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Scientists from japan china and south kea. Working together to trace the source of tiny pollutants thats making and that they are hazardous debris. North korea will hold its first parliamentary election since two thousand and nine in march. Authorities in cognac made the announcement on wednesday a leader Kim Jong Hoon this purported birthday analysts say the regime is trying to rejuvenate the assembly and remove members linked to tims uncle who was executed. He visited he van turned thirty one years old his birthday is not designated a National Holiday on like those of his late father and grandfather singer and Television Broadcast a documentary about kims life but there are no reports of celebrations poland will go into a tree as usual. I finished my shift m my way home. Authorities ave said that paiamentary elections f march nine nearly seven hundred candidates for the Supreme Peoples Assembly will be elected. Its mostly a formality. The new assembly is expected to convene an april Kim Jong Hoon will be casting a vote for the First Time Since becoming leader at the end of two thousand and eleven. The announcement came nearly a month after his uncle charles stec s executeon charges of treason. Some south korean mart teams birthdawith prost. One hundred fifty people attended the rally in seoul. They included retired soldiers said north korean defectors they claim to ordinary citizens in the north are suffering under kims dictatorship. They demanded he give up its Nuclear Development program and choose the path of reform and openness. They smashed the north korean flag and burnt in effigy of him. Last month authorities and kill again condemned the rally by the same group as an insult to the dignity of their leader they threatened to retaliate without warning should the provocations be repeated. Professor of tony Cook University in seoul core you one has spent more than twenty years looking at north korean politics he gave us for their insights on the latest developments in the country their tongues and eight. The execution of kims uncle with the jones own cake and sing to him. Changes in the power structure and fortune seekers Kim Jong Hoon is likely to build the new leadership to stick to it by promoting others who oppose studio so the seams. On conducting a reign of terror love to put the time being to the old coaches have been executed were behind the success of the time so they dont wrestle the. News of permissible all came gave a new years speech reminding people of his late grandfather. The meals so that we get to the news his grandfather is popular with the people going. He wants to generate the same kind of popularity due to himself this guy and the hymn also spoke about building a stronger economy. Improving peoples lives their team and having the relation odds with south korea. Oh bobby gave the example of a new ski resort in its being constructed of very short time in and hes trying to use this to show how decisive hes being on the economy of convoluted and china and north korea appears to have to read close relationship thats changing. The tie is a much more conventional though its when north korea conducted its nuclear test would be in china back to un resolutions to apply sanctions on north koreas leaders showed some frustrated that that decision oh theyre also dissatisfied with the lack of progress on i learned to ignore reallhich does occasionally visit to china when their students how to climb. Right now too formal. Kim needs to consolidate his power further delaying his visit with us. This honestly. North korean authorities continue to dispatch workers to Chinese Industrial zones after the purge of council tax. China led efforts to forge economic ties with china the norths still hopes to rebuild its economy with cooperation from its powerful neighbor on the nhk crew shot this video last week in the tomb and Economic Development zone in chinas g the province. North korean women want between their dormitories and workplaces early in the morning about eleven hundred North Koreans working to form an effect re facilities. The number has almost quadrupled over two years. The women are hired on three year contracts each worker earns about two hundred eighty dollars a month. Theres green authorities reportedly take most of it. Dispatching workers to china as an important source of foreign currency. The us army will send an additional eight hundred soldiers to south korea next month. Pentagon Officials Say the move is part of the us military rebalancing four nation and the pacific. Officials say the battalion will be deployed on february first equipped with tanks and other Armored Vehicles they said theyre sending the troops from an army base in the us state of texas and will replace them in nine months with another battalion the us army has about twenty thousand soldiers stationed in south korea. The army before the new Helicopter Unit there last year for enemy surveillance. Army chief of staff gen re org year ago said the rebalancing of troops to the Asia Pacific Region is based on U S National Defense strategy laid out in two thousand and twelve. Another mechanical defect and struck the cleanup effort sent this to push him and i each a Nuclear Plant engineers have again had to abandon the sophisticated Water Filtration device electric Power Company workers have been using a machine known as the advance likud Processing System or alps to remove radioactive substances from water. But the system has been plagued with trouble