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Hirings better when you cut it short to save time on hiring push the job and don't get started today d. Dot com slash chalk it's time to join the millions of people using Zune video conferencing during any size conference room puzzle room or executive office it was in room with flawless h.d. Video crystal clear audio and instant wireless sharing it'll even work with your existing hardware store your meetings with a single touch or uses new voice command feature ease him start meeting huddle happy visit zoom us to set up your resume room trial today that Zoom dot us zoom video conferencing and college a former n.f.l. Colorado Army National Guard chaired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station. The one that make it to the color of his own should not use been bought with a forecast mostly clear tonight lows in the ballpark a 60 degree for Wednesday mostly sunny the warning will climb in to about 85 and it will have some afternoon thunderstorms but a 20 percent chance of storms were all Thursday mostly sunny mostly dry highs 90 to 95 we're back to 90 for Friday with another round of very isolated afternoon thunderstorms this weather at day is brought to you by North range behavioral health visit North range dot org. What may be done to you. Just might be another man's treasure stamps sports memorabilia silverware or old jewelry maybe junk to you just might be another man's treasures located at 2000 to 9 Street and really another man's treasures can take these old items and convert them into cold hard cash. 2200 street remember another man's treasure. So you think the Pawn Stars are in Vegas have you been to City 331 West 10th Street in Greeley and you're the pawn star with great deals on commercial and industrial tools electronics smart phones laptops and fine jewelry so many great deals and a constantly changing inventory guarantees you get the best deal in town and city National Park need quick cash balanced city national plan has got you covered there are 2 Mondays are Fridays and Saturdays remember for years upon start City National pawn 31 West End Street and really. This so-called day of the week I get it a great weekend and then I show up every day but not anymore thanks to Kenny's day cows Northern Colorado best burger see for yourself that Kenny steakhouse mega burger Mondays build your own delicious burger and dollar draft beer while you're at it to see all of Kenny super daily specials like Mega burger Mondays blog on a Kenny steakhouse dot com. Great experience 1st time every time. Excited for this guy to be joining the show sports director over at Fox $31.00 Nick Griffith. But. He was there before the fire Good morning. Sir. Team saying hey I've carried. The problem with most gyms as well they're gym double diamond cross fit knows what it takes to get the results you're looking for profit is high intensity short workouts designed to improve your core and cardiovascular strength double time across but has classes throughout the day with certified coaches if you show up warm up and build your better body all with the support of the Cross Fit family double diamond cross fit on the corner of 59110th Street in Greeley call 970-302-2024 don't forget to ask how you can get a free week on us. To make sure new starts or seems to care you have to. Program. For the. Loads you. Sit back get comfy cozy it's time for a shallow moment. Well good evening Dr. Oz. Will have some explanations share before the bomb they are. Going to see are people who buy for studio standby for want to news network production is going to the show in which I am finally on the World Wide Web over excluded and he showed up. And pick up the headlines and I heard the Twitter or the Facebook format. First stop Vandenberg Air Force Base. I love anomalies. And I like this on arm the u.s. Air Force Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile intentionally destroyed in flight when an anomaly occurred no they didn't intentionally decide to do it might think they were hoping to test a missile. Air Force global strike command statement The flight was safely terminated over the Pacific Ocean at 4 42 am earlier this morning. Minute man's accuracy reliability I think we're all clear on where that is so Air Force says the anomaly was. Unexpected event during the test that could arise from a numerous number of different factors Ok when they're repeating themselves in their press releases something. Vandenberg launched a missile the reentry was. The target. Was in the Marshall Islands. They're not giving up a lot of telemetry yet but I have a feeling there's a lot more to this story. So we'll keep that parked over on the Twitter feed for the show. It'll be interesting next Tuesday night for that of course from. This one. Global housing. Boom in the United States. From Beijing to London from. Its not cliché from Sydney to brassica to Sydney Australia. From Colorado to midtown Manhattan. Removing Mexico City's South code to the north. Side from the Midwest Toronto to the north. Housing prices and that real estate values