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So I have I mean I've been very lucky in my life I've worked with a lot of smart people but maybe because of the way you're raised you know you can have blind spots you smart people cannot see obvious things sometimes I would say older Americans sometimes struggle with tech brilliant Americans over 60 years old billionaire struggle with tech my 1213 year old son knows more tech than the average 60 year old billionaire it's just the way the reality works Jerry Jones a very smart man and Jerry Jones was talking about the Dallas Cowboys in the fact that he's the general manager and you know Jerry Jones for the last 60 years 65 years has been successful in everything Oriel retail sports he's got 25 different businesses Stan cranky who's the richest or 2nd richest n.f.l. Owner relies on him they're very close friends so of course when Jerry wakes up in the morning after a 5060 years of being successful he thinks I'm a pretty smart guy but I think Jerry has a blind spot and I've seen this a lot so he was talking on Dallas radio yesterday about yes I'm the g.m. Yes it all goes through me when you can. The person but point in the decision maker and the people doing the recommending then you can make more sustained and more responsive decisions you know ever has for the family but maybe now you know I really don't like to say that but that's a fact and so when we don't do it well most Altman total responsibility. And. He has the responsibility and the bills. So he's sort of bragging about it but he's ultimately diagnosing the Cowboys problem they're a huge brand but they're too insular So this is Jerry's blind spot he's built a $5500000000.00 family business and he does watch football but mostly Cowboy football I've been told and this is where the Cowboys have an issue and I've seen this happen with a lot of businesses it's a family business you know the Cowboys head coach is a former cowboy the Cowboy quarterback coach is a former cowboy the cowboy offensive coordinator is a former cowboy the often tip line coach is a former cowboy the defensive tackle coach is a former cowboy cowboy cowboy family family cowboy when you not have a global search when you do not move outside of your family I've seen this a 1000000 times in college football where you hire the top assistant the coach leaves let's just hire that long time a loyal assessed and my whole life in the Pacific Northwest it never worked you got to go outside the family now Charlotte I mean it's a classic family business Jerry's the patriarch his his ambitious son is the number 2 his super smart daughter Charlotte who went to Stanford I've met her she's sharp as a tack she's that you know runs the operation then a kind of less aspirational son sell stuff and then Jason garrets brother is the director of scouting in Jason Garrett So it's been the adopted sort of son for Dallas the Cowboys are like a college football program that won't go outside the athletic department like they won't go on a global search and find the best people oh by the they did it briefly Jimmie Johnson. They did it briefly when Jimmy and I were not comfortable Jimmy's got too much power when I. Did it briefly with Bill Parcells he was outside the family man this is guy's got a little too much power this you can be smart and have blinders on the term I always use is sometimes you have to take the the telescope flip it over and look through the other side of the telescope the other view of the world and I think with Dallas you can have a big brand in a great business but be insular they're sort of like Wal-Mart like it's the Walton family and there's nothing against Wal-Mart they build a great brand but you know if even when you hired a c.e.o. For Wal-Mart he felt like an outsider he had no real power Eric Mangini was on 1st things 1st this morning and he brought up a fascinating point about the downside to everybody in the building being a cowboy and there's been very few global searches and in people outside of the cowboy Jerry world in the family that would make people uncomfortable Here's a man Jeannie. I think the issue is with the g.m. What you want to have the head codes Izzie ability have constructive conflict you want to fight through issues you want to you want to disagree with the owner you can owners last year and you want to have conflict at the end the day you're going to do what he wants you to do so you you may not get to the right decision you're just going to get to whatever decision Gerry wants listen nobody can sit in a room with Jerry Jones Stephen Jones and you're an outsider and not think about I just bought a house here I have daughters here I don't want to make Gerry and Stephen mad but I totally disagree with what they're saying and Stephen and Jerry are smart guys and good guys and successful guys but sometimes you don't understand that your name has so much power and leverage and fear surrounding it it scares off good candidate and scares off really good conversations in the room and so Jerry there was sort of bragging about being the g.m. He was actually diagnosing the problem which is it's too much cowboy with the Cowboys go outside have influence beyond your athletic department and your family and it's a great business it's a 5500000000 dollar business but I don't think the Cowboys have the best people in the n.f.l. With their all of their n.f.l. Operations I think their scouting departments done a very very good job