The rendition of a. Yet the stain on the twenty first find him in washington d c and m lopez and you were watching rte one political and tribal elders are meeting in kabul afghanistan this week to discuss the future of us troops in the country. He is known as lay eggs are about one inch to one thousand tribal elders will vote on whether or not to get the u s troops in unity in afghanistan beyond twenty fourteen. Such an agreement the us has threatened to pull all troops out of country and led afghan troops take on the taliban on their own dhoni karzai and us secretary of state john kerry have already reached a Draft Agreement to buy immunity for us troops were at least another decade. Our travel elders have a dab hand at modifying the dl. After their boat will go into afghanistan that parliament then back to resign for his signature. But the surprising turn queensland ounce today that he plans to de fer signing this bill on in physics as intolerant successor is chosen after the april elections. Earlier i was joined by scott courtneys a contributing editor at harpers magazine. I first asked him how important is this decision coming out of lantern that and was likely pass. Oh well i might think this is the key issue for a way of the winter day is on of the most prestigious most powerful institution. In afghanistan that the Supreme Council were the older stars um and it has tremendous credibility of our heads because it tasted too large and unwieldy body its very difficult to say going into it. Hows your day is going to deal with these issues and id say the absolute up difficult issue here isnt whether the u s troops will seek nor i knew that a knob to book us a clear previously without immunity from criminal prosecution in afghanistan we will not. We couldnt spot on in there that breakfast was. This was the big issue. At the time of the final quarter up from iraq. The us to propose people arent up to two hundred that. A very substantial more that that are in the american soldiers activity in iraq would not agree to it to this Community Requested on that basis the us that departed hardly completely. So whats the new nanny are we talking about here what exactly will it protect u s troops from oh well it is its a bit bigger than us trips to start with the it support of the of the civilian contractors to go with the nipper to do it the security contractors and id say his traditional of that when in the military forces stationed abroad that the military itself exercise discipline over its troops up and that the Draft Agreement provides that. Um it wasnt right for exclusive jurisdiction and of course the agreements us is reached with many other nations japan and germany korea friends that are not exclusive to pay to park her car her jurisdiction. This is less favorable to afghanistan the us is to reach with other allied probably even more sense to the issue is the treatment of contractors of the disagreements as the contractors remain subject to. Afghanistan will the solstice as that of the Afghan Police forces are not permitted to rest or to hold him up. Very interesting now president Karzai Administration announced today that they wanted to lay down any agreement until his successor was elected in april. What the last in line to wait since they have such strict deadlines are and also another question is is karzai just trying to get more concessions from the west but this proposed delay. Well the bill that would report that the admitted he made a strong point earlier about todays game of the state he wanted to see a written letter of apology from the United States for up to have caused our party of American Forces in afghanistan. And this does do a what is that very very hot issue within the country. And thats nitrates that big dark to sew all around the country on and secret detention arrangements of the stuff of what the us much of which is deducted party but the chase or via the special. Special forces unit. Um there in afghanistan amid the threat to the top of two point four three or four years now hes continued to press it. Id say to you today you know whether his side to their successor is a lesson to be issued and whether its approved for the winter to add that by the parlor. Mary at a very interesting indeed now the main reason the afghans want american troops the second round is to continue to train their afghan troops so they can protect themselves against the columbine while on the other hand karzais government has been reaching out to the salon for tots. So when signing the agreement me tops of the taliban more difficult than the end i dont think that the degree that this chilly weather the night they beat the weather there isnt the end of the day. A reconciliation with that are part of the Afghan Government is still going to be the training facility. I think what were saying that with any of it is a subset of us are revealed military operations. On the ground in afghanistan and then finally can you talk a bit more on those nitrates that youre just thinking about what kind of agreement could be resolved that here in the santa sleigh. Well i think theres been strong resentment about it. In fact i did expect this to be an issue that raised and discussed openly in the winter to. It destroyed the Wilderness Committee of the regions have been completely outraged by it they consider to be easy the nitrates to be a violation of some of their most fundamental traditions and i feel like id dealt with and seek approval of the way to go with our. Some good sessions United States and probably an acknowledgment that the nitrates