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And he himself locked in a kennel at s.b.c. a L.a. Long Beach he said yesterday it took 70 hours and 18 minutes to raise that $100.00 grand but he's already given $50000.00 of it to the relief efforts in Houston Cassy says he is going to stay in the cage until he hits the new goal of 150000 so we can still give the full 100 grand to the s.p.c. a Michael Crozier k.f. News l.a. Has reopened the Angels flight finnicky Eyler in downtown city councilman Jose Weezer says it took a lot of private money and some clever engineering to get the job done has him pornos the Hollywood sign is people recognize it throughout the country if not the world but it signifies for Los Angeles that we are preserving our history the world's shortest railroad goes up and down Bunker Hill from Hill Street you may have seen it in the movie La La land it was closed after 2 serious accidents rights cost $1.00 traffic from your helpful So Cal Hunter traffic center crash in Pico Rivera on the 6th. And that crash is going to be on the 6 a house or give you just come out on stuff all the time but something was true. God and you love Christmas and all the force and Phantom of the opera now see him live at the Gallo opening of your Kenya Performing Arts Center September 16th at 730 Chris will sing songs from his other released Great American Songbook album with 150 of the center's youth artists For tickets call 626-821-1781 or go to our kids P.A.'s dot org ask anything mom. Will. Call 855 solar max 85855 solar max No really we are excited you have brought me one souvenir home from a football game 855 solar max or go to Solar Max Tack dot com telephone your license number 172048. Spectrum business the Dow finished the day up 60 points the Nasdaq added $68.00 s. And p. getting smarter. Here by Sky naturally and I don't. See you in the middle of the sky if you. Are going to say I don't know the dancing around the 1 o'clock hour and on Thursdays we welcome in our friend Mark Saltzman tech columnist for USA Today a bunch of other places that you can see his work as well and follow him on Twitter and Mark underscore Saltzman and Mark with us see they are you doing. Great but it's not 100 degrees where I am are you guys Ok over there it's Summer where are. The oh my goodness and it's $100.00 Fahrenheit you know I know Ok well I would be a bit much. But then I would be concerned for people but degrees will get through it I mean. Thank God Thank goodness for air conditioning. Yeah I got to tell you that we are very we are very lucky I was commenting earlier that I ran into a guy yesterday works in a garage like an auto shop all day out in Rancho Cucamonga and it was probably $95.00 degrees in the shop all day yesterday and hotter and hotter when he's welding a frame together for a car I would expect so I heard the Apple i Phone 8 comes with its own air conditioning system. What does this next generation nerd phone. That's a really good segue maybe. We'll see how this plays out sad and like enough well talk about the weather let's. Get our to God Oh yeah I know you know I did buy the pocket protector for nothing right. All right so yeah the big news today some journalists received the invite for September 12th to come to Apple and get their hands on the 10th anniversary iphone so whatever it will be called as you know Apple is a company that holds their cards very close to the vest so we're assuming let's say it's called i Phone 8 the rumor has it that there's going to be 3 phones because the i Phone 8 Much like the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 8 might be a bit out of reach for some folks who can't afford a $1000.00 smartphone so rumor has it there might be an i Phone 7 astore and i Phone 7 asked plus and then you know the the big guns are it would be the i Phone 8 with borderless screen with those led technology organic light emitting diodes so much better color and contrast and brightness no home button the wrong wrong expecting I don't think this would be a major surprise you never know even though Apple hasn't told the world what they're cooking up we're hoping it's something big because it is a milestone year for the company any chance that the timing of this is a coincidence with the you know the Galaxy Note 8 goes on sale I think it's next week. Yeah the 15th that usually just happens I don't know if it's planned or not I'm not much of a conspiracy believer but it so the you know usually like clockwork every you know September 2nd week of September Apple holds their big press event Samsung maybe has chosen the 15th of September to try to take some of the wind out of Apple's sales and after spending some hands on time with the Galaxy Note 8 which I know we talked about last Thursday on tech talk it is a phenomenal phenomenal device though you have to pay through the nose for it but in all the years I've been reviewing smartphones this is as good as it got. So unless Apple really pull something out that blows us away it will be more evolutionary than revolutionary interest in the world of where do we go from here now you know I mean we have had several years of the next i Phone the next i Phone that all of this and if it's as good as it gets What does Apple start making now you know whether they're still playing catch up in my professional opinion they still don't offer wireless charging so you have to plug a cable into the bottom of the i Phone to charge up your smartphone they're not waterproof some of the other devices are some are water resistant to last generation but certainly nowhere near as good as some of the other players they don't they still have a special around the screen you can see where the screen stops and the edge starts like whereas with some of these other devices including Samsung it's all edge to edge glass there are cameras have to catch up to the competition so we're going to go you know I think the cameras are becoming the big feature and smartphone next to the screen camera