and I do think the Jones family loves college football on Saturday they watch it they love it it's a college football family they'll watch they'll watch the Texas Longhorns in Arkansas and Big 12 football on Saturday whereas Bella checks not as much into that . So that part I like but but I just think sometimes you become insular smart people can make bad decisions and just don't understand the power they have and the limitations they create. Ok here's an interesting story. You know lawyer Jackson was playing tomorrow night he's obviously it's fascinating we have seen lots of quarterbacks who are athletic Michael Vick Cam Newton calling capper Nick they're all they all work do they all last is always been my point I did they all work initially r g 3 was rookie of the year over and you luck they all work do they last Cam's now all beat up r g 3 got beat up Michael Vick didn't quite go initially as we thought it would so Earl Thomas former Seahawk now Raven he said he's noticing some of the hits in the last couple of weeks and n.f.l. Needs to step in here. Who are here from my right near here only because it's think the ribs in the paper close with his experience were protect him a bit more because teams will try to do our most and try to hurt him or we're you know they're definitely going to his legs more than were for us yes they are they're not trying to end his career but they they are trying to hurt him at least for the next 3 hours so he has to go to the sidelines it's very interesting here. He is so fast in electric that there's a term in basketball called Breaking a guy's ankles where you make a guy look really bad even even Allen Iverson even broke Michael Jordan's ankles a couple times that Lamar is breaking ankles he's making guys look really really bad on film like he's embarrassing corners he's embarrassing linebackers and you go to that film room on a Monday or Tuesday and it have brutal film session for you as a linebacker and those guys do not forget. And so there's a lot of comparisons to Lamar Jackson but one of the things that we haven't mentioned Cam Newton a lot so when Cam Newton came into the league he embarrassed guys he ran them over he was so big and strong and I said Cam's got to get out of this Superman thing because he's going to he's going to create some embarrassment he's going to run over a corner run over a linebacker make him miss Do the Superman that ain't going to play Monday in film session and did you notice after Cam had his most profound year the m.v.p. Or do you remember how the hits got cheaper later and uglier on Cam Newton because when Lamar gets to remember those Cam Newton Cam Newton started having big success and people started hitting him up high member that hit against Atlanta people started hitting him of late because he had an Barris them with a Superman now Lamar doesn't do the Superman stuff but he makes guys look insanely an athletic who have a lot of pride and my point is on this they're not trying to end Lamar's career but they like to knock him out of games you talk that he's old school in f.l. Guys every single one you ask about him they're like oh this wouldn't happen so we just we just knocked him out he did not run and make you're not gonna make us look better now Tom Brady can embarrass you with his arm but players understand that's what quarterbacks do running backs can in bearish you with their legs everybody in the league knows that's what they're built to do but when the quarterback the star the highest paid the face of the franchise start wiggling out there they're not supposed to make you is a linebacker look stupid or you is a corner or you is a safety or as a defensive end and it's no fault of Lamar this is just a reality is if he gets to a Super Bowl everybody in the ad league is going to spend an entire offseason go and how do we stop him just like they did Cam in the answer was it I'm a little late hit them a little high take the penalty and so when Earl Thomas says the league's got to step in. This is why I keep preaching Lamar learn to slide Do not let the n.f.l. Dictate your future this is why Russell Wilson lasts he's a baseball player he's a great slider Kyler Murray baseball player great slider Aaron Rodgers didn't play baseball he's still a pathetic slugger I watched a kid this weekend that played for Georgia Jake from as a worst slide have ever seen don't leave this to the n.f.l. Lamar learn to slide learn to get down because you are so gifted so nimble so fast so dynamic you're humiliating guys and they don't have an they don't have a way to solve it so let take it into their own hands the elate little higher little uglier take the pebbly deal with an objection I guess my take away on Earl Thomas is hey the n.f.l. Is going to step in don't leave it to the n.f.l. . Listen for 10 years they couldn't figure out what a catch was Do not leave it to the n.f.l. . I would literally hire a slighting coach I would because he is so good he's making guys look so bad they're going to take it to their own hands on the defensive side by the way he plays tomorrow night against the Jets it is not a good matchup for the New York Jets I am going to address the levy and Bell bolding story which I think is the biggest non-story of my life. The Lavi and Bell bowling story is just an absurd story and he's getting ripped for it and I don't get it Nala dress that coming up folks Casper wanted to become the sleek company that you trusted more than any other company