policy was a mistaken policy. It certainly was one that was never supported her and forced the government of afghanistan that was carried out up over the opposition that the government of afghanistan and that was a violation of their sovereignty. Thank you so much more at thank you so much time playing and scott for an enchanting and interact. Harpers magazine grace be with you. To syria now worth hundreds of thousands of christians have fled the country since the beginning of the civil war that one in two thousand parishioners are believed to have been murdered in the final and is perhaps one of the hardest hit areas is the Historic Town of maleny lot. No sign villages on the unesco list of proposed World Heritage sites. It is one of the last and places for western aramaic which is the language of jesus is still spokane. An attack on numerous occasions since the war began and many are chosen to fully cover assyrian patriarch gregory la palm is urging christians to state what rt zappos player has more. Many christians in the middle east the spring has seen drinking at base the International Society for human life is at fort dont get me find something that this discrimination in the world today up at that rate it can carry down against christians know when is this what he felt pain in the middle east and north africa. If the cats i have read some poetry stand the sight of the total population is christian. They have already inflicted on the civil war that started tuesday as a cut that number continues to grow the balls to the meadow off of the best in his nasa announced in two thousand and twelve the flakes and the persecutions of christians it is great. So much so that maybe today said the milking facing be christians upset at the scene on me that the christians of iraq has been missing since the invasion in two thousand and three the key to sources the mannequin plan forcing christians to leave. In iraq for instance less than two hundred thousand christians remain we do have concerns we do hope we can state oil and syria which is the cradle of christianity. We also hope that the pope and heads of christian denominations to call for denouncing violence and adopting dialogue this year the christian town meaning that outside damascus was attacked by both teams of soldiers were killed. Many residents it is still not clear how many of them have not attained through the gates. There have been displaced. I visited the town of homes listed and sold it took me to the front line inside me that di meets the rebels carried out against a local church. He says the church unfortunately he was not like that before. Wicked is destruction and mass and to hear the explosions were coming down people praying and force people started crying out for help from us the priest was a great year and they were captured in the shop elsewhere in egypt the Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been christians for the ponies will still update. President mohamed more see more than eight hundred christian sites were attacked in some tunes such as lace to the ground when you run off to the american base and back in two thousand and three. Top of the western christian population. For that i tend to be cared for and says that christians face thousand and seven. In one hundred and fifty nine countries. This is me. As for the country was on the face of the year. The crt i love it. What else the democrats a two hundred twenty five year tradition today the funny thing about filibuster against president obama takes to fill executive and judicial position hands now those nominee is where a simple majority in order to get a point at. This is all that paved the way for Federal Reserve chair nominee jack allen to take over and a burning peak in february finance and Banking Committee approved a gallant nomination on a vote of fourteen to eight. Her nomination has now been sent to the full senate for about if confirmed enchanting island would be the first woman to ever hold the position and one of the most powerful women in the world of finance. Rt is that Carrie Ann Maree was at the capitol today and brought us the latest. Del impact he had a fourteen senators that vot for h voted against this out of twenty two members of the pen and ink in committee. One democrat voted against eric and three republicans voted for her to visit but was bipartisan. We had a and and democrats voting for and against it getting beyond the republicans have been slowing down and now the president obama takes her to bleed and the host of grievance. I just voted today to invoke the so called nuclear filibuster option allowing a simple majority in order to confirm president obama the nominee is. How would this be not the confirmation process white can take sixty votes to get a nominee through a full set and a crowd of one hundred s the three kids involved in the waves banned since nineteen Seventy Eight to date with the Nuclear Option and only takes fifteen when about to tell anyone all these activities with less about that remember democrats control fifty five boats in and its an eggs and add this is exactly why pakistan are high camp was talking about now. Most of the members of the Financing Committee were not concerned with danielle and qualifications in concert with the rovers their policies themselves the biggest one being quantitative easing the Bond Buying Program and this is why center i had told me earlier today take a lesson you get when you expect said shes going to be confirmed on the floor but they wanted to have a moment to express their disagreement with that