And we don't have a partner with the carrier the airline says the lawsuit doesn't alter its goal of reaching an agreement that benefits maintenance employees Clayton level Dallas Commerce Department says consumer spending fell a half percent in December after 2 sizable gains that means December quarterly spending was down significantly. I'm like Morse. She seemed happier her fur is so much shiny or so clear softer she has really mellowed a lot she is a 105 lean pounds of shiny smooth happy dog for life the sharing is stuff that she has stopped since 2001 we've helped more than a quarter 1000000 dogs get over their nutritional deficiency miseries and saved our customers bazillions and vet bills everything we tried failed except the diet of I come to dynamite for help and all of. That cash if you want a doctor helping to feed the country healthy the omega 3 fatty acids waxy think they'll sell for the digestive enzymes that are cooked out of regular dog food kind of fight is their tradition going to fight for life don't let your dog it's scratched stink or shed like crazy come to dynamite for help 859-428-1000 they tried for chewing one for hours a day and over. Night with Dr Sanjay Gupta Sometimes it's possible to solve 2 problems at once I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent we've been reporting a lot recently about teens babying or smoking cigarettes the most startling data came from the c.d.c. Last year which showed teen babying was up 78 percent from the year before now is that he had a u.s.c. Finds teens who live in areas with stronger tobacco retail licensing requirements also smoke fewer electronic cigarettes and these requirements include your license fees from all retailers they cover in Forstmann programs and compliance checks. As well as provisions that any violation of a law is a violation of the license and look of course teens could still order some of these products online but the f.d.a. Is cracking down on that point is don't underestimate the power of community standards and the reason for these regulations they being isn't harmless you can come with some serious health risks I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta hoping to live a better life so the court is really group that big. And. The. Welcome back great to have you with us my friends you are truly the most listened to when he'll talk show good about the 5 me Rush Limbaugh America's real anchorman It is Friday Ok no problem sunny south Florida so good. Friday you get a lot of the old sound bite number 6 standing but. Here's the phone number if you want to be on the program today 80282282 if you want to send an e-mail we check them. And subject. Will Rush Well yeah yeah I did that. Doc Yes. The Democrats in the media are proclaiming that Trump was a total failure Leonor Korean talks the Democrats are saying whatever the North Koreans say is true. I think if this has gotten so bad that it's becoming comical now the demonstrably liars and thieves and cheats of the North Korea from Kim on him John going on down are now claiming that Donald Trump is lying in his characterizations of other summit when they're saying that Trump did not do what he said he did and that Trump did something entirely different and made it impossible for the poor North Koreans do except to deal in the media has picked that up and is running with it North Koreans say that Donald Trump did this they even when the North Koreans that the media of this country is now willingly embrace saying not just an enemy but an ally the enemy of the child comes they were embracing Kim Jong un ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you this it's not registering there this kind of thing is not going to be reported on but just as and mark my words on this just as the American people as they learn this on this entire trumped Russia collusion hoax the Democrats are going to pay a huge price for that the deep state people are going to pay a huge price for this with the American people in 2 years and so it's something like this going to add to it I don't care what. In fact it's hard for me to get my arms around what these people must think of the American people because here you have it doesn't matter c n n m s n b c New York Times Washington Post they are all in bracing an enemy of the United States even bracing Kim Jong un and his spokespeople claiming with Donald Trump alone Donald Trump mischaracterize we were totally willing to make a deal here Donald Trump change the terms Donald Trump will number of other companies dollar and cents. Whatever their view of Trump is comports and what the Norks are saying that they automatically now agree with the North Koreans and I'm here to tell you that the great unwashed of this country the people the Democrats and Bill Maher pretend don't exist and they don't count you in fly over country you in 40 in in 98 percent of the square mileage of this country you don't count your irrelevant you don't matter you're not cool you're not a hippie a buncha hayseed hicks but I'll guarantee you there is a large portion of our population that just cannot stomach the American media embracing an enemy of the United States and Democrats caught hell in the it all throughout the night $180.00 s. For just this kind of thing with the Sandinistas and the Koran was an embracing the Soviet Union as Ronald Reagan won 2 landslides and George h.w. Bush ran on and won what he promised would be the 3rd term of Ronald Reagan and it was all predicated on the fact that the Democrat Party was cycling up to America's enemies back then it was the Soviet Union they could do no wrong whatever the Soviets want to do in Nicaragua Democrats ordered it tried to come up with the money for the