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Does this mean that i hopped across the middle east one that is that what you think its quite sad at how stacked and twenty four debates in the meantime lets get to that over my tights is not ok like this. Life isnt easy thank you darren. These are the headlines. Louisa placed into a mass grave in tight clothes honest life and sublime is joined to look east and west to areas to collect the eight hundred or so the french priest is kidnapped in northern cameroon and claim responsibility act. From this nature operates in the area i brought obama offers a fixed every new Councils Health care plans will have more from simon marks in washington in amazement the philippines will waste a week now that ive been high and not to destroy a tie them on the secs the mass burial was held the idea. The mayor has blamed the government to widespread delays of burials by weezer policy identification of bodies will have to wait red cross volunteers and medical students down for bodies intact and on the coastal city devastated by typhoon high and almost a week after he defeated teams bodies buried in mass grave in the hills surrounding tax demand. Traditional send in your pc to the biggest kick in now. I kept the mass will be held in the coming days the hygiene reasons. Its important that burials take place as quickly as possible its not clear whether dna samples been taken. But the medical team says the bodies will eventually be identified. That text of an apple houses queue up thinking for a seat on a plane heading out the once bustling port city. When detainees now right. One thing to have to sell three cents a price to pay for a penalty kick to the airport dylans. Its for a wedding mostly women and older in our house. So with the respect of the day the thing that kenyan president says hes deployed hundreds of soldiers detective and to a stole or no debt. According to the ninety nations moment ha from the innkeeper to be displaced by the time being french officials are lacking legal authorities in countering to secure the release of the french priest kidnapped in northern carrying Georgia Thompson bush received an e this then stapling fifteen men according to the local bishop in an area he knew to be dangerous. It was an open carry in the french families abducted and is hit by a car around. Be it to molly and unfortunately we can come home. There wasnt a priest was abducted on snowing. Did you know that come are in christ and ninety area be it own it the stupid ugly to you this priest was informed it is extremely dangerous flirtation. Nevertheless i want it to continue to state that all forgetful so of course all resources are going to try to educate in and of course as always to try to release him. Its easy to do kidnapping is on its National Senior finance of rojas. We had dented the French Foreign minister saying thats the most economists had been warned in advance it shouldnt be a night there it is extremely dangerous. Just thirty km from the border with nigeria. Hed been told a piece of me but he said he wanted to screaming that he felt these Cost Increases on his mission to be that of another lesson the youngest of the risks he was taking moreno is essentially that to all of minor riot in the middle of the night and lets recall that the mission and then she took him away but whether they were dogs from the book on the mobilization the Islamist Group in northeast night you we didnt really know yet. It was claimed responsibility indeed the initial suggestion least from the were present at the time the kidnapping was the man seems much more interested in money identity else the time but at the moment were pretty much in the dark about what they want is the guy to be a ransom to mom and aunt rather it passes. Now im set for saving his troubled Health Scandal barack obama has comprised affixed to a central element of that allowing americans who are using the Health Insurance coverage because at the Affordable Care act to attain it. The president says Health Insurance companies can continue to sell policies counseled on to his health panel for at least one more eta. Simon thompson joins me now from washington and simon said bomber was in fat on him and compromise. We fumbled again run out of the program he admits it. It was a stunning appearance by the american president at a stunning conception of a reflection of the enormous amount of criticism barack obama has come in for the last few days and all jobs from its traditional republican opponents but also from traditionally loyal democrats including former president bill clinton. Its been stung by the fact that last weeks three million americans to edward and fifty thousand of them in the state of colorado alive and were told that they could not keep their Health Insurance policies despite the president repeatedly having said in the playoffs that they would be able to it but was happy with this policy is that now president obama announcing a one hundred and eighty degree shift in position he will allow those policies to be reinstated for at least twelve months and publicly apologizing to his fellow democrats for many of them he said he recognizes that he is made every election battles next gl on capitol hill more complicated. The reasoning and then was this is the short side effects. Very interesting question are we done the opposite to it nancy pelosi the Democratic Party the dow up in the house of representatives was off that every question and says that the moment she doesnt know if this is going to be a legislative fix and therefore something that can continue over the long term or an administrative fix this is all grist to the middle the republicans who of course of said for months that president obama is Health Care Reforms should have been repealed the government should not be in the business of this kind of legislative in debt but its been a very un comfortable few days the president obama and they are all more accurate. Thank you very much. Simon simon monster forcing from washington. Now get this herald a major shift in egypts Foreign Policy Russias Foreign Ministry said