technology is becoming increasingly important not just the fact that they are now getting good enough to dare we say it leave that s.l.r. At home or don't buy one altogether those larger cameras that you would typically where are the lanyard around your neck smartphones are really catching up especially with some of these new ones that have that vote a fact that that blurring of the background that artistic flair but cameras are becoming a lot more important than that as Apple will likely demonstrate on the 12th of September they're going to be introducing a lot more augmented reality features are a are where you simply hold up your phone to say a French menu or to a German street sign and you're going to see in English in real time what is written on that venue or on that sign when you look at your screen the camera will also be used to authenticate you it'll be used to log you into your device instead of a fingerprint sensor perhaps. For the 1st time so that camera is not just for pretty photos and shooting for k. Video which you could maybe play back on a 4 k. Apple t.v. Which they also have a debut next week but it's us for these other and Hillary features as well speaking of that augmented reality and the current trend that we've seen of multiple lens cameras the is there a chance that that is sort of the next big thing that this augment reality is going to get you know a monumentally better over the next couple generations of of these phones absolutely virtual reality is also in its early days in its infancy Let's call the model t. 3 days of. These immersive experiences but augmented reality where you don't need a headset is a lot more accessible because for the hundreds of millions of people who have a smartphone out there they're just going to have that device that already does it so when you hold it up it's going to augment the real world around you with virtual information so I give a couple of you know examples with the menu or the street sign that's just language translation but there's many other applications you want to buy some furniture for your home you can just hold up your smartphone and superimpose what that that so far will look like in the room that you're pointing it at with the real dimension and the real color and even fabric so you can get a real sense as close to reality as it gets as to what that sofas going to look like in your room you can hold it up you know it's going to be in other words it's going to go far beyond poking go and Snap Chat silly faces like looking like a dog what you're talking about augmented reality has a huge future and crossed many applications and that all does boil down to in part the camera as well as the the software around it we're talking to Marc Saltzman tech columnist for USA Today many other outlets you can follow him at Mark with a c underscore Saltsman on Twitter there's a rare partnership to talk about between Amazon and micro. Soft Yes So this is for the artificial intelligence controlled personal assistants for the Home Boy that's a mouthful we all know that Amazon's Alexa is in many many households across the country whereby you know hands free on demand you can ask a question to Alexa or give a command and she will respond in kind but Microsoft has a personal assistant built into their windows 10 platform called Cortana that's also a female voice you could ask. Her to do something or ask a question and she will reply but the 2 are joining forces so Microsoft and Amazon have announced that there is a partnership whereby Alexa users can access Cortana and Cortana users are going to be able to access Alexa So I'd like to say that it's they you know if you can't beat them join them kind of thing but Amazon is number one even though there are some competitors in the home like Google home but I think it's just a smart strategic partnership because they each offer something different Alexa's kind of a generalist where Amazon's bought the ai control bot will be able to help us regular tasks and shopping and sports scores and things like that and then Microsoft a little bit more productivity centric because Microsoft also makes outlook which of course includes the sorry office Microsoft Office which includes outlook for mail and word processing and all that it's a deeper dive into some of your work related tools where you can use your voice as an interface so Microsoft has been flirting with new interfaces for many years or so 5 ways the you can control your computers now there's the keyboard there's the mouse or trackpad there's your fingertips on the touchscreen there's your voice and there's a stylus pad for greater precision so this obviously doubles down the voice partnering with Amazon is smart because of their huge. Install base and together they could really take ownership of this what's expected to be a highly competitive space with Google coming in maybe Microsoft and then of course Apple with their home kit which we may get a glimpse at on September 12th as well I hope so I hope Pod rather hometown I why I'm curious to see if that forces the hand of Google and Apple to sort of get into a team teaming up action that's not likely you know them doing things I don't think so now I think that they'd rather hold their own but you know Microsoft lot lost a bit of its mojo over the years they double down on computers when they when the world went mobile and they lost out on the whole mobile operating system scene and you know Amazon is on top of the world but they do lock in the productivity area and small business area aside from Amazon Web Services which is more on the back end but I think that that's a smart alliance but I don't think Google and Apple feel like they need to partner to really hit a homerun here can we go back just one quick question before we go about the potential for the i Phone 8 that we expect to see demonstrated in a couple of weeks do we have a price point on that yet we were talking last week about the Galaxy Note 8 coming in at about a $1000.00 so rumor has