Soon. I am honored to represent detainees radiance of the fourteen million other americans were fired through their shifty powers of undocumented irish meaning in the United States because of their status. They are on a boat returned to ireland to visit Family Friends and neighbors. Immigration Reform Initiative in the us senate and the us house of representatives is a renewed opportunity to transform the start linat ger left here m of stress. Seeking to better himself and his family. So many irishmen and women from every walk of life played a role in creating the treatment of may. Im certainly proud to be part of the great Irish American tradition. O bond between our two countries runs deep and strong and im proud to be here. In recognition and celebration. Part time slip by. Yes tommy for Immigration Reform and all of Irish American hope that the laws and life with hope who was living in the shadows to reach their potential into benhe uted ates of america the british on speaking as an irishman summed up in approach to life other people he said see things and say why. But i dream things that never were can i say why not the bad quality. It is the quality of the irish. Remarkable combination of for profit and an imagination. That is needed more than ever today farrer. I do. Been. It is six one. What she knew was with brian got some children may be a lot. The site daughter recipient breaks his silence over the whistleblower controversy all of our polity attacks opposition politicians and says his reputation was appealed by the leaking of his conversation with sergeant decay. The meeting said student left brain damaged after a rugby match since the former still ended up in hospital. Feeling welcome to six walk before work. The article potential recipient all of our connolly has made his first comments since he was sacked by the minister for justice alan shot her in a lengthy statement he strongly criticized opposition politicians who he said had been few of his own work professional competence and integrity. He also said he felt betrayed that a confidential conversation he had with god with a brawl mark mckay was recorded in the fall the cd rejected this criticism and said he should appear before the roughest toughest committee to explain his conversation with don mackay. On to become only the farm and got a confidential recipient was relieved of his jeans shes recently. It followed the emergence of a transcript of an edge conversation between him and puts up your Sergeant Morris mccabe a few weeks ago defeated the leader referred to the conversation in the cold. He said the comments were made of light on for cody to start indicate that the minister for justice would do if he pursued his allegations the god of the cause of interesting ideas but to say safe to do was go. But its still going to the. The print media. The post article what happens in court. But i did something modest. This is just press that bites you this shot of things just killing him. Youre finished the dossier containing the allegations was subsequently handed to the t shirt. Oliver conley was subsequently been due to his position and arrived he was being carried ads. Today on for curly broke his silence in a statement he criticized some members of the bolt say hed be subject to a concentration attack and guaranteed to make a political attempt to parse the minister for justice. He said the individuals had selected the expected lines from an r and verified transcript. He asked how can politicians expect to retain respect when to use parliamentary privilege to openly and intentionally funny nature of things the Constitutional Rights of individuals for political advantage. My other one could name one professional competence and integrity but couldnt see is no ordinary citizen he said have bean and pea and i broke only went on to say the local events and commenting on any confidential report or discussions he said hes satisfied that he had discharged his former staff to treat you shes he did not identify the Principal Chris and are pretty kitty referred to start jim Morris Mccain he said he does not justify the means to record their mission was a serious breach of confidence. There is also a persons sense of betrayal he said. He went on to say hes enthusiastic supporter of the mystery in his programme of reform the on the scene of a mom a sudden concern the last eighteen months. Has shown me this is the shutter to be unfit for his office we were provided with information between established was really incredible that we felt that it was in the interest that that information and be built just be investigated for but in a statement mr conley said he would continue to preserve the confidentiality of the outgoing office the teacher was asked today if he should cooperate with the revue but barrister shown here in the face looking far information that he doesnt have. And i dispose of. Duch the former confidante recipient of a convict who didnt cooperate with them and i would expect. You get to do just that respect he tells the judge gives us after weeks of controversy all ice milk on the preview by barrister sean kieran. My kids upstairs with us now with what she would return to the tribune just a moment that rests on overcoming the cult of betrayal but not at the hands of the minister who to remove ten. And in whom he expects the strong support. Totally written off a loss of her calmly over the last few weeks but we confront heard from him this the first time weve heard his side of the story so to speak and give up the cd was