along with this latest set of. The inflation numbers you have the g.d.p. Numbers show. And we're essentially now one week out from the jobs reports. That's 7 and 10 day 1st of August. We don't necessarily know at this point if this is one of the warning signs for the a week to get out. It's too late. On the local scale. Gilpin County Colorado. Last call. Warning right now in Chongqing on the state highway last week threatening the residents. We've been tension we set fires. The message we started the fire be ready. Might be in question what's going on in California. Firefighters. I don't think is the right word when it comes to California firefighters because California firefighters firefighters from all around the United States. Sacramento California firefighters stretched in student loans need ever been according to state officials the last day of July 20. 9th. For fires both in the number of. As well as the cost of just fielding these crews to douse the flames July alone the state of California spending a $125000000.00. On the fire is. No signs of slowing. Venezuela funny but you know who the once you're on the 14th in New York wanting to bring up Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro now has admitted. Model has failed. In the wake of the outages not shortages of food and water outages. Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro admitted socialism doesn't work you just heard Salomon's with Scooter McGee being God that's over with following program is intended for mature audiences ya where do the Democratic Socialists of America come out on this one. President Nicolas Maduro July 31st 2018 getting the economic model has failed. Not in medicine shortages public service shortages food water shortages outages. Power now off the grid living I guess for Caracas over 80 percent no public service. Majority. Telling the ruling party Congress quote. The production models we've tried so far afield responsibilities ours mine and yours. 2 out of 3 blaming points. The model has failed. Venezuela is trying to attack obviously chronic inflation the i.m.f. Predicting that of course it would be reaching a 1000000 percent by the end of this year I guess to be added 400 to 500000 percent . I know I'm supposed to be a conservative. Here's where it gets scary is manure I was dressing the party leaders. And now with the whining we need to produce with or without outside aggression or without blockades we need to make Venezuela economic power. Boy Trump like that we think we go to war. Addressing the party leaders the ruling party leaders he said no more whining I want solutions comrade's. Problem is that the comrades don't have any socialism doesn't work. The nationalization of the various industry sectors over the years since gold took over who go Chavez. Expropriating is an interesting word. Expropriating. The businesses the supermarkets the oil fields the banks anything they could to continue feeding tyranny. Cronyism. The party fat cats getting fatter by the day while the people of Caracas Venezuela starve in the streets. That is wailing now in closing fixed prices on various goods the problem is the people don't have money to buy goods we're going to design the show a dozen times now they're using trade barters no price fixing doesn't want to go home. Now and they're going to ramp up oil production to 6000000 barrels a day just before 2025 Gee I wonder how many will be dead by then. Oil production crashing from $3200000.00 in 2008 to now a 30 year low $1500000000.00 barrels in a year. And of course sanctions regarding the United States and the exportation of oil for Venezuela. The economic crisis now hitting so hard public transport system is now ground to a halt. Government and local councils offering free rides to unsafe and comfortable pick up. Many of the bus service providers couldn't even afford to keep the vehicles on the road there's no gas. The Johnny of course blames the Venezuelan economic woes on the United States. Calling it aggression. And socialism. It's the building and it's fault. I find bizarre. C.r.p. 4 by 4 studios and Skeeter McGee all of those headlines and more up on my social media. 13 Jack a f k dot com. Instead of the show dot com You'll find them right there real simple 2 minutes will be right back all right. Go ahead. It's all of the 9 are qualities that production is going to show. What may be done to you. Just might be another man's treasure stamps sports memorabilia silverware or old jewelry maybe junk to you just might be another man's treasures located at 2000 tonight St in Greeley another man's treasures can take these old items and convert them into cold hard cash located at 2200 street remember another man's treasure. Nagra had started in real estate just in time for the bottom to fall out of the market and it turns out it was a good time to start from day one Matt Rivette had to do it right serve the client turn for sale into sold 32 years later we know market conditions will change but Matt remands commitment to you won't this is a good time to get to know. Lose your commercial income residential property