it the i Phone 8 or whatever the top of the line new device from Apple will be called It's also expected to be about a $1000.00 according to. The links or speculation are some analysts that are just estimating with what they expected to be in the new i Phone and that it's going to have to be priced at that amount and that's by the way a fully locked price we're not talking about a 2 year subsidized price through her eyes or an a.t.v. Or a sprinter or what have you so that is expensive and not leads us to believe many of us that there will be other i Phones that you might be able to buy Plus if you've been holding out on an i Phone and you're still on an i Phone 4 s. Or 5 c. Or something then when they announce the new i Phone a they will drop last year's models and prices well so you can sort of win out in that respect if you're Ok with going with last year's version of there's nothing wrong with it considering that there's very little improvement year over year in my opinion like I like to see which ones end up free. Because that's up to the carrier off them because they they are the ones who are subsidizing it but if you do the math is a little quick for their listeners I know it's a lot more appealing to pay say $200.00 on a 2 year plan but when you do the math it makes a lot more sense to buy that phone outright. Because when you do the math you pay about 50 percent more on average to pay less upfront but when you add up what you pay over 2 years it's a lot more All right Mark we appreciate everything we do you guys Mark Saltzman there attack columnist and tech guy for the Garion Channel show follow him on Twitter at Mark underscore Saltsman m.-a r.-c. You can find his website and all kinds of great information about all kinds of phones and computers and technology etc have all of these stories right here their science the stories you got us stack of them or something yeah they're still pretty Now you know listen on everything printing just coming out of there in their science the I would call them you know not straight science there. Corky you say not straight science yeah what about if you call them strange science. It's like we're. Straying. That we just do ourselves. Investigators are trying to figure out why dozens of people across 13 states have been stricken with salmonella poisoning what could it be licking things you shouldn't like Could it be licking things you shouldn't lick Alec's Yes we need a buzzer for no and it happens to be. Adorable tiny. Pet. Baby turtles I would you say adorable Yeah I mean I like turtles don't get me wrong on I but I'm not sure adorable is the word I would use for turtles can be adorable you're not you're a little stingy when it comes to labeling things adorable people started getting sick back on March 1st according to a statement by the c.d.c. In 5 months this outbreak spread 16 people had to be hospitalized 12 of the 6 were aged 5 or younger and just like Ramon his brother in Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing I don't know if that's the right it wasn't Ramon as it was you you know Ramon as related to me but it's not the same scenario in the universe right this was the little brother named fudge I think its name was fudge and then the going to go Google that because I'm pretty sure tales of a 4th Grade Nothing has the story of a kid who well the little brother the Big Brother has the turtle and then the little brother fudge I think eats the pet turtle right which makes perfect sense yeah dest stockers and researchers started asking questions of the victims and what they figured out was 6 of these victims had bought a turtle from a flea market or a street vendor Peter won the pet turtle at a friend's birthday party remember Ok and then the little brother is always getting into problems and trouble and Peter doesn't understand why his parents keep paying attention a little brother and he know to anything wrong there's a crisis of identity in a 4th grader Yeah and all he has this is Little Turtle and then the turtle it's eaten by the little boy right and all the parents care about is the little boy crying and then they get the turtle out of the little kid and eternal dies Ok and then to make him feel better Peter for his dead turtle they buy him a dog any names the dog turtle. Spoiler alert and kicks your can or run out to buy tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. If you don't need to buy it if you don't want to buy it and you can borrow my copy all turtles have salmonella in their turtle pope did you know that no doctor says science fact all turtles shed that it carefully salmonella in their droppings they all do and because turtles live in your little turtle Lariam or terrarium as they say in the pet stores salmonella can end up on a turtle's skin or their shell or in the water that they swim in and children are so stupid that they think it's Ok to kiss a turtle Erlick a turtle or just whatever you do with a turtle it's not safe not all the time I thought about I thought about 20 turtles in my life and I've never felt inclined to lick any of them like that's interesting so I will see about getting us a show turtle in the office I have plenty at my house that we can just deem one job really you do right now have you not where they live backyard is run around well I'd call b.s. On that old rabbit I don't don't run they do in their box turtles they're pretty quick actually really grappa us one little baby one you can't bring it in what do you mean I can bring it and we went through this whole thing you can bring so you can't remember the dogs you can't bring they're not teaching they're not going to know we have a turtle at our babies at the time and often we don't tend to find them because they bury the eggs don't or they eat the eggs before how we are we talking about box turtles they're. Little bigger than your hand yeah Ok like that like that small little football you got in office so we just have to get like a little baby aquarium type thing or just a box