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Safety tips of all fuel be on the trails it's simple but do a little stretching and warm up exercises before you start and swell louse medicinal circulation of blood in your muscles start out slowly gradually increase your pace but the slowest person in your group set the pace it's really important if there are children in your group so alternate who's loading but remind them to stay on the trails as are unknown areas of potential problems if you go too far off the trail learn basic repair skills backpacks bicycles even clothing all can need some attention when you're out hiking or biking sunglasses and hats are also a good idea unless you're already wearing a helmet and bring along sunscreen no matter what time of the year you'll be out sunburns can occur with reflected sun sun through fog sun on clear days and anytime your outdoors to one degree or another and any time you are outdoors to one degree or another have fun and be safe out in our area your safety is our job. If you live in Smith River or Scotia cut or Crescent City Oric or port or if you'll be looking for someplace different to take the family something special to do this weekend destinations for day trips and overnights for hiking or biking for beachcombing or bird watching and you'll turn to us because we're here to help you find your close to home destination at light 80 8 am and now streaming at destination dash Radio dot com where destination radio. You feel petrifying you're struggling with your mortgage payments not knowing what to do. You do nothing but if you do something you're far more likely to get the most positive outcome making home affordable is a free government program called 8 108905 Hope to talk one on one with a housing expert about your options 88995 or visit making home affordable doco brought to by the u.s. Treasury and the accounts. Yes today should Radio thanks our sponsors Here's one of those who is helping make our journey possible. I'm Patrick Boyle county parks I got into the county park system do dumb luck and timing I just happened to graduate from h. Issue at the same time I had been working seasonally for county parks and a full time job opened up out of some still 8 swimmers the way it is this wonderful campground out on Highway 36 out in the old growth redwoods it's really unique it's probably the closest a state park experience that you're going to get for a little lowly county park the locals love it about 90 percent of our business comes from this area right here and then we're written up as a 5 star rating in a German tour guides we get a lot of European tourists come September October the river meanders around the park so the park is almost like a little peninsula in the campground and so there's a river access from almost every single campsite out along the way I think we make swimmers a light so special in the way a campground is that we operate a campground not a cramped ground you get space with your campsite you're not packed right on top of your neighbor you have some elbow room campsites are somewhat large so they do you accommodate me know my small family groupings very easily begin an a.w.a. Are probably neck and neck for experience begins just gorgeous to go out and walk out on the on the on the surf out there and between the. Lagoon in the ocean you get some stellar views of back towards you know up the coast there and then just the burning out of big lagoon can be very very calm and soothing a way parks great you get lots of sun very low crowds a lot of times and again the campsites in a way are very large and accommodating in the wildflowers are gorgeous on the meadows just full of them in the spring. Almost all our county parks are all dry camping we don't have any sort of cups in any of the campsites swimmer's the light has electric and water hookups for trailers or 6 of those operate on a 1st come 1st serve basis big lagoon we're in the process of adding one more electric and water site there they go again but our camping is pretty primitive We have a firing a campsite a camp and a picnic table and you could go freshwater I always like to think of fresh water as our little our wonderful little city park in the county it's a nice beautiful mode lawn area with great picnic grounds lots of bouncy houses out there fantastic for kids birthday parties. Summer Slayton Pamplin Grove we've been seeing turkeys they're making a great comeback out here in the park we haven't seen turkeys out in the park in 24 years or so you do have to be careful of bears and things of big again on occasion we do get a bear running through we always recommend securing your trash and garbage every night take your garbage out to the dumpster every night and drop it off so you don't have an want to visitors stealing your your Oreo cookies and everything it's a real drag when all your food disappears and morning. I'm Patrick well within Will County Parks probably the closest state park experience that you're going to get in the old growth redwoods Maybe you live in Humboldt or curry counties or perhaps you're visiting someone or enjoying the sights here on California coast or an Oregon spectacular Wild Rivers coast for locals and travelers alike destination radio can direct you to the natural highlights of our region the beaches the rivers the tall trees and the hidden treasures that will make it worth your while to stay play and relax a while with Destination Radio 98 and on the web at destination Radio dot com Last time we elected a president only 57.5 percent of registered voters showed up hey it's hard to get everyone to do anything so when 93 percent of us all do something that's something every week 93 percent of Americans listen to radio and they're all voting with their wallets every time they make a purchase if you run a business letter writing campaign tell your story Eureka Broadcasting it for 4 to 57 for help telling your story. Moving and Storage your United Van Lines mover presents the weather living in humble County is a moving experience. Whether for the morning of Friday Feb 24th will be partly cloudy with a slight 20 percent chance of rain with temperatures staying in the upper forty's. The inland areas should expect partly cloudy weather today with a 50 percent chance of rain 10 mile per hour winds and high is ranging throughout the mid forty's those living along Route $199.00 will have partly cloudy weather today with highs staying in the low forty's and finally Brookings and don't North County should anticipate an 80 percent chance of rain with 10 mile per hour winds eyes for today will range in the mid forty's with lows staying at 37 degrees. For the many things in our area to do Place de Marie lots this is destination radio . Whale watching and waterfront walks county fairs and jet boat tours logging museums and lighthouses special places to see and fun things to do on Oregon's wild bridges coast and on the redwood coast of California now you have a destination radio to help you find your best place to play stay and relax serving locals and visitors alike at 980 am and now streaming on your computer or mobile device at destination dash Radio dot com This is destination radio. If you