Communists to make it happen stop Reagan from stopping it now the Democrat Party in its willing allies are coding with Russia in an attempt to sabotage the campaign of Donald Trump and now they are colluding with the North Koreans in an effort to stab it does the president of the United States they must have forgotten the people of this country elected Donald Trump Donald Trump is not there because he cheated anybody believe that he's not there because he stormed Hillary's inauguration ceremony and took the oath himself. Donald Trump there because he was elected they still can't accept it they can't get their arms around it they're still pretending that it's not real it's not legit and of course they think everybody else agrees with them too they're going to pay a huge price for this the meantime Trump says you know you guys can think what you want about all this but I'm telling you we're not through talking with them I walked out of that deal because it made no sense to continue sitting there and I want to go back before playing this next sound bite I have tried to spend some time looking into what actually happened and why did the talks actually break down and I think I found out today a new round of sanctions tariffs I'm sorry a new round of tariffs were to be implemented against the chai comes in our ongoing trade negotiations with that comes the Trump Administration issued a suspension of the tariff increases we were not eliminating the tariffs that just the new round of new tariffs were to go into effect today Trump suspended them during the talks with the Norks Well the Norks in the China coms are in extremely attached the North Koreans essentially get 90 percent of everything they've got from China they are essentially a satellite state and the North Koreans cannot make a deal about denuclearization without the approval and the sanctioning from the child comes and using ping and I think what happened was that when me when the president in an act of good faith suspended the implementation of this new round of tariffs today that the North Koreans in the Czech coms took advantage of that try to get a little bit more. And made a move to try to get all of the sanctions on North Korea North Korea removed in exchange for denuclearizing a single institution installation not all of them and this is when Trump walked away I'm not I'm not going to totally live sanctions against North Korea in exchange for the denuclearization of just one of your installations he walked away Feeney So the North Koreans call a press conference and they're claiming that Trump is not telling the truth about all this that they were willing to do far more Trump from didn't want to accept it because he just didn't and so the media is embracing Trump I think this is all wrapped up in these tariff increases that were supposed to happen today but were were suspended for a while and this show of good faith that Trump made was kind of rammed right back down his throat in a little microcosm how you really can't make deals with these people whether they Democrat communists Democrat leftists or chai coms or North Koreans you can't do it without a show of force of some kind but you can't do it with good vibes you can't do it with hopes and you can't do it with a single minded cooperation that's not the kind of people that we are dealing with so today Maria Bartiromo on the fights news channel America's Newsroom she's on a Sandra Smith today and Sandra Smith asked her a question Ok so we're now 24 hours from the president walking away from the deal in Vietnam with the Norks What does it tell us about a potential deal with China you see my friends people who have studied this know that China is what this was really about. So kudos to Sandra Smith for 0 in Yemen she says what does it tell us about a potential deal with China as a trade deal the president clearly showing he is willing to walk away if the deal is not right when he basically tried to tell the world I'm willing to walk away if it's not the best deal for the United States and look I think in retrospect a little all over c.n.n. Yesterday was failure this failure that actually this was a real success because the president proved that he is not going to give away the store if there isn't not going to be denuclearization Well guess what then the sanctions will stay in place and I think he's trying to show that kind of opened with China as well basically saying to China it's not just about China buying more stuff it's not just about China buying more soybean ingrain it's about China moving the needle on a commitment to stop stealing that's a reference to intellectual property which is also a huge part of what the president considers criminal violations the chai cons are committing against the United States intellectual property of course stealing software stealing stealing music and whoever writes something whoever composes something. Intellectual property as well as material. Property but I think Maria Bartiromo here has it exactly right in the sense that Trump is walking away from the chai comes here as much as he was walking away from from the Norks because I got to tell you folks there's not a soul nobody fully expected the North Koreans to denuclearize in this summit everything but because that didn't happen and then the Norks call a press conference and claiming that trumps not telling being honest about the status of the negotiations the media embraces. The North Koreans I just don't think they get a look it's going to affect some people don't misunderstand I just don't think they have the slightest idea who the people in this country are already more and how embrace singing and lauding in a thought Gish murderous. Enemy of the United States is seen by most people now you got some leftist they love Che Guevara they love Castro and those are not people that represent the majority of thinking in the in the country a brief time out we'll come back and talk online Friday and we will resume on the phone right after that leads us to don't we listen. To the Russian. Work. 