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1st for breaking news news traffic weather. Starts Good morning it's 9 o'clock and in the News Radio k f b k 93 point one f.m. 1530 am. Dot com media Lewis has the morning off the president making an announcement on Twitter this morning to me upset some who are hoping to serve our country and small businesses might soon have an easier start a process here in Sacramento after we check traffic and weather together the stuff things up a little this report is Roger by the Department of Health and Human Services west down Arden way of both lanes are blocked due to an accident this is. A vehicle into a tree in the center divide they've got to get that cleared out of there now northbound I 5 still heavy from the floor and road north from Florida road to about fruit Ridge Road pickers still westbound I 80 from the garden highway to a little. Completely back to the limit to get past Chiles road it's between 90 and the garden highway also to the north of us. Still very heavy from Paso to a little bit past Highway 99 the 1st week of August is national minority donor awareness week learn about organ donation facts about the waiting list and how to register go to organ donor dot or call 86099 donate next updates 930 I'm Brian Noble's from the West Haven traffic center News Radio k f b k 93 point one f.m. In 1530 am. Wednesday forecasts will include a nice comfortable start to the day the temperatures are on the way up for the afternoon yesterday was warm for today's We add a few degrees to the temperature is. $74.00 already and $69.00 downtown Sacramento. Where the else with the transgender people will no longer be allowed to serve in the military a lot of people by surprise this morning Huffington Post correspondent telling the became Morning News. Of all the issues now being debated he thought this was far from the top of the president's list an issue that literally probably affects maybe a couple 1000 people but of course it's also kind of a sexy issue so I think if they have an issue that there will be about a coverage a softer take some simpler clocks gentle way from the air rushes to as well the action reverses a policy from the prior Obama administration that opened the door to transgender service in the military where the future of the Affordable Care Act uncertain and there are increasing calls for a bipartisan solution earlier this morning on k f b k we talked to both Republicans and Democrats to find out of such cooperation as possible 4th District Republican Congressman Tom McClintock thinks there is one area of the law where there is broad agreement for change I do think there is a consensus even in the Senate that the individual mandate that forces people to buy coverage they don't want don't need can't afford has got to go but 3rd district Democrat John Garamendi tells us any repeal and replace legislation has to be fair for all Americans repealed legislation is a massive tax cuts for the super wealthy and for the drug and insurance companies and that's a nonstarter Garamendi also says there should be an agreement on drug pricing and points to Covered California he says as an example of how the health care law can work for more Americans if you want to grow pot for sale in the new legal weed market Sacramento is considering changes that would make it easier and less expensive for small pot businesses by creating a tiered system so D'Evelyn is the city's weeds are we have not seen the number of manufacturers apply that we thought we would and we believe that this is part of the reason is that it is a one size fits all this will allow entry in the market and more affordable cost small business owners he tells Casey are a $3.00 news the city will maintain high standards for its business operation permit but the proposal would make it easier for smaller specialty businesses to get up and running 2 people killed in a fatal accident this morning on Interstate 5 at Laguna Boulevard you heard Brian talking about this the accident 1st reported after 5 northbound lanes on I 5 or reduce. As debris was spread across lanes of traffic it slowed from the previous accident when another driver plowed into the back of a big rig to take a look at the market the Dow is up 103 points 221717 The Nasdaq up 126420 4 next update at 930 news alerts immediately at k f b k dot com We'll get you to Russian 2 minutes I'm Dan Mitchinson Newsradio k f b k Sacramento's news traffic and whether the top and bottom of every hour news reader can. Tell you concerned about your future investment and want to make sure your family is secure Roseville numismatics is one of the largest coin dealers on e Bay and the best local source to help you safely secure your future investments buy gold silver or rare coins from a p.m.g. People who's been in the business for over 20 years you can now shop on one of the country's largest Dva stores just check it out on their Facebook page call today 916-780-7097 extension 4 visit Roseville numismatics at age 98 Douglas Boulevard in Roseville Hey it's been the big guy lashes Dodge Chrysler during the summer clearance event we've got wheels on ramp trucks and Jeep even wranglers that are so hot you can go on right now save 16 brand new 2017 ram 59 the cabin me for my fours now that's 16 ran off in a certain piece and I've got 20 in stock for sale on every Jeep renegade patriot company even Wrangler 10 grand Optimus r.p.m. 5 new 2017 Jeep Cherokee overland 4 by fours 10 grand while the weather's hot take advantage of our hot deals 16 grand new Ram 1500 let me cook out to me for my Ford and take brand new Jeep