Transcripts For KDSM 13 News At Nine On FOX 17 20160213

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blame.. valentines for victims... it's an event for people whose hearts have been broken by violence. how the families of crime victims come together every year to offer each other support. from who h-d iowa's high definition leader..this is the channel 13 news at nine on fox 17 good evening. i'm lynn melling. thank you for joining us tonight. the water crisis in flint, michigan may seem distant to many living here in iowa but a local college basketball star is dealing with it everyday... justin surrency explains how it's motivating monte morris and how you can help... "i know how rough and tough flint is so i just try to play with that edge."for iowa state point guard monte ellis...home is where the heart is... "everytime i lace up here i'm respresenting flint..."right now his family and hometown are experiencing heartache... "it's rough right now. the water are using bottled water."in april of 20-14 under the control of a state appointed emergency manager the city temporarily began drawing it's water from the flint river in a cost saving measure while a new water pipeline from lake huron was completed... "the water changed and they opened up the water tower and it was pure yellow. it looked very bad."after nearly 2 year's of denial the state's department of environmental quality has now admitted it failed to treat flint's water for corrosive materials which eroded lead pipes and contaminated the city's drinking water...putting lives at risk... "for kids to be using the water so long they have lead poisoning."he's worried for their future... "they say lead poising causes memory damage that's an opportunity. when you are losing a little knowledge up top, that might be your opportunity to pass the act... my city is going through that and as of right now i can't do much for it.."now the iowa state community is following monte's point guard mentality with an assist on go fund me... "i was really affected by the crisis happening there so i really just wanted to give back. i feel like it's something not enough people do and it's so easy."a recent trip back home provided motivation and perspective for morris... "plenty of kids that watch me, i go home to the boy's and girl's club and they are running up to me. you know those are the same kids drinking that water."sparking a new passion not only for a championship run for the cyclone faithful but now for a city in need... nats introduction "number 11 from flint michigan "i'm just trying to give the in october the city switched their water back to detroit's water system but many residents are worried that the already damaged pipes could continue to leak lead...the mayor of flint says it could take up to 1.5 billion dollar's to repair the city's water infrastructure... des moines police are investigating shots fired near drake university... it happened just after seven o'clock this evening. police say a man fired several shots into the air near 23rd and university. the man then walked into platinum kutz barber shop. after a brief standoff, police say he surrendered as officers surrounded the building. two men are behind bars after reportedly leading police on a high speed chase on des moines' south side overnight... police arrested 31 year old zeferino padilla and 33 year old felipe padilla. both men are facing several charges including felon in possession of a firearm, felony attempted burglary and traffic violations officers responded to an attempted burglary in the 600 block of park avenue just after midnight. when they got there, two men sped off in a car. officers put down stop sticks. that caused the car to spin out into a ditch. the two men then ran away into a nearby wooded area but police quickly caught up with them. police say although conditions were not ideal last night they continued the chase because the crime was so serious. both men remain in the polk county jail. polk county deputies are investigating a fatal crash in ankeny... officers responded to the scene, near the airport, around noon. officials say a driver went into a ditch off of northeast 29th street, then struck a tree. the woman behind the wheel was found dead at the scene. a child was taken to the hospital... and is in good condition tonight. their names have not been released. a fight at a des moines school landed a teenage boy in the hospital this week. and his family says the school didn't do enough to prevent it from happening during tuesdays lunch period at merill middle school -- john brillant says his son got into a fight in the ever since... he's remained hospitalized for a severe concussion and injuries to his arm and leg. doctors say he will need several weeks of therapy. according to witnesses -- both boys were in a "play fight" a few weeks ago... and tuesday's fight was a rematch. the victim's father was aware of issues between the boys... but says the school should have never let it go this far... 380107 - how many staff members or teachers would over see the cafeteria at the time, it seems like that you have a lot of kids there at once how many people keep an eye on things. they told me three and in the same sentence there is only three is because they are understaffed. i said this understaffing is a problem, what if things turned out to be worse -- john brillant sr. - des moines a statement from des moines public schools reads... there was ample supervision in the lunchroom, however, the investigation clearly concluded that both students went into a restroom -- away from adults -- and willingly participated fight. both students are facing disciplinary action as a result. local victims of violence got some help mending today... 