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Airports transit zone ever since. His lawyer says now hes free to go. Translator snowden has just left airport and has headed for a safer place. Snowden says eventually he wants to move on to latin america. Some countries there have offered him permanent asylum. Snowden worked on contract as an Intelligence Analyst for the National Security agency. He told the Guardian Newspaper and other media that agents collect private internet and phone data. U. S. Authorities have defended the surveillance programs saying they prevented terrorist attacks. Spokespersons for the russian president ial office say the decision to grant snowden asylum will not affect relations with the u. S. The White House Press secretary was less clearcut. We are extremely disappointed that the russian government would take this step despite our very clear and lawful requests in public and in private to have mr. Snowden expelled to the United States to face the charges against him. Kearney said president barack obama would attend the g20 summit in st. Petersburg in september. But the president may cancel a meeting around the same time with russian president vad mir putin. Snowden released a statement on the wikileaks website. He said over the past eight weeks the Obama Administration has shown no respect for international or domestic law. But he said in the end, the law is winning. Itsys Supreme Court has upheld a jail sentence against former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for tax fraud. The ruling could throw the Ile Coalition government into crisis. Judges upheld a fouryear jail sentence against berlusconi, but thats automatically reduced to a year due to a law aimed at reducing overcrowding in prisons. The judge has ordered a lower court to review second part of a sentence, a fiveyear ban from public office. Prosecutors say that he used offshore properties to buy the broadcasting rights for u. S. Movies. They said he lied when declaring how much he paid and avoided about 9 million in taxes. Berlusconi said in a video message that the fraud he had been convicted of is completely unfounded. Berlusconi heads the second Largest Party in italys government and the ruling against him could destabilize the shaky coalition. Japanese government officials are trying to find out how much citizens care about a disputed territory. They conducted their first opinion poll about the takeshima islands in the sea of japan. The japanese claim the islands. South korea controls them. More than 70 of survey respondents said they have the territory on their minds. Officials polled nearly 2,000 peoples across the country. 95 said they knew about the takeshima islands. Those individuals then answered multiple choice questions on their knowledge. 63 chose the option that said south korea illegally controls the islands and has security guards stationed there. 61 picked the answer that said the islands are an integral part of japan both historically and under international law. 71 expressed some level of interest in the islands. 28 said theyre not interested. Cabinet secretariat Officials Say theyll try to raise awareness of the islands and japans position. South korean Officials Say the islands belong to their country, historically, geographically and under international law. Internet addiction is a growing problem for young japanese. Government officials estimate that more than half a Million High School students cant stop playing online games. A study group of the Health Ministry carried out a sixmonth survey of 100,000 children aged from 12 to 18. Students were said to be addicted if they answered yes to at least five of the eight questions. The researchers asked if they had tried but failed to spend less time online. They also wanted to know if Online Activity had spoiled friendships. The group found that over 8 were addicted. That equates to 518,000 students nationwide. The figure is four times the estimate for people aged 20 or older in a similar survey. The addiction rate for junior High School Students was 6 and was higher for High School Students at 9. 4 . The rate for male students was 6. 4 and there were more females at 9. 9 . This man from western japan has been playing online games since high school. He began getting treatment two years ago. The man says he enjoys fighting monsters and exchanging messages with other players. Translator my friends on the internet became more important to me than those in the real world. I wasnt hungry for the game but hungry for relationships. He says he only played the game for about three hours a day at first, but his addiction got steadily worse. He sometimes sat in front of his computer for ten hours. A member of the survey team warns the problem can be harmful for young people. Translator children are only beginning their lives. So its a serious problem if they become hooked on internet games that can hamper their development. He says there are very few medical institutions across japan that specialize in treating internet addiction. Translator i think the Central Government and public organizations should try to speed up the introduction of preventive measures. Higuchi also believes its important to take comprehensive steps to tackle the problem. Train drivers in argentina are in the spotlight after a deadly crash in june. Theyve been caught on video slacking off, sleeping, reading books and using mobile phones. Authorities with the ministry of interior and transport ordered video cameras installed as a new security measure. This comes after a commuter train accident occurred outside buenos aires. Three people were killed and more than 300 injured. One video shows a driver reading a book. Another shows a driver busy with a mobile phone and not looking ahead at the tracks. A driver can be seen sleeping with his hand on a steering lever. Another repeatedly went back to sleep after stopping a warning sound from a train alarm system. Translator we set up cameras a month ago. Now we clearly know how drivers are working and behaving while theyre on duty. The minister said train drivers now have to pass physical checks when they report for work each day. Their licenses must be renewed every year. Train unions oppose the camera installations. They insisted the government was trying to hold drivers responsible for the accident. Zimbabwes Opposition Leader is calling a president ial election a farce and a sham. Morgan tsvangirai said the election has been marred by violations. Hes challenging robert mug aeb who has been in power for 30 years. Mug aeb is running for his sixth time. Mugabe has held power since zimbabwe became independent from britain in 1980. His time in office has been marked by hyperinflation and other economic turmoil. In the 2008 election, mug aeb lost the first election, but van giry stepped down in widespread violence that left 200 people dead. Leaders around the world pressured mugabe to reform his administration. Their uneasy power sharing arrangement lasted five years. Now about 6. 