you don't want it to live here trust me it's more work than you want it really is you can have visitation rights where you can come by and see him whenever you want. But Blake something. I mean not nearly as funny as you think they are just the magic of how our corporate guy feels when you email him questions like Would it be possible for us to get a therapy turtle. To prevent people from getting sick of the c.d.c. Actually came out with a handy kid friendly fact sheet telling people don't kiss or snuggle with your turtle this can increase your risk of getting sick more than 200 in 2 years 2015 and 16 more than 200 people were sickened in similar salmonella outbreaks linked to small turtles I had a turtle I would kiss it like a pet turtle. Abdominal cramps fever and diarrhea most of the time you'll feel better within a week they should tell people this when they go to Pet Smart for their turtles but they didn't go to Pet Smart they went to a flea market they would do a street vendor Blake's house Blake would at least say a probably not a great idea for you to sit there and French kiss Mortimer I think C'mon. Come on in Maryland the state of Maryland authorities seized about $500.00 undersized turtles because of there's a there's a thriving black market of suspect pets including turtles raised on farms and sold at flea markets. I don't think that's a good 1st of all to stop buying pets from the flea market just in the name it's not a great idea to go to a flea market and buy pets does do you buy these fire ants have you seen the pictures of I have not. Started I'll show you a picture all right so in addition to debris people that are being affected by Hurricane Harvey and all those flood waters they say they need to watch out for floating balls of fire ants and they see the part of the problem won't go away even after the waters Oh my God I'm. And instantly I think that's a fire ant raft is what they call it right there again and that's probably it's probably about a foot maybe 18 inches across right there these fire ants grab together they come together using their jaws and the sticky pads on their legs the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of course is where I'm getting this from and a clump in form in just about a minute and a half each bunch can contain anywhere from thousands of millions to ants. Critters at the bottom regularly switch out with the ones on the top so I almost none of the insects stay under it long enough to drowned and they like hold their breath for a while and then sweet rotate out yeah interesting and they just float around in those for whom you'll slow to stop that stop at most valuable members of the group like the queen and her newest babies are pushed to the top and center for safe keeping well they have to flow to those for you can't do that I can't I can't look at the posters I can't hear that you ever been bitten by fire ant know what happens well normal ants will bite you and then spray some acid into the one I've been bitten by red ants but not fire ants fire it's a messy fire ants will bite and they will hold on and then they inject a venom in you know beyond whatever acid a normal ant would have $46.00 different proteins including spoilers is that sometimes will affect the nervous system I've got a good one for you yes a farm up on my grandpa's in Tennessee there's a guy driving his tractor and tractor rolled over on him and him busted up his back so he was crawling across his field to try to get back to his house to get some help it up going through a fire ant hill and they killed him. They bit him until he died Blake do you ever watch the Golden Girls Know Ok so this reference will mean nothing to you but your stories about your grandpa remind me of Rose talking about saying all of I like to write I mean it's a compliment to you by the way because her stories are always like whoa that stuff happens like that happens at some point part of the country yeah they found that old boy just dead laying there in the fire and Old Boy Well one way to fight against them if you ever find yourself in water with a floating fire ant Island. Is actually spraying them with detergent soapy water prevents these firing off and I have this from travel books of detergent backfire around their bodies Well the dish soap might work just fired up a dirty little ants. Yes I suppose that's what I'm saying on stage. Stop it Blake Yeah Blake that me. Low too when we come back Brian suit scheduled to join our talk about what's going on with North Korea and why it is that we have finally shut down the Russian consulate in in San Francisco Gary and Shannon k f I am 640 Amy what's up our heat wave has entered day 6 now expected to last at least through Saturday says if he warnings remain in effect for the mountains valleys in England o.c. David sweet with the National Weather Service told wake up call even the occasional cloudy skies will be tied to the heat of people who are driving around on the roadways this morning thinking to themselves that I'd see the lightning or did I just hear thunder and yes they indeed the storms were in Ventura County in the Antelope Valley even downtown l.a. Where it's normally in the eighty's this time of year is expected to hit triple digits today and tomorrow news brought to you by reborn cabinets the White Party is reaching into his own pocket to help people in Texas affected by what was Hurricane Harvey is would like to join in the efforts that a lot of people that we've seen across this country do and he's pledging a $1000000.00 of personal money press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the president asked her to check with reporters at the White House today about groups and organizations that are most effective at helping with such disasters online security advisor Thomas or says at least 100000 homes have been affected by the storm defense secretary Jim Madison's he signed orders to send more troops to Afghanistan he didn't specify numbers saying that's a work in