own a gun you have a full time responsibility when you aren't using it be sure it can't get into the hands of curious children troubled teenagers a thief or anyone else who might misuse your family friends and neighbors normal County remember Holden's. Market for more information on firearm storage safety visit is c.p.c. Dot org This message brought to you by the National Crime Prevention Council the Bureau of Justice Assistance and we have a chance got your ticket we're on our way to another destination on Destination radio. The history of blogging James in the me hundreds but it was brought on by the discovery of gold and that be it wasn't humble county that made it happen after this government gold in Sacramento and then later on American River and the Trinity River San Francisco. Became the city with folks who would supply the prospectors with all they needed or thought they needed the population of the city by the bay exploded from 2849 to over 51000 just 60 years later lumber was needed to build the homes the stores the sidewalks and even the materials needed in the goldfields for things like sluice boxes as an example lumber went from $50.00 a 1000 board feet to $500.00 in just one year this was a backdrop for a burgeoning industry that was to change Pember and how it would be harvested and milled just a scant 300 miles to the north but 854 there were 9 Mills on humble Bay And although Eureka was just 3 years old Eureka produced more lumber than any other city or town in the Pacific Northwest by 859 just another 5 years later the area around humble Bay was the most extensively lumber district in California within 30 years said 888 the North Coast had 400 mills cutting some of the largest trees in the world simply stated Eureka and the surrounding communities are here because the redwood trees where here the ornate Victorian homes were built by people associated with the timber industry the banks railroads and ships in the area were owned by people in the timber industry the city's political leaders were also the timber barons the population from the most meagerly employed to the most well refined where here because of timber the cutting moving and milling of these huge trees was also a new challenge as the demand for wood was skyrocketing and obviously before some of today's abilities existed the timber industry helped to facilitate the development of technology also the primary motivator was to keep up with demand that was regional they had to figure out how to cut down the trees and then get them to the mill more quickly when the industry began the redwoods were cut by 2 men and their axes this autumn would take up to one week. Double edged axes were the 1st development and longer handles were employed to get more leverage to dig in cut deeper the cross-cut saw was lengthened considerably during this time with handles at both ends as early as 875 a steam powered portable saw was attempted to be used but not with much success as also a 200 lb drag saw that was invented in Eureka during this time a lighter model was developed later on that helped a certain extent another trying situation was the fact that getting a downed trees to market was problematic even if just sectioned up a 400 foot tree it's still a huge endeavor as some of these monsters measured over 30 feet in diameter originally logs were moved by using screw jacks that would be floated or towed in nearby rivers or creeks and delivered to the mills horses and oxen polled logs longer distances on what is referred to as a skid road a skid row to simply a series of smaller trees laid down to form a road of trees to drag the larger and heavier trees along so it would have less friction that means the load is easier to move for the oxen or horses or mechanical devices being used to accomplish the job logging railroads primitive at 1st begin hauling logs to the mills these are augment it with the construction of the 1st railroads in the state simultaneous to these challenges for the industry face was the actual cutting of the redwoods at the sawmills when the industry was just forming here a single blade moved up and down by a crank then a longer Sasol was used followed by other saws it cut at the same time but saws to cut Redwood had to be made strong and more durable than in other areas due to the amount of work that they are being called on to do. Fast circular saws were also invented locally to replace a reciprocating saw a set tended to break and snap at the pressures they were put under blade sizes increased during this time from a 12 inch blade eventually to a $72.00 and circular saw then came the double circular saws that were replaced by 3rd saws and forth saws that would work in tandem to cut an even larger log. Finally the 1st bandsaw was developed to replace and compliment those circular saws However the most significant invention in the timber industry was the steam donkey in $882.00 this adaptation of steam power was designed to move large logs and was invented by John Doe barrow of Boulder and Carson Lumber Company in Eureka is inventiveness wasn't just limited to the steam donkey John Doe bere had a series of inventions beginning with a circular saw to cut lumber an 860 he developed a telling machine in 1963 he also created a steam powered portable felling him bucking saw an 875 as well as an improved vertical spall donkey 8 years later he also had another option with a steam donkey that was mounted on a logging locomotive Waldo bears a one who was 1st thought of as an inventor of the tools to use in harvesting the redwood trees but any other local folks in the logging industry were equally as creative to give a sense on how the size of these giants were used early local towns often constructed dance floors on a single tree stump you can also find other areas where the size of the timber is mind numbing by the standards of today just as a last point of trivia are these lesser known facts did you know Redwood has been used to rebuild San Francisco 7 times after fires Redwood was also used as the long pilings in building the Golden Gate Bridge as well. This is 9 am destination radio with streaming audio at destination dash Radio dot com If you live in humble don't know it or curry county's turn to us to find out about things to do and sites to see that are close to home if you're visiting our beautiful area we've got plenty of ideas for you to our Northern California redwood coast and on the wild coast of southern Oregon there are so many reasons to play stay and relax and that's why there's destination radio. Because it's a time where he can. We'll just really like cats all under one was performing at the Saturday April 1st percent of the blues night at the Redwood Coast Music Festival doors open at 430 entry with best English band prime time for Blues need to get more information call 70753378 Listen r.c.m. Fest Redwood Coast music festivals stars hamburgers Leo crusher and Marie Murphy making music in a better community. I'm a firefighter a teacher I'm a farmer I'm a barber a waitress a mom we're all part of your community every day we move in and out of each other's busy lives it's easy to take for granted. That make up our every day some are good others not so much