady ruled Snowden is liable for breach of contract with the government because he published permanent record without submitting it for prepublication review in that book Snowden explains how he viewed himself as a whistleblower by revealing details about the government's mass collection of information in the name of national security and Snowden was charged under the u.s. Espionage Act but he's hiding out in Russia to avoid arrest. On the Democratic controlled House passing a $1.00 trillion dollar government spending package and the president a victory on his Us Mexico border wall it also gives Democrats victory spending increases across a swath of domestic programs Senate leader Mitch McConnell saying there's plenty for everybody the compromise giving both sides some of what they don't want to but it would forestall a government shutdown this weekend President Trump is expected to sign the 2 Bill package and freelance writers and photographers are challenging California's impending new law that aims to give wage and benefit protections to independent contractors this suit filed Tuesday says their jobs would be threatened by what it calls an arbitrary limit of 35 submissions each year it says that restriction undermines free speech and media diversity now the suit says government has a heavy burden when its regulations single out the press the bill's author and the state attorney general have not commented that law takes effect next month that also affects the ride share drivers and others in the so-called gig economy you're talking and lift However the intent of this law not sure if it was or the I guess not so much the intent but the expanse of it if you will not sure if that was studied as this will affect truck drivers and a lot of other people that will get caught up in this law for a behind the scenes look at America's 1st news head on over to a.f.n. Now dot com reach out to me on Twitter or Facebook any time at Matt rate talk use the hash tag a.f.n. Follow the show on Twitter to at America's 1st news use the hash tag a f and there is well more breaking news all the way on this Wednesday morning we are just getting started up next we'll take a look at the a.f.n. Markets what's driving the numbers more record highs yesterday right now a word from our sponsors I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans 30 percent of Americans who are planning. 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Still wants to play is probably not going to play for the local national makes it the whole story. It was one of those years no doubt about it and we'll see if this ranch team can turn the page and finish the day with the we have a really disturbing trend where stars are not hurt and just take. A real talk. America is kept safe because the Army National Guard responds protects and supports our nation when it needs the most from fighting wildfires with air support helping civilians in flooded neighborhoods to delivering food and supplies to those who have lost everything the Army National Guard always responds when disaster strikes the Army National Guard also trains to be ever vigilant against threats foreign and domestic They protect our skies with missile defense weaponry they secure our information communications and infrastructure with cyber security and they protect us against chemical biological and radiological hazards with a civilian support team the Army National Guard also stands ready to deploy and provide support for conflicts or humanitarian missions abroad joined the Army National Guard and be there to respond protect and support your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about a part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station it's getting harder to take care of Mom I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start. Every day I'm there for him but sometimes I need time for me. Caregiving can be tough at Colorado caregiving dot org you'll find resources to make your caregiving more manageable call 184-426-5237 extension 2 or visit Colorado caregiving dot org to find support discover local resources events and trainings respite care providers and more for caregivers of individuals of all ages needs This is Colorado caregiving dot org or call 184-426-2372 extension 2 find the support you need your care may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado respite coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. In the Army National Guard family means everything we really appreciate what she's doing as a sister as well as a soldier and you know supporting their country our parents they're really supportive that all 5 of us were enjoying family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspiring influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they and you know I kind of did my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way I did and I'm really proud that we can to help shape the future and I know that my sister is going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you and your family will share a lot of pride in their just call to do something every day in the country as well my education because of the guard I got to travel a little bit and experience a whole different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station. This is Matt ray coming up immediately after my show is mornings with Gayle with the one and only Gayle Fallon. The best way to start your day America's 1st news with right. Good Wednesday morning America's 1st news continues its the 18th day of December a.f.n. Markets this