in a non profits in cairo was content the highest level visit to egypt by a russian delegation he is the tool supposedly including possible on sales that can be read as much as team billion dollars. They sat few weeks up to no time at night the u s cox defense aid to egypt our correspondent catherine state the house. Its sweet we see a light rain check iran said they took it back syriac a baby. Chinese that we address each. Its politics it was against any current events. Maybe its time to look at. With this potential deal between the two countries. Last week he added. Its a bit written by non around to it two million us dollars at the she said. Cc is that today. The collaboration so its likely that potential weapons deal was needed to be now when a stunt set up. And parents four people were in court today in connection with two thousand and five said the fire at the hotel paris opera. It was the best in a series of blazes in prison buildings housing makes the pool finest twenty four people were killed eleven of them to attend to dc to half the story. Eight years after fire swept his friend down hotel just behind the opera. The trial opens in paris. For people appeared before the judge including the owners of the hotel. With devastated by what happened with berries and disappointed stretching or more pounds the opera purists hotel was part of the circuit of low when cu our teens contract advanced services to house Asylum Seekers. The owners are accused of having overcrowded the hotel and overlooks Security Standards here sunday night watchman who was drunk and high on drugs at the time that the fire is also accused of manslaughter. Along with his former girlfriend patina shes the one who started the fire on people fifty and two thousand five after argue against knox clothes onto the floor or candles were burning to second c government he traced. Need to get you killed all about what happened to about the consequences of actions because hes going to tekong be the only one responsible for destruction. Some local or it may cease and see the four defendants are indeed not the only people responsible. Social services that have inspected the hotel more fairly. Bc the incident is part of the bigger problem that cheap accommodation provided to Asylum Seekers at todays game is a wild raccoon stay with thousands of people trying to break boat backwards across the land of mondays he succeeded to skinny t e second to pass by his then record the cost is one to me and running a little full. In sixteen points the mt alexander from gemini didnt run he wants because it was a regular walking as you can see that hes stepped across sixty of rights fossils. My favorite was in london when three hundred and twenty five people to be the right course of the largest gathering of people dressed as tingling and to finish of the source assets awful look on the drugs name is khan said murali is a major acts spinning student and sixty four candidates between them the ten women cents a record for the missed huge heaps fun simultaneously. I kinda hate myself and my skin. Thats it from the new center now has time to hand a bit sien or unfolded in a corral on sale at my nic. And when a bank they listened they decide now for the false bank kept debates. Am i so needed it or wants better friends than ever this is it has been on the back than a decade snap it. Signs of revival. This is a un inquiry today to discuss them in a state corporation today an on field was some ten billion dollars lease comes just weeks after washington announced it has coffee cake and eat it because it can sense and human rights inside his price foundation. Egypt is trying to run to. At the expense of the nineteen states and what the implications for the balance of power across the middle east which is discussed in this tv im joined by william doing enough to withstand a former official at the expense of and its good to see is unlikely any of us antibiotic on set pieces in system for fans at the American Team at the apparent thinking in the beginning of the two nd set i made a run of any side in the National Security commonplace have full wine a nice added in washington. I grabbed one. In its best its an assistant director at thetlantic council. I see as well for being with us for many you to get involved in this debate you can send us your questions. Lets put some on past i see four debates before we kick off tonights discussion says given updates on the days events with pat williams in some ninety six president ial power as russias foreign and defence ministers may delay a visit to egyptian counterparts liar wants to be surprised if a mosque at the beach its foreign minister denied trying to substitute the United States as the countrys key night their relationship with russia is not releasing any other relationship. Russia is much more important than being a replacement for another nation. We are looking for tok operation which would be beneficial for both egypt and russia it was according to some egyptian media. The ministers discussed on steel sweat favor of any new eyes. He tipped to save the union lost on an ice until the nineteen seventies when climbing may constitute the us after washington helped broker a peace deal with israel. The u s a since egypts top Financial Impact the relations of fulton says the army tells you the tips best democratically elected president tonight. Last month the us frozen chunk of its domenici aid budget to eat it rumors are true to its two seats about twenty week old news to the fact that in the world today we should leave the house behind standard in the present is for users. Stick approach each nation needs to assess for itself. Nations need to decide to ally themselves with. Russias Prime Minister also said he supports the transition from any tree road to democracy in egypt thai rath mundine much and cannot stop it if i may and the sudan to the foreign minister says i do seeking to divest a fine id support its alliances or is it waiting to see if its healthy to upset at the expense of Washington Well i think this is a really interesting time for this discussion because well i think what