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American stories from a private lift the contract to helping regional authorities in ukraine to press for this we took our Russian Security services a breakup neutralize the countrys most wanted to make huge operation that led to hundreds of terror suspects well of support obligations will be off the wealth of afghanistans president ial but just to be hailed a success by the west wanted to get into my skin has his own people are still pretty tricky for us today above a crackdown on anti kid activists in ukraines eastern city of qom called the scene at least seventy people detained. Clashes erupted when protesters before suburb of local government building that people keep going since sunday when we abide in that protest is to cut the stove instead of monday valley a region wide referendum will be held shortly. And as the unrest spread south of east twenty activists are being arrested in the city of mecca live up to caution the supporters of the interim government in kiev. Gen s grant fittest reports now from the net. Snowing so by league clashes between pro kiev and pro russia activities happened again today. Even in hong kong. We were able to speak to an activist from the pro russian side. Some ukrainian media have been showing all the talk talk till school in the building are saying that it was because activists who provoked the conflict. In reality. A man who introduced themselves as policemen entered the building and started attacking unarmed people there and stone grenades and rubber bullets he never showed the right keys. The remaining injured among them. He pushed the soapbox. Thats when he made molotov cocktails and through them inside trying to smoke tomorrow. Unlike them we never attempted to hurt them. We were aiming for the walls. Later the song reinforcements arriving at the building and flying here and next as being a more peaceful. Today the city hall will be the leader. The post is calling on them its a thats what they dont here is a declared it next to last us a republic not intend to kiev for someday that formed the Peoples Council who call him for a referendum before the president ial election is helping tia because we have knit the heel against. We also sold among buildings the storms up on those calling a referendum came from a bad thing is that i can have also recently being nice not to stay up in the kaleidoscope the scene of one to just lay with the pro russia activates the panel was told when overtaking judged to be cold throughout this site east of ukraine the referendum is the decrees of the dollars they should. This is great for the tear on the internet tsk. And for if as expected for some added says if the interim governments neglect of the russian speaking population that effectively set called the country a place the country apart. While there wasnt as seen in a tacit understanding that there was a constitution that there were rules that were going to be obeyed and that interested for it. All ukrainians whether russian speakers are ukrainian speakers to whoever would be respected the cashews they go together. The more it became obvious that he might die when shes dont really care for each lot is posted. It can only interpret law dont dance. Beverly hills decided to be done so well in cq rice cheney and this is a consequence in action from the very get go it was obvious that the mind john regime was fury and the russian in every respect and by extension anti russian ukrainian. So always gets this whole thing has been sorely missed when the mind on people from the very start starting with over twenty seconds. Russian agents of being behind the havoc engulfing the south east ukraine that statement be made by the us took his stake in the last few hours john kerry sees the opportunity to get out of most carries he addressed the Senates Committee on international affairs. Everything that weve seen in the last forty eight hours for the russian doctors agents operating in Eastern Ukraine it tells us that that theyve been sent there determined to create chaos. And that is absolutely unacceptable. These efforts bar. This ham and it is they are to us for presley. And quite simply what we see from rushs be legal in the legitimate effort to de stabilize a sovereign state and create a Contract Prices with paid operatives. Across the International Boundary engaged in this the initiative. Meanwhile according to the devil is contained in the arm rest all ukrainian citizens and its reports of american mass tourism ukraine terror should this be catching russias intention. The countrys Foreign Ministry quoted evidence of operatives from the private us Security Company grace to lead to beat the tories Group Formerly known as blackwater working in the eastern part of the country to help the interim authorities clamped down on dissent become account has more. They are mercenaries. Theyre extremely secretive they dont abide by any rules of military engagement so they can be deployed in places where the us has not declared war. Theyre hyper specific operations grey stone was founded by erik prince the same erik prince who founded the infamous mostly Contracting Firm that received hundreds of millions of dollars to protect u s officials in iraq but along with their job to protect u s personnel they became known for their recklessness for example in two thousand and seven a group of contractors working for blackwater shot and killed seventeen iraqi civilians and wounded twenty others in a square in five dock. The charges against the perpetrators in the last word dropped it highlighted the committee that these mercenaries were allowed to operate with because of the very bad name that blackwater has earned in the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the