but that's life it's when you experience a moment of uncertainty something or someone's behavior that doesn't seem quite right these are the moments to take a punch because if something doesn't feel right it's probably not it's not about paranoia or been afraid it's about standing up and protecting our communities one detail of time because a lot of little details can become a pattern we we we we trust our instincts just like you should because only you know what's not supposed to being in your every day so protect every day if you see something suspicious say something to local authorities. So much to do on the 4th of March will let us March 4th to tell you all about it in this humble County update will start out literally at the crack of dawn on the 4th floor sunrise at the refuge to see all the geese start their day at the humble Bay National Wildlife Refuge be there by 6 am so as not to miss the show at 1020 Ranch Road in Lolita later in the day there's a walk in the land fair dunes unit of the bref huge to save a spot and for further information call 44413974 Saturday's also allow you to enjoy the sights along the Newton be dreary Parkway near or without. Vehicles police dogs are welcome That's all day long on the 4th you have a choice of breakfast the key to a high school career and college center invites you to breakfast in the new Fine Arts building at 7 $120.00 m. Street in Arcadia from a 12 and tickets are $8.00 for adults and 6 for students and seniors and dream athletics is holding a fundraiser for the national champion cheerleading team members who are ages 4 to 7 it's a biscuits and gravy fundraiser from $8.00 to $11.00 at New Hope Church of God 2022 Sutter wrote in McKinley Ville $7.00 for adults or 4 for $20.00 switching meals to the nighttime costs of humbled us holding a 16th annual big night with cocktails or d'oeuvres dinner and live auction all in support of Casa it's at the Sequoia Conference Center 901 Myrtle Avenue in Eureka from 5 to 10 pm ticket information at 443-3197 also holding a fundraiser dinner on the 4th is the redwood region Audubon Society presentation on hummingbirds as part of the evening he will be at the Street Neighborhood Center in Arcadia 530 tonight tickets available by calling for 4 to 8862 from a 2nd all the way to the 0 to fierce festival with over 50 events in celebration of the creativity of women it's plays and films music and art and health presentations and topics of interest to women and everyone to find out what's coming up go to 02 that's t.-o. Fierce dot com More is on the way here on Destination radio. Destination radio your one stop resource for everything to see and do on California's Redwood coast and on the Wild Rivers coast of Oregon every day we check our calendar for activities you and your family might enjoy We keep you up to date on our regions weather and provide helpful safety tips we're proud of our corner of the world and all it has to offer for local travelers or future visitors making plans we're a destination radio a.t.m. And streaming on the web at destination dash Radio dot com. Hello I am Mandy phatic I travel Highway one o one from Del Norte to Humboldt County numerous times every week every time I drive last chance grade I wonder about my safety and the safety of others Federal Highway Administration and state officials are well aware the block is indeed falling into the ocean we need a bypass to be identified and built before some innocent person or family dies as a result of this hazard please call or write supervisor Ryan Sunbird and urge them to keep moving forward on addressing this critical safety hazard. Supports the new teen center in McKinley vote by purchasing a commemorative brick paver a small brick with 3 lines of 15 characters the which is $200.00 a larger brick building 6 lines is $500.00 these bricks will be placed on the walkway up to the entrance of the teen center it's a great way to recognize important dates or people in your life or to advertise your business could be made online or by contacting the McKinley reporter recreation office at 839-9003. And guess what tempting American tradition is available all over humbled until more counties guess what youth organization helps to build character and Living Skills for Life it's the same answer the Girl Scouts now is the season for Girl Scout cookies the primary fundraiser that Girl Scouts do every year you'll find your favorite treats are now yours for the buying look for them in your local retailers and roadside stands all over our area support the Girl Scouts support local girls growing into tomorrow's leaders what's our next destination let's find out now on Destination radio. We'll look at what motorcycles represent. Literal 1000000000 chance to get out and about if you're on a bike and they're looking for the coolest ride to number we've got a few choices for you so get your saddle bags ready and obvious next with the fire up the bike it's time to roll Maple Creek Road has a dynamic and long winding road that makes it perfectly suited. A motorcycle enthusiasts can take the road you want to get to blue lake the old highway to 99 a take you right past the Maple Creek Road once you're on it Get ready for some top of the world views as you get to the eastern interior of a Mobile County you'll be heading out into ranching territory which will mean there won't be an awful lot of traffic to contend with that you enjoy the road beneath you depending on how you ride it's an afternoon of bliss in the hills of eastern Humboldt you'll want to pack what you want with you because there's not a lot of options out there another very rural ride that will reward you is the mean land road it's one that you can take as a specific ride or you can make it an all day ride is a loop the Nealon road can be used as a connector from Bridgeville the Reka through the back country for our focus is a motorcycle ride though it will take you through the redwood forests as well as ranch land from the mostly sparsely populated areas of the county to the county seat so let's use as a reference Eureka trouble out old arcade a road in a 3 corners market you'll head out Freshwater Road past a country park at this point you'll begin to climb an altitude up to the redwoods and spruce force emerging at Greenwood heights into the oak field forces you clear the fog line for the next few hours you'll be traveling the back roads will wind over a few bridges it work your way south of eventually coming to Bridgeville and Highway 36 Well you could travel east and go either to Highway 3 or into the valley and I 5 at Red Bluff for this ride let's turn west and it'll have you traveling back towards the coast running parallel to Van Dusen river through the redwood forest at Grizzly bluff an emerging out it hides bill you can then choose to go down the bluff to Alton and merge into highway want to one heading back to Eureka or you can take the back road one of the old highways through the Rona real area and coming out into Fortuna on one of the road this option is more rural although it'll take another 10 minutes or so it's a great. Ride for the afternoon and really helps to impress upon you a wide variety of terrain and environment we have available