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turmoil, all eyes are on what measures the g-20 chiefs will announce. topping the ajend a how to respond to european credit worries triggers by the crisis in greece. they worry it might offset european banks holding sovereign bonds and deliver a serious blow to the global economy. concerns rocked the financial markets on wall street. the dow-jones industrial average plunged more than 500 points thursday. the average closed at 10,733, down 391 points, almost 3.5% from wednesday. the large decline came after the u.s. federal reserve released a krim economic outlook due to concerns over european fiscal woes. stock prices plunged on european markets. european nations are expected to clarify their stance on helping greece rehabilitate its economy. g-20 will report on the recent agreement to provide additional financial aid to greece. however, the united states and emerging countries may call on european nations to take additional steps. some experts say europe's response has come too late and contributed to the turmoil in the financial markets. prime minister yoesh ee nad oh told them they would raise the safety of nuclear power plants to the highest in the word. he was speaking before a united nations meeting on nuclear safety thursday in new york. he expressed gratitude for the support received from around the world, following the march 11th earthquake and tsunami. noda then addressed the accident at the fukushima daiichi plant that was triggered by the disaster. >> translator: there has been steady progress to bring it under control. the latest amount of radioactive substance is one four millionth the figure at the beginning of the accident. we are trying to achieve cold shut down of reactors by end of the year, earlier than scheduled. >> noda acknowledged that japan was not sufficiently prepared for a serious accident resulting in damage to a reactor core. he said the government will examine the cause of the accident from a neutral and objective standpoint and release its findings to the international community. noda said the government plans to set up a new nuclear safety agency april next year and to tighten relevant regulations. he also said japan will support other countries' efforts to improve nuclear safety. japan will work hard to develop and usury newborn energy sources and present mid and long term strategies mid to next summer. record torrential rain is falling across inland china leaving 90 dead and more than 20 missing. the recent downpours began in early september. the heaviest raving in 60 years has been centered on the inland provinces of shash ian hue nan creating massive flooding and numerous mud slides. saturday, a mud slide buried a factory and office building, killing 27 people. a river rose and flooded its banks leaving houses submerged and farmland inundated. weather officials say torrential rain is expected to gradually ease, but the resulting cool weather and lack of sunshine now threaten the autumn harvest. chinese prime minister wen jiabao government officials are speaking out about what they're calling a mistake by the united states. they strongly oppose a u.s. decision to help taiwan upgrade its aging fleet of f-16 fighter jets. the warning the deal could damage china/u.s. cooperation. u.s. assistant secretary of state announced wednesday they wouldn't sell the new model f-16s to taiwan. that's what china wanted. they are now going to sell radar systems, missiles and other equipment. hardware will help the taiwanese upgrade their fleet of 145 fighters. china is against any armed sales to taiwan. it considers that interference in its internal affairs. >> translator: the united states made a mistake. it is inevitable that the decision will damage military and security cooperation between china and the united states. >> foreign ministry spokesperson also hinted at the suspension of china/u.s. military exchanges. china did that last year against an american decision to send arms to taiwan. talks chilled until january this year. there are fears this latest will damage u.s., china relations again. sumo, day 12 of the autumn tournament from tokyo. an interesting. action time. he has two losses. he meets him for the first time, needs to thrust will to win. wakakoyu does what he does best. his feet moves forward. he takes him over the edge. two losses still. it is unusual to have two rank and filers in the usual race. defollow up since his win yesterday? he needs a strong pushing attack to keep up momentum. they clash. he pushes and back and out. he almost lost yesterday, remains sole leader. kiss no sat oh attacks from the left. he keeps up the pressure. strong-arm left throw. now after all of that happened, let's go to day 12. the leader board. hakuho leads by one but with a loss now. gaga march u had two losses. day 13 promises so much. i can guarantee the leader board will look different after tomorrow's action. tune in to check it outgagamar outgagamaru now let's look at the extended weather forecast for selected cities around the world gagamaru outgagamaru now let's look at the extended weather forecast for selected cities around the world gagamaru now let's look at t extended weather forecast for selected cities around the world gagamaru . now let's look at the extended weather forecast for selected cities around the world gagamaru that's all for this edition of "newsline." i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. thanks for joining us. a new day begins in kyoto. a city more than 1,000 years old. behind this narrow door that you might easily overlook, she lives. you open a lattice door and find a narrow but long pathway that stretches before you. you enter and the outside hustle and bustle fades away with each step you take. she's the advice grand master of the kuwahara school of flower arrangement which was established in kyoto more than 300 years ago. sprinkling water is a morning routine. it is an old japanese custom for lowering the temperature and keeping the dust down.these make visitors feel cooler on a hot day. it is a gesture of hospitality. at the end of the narrow pathway, stands a traditional kyoto house. she begins her day by cleansing the place where she'll arrange flowers until no spec of dust remains. the first flower arrangement she does is for the entrance. she has selected china bell flowers. and hi