progress this week the Pentagon acknowledged that up 211000 u.s. Forces are in Afghanistan that's higher than the 8400 that was previously reported a guy who walked into a gym in Burbank and got aggressive with an instructor is now in the custody of Burbank p.d.f. To spend a couple days in the hospital the gym or the guy Ok let's start the gym the guy walk to do on Tuesday night is a mixed martial arts studio the instructor says he thought the man was reaching for a gun so instinct kicked in any defended him. Well the man had a bloodied face when he was taken away by police traffic from your helpful So Cal Honda traffic center stalled car in Santa Fe Springs on the 6 o 5 that's going to be on the southbound side of the 6 of 5 or 4 telegraph the right lane blocking things or have it coming away from Washington northbound side slows down coming away from the 152 about Beverly where there's an earlier crash it's moved up to the right shoulder supposed to pass out for a 5 Forget the Center crash here made it to the right shoulder but it's going to be a heavy ride from the want to one but inside you're seeing to laze off and on coming away from about Lotty here all the way out to Burbank Boulevard So watch out for a problem heading into the glen a bunny area westbound side of the 16 a reference high right it looks like there's a car fire taking away that carpool lane Ok if I in the sky hopes to get there faster for some people falling asleep can be as hard as the workday they just put in but that doesn't have to be that way great sleep starts with the right sheets they're more affordable than you think that's what you get with ball and branch each sheet is crafted with 100 percent organic cotton and they get softer over time and since bowling brand sells exclusively online you don't have to pay that expensive retail mark up half the price for twice the quality triumph for 30 nights and see for yourself if you're not impressed return for a full refund everyone who sleeps on bowling brand sheets loves them that's why the of thousands of 5 star review and even 3 presidents have slept on bowling brand shapes go to bowling branch dot com today $50.00 off your 1st set of shapes plods free shipping just go to bowling branch and use the promo code common way that's $50.00 off and free shipping at Boland branch dot com That's b. 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Car radio station or even say that affects the takeoff speed of airplanes airplanes used to have to go 210 miles an hour now they can take off at 170 miles an hour because the air is thicker Oh I don't know and I was aware I made that up it sounds good but 1st of all your understand I'm offering the promise that you wouldn't lie to me. Honestly Jr tonight at 6. 634 stimulating. Reminder tonight's Chargers game kick off at 7 o'clock pre-game will start down the hall and 570 Kelly see at 3 o'clock switch over here at 5 o'clock you'll hear pre-game and then again kick off at 7. Brian suits is joining us. Place here on Saturdays in super hyper local show on the Sunday nights to tell us about what the heck is going on with North Korea we have just recently within the last several hours. Taken a couple of shall we say fun Sunday flights with a couple of b. One B.'s some f. 35 some South Korean f. 15 in a live fire exercise in a military field in eastern South Korea Brian this is obvious I don't know for retaliation is the right word but retaliation for the missile launch a couple of days ago over the island of Japan. Yeah it's basically telegraphing our punches but what we traditionally done over the past 6 months is the day after a big North Korean launch literally hours later even if we can do it on the same day the u.s. Army and the Korean army do a demonstration of our own in theater ballistic missile capabilities and the problem is that's predictable it's not surprising to the North Koreans that we have that so we have now added the 2 b. One b. Round trip from Guam to the d.m.z. And back in this reminds North Koreans at the thing that pisses them off the most apparently is that Guam exists and let me correct everybody the media apparently the b. One b. Is not a nuclear capable bomber. It's the follow on to the b. One a but it was made to be a conventional bomb and it's been used quite a bit over the past 15 years but it's not nuclear capable it would have to be modified but the what the South Koreans demonstrated yesterday was their own indigenous homemade. Micro targeted hyper accurate deep penetrating bunker type decapitation you know what we would call. Enough the mother of all bombs that's a surface. You know surface. Above surface exploding bomb you know super bot Yeah. And but the South Koreans have their own indigenous very specific bomb and it's not meant to be used against a dictator in North Africa or a dictator in Peru it is a anti Kim bomb and the but the problem is you know even though Trump said he's not going to. Discuss plans and dates and numbers what we are showing their experience is that our initial countermeasure is going to be a decapitation strike which isn't a surprise to them which is why they've been building bunkers for 60 years so it's it seems more for public. You know public consumption than as a warning to North Korea because a you can't warn someone something that they are assuming about you but this ratcheting up of you do a missile test we'll do a missile test you do a fly over we're going to do a fly over that it seems like the most likely start of something actual Like you say kinetic engagement would be a mistake someone does something that they weren't supposed to or take something a little too far without the actual intention of starting a war but that that mistake would then be what starts the war well and that is what is preventing us from actually shooting down these test missiles like the one that went over Japan which but you know in. A no day at the u.n. Security Council would anyone blame the Japanese had they shot that down nor would