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Congratulated him to stand on the bronze medal of the sochi olympics. Please let up a m to three program is the main stage. We always believed in venice he always makes good performances among programs he is the patron of our country he once again proves it that was an aunty happen instantly. Yesterday he was in ninth place but i was sure that in the case with good loan program youll be the malice of the sochi games i think you could have been in Gold Medalist staff at the eighteenth and i and we watched this performance and supported him even if i had a dentist well done. He deserves the snow congratulations we all supported him the story. But more was that end. The first of march meeting after the recent indy change re adjustment has been held in auckland on the hands of the government and the National Bank immediately explain that this was the four semesters and associated with many factors that would Economic Situation remains unstable and kazakhstan take such measures to maintain growth in all spheres. Oh and dont change we will hope to provide for the reduction of gold and foreign currency reserves of the National Bank no significant in dramatic surge of inflation is expected Inflation Expectations may appear because of excessive demand for certain types of goods in the Consumer Market sitting at the oceania both of them up to it then. In order to prevent an increase in food prices the government was rational prices for socially important for products in two thousand fourteen fuel prices will be strictly monitored and regulated as well. Its not that it just wasnt much detail. Many citizens to continue Rate Adjustment as the beginning crisis. In fact this is a Common International practice to support the economy the president decided to personally explain the situation can reassure the citizens worked as a member of the kitchen door. I mean to choose from. All the special ensure Economic Growth of only six Percent People should understand that Economic Growth means growth of budget revenues which means that the people give money as pensions sellers in income this is the only purpose of the measures we should not prevent the speculation on retail outlets. We should stop those who want to make money on ordinary people they should be strictly controlled and severely punished according to the law we have enough of everything in the country and theres no reason to worry building all for the depreciation and will work for the benefit of our country. Macie just stopped for a southwestern on this continent to provide additional Financial Support to the people the president decided to raise the salaries of civil employees by ten percent. In addition on april first social benefits targeted assistance tensions and scholarships will be increased as well. Large companies the mining oil and gas and metallurgy sectors also consider raising wages for the employees. It is for who he is compiling a book as well. I hope the other companies are medium size businesses which had not mentioned here will support the people in the same way huge amounts of money will be located for people and it will work to increase demand in the economy will grow swell. Are there. You wouldnt ever want to go to this post. For me the decision of the president was to locate one to nineteen for so called long credits the money will be used to finance projects and Manufacturing Industries and products and Industrialization Program according to the commission of the president of the sultan to buy the stock market will be revived and the problem loans will be bought from banks in general the government and the National Bank will have to ensure stability in the Financial Sector and prevent a surge of inflation so long. I do the government now should work hard twenty four hours a day i in my entire office will control everything because our success in completing the set goals depends on the most important thing is that we have everything we need to just have to work now the requirements are tough and we will see who can work so work very hard most of them this report of his infamous words. Once again the head of state your attention to the provision of employment and welfare citizens. The sultan as a biker minute that the most important task for every man for today is to prevent unjustified increases in prices for essential commodities. Causing many factions president of products at the park expo exhibition in moscow the start. Purdue is intended to expand existing markets in russia and will risk with the Customs Union every year this authority of International Event in the field of fruit gathers thousands of businesses from around the world in the russian capital the exhibition features the best examples of products advanced designs and Technologies Companies from sixty countries participate in the exhibition cover for the experts highly appreciate as extended products the taste is good the consistency is not bad. I think it is a very nice product. Major cause of producers as well small and medium businesses and to the markets of Russia Belarus today. According to our continuous integration and initiatives of the president sought to survive open up great opportunities for business development. If possible. Abc context and had only sixteen million consumers. But now theres a large market including russia Campbell Rose week to work and strive for the better twenty years ago president missile cannot survive came up with the idea of your recent integration in nineteen ninety four cars extends president announces project on the establishment of the Eurasian Union today the Eurasian Economic Community the Customs Union acting within its framework in the common economic space shows proof that the ration project is a success says the usa secretary general tire months although the idea of the racial integration is attracting more supporters both of the cis Member States and non cs countrys two thousand fourteen is going to be a decisive