Transcripts For KDVR Fox 31 Denver News 5P 20160817

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because of the winds. and because of all the trees. we'll have more of an update. later on. >> . getting some results. >> major changes taking place right on on the 16 street mall. after our investigation exposed the growing violence in the heart of downtown. >> . everyone involved here is quick to emphasize. they will only be here to not enforcing law. and won't have police power. they will be trained to spot people who have special needs. such as pen mental health or other services. >> . hiring a private security firm. for a million dollars. to aid police with more eyes and ears. and pointing mall trouble spots. >> . having uniform presence is going to help. >> . denver police chief says even with a dramatic drop in incidents like this. since june. >> . including 3 blocks of skyline park. patrols will be 24 ours a taeu. 7 days a week. officers have already been training on the mall. out of uniform. each with a wide range of backgrounds. >> they will not have police police. only they hope many of those people will be people who are veterans or have some police training. >> . 30 minute delays in both directions due to false activations at crossing. it took about 7 hours for problem to be fixed. just before noon. delays stuck around as operators worked to get back on track. >> police now say a woman who claim to be victim of a carjacking this morning. in lake wood. was involved in drug activity. with the men who took off in her vehicle. sky fox over the scene. today where police say a shot was fired during the incident. the men ditched the woman's car. which police have recovered -fpt of the men on the loose tonight. >> . another officer blocked the car in a parking lot. that's when the 3 juveniles inside jumped out. the driver had a gun in his hand and started running. officer shot at him during the chase. suspect was hit in the leg. and taken into custody. the other two people who ran were arrested minutes later. >> . for it after crashing a vehicle into a building over night. in denver. slammed into a garage and a trailer in the 3 thousand block. just before 3 a.m. no one in in the garage at the time. the driver was caught a few blocks away. and taken to the hop. with unknown injuries. >> the department of justice will do the review. commerce city here is the first in colorado. to ask for the assessment. other cities with major public relation problems are doing the same. and include st. louis. baltimore. philadelphia. the review is voluntary. and for the good of the community. >> . every day we aim to prevent crime. and seek justice. for victims. >> when those charged upholding the law are accused of breaking it. commerce city knew it had to do something. >> . what brought it to the forefront. was the officer misconduct. >> . one officer charged for inappropriately touching 3 women in his custody. >> . disappointed in the conclusion that has come. >> another officer shot himself. but initially blamed it on an imaginary suspect. >> . we heard from the community. they weren't happy. and a few of these incidents they were embarrassed. >> . of justice for help. through its collaborative reform initiative. >> . it is voluntary. but independent assessment. the agencies have opened themselves up for public scrutiny. picture when the review is over. >> . it's much harder to take an internal look at what needs to happen. >> it's leaders know in the end they'll have a department of 102 officers. with 21 century policing prabg it is practices. to guide them. >> . after the initial assessment. cops office will release the report. >> . for planning the project. over the next 6 months pilot program. called go centennial. it will pick up people from the home. take them to the station. as well as drop them back off. rides are offered monday through friday. 5:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. if it's suck eszful they will continue it. >> . trouble in rio. after saying he and 3 others were robbed. by men posing as police. now a brazillen judge is questioning their story. >> . this is a bizarre story. the authorities still need more time to figure out if the swimmers did file a false crime report. in the meantime. they have asked them to give up their pass ports and stay in the country. until they can figure it out. >> brazillen authorities say they have more questions for two of the 4 american swimmers. who claim they were robbed at gunpoint. in rio on sunday. police visit the olympic village wednesday morning. after a judge issued a search warrant. he also ordered to seize their pass passports. but the committee said the swim team moved out days ago. >> . there's been increasing speculation about what happened. after the daily mail released a video. it says one of the athletes returning to the village sunday. >> incident. >> the judge who reviewed the video said they repaired more than five hundred passengers and crew members rescued at sea. after a fire broke out on a large ship. a mile off the coast of san juan. >> . new tonight in the presidential election. a new poll on 3 swing states. show clinton is in the lead across the board. in our state. clinton maintains a ten point lead over trump. 49 to 39. largest lead in virginia. where she polled 12 points ahead of trump. >> . in iowa. most polls have shown a major shake up in his chairman of conservative web site. to be his campaign new chief executive. also promoted senior advisor. to campaign manager. >> . ? ? ? award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. . breaking news in larimer county. live over a 40 acre wild fire. voluntary evacuation order right now. >> . welcoming their competition to town today. the 49ers. joint practices with the team ahead of saturday nights seeing somebody else on the practice field. is a refreshing challenge. >> . once again the denver defense dominating. >> . you get comfortable with the players. you're defending ob going against. >> . took their turns carving up the 49ers defense. as their quarter back competition continues. now the leader a very important off field program today. rookie haircuts. coming up later. happening hair style. plus update on defensive line man. who left the field limping after practice today. >> . it was hot out there. stkphr. so hot. >> . the sun will bake you quick. >> . in -lt hot summer taeus. highs near 90. airport we are hit 90. friday things shift. >> . nice cool down headed our way. let's start with a live look outside. this afternoon. and evening. blue skies behind the skyline there. kind of filtered sunshine. we have high thin clouds. working in off the foothills. storms in the high country. getting the blow back. from some of those here this evening. it has stayed quiet. as far as the rain is concerned. so far today. around the metro. notice there was clouds moving in from west to east. green hard too come by. on the radar. at least when you have things zoomed in. once you bring it out. we had across the front range. a lot of those are dying off. down to the south. and southwest. clearing skies. we head through the rest of the over night. with lows tonight dropping down into the upper 50s. today. there's the 90 degree high. another toasty one. we talked about. we're starting to back off a bit. as far as the numbers go. upper 80s across the west side of town. staple ton 88. commerce city at 85. back into the upper elevation. look at the foothills. feeling good in the 60s. from black hawk to evergreen. >> . especially rain showers. notice gunnison. dropped down to 59. courtesy of scattered showers and thunder storms. still warm in the western slope. grand junction at 86. through ten p.m. tonight. again. everything will fade away quickly. there's a slight possibility we could see an ice isolated shower in the city. by morning nothing but sunshine. however tomorrow afternoon, we get this west to east flow. with a disturbance expected to push bay from the west. notice scattered showers and thunder storms. early to mid afternoon. in the high country. and better opportunity for thoedz those to push down into the city. >> chance for pop up shower. during the afternoon. we'll say one degree cooler than today. still hot. 89. before it's all wrapped up. mid and upper 80 -ts north of town. fort collins 86. pwoultder back to 84. up. 86 north glen. interior sections of the city tack on about one or two degrees. 90 in the city itself. >> restaurant business. david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. restaurants are most popular. with poke mon go players. money. >> . things aren't on target. target the story is cutting its sales out look on stiff competition. and other stumbles. like the grocery business. target and other retailers facing challenges stemming from amazon. wels shoppers who remain cautious about spending. it's focusing on key merchandise categories like fashion. home furnishing and wellness products. >> . mcdonalds shaking up a happy meal toy. aimed at encouraging kids to be active. shaped like an activity smart watch. offering the toy for the next 4 weeks. something that is supposedly targeting the combination of summer break as well as the olympics excitement. there are a half dozen trackers in total. and they're not actually watches but they do count how many steps you take. put your finger to good use. person to person transfers on the firstbank mobile app. put your finger to good use. breaking news out of larimer county. >> . live with the latest on a 40 ache eur wild fire. burning right near carter lake. >> . telling us the fire is 50 percent contained. the line of the fire is quickly

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