policy. So now with the naked iraq entered into with what had been hearing last week and today it looks like danny allen is on the fast track to becoming the most powerful woman finance their sin candid carrie and it was just a little bit about some of the enchanting governments fiscal policy can use the idea that what its like to name your band burning his friend stands gracie of a pistol that she supports its huge controversial programme of quantitative easing is an unprecedented high inflationary Monetary Policy the mossad the biggest coffee out of our time eighty five billion dollars a month in bond purchase it and very controversial. Many former fed officials have come out to where part of this team is that they were sorry that they were a part of kiwi as though it looks like melon is the same old song has been for needy she supports kiwi he supports cutie so were not really expecting to be lacking in that at any time soon and so was the next step in his confirmation process well now its gonna go to the full senate for a ballot again with the new chair ops and it looks like shes on the fast track to becoming the next then chairwoman two one two of the more detail about that i somehow work and jenny on the half being the first one and all those disenchanted. Beijing the first woman to resolve the women senators and sending many were often very excited for her again to the same old songs as ive been bringing key they support the thing in policies and this is absolutely the most powerful country on the face of the art and controls Monetary Policy of the us dollar the worlds reserve currency to the power of being pregnant woman hands are larger than anyone doubts that words that we see in the comments and jen and yell and is a transparency advocate for the fad i ninety that would change the way that the fed conducts its business will we see any more information coming out of that. Now senator brand called sad that he was not going to support getting ill and he would even hold up her bow and like Ian Bell Potter that that was brought to the floor as well and i as i was warned about this and this is what she told me shes probably the snow ginny guillen. And with her policies generally he wants a pretense to just stop the process of considering people going forward. I would make any difference whether reaching legal and police being proposed for this or someone else and i think thats not the right use of the filibuster. The state of not being cut and highlighted that day knew at that and about the tv that he was trying to make it what it meant a proper present obama doesnt really care about dieting but thats what we can remember. Sen warranted she helped create and establish a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau thus if the fp be discreet and diapering the financial reform off and it has jurisdiction under the federal conservatives have very different and the other federal agency for the opening of the books would mean opening up the clp the inbox which she plays and her blogroll. When i asked eric if hes for opening up the paddocks. See when he answered the question to the real question is was for transparency in government and it seemed that a lot of our elected officials ignore these questions. Very interesting to see how loud the next phase of jen and yell and the confirmation process that plays out on to correspond and caring and boring on capitol hill. Well twenty nine year old San Francisco man who allegedly ran an underground website for selling drugs the documents and serve the citizens in new York Federal Court today for a the hearing. Russell williams old richmond finally use the name drag it with roberts to run the silk road website was denying bail or charges that carry a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in prison and is also charged with being involved in two separate assassination plots our chief correspondent on the stasi a truck and takes us to the courthouse. Twenty nine year old ross colvin accused of being the mastermind behind the silk road website run by an operator dubbed the red heifer roberts uses to purchase drugs online has been denied bail at this federal courthouse in lower manhattan. That was arrested at the Science Fiction section of the sentences go library last month and charged with drug dealing and Money Laundering computer hacking as well as murder for hire accused of trying to get rid of an informant and a witness he had allegedly been fearful of the anonymous drug mart kid website silk road was launched in twenty eleven with over billion dollars in sales and almost a million customers the fbi has seized hundreds of thousands of hit points of Virtual Currency worth tens of millions of dollars. The seat backs of the person operating the website had pocketed about eighteen Million Dollars table sometimes silk road one of the most sophisticated and expensive market places on the internet today. All but of course has pled not guilty on all the charges being made against him in his defense team says the prosecution can prove tricky as they see me as ross who is living a life into francisco in a modest way and are claiming. It then hes living in a matter of law of the head of a cartel the distinction between are also over to the head of a cartel dont have to see to remove the state to recognize that the differences are here at wednesdays hearing family and friends placed over one Million Dollars of that loss can be released on bail. His family offered up their home thousands of letters of support were sent in. However the judge decided that she will remain