with. 970-356-1234 or go to. Have you or a loved one been affected by a bad general contracting you quoted a price only to pay more owns excavation is here for you for a general contractor who provides excavation septic systems and repairs custom fencing corrective grading storm water management. Services for new buildings call Jake at. 970-381-8346 don't suffer the effects of bad general contracting. Excavation So you think the Pawn Stars are in Vegas have you been to City 331 West 10th Street in Greeley and you're the pawn start with great deals on commercial and industrial tools electronics smartphones laptops and fine jewelry so many great deals and a constantly changing inventory guarantees you get the best deal in town at City National Park need quick cash back City National has got you covered there are 2 Mondays through Fridays and Saturdays remember years upon start City National. Well I'm glad to hear Chris is Ok what's the condition of his car it can be fixed I'm just waiting to hear from my insurance adjuster as to where. Specialists they've repaired my cars for years I wanted to but my adjuster says I'll have to pay additional costs out of my own pocket to have it repaired out of collation specialist stopped. Good faith every month with the expectation that if you have an accident company will pay what's necessary. In many cases that's not what happens scare tactics like threatening to make you pay out of pocket for not wanting the work that will not be tolerated specialist you can rest assured. And we'll do everything in our power to make sure your insurance company fulfills its commitment to you remember insurance companies don't fix cars. Special. Cutting edge commentary from the free holiday for Scooter Magee show is for are coming to start searching and. The following program is supposed to capture the thinking impaired. Ok Good evening welcome back up and. Then his will is broke even and now Nicolas Maduro having to admit socialism has failed yet insisting that his party leaders his comrades come up with a solution. How do you get an a con nation's economy out of the peace should do you do so with the weapon of war . A socialist nation where nothing works anymore I direct your attention to our enemies to the north of course Canada This one's interesting the Ontario basic income pilot project now coming to an end. The project was expensive it's clearly not the answer for r. And Terrio families. Though explain later how they're going to end the project we just can't turn it off now that would that would hurt people close to $4000.00 people and rolled in the basic income pilot program in Thunder Bay Lindsey Hamilton Brantford and Brandt County Ontario start in April 2017 originally set to last 3 years to explore the effectiveness of providing basic income. To people who are those who are on again income levels that cannot support anything low income whether they're working or not under the project a single person would receive $17000.00 a year minus half of any income that he or she earned the couple could have received up to $24000.00 a year people with diabetes then could receive an additional $6000.00 a year pointing out after 18 months the program's not sustainable and. When pressed for why Canadian officials wouldn't give an answer American social isn't fails. McGirr Iowa has now openly admitted to his leader the use peeps in his party it ain't workin you guys want to keep your jobs you better figure it out fast and the situation in Caracas is not micro cosmic San Juan Venezuela power blackouts daily no water no money in the cash machines water by the way coming now once a month this. Side of Caracas. Entire stretches where there is no power and San Juan is certainly not a remote village it's 160000 residents 90 miles outside of the capital. I'm sorry to use this word the stench I know we're not supposed to say now when it comes to all countries but open feces shallow graves of those who've already died of which local residents have taken off to the side to bury because they can't afford normal procedures dysentery starvation dehydration many residents at this point sill beaten down they almost seem resigned to their own fate. Some at this point around collecting rainwater others are still praying that the power will come back on and now they're ripe and ready because they're tired this by the way Venezuela was one of the top 10 oil producers in the world an entire cross-section not of the people but of a country now walk around dressed in shabby ill fitting clothes almost the entire population is now on foot and or bicycle very few buses for lack of better words again last year the buses aren't running so they're using pickup trucks hauling those boxes sewage system out one particular family has to travel to and 3 times a week just to collect water because they don't have it in their village going in the San Juan. It's a treat you can spend $10000.00 Boley bars to get on a bus to get somewhere to someone who might have water and then pay them in trade to take some water to take a bath the largest denomination bank known now is