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When I am losing my voice and becomes a total distraction I mean it gets in the way distracts my own thoughts it's a distraction to the free flowing the limitless cycles of my brain waves and if I don't know if it hits you that way but it just does so I found here a great analogy a great way of explaining where I think the Democrats are right now Conrad Black has a piece that ran today yes in the American greatness and I'm going to endeavor here to read the last couple of paragraphs because this is essentially what I have been attempting to piece together today where the Democrats are how what they are doing is affecting them and how it's being seen by a pretty big majority of the American people Conrad Black says the Democrats now look more like the Republicans of 1984 very Goldwater and the Democrats of 172 George McGovern Now when he says the Republicans of $64.00. He's not talking about conservatives he's talking about the fact that there weren't very many of them and that we're going to get shellacked Goldwater was going to lose in a gigantic landslide and so black sees that the Democrats today look like a combination of Republicans in 64 and Democrats 7272 with George McGovern where they went as far left as the Democrat youth of today are trying to take the Democrat party again and it was a Richard Nixon 48 or 49 state landslide win so the Democrats today are beginning to move more like the Republican destined losers of 64 and the Democrat destined losers of 72 as the reality sinks in that Trump has demolished the post Reagan bipartisan tweedle dee Tweedle Dum politics of slaughter a depressing new normal and foreign policy impetuosity even included the Iraq war the defeatism of not being able to defeat Iran or North Korea or Syria going to words what he's suggesting is that after the Reagan years the post Reagan the bipartisan Tweedle Dee tweedle dum. We were just treading water we didn't really have a national identity the deep state was running things and putting America 1st was no where near anybody's lexicon. The idea that America should be supreme in the world have vanished is one of the great things about vamp wishing Reagan Reagan was a trumpet in the sense of make America great America is the solution the world's problems once Reagan was gone then the deep state could once again come in and begin their globalist push diminishing the role of the United States in the world except as a finance ear. But not an idiot a logical leader and this I think is a pretty accurate portrayal of America in the ninety's under Bill Clinton and going into the 2000 is where we have the $911.00 attacks that took us into the Middle East and war and so forth and that was just a. 3 The dumb Tweedledee we were treading water with no real national identity because there weren't a bunch of leaders around who actually thought in terms of a national identity everybody was focused globally in the aftermath of that the Democrats are like a suicide case contemplating Russian roulette with all the chambers loaded and they're the ones loading in the cartridges the suicidal issues for them are open borders a top personal income tax rate of around 70 percent nationalized health care legalized infanticide a new Green Deal that bans cars airplanes oil coal and bovine flatulence and now reparations for African-Americans and so you put all those things together and you've got a suicide gun with all of those issues being loaded cartridges in the chamber that the Democrats have put in the chamber and now they're aiming all of that at themselves and Conrad says unless a sensible person and he name some people or I disagree with him on this but I'm just going to share with you what he says unless a sensible person like Joe Biden or Amy Chua Bashar Sharod Brown gets hold of that party the Democrats will self inflict mortal wounds and give Tromp the greatest plurality in history breaking Nixon's record of 8 teen movie in 1972 now washed. Amy Clo Bashar I don't think is a salvation for the Democrat Party she's part of this Oh here she is talking about we've only got 12 years left and she's announcing her candidacy in a blizzard to all those like Al Gore scheduled the event sure Rob Brown from Ohio I think Conrad's play and reverse psychology on these people actually suggesting that maybe they think about nominating one of these 3 because neither of maybe I shouldn't say this too loudly but I mean these people don't have a lickspittle prayer he gets a little more historical perspective or 944 f.d.r. Focused on the spurious claim of a Republican congressional candidate the president of the Senate a stronger back to retrieve his dog in the Aleutian Islands while returning from his Pearl Harbor meeting with Douglas MacArthur F.B.I.'s Republican opponent Thomas Dewey found himself running against the president's dog in 1940 Roosevelt just had to recite the names of 3 reactionary Congressman Martin Barton unfair and the absurdity of the refrain helped him to win the 3rd term the reason for this history Trump is no Roosevelt either one but the Democrats seemed to be yielding to the in the double urge that possesses each party every other generation to utter a primal scream of nonsense get everything off their chest and out of their system be dragged to the padded cell by the voters and regroup back at center field 4 years later may be