11:28:26 "i was 17 years old. he was murdered because of his sexuality, he was a gay man. and he was killed for that. and i woke up the next morning and i found him, and that was february 13th of 1988." - jennifer bertagnolli - organizer, valentines for victims jennifer bertagnolli's father, ken eaton, a teacher in des moines, was killed at the age of 41... since his death she started a tradition that would bring love and healing to other hurting hearts in the metro. that would bring love and healing to other hurting hearts in the metro. valentines for victims delivers "boxes of blessings" to families who have lost a loved one to violent crime. children from saint anthony's catholic school in des moines help decorate and fill these boxes year after year...sharing them with twelve families this year grieving a loss. a metro family welcomed home a new member of the family today... 14:04 it felt really good to have all the family support, kevin schafer and his wife dawn welcomed little zander home this afternoon. he is the second child they've adopted from the democratic republic of congo. the schafer's started the adoption process three years ago. at one point the government of congo suspended adoptions. it was eventually lifted following negotiations between leaders in the u-s and congo. that's a story that warms the heart on this cold night leading up to valentine's day.. fortunately.. warmer weather is around the corner.. meteorologist brett mcintyre has there's still much more to come tonight.... coming up next... from san diego with love. the kindness campaign that's ng hearts ahead of this valentine's day... cease fire.. details of the deal aimed at bringing peace to war-torn syria.. who's on board.. and how soon the violence could stop.. from who h-d iowa's high definition're watching the away... and about 90-percent of americans plan to celebrate the holiday... over the last few years, thousands of secret love letters have been hidden found by total strangers. maria arcega-dunn shows us who is behind the "love letters s-d" campaign this valentine's day, love is in the air-- on the beach-- in the park and at your local caf. messages of love to strangers... it's all part of love letters sd a three year old kindness campaign started by mindy stallings to bring smiles to san diego. 2:25 i specifically wanted to do this in san diego b/c i love san diego, i think this city is amazing and incredible and i know everyone else who lives here feels the same. what started with just a handful of letters hidden in mission hills... quick nats of her reading quick excerpts of some of the letters. has grown now to thousands of letters hidden around the county 9:30: this one says 'dear stranger open new friend, i am proud of you. this ride called life aint easy, but you are doing it with love in your heart and a song in your head. love me #loveletterssd and it's not just about writing and hiding the love letters. the fun really starts once they are found. every letter has the hashtag "love letters sd" on it. 10 0:18 'last year after we had distributed all the cards, i went back on social and was looking at the hashtag b/c i wanted to see the reaction people had and i found one of the cards that i had written and somebody had written a really sweet post on instagram that it was just what they needed that day and what a sweet gift we were giving san diego. it really brought home for me what this campaign is all about . while the campaign isn't about romance, mindy and her team of cupids hope their uplifting notes spark a kindness movement all year round. 2:35 you hear some amazing stories over your lifetime about how one small act of kindness changes some bodies life, or day or year... just to make someone ed ad lib weather tease on set high pressure will remain in place through the overnight hours, which will keep skies clear but cold. wind chills will dip way below zero, so a wind chill advisory is in place for those north of hwy 30 until 8am on saturday. because we will start the day below zero on saturday, highs will only get into the middle teens at best. we'll see an increase in cloud cover from the west as the next system approaches quickly. snow will make another appearance late saturday night into sunday morning. we'll get a light dusting to half inch late saturday with an additional inch expected before sunrise on sunday. the highest amounts will fall in the northeast part of the state, so the farther north you go along interstate-35, the more snow you southwest you go, the less snow you will run into. the good news is, the snow looks to be wrapped up before the middle of the day on sunday, so if you have valentine's day plans in the evening, you shouldn't run into may issues. coming up -- gege ready for bigger and better cell coverage. but first -- etch-a-sketch is drawing a new path for itself... why owners decided to make a major stocks on wall street ended higher today. the s&p gained 35 points. the dow jumped 313 points. the nasdaq rose 70 points. etch-a-sketch is drawing a new path for itself... the ohio art company owned the classic toy brand for decades, but it's selling it to a toy firm in toronto. ohio art's president says handing over the iconic toy is bittersweet, but was done in consideration of the business's long term future. the brand has been produced or owned by ohio art since 19-60, when it bought the rights for twenty five thousand dollars. get ready for bigger and better cell coverage. the next generation is on its way. a-t-and-t says it will be ready to conduct field trials on its five-g network before the end of 2016. verizon made a similar announcement last year. five-g stands for "fifth generation." by definition, it'll be an upgrade to the four-g l-t-e network. it's not of a power boost it will give your current upload and download speeds. ...but the two dominant carriers are making a public display of their technological arms. there's still much more to come in the next half-hour... just ahead -- gas leak.. thousands are given the green light to return to their homes in california.. what forced them out in the first place.. and who's vowing to make sure cease fire.. details of the deal aimed at bringing peace to war-torn syria.. who's on board.. and how soon the violence could stop.. public potty... an open air bathroom at one of san francisco's most popular parks is getting a lot of negative feedback... how much