and they did this by 1st of all allowing you to sleep on the mattress for 100 nights they ship it free take it away free they said listen we like our matter so much wouldn't give it to you think about another retail business when you buy a car they don't say here's 3 months when you buy a lamp they don't say 3 months Casper's like here's our bad try 3 months don't like it will get it they have great pricing their trust and love 50005 star reviews they have 4 layers of premium foam they have the trademark zone support Keep your back in alignment that's one good one for me again free shipping and free returns and 100 night risk free trial the stress of holiday shopping doesn't need to keep you up at night Casper has gives for every dream or if you go to Casper dot com and put in the code gifts you get 25 dollars off gift orders over 100 dollars This expires Christmas Eve So you've got about 2 weeks here terms and conditions apply go to Casper dot com slash terms. 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This is the herd. With colic our having stand Francisco I predicted it going to New Orleans that Baltimore lost and they win that game when you get a really good team and there's a sense of oh my God we have to win this game those are hard teams to beat but I also saw something this year Drew Brees had 5 weeks off because of a hand injury at the time like oh this is bad no it wasn't actually Drew Brees yesterday looked fantastic they were last year this time remember the last 7 or 8 games for the same left you including the plant trees looked high and he looked like he needed a 3 week break Drew looks energized he looked healthy again older quarterbacks I've said this about Tom Brady in the last 4 to 5 years his December numbers tail off he looks tired the season is long ball practice is hard but I mean Brees lost his top tight end it didn't matter he was energized this is the hurt being great is really important with Cullen caliber is perfect right. 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You could make a case for him being the most valuable player in the n.b.a. He's the most valuable player to his team. There is for another 3 that again at. Tripp's radio put it back up in that account got a foul called a college hoops you're going to keep track of the other. Team 10 k. After. 3rd team to use 3rd team to use high school basketball training camp coverage to I'm 1310 k. . They sign x. Nasal spray works up to 12 hours use only as directed Vic signings nasal spray even using that for years I got so many things to talk about Nick writes going to be joining us in about 10 minutes and so yeah I want to talk about his lady live in Bell's been a very good New York Jet He has not a great year because they're often sublime you'll watch it tomorrow night is awful I think it's his bad as any often tip line in the n.f.l. I've been told they're not happy with any of their offerings of linemen they're going to draft 3 more often have Lyman acquired they don't like any of them and so Levy and Bell hasn't had a huge year but he's been a good teammate a good guy and he's a terrific player he really is a good spirit he understands the business he's not bothered by trade rumors so he got in trouble because last week he he got the flu and he didn't play for the Jets as they beat Miami but somebody saw him bowling at 1 in the morning and people did not like it and I thought to myself time out time out time out so you dig a little deeper on this story 1st of all he was ruled out by the coach Adam gates because he'd been sick all week and the doctors told him you've lost 9 pounds you can't play a football game you're too d. Hydrated we've all been sick like that we lose a lot of weight and so Adam gays didn't want to around the players what your bosses always tell you don't get everybody else sick I tell my staff is all the time you're sick get out here I don't want to I don't I don't want to get joystick I want to get the Lasik or 2 he said get out of here so the coach is like the Jets have also had a lot of. Ugly press regarding their medical staff this year so they're going to err on the side of go home Secondly he goes bowling it Saturday at 1 in the morning so it's actually like like you know. The next day. And then Sunday the Jets beat Miami doesn't play the bowling story comes out it looks bad 1st of all bowling with friends is not carrying a football 20 times in the n.f.l. Go to a bowling alley look around people eat nachos as they bowl Ok that go to an a bowling alley and look around it's not the most athletic people in the world Ok going bowling with family is not the equivalent of taking $7000.00 shots to the rib cage blocking pass rushers and catching passes in the n.f.l. So this idea that well he is good enough to bowl folks it isn't exactly the u.s. Olympic track swatted a bowling alley you know what I mean look around the 2nd thing is his doctor had told him you can't play this is having me several times about 3 or 4 times a year I don't get big flues but I get a fever or get a 24 hour fever and about once or twice a year I just don't come to work number one I don't want to get everybody else sick Number 2 is I don't have the ability I think to put on a good show because my energy is low so I'm not going to cheat the audience cheat joy cheat everybody I don't have the ability to do a 3 hour show and talk this fast but I do have the ability to go to the store and buy some fair a flu and go to the market