good for them as therapy but not as governor that's his take Conrad Black in Canada that is take of the current status. Of the. Democrat Party and to the extent that he said this I agree they are in the process of committing political suicide they're loading the cartridges they're aiming the gun at themselves the thing is they don't know that they haven't yet discovered. Their life with Dr Sanjay Gupta when it comes to health. It would be hard to overstate the importance of smart portion sizes I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent fortune sizes are a difficult thing to keep track of in most people don't want to whip out a measuring cup to make sure they've got it right the British nutrition foundation is out with a nifty new portion size guidelines designed to help people eat the correct amount of each food group course I can't show you this on the radio but I'll try to describe the guide as best I can speak getit about the amount that would fit in between you and point your finger if you made the Ok sign I very much wrecked the cereal about 2 handfuls cheddar cheese about the size of your 2 thumbs held side by side Remember it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that it's full making it very easy to over eat and not realize it until it's too late I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life I'm Newt Gingrich and I have a new free original pod cast called It's All About story conversation and context every Sunday we break down a different time in history and national security this is the biggest congressional standoff going back 50 years if you can listen to Newt world for free and News World dot com When Apple podcast podcast or wherever you get your podcast listen and subscribe to new jury old from the West to in one podcast network. 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What about hope a line of Friday Rush Limbaugh is always half my brain and tired behind my back just to make it fair and back to the phones to Richmond Virginia this is David great to have you sir Hi Ira I'm so glad you opened with your Crittenton going to Democrats ako because he proved to continually be the gift that keeps on giving to conservatives who argue against socialism and she does that whether through a lack of understanding economic growth over lack of understanding of lot of government deficit spending or more recently our own fear and what can be true which is that with Terry and government control I just love that you keep giving us these illustration for why we constantly make a case against what socialism can become of this country well you know this is one thing that always amazes me about it however I think I have to tell you folks that . Both intellectually and emotionally I even though I understand it I'm stunned I'm literally shocked that it remains as attractive as it is when there's not been one proven successful attempt and no matter when everybody has been alive there have been socialist and communist regimes just study to see it to witness all over the world the history of human existence is one of tyranny bondage slavery that's what's exceptional about the United States. We're the 1st We're the 1st nation so constituted in the history of the world in the history of humanity. It's hard to realize it's hard to it's hard to to comprehend because we've been more in into this country and surrounded by its loving embrace that contains the opportunity for prosperity and happiness and contentment so much so that those are objectives but most human beings who have lived on this planet didn't have time to dream or or focus on happiness because staying alive finding food every day was object number one staying out of political prisons staying free of oppressive governments it's been the circumstance of the vast majority of human beings alive on the planet I mean one time and it's true today now it's also true that more people are coming out of poverty today and in the past 10 years than it any time expressed as a percentage in world history and this is due in large part to the expansion of ideas and economies that have been brought to the world by the United States and the example that a free market capitalist nation sets because it expands those benefits all that prosperity beyond its own borders yet while living in this country and benefiting from all of the opportunity and all of the prosperity you cannot find a time in our nation's history where there have not managed sizable percentage of people who hate it and look to the gulags around the world and think that's the answer yet it's never worked there isn't a socialist nation on earth with a prosperous free. And a growing population there certainly isn't a communist nation on earth that gets anywhere near any of that and yet it remains a great allure it remains a great attraction so you start asking I ask you how does this happen how can I witness evidence failed to register how can one not see the literal disaster of Venezuela do you know what's going on in his whaling now the government is literally shooting people guess what happened 5 years ago 5 years ago the citizens were forced to give up their guns 5 years ago now they're being shot by the government trying to keep order one of the people of Venezuela trying to do get food they are an oil or we're an oil rich nation so how is it that young people like Alexander Gusev Cortez and any number of others exactly like her can grow up in a land of plenty and prosperity and be convinced to hate it and long for something like Cuba or Venezuela or and they will tell you that that's not what they long for they don't think socialism is work because it hasn't been done right so what is this a lure What is the attraction