were seeing here is the egyptians acting on three different level strategic diplomatic and domestic strategic level at d its no secret that the Egyptian Army has been looking to be a regional arms dealer and sell any sort of weapons deal that may increase the kind of Technology Transfer that would allow for such a thing to happen. Is it is just a bonus. Um the end is certainly that the weapons arms film has that kind of potential but on the diplomatic front. Weve seen at you know that this is the highest rain in the us and if your elation in a long time. Perfectly with the recent actions of the Obama Administration. And so this is kind of a jealous kristin away. With the idea of spreading with the russians to really kind of pressure to the United States to restore its relationship with the agent to the extent possible. But also displays it extremely well domestically. Hmm it be if the egyptians as certainly shared this this is in a phobia towards the americans that the city you know the ins and any kind of reaching out to other world powers shows a kind of independence of this interim government. That can only strengthen its backing. And when jordan and tyre oven coated and generous trade stands even this is just the sink that any distance and the russians or the thing this isnt about the real concrete shift in policy. I would sue you the good the food from first instance is to be too jealous so to move on the part of the egyptians its an attempt to try to get United States to its star crowd was insane um restore some of the aid and frozen. And two and two tried to get washington to move beyond some of its concerns about the immediate human rights situation and to restore the military relationship. The details of the next few days if there are any about the outlines of a possible deal. I think i will suggest whether or not there is something concrete here in egypt egypts forgets that the egyptians are prepared to put up serious money to buy russian weaponry and depending on the weaponry that will be a real signal to washington that maybe there is a bit of a shift here. But you have to take into account. Given the amount of time in nine of money. The degree of indoctrination of the egyptian officer corps in particular. And it was the technological transfers that have already occurred to egypt would be made by the end of connection that that military training of all Officers Army in the United States spent a lot to spend a lot of money and a lot of time. Training the egyptian officers in the us the facilities. So egyptian Egyptian Military is much more adept at working with United States and hence the one thats that is was one of the main selling point in making egypt one of the first major non nato allies won that category was created in the nineteen nineties so egypt is much more in terms of its military aligned to the United States and than ever before. So. It would have to take a lot i think for this to be a serious for a quantum shift towards russia in terms of its Weapons Systems. But as we have seen in saudi arabia and some other countries that have sources coming from different suppliers. Its not inconceivable that they may decide the egyptians may decide to choose two three Weapons Systems and begin to introduce russian weaponry to make clear to washington that theyre serious about the need to diversify not dependent on them ive come to feel taken advantage of this is a direct result of the nicest is causing se of that day at la mama was even more of a long time but is most certainly more sadly its short term policy in a completely agree with mr jordans the analysis of the situation. At this point its too difficult to see anything in the long term and indeed the training of the egyptian officers by the americans is a an anchor of american policy and american interests in egypt however i do say it will continue in the short term up obviously its just a move by the Egyptian Government to get americas attention however like to see another sign mention as well russia is a symbol of stability in egypt is searching for stability at this point russia has been consistent in its policy. It hasnt been popular. In the world opinion. They say in regard to sin because of syria. But for a government looking for stability with russia has proven is that it is consistent and will back its allies. The other hand america. Especially in egypt recently has been flip flopping up. It has a first aid and supported of the Egyptian Military government. Then it started supporting insurgents in a very ambiguous way van the United States the ropes we need Something Else we have gone too far. So what is its ban today course the huge action government. Its not clear at least other must be some more clarity in russia with the russians at least in the minds of certain Egyptian Government numbers and Decision Makers eyed at the end that run then use the ima since the debate for us tonight. The new nation to visit between that russia needed this one actually goes back decades and then the relationship that the breakdown on the sundance and again in the nineteen seventies. This current mood they do get the question what you think was is and what i was thinking the same thing the same to battle the soul. I just an fsc is a guide jason and then down the distance and decided that i would pay with the americans along with us he is. Now its time to eat a meal at le depend on the russian i got to go the course. Didnt know i think a commodity a day of previous two speakers that the peas more all for signaling may be due to the United States and the guys we have other options. And isnt that there are fake. Its something that might come out the free market and you dont have the money to pay for a billion or so. When i did it a new weapons from their weapons that from work or russia. So there is one possibility that they think is a hoax it is that it does not treat the other thing the other possibility is that the saudis have already promised the Egyptian Military that day we take a day a price tag to the snail and they would pay for it which i dont think we have been in a minute of it due to the needs