morning Asian shares are mostly lower as the euphoria over that interim trade deal between China and the u.s. Wears off as shares rose in Sydney but fell in most major markets including Tokyo in Shanghai major indexes here at home breaching more record highs overnight with the benchmark s. And p. Logging its 5th game in a row after the Federal Reserve said Tuesday that industrial production and manufacturing were stronger last month than economists predicted though weaker than last year banks and companies that rely on consumer spending led the way Goldman Sachs was up 1.4 percent the s. And p. $500.00 rose $1.00 point to $3192.00 the Dow rose $31.00 and the Nasdaq rose 9 bond prices rose sending yields slightly lower u.s. Employers posted more job openings in October that's a sign the market remains strong the Labor Department said Tuesday the number of available positions rose 3.3 percent to nearly 7300000 not that suggest that business has remained confident enough in the economic outlook to create more jobs the number of open jobs has declined from a record high of 7600000 a year ago but they are still at historically high levels for roughly a year and a half there have been more job postings than unemployed people. Well as we mentioned earlier the Democratic controlled House passing a $1.00 trillion dollar government spending package handing the president a victory on the border wall getting Democrats spending increases to Senate leader Mitch McConnell says it gives both sides some of what they want. All of the president's priorities or in the bill the 2 bills that are members Republican members are extremely happy with provisions both related taxes and spending. Particularly thrilled to see this say goodbye to the medical device stocks health insurance stocks and of course the Democrats are excited to get rid of the catalog so. We have the defense plus up we want. And there are certain issues that some of us care a lot about that are you on the. Standing behind me and I are deeply interested in t 21 raising the use to do deliver purchase tobacco. Age 21 so there's just a lot to like in both of these bills. Will be moving into them when I come over in the main job I file cloture on 13 district judges. Which will have to process before we get to the appropriation bills. But I think we're ending on a pretty good note here in spite of all that the challenges are whirling around. Both us on this one of these days now the bill would also forestall a government shutdown this weekend President Trump is expected to sign it on the federal government's joining the legal fight against c.v.s. Health that accuses its troubled the care business of routinely filling prescriptions that had expired or had run out of refills the Department of Justice said in federal court papers that Ami Care is pharmacy sent drugs to people living in residential facilities based on stale invalid prescriptions and accuse the company of fraudulent Lee billing government funded programs like Medicaid and Medicare for drugs dispensed without valid prescriptions from 2010 to 2018 on the care distributes drugs to long term care and assisted living facilities across the u.s. C.v.s. Spokesperson says the claims have no merits Michigan suing 4 companies over the painkiller epidemic State Attorney General Dana Nestle says Michigan's the 1st state to sue major opioid distributors under a drug dealer liability law that suit filed Tuesday names Amerisource Bergen Cardinal Health McKesson and Walgreen's they've been sued in other states to Michigan the 49th state to file legal action against the opioid industry only Nebraska hasn't and Nestle says the crisis has led the state to bear high financial costs the companies contend they and as a delivery service and kept authorities apprised of the quantities being shipped. Well Boeing's decision to suspend production of the grounded $737.00 Max is reverberating across the country you're talking about places like Wichita Kansas and other cities that are holding to some of the companies worldwide that make parts for the troubled jet counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway says President Trump is ign concerns with the 737 Max Jet He also took time to take a shot at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Well you know I ministration has talked about but when you met with Boeing previously Boeing went to Capitol Hill to testify as well so the president is always monitoring that he wants to make sure that airline passengers here are safe and that is a reference priority but there again if you want your life passengers to be safe sure you look at the max but should we also be looking at the infrastructure package that Nancy Pelosi huffed and puffed and tried to blow our house sale here and walked out you know and from the infrastructure meeting I do not deal with stuff I only talk to the president and she left before we can discuss infrastructure which included reforming our air traffic control system which was built for 100000 on your passengers and now we have close to 1000000000 annual passengers you pass that piece of infrastructure it makes their runway safer it makes less hassle certainly which is safer for all of us so but they're busy impeaching the president is the president you're going to get involved with this company right there with the president that Boeing knows the president's watching he's met with them obviously the Defense Department has met with them departed transportation I'm sure has met with them I mean when you say he intervenes and gets involved