tackle managers now say a crane that was moving containers of toxic water to the system has failed. Tesco says it does not know when the operations can resume. Monday no costume for you in on tuesday the thirty month and we have a stop all factions of opus dei we have and i didnt fight the course of the program it we would carry out repairs on the crane and restart the system. Some good local mall the teachers teach you to think it was next there are about one thousand tanks full of contaminated water at the plant an additional four hundred times is accumulating everyday tesco executives are they renounce their goal of the contaminating all water stored in the tanks by march two thousand and fifteen leading american artists and scholars are voicing their opposition to a plan to build a new U S Marine Base in okinawa prefecture in the southern part of japan filmmakers oliver stone and Michael Moore and linguist noam chomsky were among twenty nine prominent figures who signed the documents they say they oppose the plan to relocate the marine corps foot in my ear station within okinawa. The one authorities to return the land to the people that they oppose plans to build the new base in the same prefecture near base is located in the heavily populated area of ocala. The People Living there have been campaigning to move it off the prefecture of the japanese government has decided to move it to another location in ocala the groups statement says its just an ok now is one percent of the countrys land mass but it hosts more than seventy percent of u s military bases and facilities in japan. They say the situation runs counter to the us declaration of independence which denounces the presence of armies without legislative consent scientists in japan china and south korea are working together to better understand how a tiny but dangerous particles move around east asia. Theyre tracking pollutants known as pm two point five. The lunch they launched a joint study last year it has the ear in chinese cities worsened this year they plan to simultaneously monitor the levels and composition of the pollution in their countrys scientists inside to my japan started taking observations with the device they installed on a rooftop last year they found traces of neo damien in the year japan does not mind the rare earth metal. The scientists determined that levels of new damien inside time i went out after reading this rose in the chain. One of the Worlds Largest mines is six and a km northwest of the chinese capital. He produces rare earth metals. The composition of those metals is similar to substances found in that here in bg. Focusing on denying it to me and may help us understand in detail how the pollution crosses over to the neighboring countries scientists will conduct their research for two weeks in winter and two weeks in summer. The ongoing Anti Government protests in thailand are casting a shadow on one of the countrys biggest earners from overseas attorney that song and bangkok is fall and the story concerns are growing about thailands Economic Outlook as the renowned Political Tension seems to be affecting a vital part of the twenty years and shes saying id call this a Hotel Reservations in january. On seeing me on this night the Thai Hotels Association told nhk that bookings for the capital in the first month of twenty four team made it down by a porsche on the same moms house she and the association include says the two hundred Hotels Across bangkok. He says he says time and speak to this months of december and january have been heard by the Anti Government demonstrations that intensified in myth and that demonstrations are among the primates taking up to one immediately step down. She has a repeat itself in the house of commons and has called a snap election for february seconds. This is time to bring fine call to a standstill on january the eighteenth by occupying me into sections and preventing government offices from functioning. The move is aimed at opening the last administration. The us House Association says bookings all around the date of the shutdown on to her by almost all on twenty eighteen compounding the issue the Thai Foreign Ministry says at least fourteen countries have issued travel advisories that i am. Nine people have been killed in that im not a Indian Railway accident up to five per account on a sleeper train any wednesday. Ace in the accident killed twenty six people. Just last month the five star sydney Passenger Car around two thirty am local time in beat up on you and the off the Western State of montmartre. Railway authorities and you quickly see the face and called three of the trains sixteen caused the nine dead what trapped inside it. For others when taken to hospital with injuries. To forgo about the carriages were on fire lately and the train was going to the flames pouring out slim and elegant smokers everywhere will love and people were running from me the train was traveling from them by the capitals not on track to the north and see if the truck on some seventeen hundred kilometers away Authority Sites and attained the rank each but have yet to identify how to stop it. And yet seen a string of recent trend bias on december twenty oh eight companies tore through a passenger coach and southern on friday state twenty six people including two children was killed. As one of the welts missed an extensive railway much wax and the trillion is still the main form of known this since traveling the country in those conditions and five has been made on maintenance