the 100000 Boley bar which once would buy 5 kilos of rice That's barely enough now for a cigarette. Dad. Was latest seem should have everyone around the world looking at their money the government announcing it will try and ward off the collapse kind of tough since the horses are out of the barn out in someone else's field right now. But it's transparent for opening the barn. Again majeure always admitted that his government isn't fault use admitting that the economic model has failed a shot has tried this 10 years ago. Madeira wants to strip 500 off the currency the largest denomination note is 10000 both of ours start doing your Maff I wish I were making the. The residents of Caracas could care less they're pissed they think cheering in the streets for this people of San Juan certainly not in the same or I'm certainly in the same boat they are not standing up and down cheering for this majority of course blames the us even the most an educated person by the way she'd be able to figure this out and yet in the reality of to tell a Tarion isn't a dictatorship under a defined model of socialism which is again what they want to bring here in the us and. Under the guise of that crazy guy gal and underfed and an educated population is what ensures that I'm a Duro regime can stay in power but financially it's going to now have to go to war the people who are lucky enough to flee Venezuela are going also to summery old oak trees but at least there is opportunity where there is now none in Venezuela party officials again this is no different than your local city councils This is no different than your county commissioners again none of you believe me when I pointed out the Trumps photo wasn't up at the Colorado ledger. And you know it's going to cost how many $1000.00 to make one. Time see but we want to spend how much more out on the sobriety checkpoints for Labor Day weekend I got it Ok for the children. Ontario again this model of redistributing the wealth Canada call it socialist For one it is socialized medicine that model failing so much so they gonna legalize dope so the just tires stayed in Canada the country of Canada. Think you. But a 3 year private program to redistribute wealth was unsustainable after only 18 months. Venezuela Argentina 3 phone. Lines I'd hit on the Twitter feed. From the. Studios. All headline. Pushing $131.00 after 20 and will be right. Mostly clear tonight in the ballpark to 60 degrees for Wednesday mostly sunny in the morning to about 85 and it will have. A 20 percent chance of. Thursday mostly sunny. 90 to 95 back to 94 with another round of. Afternoon thunderstorms. By north. North or what may be done to you. Just might be another man's treasure. Sports memorabilia silverware or old jewelry maybe just might be another man's treasures located at 2000 tonight St Greeley another man. Strangers can take and convert them into cold hard cash. Street remember another man's treasure. It's that time of year again folks to pack the car and hit the road for the long awaited summer road trip but you won't get very far on an empty tank. No need to worry Evans fastbreak won't let you down offers affordable prices at the pump and snacking options at 3 convenient locations. And. Necessary summer drinks short of your gas tank before you hit the road you deserve a break take it with break. Wherever you go. For yourself. Around trying to find someone who does control. Control management running. Around. Do the work for you in 2000. And 1621 well I'm glad to hear Chris is Ok what's the condition of his car it can be fixed I'm just waiting to hear from my insurance adjuster. Specialists they've repaired my car for years I wanted to but my adjuster says I'll have to pay additional costs. To have it repaired collation specialist. Good faith every month with the expectation that if you haven't. Been many cases the. Scare tactics. Like threatening to make you pay out of pocket for not wanting the work or tricks that will not be tolerated at out of college and specialist you can rest assured we have your best interests at heart and will do everything in our power to make sure your insurance company fulfills its commitment to you remember insurance companies don't fix cars we. Need special. Cutting edge commentary from the free holiday air. Show as Vacca moves toward 13. Program is intended for mature 40 in. In the world of media we have some things to discuss. We're going to hold on the headlines here one segment I can get all of this out I'd like to start back when Marconi invented that in fact How's that we can go that far post World War 2. And I bring that up because of the cross over into television radio as a medium what you and I share has nothing to do with our age this medium is what it is it can be theater of the mind it can be intelligent it can be funny it can be just absolutely offensive it is what it is it's the economy stupid Yeah that's an interesting line I bring up post World War 2 for radio television and print as a cross section hair where they came together and separated there was a time when everyone got their new news from a newspaper