it's to protect American interests I know g.m. Wants a tax credit for example I'm sure he'll weigh in on that he has talked to Mary very used to today about different things g.m. Has done the president got involved and Lordstown Ohio looks much better for its auto workers now and frankly they want to manufacture there so when. And that but the overall trade deal that's going to help places like Ohio safety 1st when it comes to Airlines Boeing meanwhile says it does not plan to layoff any of its $12000.00 workers at its Washington state factory that manufactures the Macs $737.00 they are going to be moved to other areas smaller parts suppliers though they more than likely don't have that luxury and Nevada says the u.s. Energy Department is engaged in a secret plutonium smuggling operation that threatens Nevada's health safety and environment it is again asking a federal judge to order the removal of weapons grade material that the government shipped to a security site near Las Vegas over the state's objections the state's latest filing this week in Reno part of a year long legal battle that urges a judge to reject the government's motion to dismiss Nevada's lawsuit challenging the shipments the Energy Department says the issue is moot because it's already promised no more plutonium will come to Nevada and the Navajo Nation says it's seeking to become one of the 1st Native American tribes to create its own Managed Health Care entity the tribe recently announced its plans to contract with Molina healthcare to work toward a managed health care offering under New Mexico's Centennial care Medicaid program Navajo Nation councilor Daniel so says the new entity will be a one of a kind Medicaid program designed to improve access and quality of health care on the Navajo Nation about 75000 Medicaid eligible Navajos are living in New Mexico take us with you wherever you go down though the talk stream live free mobile app reach out to me on Twitter or Facebook any time at math rates awk use the hash tag a.f.n. Follow the show on Twitter at America's 1st news use the hash tag fan a new chapter in American history about to unfold as the House prepares to vote on impeachment we will hear from a Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Senate minority Democrat Chuck Schumer coming up as well as Andrew. McKay by the Pfizer court blasting the f.b.i. The mistakes happened under his watch so what does he have to say about it you've got a f.n. . 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It's getting harder to take care of Mom I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start. Every day I'm there for him that sometimes I need time for me. Caregiving can be tough at Colorado caregiving dot org you'll find resources to make your caregiving more manageable. 42652372 or visit Colorado org to find support discover local resources trainings respite care providers and more for caregivers of individuals of. This in Colorado caregiving dot org or call 184-426-2372 extension 2 find the supports you need your care may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado Coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. Knows how to party let's party especially on Wednesday nights. All of your favorite entertaining programs are in one place during J.F.K.'s block party at 5 o'clock. Takes you through the latest in preps and that's a question how do we get to that small percentage of the parents out there that are screaming to kill is things to kids and it's time to check out our more bacon please restaurant radio so I think it's a very very cool idea and it's very forward thinking you know I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt to see how it goes at 7 o'clock 10 or in the gang talk beer local entertainment and fun with Bluto it's a little thinner. It's deceptive vine only at a nerd hour with the nerdiest of the mall Kevin Brady. Whatever it's popular at the time. Transforming into one giant party K.V.'s block party preps midweek employees and the nerd show who do I perform for I perform for all the awesome composers whose music deserves to be heard. I perform for all the state to make sure and never miss a cue. I perform for a high school choir director who taught me to grieve from the diaphragm and sing from the heart. Speech debate theatre and the performing arts teach valuable life lessons that typically aren't taught in the classroom they help high school students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive life as I can form for Mrs Adding my high school debate coach who has helped me become more confident than I ever dreamed possible this message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the high school in your community. Thank you for who you prefer. America is kept safe because the Army National Guard responds protects and supports our nation when it needs the most from fighting wildfires with air support helping civilians in flooded neighborhoods to delivering food and supplies to those who have lost everything the Army National Guard always responds when disaster strikes the Army National Guard also trains to be ever vigilant against threats foreign and domestic They protect our skies with missile defense weaponry they secure our information communications and infrastructure with cyber security and they protect us against chemical biological and radiological hazards with the civilian support team the Army National Guard also stands ready to deploy and provide support for conflicts or humanitarian missions abroad join the Army National Guard and be there