Cherokee overland 4 by 4 that's 10 grand. For over 60 years our name is a great deal and your fellow. St Remy 67 in retail consumer us 21st. It's a great grandson It's a point where some 3117 i Heart Radio goes one on one. And with Adam from Maroon 5 talking about playing shows in Indonesia it was so much fun we had one of our best concerts. Fans are crazy and it was one of the most amazing shows he's ever played it was just totally wild as amazing. Listening to i Heart Radio for more from your favorite artist. I. Believe it was expressed by the host on this program are documented to be almost always right 99.8 percent of the time just got a new opinion on it from the Sullivan group out in California no change. Was expected. We're holding steady almost always right 99.8 percent of the time Great to have you here from. 80282282 the e-mail address e.i.b. Net dot us it's hump day and we have transgender news. The president has unilaterally gotten together with these generals and military experts and sent it simply it's crazy we're not going to have transgenders in the armed forces he said about the following tweets after consultation with my generals and military experts please be advised United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and can't be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail Thank you. And tweet now we've got Everything's blown up by the show all set and ready to go to the audience somebody is arrive and that blows up my what I had planned and I told my send by for sound bites one and 2 in the 9 in 10 but that's out now because I'm trying to find the gen Pisarski sound but I know I saw the name and wrote the number find it for me let me know when you've got it because I've got some other drug habits standing by well no that would be a good time to use a gentle push Saki it was from the Hillary camp she's got traces of roots all the way back to Obama which is where transgenders in the military originated and they're not happy about this it's not a decision that any president just makes in the Oval Office by themselves President Obama made that decision after careful consideration and consultation for months and months and months with high level members of the military who wanted the time to consider whether it could be implemented I think this is a purely political decision and something he's doing to try to satisfy his right wing nothing more than that it's really disappointing because there's been a lot of thought that was put into that policy. Yeah you know who politicized this is these people they've turned the United States military into a social experimentation playground because they don't take it seriously I'm talking about Democrats and primarily extreme leftists. You get them down into a room and nobody is listening they'll tell you they think the u.s. Military is one of the great problems in the world and has been because they believe the United States is one of the big problems in the world in the military is how the United States projects power and so what they've been attempting to do is corrupt it with these silly little social concerns and I would suggest to you that they've been successful so this is not a sop from Trump to his base his base is not made up of exclusive conservatives or right wingers or conservative social issue as people his base is a wide swath of people in this country and of him and many of them are not doctrinaire conservatives many of them are not even India logical they're simply unhappy with what's been going on with it in Washington for years so if if anything it's like McCain McCain's out there he comes back to town the divisions his vote on the health care bill and then launches an all of bombastic people in radio television and the Internet and tells everybody in the Senate to hell with them meaning us don't listen to him Don't don't be guided by what they say the real bombast is not here the real bombast is to be found among elected officials who run around on the campaign trail in promise things 1st 7 consecutive years and then peter out when the moment of truth comes that remains the problem I mean here you have we're just we're just people in the media for crying out loud radio television Internet what have you and McCain was lashing out makes it sounds like the the Senate least Senate Republicans are prisoners. To what we say they're not they're prisoners to what The Washington Post says they're prisoners prisoners to what the mainstream media says about them not us is like Boehner Bader he we spent on he went out with what he had a appeared at some kind of conference in Las Vegas last week. And at that conference banner the former speaker of the house so there's no way they're going to repeal Obamacare going to happen there's no way they don't want to repeal it it isn't going to happen it's too entrenched is they may get rid of some of the mandates but they're not going to repeal Obamacare he then said something else he said that he had to sneak into the White House to meet with Obama to hide from conservative media. Because if it was discovered by conservative media i.e. Me that he was meeting him in the White House with Obama did he held a paper in his mind so he had to sneak in there to avoid being seen by conservative media So here's McCain Here's Boehner look at what these guys claim to be afraid of do you see any evidence of the fear we've talked about this this week if they were afraid for example of not being reelected then they would go ahead and repeal Obamacare and have been done with it weeks ago. They don't have any fear that's not what they resent it if