some spare parts from the russians. Danes kerfuffle in there and it got me suddenly sped up for a day or a aging equipment to reach the studios and is being student effective. They again said the insurgents and cyanide. So there might be in a small and it just a sidenote to the American Congress or the congressman and set of doors for president obama to go beyond and in the paint some may armstrong says some names or as a chemical to transfer to do he did it so it is a warning to them. Its no good if you go to a flyer would ease pressure. Theyll we might put a full tool to a strengthening relations with russia. I dont betray their friends the way the americans do i pay the same time repairing them close to president obama at a k nine s and i mean if thats the kinda numb of the main and the ninety six has been on beginning at around one point three billion dollars in aid to eat it every single hit for the last to see if they caught up by a few hundred million at recently and that it is being described as a signal as that as a kind of leverage point and now its coming back in the neck is catchy theme they will react to this blog and i think the reaction will be inferred based on what the egyptians than to actually commit to buying from the russians again being up on certain places or even made a meaning to some of the numbers and bandied about for two Million Dollars in off of some sort of deal with the russians by god knows what that would entail my guess would be those that its its going to be some spiffy is that it proves to be true. Its gonna be a set of weapon systems that are going to be. A lot of time for the egyptians to absorb. On a train are going to have to basically re orient a part of their military backed was russia in order to spread out the scientists at washington and baghdad me that i can find out upon this and i can do on the heels of what to think how deep in the above administration will will will react to that. That meant i did not think the Obama Administration will first the full talk to the egyptians to try for school to talk them out of it and an end to reiterate that the fundamental message which is that if egypt wants to have its arms relationship resumed with washington. Its going to have to take certain basic political steps didnt quite depressed again. In fact what shell probably try to use this as a pretext to pound even harder on the military regime to get the political process. Back in order in egypt so that all the Political Tendencies and trends in the country are fully represented in. The we returned to a civilian leadership. I was so well so often it has and will do it theres another problem also a mystery show i just said that egypt may not be able to afford to buy the weapons from russia that might be true however was not free yet the following question can the United States at this point to afford to continue to aid to egypt and the egyptians are realizing that so the american budget is anything in dire straits at this point. Plus lets not forget this Time Internet where i work and what pollan what Foreign Policy in the United States afford nowadays tie and untie my mind and it is kind of price wise is that the intentions of getting something from the daily intensive increase leverage. Towards the United States. Other options. One of my getting from this tale while the second time theyve just comment on the on the actual hands id like to agree with the tv speakers up and the fact that to. Yes the egyptian economy is in such dire straits right now the question of financing is the real question. It ended. This is just another element that comes into this and that we havent spoken about so far and that is the goal. The gulf and the russians have serious tensions over whats happening in serie a right now and that syria is going to play a major part on as to whether or not this kind of deal will happen particularly given the gulf financing of the egyptian budget that the current moment. I find it really unlikely that the saudis would want to give the russians any kind of victory in the region particularly given this confrontational stance on the rollers the appellants of the masses will Say Something to the saudis the mistake that an amendment that to my question will once and for the russians well the russians certainly have their own tensions with the United States. They know how close the u s siege egypt relationship has been and there more than happy to poke at that to try and get the United States to Pay Attention to them and say hey listen we are still relevant and we can be a problem that we can be a thorn in your side in this region. Or it could be a signal by russia to say that they could be brokers also and maybe arrange something in syria that russia can count as an intermediary as well. I love the spectacle of a practical reason for wanting to do this is why im singing about the bed then there are any maple place in the mediterranean and toughest have to say about overseas now in trouble that there are reports of the thinking of anyone any good. We now give everyone a free not to say. Although the word for me to imagine that egypt is going to want a political step of food we are getting b if the russians access to the naval facilities again with a they went through that before the change in the relationship with the former soviet union back in the seventies and eighties it appears that theres another element here which i dont think anybody should lose sight of and that is russia is a major supplier of weapons throughout the world. And this is potentially another deal i mean i think that we cannot exclude the Business Aspect of this too i mean its billions in potentially billions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars in hard currency earnings for russia. Which is gnosis which is no small deal. I mean either of their number places around the world. With the russians have gone in trying to sell weapons in addition to gaining some sort of political influence. So you know before market like egypt. Why not. And you know if if if if if the same time the driver blew the benefit of these of the washington all the