and kim and iraq. The United Nations Human Rights Agency says cambodia moms to investigate what the schools that disproportionate use of force again striking comment on the left as last week. On friday police in phnom penh and violent people protesting the preconditions. Several protesters were killed and many others will lose it. A spokesman for the un high commissioner for human rights said the party is fun to bring the situation in hand to deal with serious been set with that cool peel said in a statement. We had to be candid and authorities to which a father and son are investigation potential for accountability of members of Security Forces found to have used disproportionate and excessive force. An estimated five hundred thousand black assigned the leading candidate he is gone and industry said casey who put out the countrys robust Economic Performance comment wed his kingdom on the high pay and the team to no money to eat that disputes. Im actually worried that ill pretend im sure the attacks that will include call millions of soccer fans will come together in brazil in six months for the kickoff of the world cup. Crews are racing to make sure teams will have places to play and spectators places to sit were spending the next couple of days looking at how preparations are going. Aged care worlds no one would not crash the night in sao paolo has four. Mizuho longer woke up five times. The wings lost hope in parliament in nineteen fifty. It came in second. So prayers and fasts yell hoping this time around they will come out on top one of those people more posts on about but dont let come what does. It is to have a lot of books to be full of examples the world cup the opening match. Hes doing twelve. Twenty two team will be competing at win stadium. Right now. All that well beyond that youre eighty. It costs us all the wine and some colleagues from daycare behind schedule an accident last november fun outing to the race playing clubs at the buildings height came to a close. It still remains weight scale. The bridge and down and is aiming to complete because russia might need a pool. Crews will be watching hot. No mind that it will be finished on time without christian. The arena with milk in its incomplete because of the accident the m one accent. Its possible coup will be watching i write up onto the tournament begins. Or in the midst of an eye. People also concerned about anti governmstrations hundreds of asylum the bread into the street across the country last year. During the competitions top the protest against the high cost of living. And indians being spent to their host the world cup. Gareth went on for days. Government made a promise chains. Since then there have been no major demonstrations. But the bobbing holding a small scare easy. Every week calling on the governments ten mall where fear and education. The brazilian soccer mad nation. Some costs in the country the beautiful games future home. But despite the deep love for the sports. Some only about the kind of woke up with grandeur with time out to be do we find out in six months no were not awesome on it you want some palm. Now some of the work that brazilians are doing to get ready for the world cup is happening away from the stadium construction sites and its key roles. None of cruelty explains. No matter the media do they. These lovely Security Offices and some are or have gone back to school the omani conversational english he says they can be better prepared for the war i mustnt each week numerous visitors. Were studying to be able to support them. This is the sentiment are from office he did. As aliens and gravy and getting baby to stop pool. The flood of second class katie the oakleigh. Someone so called christian. This is my kid did some power or have been spreading the good skin my name. Oh well it was a good teacher and looking at the store stocks also wider variety of projects. It comes to the chanting too long indian eighty portuguese. No one to the amplitude is seen in bhp has been handed to thousands of travelers expected to start liking the full legal fees and chew as the samurai ninja guy in all its customers from gemini in the United States this week. I could sense that its mostly not. No more. And she says. Seagull monty the usual during june hols that having a round trip daily for the tournament. In peace and anti mean some are old and treating upload their feet is and will cop for next months kind of a countrys famous fixed. The ndp can get alliance of successful players the consumer the photo you have printed this works is dead. If youre born into islam will become a sort of stuff you can get everything in honey beautiful women its g and concepts. It seemed only one making the float basins of arco. It may go sit in this soccer governing body the five foot six months to get to go ahead. Prelims known to be have been the no box to do before such as top players hit fifty teens. And trying to keep the step sold one of lauras began spotting a fence. Those of the attack hits. And that growth came in and steal on soft power. Then due in part two of our series on thursday will be looking at that will look at whether missiles infrastructure is ready to accommodate the crowds of visitors the world cup will bring the job situation across the eurozone still remains tough the European Union reported that the Unemployment Rate in the common currency bloc has stayed at a record high in november. The Statistics Office said on wednesday that the jobless rate for the eurozone was twelve point one percent in november