in jail. I was the wrong decision. My son he would have been a flight risk and youve never been and is not the danger to anyone. While the prosecution says the university of texas graduate ran an extensive criminal enterprise for the last two and a half years one of the aspects the defense plans to question is the usas involvement in this case were talking about nsa surveillance. The news in the question becomes twofold one is whether it was done properly. In other words according to statute is weve seen from the releases of opinions by the fed its about the good parts to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the government in nsa had been regularly. Out of compliance with even what their authorized to do. Then the question even one step further back is whether even if the author writes under statue of events that should cause to shop with lots of questions yet to be answered for now this case is only in its prestigious was busy checking out our team meal now for another soon to be like that substance trans fats. In turn administration has its way the artificial ingredients will be banned from eric in the process wedding is this the best way to find the growing obesity epidemic youre in the y s r d correspondent a little small gives us the skinny on trans fats. The food and Drug Administration hopes to be an anti fat now considered toxic it includes new being trans fats from a state where they are generally recognized as safe aircraft into a category where they will become the contaminants. The fda purples old lady eliminate trans fats from the American Food supply. The cheap and tasty artificial that was once seen as a harmless way to preserve food. But its proving to be a Health Hazard trans fats are strongly linked to very high risk for Heart Disease and cardiovascular health. So there is no safe thresholds for trans fats any amount is considered tonight at the World Health Organization getting rid of trans fats is expected to prevent thousands of people from going to the hospital. According to the sleeping Drug Administration the restrictions would prevent twenty thousand heart attacks and seven thousand deaths each year. Trans fats have been on the decline major fast food chains have replace them with the other hand sources. In two thousand a new york was the first city to ban them from restaurants the move faced resistance but some consumers seeing it as a sign of becoming a nanny state. I really hate having to miss them. Twice twice they should be. Obama federal or state level but even those that dont like regulations being trans fats should be banned. Basically our way yet to do this. Allow trans fats that this is not different about what you eat you want to be food jealous and brandenburg agrees. As part of transforming is like siao and body. Hes eliminated trans fats from your diet. He recalls the days when he was and still fit. So i drew. He said the affected were the things they will call the grounds there was the plumber thing adopting a lifestyle of exercise and Healthy Eating he lost more than forty pounds you can see the transformation here. And as before and after photos generally speaking you will not find friends that came from. Pov in this process things you find yourself it can never go bad. You can go bad. Not very briefly. That means getting more of your diet from these aisles and staying away from items like donuts right foods and processed. Its the relay but experts warn. Labels dont always tell the whole true even today when the use of bases is trans fat free the only means that it has less than half a gram of trans fat per serving to the serving size to just be less than half a brain and your trans fat and even when trans fats are eliminated and usually swap with saturated fats. Those facts are not healthy either. They will be for a place to some other source of solid fact that maybe not as bad at the chance that itll probably be saturated fats and may be artificially created that treated the cell while banning trans fats may not be a cure all for the nations obesity epidemic and related diseases. The fta hopes it will be a step in the right direction. In washington as wall art tea now as you kick your feet up and cozy up to watch the tv today. The warrant your tv watching and no manufacturer lg is investigating claims that scientists martini as collecting data on its customers. A uk based site see consultant wrote about the discovery and found a corporate video that boasts quote. The smart adds analyze this that users favorite programs online behavior search keywords and other information to offer a rather nasty target audience it is for example a healthy smart and can feature star sharp suits to men or only cosmetics and fragrances to win. Upon further investigation the consultant found that this Data Collection happens even if the user. Turns out setting off. So here is changing the channel on your privacy rt web producer andrew blake has been watching tv all day in preparation for the you know it probably been watching something that may allow the artsy side. Hes having the same thing as white skin and companies have been doing likeable friend stands now running. Yes in the sense that this is Sensitive Information thats being provided to someone unwittingly on like this this is its been out walking and each email you not going to type up the search queries and two million out doing Bank Information on your tv least not yet got my tv rights to these ancient doesnt have any school stuff but on the purple what was happening here was that aside this british fella ninety