anything out of it maybe some of them are afraid I mean you've got a lot of people there could be a couple stragglers that are afraid I still maintain that their greatest concern and fear is what the Drive-By Media is going to say about them not us and I've been making a case this week that I don't think if I think they're afraid of their voters otherwise I mean you promise to repeal Obamacare and you submit votes to do it for 7 years then you gain control of the entire legislative and executive branch you gain control and you can't do it one of the reasons has to be what fear their voters they don't fear being reelected. It's obvious they don't like criticism it's obvious McCain is not happy with the criticism and he's obviously been internalizing this for many years and it just came bombastic out yesterday after he was greeted with hero's return by the way after his vote all that Heroes Return accolades to the vanished in a meeting we started ripping him to shreds again I'm talking about the Democrats and Lee in the media just amazing it always has amazed me. The excuse that they can't do anything the excuse they won't getting this because the us it's a convenient excuse satisfies the drive by media for example the sessions business I'm not sure what is transgender business interest setting the table let's go to where I was originally going to start here audience soundbite number one we're now moving on the Jeff Sessions I actually think something's going on here that we don't know because none of this makes any sense none of it above board meaning everything we know none of this makes any sense to continue to publicly rip sessions and for sessions not to resign it doesn't make any sense for Trump to continue this he did it around late last night which we also have to talk about because I think a lot of people are misunderstanding I get a lot of complaints about Trump of the rabbit last night they loved it but they thought it was 6 month old stuff they said hey we don't want you there vote we already voted for you what was is a campaign where we love you we love you already do the agenda where you should tell us what's wrong in Washington tell us what you're up against so we can help you out don't touch that complaint I guess a way to look at it forks I'll tell you how to look at it when we get to that that it's you or that topic. But none of this Trump sessions stuff makes any sense. This kind of open criticism if it's designed to make sessions resign it is a working and if the objective is to get him to resign it means Trump wants him gone and if he wants I'm going to just fire he not doing that I think one of the reasons why if if sessions does go however which way Trump's got to find a new nominee for attorney general who's going to take it be how the hell they're going to get confirmed unless they nominate a Democrat. It just doesn't make sense so the because it doesn't make sense in the way we are seeing it it has to make sense in some other way because none of these people are stupid and I hear all this talk you know trumpets meeting with his staff his staff is urging him to stop it really you really want us to believe it trumps having meetings with the staff on the steps that Mr President we really go to dial it down as though Trump is unaware of the trouble he's causing And then after all these meetings with all the staffers advising Trump to dial it back Trump goes out and double and triple downs on it none of this makes sense unless something is happening here that we don't know and I've been trying to figure out what it might be I've had a couple ideas percolate in there in the cranium Cavaney my. Head and I've come up with a couple of possibilities I don't think it is coincidental that we had today an announcement that Sessions is going to start pursuing criminally all of these leaks. You know this has been a big bugaboo for the Trump stir and this is something that has to please him his latest tweets on sessions were the fact that sessions didn't get rid of McCain even that McCain's wife was campaigning for a Senate seat and sending money to Hillary and so forth that couldn't possibly be fair why didn't sessions get rid of the guy so it appears that the just the casual observer would say that Trump is up set with sessions cause Sessions is a woods a sessions isn't a brawler sessions isn't fighting trumps battles that's what we're supposed to think here and this none of this makes any sense and watching the Drive-By is analyzed this is though they're taking it literally. They're not curious about the only reason they're curious they can't figure out why Trump would do it they believe it's genuine they think drunk generally mad at session's generally wants him gone but sessions won't quit so Trump really doubling and tripling down trying to make him quit they are not curious beyond this none of this on the surface makes any common sense. President can let Jeff Sessions go when ever he wants to between cornflakes in the morning he can call sessions and say back to Alabama dude it's not working but he's not doing that and Sessions is right there in the office say I'm not go home. Bama cornflakes all not he stay right where is. Tell me this makes sense. Doesn't. Now I have expressed concern in recent broadcasts about Trump and his treatment of sessions here but tell you what you know I I think sessions role. And this is where this is where it gets fog for me as I'm trying to figure out what's really going on this Russia thing. If I may say it again there's nothing here folks I know that it is the news of the day every day it's the all day news story