the only way or you had smart friends who had newspapers and you borrowed them when they were done reading them or through us most as you picked up off smart. Then comes the radio what becomes a signature piece in American homes businesses etc from the local gas station with a portable radio to the average home where again it became a piece of furniture where families gathered whether it to be good news entertainment or information because news and information are not the same thing don't get them confused there was a joke in the early days of television and and the models to watch and the expert to ask would be kewl moon on Sunday night 6 to 10 golden years theater when Jack Benny Milton Berle Jackie Gleason when those entertainers moved to television it suggested television was no longer a fad. Because those in radio who were working for television because again it was this hour brought to you by Lux this hour brought to you by Lucky Strike this hour brought to you by Plymouth motor car Dodge motor you know Ford more doesn't matter Ok that was the model there was censorship back then some companies held a tight rein on those voices they paid to represent the others not so many but others let those people be television went in the direction it did and for a time there was some fantastic art on television fantastic storytelling fantastic writing fantastic acting but I take this to the floors that people don't like us talking about now I've gotten away with this for years I don't know why necessarily sometimes and others don't management sorry you've heard of them Ok We're going. Not across United States across the globe in the 21st century when you comparatively look at what options are in television and cable vs what options are entrenched rule radio I speak of terrestrial radio I was born entranced you're a radio I will die in terrestrial radio. And satellite Internet you know I guarantee you know now because this is a personal medium if I really thought when things looked like a freak case you don't I talked to Bob and Loveland or Chris and Parker. Down the Patriot Manning when. I don't talk to my boss. Now I'm getting slightly tangent here management. Post World War 2 and then end to this madman crap that reprogrammed a whole new group of millennia old sexers wires whatevers of what quote sales was sales has to drive a machine we all get that but when you look at it again it's the economy stupid I really Ben since last night when Les Moonves story broke I have been on the phone almost nonstop with industry peeps up and down the dial up and down the line there's something to this story and it's not war being told in my point of this is post World War 2 they thought television would die if you look at the television numbers now versus the numbers of even non syndicated hosts in radio. Sometimes the numbers are 321421521 as much as 10 to one. C.n.n. Can hold a coon a cumulative listening market in 15 minutes of a 1000000 people they bar they barely queue out at a 1000001 and yet you can have ample show hosts I will use the word ample pulling $3000000.00 plus listeners a day $15000000.00 plus a week if we're talking a standard 3 hour show the c.b.s. Wire Commerce or the. Kid on Friday night was going to say we're. The Sinclair Media Group and Tribune for example and that audit is getting a lot deeper a lot faster because it affects a lot of the independents that were tied with Sinclair and with Tribune. That discovery is that what was going on in those 2 buildings was not on the word microcosmic the f.c.c. Now would start to report or talk are talking about what they're getting and it's not looking good. That's all I'm going to say on that matter because here's what I do want to say about management when it comes to broadcasters when it comes to listeners when it comes to the entities that we serve. Listeners you support the local businesses that support local and then on that regional level and on that national level but when you think about since for example coming out of post World War 2 and out of black and white then into full color out of the sixty's into the seventy's and you look at what radio stations were how the staff was treated what the staff was allowed to do what they weren't allowed to do what the rules were and then of course you have the guys running around breaking rules. There is so much money now on this planet. I want you to just think about this as you hear all of these stories that are going to start coming out regarding chemin again soon broadcasting and I'm not talking radio per se on television for say I'm talking television and radio because many of these companies are synonymously intertwined a lot if you think that I'd bag on I heart I don't other than Facebook won't let me change my thinking because I never work for I heart I work for Clear Channel for about a week. Later. Denver market split up and are calm clear channel and are calm now is it how they juggled us. But we're supposed to acknowledge the the tremendous technological aspects of the Apollo mission when they announced they can't figure out a suit to get back to