4 Million People or half the population are registered to vote. Nhk worlds reporter spoke to some of them in the capital harare. Reporter voters join long lines outside polling stations as they prepare to cast their ballots. Some had to wait for hours. Some are hoping for stability under mr. Mugabe. And others are hoping for change. But none of them want more violence and unrest. Robert mugabe has led zimbabwe for more than 30 years. Over and over he reminds voters about his achievements confronting the west as the liberator. To some hes a hero who freed them from their colonial british rulers and led them to independence. Zimbabwe which we fought for, died for, must never be a colony again. The only man that is going to give us our future. Reporter mugabes main opponent Morgan Tsvangarai has called for better ties with the west to shore up the economy. He says mugabe has to go. Prosperity is in our hands in our lifetime. The only thing for mugabe to do is to respect the intelligence of zimbabweans. Reporter they saw prices skyrocket through years of hyperinflation. The National Debt as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product has climbed to one of the highest in the world. Still for years mugabe has been able to count on voters in farming villages. Hes redistributed land providing some to those who had none, but recently more and more of those voters have become critical of their president. Many avoid journalists out of fear of angering mugabe loyalists. But this man agreed to talk. He lives with his wife, his 3yearold daughter and his grandmother. He says zimbabwes rulers are living in luxury while the poor suffer. Theyre eating. They have bigger stomachs. They are eating money. Reporter he is desperate for change for the future of his daughter. He thinks change wont be possible as long as mugabe is in power. Im 33 years now in power doing nothing. Reporter the growing use of internet has worked against mugabe. Users have exchanged comments critical of him on social networking sites. Mugabe enforces strict censorship over the media, but hes not been able to tighten control online. I think the internet is a good source of information because it gives you balanced detail. Reporter the voting was carried out peacefully on the whole, but already tsvangirai is claiming fraud. Our conclusion is this has been a huge farce because this election has been marred by illegal violations which affect the legitimacy of its outcome. Reporter many wonder whether the peace will hold in the results are disputed. Reporting for nhk world, harare. The leaders of egypts militarybacked government have warned protesters in cairo to end their sis. Promise them a sf they give up without a fight. Members of morsis power base in the Muslim Brotherhood are not backing down. Theyre calling on supporters to gather after friday in two squares in the capital. Theyre placing sandbags and bricks on the roads to squares to block the security forces. Protesters say theyll not leave even if their lives are at risk. More than 1,000 people were killed in iraq in july. Acts of terrorism and violence amid escalating sectarian tensions have been cited as the cause. Thats the highest monthly death toll in five years. The u. N. Assistance mission for iraq says 90 of the deaths were civilians. Monday 48 people were killed in baghdad when more than ten bombings occurred within 90 minutes. Discontent is growing among sunni iraqis to Prime Minister nuri al maliki. A string of attacks by sunni and shia extremists is fueling the conflict. Theyve urged the European Parliament to urge airlines to hand over passengers Personnel Data to authorities. They want to stop a number of people flying from europe to fight in syria. They say about 700 such youths mainly from migrant muslim communities in europe are going into combat on the side of the insurgents. Analysts estimate the young people joined the battle against the regime of president Bashar Al Assad over the past two years. The European Union claims that they may become militant and plot acts of terrorism in europe after returning home. The interior ministers of nine eu nations including france and belgium issued an emergency statement. They want the parliament to share passenger data to monitor young nationals leaving and entering the eu, but experts remain cautious about the proposal due to privacy concerns. Kayaks, surfboards, rafts, South Koreans these days are taking to all kinds of water sports and government officials are hoping the ripples theyre making will make an economic splash. Nhk worlds anna jung is by the water in pusan. Reporter im on the sea in pusan located on the south korean peninsula. This time of year its one of the countrys most popular beaches, drawing visitors from all over south korea. Here anyone can try a variety of marine sports such as surfing, kayaking and wind surfing. And theyre all free of charge, but reservations are required. The south korean government hopes to get people involved in marine leisure and ultimately to expand the marine industry. So this year its implementing this free program at ten river locations and 40 seaside resorts across the country. Here in pusan, the city has been promoting marine leisure and also new actions begin. This is not scuba diving training session, but rather a university lecture. Students