year for the final implementation of the project the tree on the recent Economic Union will be signed and ratified this year. I should have left it that the buckeyes dvd will know. The last twenty years for two decades of difficult but successful cents on the way to the modern your racial integration. But presently there is a historical figure recognized worldwide is a prominent politician strategic and the chief designer of the new asian products have become the benchmark for all those who want to live safely and happily in the new year h chafee was a believer the team on the movie by causing director johnnie to buy a book was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival in the prestigious forum section. As the berlin Film Festival continues to remarkable situation films were shown in the framework of the prestigious form section. The survivors last film night he must be shown at the berlin now for the first time that some gay activists cheques week for me to be here at this festival is a big honor. It is a big chewy for me to know that my film is here is a festival that is attended by a real cinema experts. My cinema lovers and critics alike by those people would define the trends in the world of cinema that the ending. He keeps his money standing at the weekend was hectic. Rich what is the heart rending look at the bar will social position in the single woman in context that the protagonists are perilous and unmarried in the film depicts the struggle to love and to be loved in the face of rejection and other Central Asian graduation at this years berlin outcomes from the junk was back to reconcile got the smile about with their first full length feature film. Sheila forty days of silence. The main character of a chill in his bb chuck a young woman who takes a vow of silence in retreats to her grandmothers house for forty days to pass only the house can only escape officer silence from the outside surroundings will carry out this ritual then its back the smile of up to do their well crafted film we have the spiritual forebears day marry. Also for the hubs is based on his base during the year so its very widespread tradition but it doesnt float on the surface its not something that people really speak a lot about but its very second part of the night. Not just a protagonist is under strain also three other women that surround her are her grandmother or aunt in her little cousin. Four generations of women in complete absence of men in all unmarked by the presence of similarity of the face blurring together differently with times and customs. I dont want to make a film about why i want to make a film about how and how and why i would like to see to the audience is that its in the film that needs a lot of doors and windows open for the deputation. Students into situations cinema his cousin again. This years berlin now in the center of the dairy issues of nike much into our among women. A topic of the two directors meetings to address any convincing way in the fact that the words are being shown here at this vessel means the big recognition for the girls on a candle to the sun somewhere new is the cause us to the australian the latest news is that three got the dogs cuts out that stevie got kate said. The Economic Adjustment Program of cyprus is going along its course the government budget figures are better than expected. A team of International Experts reported on tuesday. But still warning about the existence of significant risks. According to its peers last year the mediterranean island became the country the years though to seek Financial Support from the European Union and International Monetary fund after it lost billion euros on greek bonds. The joint statement from the European Commission the European Central bank and the two astronauts be fine said that the gdp of cyprus was expected to contract with four point eight percent in two thousand and fourteen before rebounding to one percent growth in two thousand fifteen. The two thousand thirteen the economy of cyprus contract with six percent which was less than expected. Yes people are shunning away from buying new vehicles hit or miss aggression special edition reports. The stock disposing of the limo for the car industry. Carmakers have to try to meet the demands of senior buyers and attract the Younger Generation according to the date at the center for Automotive Research at the university of was book s and germany for the twenty seven percent of all new car were under the agey five. The average age of a new car buyer in germany rose to a record fifty two point two years the two thousand and thirteen three years older than the average recorded it did it go reflecting the trend observed in other industrialized countries currently more companies are trying to reverse this trend the critics who sports a compact models that are packed with electronic systems. Switzerlands decision to introduce restrictions on the number of Foreign Workers who come to work and live in the country in accordance with the results of the referendum bring as many concerts in italy. According to the internet in the Film Industry the truth sites in the Italian Foreign ministry this decision will affect the cream and some of the European Union states. To clear consequences of this action can reflect the attacks relations between the unsweetened. As a Prime Minister for integration to stupidity notes that the necessity lies not in closing borders but in conducting an internal integration policy and sensing as a prelude to the rights of Migrant Workers to get the same ways as citizens of the host countries germany was also skeptical of the vote in switzerland. Angela merkels spokesman stephen tsai best state to the German Government respects the outcome of the referendum but from our point of view the creek significant challenges. Switzerland has explained to the European Union the week intends to implement the decision of the referendum. Gutierrez two thousand per team. Chinas export volumes increased