what is it what happened where did it happen to say Cortez that she became convinced the United States is fraudulent it's unjust an immoral and that there is this utopia hasn't been created yet but the United States is destined to be. If only the right people with the right amount of money end up in charge so what's the psychological explanation for that how would your how would a brilliant psychological expert psychiatrist psychologist explain this who knows I think it's a product of education in formative years but there's something more to this there has to be something more to it you know maybe ology illogical attachments may be genetic in certain ways because so much of what people say they believe in literally makes no sense whatsoever it is utter defiance of common sense defiance of what you can see and yet they refuse to believe what they see and imagine what could be if only they were in charge so I have I still got caught up in this question an answer of how in the world can they even think this and then they come out and it's routine this was happening 30 years ago when I started this program in Sacramento and before that if you go back to the forty's and fifty's we have generations of people back then who believe the same garbage United States focus of evil in the world. Transformed from nuclear weapons to other kinds of weapons that were the great threat but it's always had one thing in common and that is that whatever the Republicans of the day are thought of conservatives of the day they are of always been portrayed as the problem as the judge mental no fun bunch of people but if you ask me I don't see any fun being had by people on the left I see a bunch of mandatory conformity I see constant rage constant anger constant on happiness constant dissatisfaction. And it's totally understandable none of what they want is even possible it is impossible for us all to be the same it is literally impossible it's not possible for everyone to read same it's not possible for everybody to be equal it's not possible no 2 things will ever be equal and yet they are able to discard and discount all of that answers largely education and indoctrination I know propagandizing that occurs at the youngest ages in education and we lost control of that we as conservatives lost control of public education 23 generations ago but it's still just in terms of flat out common sense it's a really tough thing to understand how and then as each generation produces their own Alexander Ocasio Cortez the media treats them each as a newly arrived never seen before star or enjoy or its or some kind of persons dropped among us to finally show us the way turn on the lights show us the way and all of this just repeats itself the objectives of the people like these newer young socialist millennia old can never be met they can never even come close to being at their balls their objectives so if you strip all of this away that what really is motivating what is behind all of this and they're making it plain each and every day and that is they insist on controlling how everybody else lives because without that there is no way they can even pretend to get close to their dream utopia. They must have control over everything and everybody as much as they can get predicated on the fact that you are not capable of living life on your own and by yourself you're not capable of making the right decisions you're not capable of spending your money the right way you're not capable of caring for the less fortunate enough you're not capable of any They have to do all of this for you but in this country people are not controlled and don't want to be and they reject it and they repel Again this makes the Ork Cortez types even angrier and the war just gets even deeper but it still is a you know they can demonstrate all day long how this doesn't work they can demonstrate to everybody how stupid it is like to get rid of airplanes in 12 years she should have been laughed off the public stage 30 seconds after announcing the new Green Deal she should become a national laughingstock but no he's a modern day heroine whose intentions are good we should give her a chance this kind of thing they remain in the end of the day very dangerous. Well I what I'm saying is I don't think it's enough that they double it because the world is demonstrating every day socialism fails and it's not stopping them quick timeout will be back do not go anywhere. And permit the rush hopefully the work. 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To the phones on Open Line Friday Don in Brownstown Michigan great to have you sir what are you thinking about today once having once up what shaking Well Rush thank you for taking my call it's really an honor I've been listening since 1905 my point today is the national emergency declared by Donald Trump I think it's very important that it go into the Supreme Court the left has graciously pointed out that no other president has made a declaration quite like this and and I agree no other president has been faced with an emergency that is a direct result of actions and inactions by the Congress and the select minority of states and local governments to me play devil's advocate you say yes because you sound eager for the president to declare a national emergency you're just said that he's doing it as a result of Congress and certain state governments not following through and recognizing that we've got an emergency and helping him deal with it are you worried at all that he doesn't have a constitutional authority to do this I mean he's basically telling Congress Screw you I'm going to do this anyway Well that's one of the reasons I think it should go to the Supreme Court but also I think. Down