the moon and the argument was it cost 25000000000 dollars to send a man to the moon now we sent to. The fair guy just kept the car double parked outside . The ad was ition coming out of Clear Channel to create I heart was $26.00 and a half $1000000000.00 in 10 years they're $30000000000.00 in debt that's $55.00 and a half I'm $56.00 an avg $1000000000.00 Where enough did it go and they're still on the air giving away $1000.00 per hour to listeners. The morale in the building is no worse even the guys are gone how the I think and the court ruling on or no you guys can get all your all right you guys can get your bonuses in the stock world government up until 4th quarter when they're not going to pass the finish line at the midterms where did all the money go the broadcast medium known as radio isn't dad the management teams that think they know how to manage and has the problem. But Gets Better problem. Since before deregulation. I'm going to leave you with yes. Do you regulate under Reagan was supposed to give more aspects of more opportunities more for the listeners than Avar. And we have essentially I half a dozen different controllers of all of it. Giving you the same canned. Up and down the dial and I'm not going to do that. So I'm not bagging on management for say I'm just betting on management. How can you take these otherwise tried and true business models. Of Radio removing television televisions in the piece you do. How is it n.b.c. Is a joke a.b.c. Is a joke c.b.s. Is you know these were broadcast standard mediums for the 20 a century. It's not the broadcasters who screwed it up. It's nose in the office in the bee countersue you know up. So how do we get it back. To listeners. Once I figure out how to mobilize you will be back. No. No we won't we got more headlines to cover just pointing out this up and down the dial everybody complaining because they're playing it's not there it's the staff on the management side not on the broadcast side how is it when the dinosaurs have been doing what the Guard is or has been doing all these time. It would never go to be it was coming if it weren't for that they didn't have meteorologists back then. True b.b. Or ologies gets a meteor coming. We presumed I guess back then they would just grunted. No but many of these lies coming out of one now what's going to come out of this initial scratch regarding Sinclair and Tribune. There's a lot of change here. And they're going to want to through they're going to find scapegoats but the reality is the management side is fail they took a perfectly good business model and they flushed. It can they can again the New York Post dumping their sports. That was huge Where was that in the headlines. Because that might happen where. Won't happen at their tent and after. You watch your markets and watch these headlines. Because they're trying to find new scapegoats for the new collapse in broadcasting little create the new version because well I mean that's those are the ones that you need to be listening to while we'll be back. Selfless service is the guiding principle that drives Army National Guard soldiers to be always ready whenever disaster strikes they are your next door neighbors and your colleagues in schools offices and factories to be a guard soldiers to stand ready to serve at all times for family for community and for country to learn more logon to National Guard dot com or contact an Army National Guard recruiter in your area sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station manager had started in real estate just in time for the bottom to fall out of the market and it turns out it was a good time to start from day one Matt Rivette had to do it right serve the client turn for sale into sold 32 years later we know market conditions will change but Matt remands commitment to you won't this is a good time to get to know Matt rivetted pro realty lease your commercial income residential property with. Rivetted 970-356-1234 or go to pro realty Homes dot com. The weather is beautiful this time of year but it's even better on our patio at the tavern at St Michael Square a nice cool craft beer brewed locally along with anything from our superstar menu will have you calling us your summer hang out with the Rockies on t.v. Regular beer pairing dinners and epic trivia nights the tavern makes any season just a little bit better for a list of upcoming events or a complete menu follow us on Facebook or just stop by the tavern at say Michael square raising spirits one glass at a time. So you think the Pawn Stars are in Vegas have you been to City 331 West 10th Street in Greeley and you're the pawn start with great deals on commercial and industrial tools electronics smartphones laptops and fine jewelry so many great deals and a constantly changing inventory guarantees you get the best deal in town at City National Park need quick cash fast City National has got you covered there too Monday through Friday and Saturdays remember for years upon start City National pawn 31 West Street and really. What may be done to you. Just might be another man's treasure stamps sports