consultant tom discovers that when he had his own she is smart tv on even when you disable the feature that on cut and eclectic information about his viewing habits you will be disabled at the demonstration was still nonetheless being collected being transmitted back to lg and all dined on a completely un encrypted sell. Anyone who was smart enough to figure out what he was doing and was clocked at gosford today italics are not known this was deceptively do on our laptops around or personal computers but still enough that would really cause many people to be alarmed. So much monitoring are we talking about here. Ok it was actually found a couple Different Things on what to do this fella and adjacent we use the blogger to discuss this just the other day and on dt came up with a few different this one even if you disable this function which come with records information about dang near here viewing habits on disabling it does nothing apparently what was he discover why is that if he changes the channel from one station to another fuse tv records that channel changed at cessnock. Heres a guy who was now watching bbc. And that information is then sent algae and they know that i kissed a guy who cares bout the news maybe hes british hey he is perfect right. On the other stuff too. On one thing that was really spooky that on and had him worried was on the nbc tv is not mine obviously cousins garbage that these fancy tea this weekend and took a usb sticks all other sort of external devices to them so you can do all sorts of eerie stuff on your topic whatsoever said but instead it was he took the usb stick. He loaded up some bottles on to clear one i was called mission and the tv icon. It was not a pornographic movie on it was just a fake file to what he did was when he clung to the newest tv and he looked to see an act. What kind of traffic unit rapper was going out of his house he concedes that even though the disabled all these functions. She was still being fed information about not to switch channels he was surfing too. But what files were connected to his tv so now all the sudden algae things that this guys walking somethi called midget that beady eyes and i hes not its just the final escape to the back this computer so a result of questions about what these companies are clocked in at the end youll get the conversation as the United Nations countries linebacker germany and brazil have been pushing to change and expand privacy rights comparing every phenomenon with the nsa at least. So what exactly is a proposal was on the table in the winery now so im in is a lot of people are upset about what the nsa has been doing enough to stay here and obviously journey brazil are going to be a bit peeved after all they had gone to the rather high ranking leaders some subject to an essay survey on so obviously theyre gonna get a little upset so on these eu and un draft resolution to cast on right now it could be approved as early as next week. And what it would do in theory was a lid on and expand upon the International Covenant on civil and Political Rights which was of International Un treaty pass to believe the nineteen sixty six somewhere in there and it has to for provisions on that talk about what kind of on privacy rights people have well sure you still want to expand it so that your Online Privacy rights are also protected are also protected under the stupid charger on it which is great that statement seems to make sense on my privacy as we do more more things online is becoming just as sick again as it is real life of a prophecy irl in real life this was in the attack on the south from germany brazil may wanna switch things up and eat us on the surface on and on the eye. Izzy are staying at the redhead thats awesome but on Foreign Policy agreed to set something earlier today about a leaked memo that was being passed around by on U S Representatives on over at un headquarters. That was saying ok lets take these brazilian in each of the talking points and lets restructure them a little bit because sharing with him when he get away with having them do this to privacy thing but gone. You know we really liked the tentacle spying thing tat so tsa wants to rewrite it so unlawful surveillance on this band but the corn the nsa and commit to doing the steps of the books and a okay so blessed to see next week. Our duet presenter like the business for filling us in on all that and i think were going to have to do and pass a new tv for christmas or something for aiden around the corner thinking. Analysts like people all over the dropping the bomb is the bombs that is now in the middle then you see coming up with from the new sign to act on got seattle created by a College Student martin for this. It runs exactly when the air people are treating the word that cannot be named on how they said. Each marker you see is another units of the f word on a social media sites looks that if the word in particular. Now for missouris recovered the youtube dot com sign sharks america. The website are due back on flash usa and agreed to follow me on twitter name and under squirrel up as aussie right back here and a pm eastern thank you so much for watching. I knew. All that while Companies Like its friday to bed for twenty seconds and counting too bad she didnt tell killed. Again she has come to bradman to six world powers are struggling over how to put limits on the Iranian Nuclear program is set to enter im not picky at times in geneva they got caught up over whether the iranians might suspend nuclear

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