to us in Humboldt County looking for another large loop ride well this will take you further east but will provide more river views as you travel this ride is a full day gives you almost all aspects of Humboldt County in one ride again for ease of reference let's use Eureka as a starting point head south towards Fortuna and continue just a bit further south down the road to Alton overpass this is the western terminus of Highway 36 head east on 36 and as you pass through the redwood grows you'll come upon the dense more general store this is the gathering place for eastern Humboldt anything you forgot you can get here you'll want to start looking for Highway 3 in a little burg of peanut really it's a community you'll be heading through this rural valley in the town of Hayfork believe it or not the town of Hayfork is home to a company which develops and puts on 4th of July fireworks shows including the really really big ones in New York Harbor and other locales you will arrive a 10 or section of Highway 3 and Highway 299 to 99 the highway which connects Arcadia to Redding and runs closely to the Trinity River for the better part of the next hour as you go through a few gorges and along the old trail route the miners and suppliers followed to the gold mines it'll take you through the town of Willow Creek and onto its intersection highway want to one just at Arcadia you'll see the redwoods on 36 Oaks on 3 in the gorgeous Trinity River on 299 and ice cream all along the way. It's an exciting and twisting way to spend the day in your motorcycle exploring many of the rural areas of Humboldt County. The final motorcycle run that includes the Ellen routes of Humboldt County features Bald Hills road and highway 96 through the loop a valley again that's used Eureka as a reference point you'll travel north through the lagoons in the beach areas north of Trinidad which is a great view all by itself and then it's time to get focused on the upcoming parts of this ride get a hearty breakfast either in Orrick at a cafe or in Trinidad because you'll be out and running for some time just north of Warrick take a Ladybird Johnson Bald Hills Road exit it'll take you through the redwood forest and then you come in climbing climb into your head and towards Bald Hills you'll find flowers and lots of wildlife to observe including some of the Kurds in the region as you go over the 30 mile route and begin to descend and which pack the scenery continues to develop with oak and Madrone trees the temperatures will remain about the same once you get away from the influence of the coastal fog you'll come to Martin's very bridge and it will connect you with a Highway 169 and a mile east you'll find the town crossing the bridge you'll then be heading on 96 South through hoop Indian reservation and straight into Will Creek highway 96 will take you to a number of gorgeous you're right along the Trinity River if you want there are plenty of places to get out and stretch your legs or jump in the river to cool down this is a very scenic portion of the region so give yourself plenty of time to appreciate the natural scenery Oh fine year oh yeah there's plenty of turns to keep you engaged in the ride to at Willow Creek your turn on the highway to 99 and head back out to the coast this is the afternoon ride that is wonderful and spring summer and fall because of the changing natural colors found in the prairie's as well as the leaves and grass is along the way have a great time out riding Bald Hills and $96.00 some really beautiful parts of Humboldt County. Waves crash on the rocks at Wilson Creek rafters ride the rapids on the Trinity River Roosevelt bring traffic to a standstill on the red wood highway inspiring natural scenery and wildlife awesome outdoor experience destination radio is all about where to go and what to do on the Wild Rivers coast of Oregon and California is beautiful Redwood Coast stay with $980.00 am destination radio and find out where to play and relax in our area now streaming at destination dash Radio dot com. It may be hard to believe but people just like you are already saving money feed the pig dot org makes it easy there's a simple savings plan teaches you how to start saving without going overboard so you don't need to ditch the car and start roller blading to work for. You. You don't need to start foraging wild berries skeptical that these are actually pretty. You don't need to sell your organs on the black market lie back this is going to hurt. You don't need to rent out your apartment or drifters I mean a fire with the wood in your bedroom. And your closet door you just need an internet connection don't get left behind start your personal savings plan with the tips and tools on feed the pig dot org That way you don't need to sell all your belongings and live in a commune Issandr reason along to all of us now Tom brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s in the Ad Council you know what really gets a party started indoor baseball Yeah just find a broom or pool cue and you can use like anything as a ball cans bottles shoes. Talks about how to. Most party files are pretty dumb but if you decide to drink and drive under age you could lose your license and your freedom underage drinking and driving the ultimate party foul learn more and ultimately org brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety administering. In any ad council dollars in music and emperors No it's not a song title from Bobby Goldsboro or anyone else for that matter these are the subjects of this humble County update on Destination radio and specifically events taking place on Sunday the 5th let's start out with the hum dogs group and their 30th anniversary dog Expo being held on the 5th from 10 to 4 at the Redwood acres fairgrounds 3750 Harris Street in Eureka during the one dog event you'll experience the best of more than 20 breeds of dogs as they participate in dog agility trials dog obedience exhibitions tricks demonstration by police canine dogs plus sled dogs in action and more at this gathering of not only dogs but there are humans sharing information with trainers dog owners and community organizations there's a drawing just for kids $5.00 to $12.00 plus there's a drawing for a spayed or neutered this one's to look at the dog so they ask you to leave yours at home it's free to attend the 30th anniversary dog Expo for music lovers humble state continues to present recitals by their students including a guitar recital Sunday the 5th at 5 and would win recycle 8 both of focus and recycle hall on campus there is no charge to attend these recycles check out the calendar on the Humboldt State website for recycles during the balance of the school year speaking of Humboldt State University the theater students there invite you to one of 6 performances of Julius Caesar friends Romans countrymen lend me your ears and maybe hold off on that plot of yours a while alas when you seize power after expanding the empire you've got to keep your eyes open it's Shakespeare on the stage to the Van Duzer theatre March 3rd and 4th at $730.00 March 5th at 2 plus more performances on the 9th through 11th at 730 to get your tickets for Julius Caesar call 826-3928 if you have an event