better. That run i decided it was coming through so many days. Yes i think the russians the main aim your main goal in the small these two. The group to produce truck digi scraping that bi polar world in which not only the United States is the warranty there but got told World Leaders that is russia or months ive been doing that the states own wants and it seems that their support both the show on sunday in syria is working for disney and then there was debate over the chemical weapons if syria that gave them that being pushed forward in this respect that they can become a world leader in no doubt they are exploiting the success and trying to push it farther more on the run and get the seat of the private sector celebrate will be back but the second part of the post i have to make but after that stay with us. My tuition cos i kept the bag believers in tonights discussions with an International Headlines it may sound. Elaine has arrived in the philippines in the wake of typhoon high and officials have been forced to bury thousands of victims in mass graves. The death toll has now been revised up to four thousand four hundred and sixty. Many sublime is still in desperate need of emergency relief. And of cos i dont have as citizens not to risk than the life of another hostage taking in africa. French creek hills london based received in northern cameroon has been no claim of responsibility as yet. Its a miserable for current and planned to operate in the area and full table of a failed in court in connection with a deadly fire at the hotel paris opera in two thousand and five it was the best in a series of places including buildings when i can pull harness the house twenty four people were killed in afghanistan killed and those facing charges of involuntary muscle taking place. I miss all the hen house. Bank at the plate with disgusting mindful in relations between moscow and higher and old friends in a relationship has been on the back than a decade for me says that as a high ranking delegation visits time at the pool to play as a non still went to a Million Dollars on the table and china meet to discuss thats not really into it and a former official of the year at stake the comments on a concept assistant professor at the American Team events the parents instead of being an ra and then decide is from whining these pants in one sentence night i read when hes from vietnam to council i thank you maam its the dt will and i must enter into the south. I am undefeated how youve been making and some of the online jackson and some of the car and left for the story today i need to make up for a philosophically wickets with sus to science. It warms up once with cq the reactions that are fairly makes the people are of course focusing on this new tree aspect that you can see photos. The report says he gets in russian talks in newark in collaboration with some reactions just stopping stayed to come right that people are mad at me taking the view that we are starting to get to the stage where and it seems like a bomb since given up pieces hunted to eat it over to the russians and that other clemente says its a key insight will i possibly can say that one guy his sake and have mixed pretend to be somewhere else or you can jam and subtle that the jets have spent that night obama talking about it. Sad sad i cant someone to make someone else into all this is something that isnt the key to the south that we have been in the menu to bring him back into that kind of labels the only person in that the people are starting to talk about it and so this love triangle most of the bt have and that one person in tents in the same that you know mom sandy to see dr coleman hes going to solving the crisis in syria which is not interested in doing for sharing the same position that if they honestly think about that. I mean however that none of us and he didnt eat it and even a position on the concrete the Syrian People who believe in egypt but in the entire middle east that there is still tremendous sympathy for russia its a cultural thing and that includes the young generation is wont and dont even remember not say of war it is an outside of the father in law when russia was really eerie presence there has been fixed and ten i love the sights of space and talking about is this is just a small snapshot here but in saying that they both russia and egypt are pitching for the diplomatic solution the review these talks to go ahead so i decided to sing we are cited feeling a bit of cumin and he wants me to what im going to get the circle of had that sees the Diplomatic Initiative when it comes to a serie a and b not to say that both the pm had been the chemical gas on the chemical weapons to some intense than they think thats correct which shows that one of their movies might be to show that they can be brokers they have supported the shah to the side showing on one hand my ally right or wrong the other hand that they have also shown that discussions and negotiations are still possible therefore which replaces them the russians as a possible broker in any deals between the United States the middle easterners and in other forces. Im thinking that in addition to the mc of the relationship that seem that. Hi there were a keen sense of Foreign Policy the Huffington Post is also drawing attention to the fact that egypt and russia are really strange is that very very cool signs that for twenty years back and then head back in their sixties tv and theyre pointing us towards the us from online at least as silly as a series of photos that you have a silly act as im in jail sentence in hiding and able to go back in sixty four instead of being on the at with the beehives that if god that ye have i add and german cosmonaut and cosmonauts a ten seat of hughes and he welcomes the heat its on of course lots of forces defeat to school. Sources tell that all senior and russian and thirty s and meeting with Senior Agency officials that it enables the forces of the celebrations that had once for tulips to the construction over the last one done and that was an important project to help him with that irrigation and an empire