going to be focusing attention on the man who knew confront these issues. Alan chapter but he sees hes enthusiastic supporter of mr and his program of reform and basically hes focusing all his attention on the opposition and members of the opposition and their turkey season on him and had a half ago this now seek to follow a ten question from voting on this issue he sure loves it and stood behind starter course the cake but there seem back to simei was in the interest to do so the one about the prospect of his cooperation with its actual and gear and review on the basis of what weve heard and succumbing to depict be well disposed towards the idea of the situation is not here i think its fair to say he sees as david that he would continue to present the confidentiality of the office even if he is before we went to two so that you hurt and fear that the sheik said he can still respect the office and cooperate with the pinky ring inquiry there was when we did tried to clarify this week is eager for state and obviously his complaint it comes to his statement. But the Current System and overseas said. Lol he was referring to our protections for the identity of the priests of torque but they say that the regulations did not address the situation with a prison guard has waived a fallen tree just noticed his identity but assure mr kelly knows is he the right. I guess not care if he is not too far is going to copper incorporates a pretty interesting bits on the beach with andy goes here hes issued a statement to his head he confirmed now seek more sleep in her article in this time he shoots his country still havent heard his response to this place is no evidence the weekend. The book of evidence in Legal Proceedings against the tipperary north td Michael Lowry for allegedly finding the correct tax returns is due to be served on him on the first of april next. Services reported today that people are buying the case against the cd is ready. But as leader of the senses are seeking clarification on number of issues. Mr barry of holy cross. Carlos is charged with knowingly filing incorrect tax returns on dates and times and three and two thousand and seven miles was adjourned by consent the two semis or fences on the drive from prosecutions. The high court has approved an insurance settlement of one point four in the new rope in the case of the seven era guy who was brain damaged after a failure to diagnose a serious medical condition and her mother and the days before her bath. Will the mccandless suit to her mother christina from the needy county county told the court was told Christina Mccandless shouldve been admitted to hospital immediately after nurses raised concerns about her Blood Pressure during an anti natal visits in march of two thousand and six. She later developed a serious condition. Cf which resulted in her baby suffering permanent brain damage saddams lawyers for the family criticized the agency for the delay in increasing liability in the case. Meeting starts shooting was left brain damaged after he suffered a second hand injury in a rugby match. Having already been injured during training two weeks earlier. Lucas novel from a general bulls bridge and dublin has become a five million euro legal action against his former school and synthesis hospital in dublin lucas never lose that twenty two years old was injured during rugby training with St Michaels College on the osprey road in dublin in november two thousand and nine. He was taken to a indian same thing since hospital was diagnosed with a concussion before being discharged. He returned four days nature still suffering from headaches and his mothers request for a scan was refused. Seventeen days later he was called on as the sound in the last few minutes of the seconds team match against another scoop he suffered another injury this time he collapsed to the side of the page. It was later discovered that the first injury has caused chronic brain bleed and the second injury caused him to keep the heat which was life threatening. He required emergency surgery was hospitalized until party the following year and spent months in rehab. He will meet for their rehabilitation in the future. Despite mrs is unfair. High court heard his sons his leaving certificate four times in an attempt to gain entry to his chosen college course. Its like what action to settle claims his former spook failed in its duty by allowing him to play in iran be much less than three weeks after his first injury which was country to its own policy its also claims that st vincents hospital said if carried out a c t scan and has admitted that the first head injury. Both defendants have admitted liability and the cases before the high court for assessment of damages only which mr neville claims should be in the region of five million euro. The hearing continues tomorrow. The team say their artsy news of my class the second kenny has insisted that people understand the need for the tough decisions that confront us how to take. He was speaking on the coalitions cards anniversary. Eamon gilmore said the irc for the remainder of their term would be in showing the benefits of recovery on shares that the show also said that the cabinet formally commence its two helpings to james ryans plan for universal health insurance. Today marks the coalitions third birthday to you to compose a set of racing but alternate aussie side to the achievements and future priorities. The emphasis for their remaining years in office they said job creation and sound Economic Management both