of every day and the Senate and the House have their investigating committees and they're still looking for collusion and there isn't any and they're not going to find any and the purpose of continuing this investigation is to paralyze Tromp and to maybe hope and pray that something pops up somewhere some but there's nothing there. What sessions is actually doing that he is of profound importance and value is actually implementing the Trump immigration agenda and Trump is not going to find anybody else that will do that Sessions is taking aim at Sanctuary City sessions is taking aim at the border sessions is working with ice and the Border Patrol and it's working the number of illegal immigrants getting into the country way way down the number of illegal immigrants trying to get into the country way way down it's so weighed down that California farmers are all probably complaining in the l a times that they can't find enough people to pick the strawberries and to pick the fruit to pick the oranges pick the vegetables whatever it is that come only they don't have enough people to pick it they're worried about having to pay higher wages that is Sessions primary value to trump I have to think Trump knows this none of the people that we're talking about are stupid here some of them may be impetuous and some of them may be not down the center of the mainstream as we would define it but I would I would. I would submit to you that most people are off the center of the mainstream rather than perfectly well adjusted and normal. I mean how many nuts do you have in your family you know everybody has at least one nut in their family or maybe more than one right we all do you know who they are and they probably know who they are my point is there's a lot of nuts out there but the drive by what no weight but the Drive-By Media analyzes Trump as though he's the only nut and everybody in America is steadfastly normal and judging Trump to be a loose cannon nutcase fruitcake whatever it is when in fact there aren't that many quote unquote normal people so the vast majority America does not see Trump the way the drive by's think everybody sees Trump which is the way they see Trump I would submit to you the drive bys are not normal either they saw a slew of nuts among those people this is nearly just so you know literally nothing of what I've said here did I plan to say I had it all this whole segment has been improv based on the stuff that arrived here within 3 minutes of the program open. So now I'm faced with this organizational task I've mentioned all these things but only tangentially I need to go back and get into detail of all of that which I will do there's nobody better I will do it I got to go to these audio sound bites on sessions because the drive bys are using me as the barometer. You indicate how much trouble Trump is in on this stuff I'll show you what I mean when we come back he doesn't hold back the news you need to know Rush o.b.e. I'd be in it were. 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Good morning and I'm really walking hardest with today's healing Quest minute our topic today is how to made may be able to protect us from skin cancer a study from Ohio State University is showing that a diet rich in tomatoes can cut the development of skin cancer tumors play up to 50 percent the key ingredient here is like a pain which is a very effective in keeping ourselves healthy the Ohio State findings are just the latest in a number of studies showing that the lycopene and tomatoes may be able to protect against damage from the sun and when it comes to choosing a tomato remember to buy organic so you get all the upside of lycopene and none of favorite artists giving. The congressman nearly killed in a shooting at the Republican baseball practice is released from the hospital details for you coming up at 930 here on Newsroom p.k. My nickname for Anthony scarem which he was the Godfather's of City area Tom Haynes out there on t.v. Today saying that it was on Fox and Friends says that Trump is not trying to get sessions to quit he is trying to get him to be more loyal. Maybe it's an effort to put a fire under sessions to make him more aggressive on things like stopping the leaks and centuries but he's already doing that I mean sessions is is is really kicking butt on the whole Trump immigration agenda Well it may go to the ordeal some bites of cookie tells me she could add 10 more drive buyers to this as it turns out the sound bites 39 seconds it is a montage of the last 24 hours of the drive by's trying to drive a wedge between me and the Trumps Rush Limbaugh I coming to his defense he's also received some support today from Rush Limbaugh listening to Rush Limbaugh and to conservative media the right is starting to break from Trump you have Rush Limbaugh a leading indicator of Rush Limbaugh and Jeff Sessions president John is playing with fire Rush Limbaugh said We like the policy Jeff Sessions Rush Limbaugh was saying this is a little bit discomforting you've got Rush Limbaugh who said it's comforting unseemly maybe down from should listen to Rush Limbaugh you have even Rush Limbaugh when Rush Limbaugh says that the president essentially has gone too far is he worried at all about losing conservative media Ok so that last was Chris Jansing the. Babe that mispronounced my name a whole. Sari Horowitz or serene or which I don't know where she works at the Savior doesn't matter is he what's going on here I don't know but but but I have said I think Sessions' does this to sessions the most loyal. Endorser that Trump had I mean sessions indorsing Trump early