the city spent on bathroom... and what critics are saying... historic meeting.. who the pope met today.. why the visit from who h-d iowa's high definition leader..this is the channel 13 news at nine on fox 17 u.s. secretary of state john kerry announced today that... at a meeting of "the international syria support group" in germany, the major world powers have agreed to a plan for the "cessation of hostilities" in syria and to the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid. scott mclean reports on the latest on the international effort to end the syrian conflict. the outcome is far from certain, but the goals are absolute -- getting aid to syrians who desperately on a track to peace. what we have here are words on paper. what we need to see in the next few days are actions on the ground.secretary of state john kerry announcing friday those words have been signed by a number of major world powers meeting in germany to hammer out the deal aimed at getting warring factions to lay down their guns. not a ceasefire -- a "cessation of hostilities" -- enough to allow torn apart by war, and potentially a first step towards a resolution. we see hope in this agreement, but we hope to see a big solution for all syria.but it will not apply to terror groups... meaning isis is still fair game for u-s and russian airstrikes -- while the two nations work together to end the conflict. we have our common determination to help alleviate sufferings of the syrian people.convincing the assad regime and its opposition groups to stop fighting a war that's killed thousands and displaced millions already won't be easy but some experts are optimistic, with one saying if it was ever going to happen over the five years of the war, it would happen now. the u.n. is working to have relief on the way this week. peace still not around the corner but maybe on the horizon. in washington, i'm senator john mccain arrived in serbia today... to meet with refugees heading to western europe. a congressional delegation is in the balkans to meet with leaders... to discuss ways the u-s can help with the growing flow of migrants from places like syria, iraq and afghanistan. mccain says aid from the u-s is needed because managing this refugee crisis is "very expensive" mccain says: "we will be returning and asking our colleagues to vote for additional assistance, which is obviously needed, since it is a very expensive proposition. and we also will do everything we can to bring about peace in the middle east to stop the wanton killing which is causing this enormous humanitarian problem that is spreading all through europe and eventually to the united states." the u-n reports there are more than four and a half million refugees displaced from their homes regions. police say two 15-year-old girls were shot dead outside independence high school in glendale, arizona this morning. police say each had one gunshot wound and a weapon was found near the bodies. both were sophomores at the school. investigators say they are not searching for a shooter... "they were able to locate two female students. they are 15 years old." "and what we've found out thus far, and what i really want to get out there is, we don't believe there are any outstanding suspects. these two young women were found next to each other and there was a weapon found beside them." police say they don't know what relationship, if any, the girls had. a california gas company says it has stopped a leak that prompted thousands of people to evacuate their homes. the leak came from a natural gas storage field in the santa susana mountains-- it was discovered last october. the southern california gas company drilled a relief well workers completed that project thursday. now, crews are tasked with filling the leaking well with cement, permanently sealing the leak. senator barbara boxer of california, spoke to residents about the issue. "we can never allow anything like this to happen in your community again. not in your community and not in any community." --butted-- "we're all encouraged that the leaking well appears to have been temporarily capped and we're very hopeful that a permanent solution for this particular leak is immanent. so-cal gas says a backup relief well is also being drilled as a precaution. now, the company is trying to convince residents that the danger is gone. pope francis made history today... becoming the first pope ever to meet with the head of the russian orthodox church. as steve harrigan reports...francis called the controversial meeting - quote - "the will of god." after a millennium-long rift of christianity... today in havana, cuba....a meeting for the history books... between pope francis...and russia's patriarch kirill... the first time ever a catholic pope has met with the head of the russian orthodox church. but, many critics see kirill's sit down with francis as a political move: -- the meeting was brokered by cuban president raul castro. -- kirill has close ties with vladimir putin's government. -- and, it comes at a time when russia's relations with the west are strained. volkov says: "this is a meeting of two church leaders and there is no politics in this meeting." meantime, the vatican sees it as an important ecumenical event, drawing attention to a shared concern of both churches: christians in iraq and syria being killed by the islamic state...and others...because of their faith. wenski says: "almost a genocide is happening very quietly and so the pope and the russian orthodox patriarch meeting hopefully will bring some attention to the situation of christians in the middle east." following the meeting pope francis is off to mexico for a visit to victims of violence there. while in mexico, francis is set to perform mass at the u.s.