conscious of the continuing hardship being so first the concept of the body can often come to visit on the cutesy. You can see the benefits of thing know and recognize puppy for not putting up with recognized even as it may sound nice to have and we continue to have some time the first half of this government was about sixteen crisis. The second half is about ensuring that the recovery to a first for people. Were very conscious of the wrist and want to be dong. Dry stone unemployment growth confidence. It was to go unattended. Heres this weeks debate the governments approach for twenty fourteen the info on the at the curbs that imposes the suppression of the order of business a position to go to the general air of self satisfaction. Instead of the dalby being spent on ministers and stopping each other and about in the bathtub it says that people want to see the government get on with with that this is to have to do. Citgo been swept into cover on the promise of change and what weve seen is that goldman the wood into autopilot implemented and filled a few but well austerity try to program and what we see this not some employment protect the long term unemployment get it one of a Million People have integrated business and the governments plans for twenty fourteen we didnt know already but the teacher did confirm that todays Cabinet Meeting to visit the governments universal insurance but first to be a period of consultation process and fearful of a ploy to bide time and push the issue will be on the no connections to double or teen used as rats. Shares in bank of ireland how full and by more than nine cents in dublin tried to date. Feed trough happened after the merger the company wilbur ross and fairfax is selling some of the state in the bank group invested in the bank when its share price stood at about ten cents. The figure is not just the no thirty three cents. More than six percent of the buying shares are being offered for sale the races which homeowners are falling behind on mortgage payments appears to be snowing. New figures from the Central Bank Show the number of people in la and ten prius is on the riots at the end of december more than thirty three thousand mortgage accounts for in arrears of seven hundred and twenty days and what it represents outstanding debts of six point nine billion euro. Farmers angry about tasty fall in prices that the getty for that awful for me processors protest of the proms are told today major asset of this Committee Hearing one of the terror of that age they suspect markets are being manipulated. But the process has said that their paintball the market dictates of the moment. Yearning for peace is one of the mainstays of irish culture which in recent months farmers say what they are guessing what the animals means its no longer sustainable. What the offender was up to three on until fifteen hundred euros ahead. And that it does come piece of the end. If only because the prices for farmers for all of the country to the jakarta but the pusher in dublin today to highlight their concerns and seek ministerial intervention in the situation we need a new man and at that time has gone to an editor at large element of my tagboard because the reality here is on the evidence that the gt r i want to get mike to get on a weekly basis goals beyond twenty nine test caps with the fact is that good anymore. The judge and dumped the judge it up but it does do is we need to move on following the i think coaches to maine from our positions made their case at the loftus had to push the seat or on the coast of the sti cms am a stay at the markets continue to visit say it is to be a perception out there some sort of notification of others in the industry. Other key players in the tn. On the street to take the higher octave of upset. Allegations of market manipulation has been strongly rejected by local police to operate the countries that didnt post this t fast that are seen here today represents a puppy. They claim they pay what the market currently the case. Remember that the money markets we are serving the recent economic downturn him and its up to us. I reached a settlement that has been an economic crisis and its impacts are on there. Consumer spending decisions. Coach or encourage farmers and ecosystems to Work Together to solve the current difficulties the State Government clearly upset prices. To book reading or tv news. Safety has said that it will not be lifting the industrial action planned for friday week. Dalton Sherman Court airports but the union has decided to link each with an expert group set up to investigate the pensions disputes. Union representatives from the da and tending to snow this afternoon to discuss the issue. Workers still cant hold a four hour stoppage on the fourteenth of march dpa said its astonished by that decision the more todays news was of our reporters and correspondents a survey by the medical council has found that only fifty percent of doctors completely agree that they should report all the instances her colleague is significantly impaired are incompetent to practice medicine. Almost one in seven doctors a direct personal knowledge of the doctor who was impaired or incompetent doctors id be trusted with over ninety percent of patients saying they were well cared for. Still when its content is calling for the compliments to create a more Family Friendly goal you can swim and her feet and properly integrated into the iraq this and its making several aimed at encouraging more of them to consider a career in politics. Mandelson