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Hold their parties conventions on saturday march nineteen twenty nine has put in a plane to candidates filed documents to the Central Elections Commission. The police the nominees will that the published on a pill force the struggle for peoples sympathies is appointed to me drinking kids so the candidates have another two months to persuade new voters. So defiant and regions convention was held without media. It was adopted decision to expel from the ranks of the seventeen piece in particular that was president he could get a cottage from a feminist and cross out of them from the midst of reading and get this and he starts key the main item on to attend a bikini candidates for president from the party of regions with his cars in front of me yet. Regional stated their intention to run for elections were held up in duty but this is t t im going to help. After the presentations before the convention became the first shows in common other than cricket beach and kyle adopting. He promised to improve relations with russia and to get more connected to the regions. Here goes the last goal posts are eighteen trust me it is every chance. Oddly i spent as much as it is really necessary. It was so scared about going to attend to. Yes and no stranger to how important it is to have a policy interventions. He is having attended one of the ministry of finance and the odd that the series is houstons it but sydney ruckman to continue with it. He pointed his candidate as opposed to the head of the country to get it and sent automatically to selections onto the ball Famous Artists and was meant to happen that will continue and this election she will be represented by an activist of the madonna. She presented them during his speech to the arctic coast to promise that a decision as the president of the reinforcement of ukrainian. I mean i could into her own and this time oni can make the state to state and International Security guarantees turned out to be emptied. While these trading on the basis of the men as dc has done his character and director of the paint on and on to boil the epicenter affirmation of the new military doctrine together with them the Ukrainian Army with the most effective weapons we need to bring the top of the defence conflicts the only grow in your life the old me know what will we cope with. The president ial plans to visit dr he did in college. The teacher suggested to nominate the only candidate that most of the president of ukraine and then am off to tell percent of studies mentioned keen to be the payment according to the polls i guess i was told he cannot be a candidate that routine did they just want to crumble just wish it had chances to win. But at a discount as it is that all the center for you. Soon forget. Think you could do that. When you knew you were dead set your heart is the chosen not to bring himself to the post of the meal scheme. The press interested in this action of giving up president ial ambitions to suit his style of the snow pundits come get them to travel to provide that i think we need to popularize principle that teach others to get a night speech. Its not that gaza would i suggest the extended to them with linux running on the tip of the book. You see it yet. The boatman ethical than the addictive drugs abroad. Leadoff double claims unions when the numbing agent placed in the box to the president then theres always that anti nationalism was supported by eleven percent more likely to raise the spot especially now the popularity of nation elisa as acknowledging this paradigm is going on in ukraine and you do well. So we think we have ready to hiking at the effect was most probably supplied with arms that stance and studies. Was it was a book you will come in the Islamic Movement of the upcoming medal podium with the mower this cd. So no one has cut the guy a gentleman and professed ukraine. The shepherds and sentenced to life the situation in ukraine and to interfere with the election process in ukraine and the style they like to contain anti minister of Foreign Affairs and buildings that muscular tries to create an opinion that the way the Russian Federation is able to bring ukraine to order. Russia is trying to rule them. You is this going to run for months that said that supreme some of the and then looked to implement it in ukraine. Dead to his charms to postpone the elections that the Eu Parliament in the three groups on the streets. There is a chi o small pony and a nice and the ukraine but also in central a crane and russia is trying to use all his arguments tool to justify their plans to cross ukraine it even if it into an intervention but also look to you is this the arguments school. When sir western partners that its only rock show. With that said that it can stop the execution ukraine so drastic as the rights to be. Prior to the new crane so we are not going to buy his governments russian documents and the only one but two of the world. We want to look good. Promises. And a deep reforms boring and the keeper the movie dates open access which is the most important things in this moment. Im thinking so. Its the pupil front of her lonely. Brought to the oven. Again it should mean these signals from russia and local media that we share with this. Brussels clovers and purpose that the russian said. Trying to do do do de do the destabilize situation in eastern and southern regions of ukraine. Its kind of proves that such a plan exists. Though there is no ground for our stay was trying to say that the minister will rule. There is no more i want to rush him to send troops to ukraine. To protect russian speaking minority. They demean him say well if that is on its threat to russian language