on we've been through all this Sessions value to Donald Trump is incalculable. As his is loyalty to Donald Trump as is the seriousness with which he approaches the job of attorney general and all of his government service he's the exact kind of guy Trump needs there I just have to think Trump knows this something about all of this is just off folks and we have Tom Hayden out there on Fox and I seen him in that want to get rid of him he just trying to get sessions to be more loyal. Maybe it's just a candy sessions need some Red Bull. Caffeine out there perk him up who knows but it's obviously not what it appears to be or sessions would be gone I mean straight as the 1st week Sacramento news traffic and weather good morning it's 930 on Ryan Harris News Radio k.s. Became the congressman shot of baseball practice is out of the hospital details in less than 60 seconds 1st traffic and weather together if you case right over like you by the Department of Health and Human Services westbound Highway 50 Harbor Boulevard and the number one and number 2 lanes are trying to get everything over to the shoulder out of the roadway and ambulances responding traffic is backed up to Jefferson once you get past it and head out all across the causeway completely back to the limit take it to child road westbound I is backed up all the way to read also northbound I 5 very heavy from. 2 a little bit past Highway 99 the 1st week of August is national minority donor awareness week learn about organ and tissue donation facts about the waiting list and how to register go to organ donor dot gov or call 80699 donate your next updates 10 o'clock I'm Brian Noble's from the West Haven solar traffic center News Radio k f b k 93 point one f.m. Entity 130 am the. Temperature should peak in the mid to upper ninety's this afternoon and it will get a little warmer heading into Thursday and Friday with highs likely reaching the century mark. On Newsradio. Sunny skies 73 in woodland 74 in Sacramento. 30 top story house majority whip Steve school East critically wounded in a shooting at a baseball practice last month a Washington hospital Med Star says school lease was in good spirits and looking forward to returning to work once he completes his rehab for the people were hurt back on June 14th when a man opened fire on that Republican baseball practice in Alexandria Virginia present. Transgender people from serving in the u.s. Military made the announcement on Twitter today attributing the decision to what he called a burden of medical costs says the u.s. Military must be focused on decisive an overwhelming victory stay connected Your next update coming up at 10 o'clock news alerts immediately dot com We'll get you back to Russia in a moment I'm Ryan Harris Newsradio k f b k r 93 point one f.m. 1530 am and streaming live on your free i Heart Radio app. Mentos news traffic and weather. 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And was going to be the lead item until I have the audio sound bites arrive here without special stuff so I fearless knew that so let's stick with sessions hang on I will get back to transgender stuff here and just say everything else that's out trumped rally in Youngstown last night the contents of the speech in a rally and what that means and I think some people misinterpreting a mis understanding that. Here's Nicole Wallace you know she she was in the Bush White House she got married in lavish wedding ceremony the Greek Isles I think and I don't know why I remember that. I've never met or but but well aware of her or her career in the bush why she had a novel she wrote a mystery novel after her time there anyway she's she was she was the woman that was assigned to work with with Sarah pail and during the 2008 McCain presidential campaign and melted down over it. So she is primarily she's a mainstream media Republican analyst she was on the Today show today talking Savannah Guthrie. And the question if the president wants sessions gone why not just can it we have to sort of hit pause and really look at what's happening our president is cyberbullying public shaming a sitting member of the cabinet that's never happened before the fight that he's having with Sessions is so different from all of his fights with the media his fights with establishment Republicans his fights with the former president his former opponent because this is someone who is as popular as he is with that solid Trump base this is someone who's more popular than he is with folks like Rush Limbaugh and the hard core talk radio audience and this is someone who has more trust and deeper friendships in the Senate then he does so this is a fight where I don't think Sessions' has any motivation to blink 1st game of chicken I think that's exactly what's happened if I just can't. That's too simple and it's too obvious and it doesn't make any sense the only way it makes sense and it would do a lot of the drive bys and people on the left is if you think Trump is insane if you think Trump is unbalanced if you think Trump is elevator didn't go to the top floor if you think that trumps an order of fries short of a Happy Meal then this might make sense to you but Trump is neither of those things he's not. Off Kilter not a wacko he is deeply strategic he's been thinking about all of this for a long long time there's something else it's going on here I don't claim to know what it is I'm just telling you that to mean none of it makes sense there's no reason for this. And in addition that there may be reasons for it but we don't know what they are there's always more behind the scenes to every event then we