drainingers. they give a feeling of coolness. flower arrangement is supposed to reflect the way flowers grow naturally in fields and mountains. but arranging them as they are will not bring out their natural beauty. tipping the leaves and changing the shapes. she draws out the nuances inherent in plants and flowers. just like people, no two flowers look the same. some stand out. some enhance others. the key is to create harmony while bringing out the best in each. ikebana is an art for those who love flowers and those who appreciate them. now the flowers are ready to greet guests at the entrance. flowers are placed in various spaces in the house. each arrangement is created with a specific spot in mind. the moment a guest finds an arrangement beautiful, the communication between the person and the flowers is made. >> translator: flowers are alive, so i want them to look beautiful. each flower has a specific direction they want to face in. so you just let them. and they settle in to form naturally. the key, i think, is to look at each flower, feel it, talk to it, and place it with care. >> ikebana is said to have originated as flowers offered to buddha. later, appreciating flowers became popular among the noble people. once an elevatedal cove in a guest room used for decoration became commonplace. people started decorating their houses with flowers. ikebana culture has developed as people have decorated with seasonal flowers. there is something she consults on occasion as someone who is born to the home of an ikebana grand master. it is a book that was written 300 years ago by the first grand master. the first grand master is said to have established the oldest form of flower arrangement. to carry on the tradition, she started learning ikebana at the age of six. >> translator: the responsibility to pass down tradition and nurture the next generation is heavy. so i just tell myself to live one day at a time with attention to detail. >> in the afternoon, she visits a flower shop to select flowers for ikebana lessons. she always slekts -- selects the flowers for the lessons herself. >> translator: hello. it's a hot day, isn't it? it sure is. >> founded in 1861, this is one of the premier flower shops in kyoto. many people love ikebana in kyoto, where the traditional way of life is still valued. that is why this shop carries various kinds of wild plants and flowers that are indigenous to japan. her family has patronized the shop more than a half century. >> translator: i think this one. pink is a soft color. would you like to combine it with a more substantial color? >> she chooses flowers based on a sense of the season and color combinations. imagining many possible arrangements, she picks flowers for her 30 students. the market known as the kitchen of kyoto. taking time off from her busy schedule, she's here to shop for tonight's dinner. fresh fish are displayed at her favorite fish store. this is a market frequented by professional cooks as well, because plenty of fresh, local ingredients are available here. 5:00 p.m. she begins preparing for the ikebana lesson with her students. before the lesson starts, she always prays to her ancestors and focuses her mind. her students begin to gather. her style of teaching is to let the students first arrange the flowers as they like, then give advice based on their finished work. this german lady has been taking lessons for five years. >> translator: it's beautiful. great job, as always. very beautiful. it has depth and height and is very natural. these buds are cute, too. >> junnosuke is her nephew. he started taking lessons three years ago. >> translator: did you finish? the lily has good momentum. shall we move the pink flower in front of the lily? it gets in the way of the lily. and it looks dull if similar color are evening arranged. let's make a nice contrast here. >> his arrangement looks flat because the pink flowers are at regular intervals. sakuraka has lowered the flowers, changed angles and moved each closer or farther away. now the arrangement has more depth and brings out the presence of the lily. >> translator: okay. that looks good. well done. >> even though they use the same flowers, each arranges them differently, reflecting their personality. she doesn't just teach technique to students, she also teaches how to place them on a spiritual level to bring out the best in each student. she only gives them minimal help. >> translator: flowers are always around us. we can feel them in our daily lives and receive the blessings of each season. that's what i would like to teach my students through ikebana. >> after the ikebana lesson, sakuraka goes about preparing dinner. she cooks every meal using seasonal ingredients, thinking of the people who will eat it. for her, cooking is not entirely unlike ikebana. the entire family gathers at the dinner table. her nephew, her father, and her husband sits at the same table. that brings a smile to her face. at night, she arranges the flowers left over from the ikebana lesson. she wants all the flowers to blossom beautifully until the very end. it begins with flowers and ends with flowers. that's sakuraka's day. i'm with nhk world tv. this week we will have a behind the scenes look at a record breaking construction project. the tokyo sky tree, nearing completion at the tallest freestanding broadcast tower on earth, tops out at 634 meters. we will find out how the team overcame tough challenges to accomplish this. next, we will check a science project that will shoot for the stars. tmt is the next generation optical sized telescope, equipped with the world's largest mirror. it may be able to see the first galaxies in the universe. we will look at the cutting edge japanese technology making this project possible. kampai, a guide to great drinks introduces japanese drinks to foreign visitors. this week, edition three. japanese wine is increasingly gaining a reputation for its taste and high quality. our reporter visits wineries and enjoys the marriage of local wine and japanese traditional

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United States , New York , Japan , Tokyo , Germany , China , Kyoto , Taiwan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Greece , Chinese , Japanese , American , Taiwanese , German , Fukushima Daiichi , Catherine Kobayashi , Wen Jiabao ,

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