management of the firm decided to rebrand it to rename it the firm became leader known as the services from escaping several times actually but its Pharmacy Services that greece dont split off in twenty ten. No was interesting this tuesday at a Senate Hearing where secretary kerry was answering Foreign Policy questions several senators including on. Not surprisingly john mccain were pushing for our means ukrainians a second careless in his best to be evasive on the one but he did say the us is discussing ways to provide Security Assistance to kiev and that he would be willing to discuss details but the senators and five. Could it be that those decals main course grace jones involvement. We dont know if ryan is an idea department indicated that he met and a very secretive and its impossible to get confirmation from them as to where they are operating at least a truthful one. And the massive crackdown on the descent the scenes senior figures in Eastern Ukraine thrown into jail alongside people reading in the streets in against the separatists leave alexandre hundred total was put behind bars he claims for becoming too popular with those you want to break free from ukraine. His arrest came off the powerful godolphin was chosen as governor of the members of the and the city of donetsk was also jailed. The rest. The team crown installed and the local Security Service to demand his release. Got to spend to go bills wife about what happened. Its an easy task march twenty ten thousand people took to the street and chills my husband. He has voiced concerns that should be going on inside them for a long time. People with him just trying to hold constructed on the guest artist with the garden everest was not unexpected it has received threats own family. We tried to bribe him that shes not that kind of man. Monday morning when our seats three with destiny on stage. Naturally the den next step was to get treated the popular leader. But the very same team. People stood up and surrounded the Security Service of ukraine. Local buses and imports but unfortunately he couldnt prevent what i would call an abduction Authorities Say they need to maintain order against what they call a Russian Court to dismantling ukraine. Mr jones new clubs and community does in kiev but now showing their true colors alas while the west which is quoting from the sidelines the evening. Its a totally get into the unity government to force. No doubt putting be imprisoned for protesting any country in the right to protest the status of the leading ecu cranky and yet it being dealt with by preventing put into prison so i think the devil the committee when it last week until recently the western media to good will be granted they have supported by undemocratic to the ukraine. Now the right people to by the end of repressing its a great themselves to get me in oakland a nation we were able to relax. I think you can see hes been able to see meanwhile todays session of the Ukrainian Parliament is once again proving the power of firm fists. The words youre standing there arent many if i get chills wanted to defend their rights. They are resting and doing everything to frank. Youre cracking down on any form of dissent. Get out of. The get the out. This is what happens and will make it for me crazy steep that to show up in the rather often having to go to school. It is permissible to go to bed soon. The colors pumpkin. Seems hes accusations that the interim government is causing chaos in the country to form on their feet. Meanwhile russias foreign minister says most it is ready for the record stood at the school calls all the kings son to come home so what did you put the sleeves are still blue its not just government told ukrainian people that need to be spoken to and leaders of Political Parties in the country that represent all the major groups in Ukrainian Society need to be involved. He has to be inclusive constitutional reforms allowing the interests of all people in ukraine to represent it of course wikipedia place watch all the vitamins in and around the country pitting defections rhetoric continuing to emanate from washington. The breaking of the figures that showed that we already had serious consequences but one in st and the concrete jungle of new york. Russias federal Security Service as the subversive activities of International Terrorists took a lot of happiness neutralized. Despite early reports he had been killed so cool. One of the above the knees hands in two thousand and four he led one of the deadliest terror attacks on russian soil the vessel and school siege be the more than three hundred people dead. The boss majority them children sources said two born in two thousand and nine only betrayed that reason he does like most good result in twenty six being killed the model was also the suspected last minute behind the double Suicide Attack of the mosque and the tribals back in two thousand and ten which sold thirty nine that makes it his group a response of a deceitful bombing one of the capitals main airport which thirty six people died despite repeated claims he had been killed in one of the most again. Well some are calling on his followers to disrupt the interim and takes in sochi. The attacks took place during the games but in the run up to the event with thirty four children two girls hit the city of boulder that with the volatile caucasus region. What a spike that long list of atrocities the us only recognize him as a in two thousand and Ten International relations and secured a spot marks about to explain why. The western media. Even today he was referring to joe cool markets headlines. As the rebel tamil rather than as a the reason for this is because joe kumar was seen as part of the chechen