to respond protect and support your community and your country visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station will go whether you can count on 1310 j.f.k. Or. From Washington to Wall Street for America's wars as well that's right here's the. Good Wednesday morning America's 1st news continues it is the 18th day of December 34 minutes past the hour a new chapter in history is about to unfold in Washington as House Democrats prepare to impeach President Trump on abuse and obstruction charges the vote could happen early this evening after debate and procedural action making the 45th president only the 3rd commander in chief to face that penalty then it heads to the Senate that's where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is rejecting the Democrats' push for fresh impeachment testimony while minority Democrat Chuck Schumer claims Mitch McConnell has no reason not to call witnesses that the White House has blocked here are the 2 on the Senate floor this is not is not the actors you Arjun jury to hear trial not to rerun the entire hour fact finding investigation because I agree partisans rush sloppily through the introductory of the Democratic leader apparently wants to take us down or before he's even heard opening arguments could start a nightmarish precedent for our institution the fact that our colleague is already desperate to sign up the Senate for a new fact which House Democrats themselves were too impatient to see through well that suggests something to me it's just that even Democrats who don't like this president are beginning to realize how dramatically insufficient the houses rush process as then I'd like to hear it Leader McConnell come to the floor and give specific reasons why. The 4 witnesses we've asked for shouldn't testify I don't know what they'll say they might have some things their President Trump of point T.V.'s they might have something exculpatory to say about President Trump or they might not but they certainly knew the 4 key people who saw what was going on what is Leader McConnell afraid of what is President Trump afraid of the truth. But the American people want the truth fair trial is one that allows senators to get all the relevant facts and adjudicate the case impartially in the letter I sent to Leader McConnell I proposed a very reasonable to structure for a fair trial I've sent that same letter to every one of my colleagues Democrat and Republican there is a grand tradition in America speedy and fair trials we want both leaders seems obsessed with speeding and wants to throw fair out the window a majority of House members meanwhile have said they will vote to impeach the president this evening which would lead to trial in the Senate likely taking place in January of the secret federal court that approves orders for conducting surveillance on suspected foreign terrorists or spies issuing a strong and highly unusual public rebuke to the f.b.i. Ordering the agency to say how it intends to correct major errors revealed in the deal Jason Spector general report on the origin of the mole or probe the mistakes happened under former f.b.i. Deputy director Andrew McCabe McCabe was pressed about those mistakes on c.n.n. He appeared to blame the process that was in place they were very very serious mistakes they come into basically 2 different categories things that they told the court which were not consistent with what we knew in our own files and facts that we left out that we should have told the court I will say though that the i.g. Pointed out in his report that he's found no evidence that those misrepresentations were intentional nevertheless they are unbelievably serious and something that has very obviously gotten the court's attention as you would expect the Pfizer judge that writes the all of this the evidence we know about calls into question whether information contained in other f.b.i. Applications is reliable the f.b.i. Just responded saying they're going to take 40 corrective steps to try to deal with this but if such blunders such new. Stakes could be made deliberately stakes in such a high profile case you've got to wonder what's going on with lesser high profile cases involving u.s. Citizens if we have exposed if the i.g. Has exposed. A short comings in the process that ensures accuracy goes to the court then yes we need to take a look at all of the Pfizer work that's been done and that is what the court has said that's what the i.g. Has already pledged to do and of course director a has taken some very very active steps to start that process what's the biggest mistake you Mary. The biggest mistake we made. The the biggest mistake I think is the process that was in place essentially left so much responsibility on the lowest level of f.b.i. Agents and supervisors involvement process that once those mistakes are baked in they become very very hard for the many many layers layers of oversight to uncover that's the thing if I were director read that I would focus on things and the process Judge Rosemary call your what the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said in a public order that the f.b.i. Submitted unsupported information and applications to eavesdrop on Carter page the f.b.i. Says it's committed to working with the d.o.j. In court to quote ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Pfizer process a British lawmakers returning to Parliament after last week's general election which gave Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party a big majority Johnson said this week he'll use that majority to