to suggest for Destination radio go to this website p.s.a. Dot Eureka Radio dot com and fill out the form thanks more is on the way here on Destination radio. If you live on California's Redwood coast or on the Wild Rivers coast of Oregon this is where you'll find out about things to do and places to see that are right where you live if you're visiting our unique area we'll tell you about events and activities that will make you want to stay awhile longer special Roads to take were spectacular scenery trails to let you hike in the toll trees great places to peddle your bike or paddle a canoe with streaming audio at destination dash Radio dot com and at 980 8 am this is destination radio I love Redwood Capital Bank because of the personal connection they provide from the beginning of my loan process to my daily deposit trip I have always received friendly service they helped me achieve my dream I'm Catherine. And I love Redwood capital things. We love doing. Redwood Capital Bank member f.d.i.c equal housing lander. I'm Dennis Young a lieutenant with the humble County Sheriff's Office spending time outside in the forests and everywhere in our region is one of the major attractions in our area there are many great outdoor activities we have there are some basic preparation tips to follow if you'll be on the TROs so you may have heard about the need for water but how much do you need everyone is different and it depends on the temperature and level of exertion a general guideline is 6 ounces of water for every 20 minutes or so and it's better to sip a little often instead of drinking every few hours headaches dizziness or difficulty concentrating maybe signaling dehydration the most common ways of carrying water on a high or with water bottles or a water bladder inside a backpack and now there are many ways Bill packs if the weather is really warm you want to have some additional water with you have fun in our area and be safe and prepared your safety is our job. This is 988 destination radio we're here to tell you about the parks and playgrounds the picnic areas the hiking trails the fishing spots and swimming holes the campgrounds all the wonderful outdoor destinations in our region for you and your family to enjoy whether you live here year round you're here for a vacation or you're planning a future visit Why don't you play stay and relax with us now streaming at destination dash Radio dot com it's destination radio. Last time we elected a president only 57.5 percent of registered voters showed up it's hard to get everyone to do anything so when 93 percent of us all do something that's something every week 93 percent of Americans listen to radio and they're all voting with their wallets every time they make a purchase if you run a business letter a radio campaign tell your story call your week of broadcasting it for 4 to 5744 and let us help tell your story. Let's visit another great destination and destination radio 'd. So you're looking for a little something to do this after noon or tomorrow and you want to do it with your family your youngsters I've got a few suggestions for you if you want to be outside and have some great fun the Natural History Museum in Arcadia is easy to find as it's on g. Street one of the main north south to return the city 4 blocks up from the Plaza the natural history museum offers kids of all kinds great unique experiences this is a well stocked museum meaning that there's a lot of different things to see and find out about You'll also be able to find out about the many of the local plants and animals native to the north coast and Humboldt County redwoods and other plants butterflies crabs shells and see stars local birds dinosaurs and even a great white shark greet you the natural history museum is also the host to one of the really fine collection of fossils from the region to fossilize ferns turtle bites and ammonites you'll also be able to spend time with hands on displays and activities also check out a big dinosaur puzzle or the fossil dig box to see if you would find the fossil or not. Even the gift shop will tempt the youngsters with different items like a plastic yellow banana slug one of the more common residents in the redwood forest and a chocolate fossil cheat on the natural history museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 in the morning until 5 pm. It's. For the budding naturalist arcade also has the arcade a marsh and wildlife sanctuary that features all sorts of cool stuff from the interpretive center on South Street to walking the trails and finding birds along with all sorts of critters the natural setting is one that youngsters will enjoy a lot even if it's just walking along the trails or sitting on one of the benches as you read about the various birds in the area it can be a quiet relaxing time. There are many types of shore birds and other birds you can spy because it's located on the Pacific flyway the marsh and wildlife sanctuary as well populated throughout the year with a variety that's the envy of many locations the hours for the trails are dawn to dusk the center is open from 9 to 5 Tuesday through Sunday and Monday afternoon from one to 5 thousands of birders visit the location annually so you on data Glee will meet someone who's a bird enthusiastic during the time you spend there. North of Arcadia in Trinidad You can also spend some time at the the logic or Marine Laboratory this has been studying the local marine life for decades it's affiliated with Humboldt State University and their marine biology program so it's very closely associated with the academics as well you'll find strawberry an enemy's sand dabs camouflaged in the sand they have a giant Pacific octopus and pipe fish that you really have to look hard to distinguish it from sea grass. Outside in the touch tank you can plunge your hands into the cool salt water and touch a red sea urchin a pale green giant see an enemy perhaps a soft squishy sunflower Sistar or a rough calcified leather seastar would be more interesting the coolest thing is that the marine lab staff offer special programs for kids just give yourself a little time if you just arrive or give them a call to schedule a program if you know when you'll be visiting the lab to find it just get a trend of that and follow the road down towards the beach you'll see the signs for the lab as you drive right by it Trinidad also has a kayaking opportunity for you and your family to get out into trying to Dad Bay or into the Pacific Ocean or if you feel more like a more contained area there is also a kayak rental at big lagoon life jackets are provided for all safety is always a key element of being around water and they practice it well. There are single and double kayaks available so youngsters can sit up front on the kayak while mom and dad do the paddling there are also formal tours in addition to the Reynold's so you can really experience what you hope to there is also lagoon kayaking if you're looking for a little slower pace time on the water at both big lagoon and stone lagoon you'll find rentals if you don't have your own with you the lagoons are protected so you won't have some of the chopping as happens on the ocean but if the breeze is fairly