they have blamed us shooting it down on behalf of Japan because the Japanese There's not one country in the general assembly of the Security Council that would vote on the side of North Korea that oh there's not a biggie with you know firing a rocket over your territory but we haven't done it because we're afraid that it gives North Korea the cause a spell either reason for a war. That they've been looking for to be and to start Korea war to. Well what. I'm So you say that the initial response would likely be targeting specifically Kim Jong un then what do we do do we do a couple more weeks worth of bombing in the areas that we know where they're holding missile launch systems Well if if you are to believe the public display then yeah there would be a initial overwhelming strike probably on many bunker facilities assuming that he would be in one of them and then there would probably be several hours of operational stand by to see how the North Koreans react and if they launched the full scale war that they probably you know they probably have a dead hand dead man switch that launches a full scale Korea war to then we would start you know a very intense air campaign on all the North Korean railroads they move everything by railroad very little stuff by by paved road we'd take out the railroads we would prevent them from massing troops on the border if they did mass troops on the border we would target them and it would it would either be really really quick and oddly or it would it would be several months long and extremely ugly All right on the one of the other stories I want to ask you about was the closing of the Russian consulate in San Francisco is it I know it's the oldest is it the largest consulate in San Francisco or in the United States yeah oh yeah it does it's it's bigger than any other Russian embassy anywhere else in the world that's how much importance they put on espionage in the Bay Area that this thing from the seventy's on the Russians expanded this because they run all of their illegal operations which are the people with American names here on false passports they run them out of San Francisco they run the legals like the assistant deputy you know Secretary for agricultural outreach who goes out to Fresno to see how sorghum is being grown in California he's also running it. Eagles in Monrovia and illegals and San Piedro and illegals in Palmdale and so this is a administrate of hub as well as a one stop adoption bribery shakedown center and it's should have been shut down in the eighty's should have been shut down after the Cold War but. Because we know what the Russians use it for it's pretty blatant But finally this is probably more than anything we've done sending diplomats home from d.c. Or New York is a bit of a punch in the arm shutting down the San Francisco consulate is literally gouging their eyeballs out because they spy on California so much you know the intense concentration of the world's high tech industry here in the state of California is really hard to express because we don't even notice that California is don't notice as but about one 3rd of the entire Earth innovation and the high tech and military industries happen in this one state and the Russians know that and the reason you know that's true is because the Russians have that consulate so we're finally shutting it down well and I wonder if is that just a matter of we're here we're used to seeing technology come out as Silicon Valley and we don't think twice about it yeah we we have no idea you know the Chinese have more agents in Southern California than the f.b.i. . The Russians were close or the Chinese have more Ministry for state security guys than the f.b.i. Has people here so this is a great start shutting this down and the Russians are if this will sting they're going to be really pissed about this all right Brian thank you all right have a good flight Shannon and. You know for the Niners when she's going to be crushed I don't know how she's going to handle that so I know she's going to be torn in 2 directions you know should be crossing of the sidelines treating these some great in a charger line in school heard it but to be to get through Piers thank you Brian suits their host a dark secret place that had follow him on Twitter at dark secret place and see all of this stuff before before anybody else does we shall come back I have some interesting news about our weather as well when we come back to Gary and Shannon Amy King has an update on the news here's an update on the weather the National Weather Service is Burbank has just set a new Keith record at 107 degrees that breaks the old record of 106 set on this state in 2007 officials have called for another flex alert state why it is the heat wave continues in California Callisto says it's in effect from one to 10 tomorrow and during that time period they're asking you to keep your AC at 78 or higher avoid using big appliances and try to turn off lights that you don't need to help avoid an overload as a power grid if you're headed to the u.c.l.a. Texas a and m. Football game Sunday you can help with hurricane Harvey really if you donate at least 10 bucks you'll get 2 free tickets to September 9th the u.c.l.a. Hawaii game it's crazy hot you forecast and a slow down on the 110 if you want we got it so it. Gets more local as the national clear the man is happening now with Toyota the Glendale Lisa new $27.00 team Grohl ask for $159.00 for a month plus tax and the Toyota rundown now or is it to go to Ferndale dot com the structures for the judgment should indulge regarding the terms of the translation but for the most part a preacher was predicted to possible trigger the digital world of all the stuff off the start part of the game the one thing we saw a lot of blame it. Was God. God God. You love Christmas and all the boys in Phantom of the opera now see him live at the Gallo opening of York. Media Performing Arts Center September 16th at 730 Chris will sing songs from his own release Great American Songbook album with 150 of the center's youth artists For tickets call 66811781 or go to our kiddie of P.A.'s dot org. Anymore Here's a brief. 