-mexico border. a move some, including donald trump are publicly criticizing. trump says: "i think he doesn't understand the problems our country has. i don't think he understands the danger of the open bororr we have with mexico." when pope francis met the russian patriarch he embraced him and said, "finally...we are brothers." in miami, steve harrigan, fox news. and, after exchanging three kisses on the cheek with the pope today...the russian orthodox leader said quote - "now things are easier." all day we have fought the urge -- to introduce this next story with a pun -- or a turn of phrase. but we're better than that here. so we'll just say -- tonight correspondent claudia cowan looks at how and why taxpayers in san francisco -- are paying good money -- to encourage folks to do something -- that is normally not encouraged. francisco's famous dolores mission, what's believed to be a first in the nation: an public, open air, bathroom at one of the city's most popular parks: forrest says: "my first reaction was shock- i thought it was a joke." some people can't believe their eyes - their nose... jones says: "it's digusting. it's disgusting!" ...or their ears when they hear san francisco spent $15-thousand dollars on this concrete urinal- basically a drain with a partial screen and not much else.. near trains, kids, and residents like patrick sullivan -- sullivan says: "there were so many people using it last saturday that the urine was dripping over to where people were getting off the train." it was recently installed along with other upgrades to dolores park which, on a sunny weekend, can see thousands of visitors, and had very few toilets. while no one from the city would talk to us on camera, a parks and rec spokeswoman said the urinal is - quote- "an alternative to peeing in the bushes and people's front yards, which was all too common at the old dolores park." maybe so, but air design poses a health hazard, violates privacy rights, and discriminates against women and the disabled: dacus says: "this doesn't solve the problem, it's irresponsible, it's illegal, the city has to change its position or face the legal consequences." the pacific justice institute has threatened to sue if the urinal isn't, well, eliminated. in response, the city attorney's office would only say it "intends to give their legal theories all the consideration they deserve." translation: the very public potty .. is staying put. .. at least for now. the good news: the park now has several dozen normal toilets,o the recent renovations, and vines have been planted around the screen, which should provide a bit more privacy, eventually. in san francisco, claudia cowen.. fox this is the channel 13 news at high pressure will remain in place through the overnight hours, which will keep skies clear but cold. wind chills will dip way below zero, so a wind chill advisory is in place for those north of hwy 30 until 8am on saturday. because we will start the day below zero on saturday, highs will only get into the middle teens at best. we'll see an increase in cloud system approaches quickly. snow will make another appearance late saturday night into sunday morning. we'll get a light dusting to half inch late saturday with an additional inch expected before sunrise on sunday. the highest amounts will fall in the northeast part of the state, so the farther north you go along interstate-35, the more snow you will see. likewise, the farther southwest you go, the less snow you will run into. the good news is, the snow looks to be wrapped up before the middle of the day on sunday, so if you have valentine's day plans in the so, let me get this straight -- u.s. cellular has the phone you're looking for, a network that's built to give you coverage way out here where the other guys don't, that's a lot less than verizon and at&t. so, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for $40 a month plus get $300 back. practice iowa state center jameel mckay will play tomorrow nigth against texas. head coach steve prohm confirmed the news today. mckay will not start against the longhorns but come off the bench. . video from practice today of mckay messing around with teammates...the senior has missed the last 2 games because of suspension. the cyclones went 1-1 without mckay, losing at texas tech on wednesday. cyclones need this one saturday night. the longhorns have moved ahead of isu in the big 12 standings. missed opportunity. thats the best way to describe iowa's loss to indiana. the hawkeyes had a chance to stay in sole possession of first place in the big 10, but indiana had other ideas. missed free throws, bad start, rebounding, all contributed to the 85-78 loss. as michael said iowa now in a 3-way tie for first.. michigan state and purdue move to within two games. hawks host bottom feeder iowa state football player luke knott decides to call it a career. knott will forego his final year of eilgibility this fall because of multiple hip surgeries. knott will graduate in may and already has a job lined up in kansas city after school. knott says although he loves football, the injuries have been too much, and he has to think about his future health. he started 3 games last season at i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for honeysuckle white . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. no growth-promoting antibiotics, thanks for joining us. have happy st. patrick's day! guinness and irish cream cupcakes for everyone! enjoy your blackout! these are the last 12 cupcakes. actually, two of them are just potatoes from the diner. at some point i started putting green icing on anything i could find. max, we haven't been so busy and you said i'm not good at marketing. happy st. patrick's day. bridget, patrick, john, mary, and you, the little one, come over here. we're here to pick up our order. huh. should be here to pick up birth control. coming right up. max, i know i told you i hated st. patrick's day because the only people who go out are drunk trash-- we prefer to be called "intoxicated garbage." but that was before i knew that drunk trash carried cash. nobody gonna pinch me today, 'cause i got all this green. [laughs] oh, money's involved, and all of a sudden you're erin go bragh? or in your case, "erin go training bra"? who wants cupcakes? children: yay! [cash register bell dings]

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