and buy things that'll make me healthier for 45 minutes and walk around I just don't have the ability to do a 3 hour show and the prep and I'm hot and so Libyan Bell comes out and he says folks. Got to give me a break here's what the doctor said. There was a hold on my energy and my hydration and things like that so on to help me out again. But they did advise me to get out the house and move a little bit. Lot of I had a lot of famous friends there for those making the play. So I look at them and an awful better for a lot better knows a little about what out Boland have on it's a non-story the optics may not be great I get that. I get that but a running back is the last position in the n.f.l. That's not protected by the rules they still take shots you can't hit a wide receiver you can't hit a tight end up top you can't hit a quarterback you can't even put your face up in a left tackle right tackle face right as a pass rusher you can smoke a running back so a running back who's lost 9 pounds can't play this week is not the same as feeling a little better fever dips you hydrate a little bit and you bowl with friends for an hour and a half on the local bowling alley as you eat nachos and drink water this is a non-story optics aren't great but they're not that bad either reasonable people can see the truth in this story here's joy with a news. This is the herd minute or. So the Patriots were booed off the field Sunday when they were down 20 to 7 I don't know the chiefs at half time and patience linebacker Kyle Benoit was not happy with how. He said too much booing for me I thought it was disrespectful obviously It sucks when it doesn't go the way that we want but know that we're all trying we're trying to put the best product on the field we're not trying to disappoint anyone just imagine as a fan or a media person that our feelings are probably 100 times more our livelihoods are on the line and we want to win you know normally I am not into the fan police Yeah that's obviously you're doing something destructive to someone else or not something you know throwing something on the field that aside yeah telling people how to be fans is not my favorite thing to do you are Ok for your money you're invested emotionally mentally financially you deserve to enjoy a. Game however you want you want to leave early leave early if you want to come late come lately whatever you're paying and. I agree that said. You know bit much like I feel like I was a little bit much during the game it's a little on gray. I mean if I actually like you you are fully like I'm you Bill if you want to I'm saying my opinion of your viewing you're out of your minds yeah it's funny when I heard it my 1st reaction was hard Dave booing Tom Brady are they voting Tom Brady right as these were market you know people forget this Joy they're going through a little bit strangely a little bit of a rebuilding year where they had 10 draft picks and they're trying to get them sort of. You know into that people forget this growing can Adelman didn't win Super Bowls in the 1st couple years this is 2 dynasties it's the early right then it's the refining and rebuild and then it's the last one I think they've moved out of the dynasty and they're back into the slightly rebuild our perimeter weapons I don't think it will hold we think this is they just go to the Super Bowl every year they want it every year no no no no they went 10 years in between these runs of being good but not just dominating and I think Baltimore and Kansas City now have better players an equally good coach is lovely They're still down I'm sorry and we're going to buy a home you know playoffs so maybe just calm down just a little bit maybe this year scaled back a little tone it down a little bit I mean Tom Brady did take pay cuts for your team for like most of his career so if I'm Tom Brady and I'm hearing them say to me I feel like a way about it which is kind of a cut out enjoy saying like however when and listen the players are out there putting their bodies on the line they obviously care more than the fans do they're the ones doing it you know but in a year where there's a lot of conversation about it with Tom Brady's going to do he just announce he's stepping down as co-chair for the local charity event called Best Buddies challenge all the fans for will still be the global ambassador for the organization but that's another you know bread crumb in the possibly leaving an interesting aisle on Grateful fans out on our very interesting aling greedy and in the Tom Brady drama still. Very nice to be grateful anyway not families though you're told that if you want to just my opinion for the Jains of a 14 point lead at half time ever the Eagles Monday but found a way to blow it and lose an overtime they tie their franchise I losing streak of 9 games and sake on Barkley is clearly frustrated with how the season has gone. For a team that by the way meaning that it's an existing example and he was he got a lot of weight to turn up for the new season what does that have in that what was he put up on the ball to say lately as you know in practice you won't work the same day the ball game just not going away. And there's also reports now that head coach Pat Shurmur and g.m. Dave Gettleman could both be fired after the season yeah let me let me just I want I think I don't know if you agree with me I think we both think Daniel Jones is good enough to be a franchise guy I think we've Yeah Ok I think there's some job