by ten point six percent in annual terms and amount to two hundred and seven with thirteen billion years dollars. Chinas chief Customs Department reports over the same period chinas imports rose by ten percent up to an amount of one hundred and seventy five points twenty seven billion us dollars. Overall chinas Foreign Trade turnover in january totaled three hundred and eighty two point four billion us dollars which is a ten point three percent increase compared to january two thousand and thirteen the gender of this year Foreign Trade surplus increased by fourteen percent in adults and up to thirty one point eight six billion dollars in two thousand thirteen the volume of chinas Foreign Trade amounts to four point six two trillion us dollars which is seven point six percent more than two thousand and twelve chinas exports grew by seven point nine percent and altitude to wait twenty one trillion us dollars imports grew by seven point three percent up to one point ninety five trillion us dollars. Prices for coffee wheat corn and soybeans may arise due to dry weather conditions. Residents of priscilla other left american countries and even most of europe already few of these changes with their supports as noted on this year the price of coffee increased to twenty nine percent the rise was due to the concern that i was in brazil will harm this years crops. These weather conditions which are currently prevailing in central and northern parts of brazil come at a crucial time for the development of the coffee plantations experts are warning they keep these conditions last longer than the price of coffee may increase by another twenty five percent there is no doubt that after the increase in the price of coffee beans Retail Prices of this product will still grow citizens oppose the course that what it is a bit of sochi olympics sixteen athletes from these comics then region competed in the one olympics. Some of them have already returned and the supporters arrived at the airport to meet him youll be on collision law became one of the worlds top ten freestyle skiers thinking the same place the major drive charge when the fifth place beyond honesty is the six hour round of the world cup after which they would take a short break this is a porno among boasted of his goodness. We had planned to take three to six places i can feel my program. Of course i wanted to fight for a medal but i think my performance was good slip where is the best in them young hockey players support the National Debate team. The hockey players born in nineteen ninety five through nineteen ninety six participate in the tournament dedicated to the sochi games for teens compete for the medals the Strongest Team will go to court to tell where the National Tournament will be held next week the boys watched the olympics during the breaks between training and competition in the senate is that the voters of the floats. So soon. We support our athletes we dedicate this tournament to them truly happy for any medals but said that if you know that its open to both admitted that with a hit. I knew that. Were in. This is a story. It was a time. What Amazing Things to a show to the well. We still used today every new exco was once to listen to the future. For speed the shoes. New solution expo twenty seventy in the future. See ya lets go most are. Twenty seventy beyond. The nanny most heavy side coming out this camera and an upright policies and not to perform scenes. She got past me explain car leaving coast team and sixty such results. They can be a big upgrade. Most of them and with the kids. If im on the kindle has come out like that. When the phone. Seven years. Its a range of courses in the world that only theism are welcome to this day on the lake and fifty and thats what difficulties that they could use his countrys constitution and exterior the strangest difference from other species. Its fine albums. Purebred arabian foresees of want that to you at the governments pensions due to the bow season on sunday. The animals and so forth often use it. This is a pity that the two teams of raping four season tickets tickets are one of them as tension species. There is an opinion that the animals which makes the record amazing to see is that domestic incident about what constitutes again. Expats they know that they are the covers seems to have a good memory that bt and loyalty are no response to the guide is time to step it up to go to College Students the circled on spec and respect scale shows that no one seems to like about raps on to say that bob is in first place followed by guest and then of course no avoid the hostess women with a limo is that the money five of were the stuff of horses and then shoved up with this course of recovery of the years to come with my father for the moment playlists for the ozone somehow i think i stay here i spend more time here but i spent time home. Looks like my home more than more than a marvelous book. Maybe one supposes is Common Knowledge to those who are donating clothes organization was formed in order to coordinate was as good as it unfolds around sixty countries as amended nations hack at the day. Chelle. All. Title of your team green cap of twenty eleven next year with its strong commitment to sustainability. Hamburg is among the worlds leading cities environment and climate protection. It includes un body but not this in a team based in october seventeen sixty three is doesnt have to be the largest christian creed out of the city. It houses the graves of boy was eighteen but disgust for dyed by fighting against the on the all new cars in an obama aide or indeed to sin city so why do i hear the jokes often this question may be on and keeps it to you. Ec is doing so gets in the as the player was lovely to have been talking about how the cia cake plate. You know what the baby is sick of looking. The ap tamil afghanis who wouldve thought that in our mind. Its a bloody mess up. You have all the giddy and ninety the photography are my seniors also