Islamic Militant group that had certain benefits for the United States and destabilizing the russian federation. He was only finally recognize as as political. That occurred during the recess when Dimitri Medvedev was president then it was seen as a gift a goodwill gesture towards the russian federation. Nothing to do with actually recognizes his activities finally as terrorism but it is far more about political give and take trade. Up to National Life here and was taken to the program faith conviction puzzled signs i knew. Im a stay of this virtue are reported that the figure of brush and buddhism that the current decomposition off. Us. The news a secret laboratory in the survey was able to build the worlds most sophisticated world when sean definitely doesnt get it all done anything since mission to teach creation wanted to care about humans and the us. This is why you should care. Watch only on auntie dawn tall. Science and Technology Innovations all new developments around russia the future. The total attention. You cant afford well its different the last repeat the same old job. Of course. Ex girlfriend. Stupid tear jerking poetry the job ignore it. We post on what we know this. Or to your facebook use the new. It would take several more weeks products in afghanistans president ial vote to count it and the winner can be named the western officials already hating the nation as a landmark success. We dont know why. We know that that someone is lost. Instead the exit to the already massive and deadly to our own souls in the Austin Office of the maze called for delegations are also flying with a potentially costly run off late to sign. Meanwhile the president ial candidates who sells them as strange as two minutes and links this will decrease the caliph reports from kabul the selection no was a success in terms of voter turnout was on estimated nearly sixty percent of afghans heading to the polls despite the very violent or run up to election day with each other and caring of a series of attacks aimed at disrupting the elections there wasnt an immediate indication of the kind of widespread fraud that haunted the two thousand going pose when more than a million bucks to be disqualified but still much too early to take to to make any decorations or assumptions here. Counting is still underway and it could take weeks to get his official results in order to allow for fraud and place to be investigated. We did see a shortage of talent across the country like fiji that the high turnout but also concerns that heart stopping play the role that something that still needs to be investigated. Despite the high turnout there were small part to the country that barely saw any voters that is districts in the border province with its whole body holds weight those kinds of areas can be monitored properly because of the Security Threat and that means that we still dont have a complete picture of just how the elections went across the country the other issue is the candidates know in order to win based on saturdays result alone. I think a candidate needs take more than fifty percent of the boat with a two man in the running. Its difficult to see how that will actually happen at this point a to runner runner straight week appeared to be our shop gandhi and dr Abdullah Abdullah. I should stress that this is based on preliminary an official tallies by news organizations here. I shot the money is a former World Bank Executive who has picked an extremely controversial running mate in and eating. He described as a known killer with a militia commander general joseph was accused of brutal killings in the civil war the nineteen nineties dr Abdullah Abdullah also has a running mate has been branded as the war alert the other links to a violent insurgent group. Mr karzais former foreign minister who is believed to be his favorite cake appears to be running behind again. It will take time to get the official count this is just east of the preliminary results i was what all this means is that if no one candidate has a clear majority. This paves the way for a Runoff Election likely sometime in may or early june and that means that afghanistan could go through this whole process again. Of course the big concern would be but the fighting season underway what will that olive ideal if that happens whether security loophole to get that one off test. Made telstra sells next leader is to achieve security pat with washington which present cause i never agreed on us is now winding down its combat mission but the proposed deal could lead up to fifteen thousand troops that for another decade. Cause i was reluctant to sign the dealer that be continue killing of afghan civilians by American Forces that act is seen as essential for the Afghan Ministry which means im able to come with a ton of the Afghan Military and police were responsible for security on the day of the afghan election and i think that the standard was low enough the bar had been lowered enough that the fact that there were quotes only somewhere between twenty three and eighty nine People Killed on election day was seen as a victory. There was no large scale attack by the taliban in. In kabul or in other major cities these were all small attacks primarily in in smaller villages and in the areas that have a history of much stronger taliban influence what this means in terms of the future remains very unclear. Well did not seek a way out of the crisis in ukraine washington sanctions against russian officials still very much a force of questions remain as to whether the us will take further action against moscow many analysts have warned of such moves back firing. As reported on the details its already impacting the luxury housing market. In americas most expensive Real Estate