or all here a little bit it good enough I don't think he's as great as everybody else I'm not a fan of Gettleman I'm not a fan of pep Sherm you can rip out of gays but you would have to admit there have been moments if Adam gave his career a beating valid check twice beating the Cowboys this year you've gone the Jets are kind of interesting there's never been a moment this year with Pat Shurmur that you thought more competitive I mean they're not compellingly is interesting part of the Giants season was when they switched from elided you know Jones that was it so you've got to give me glimpses of hope like Adam gaze gives me glue and the whole Adam gaze is getting a pass this year because a mano a mano and you just can't fully evaluate this Jets season because of that and what you know you can feel about however you want to but you're right you have seen moments where your lawyer Sam Donald stepped up and they look like they're they're growing in Ed but if you just can't evaluate them the Giants don't don't have that excuse I know details on his heart last week but I mean I. Overall you need to see more from them this year and sake one's right that many losses is not just on the players ugly losses over in the 1st quarter loss Yeah so there's going to be some changes to the Giants next year I think it's probably deserved this is it's a New York Giants they're held to a different standard as they should be there they are a cornerstone franchise I would I would fire Shermer I hate doing this I'd hire Ron Rivera I'd keep Gettleman for one more year because they have a relationship seems to me that's where a lot of teams get into trouble because. If you don't. It's someone you bring in a new coach that's not aligned with the g.m. They are aligned to revere and work with gentlemen so I'd like to say I'd give it a year I give Rivera and Gettleman a year because they have worked together and had success I think they like each other they have a relationship that they do that so that's working like just a lot of guys have work together that don't want I don't like each others but so finally the Eagles my receiver our son Jeffrey had to be cards in the locker room after getting hurt in Monday night's win Peterson said after the game the foot injury was significant and now Geoffrey is reportedly out for the season as another hits to the Eagles while receiving corps De Sean Jackson is on i.r. Now now has been dealing with a knee injury it's over that leaves only j g j j r Sago Whiteside and Greg Ward fully healthy on the current roster Nelson I go or status is still up in the air and they have 3 receivers on the practice squad they have the Redskins are at the Redskins this week so it's kind of a break for them there over the Redskins can rally and beat you then they have the Cowboys and then there are the Giants but they basically need to went out so this is on this great news for the Eagles joy Taylor with a new well that's the news and thanks for stopping by heard w c e i radio in Boston didn't blame pine yesterday we like blame pies we did one with the Lakers before the season started Belhaj check in Nexus Ario are there guys the person. Well department got 30 percent of the blame it's what I've said in the last 5 years the Patriots have not drafted a Pro Bowler Joe to me often said Lyman is their best draft pick never made a Pro Bowl Jamie Collins is their last defensive player drafted who made a pro ball I'm not Sam Bell a check doesn't know what he's doing with personnel he's obviously a smart guy but when I watch the Ravens and I watch the chiefs and I watch the Niners and I watch the Seahawks and I watch the Saints I see youthen athleticism and perimeter players and I don't see it with knowing when so I think some of this is front office and Nick right my body 1st things 1st be the carriage mobile satellite network in your plane Mr Right bell and check Brady Where does that land for you. Tom Brady gets half of it and the other half is divvied up amongst the injury luck retirement formulation of the team and lack of development of the receivers but I do love how this is happening how right now you've got to blame one of the goats and what we're seeing is the quarterback goat has a hell of a lot more loyalty from folks and w.e. I in Boston or folks in Los Angeles in your television studio if you're going to throw dirt on one of them well valid check rarely out good Izzy Brady is fault I mean look at these passes I mean obviously someone ran the wrong way obviously that the finger is not supposed to be there obviously the 1st pass we showed were goes 30 yards past the guy obviously should have caught it I mean look at this should tell me the wrong route that was run by the referee who was this letter I don't know what being reports but listen you've got a 42 year old man trying to play quarterback it's not going to work that well and this is what you're seeing so you have Brady gets more than anybody else but it's hard to blame him because he's just playing his age but his age is not a very good one in the n.f.l. By the way I said this after the Chiefs won I think can I pick Kansas City to win I thought to be more comfortable and I thought that game should have been that close it should not have been that close to block punt they got a couple of fish getting breaks I thought it was a bad win for Kansas City you're from there I know that doesn't play well aren't you concerned a little bit I'm for of there. Aren't you