Trump has a preponderance of evidence on his side of the if at any point in the last 25 years and any of the Congress has gotten serious about securing the border and protecting its citizens we wouldn't be where we are right now declaring an emergency if the state and local governments had cooperated with ice in deporting illegal we wouldn't be at this point right now but they have defied federal laws and even the former president of states put out a directive to defy federal laws so say that the that I agree with that that I think is is is something Trump can do is look I'm being forced into this because we have cities and we have states who are refusing not just refusing to enforce federal law they are sabotaging and undermining the efforts of federal law enforcement to enforce the law that would be ice and more to patrol we have got mayors in places like Oakland and San Francisco who are advising illegals when ice raid is coming and where to go to avoid them we have sanctuary cities we are in open wanton violation of federal law it is destroying the country and drastic action is necessary and much of this exists because Congress and other agencies will not enforce the laws on the books and that's what I'm trying to it's what the president could say I would agree I think there's a preponderance of evidence on the side of the American people. And here's the thing though. You say you wanted to go to the Supreme Court yes or no I don't know how many people have noticed this I of course have because I I I have the time to get intimately involved but do you know who the latest reliably leftist judge is on the Supreme Court. Notice Cavanagh is sort of looking a little of the how that would be the chief justice John Roberts who is voting with the lives every case he can he's voting with the 4 liberal justices on that court every opportunity he can now let's go back and remember something that the chief justice decided to go public with it's been in the last couple of months when Trump was talking about all the left wing judges the Clinton judges and the Obama judges that would stand up and try to stop either his travel ban or any other legal executive action or order Justice Roberts went public issued a statement said he was right just Lee indignant and offended by that that there aren't Obama. And that there aren't Clinton John and that there aren't Bush judges that we have wonderful and great judges and that's the only kind of judges we've got but there are there are there are don't even as Bush judge Clinton judge Obama Judge Well clearly there are one of the great problems the American judicial system is that the left has also corrupted yet by putting left wing in the log on the bench and they've been confirmed there by Democrat senators in some cases Republicans and I think the chief give me I don't know him I've never met him. But I have him tell. I think he is a never trump are of the 1st order I think he is the popular parlance that I say is the swamp I think he is one of the establishment Ariens in standing a good step. He is he's clearly a. Stablish MacGyver ruling class guy and I just I I think he's one of these people that just shutters in disbelief every time Trump's name is mentioned every time Trump is on t.v. And going public to dispute Trump's assertion of Clinton judges Obama judges and Bush judges it's a pretty good indication So you say you wish for it to go to the Supreme Court. Well and then you mention Kavanaugh Kavanagh has there been a couple of cases where it it looks like he may be trying to signal. To Feinstein and some of the hey look see you were wrong about me that stuff those kinds of attacks people's reputations scares the hell out of them folks in that town. And I take a break I'm a little long will be back for the ball to shoot in on stoppable I shall make. It more seriously. 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Sham of a new sponsor get information source for Northwest Arkansas News Talk to me 30 Champney was Farmington Fayetteville Cumulus station overside for use a new target Russia blocks the u.s. I'm like Morris the head of the House Oversight Committee a launch of Cummings is threatening to subpoena the White House over security clearances for the president's son in law Jared coursed or were to reportedly open hand only happened because the president ordered it corresponded Maharaja in the wake of this report coming fired off a very angry statement saying in a letter to the White House I requested specific documents in interviews relating to Mr closers clearance and a number of others to date the White House has not produced a single document or schedule a single interview may become necessary to consider alternative means to compel compliance and of course what the. That means that subpoenas are commie the New York Times reports the president overruled his intelligence recommendations and ordered to be granted top security clearance which provoked former chief of staff John Kelly to document that he was ordering the clearance only after being ordered to do so by the president Russia vetoed an American resolution at the u.n. Describing in battle Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro selection as neither free nor fair special representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams United States presented resolution which got the requisite 9 votes for passage but then vetoed by Russia and China. The Russians put in a resolution which got 4 votes which I would call pathetic the u.s. Is trying to build world pressure on the Doro to step down White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow is defending the president at the sea.

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