Market brush fires have headlined some of the flashy is true peace in a statement to buy expensive apartments are divided on what to do about this. And they all didnt break records fertilizer came to dimitri arrival of yet is linked to an eighty eight Million Dollars sale at fifteen central park lapsed before that a russian composer igor crew to lake held at christies manhattan pad title with his forty eight Million Dollar condominium purchased at the plaza hotel however due to occur in chile in U S Russia Relations these extravagant indulgence its nice to be a thing of the past. Presently the us half of economic sanctions and the everest but then again some officials in moscow. The move has caused something of a boomerang that again that i disagree with the industry the number of providers from falling into a multibillion dollar purchase the storm. The beer was greeted with a combined the concept looks a real baby able to take the free market cool rock and the friendliness you is this the part that says they use before they get. As the easiest to use to get bowls results before the sea broker elliott bogut says two of his safari russian speaking clients recently delete sales expressing cold feet about investing in the us the wonderfulness that is in the limbo of babylon this is what it is anywhere between six and im really sad this is essentially our pictorial stain or recently experienced a similar situation. The clients of russian legislator his budget between twenty five and fifty two Million Dollars this visit was to open mid march the council that the days before saying that the this is the time the war and politics right now were kind of go along party lines who could tell it to anything with us the certainty among russian buyers comes as new luxury developments along fifty seventh street are being constructed with the global reach in mind that it is for a while this will work for a walk. It is shocking report what a difference. He has those people were so awful for a walk the us. Schedules for the broken bones. Ive been sitting in the temple towers and fifteen Michael Cullen seventeen. So thats my horns segment of the markets. America is a luxury Real Estate Markets may be just one of Many Industries already suffering from the effects of us sanctions. Rena i r t new york the dp spirit origin of the piano in siberia is the final resting place of the figurehead of russian buddhism come and gone. His forty shows few signs of decomposing remains of three Staff Meetings on discretion in its bid to buy was a win to see him for their own lines i did. I do. This is what he does. Not just as complex and russia. Its also the resting place of the body of a spiritual teacher joshua tp enough. Nokia may have cost away and the hundred years ago. His father was the piece in the night in a state of putting them on. Do these people sleeping in terms of what is philosophy he created what we call a pure light within. As you achieve liberation. You can preserve or fragment of your conscious mind somewhere inside your brain. You can do that to keep the body function. In nineteen twenty seven. Does he go into detail on getting his due date is to announce his plans for what happened to his dad. Yet of the seventy five years old think of it the very position he died in sixteen thirty until eight am. Some thirty years later his father was it didnt seem too windy cops had to find dk. In two thousand and two. Yes one one sixteen for a second time with little sign of decomposing. Is that possible since then thousands have been trying to understand the mysteries surrounding the body of humble but not mine to get out. Depending on who you ask. The scientists will tell you that it is the mystery of an unexplained phenomena. At the temple its all about faith. One second is possible or hell come when you listen to him exactly how obama has managed to tie remains unclear theres no apparent exchange or any team in this case except to sudden changes in twenty ten picture of sweat on his forehead. I know some people come to worship. There was some who suggest that the fund the campaign involves using special souls politician mighty fine to me nokia conclusion assigned to the ttc has risen. And if it has never won a what the name. Stale. Dont be something if you see yourself with a gauze and came to mean temple. It wasnt quite sure what i see. The aussie coming a team of cameras out of sight. So it does come out of the temple with a home when the mind is that. The cdc be displayed in and when you get inside. Maybe its just a peaceful beautiful temple like any other. But he is in sight to doubling his class and the heel at fifteen and in eighteenth position in state and play. Ari july. In his eyes. This time. I dont know what you make of this max. All science and whichever one you choose im still humming them will be fine with it. Some of st outside the temple of ramadan use an ideal siberia boxes when hes with eighteen inches cut off about not having time on the ready to take on the walls money makers. Thanks guys at wages is will run up to the spring the eye. Ew. You can. Low. It is. Little. It is. To that did. I peered years and three new and restored order in the series seventeen ninety and are watching and h c. The room. I was. Still going to lie or deeds as the winter when i very telling. Now wait for mom her journey is coming up for the next thirty minutes deepening tensions in Eastern Ukraine as Government Troops to retake the buildings from robust and protesters. Note the massive surveillance europes top Court Strikes down a directive on restoring peoples private phone and internet data. This story is breaking down as he describes the woman at the shot and killed his

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