strong you'll still experience waves in either situation though you'll probably want to have some sort of windbreaker or a long sleeved t. Shirt as a minimum underneath your flotation vest and don't forget the sunscreen to sun reflected off the water can cause a severe burn and for just good old fashion running on the beach while you're in Trinidad don't forget Trinidad State Beach it's a long curving sandy beach where you can run up and down and look for those creatures you've seen in the lab in the tide pools of the beach you'll want to try to time your visit to the beach for a low tide so you can see as much as you possibly can in the tide pools including crabs that scurry around the rocks from the shore you'll also be able to hear and maybe even see some of the sea lions harbor seals and the seagulls they'll find you you may also be able to spot a visiting porpoise that occasionally shows up it's a great place to enjoy an afternoon but you'll want to bring a windbreaker and sunscreen for the time outdoors either at the wildlife sanctuary in Arcadia on the lagoon or ocean in a kayak or on the beach. If you live in Smith River or Scotia cut or Crescent City Oric or port or if you'll be looking for someplace different to take the family something special to do this weekend destinations for day trips and overnights for hiking or biking for beachcombing or birdwatching and you'll turn to us because we're here to help you find you're close to home destination at night 80 8 am and now streaming at destination dash Radio dot com where destination radio. Infused into friends and. Countrified. You're struggling with your mortgage payments. The bills begin to pile up. Not knowing what to do you do nothing to. And that's the worst thing you can do. Because if you take action if you do something about your mortgage problems you're far more likely to get the most positive outcome making home affordable is a free government program called 8 108905 Hope to talk one on one with housing expert about the options that are right for you real help real answers right now call 8895. Or visit making home affordable dot gov and do something about your mortgage problems with the u.s. Treasury and the council. On 3 description House email strikes. That. Property damage. Stance sect mail allergic reaction major health risk. Pests like mice cockroaches termites and stinging insects pose real health and property risks learn how to protect your family and pest world dot org That's P.E.'s t. World dot org a public service message from the National Pest Management Association travel with us know we're about to head out on Destination radio 'd. So why are some of the communities in the River Valley named as they are 'd Well that's what will share this segment of destination radio these are presented in no particular order Alton is the area where Highway 36 intersects with Highway one a one that used to have quite a bustling community through the decades it originally had the family name of Hanson but was renamed in 862 by s. R. Perry who named it after his hometown Alton Illinois Waddington is an area located just east of for and Dale and was eventually called Washington corners in the late 18th hundreds in addition. Some of the dairies in the area and commercial buildings there also was a post office located there Washington was named after Alexander Washington who came to the area from England in 867 you know River was a community that currently is referred to as runner Ville which was named after him or a local businessman and actually you know River was named after the flowing stream which was a source of a large number of eels which were given by local Indians to the Pioneer Explorer l.k. Wood as a party traveled through the area wrote and realize now more of a neighborhood in Fortuna rather than a separate town the area has gone through tremendous change through the years but some of the old buildings can still be seen when you take run a railroad either off of fortune as Main Street traveling south or from Hyde's Ville north along the old highway fern bridge is the area located on the north end of the famous structure at one time it was a train station that was actually there you can still see the old building which has been repurposed in a small community came into existence with the construction of firm bridge in 1011 . We'll continue with our presentation of the communities and the places of the river valley port Canyon is an area just north of Ferndale It's located on the Salt River which when the area was developed was a navigable river that went in towards grizzly out in the dairy lands of Ferndale it's named after j.g. Canyon who settled the area in the mid $850.00 s. He started up a steamer business between San Francisco and the river valley he had constructed a wharf along with a warehouse in the community Mr Kenyon also invented a liquid pencil known as the McCann in fountain pen Ferndale is one of the primary areas in the river valley known as cream city and the Victorian village Ferndale was developed in $870.00 by the rest family which still lives in the area today it was named for the luxury and growth of ferns found in the valley Newburgh and the general area for tuna was a sawmill. Community that was established in 883 located just east of Fortuna e.j. Dodge and 6 partners created the ill River Valley Lumber Company the lumber town was known as Newburgh in honor of Dodge's hometown Newburgh New York and later years the business came to be known as the e.j. Dodge lumber company now we come to Fortuna the current name of for tuna isn't the original name of the city it's been referred to as Springvale due to the number of naturally occurring springs in the area and slide for the landslide that happened northwest of town in the early years of the settlement Fortuna comes from the name that the founder of the town Reverend gardener gave to the settlement after purchasing the land he named it fortune because he believed it was an ideal place to live he changed the name to Fortuna because at the time this was a unique name in the United States for a town in the middle of town is the city park Well today it has the old railroad depot and the rodeo grounds along with some baseball diamonds and picnic areas originally this area was the Fortuna Otto camp established in early 1921 it was an immediate success later after the depression the advent of the motel and with the highway realigned out of town the property evolved into the park area it is today. This is the final of our presentation of the communities in the places of the il River Valley metropolitan can hardly be found now but it one time had a red wood mill located there and a number of private residences now it is in the middle of a dairy land but still a fun quick drive off Highway $101.00 just south of the Van Dusen bridge metropolitan was originally known as McDiarmid prairie and was renamed in 1000 know for with the construction of the Metropolitan Redwood Lumber Company there was also the Metropolitan HOTU it was used mainly for the mills employees and their guest as well as the visiting public you can still find some of the old sidewalks of the small community in place. Lalit is another community in