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Reasons to visit the room to just be able to walk over words member to get your free gift on Labor Day Number 2 you might even take a link to the Cadillac c.t.s. 31 away Labor Day and then every Sunday in September that the number one reason to go to the right go to see the resort this fall this week we're giving away John Wayne Dyer's cookware every Thursday no wrong go good times what is your electric bill look like a couple 100 few $1700.00 a month face that your electric bill is never going to be last and the $69.00 a month you could be paying with Solar Max technology right now $69.00 a month and this is not a lease you own and solar max offers are s.m. X. Panels right it is one of the most reliable panels in the world that they design assemble and install right here in Southern California spend hundreds of dollars or $69.00 a month that's your choice call 855 solar max 855 solar max 855 solar max or go to solar max tech dot com how often you like the number 972048 are sold out 2017 i Heart Radio Music Festival. The 22nd to 2030 a little baby to listen to are you a spicy $2000.00 gift card courtesy of our keep our capital. Capital One is the proud marquee partner of the i Heart Radio Music Festival to cardholders make sure to have your Capital One card with you at the daytime village presented by Capitol line to unlock exclusive opportunities to see you in Vegas I might want to start here the station I was on for a week and I took 2 days off because I have a wedding that I had to go to and I felt like me and John and Ken were busting my chops like it would you been on for a week if 2 days off and I said Yeah I like the front load by vacation just in case anything happens you know very smart is smart you know you start a job and then you mediately try to take 2 weeks off because you could get fired in 3 months then you lose all that vacation so here's my recommendation you young kids out there you get out of college start a job and. And immediately try to get 2 to 3 weeks off you say I already have these trips planned you have to say that you just say listen I'm worried about not getting my vacation in and I'm to be going to ploy but I'm in favor of 3 weeks off was going to fall for that you'd be so. Tim Connelly Jr 6 it's 6. 644 stimulating talk the big story in your life is Josh Newman is likely going to be recalled as early as November if you remember the legislature passed a bill to a Duran the recall maybe tell next June and it went to court and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and John Paul filed the suit claiming that this was. Wrong. A judge said we're going to freeze this law and put it aside. The recall can proceed and we'll have a hearing about this down the road but they are easy desperate to keep the seat they don't really just going to lose watch their moves over them so I know they're desperate but I mean at some point even desperate people have no way no options just lay down and die. Like you said we're going to have fun rally Oh yeah we got to enjoy this because we're going to make sure that people actually vote I want I lot of people signed a petition I forget about. What we're not going to let them forget that says that's our role in this no one's going to forget we're going to enjoy this we're going to celebrate this and I want to run up the score. To you oh I really do. Because this is the only weapon we have we don't have anything else. We can do is is drag these guys out of their office possum in the street John and Kim weekdays at 2 k. If I am 644 stimulating talk really a broker dealer member Finra s.i.p.c. Are sold out points. I Heart Radio Music Festival. 72nd and 23rd a little baby was it the skies of the $2000.00 gift card courtesy of our Marquis Parker capital. I don't mean to say Ok but it sounded just Ok the new voice I got get your point across by using your voice share socially you send private messages and interact with your favorite radio show or like to that download site from the App Store and now they think they can take the entire Southern California region from Santa Barbara to say the a guy from the beach all the way out to Riverside San Bernardino. To get depressed in this little tiny box stop stealing our money in building your stupid trains nobody wants them nobody is using the camp today at 2 k. If I am 640 stimulating talk. To. The ball game the Kickoff is at 5 o'clock the Chargers are up in Santa Clara to take on the $49.00 er's Channel be on the sidelines of course on the sideline reporting map money Smith Nick Hardwick in the booth doing play by play and color commentary for San Carlo is going to start the pre-game at about 3 o'clock down the hall on our sister station in $570.00 at 5 o'clock and comes on over to chaos and then you hear the kickoff again at 7 o'clock a couple of things I want to tell you about Amy mentioned this there right before we got into the break the National Weather Service says Firbank has had a just set a record in 107 degrees today it's it's not a 2 o'clock. 