on various courses are learning the technology of underwater photography. Nurturing underwater photographers is not the sole purpose of this lecture. It aims to help students find jobs in a wide variety of fields, for example, in simulated visual content production, marine study and fisheries. The university is currently focusing on developing Human Resources to satisfy the governments aim to expand the marine industry. Translator i want to develop pusans marine industry. I want to work in this profession. Reporter the central figure on this project is this professor. Over the last 20 year, he has prompted a variety of initiatives because he sees the popularization of marine leisure as essential to the development of the marine industry. Translator marine leisure is an important industry. In addition to promoting Healthy Minds and bodies, it creates jobs. Reporter the professor has also carried out Training Programs for teachers working from grade school to high school. He believes that if teachers are given the necessary knowledge, there will be more opportunities for children to be familiar with marine sports. After being lectured on topics such as safety management, teachers went to the sea to take part in various introductory programs. Translator if were going to teach students how to enjoy marine sports, we teachers have to experience them first. Reporter the free program that the government ran this year was in fact based on one of the professors projects which began in 2000. He feels that his project has started to bear fruit. Translator making marine sports popular has always been my dream. And now, looking at all of these people enjoying the beach, i realize that the dream is becoming reality. Reporter here in pusan, south koreas largest marina is scheduled to open this month. As Economic Growth has made Many South Koreans richer, marine sports has become more popular. This free program is open until the end of october. If you come to south korea, try to stop by and experience it. Nhk world, anna jong, pusan. Hiroshima, nagasaki. The atomic bombings killed thousands of people in an instant and left survivors suffering in the ruins. Newsline is looking back on what happened then and whats happened since. Dont miss our special coverage war to peace, lessons of 1945 starting tuesday, august 6th. All right, lets check the latest market figures. Time nor the latest in weather with meteorologist sayaka mori. Good morning. It seems theres a storm approaching parts of vietnam and southern china. Whats the latest there . Thats right, catherine. Weve been watching a Tropical Storm over the south china sea. Its set to move into the island of hainan today and then make landfall in northern parts of vietnam on the weekend. The name is chevy meaning swallow. The rainfall will be quite huge. We expect about 150 millimeters to fall in some places on the already saturated ground, so the potential for flooding and landslides is growing very high. Not just this area but also the west coast of the indo china peninsula is seeing more heavy rain because the tropical disturbance. So flooding will be a main concern across this area as well. Towards the north, were seeing some locally heavy rain over parts of western japan. That includes shimane prefecture which record amounts of rainfall a few days ago. So no more rain is welcome. Thanks to a big High Pressure system over the pacific, this system is also extending into eastern china raising temperatures once again. Shanghai at 38 degrees. You have been experiencing the hottest summer in 140 years. Now, naha, 35 degrees. Could become the hottest temperature of this year. The eastern hal of japan looking cool at 29 degrees on friday. North america. Widespread heavy showers across the eastern third of the u. S. Including washington, d. C. , as well as new york city, and on friday heavy rain will linger in the southeast and northeastern part of the u. S. And southeastern canada. Now on thursday some small tornadoes are possible. Now across the midsection of the u. S. , this is the area series of a low pressure system is moving through. Isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and hail are going to be a problem into your friday. Showers are likely for the southwest and mostly dry across the northwest. Temperatures are pleasant, though, in seattle at 21 degrees for you. Scorching hot across the south. Thats 37 in houston and oklahoma city. Finally in europe then across western europe, quite high temperatures. Yesterday the mercury hit 34 degrees in Heathrow Airport in london. And in paris you saw the high going up to 35 degrees. I want to show you this video coming out from paris. After scorching july temperatures well above average, paris baked under the sun on thursday rocketing temperatures have driven sunbathers to cool off in fountains across the river seine. It was the third hottest july on record. The city advises people not to bathe in the fountains at trocadero. They say the water isnt clean, but that everyone can help enjoy it. It looks very fun. But i think many people dont need to hit the beaches or fountains any more on the weekend because cooler air is expected to move in from the west. So paris, your temperature on friday still on the hot side. On friday 33 degrees, but go down by ten degrees on the weekend. All right. Heres the extended forecast. Before we leave you this hour, were going to take you to kyoto where some young women have been honoring a summer tradition. Entertainers known as maiko visit their teachers on this day every year to thank them for their help. They went to see dance and music instructors in the citys gion district. The women also greeted the owners of the tea houses where they perform. The tradition is called hasaku, meaning the first day of august. That is all for this edition of newsline. Im Catherine Kobayashi in tokyo. Thanks for joining us. n dvd. Good afternoon. Please find a seat. Everybody. Here we go. We have an overflow crowd. That is because this program will be so good. The movable feast continues. This is the third of a series of activities celebrating woodrow

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