end the debt there and delay taking Britain out of the European Union on January 31st this Parliament is not going to waste the time of the nation in deadlock and division are you today on Friday of this week this parliament is going to put the withdrawal agreement. Brought it in there. In the book Tipping as we say it where it was and then this new democratic parliament these people's parliament is going to do something Mr Speaker I might just be I want to be good you would guess what it is this problem is going to do what you. Want to Do do you think it will pay attention to me I'm going to guess what he's calling he's going to do once he put withdrawal remains back we're going to get a break through. You I think I think even you even your parents Mr Speaker would have been able to so I've got one for you know. We are going to be able to get on with delivering on the priorities. Oh the British people transforming the n.h.s. Investing massively in education and police uniting and leveling out across the country and across the whole u.k. And it's my belief goodes most honorable members in this house believe we should resist the Kools of those who would break out the United Kingdom. And it was the parliament that you know we came to be we should provide for the politely and respectfully to friends that partnership and that you Johnson says he wants a new trade deal with the 28 nation each block by the end of 2020 now the government says it will legally rule out the possibility of extending the trade negotiations though experts say it will be hard to seal a deal by the December 2020 deadline at the pound sank on the news which raised fears of a chaotic no brags that deal in 2021 well it would have made for an exciting episode of Maury Povich or maybe Jerry Springer one of those shows where people fight over paternity test instead of Baltimore man's beef against the take home fraternity test is headed to court the man says the per turn of the test he took indicated he was the father of a one year old girl but 2 later tests. That he wasn't and he went to see an attorney now he's suing the d.n.a. Test company for $75.00 grand for the cost of supporting the child and her mother and of course the pain of learning he was not the father take us with you wherever you go download the Takfiri my free mobile app more breaking news on the way right now word from our sponsors twas the holiday season and in your garage a brand new John Deere that's not a mirage with neighbors admiring your shiny new ride it's your year for the deer to fill you with pride so is additional offers on what you desire see your low rates before they expire now start up your engines and drive out of sight new John Deere equipment for all and to all good night make it your year for the New Year see your John Deere dealer today to discover more amazing deals and attractive financing offers. 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I perform for a high school choir director who taught me to prevent the diaphragm and sing from the. Speech they teach. The performing arts teach valuable life lessons that typically aren't taught in the classroom they help high school students learn leadership skills that prepare them to enjoy a more satisfying productive lives I could form for Mrs Adding my high school debate coach helps me become more confident than I ever dreamed possible this message presented by the Colorado high school activities Association and the high school in your community. A question for you who would you prefer. Your radio dial suffering from not this again syndrome. Down to switch from station to station in search of the best way to start your day now Morris piped in British crap you've heard it over and over. With mornings with you'll hear the biggest most relevant news on county d.a. Michael filed 9 felony charges against Chris Watts Tuesday after county initiative would rule out 85 percent of non federal land to develop accurate weather forecasts foci here today across northern Colorado with a 40 percent chance of rain showers even a thunderstorm in traffic conditions some pockets of slowing down 34 East of 25 give your radio dial a break and keep it on northern Colorado's home for news sports and talk what would a generation l. Stand for Mike of likely to fail keep it on mornings with Gale weekdays 62911310 k. F. K. . In the Army National Guard family means everything they really appreciate what she's doing as a sister as well as a soldier. You know supporting your country our parents they're really supportive that all 5 of us were enjoying family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspired influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they and you know I did my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way I do I'm really proud that we can help shape the future and I know that my sister is going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you and your family will share a lot of pride in their just call to do something every day in the in the countries where I got my education because of the guard I got to travel a little bit and experience a whole different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station. The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes and asked trays and lighters I started exercising instead of smoking ban away from alcohol when I was 1st quitting whisky I kept on trying learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes a bit. For free help call 1800 quit now a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and c.d.c. When