of koreans in chief but yet so the sentence and this is the conduct of a head start on building the dale steyn just told me that the media are abt half the schools intertwined history since december minding is all about fact it was only after last tuesday that policy shift occurs within the prison. More so that he may be due to someone who warranted that the russians sad sad thinking that isnt russian them at their senses i feed it to me towards that goal could seal so that was then that the Foreign Policy shift and came out outlet and again and then ron dennis die on that point and thats it would just been talking about the russian agent they are all kinds of course. Adt is a russian homes and to fight israel and in a new ruling and is ready will add dean thinks that and that the russians and the egyptians becoming kind of see again is making some people in it down that path no not that or move the country. And he really is there more nervous about defective did the egyptians go sophisticated american their weaponry. The rather then they would get there they are russian theyre welcome to the weaponry of the all russia can provide you with some may the aircraft and unto me sign in the science that can impair the Israeli Air Force to be the key tool for eighty in case of war as directed in case a fork but i dont think that that if anyone has read these two nervous about that first the floor because these days. They said no of course will be tween the egyptians and the and the russians these it is not likely to take place at a time. I dont want to spoil the due to be a spoiler but did not know. Their rations of supporting shiite war or on a bike who existed among the shiites say they did and on the white regime which is paid by day tsunami. They move them werent saying that they did it. Hes huge in terms of mine who are more secure about my. They tend to go towards the russian or strike a deal with the russians. This note is that a core assumptions. This means that the Senior Division two and the americans. They are. It all looks at the moment but the saudis will not permit the egyptians go too far there are a disease that proper snow we did when they wind is so good with there with directions that i have read at night and im becoming its debts. His timing that i can in it coming up again and again when dry. Chemistry one new supply of milk. This of these deaths of these up between the need for egyptian soil for the gp and four. They are paying no floor for a week for four or him for everything that a jeep deadly desperately needs the egyptians were not doing anything you may not. That really angered some things ive had ideas of what comes up again and again and the dangers of any antibodies alms and this is old and i think that puff puff piece in people timing other people to the snow the next day. Im betting has attacked in the increase isnt about us the Foreign Policy in the region in your final pieces on the outcome of a sad tone mccain is the same as the use of the classic style hits compare john kerry to the human wrecking ball of this piece in the atlantic and is saying that there are not sure if this is based on the miley cyrus on tuesday night on our blog whenever i tell you this in the end of the dollar has been a human wrecking ball and very disappointing season hes is going on say its a ticket to science. Several of ted kennedys the city and trips abroad this is the whole policy in the middle east and is in such disarray. Hes never seen anything like this before in his life. Hes sad and just got to the incredulous never flying into me and talking with a k hits eighty arabia going to use it to praising steps towards democracy. I knew saying that if america doesnt leave stand the bad guy is willing things historical fact its the way io critical based only him but its an eye than to say thank you that much of my neck. And then lay on that speak of meal plan and take. Asking about the plight of the fun of it is making about how this has attracted a lot of criticism and about us Foreign Policy i mean ironically prison obama began his presidency knee deep in the making space now its being seen by some as the centerpiece of a policy just in case you get to know that involved a motif in that sense. I think its fair i would go even further and say they think in many ways the chickens are coming home to roost for washington as far as its policy in the middle east. One of those single features of the Obama Administration has been. Its a relative the withdrawl from the region in terms of having any kind of vision strategy or framework for its policy the core issues that are important to the United States takes remain the same energy security. The security the state of israel and fighting against extremism terrorism and any other forces that might upset the stability of it but that approach has not taken into account things like the arab spring. It has not taken into account various the thing has not been able to adapt well lets put it that way too situations like this to a what were seen in syria. It has not been able to adequately respond to whats happening in egypt to be able to use its leverage to ensure that that process plays out peacefully in terms of the uprising. And the ultimate coup detat against president morrissey elected president of egypt and hence i think you know its its actually true i mean you go on to talk about iranian woman talk about saudi arabia to go and talk about the turkeys and. Other issues. But the point is the secretary kerry. In three act of going out to the region and trying to patch things together. But in my view what he has tended to demonstrate. Its less of that that that that activity is is motivated by strategy or bio coherent vision of how things ought to be. Rather it is. Its a panicked response to a region the United States bbq is out of control sincerity of that thing for egyptians its an eye on independent all moms states have sought to boston and miami. This isnt about him and they are seeking to divest five of them soak into the mountains and i also think the saudi sun sank a can in fact ink and then democracy is a as a