in ukraine. I wish i dont believe it is. You can discuss these. In the framework called to a consultation so on with negotiations. To me in the frame of her permanent regression. Less than a dozen minister of Economic Development and trained on ukraine on his break in and the spring and crises media center gave comments on the developments in the economic sector is taking contemporary in the late earl cancellation of duty for ukraine is an extremly important event. It means opening of ukrainian markets according to him the key task for the next months is a derangement of the states Financial System and a key factor for economic dose is to be lazy nation is the text onto a seat. Ames and facilitation of run business in ukraine. He also commented on the decisions of the parliament calling them the surgical keys necessary to cure the state and claiming the ofsted is painful steps a pair out of rehabilitation will come ukraine has its own disease its all biomass that drove the disease. Its all that whether in fact and also the disease. Its all wrong so overgrown. The disease and i defined it as the deficit the beach and soaking in the tendency is already crawling. Double chronic deficit. The kitchen oh well. Chronic because its basically over the four are formal and continues until sunday the bill because its fiscal deficit and trade balance deficit. Addiction because we used to live with us for quite some time anything that this is almost like an actual course of the few runs. I know the old one bc. Is the result of this addiction what we do not seem that something would be no live there. The tragic state of calm. The financing ukraine is the is the pinnacle that found that the policy. It was silly enough to go to the north side disease is our recipe. I am left without him. While the soldiers and officers together with their families and of ourselves and internal forces munich times. Ukranian on the kings counsel for sis didnt even break this where we train me up. According to the ministry of defence is less than one sounds of all people to be withdrawn from the occupied territory families are placed in Health Resorts and wait for president sign and social Protection Services provide any and all necessary help in colonial legal on. This weekend three couples decided to get married as soon as possible before development of the situation in the country. What if i have called it continues to own defence of ukraine commented on the Current Situation in ukraine on behalf of his ministry was all of the Ukrainian Forces from train yet is the most common discourse and the moment among other topics mentioned was and to train in on the Ukrainian Army military units an annexation sanctions on that Russian Military service road to week. Natural cycles the lead for training while they bring and his tone defense consider such actions a provocation and a part of the russian intelligence the parish. Still the question about success of the russian Intelligence Section is based upon a measure that ukraines that takes effect of quantum users and keeps everything under control. We rely on the corporation was a Ukrainian Security service who is in charge of going to intelligence. We have our own a structure called the Commuter Service on one for a swim. Its going to go until noon to police. But this is sad which we dont deserve. A significant pool all day just the russians inside. The meal. We are suspects in the snow and we do more with compositions and recuperation was going to villages we deal with that as far as the russians know when. Use it and it does suggest that all moves the chewy. We do some cleaning some. Its worth far more so and as i said ones like garments for creamier we intentionally accepted political risk. As you remember the color. He was criticized for most doing it aggressive actions. But the tools to extend detention intentionally just do the russians grenier and to tell all. All were a major force to deploy. Nice and soft. And they would consider that we achieved. Oh mean you know cool. We dont have a cool quiz aggression. With these. Russians are still holds the right to leave creamier. Oh are we. We knew for sure that they have a plan to. We did mean. On the mainland. I continued to old folks to bring onboard hours. The southern meal interiors are fifty kilometers far from the state board of ten thousand of them are very close. This information was published on the finger page of the founder of information on Resistance Movement in the front and two. Today the crane was in the mean old discussion of president s of russia and our pressure and the yes when you put in cold barak obama to hear and other concerns about the escalation of Russian Troops a cheap ring and borders. Besides presenting different versions of this conversation the kremlin insists its a lighthouse to go into the center of moscow to stand the light of the situation in which income say same demanded withdrawal of Russian Troops from crane yet and guarantees that rush at once and made the east of ukraine. This time soon and ukrainian consequent increase in call that happened just hours after the us president called to discuss the most often because what is it mean for the first time as well president s discussed the document itself the cta she cranked up by the american type lot of details on the east coast the us has also offered their own vision of crisis atonement. The clinic was sent not only can it interesting European Countries but also to china and the bricks countries meanwhile the un secretary general ban ki moon after the Close Knit Team of Security Council on friday said that putin promised him not to think i need to chat to ukraine. The secretary general calls for restraint and caution and it is in