your favorite kids k. Program or broadcast is over you probably feel sad scared and alone but with 1310 kids k. Dot com your favorites never go away podcasts are available shortly after the year so you can hear that in-depth interview once more on mornings with Gail Webb County Sheriff Steve brings the place to be and in this issue keeps getting placed by law enforcement go back and confirm that Brady really did say that on the whole show the nuggets I said this and I'm standing by it I believe they are a championship team at 1310 can't get out com Not only can you find podcast from Kid award winning lineup you can subscribe to Apple Google Play Spotify stitcher tune in i Tunes and more while you're scrolling through podcasts news stories and feature spotlight some 30000 kids get a calm take a look at the available game downloads from press radio and the University of Northern Colorado broadcasting the galaxy you'll be got here is what they're brought together you know. What That's 1310 k. F. K. Dot com your home for the best podcast in northern Colorado hey this is Matt rey be sure to keep it on 13. As my friend Gayle brings you up to speed on noko news traffic and weather information on mornings with Gail. Way to Find. Your link to America's 1st. And good Wednesday more. In America's 1st news continues. It is the 18th day of December and as rain poured down Tuesday thousands lined the streets to honor Jersey City police detective Joseph seals SEALs was killed last week in a confrontation with 2 attackers who then drove to a kosher market and killed 3 more people inside the Aires a retired Jersey City police officer he was joined by officers from surrounding communities in paying their respects it's awful I work which show I retired from not to shoot in the oldest If the 32 years so I spent a lot of time working with show and. It's not really something you can put in words when something like this happens you could just grieve and pray for him and his family Joe went to work every day he loved doing what he did. And sometimes in. Different communities you're not always. The most popular person. But they're all a lot of people that good people that have nowhere else to turn when it comes to crime and they look for the police to do whatever they can to keep things just to give them a little peace of mind. And Joe did you know he was dedicated to removing guns from the street and that's one of the most dangerous things that the any officer can do you know we come out we support each other when these tragedies happen and guys will come by the time zones of the states and I do what they can to get here we really feel for the family and we know that in a profession that something like this can happen it's something we hope never would happen God Obviously these things do happen and we're here just to show our support today now that audio courtesy of the a so. C n n presents General William Barr also at yesterday's funeral authorities meanwhile believe the attack at the market was fueled by anti-semitism a federal bankruptcy judge is approved to Pacific Gas and Electric settlements totaling 24.5 $1000000000.00 to help pay for the losses suffered by homeowners businesses and insurers in a series of catastrophic blazes those fires that lead the company into a financial morass of Tuesday's decision bolsters P.D.'s chances of following its preferred path for getting out of bankruptcy by June 30th deadline even so the utilities still must wait California Governor Gavin Newsome from his recent conclusion that p.g. Needs plan doesn't comply with state law to prevent the settlements from unraveling Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau says he's had several conversations with President Trump since getting caught on a hot mike criticizing the president with other world leaders in response we know President from called Trudeau 2 faced So how did it happen in the 1st place well Trudeau told c.t.v. He and President Trump still conduct business on a cordial level he also addressed losing the majority in parliament a NATO summit obviously one of the headlines that came out of that was being caught on an open mike someone has been raised on camera How do you let that happen for a camera at the far end of the room that had a very good Maicon it but you know a lot has been sort of made of that incident at the same time you know a few days later we we close NAFTA How awkward was your conversation with Donald Trump I mean he called to face I've I've had many conversations with Donald Trump over the years since then and conversations with him since and our relationship is constructive we get things done you hit rough waters you know when you ended in a minority government you started in that you already government. What can you point to for the slide from majority to the no writing on I think we were looking at a rise of populism around the world we're looking at at challenges in electoral circumstances we're looking at lessons that we deliver to the government thinking about how we can really dig in on the substance of what we're doing and reassure Canadians because it's not just about a p.r. Exercise to make people say all the government's doing well it's you know are your institutions serving you are is the government doing the kinds of things that is going to help you in the future do you have confidence in your future in your community in your kids those sort of messages 'd are really important and that's very much what we have to focus on those Liberal Party won enough seats in the Canadian parliament to