means towards democracy would still feel now. Well actually i think that the transition to democracy has more to do far more to do domestically with the band then their International Relations. I mean of course as any countrys right to diversify their their International Relations and that thats yet to be a gift. And the fact that the egyptians art are flirting with the russians as it is not a problem and of itself. But its really be the russians are not going to be a force that will push for human rights and democracy inside egypt and russia said it themselves they dont want to get involved in an age domestic politics and who honestly who can blame them weve seen whats the outcome message that can be. But nonetheless United States plays an Important Role in pushing for these basic these kinds of basic freedoms that other countries are less willing to do less harm their their strategic interests. But in the bed i get an a dozen think of was safe i mean then that type of thing and that i could tell him that was lined with wood which contradicts was with mr and one has said is that the United States is basically supported a military coup against the uppity he a constitutionally the lack of regard and i mean a democratically elected president we dont like that president been unfortunately the rules of democracy decided that thats the one will be president so the key and this creates an image of flip flopping and would use the George W Bush has a vocabulary that is directed against the st john kerry but unfortunately thats the situation and so the egyptians themselves and many other populations in the middle east perceive the United States. What i think is mr you shine so that the very well. Even more stable and consistent in russia and saudi arabia now that the saudis are becoming i think the real arbitrators in the region may be more than the United States and they can afford to do it. Im trying to add a state from any shot at tonights pick up on this flight and the United States has been spending an awful lot of money on a different kind of an awfully long time and the way it came down to it they may have better use her influence as the will to his own and it was and i mean it is an open is an artisanal and had an innate to be on one side supporting that democratic uprising and the ousting your ally and amy and the us in pink all wrong for seats are up they fasten it you know to know in the United States seeks the licks his eyes and all things through and through me Egyptian Military dont commit mistake. They just couldnt open them. This didnt open them all in one graham own printed them out i dont know and admit their expression but that none of the token gay. Im not joking and a deep romantic meal for imported see that tolkien growth. What do we do next and they have then it proves to be in the new significant it yesterday the day a egyptian day. Foreign minister become a beacon to all the emergency that this situation an agent and they made it so appropriate timetable for re day for a new election. Their first a for a new constitution. Then in december and then they would be and new election for president there by mid next year which means they see this being due to the american pressure. He is working in egypt because dominik every hes looking to the military. Or to the security establishment in the United States i would not go beyond that bad theres been a lot going on between the United States and egypt so dont miss this then build on this server is the reason of going on between the United States and engaging. I havent seen a quaint ideas in the United States still i decided that on an infant but that will put on any tips. I think the unisys excise lot of influence in particular sectors. Ill agree whether as a calling that they are definitely the military military relationship is really the cornerstone of the United States in a relationship and its about communication that where where the United States can it be an exert that kind of influence. When you get into domestic politics big its far more messy far more complex. I dont think the United States wants to support a coup against a democratically elected president but its dealing with multiple forces right now thats kind of cornering its Foreign Policy in this area it and i absolutely agree if there is more coherent strategy Something Back to work they could work for the new us policy might be better. Situated at it to work towards that goal towards democratic traditions but i did the Obama Administration has clearly gotten so frustrated so frustrated. Obama himself even sat at the Un General Assembly that he made his taking his cousins take a step back to simplify his priorities in the region. But that doesnt mean that things still arent going on behind the scenes and partly. If any other country has spoken up about human rights. About the treatment of women etc i dont know about it two remarks and one that up. Is that she didnt. Its not only the military you need to be friends with. If you want an influence in the middle east and egypt in particular theres the population. Also to take into account in right now. Its very good to have friends in the Egyptian Military that theres a population where up a whole part of it is. This frustrated because theyre muslim president has been ousted by a coup is another population and that is frustrated because were back to a military regina that the good one. In the first place in the second remark is that precisely this is why i like your agree with mr rudd wanted its not a strategy that we needed for egypt we you know. Speaking as an american. What we need is a real policy with the vision as you have said earlier tonight i just say i think theres another aspect of the switch of people may not fully understand that as the washington element. I mean as it isnt the sort of set already. I mean you have the military with a very real stake in whats going on in egypt and with the with connections decided as i alluded to earlier letter d and and and unimportant. So does the c i a to do a lot of other agencies. U s government. Egypt is that it has has been for a long time the