showcases his belief in each of the economy im kind of work. Many christians have appreciated his efforts. Go for it. I was all of this i kept a hanky what you had. I was the one whom i love heidi. I let alone post. You can probably do have one. He did the simplest of them dont believe me that she bought they keep saying im gone they cannot be beat. Black is going to a neocon. I love love love its not in seeking get off the tv onto his is keeping an eye that could see nothing in common in india that is one of the team concept the old sister act against them but to the stale back to class and getting back into the rhythm of school. Just a few weeks self to being resettled in this remote parts of eastern sri lanka. The new boats and she was displaced along with the rest of the community by palms conflict and the snow queen in the classroom since two thousand and six. When we heard this late. My mother and that i went to ireland. I would have to look after my brothers. And it is so petite build a lie is to get tougher as the almost impossible to cost of conducting the costs of different races and different levels. Grade four students in grade five. A two minute when its the same subject. Substitute different that is what it is hard this School Building still has the scars of wool to at least until the sri lanka in areas where fighting raged for twenty five years destruction is everyone are there any other supplies made the commitment to teach is staying with pupils that displacement and am helping them resettle the scene is fun. Education plays a key role in bringing the communities of this country back to where they were. It brings peace to bring stability and communities. Children take messages home so its not just education and learning in the classroom. Its hygiene and Health Information and protection knowledge went back to the home environment. Well it seems like. Sisters in the new role done the shia and devotion that just a school bus. The stability in an otherwise precarious existence. Then baba was raped and killed in the conflict leaving them to fend for themselves within the limited help from family and neighbors. Remarkably within reach of the support they have learned to come or so. We come home to get water to make for lunch and then start doing our homework. My sister does everything for me she washes my clothes. I had to watch. Overcoming extraordinary locals often takes extraordinary efforts of the pasta families and communities to support the local schools. The pride of this school is its display team which has been winning competitions of local and national level. The tomato tart but it will go to neighboring schools teach me these days think were back with me when he heard our school name. Now weve shown that children feel they can so to all students who were just there for traditional chinese medicine in southern china. In the traditional techniques. Last year the hospital. Five branches stripped an average of sixteen thousand patients per day. Five point four million per year. I was working with the hospital to help improve its Electronic Medical records Knowledge Management and research. Together our difficulties and data gathering Data Management we call it smarter the heel. It is crucial. The win hospitals called Vice President cheney wants to know to make it possible to get the knowledge of the hospitals top position so can be turned into a standardized procedures and best practice. He expects you to analyze here and can be improved to thirty days the collaboration good thing i am. And the bongo tradition of chinese medicine hospital the university. It said major stuff. Words are the more youll stop by. The budget im married to the east the research of traditional chinese medicine. Chinese medicine goes for two thousand years. This view is that the system treats the whole person body and mind. Using a wide for the techniques including herbal medicine. The size producer. This isnt in guangdong hospital dont believe Traditional Medicine instead. We believe that supply will complement the west. Two local moms and dads and grandparents neglected children in recent weeks. I know. The recent month long it will heal your sisters home. A relationship that i work with the guangdong hospital. I think some of the keys research. Contributions have gone around technology that enables integration and patient centered has to be at the forefront of. I know where. When integration using International Standards and support the integration of technology that they had preserved the fishing experience will be able to get it out. Collection for it the helmet. The kids. Cru to go here. So this was the most important pieces from the collaboration summit this is to take the inscriptions of the patients care. It competes with twitter using natural language. Researchers from the hospital were also studied chronic kidney disease. Reduce to a chinese medicine has proved effective over the years heading off for dialysis. This morning the disease. Were supposed to his madness. This year so the story of david. Hospital a seventy seven years old the facilities and support market. Especially the itt for instance patients conspired to make the card the key out to get your lab results. The former students performance that rhymes with persistent switch more somethings never change still to her. The gates co chair of the bill when the Gates Foundation joined representatives of the governments of the United States canada spain and south korea to launch a local trust fund to help the worlds worst farmers grow more and earn more. So they can lift themselves and their country out of hunger and poverty. I again tomorrow. Also on the way. He can be done deal the works. And new in longwood. Eye. The new job with it to be international in this estate was bulletin been to the news coming she liked from knowing the other headlines this hour. Hsbc bank sees positive signals from vietnams economy despite outstanding

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