will ever know so trying to make substantive analysis and judgments of this with limited information and bias or prejudice about who Trump is. I think can lead people astray which which it is and I think Nicolle Wallace here misunderstand something else we had a caller on the program yesterday from a devoted Trump voter. And I've talked to a lot of them and believe me that there is nobody else in the Trump administration operation apparatus that they hold in deeper regard. And I think. This is something else that bugs the opponents of Donald Trump this bottom that he has with his base his voters this connection is something that they envy and at the same time they resent it they don't understand it we had a guy on the phone yesterday they've been 2 or 3 others if Trump appears mad with sessions then Trump's voters are going to be mad with sessions they're not going to be mad with Trump they're going to think that Sessions is maybe not loyal enough to trump Trump's Trump's base What was she said Here this is someone she mean sessions this is someone who's more popular than Trump is with folks like Rush Limbaugh and the hard core talk radio or what is the hard core talk radio do we talk about the hardcore n.b.c. Audience we don't. But I don't look at it this way I'm not sitters you know Sessions is much more important to me than Trump much more valuable than Trump I don't look at anything that's not in this circumstance and look at it that way. I told you how I'm looking at it I think it be disastrous to get rid of sessions because of how great he's behaving on immigration which believe me is the number one reason from got elected the wall immigration one all of that means illegal immigration what it was meaning for the country for the economy for our culture that's it and that's what Sessions is having roaring success on this Russia thing had nothing to do with the campaign and yet it's become the number one news item every day all day for now 7 or 8 months approaching a year but the Trump voters are tuning them out they don't characters they don't think there's an end to it it not going to matter if there is a knitting to it fixing the country saving the country vastly much more important any of that as far as they're concerned so sessions value to Trump is not nearly. As important in this Russia thing as it is on the immigration side Trump has to know this I'm thinking he has to know it now Trump also could be the kind of guy who thinks sessions is having nothing to do with the border that Trump is the guy making all that happen. You know Trump made a joke last night in his in his rally about being up on Mount Rushmore. Where he had caught the Mt Rushmore and he told me I'm joking but you won't get it I'm joking I'm telling you joke about me on Mt Rushmore but you won't get it and he's right there running stories today about how Trump ego was out of control last night thinks he deserved to be on Mount Rushmore morning anybody else there's a cartoon somebody an editorial cartoon today would trump standing looking at Mt Rushmore After his face has been carved in it with the with the sculptor and trumpeting the sculptor to look you made me way too fast and lose the other guys get rid of those guy just leave me up there that's. All from a joke about Trump eventually being on Mount Rushmore. Lose the Africa. I mean look at too fat too big hair and lose the other guys here he has Trump. From seeing this is the Rose Garden yesterday joint press conference with the prime minister of Lebanon saw odd heart Ri-Ri not know it's her Ri-Ri. And during the q. And a Margaret Talev or to left of the house she pronounces Bloomberg talked us a little bit about whether you've lost confidence in Jeff Sessions whether you want him to resign on his own whether you're prepared to fire him if he doesn't. Why your sort of letting him twist in the wind rather than making the call for him well I don't think I am doing that but I am disappointed in the attorney general he should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me prior to taking office and I would have quite simply pick somebody else so I think that's a bad thing not for the president but for the presidency I think it's unfair to the presidency and that's the way I feel and I think he means that I don't have any doubt he means that. I'm no doubt he was angry over sessions recusing hill so were we folks we didn't think it was necessary we thought whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's this. Here is the next my daughter question from Blake Burman at the Fox Business Network said the American people I think would like to know or do you feel that the attorney general should indeed stay or should he resign do you intend to fire him what or why should he remain as the attorney general given all that you're doing to lead the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before at a very important level these are intelligence agencies we cannot have that happen you know many of my views in addition to that but I think that's one of the very important things that they have to get on with right I told you before I'm very disappointed with the attorney general a but we will see what happens time will tell time will tell if 2 obvious makes it I'm I'm disappointed with the do you think it's a coincidence that today sessions announces a brand new investigation into the very thing Trump is complaining about their. Sessions today announced an f.b.i. D.o.j. Investigation into all of the leaking the day after the trumpeters says I want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies I'm sorry folks this is too big a coincidence this makes it look like Sessions has seen the light. Over night decided to get back on board Trump calls for an investigation into leaks one day and the next day sessions announces it then is that Trump got power made and is Trump color shots. Is there perhaps hope for reaction we'll see we've got the phone calls on this I know the transgender stuff Fox I know that well I'm just getting some e-mails about it people think I've forgotten it or not giving enough importance I face this every day everybody else thinking they can do this be patient we'll get to all of it before the press. Can see. Russia from. That place. Every 10 minutes on the morning and. 