linchpin of americas presence and power projection of politically. In the region the situation though in egypt has become so unstable and so threatening. To all these interests that i believe it is thrown into turmoil the stakeholders in washington to try to figure out what to do what i would bet that one of them one of the things that should be well should be going on now re evaluating the policy its been complicated by the iron rice bowl or whatever you wanna call it your bureaucratic sinful where people do not want to surrender their pro prerogatives and then you have the added domestic political aspect of this. You mentioned john mccain criticizing a john kerry the congress of the United States. Especially the republican than the republicans are watching very closely. Everything the Obama Administration is doing. Finding fault with every aspect of what to its policy especially in the middle east it is involved. You have constant criticism of the response to the coup detat in egypt. You have also. The eu criticism of the iran policy at a time when the p five plus one are supposedly on the verge of some sort of an interim deal you have questioning about arab israeli Peace Process for the palestinian israeli negotiations. You have a lot of criticism of whats going on with the first to dealing with syria and lasting monday in the endzone on sea days outside president of the decadence in the phrase in us politics is that the music biz is in us Foreign Policy nor using the guise of science the release of the ruins of the pushback from the Opposition Party to what the president of United States is supposedly laying down as the policy of the us yes that is somewhat unprecedented. Because even though we saw this under George W Bush. There was serious opposition to the iraq war. It was. It was initially rather muted. And indeed it took a backseat to majority sentiment in favor it is not generally in. Dna of american politicians to question the executive in the conduct of key Foreign Policy issues but to get back to points on another set made the administration in washington has followed has this was basically drifted and not provided. The vision and leadership. And as all the eggs are set policy framework for anybody to really understand what washingtons objectives are other than short term management of one of a region that seems to be in crisis then in an amicable winding down on a us defence in this part of the wealth and if so what are they in texas honestly i dont know but i really really completely agree with William Jordan here its completely unprecedented. There was a discipline. Everyone in congress was behind the president and Foreign Policy especially in difficult times and times of instability in the for the first time. Opposition that expresses itself not only in domestic policies but dana very far or long way as you said. In Foreign Policy and that is certainly not good for the image of the United States abroad and thats. Russia does russia have many unique policy itself the remains to be seen but theyre certainly using that opportunity it sits unopened acre them. Diane this article about whats happening inside a fit them in. How much people. Theyll about the government looking around to spend ten billion dollars and sixty lb bombs im kind of an unending from one essay of interest to another. I mean did it. Molly didnt really need to deny him the taste is Foreign Investment in the economy needs some kind of economic twenty knots easing is paying out for them the riot the owners who you are going to be friendly to work three weeks. Whats really in the future in music is beyond me and they i dont want to Say Something that doesnt prevent least some basis and think that its the tale and this is the answer to the real person. I dont know what you need to know that deep as you pointed out. Hes a boost to its economy they are with outdated you can out the cell of the money or the cost of money they according to money they would simply stop these days so what babies do. A streamlined derry corner me again and then go on and by the way to the Egyptian Military means. The thing going on all Things Digital economy in the tens digit needs badly. A Daniel Taylor tories. The airwaves but there will be held to raise them if they would not be a good tool to reinstate the son of securing the soul so they have so many challenges. And i dont think that the day egyptians would be talking too much to will what happened between egypt and in the soviet era law in that game and the russians have it the island. What can they do a bad sign. My medicine with other nasties out again run. I cannot be bothered any side had i waited until a ten on the cup said adding it last night i recommend stopping the team and for what seemed a little back. Well this week that means that this is one thing hse you may be less than eight hundred units a month and troughs. This is the reality to my family noel and care. You know who was a wake up when you can all support me due to full time contracts to build a school due to its daily lives have become Tropical Storm once i get going downtown financial adversity is becoming the new. Reporters yet i hope i get home woohoo too. Ong. And. D. Sean throughout the week post on cap keeps you updated with whats new. The action the excitement was on its chilling kindly to a sportsman and on monday to friday eight fifteen pm powers and rights via ultrasound. We didnt watch any seaworld you were ever you go. It makes me ask for your own template. This Program Schedules on demand video. Though my name is pete esearch makestay. I enjoyed the network. New new new new room. Calling on rtm on capitol hill the Senate Banking committee and debating over president obama for federal prisoner share we could be watching history in the making. Republicans dont want any talents nomination that is the latest ad. And whats your number just about everyone in the last of some type of debt attached to their name. One group is working to reverse the act by not tens of millions of dollars worth of debts and in sending a letter to

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