the il River Valley it is another town that has had more than one name in its history Swack or station was the name of the local railroad station name for Samuel swagger the owner of the property swagger remained the Community Reference until 893 when it was renamed Lolita Hill River Drive the old highway will take you to Lolita from the community of fern bridge the original Redwood highway went right through the downtown Lolita in the mid 1930 s. The road was realigned around the outskirts of Lolita on ill River Drive and remained there until the current highway was constructed. Do you have a suggestion for a topic you'd like to hear more about here on Destination radio perhaps it's a place in nature a favorite place to hike bike boat or ride a horse or maybe it's more of a cultural type like area museums are galleries We'd love to hear your ideas visit destination dash Radio dot com Again that's destination dash Radio dot com. Maybe you live in Humboldt del Norte or curry counties or perhaps you're visiting someone or enjoying the sights here on California's Redwood coast or an Oregon spectacular Wild Rivers coast for locals and travelers alike destination radio can direct you to the natural highlights of our region the beaches the rivers the tall trees and the hidden treasures that will make it worth your while to stay play and relax a while with Destination Radio 90 am and on the web at destination dash Radio dot com. It's the oiling up of the glove the grooming of the infield be unfurling of banners and the beginning of the new baseball season it all starts with the games of spring or the sorting takes place who will end up with the big club who will spend their summer in a state of hope in the minors the Giants can use from the Cactus League and finish up in the Bay Area I keep one a 1.5 f.m. Thunder country February 24th through April 1st presented by no brand burgers stand committed to our lumber and humble flooring outlet. Beer dance to it well life in holds Brooking's Those are names that are now recognized as the names of local streets beaches or cities and they are the legacy names from the region's past with the lumber industry by the start of the Civil War an $860.00 the wonder industry and humble County was up and running but it would be a few more years before it same deep roots into Del Norte in Korea County use flour and Bran were milled in Crescent City and it was until about $880.00 that the sawmills and Delmore were merely more than 30000000 board feet per year in Curry County it was John Brookings and his sons along with Bill Ward who at the turn of the century began logging operations about 12 miles up the Checco river and it was wards for a survey for President Roosevelt that brought federal eyeballs to the logging operations by 913 bookings was operating 5 cargo ships taking the milled lumber to the bare radio and those operations are a legacy that remains in our communities. I'll say one thing to start out this humble County destination radio update I'm hopeful very hopeful hopeful that they'll be a lack of rain on the 1st of March so that you can enjoy a terrific guided nature walk getting acquainted with the plants and critters of the humble Bay National Wildlife Refuge it's a 2 mile walk this starts at 9 am at 1020 Ranch Road in Lalita enjoy speaking of walks there's a free one hour seminar on backpacking equipment food water the thing you'll need to be ready for the great outdoors the session includes info on good places to practice locally it's at the humble State University quad in Arcadia on the 1st at noon also on the 1st at 3 the m g c n Fortuna presents kid art every 1st Wednesday at 3 it's kids ages $4.00 to $6.00 learning to draw paint make collages and more they might just wow you with some great art knowledge too there's a $5.00 suggested donation to the m.d.c. Is it $20.00 to $80.00 Newberg wrote in Fortuna and Wednesdays are the day to get your site 5 fix this week it's 1900 force invasion from Inner Earth this film is so lowly rated that only a therapeutic group viewing could help and aren't bad films best when viewed with others so come on out to the arcade a theater lounge on the 1st at 6 at $103063.00 in Arcadia free with $5.00 of good old movie Food and Beverage purchase or grab the kids for a family fun night at the Eureka main library for construction themed hour of games crafts songs and more plus your family gets a free book in fact it's all free at $1313.00 3rd Street big lagoon school in Trinidad is having a home cooked dinner featuring spaghetti followed by a community meeting to talk about the school plan it's a 269 big lagoon park road starting on the 2nd at 530 with a 5 dollar donation suggested from the 28th through the 2nd the minor theater in arcade is home to the International Latino Film Festival with 3 films about Latino immigration to the u.s. There's a $5.00 donation per film get Showtime to calling a 2 to film more is on the way right here on Destination radio. We'll be watching and waterfront walks county fairs and boat tours logging museums and lighthouses special places to see and fun things to do on Oregon's Wild Rivers coast and on the redwood coast of California now you have a destination radio to help you find your best place to play stay and relax serving locals and visitors alike at 980 am and now streaming on your computer or mobile device at destination dash Radio dot com This is destination radio. Make every day a special occasion with a visit to the Victorian village of Ferndale a stroll through our historic village is a great start before exploring our many unique and interesting shops and art galleries we're friendly people offer you good old fashioned service enjoy a coffee break at one of our main street cafes or meet friends for lunch or dinner We've got lots of choices our historic inns in motels offer guests modern conveniences and comfort in beautifully restored architectural treasures so come see us we'd love for you to stay play and relax in the Victorian village of Ferndale who come back to the Catch Up next we have Nico Nico is a member of the group that's right the group know especially for their sunspots. And of course companionship just because of stress it's actually owns the place and so how should a person the pitch on how purring is simply perfect nice one fantastic cat but really the best way to know an amazing shelter pet like Niko is to meet one visit the shelter pet project today adopt the Humane Society of United States in the Ad Council check out my new time machine doesn't work at the box. Pace the Polian read the future. Hey you have a nice house why don't I you didn't save any money buddy if only there was a way I could go back in time and fix that yeah save something for the future but only a few feel like a $1000000.00 for free ways to save the to feed the pigs. This mess is brought to you by the American is the seed of Certified Public Accountants and the council. This is destination radio let us be your guide. Destination Bramber sample County Humboldt County Parks and trail system manages 17 units located throughout the county covering nearly 950 acres and offering a wide variety of outdoor experiences there are 10 County beaches 5 parks