compliance with the conditions of that with this memorandum. This one spot in cars and well try in the region at the moment and adoration of the budapest memorandum may prompt other countries of the quilt which want to cry Nuclear Weapons not to give up their ambitions. She doesnt mind is just a laptop and the tv into the law says that his country has no plans to cut maintenance and ukraine. But moscow still has the crime is to keep the institution of a crime and that the allegations. I could interrupt of the west in this but god is not as fundamental as it used to be the seventies and he speaks on behalf of the eastern regions of ukraine rather than a couple scratched up looms as the identity of the capitalization is not thought to be employed in its invitation to go and am convinced that we must insist you not because it wanted such as democrats of the seventy two regions of ukraine to forget saying that utility western capitals they thought it might come to see it at the mrs except the black and khaki article the station picking which are the mob but it became known that the us state secretary john kerry accompanied the president getting keys to the top not return home after him. Lets say seeking to not only monday hes let that in the upcoming paris. They fought contest on to this day so we can expect specific gently to coat the arrangement of the two bases which are trained to become a bargaining chip. It was last seen at times the staff at the euclid a program of it on a sense of the panel of medical first ukraine. Meanwhile an unintended days to the bus to the head of ukraine is the first winter. He was nominated by the internet article ukraine to run for president and has all are disappointed they type and beckett of deccan documents as a crane and Central Elections Commission to be registered as a candidate in the end that for me and the payment of July Mahathir and beating up as and when internet was that they see as ive told interfax ukraine im ready to be responsible for the destiny of the state if my contract ends in me this fight hunger. Only i can make this republic and empire to start by going our lessons and pride for the country stated that later. This wasnt a United Country news cast. You can watch house and that a caravan site. Kiersten dot com my name is anemone kelantan been buying. Fans. I did. Streets. What are you in the inning. It helps to reinforce reports cherry chutney. The response to stress that was deals with an h h projects. The police this is essential though. Sharing strategies which can bring cheer to come up that she was stripped of the unions economic how much we want to for expanded to other. And all deceit is that its time to decrease it and its priceless and so to have the Energy Produced as close to the client as possible. Sa on to lunch and we are and preparing and who would be doing. She looks European Energy projects on the other hand we needs. Its the second shot ice storm and it distorts its indoor areas the report adopted during reviews the european summit that was it enough that he has held that even the damage caused by forty nine after exhausted. Not only in that it is ten years theyll say well the top ten years to settle for simple may need this has taken on a long time and then proceeds to pay for my magic that happens to the uk can sometimes take nine to ten months. The bbb to speed up the payments. It can be done with rule changes that as well to having that well said having an edge on monday. The very beginning when the defense. Take the speck that is t. Its a funny look at it especially that exists at the Center Bottom of us had to kick back posco the worlds great the gospel through to fight to the funds can be used in a more transparent and flexible way the boss. A specially equipped april two thousand and ten at st Michael Young people almost exclusively bursting at the unit searched the patient actually ribs all to see what but isnt this a pre partition as the acidity is key to the eighteen thousand patients this operation such as button called ticket to the hospital several months off of the entry and i get the full treatment is received but a very big difference in taste back then. He prosecuted was it. Blessed us with a mentor and programs designed to try to help doctors nurses and office this is what is going like that registration stuff to chris had the vehicle possibly a couple times. It is Just Health Care they head to the lost legacy nobody does it get the wood you just next door to the hospital is the korean protection of what age i printed two thousand and ten jointly funded by bridget koreans americans is designed to educate students in a variety of occasions including vehicle with copics structured well to loving the metrics like to compute overpass and decrepit theres no sense to them you know it will work with other children. It was. Bill hall in order to get it over the body. The star us ait study Life Expectancy has increased from forty to sixty two. And is now three twenty we didnt go to school. Its just that held the top of the list on the entry of new work one of the spurs top of their institutions that focus on improving education and healthcare. Stochastic or a boss but some textbook which so whats the future. They seem to get things done that last for three to five years to protect against all the different strains of flu around the world including possible and it looks like this one. Beyond facts pharmaceuticals reported next to the Blacksmith Institute of science in which israel has developed just such a universal flu vaccine flu vaccines till now can target only a few strings of pirates so each year scientists must try to predict the strains that will appear in the upcoming winter season the bird