concerned a little and. That it was that close you're not bothered at all that close. Collen. The Pats ran everything this side of the annexation of Puerto Rico to try to formulate some off and and they couldn't get out of the teams they won the turnover battle and blocked upon and couldn't get out of the teams the thing that should be that were going into the game was concerning for the Chiefs was their run defense and the Patriots could not run the ball at all Brady had never lost a game at home with Julian Edelman against an a.f.c. Opponent until this weekend Belichick had never lost in the regular season to a quarterback under 25 until this weekend and you're now going to give me the style points argument last year when they scored 31 in the 2nd half in the regular season 31 in the 2nd half in the playoff game you told me fancy patter moans all his toys but can't get it done when it matters he's got one win in 38 big games in his career to now going to Foxboro beating them knocking them out of contention for the one seed they're going to hold on for dear life to get up by here and not that impressed. And that is a bridge too far even for you my favorite. Well you make a compelling argument Ok I didn't like o.b.j. To Cleveland now I did think Baker and him would be productive he runs the best slant in the league and Baker was at least at one point accurate at throwing a ball but I never bought into that he wanted to be there I think he's done some validation seeking the orange Bentley the visor look at me he knows his brand is dying I don't think he feels Baker is he doesn't want to be tied to him for his future they're just more great quarterbacks even in his own division now so I don't buy the o.b.j. To Cleveland thing here's what I worry about is that the g.m. Is going to have to acknowledge Ok I butcher the coaching hire and I butcher the o.b.j. Trade and I don't know if that g.m. Is willing to admit that because he's not get another g.m. Job where do you land on the o.b.j. Cleveland I know you have a relationship with l.b.j. . Yeah I think it's it is worth reminding the audience as you did he didn't ask to be traded to Cleveland right I think he thought maybe San Francisco maybe New England and when he was traded to Cleveland he thought what I thought which is well it's Cleveland but at least for the 1st time in my career I'm going to get to play with a good quarterback instead Baker has been worse this year than anyone even you could have possibly anticipated and Odell has been on his best behavior but living in Cleveland and not winning and not getting numbers and seeing your brand diminishes you're saying that can't be a ton of fun I your point that it's going to be tougher Dorsey to admit defeat on this so quickly when he's going to have to immediately admit defeat on the coach and his his crown jewel which is Baker is obviously right now a stock that is dropping those are all really good points I hope Seattle saves him Seattle's got the picks they've got the Need It would also I think maybe do well Del Well to be in a cosmopolitan city but like a cool American city but one far away from everything because the 1st 3 years of his career were the best 3 or opening 3 years of a career in receivers ever had the next 3 years have not been and you only get so many years and so I'd love to see him with Russell Wilson. People talk about Green Bay if my friend Odell goes from New York City to Cleveland to Green Bay I don't know if you'll be able to handle it so I and I'm not saying it's lost in Cleveland yet but I do think they are and we've talked about this before they're your neighbor who are already had a Lexus in the driveway but the leak was roofing early the leak was roofing the roof was leaking and then they came home with a Bentley and you're like but that roof is still leaking bro. And so it hasn't worked out in that regard you have been correct on that let's go to the Dallas Cowboys finally make right I said you can be brilliant and have a blind spot and Jerry Jones his coach is a former cowboy his coordinators former Cowboys quarterbacks and a former cowboy the director of scouting is Jason Garrett brother the defensive tackle coach is a former cowboy it's real insular it's real insular they're not going globally define the best people it's a bunch of family members and people within the family I think that's the problem I think they have an average coaching staff what say you. Yeah I think the coaching staff right now is the issue you can't be this year Collen they've scored more points and allowed fewer points gotten more yards and allowed fewer yards then Green Bay yet Green Bay is 10 wins they have 6 and you can even just say well it's the quarterback difference because this year dac he hasn't been quite as good as Aaron Rodgers but he's been relatively close the Gauteng staffs been disastrous this season and so the lot of it they obviously need to overall you can't be 0 in 5 in one score games or win 6 against teams with a winning record but all that been Jerry Jones in this I think everyone acknowledges that Jerry Jones the owner the market or the stadium builder is in a 2 and a plus people say but Jerry Jones the g.m. With the meddling in the press conferences I don't think he's ideal but you need to look no further than the n.f.c. East Jerry Jones take ownership out of it is a better g.m. Than Bruce Allen he's a better g.m. Than Dave Gettleman yeah he's probably not as good of a g.m. As how he Roseman