thats the highest level since the euro was introduced in nineteen eighty nine among the countries the rate for spain is staying at twenty six point seven percent. Be well portugal showed a slight improvement down zero point one percentage point to fifteen and a half percent the latest jobless rate available from greece in september was twenty seven point four percent that sept zero point one percentage point from august. Japanese Electronics Maker nissan she will reshuffle its top management the Corporate Executives explained that they will go ahead with the downsizing and restructuring of some sitters and hed aigs board of directors decided on wednesday to replace chairman she calmly with a present he lucky penny she and the current Senior Vice President cushy at the peak as she hung up will become president and chief operating officer. They will take up their posts on april first do i order from. I think its very important we should move forward and to do more to respond promptly to the markets. According to it and take measures to deal swiftly with strangers komodo became chairman in april two thousand and nine after he tought she suffered its largest ever net loss he has been pushing for Structural Reforms to rebuild its finances. Snow continues to cause havoc in many parts of the United States meteorologist roberts data is here with more robert another so skillful that is all very freezing conditions in some places the windsor combining what that does make for us just absolute roses whether must take a look at some video here first out of buffalo new york and of cycling that some white out conditions on nearly out there this is not uncommon to see snow in buffalo and actually quite common but some of the worst with this particular blizzard in nearly twenty years the airport was shut down their travel ban was in place at this time the roads are starting to be of revolting to but for some time there definitely was the of the street to see the mailman up there still delivering the mail and all bundled up in this way you want to be in temperatures like this any exposed skin for an extended period of time. Get frostbite that sent him very quickly. Now were seeing some improving conditions. Thats the good news still some lake effect snow bands are continuing to linger out in that study the case at least going to maxwell twenty four hours before this High Pressure starts at it said that really just turns off the lake effect snow machine out here and the other good news is that this is horrible weather as far as is very frigid temperatures diving down all the way to the south. They wielded the improving as high as the movies number of these rotate clockwise along the western periphery of the order to start to see this warm air filter in from the south. Temperatures will be on iran that the average and one of the rectum anywhere nice short a time the near future but a little bit more bearable out here for you. Towards the northwest as well hes got some rain showers out here. The brain to many cell phone parts briscoe me over for the Pacific Northwest you can see awesome to see wins by the week and a low coming on tour. Gossip and twenty climbers crowd is very well possible. Also down for the self i know we did talk about the frigid air off the twenty eighth of april in los angeles the summer warm twenty degrees at three or higher basically the exceptional spies warm doctors by any of the twenty three is money overnight lows of the chilean of atlanta says five thats actually a significant warm up from just twenty four hours ago now single again eastern asian stay on topic of whom still fall out here where in japan it looks like some snow shaping up here the next twenty four hours below fresh air and moving overhead bring some widespread priests of the patient with this will be doing is bringing the rain at first but then as is most oft was northeast of the cold siberian air wrapping around it everytime we see that we see a drop in centers in just enough pre submission will be lingering behind us to look for this move off for the northeast. Henry overtook a sealed areas and blue star in the pop up here by thursday evening that very well. Its going to be frozen precipitation so i have an umbrella ready to be bundled up because some of that could be the white stuff now lets tokyo to look at the sea of japan coast line. I only downpours key issue that is snow there for you and us with some heavy stuff up to twenty to forty centimeters is a very well possible by the northwest conference will be dominating for you in china some clear skies on here in beijing over for a soul sing rather frigid going into the tropics high twenties the low thirties as he was going on in europe lastly where one will pressure eatery after another and really the western portions of europe. It has just been running well. This basically describes the way and on subtle than that to be the case for the next several days. One down towards the south will take a listen here temperatures over for the role in athens. Oh and the high teens sunny skies here on if theres a vessel queue of weather. His accent forecasts. I am to noon. I mean. The time. I can. Do. I do. The us. That seems lifeless hour and a note on the in tokyo from all this year at nhk world thanks very much for joining us until next time. As. The offer the us. Each. They are check. Rule. New new new and soo we miss this interview. In two seasons. I was feeling full seasons in japan. Says. Routers. They do

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