wants to see the introduction of the tennessee tennessee leaves and intent or quote to apply to companies appointments. New research into the workforce has found thirty percent of lesbian and gay employees said they were powerless to work with over ten percent of the gel because of discrimination according to the report by researchers at Trinity College dublin. People felt under stress which is caused by helping to conceal their Sexual Orientation of work with new employees being twice as likely not to disclose this. The show and kenny has had a private meeting with the former us president bill clinton and items to attend court and said daddys guildhall square tomorrow before traveling to belfast to mark the inauguration of the William J Clinton Leadership Institute at queens university. A weekend fire is hoping to restore the tricare has helped her grandfather become irelands first werent going champion fifty years ago. Turn the key can one that i can honestly and nineteen sixty four have been tracked down his prize winning streak to his grandson michael admits hes climbed up and towns returning it to its former tory in the foothills of the week low maintenance these fields are being farmed by the keegan family for generations. Michael keegan. This is the real stuff in thailand. This is that the lights. Before you go talk to. But this isnt any old tractor. I remember the structure here years ago i would have driven around honest with my grandfather this next song from the acc and to get by ministers from casa. Its not just any old track to the keys to belong to michaels grandfather with his opposite the four piece with a new one the former world in nineteen sixty four and there. Michaels grandfather with his own car it was the first time the marlins have ever won the war and contributions. I believe it was one of the farce. If not the first world title the network and a torrent. Dale having her tail michael wants to restore it in perfect conditions i would say. Not an easy joke that. School is still a decent home to run. So has my head bitten off more. And she is the limit is ten dollars a dozen days of work. Ever the optimist. Michael still hopes to find a pile to complete the trifecta. He wants to bring both the National Rowing championships in september from well on tv is kinda scary. This evening six when news from advocacy on the Team Concludes bye for now i mean. And. Irish are priests may not repeat what you think of as traditional five s folk music nowadays the music is traditional meaning that they did it in a consistent way for coffee on time. But it was still at school folk music. It was arts music so and b parker has his position as a k a chieftain or kings courts actually to sophisticated art music for sophisticated working on him. This carried on. This puts its heyday was maybe its the sixteenth century tempt you to all the political troubles that come from the sixteen hundreds onwards and got to uphold tradition went in to pitch to use. I started the historical parts that you are and to promote exterior star. The less well we do with the possible have the bell house caucus meeting will take place in seventeen ninety two the one to post and think that they did was how Patrick Ponting note down the music that harpers complained of by many miracles course his manuscripts survive therefore everything that we do is an organization nowadays is based on the work of one teenager won nineteen euros in seventeen ninety two i hear an island and very keen to promote the early irish park. This is the essence. Almost one thousand year history. We know that it is played for ten years and i dined in the a softer eighteen hundreds. Im very special characteristics of the park and the thing which differentiates it from european harps is that the strings on the continent and us as close as wales were made from things like ghosts or coarse hair and wales tree toppled. But in the in these islands in ireland and they hired and sometimes still cant. The string material was magical. Use a cross fire perhaps those Precious Metals like silver and maybe it goes. We have the medieval into a very robust medieval estimate with a one piece sound box so that kind of instrument where he like its a bit like a dumb can you dig at the back of your resonating chamber could not make comics that with a metal strings played for most of its history and fingernails so which uses the thumping technique and this was a plane taking pics of our president. I still have very different instruments to the content of speech that period i have a twenty five students around the country and up until the clerk what you preach. So im trying to build up a group of players who will be the next generation of teachers smooth eye. Its an enormous work and waste become. We need a phd Research Students working hard on the manuscripts and on the pants are tight the repertoire. We need people building the extent of the park society we start to support its midfield is here in our land to build on these instruments they are wound. I was. I need. I am. Use. It is he is. He was the eye is used. Is your desire. You can tell her i was minding his business was forced to offer programs and entertainment i want lots of tune. A quick answer for us. Read it. She knew this six pm. I may be worth it. And. Its a the eight. The stoppage a new line of art and to obey the cops took it back in three and tuesday the fourth of march. Well as whatever savings across the facade of this is from a bottle

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