And so like you I understand Cowboys fans don't want Jerry Dick a step back they want to sacrifice good in the pursuit of great sometimes you sacrifice good in the pursuit of great and you wind up with awful that's the concern there so it's also one last thing it's hard to find when the should of fire Jason Garrett prior to this year it was 888888 then they go 12 wins then Tony gets hurt then they go 13 wins then gets suspended last year he was teetering at $3.00 and $5.00 but they trade for him are in the salvage of the season so when was the year Jason Garrett was supposed to be fired the answer is right now and then what will probably define this last part of Jerry's time owning the Cowboys is by who he hires to be the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys hope he makes the hire that makes him a tad uncomfortable I generally think that is the answer in all business is Nick right 1st things 1st good talk can be a bud. Thank you just having long as I have 2 big wins it is fair to say you have to does he have to do us you've got to argue big wins on my big part of big wins coming up next the greatest thing I've ever seen in football it was on h.b.o. Last night it was the greatest thing it was like crack for guys that love football I'll tell you what it is next. The technology truth brought to you by a guy told the truth your cost stereo will always sink to the most embarrassing song on your phone so the reservations are the. 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The general manager John Dorsey who got fired in his last job he's not getting another one if he gets fired here is done by trading o.b.j. He would have to acknowledge pretty much with one of my biggest decisions because Lamar Jackson in your division the nightmare for Dorsey because of Lamar Jackson's much surety coach ability athletic ability accuracy really makes Baker in the same division look like a whip he makes Baker look worse I've always said it's one thing if your brother is more successful than you but if he's your neighbor you look even more like a schmuck this is the herd being great is really important with Collin caliber just perfect brah. 13. 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Match Drew Bledsoe top of next hour I've got I've got some big rants today and I don't I can't jam all of them into the next 6 or 7 or 8 minutes but a couple off the top I want to talk about I made a bunch of calls last night on Joe burrow the Ls you quarterback and I think I think the the media is nuts I think fans are crazy I think that we're going overboard he's a nice prospect he's not a number one pick prospect joy disagrees everybody disagrees I've got some thoughts on that on the top of the hour because I yesterday I was challenged to make calls I have and I did I'm very proud of you and also going to share I'm going to share it now I'm not killing you where I got it from I called a bunch of people and text a bunch of people and I'm just going to it is I'll just tell you my feeling on this my theory on Joe burrow who I think we're going way too nuts on we're going crazy on job I still think to a is going to be to steal the draft for Alabama but I want to go to this I saw something last night it was on h.b.o. . It's called the art of coaching Bella Jack and Saban Well if you listen to the show this is candy for me I mean this is like a dinner I get a plate of candy meth perhaps but a healthier version so they're talking about a lot of things and you know something over the course of my life that. Simplicity is really good I tell my kids this all the time life's getting more complex and there's more voices try to simplify your life the same stuff that makes me happy today made me happy 30 years ago come home I got 2 dogs they come into my arms every day that makes me happy I go home and take a 30 minute nap it makes me happy I work out every day that makes me happy I have a cocktail at night and hang out and talk to my wife and that makes me happy when my kids laugh or they succeed it makes me happy the 4 or 5 things that make me happy of mostly outside of having kids I didn't have kids early in life make me happy and it is interesting one of the other things I believe to be true that gets overstated people say to me all the time all my son he wants to be a sportscaster and I always say is he a hard worker because you're not going to be any good unless you work hard because Howard Stern worked hard and I worked hard and Joe Buck worked hard and everybody that Steven Naismith worked hard and everybody that does this at a high level worked really really hard and it doesn't matter what prep school you go to and it doesn't matter what college you go to it doesn't matter I make a lot more than most guys that went to Syracuse in Missouri it doesn't matter they don't put the time and I do or Joe Buck does or Howard Stern did or any great broadcaster around the country there's a zillion Ok so the point is Bell a check and save it are talking last night and this sounds simplistic it sounds like you can believe it sounds like nothing and yet say Vince talking about Bella checking his attention to detail here it is. One thing that you do that a lot of and I fel guys don't do I don't know to never pick one of our players that you never talk to me before you pick on and there's a few other guys in the league that do that but then there's another 30 teams that I never hear from and they pick somebody and I'm saying. You know or whatever you know and then they come back and say oh we didn't know this well you gotta do is call I'm going to told you the good stuff I'm going to told in a shoot. 