107 degrees breaking the old record of 106 set for this date back in 2007 also Sandburg in the mountains way up in the mountains has 97 degrees which breaks a record that we haven't seen since 1995 so we. There are still in all of this in fact my phone says that Burbank is expected to reach 109 today wow 109 which I think is probably the warmest that it's been over the last couple of days even if even if Monday and Tuesday were supposed to be the hottest All right this is a story that we started talking a little bit about because it had just come across on Wednesday the f.d.a. Approved and historic breakthrough treatment the genetically engineered a patient's own blood cells as they try to wipe out childhood leukemia and they say that this is classified under the category of living drugs under development to try to fight additional blood cancers and tumors unlike this no Vargas pharmaceuticals is the company that did this and said that the one time infusion of what they call car t. Cells will be $475000.00 but that there would be no charge for a patient who did not show a response within a month almost a weird way of pricing that $475000.00 if it works the doctor who is in charge of Children's Hospital in Philadelphia treated the very 1st child with this card t. Therapy she had been out this this little girl had been near death but after this therapy she is cancer free she has been cancer free for 5 years and counting and the doctor says this is just simply a brand new way of treating cancer. They the Carty treatment uses gene therapy techniques it doesn't it doesn't fix the genes that cause the disease it doesn't do that but what it does is it boosts the t. Cells it boosts these immune system soldiers basically that cancer can run away from they can evade what they do is they filter out those cells those specific t. Cells from a kid in this case a kid's blood and then reprogram that he sells to specifics they turbocharged charge them to harbor a kind Meric antigen receptor that's where you get the c.a.r. The car Merrick antigen receptor t. Cells that car then zeroes in on the cancer on the Leukemia and grows is that's what cells do grows hundreds of millions of copies what they do then is then plant that back into the patient so these turbocharged t. Cells can then continue multiplying within the child's own body to fight this disease whether it's months or years it's very different way to harness the immune system there are other drugs that do this the immunotherapy drugs called checkpoint inhibitors that will treat a variety of cancers by helping your t. Cells spot the tumors but this actually takes those t. Cells that would already fight a cancer and makes them even stronger turbo charges them the 1st one was approved by developed by Novartis and University of Pennsylvania was approved for use by several 100 patients a year who are desperately ill with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia they said more than 3000 kids and young adults in the United States each year are hit by this most of them they say do survive. But about 15 percent of those will relapse even if they used today's best treatments 83 percent it's a small study but they said 83 percent of the patients who underwent this card t. Cell therapy 83 percent went into remission soon after that and that the benefits last that some patients did relapse months later but for the most part. They are tracking them long term to see how long this is going to last so good and fantastic news especially if you know somebody who's been diagnosed with childhood leukemia there are people making some amazing breakthroughs All right we'll see you tomorrow stick around a football game is coming up 5 o'clock you hear the pre-game here on k a fire and then kick off at 7 o'clock listen for Shannon on the sideline it's a fun game Gary and Shannon will be back tomorrow we'll see you stick around John and Ken up next stay driver buddy that's it that's it that's it Gary and Shannon this season I think you'll find the thrill you think crossing west arose with the dogs Rocky Ford in the unsullied takes a while try taking the want to one anywhere any time John and can continue their exposé of the red priestesses Why do we keep letting them totally just on people. Feel was t.h.d. To Los Angeles are 24 hour look see really we're slowly but surely on Debra Mark live from the 24 hour k. a Fine news room the power in Colton has started to come back on line the outage started from a lightning strike at a substation that knocked out power to the entire city mayor Richard Diller Rosso says the city has a few cooling centers we are trying our best to bring all the entities together to inform our residents of of resources they can go to people have had to leave town to get supplies Powers lost everywhere grocery stores everywhere I had to go to this morning I had to go down the street to get a soda because everything in the cold Mary is gone officials say the power won't be fully restored until tomorrow in Colton Andrew Paula back Burbank has broken a heat record the National Weather Service says it got up to 107 degrees the old record was 106 set in 2007 Sandburg southeast of Gorman has also set a record hit 97 there the old record had stood for 22 years the manager of the state's power grid has issued a flex alert for tomorrow the voluntary energy conservation. It will be in effect from one in the afternoon in til 10 at night an appeals court has rejected former l.a. County Undersheriff ball to knock his complaint that his trial was unfair the 9th Circuit Court has denied each of to knock his claims including one that it was wrong for jurors to learn that to not go was once a member of a deputy gang to NOCCA was convicted last fall of conspiracy and obstruction of justice he began serving a 5 year prison term earlier this year to NOCCA lead a scheme in 2011 to interfere with f.b.i. Agents investigating complaints of inmate abuse inside county jails to NOCCA trying to claim he was following orders from ex Sheriff Lee Baca Eric Leonard k. At find president hands has traveled to Texas to see the damage caused by what was Hurricane Harvey Benson his wife landed in Corpus Christi today and were greeted by Governor Greg Abbott they then travel to the coastal town of Rockport to see the devastation caused by the storm here today we will be here tomorrow and we will be here every day till this city and this state and this region rebuilt bigger and better than ever before President Trump was in Texas on Tuesday implants return on Saturday speaking of the president the White House says he is donating a 1000000 dollars of his own money to help people in Texas affected by what was Hurricane Harvey Louisiana's governor says he expects try.

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