that sings every year. If it could not say its the fault of the nation with me. The reason we read about the and again if it means that you cannot be devoted to the seventy s so that we address that concern in the cleaver. Totally sterile environment the technician is preparing to back seats that will soon be used in the first Clinical Trials in humans in utility costs. Ive been getting from what they can keep improving to do it. Then the participants blood samples will be brought back to the slaying of any antibodies in it tested using the bodys chemical tired from playing in front of the virus if they do. Oh i replied that he noted but will the vaccine be affected against the notorious deviant flu swine flu. Kylie was a little bit big the wind dont confront our region that we selected the cab fare better in shadow so but its quite fitting to give the fray. They hope to read the official council would you say a kind of battle. Of course the only way to know for sure is to expose the blood samples from the Clinical Trials to the actual flu virus is right here in the sling or whatever and how we do not have it the landfill but were hoping to get it and implement the study would begin we get this the field and when should it. Any response from the east. I am better than him. David looked into it. We would be fine. It was even a split them. Thats all thats left to plant some things to look. Then open it. The fed cut. The age of eighteen youre expecting he still spends one hundred and fifteen children the remote region of south east will retain. This year. Theres that you cannot miss the pot this is not in the posture for the dutch cheese to melt that the children of the crops than trying to say she is now dependent on the weekly supply of corn soy and a reach a nutritious fruit mix the sugar and oil from the local nutrition santa to feed the children this in town. This applies to me ms said. To see an influx of non irish children when they are usually happy cases. Already become a martini has launched an Agency National plan and unicef is working with others to be enforced in each response. Make sure the needed supplies are in place. The challenge remains reaching children remote and often isolated areas discussed in sparsely populated country. Next hell put the best or a bbq. People are desperate for someone to show the typical population to reach because theyre completely isolated the coverage of health and sports. This is interesting it is a region that is to promote our future security all of that makes publish a bit difficult to accept its offer the product or services that respond to their circumstances. Its always good to hear the students are investing in Agriculture Health nutrition services. It is a joint initiative by police during a season in cuba said. India and china as well as the government doesnt get what you think she owns the last three years it is successfully reach some of them i just need to come the package on route to tokyo touches down to buy coffee from africa achieved overnight thousand feet it was in france. Smart cars manufactured in europe. I spotted cruising the streets of age the ever increasing speed communication transportation and technology all neighbors in this interconnected. A world that is facing challenges from isis justice of virus can spread so panic prices from one country to the next saving the world. No ones immune on top of finance agenda is the worlds Economic Health the challenges remain. There is hope. International cooperation and partnership and the right mix of economic policies to create the opportunities that our Parent Education and investment in the future. A family of nations each contributing to the help of the hall. Also on the wet and makes the networks popular i eat cheese on it since this is just a slight chance its going to fix the puppy from a women and two. As the floodwaters rise in sea and the execution is from salvation extortion and water borne diseases. When he was nineteen and in particular has deteriorated. I got out we understand. Did he have to wake her up to sundance and washing all seeing eye out the only person to have to do it soon becomes difficult to actually doing it. Its approaching the chance to look into who denies he deepened the kiss too good to get into the doping when its typically the non pc nineteen and the importance of communication in Government Support it can scan ptt sensations of being conducted the key to the masses to study teaching them to sanitation. Vaccinations anthony and coarsely to get pregnant women and child protection. Conducting Health Surveillance and Early Detection of Infectious Diseases and happened to tune in to practice basic hygiene an advocate for immunization many of them i know making sure that their children vaccinated or not mr poli almost thirteen pounds and eighty and two it is to have reached approximately four hundred and fourteen thousand affected living in sin. That number is a notable insufficient to meet the press she did month ahead this situation is Still Critical for many and use it as is the belief that this must be stepped up and sustained in order to reach out to the millions affected no you can watch him in the world you wherever you go macy asked for your own tablet to Access Program schedules on demand video and more. My name is pete oliver and i play well. Enjoy the us versions available to secure the marketplace today research makes the network. I am i. But the long run. Light winds. Citing the best is yet to come the chinese have you thought you would think that quite like it went aboard and provides the quantum about can we stop audible government told us that the dprk embassy and baking

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