30 n.f.l. Teams don't call Nick Saban That's remarkable actually it's just call Nick Saban because he knows the odometer on players hard work pick. Hello can I talk to Nick Saban I run the New York Jets he'll take the phone call. He want to go into analytics you want to this you want to that you want the people at the top of these industries to just work harder they make phone calls I said this last year the New York Jets had the worst draft I'd ever seen so they got their 1st pick right Quinn in Williamson Alabama that was good after that they took 4 guys this is a rebuilding franchise that can't have misses They took 4 guys to work total headcases ones already gone an hour after they drafted him 2 were injured so for their 1st 5 picks had headcase issues or injury issues I called another team that's well run and they said we didn't even have those guys 3 of them on our board we took them off the board they were on draftable players one was a head case 2 were a head case one had an injury issue that we weren't comfortable with like do homework make calls look at the injury reports so when it went out whenever I see this stuff about you know it's this that wins football games and that that wins football game it's not that there was another moment where Bella check was talking to Nick Saban so instead of Saban talking on this h.b.o. Show Bela check was talking to save and and Bell a check told a story he goes you know I'll walk on a plane after we lose a football game and everybody is on their i Pads and they're looking at their tech in their analytics and Bill said to Nick Saban last night and I look at those guys now I'm like Guys we didn't win because we couldn't tackle you've got to be able to tackle and we didn't Akhil very well it's the basics in a very complex world with a 1000000 choices the right answer is always always work harder simplify the complicated and you'll win Bella check and save and nobody works harder at recruiting the neck nobody's into more details in the n.f.l. Practice that knowing look is just different than everybody then Velo check and that's what they're at the top that's why their stars Gucci Mane says what Joy What does he say nobody cares the work harder to get pick the phone up and call Saban if you're going to draft one of his players. Drew Bledsoe next. 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Dot com for and every. 3rd seem to. Enjoy her deal with the latest on the 24 hour news watch from 1310 k. F. K. a a 2 alarm fire at a West Loveland building early this morning left one person dead another injured It took firefighters hours to contain the blaze at the love went Fine Arts Gallery on West 8th street according to the reporter herald a man was found unresponsive on the 2nd floor of the building taken by ambulance to a Loveland hospital where he was later pronounced dead a woman injured in the incident was treated and released the cause of the fire has not been determined the records acquired by the Denver Post show the Colorado Department of Agriculture has discovered dozens of violations of state animal rules at 12 different Petco stores this year including in Fort Collins While most of the violations dealt with paperwork such as the issues at the Fort Collins location others included excessive numbers of dead fish other animal deaths as well as failure to maintain a relationship with a veterinarian. Federal Aviation Administration chief Steven Dixon says the Boeing 737 Max aircraft will likely not return to service until next year speaking before the House Transportation Committee today Dixon said there are a number of processes and milestones that have to be completed and they're not guided by a calendar or schedule the max was grounded worldwide 9 months ago after 2 deadly crashes in Indonesia anything. For more visit 1310 k. F. K. a Dot com Let me tell her gentle Tipping Point weather on this Wednesday as we rolled into Saturday to turning partly cloudy across Greeley in northern Colorado a mile high of 46 Thursday partly cloudy skies 46 again and then we have a chance of a rain shower Friday and a chance of some light still on Saturday this weather update is brought to you by c.r.p. 4 by 4 truck Outfitters bringing new sports and it's hard to know there in Colorado this is 1310 j.f.k. Here really Loveland for Collins in Longmont. A.b.c. News I'm Megan to result in plenty of questions in the investigation of a deadly shooting in New Jersey the state's attorney general on the alleged actions of David Anderson one of the suspects outside a kosher grocery store in Jersey City what then seconds of arriving Mr Anderson exited the driver's side door of the you Hall with the rifle in his hand he walked towards the j.c. Kosher Supermarket and immediately began shooting 6 people are dead including a police officer and if you are for now the House Judiciary Committee will begin a historic markup hearing members will debate 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump a person briefed on the deal says former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and his former company have agreed to settle civil claims with his accusers the total settlement worth about $47000000.00 Also today a judge raise Weinstein's bail from $1000000.00 to $5.00.

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