hang on to power with the support of other left of center parties but it did not win the popular vote that went to conservatives Well a 5th former Google worker has filed a complaint with that are all regulators accusing the tech company of improperly firing employees for labor organizing activity Catherine Spears a security engineer said Google fired her after she created a pop up notification for employees to inform them of their labor rights in November Google fired 4 others for what the company said were violations of its data security policy but those workers say they were really fired for their involvement in organizing activities Google's known for having an outspoken workforce but some employees say the company's been cracking down on its traditionally open culture Boeing shares dropped again Tuesday after the company said it would suspend 737 Max production the news was given what was a given I should say to many analysts but Boeing has more than just u.s. Regulators to worry about as it considers what to do next can Herbert is a managing director an aerospace and defense analyst at Cannes accord Genuity he told c.m.d. C. Boeing will need to produce global guidance on the $737.00 Max is returned to service. You know the one thing you need to remember is Boeing because of how they do their accounting needs to be coming out with assumptions on when they assume the max a return of service so that's part of the the guidance but clearly the ball has continued to move to the right at this point you know we're facing a situation where you're going to have probably about 450 aircraft to do the tour because Boeing will finish producing currently the aircraft in process now the impact on suppliers certainly I think rates that spirit other suppliers will step down I don't think Boeing in their desire to preserve cash and it over some of the workforce to the the the inventory is they look to get those ready for delivery certainly will step down so I think the impact will certainly be more than just the you know risk of 12000 workers Boeing has a threat and facility a little certainly be be spreading to Wichita and other parts of the country where you know I'd be I'd be very surprised if Boeing kept Wichita at the $52.00 a month I think it's it's a fair assumption that that number will step down it's just to be determined exactly at which level so you know I'm taking a wait and see approach on the timing of the return to service it's a quarter member to that once you get it here certainly the international regulators still have to act and always assume that you know Europe might be relatively soon after the United States who knows where and when the Chinese and other other major markets may look to fall in line Southwest Airlines earlier Tuesday said it was removing the 737 Max from its flight schedule through April 13th and the airline sees uncertainty around the timing of the aircraft's return to service that data returned to service keeps getting pushed back by airlines for other airlines to follow suit take us with you wherever you go download it talk stream live free mobile app reach out to me on Twitter or Facebook any time at Matt rate talk use the hash tag a f And more breaking news on the way right now word from one of our sponsors Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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History to be impeached after a procedural vote House members will get one last chance to debate articles of impeachment for 6 hours with time equally split between parties the final vote will be held immediately after and is expected to pass along party lines with even many moderate Democrats from Trump's swing districts coming out in support of impeachment A.B.C.'s n.-s. Dellacqua Terra in Washington the Disciplinary Commission of the Indiana Supreme Court is recommending a 2 year suspension of Attorney General Curtis Hill's low license over allegations he drunkenly groped 3 women at a bar in 2018 he's running for re-election next year the Supreme Court of India has rejected the final appeal of one of 4 man sentenced to death and rape homicide of a woman on a moving bus in New Delhi in 2012 this is a.b.c. News. If you're one of the millions of Americans who owes back taxes comes because you might get a letter from the i.r.s. 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In the Army National Guard family means everything we really appreciate what she's done as a sister as well as a soldier and you know supporting your country all parents stair really supportive that all 5 of us would join family members that are soldiers in the Army National Guard inspiring influence setting a path for others it's validating knowing they and you know I kind of did my part to make sure this is what they actually wanted and that they feel the same way I do but I'm really proud that we can to help shape the future and I know that my sister is I going to be amazing soldiers serving part time in the Army National Guard instills pride that you with your family will share a lot of pride in their just hope they're doing something every day than than serving their country as well I got my education because of that I got to travel a little bit and experience a hall different culture visit National Guard dot com to learn more about part time service sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station. It's getting harder to take care of. I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start every day I'm there for hand.

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