with river access 5 campgrounds and 5 boat ramps for the convenience and safety of boating fishing and rowing enthusiastic around humbled Bay you'll find 2 boat ramps near the south end of the bay the fields landing boat ramp is a relatively new facility with flush toilets and a picnic area the ramp is for day use only no fee is required and dogs are welcome on the redwood highway Highway $1.00 o one take the fields landing exit about 5 miles south of Eureka and drive west a half mile on railroad Avenue to the boat ramp it's an excellent access point for the southern portion of humble day including the humble being a National Wildlife Refuge about 2 miles farther south the mouth of the harbor across the bay from the fields landing ramp can be reached by vessels of any size by way of the fields landing channel which is dredged to an approximate depth of 30 feet the ramp is a great put in location for canoes and kayaks from here you can paddle directly across the bay to beaches and dunes of the South spit management area now Barrow for the half mile long strip of sand dunes and marshes that separates Humboldt bay from the Pacific Ocean the south jetty is a popular spot to fish for ling cod salmon perch and bottom fish a word of caution this area is subject to large unpredictable and dangerous waves depending on weather conditions also be forewarned that the south end of the bay near the Wildlife Refuge often turns to mud flats at low tide so be sure to check local tight tables become familiar with the locations of the main channels too and be cautious approaching the main channel because swells and tidal currents can cause turbulence in this area or you can stay on dry land and drop your fishing line from the ramp at Field's landing across the bay the summer. County Park and boat ramp is perfect if you'd like to spend a little time fishing on tumbled Bay because it includes a campground with 10 sites and $25.00 r.v. Spaces you can stay up to a week at $20.00 a night 2 dogs are allowed per campsite there are flush toilets a cleanup hot shower and the park host and the ramp is right there so you can easily back your boat trailer down and launch into the Bay You'll also find a great view of the Eureka side of the bay similar County Park is a great spot for fishing and clamming and it's a short distance to the Samoa dunes recreation area on the ocean side of the peninsula where there are miles of beaches for hiking and exploring kite flying beach coming picnicking and just relaxing from Highway 101 turned west on Highway 255 crossed a similar bridge and turn left when you reach the Samoa Peninsula Samoa county park and boat ramp is 5 miles south on the left near the southern tip of the peninsula North of Arcadia Mad River County Park which borders the ocean is a local favorite for hiking picnicking and beach coming but it has a boat launch facility as well providing access to the Mad River especially for canoes and kayaks the river is typically calm at this point just a couple of miles from the Pacific when the fish runs are happening this can be a very popular location Fortunately there is a large parking lot dogs are Ok too off leash but under control and horses are welcome to reach the Mad River boat ramp take the redwood Highway 101 to the Gentilly lane road exit and head west on hind and road follow the science out to the dairy ranch land to the park Humboldt county parks and trails also operates a pederast boat ramp on the Eagle River near the small town of the leader to get there from Highway 101 take the lead to exit exit 694 and drive through town take the cannibal island road out of town don't let that name scare you to Cock Robin Island road you'll see the ramp in facility just before you cross the bridge This is the easiest way to get boat trailer access into the river don't expect amenities at this boat launch because there aren't any it's all natural big lagoon County Park is a popular dead. To nation for sailing windsurfing kayaking swimming picnicking beach coming camping and fishing Yes there's enough room on the biggest of the humble lagoons for small sailboats to move around and compared to the ocean water on the other side of the sand spit the lagoon water is calm and warm especially near the boat ramp and good enough for swimming 7 miles north of Trinidad the park is located off the redwood highway to the west exit of big lagoon park road and follow the signs as you come upon the park you'll see the lower parking lot in the dock with the boat ramp right next to it there's plenty of room to park your trailer as well there are $25.00 sites for year round tent camping a big county park with a $20.00 fee per night and a $2.00 fee if you're just there for a day use amenities include flush toilets and internet access while there is the county operated boat ramp at big lagoon There's also a ramp at nearby stone lagoon in Laguna State Park the slogan runs alongside the redwood highway just north of the old red schoolhouse and south of Oric the parking area is immediately adjacent to the boat ramp it's an excellent spot for kayaking and canoeing and for catching cutthroat trout and steelhead there are a few other boat ramp and launch facilities and helpful County ministered by a mix of public and private operators on the southern coast 24 miles west of Redway There's a boat launch and Shelter Cove that puts you in the small natural Harbor located there the humble Bay Harbor recreation and conservation district constructed an additional breakwater some years ago to help insure calm and easy access to the ocean the Eureka public Marina is another access point for boaters from high we went to one in Eureka follow the signs directing you toward old town when you reach 1st street take waterfront drive to the left when you see the boats in the prominent Worthing your building you have reached the marina which features a 2 lane launch ramp in a sheltered part of the Beijing there's another boat launch in Eureka as well it's located beneath a similar bridge at the other end of Old Town below the Carson mansion and very visible as you travel on waterfront drive boating on humble county's baby rivers and lagoons a great destination. This is 980 8 am destination radio with streaming audio at destination dash Radio dot com If you live in humble don't know it or curry county's turn to us to find out about things to do and sights to see that are close to home if you're visiting our beautiful area we've got plenty of ideas for you to northern California's Redwood coast and on the Wild Rivers coast of southern Oregon there are so many reasons to play stay and relax and that's why there is destination radio. Collyer tunnel is located 2 miles south of the California Oregon State Line on Highway 199 did you know that it's named after California state senator Randolph Collier he served on the California State Transportation Committee from 1939 to 1977. Destination radio Katie j.y. 980 am Eureka California and K.W.'s w 790 8 am Eureka California. I'm Kevin Miller lieutenant with the McKenna sheriff's office went in when or whether driving can be tricky so what are some of the safe driving tips we suggest.

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