memorabilia silverware or old jewelry maybe junk to you just might be another man's treasures located at 2000 tonight St Greeley another man's treasures can take these old items and convert them into cold hard cash motivated a 2200 street remember another man's treasure. Tradition of the county fair at the ranch August 7th there will be live on the. Stars of the fireworks display in rights from. The joy of the. Thing in the shop. Sponsored by a Petroleum Corporation and tires. For a full schedule. Series on the. Show. Well get back on. The problem of the scapegoats for the networks now. They're going to claim that the overpaid guys are the ones that brought the Buganda down. And that's the problem. With what is bringing the medium down known as terrestrial radio and this is all I will say it is not those who actually are getting salaries Hey if you've got an agent that gets you more money than you deserve good for you and your agent. Each It's like unions are words we don't like hearing in radio stations. It's the bottom feeders now. I'm still going round and I'm trying to throw on more guilt than a Jewish grandmother on the some of my friends hey I'm hearing Denver where I live and work and I'm on the day shift Yeah so what are you doing down in Portland 9 to midnight or 8 to midnight on base tracking. Yeah. That's her. Ok let me guess you make it a $1000.00 a week. You're making $800.00 a month. For a building that gets now a raid on their insurance because nobody's in the building after 5 o'clock at night . Great career. What are you doing yes this mistress is it I will not deny you but what are you doing you're slicing your own through that provides the wind for your voice what are you doing. Well I didn't want to lose my job here and I was afraid of. Boeing and fear by oncet healthy work environment isn't that why I want to talk to you. How about you look for another job I was afraid because they read my e-mail. And you're the voice that's supposed to tell the people about what's really going on while you know. I'm lazy that's why I may go a couple 3 days without a shave but I can still look at my face in the mirror No I don't need to shave it at all. But they're going to try and claim that at the hype. Over paying staff they're not going to talk about the stock options in the bonuses for again let's put up on the website a fake picture of fake headlines so we can get more clicks so we can justify higher advertising prices for real estate just like in the global economy of the housing let's just keep inflating it until it collapses unto itself because the bean counters in an audit can figure it out before their 1st coffee break but it's finding all of the key players those key players will keep their mouths shut they will keep their jobs and they will most likely get promoted. Which is frightening because again I see a reverse of the. The the bell break up for our heart and it's coming. It's coming now a lot faster than any of you could possibly know I'm not telling you how I know what it is but this latest Strach by the f.c.c. And now the audit with Sinclair and Tribune rotted out and now as we know Friday. Then. I would be 5 days. He going to morrow. I will push you to the other side on the East Coast will be midnight when we come back. In west 10 o'clock. pm by 4 studios. Not a car. Out in San Francisco. It's going to top of the hour I don't know what time it is North Korea Josh can tell us in the chat room. To get there and we come back for the 2nd hour instead of the show Stand by God So you think the Pawn Stars are in Vegas have you been to City 331 west 10 street in Greeley and you're the pawn start with great deals on commercial and industrial tools electronics smartphones laptops and fine jewelry so many great deals and a constantly changing inventory guarantees you get the best deal in town at City National pawn need quick cash fast City National pawn has got you covered there 2 Mondays through Fridays and Saturdays remember for years upon start City National pond. Celebrating their 20th year locally the bridge of Greeley is the perfect place for you or your loved ones looking to transition to an assisted living lifestyle the Bridgend really offers a friendly family oriented community with a loving staff devoted to each residence well being the bridge agree has a wide range of helpful services and amenities will always encouraging residents to live as independently as possible have questions just call 339-0022 the bridge agree the Goldilocks of assisted living not too big not too small just right. This is 1310 j.f.k. . News I'm Dave Packer a passenger jet crashed while taking off in Mexico Tuesday A.B.C.'s Josh under with the latest on a modification you know the plane went up and fell said it was survivor and she described the chaos after impact but I. Were shocked and didn't know what to do some stood up suitcases were in the aisle behind me there was a hole I am fasten my daughter's belt and told her to get out and jump the flight on an Embraer 190 jet was attempting to depart Duran.

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