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Come on numbers 80282282 the e-mail address are Rushmore b. Net dot us the rest of us and reports has a survey out saying that Jeff Sessions is more popular than Eric Holder ever was and Loretta Lynn Shaw. And believe me they know that and the White House here's a. Little blurb for what is this the 2nd paper go back to the 1st page this is a Washington Post story current and former odd anonymous Justice Department officials said they hope sessions holds out refusing to resign as a means of defending it apartments and dependents one on non MOUs former Justice Department official said the president's anger seems to stem from a misunderstanding about how the department actually works the White House he said should not be interfering with criminal investigation what criminal investigation there isn't a criminal investigation this is the whole point the Russia thing is a counter intelligence investigation James Komi said 3 different times Trump was not even a target of an investigation there is no crime that's why Muller should not have even been appointed there is no crime they're looking for one they're hunting for one. White I should not be interfering with a criminal and there isn't one there hasn't even been a crime alleged not a series there has been this cold and in general allegation and there have been these unnamed Leaks claiming that while none of them has gone so far as to name Trump Flynn man a Ford Carter Payne judge. And it's also a myth that the Department of Justice is independent from the executive branch if Trump can fire the special counsel then how the hell is the d.o.j. Independent and what they mean here about Trump not understanding how the department works what they're saying is remember now their ongoing daily assessment of Trump is that he's insane or a variation of it that he's crazy I mean we've even got Susan Collins on a hot mike saying that she thinks so that the country is endangered because Trump is crazy another hot mike caught Susan Collins insulting a Republican member of the house because he's so fat and so on attractive Susan Collins open mike complaining about the on track to Venus and and the size the story huge of this Republican guy. He's not in a Senate he's a member of the house. So they believe because they think Trump is. I mean how to phrase this they think Trump needs to be taken away by. Guys in the little white coats in the little yellow bus they do believe honestly folks these people drive they think he's not there and as such they think the Trump believes that the attorney general is his personal lawyer . And they think that Trump believes that the attorney general is there to advance the president's agenda using the Department of Justice to do so. They want you to believe nobody else the Trump is opponents a genuine just stupid on the informed on the educated dunce. And that's not an apt description of Donald Trump. That description of Donald Trump never surfaced until the Democrats got hold of him just like I was never a racist or a bigot or any of the other things until the leftwing media heard my radio show Trump was never by use of people at work with him he might be unpredictable might be unconventional nobody thought he's insane and not all there mentally until the Drive-By Media starts examining him let me squeeze a call from Las Vegas Linda I'm glad you called how you know what do you think is going on with all of this well rush so great to be on yourself thank you. I have a theory so one thing that Donald Trump is is that he's pretty much a master at managing. And some would say manipulating but I think managing and I think what is happening is. Playing a little bit of wag the dog here and something else going on session this will mean that they're going to happen today about criminal charges but there's got to be something going on it may not even question but something that he doesn't want the media focusing on he's working on something focused on the silly ass and the time he's getting something else done. So you think that there's actually something that Trump is working on that he wants everybody to miss. Because Trump's got I'm focused on what's going to happen in the session so while everybody is looking over there something we don't know about is being hatched by Trump and his team in the White House well it's a distinct possibility Trump I don't care what the left wing of the Drive-By say she's right Trump is a he may be the moment most masterful needy a president we've ever had now you might disagree because you think the coverage you get is negative but I'm I'm a ask a something every day is the news ever about anything but him. You go try that you try to become the sole focus of the entire American journalism profession 247 for 7 months in a row not anybody else get to. Work on traffic and weather together. 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