Close to the sun on thursday and enchanting off billions of humans the eye. Your knees when Political Parties have signed a Coalition Agreement that allows them to govern together and use a third term leadership of casserole mac only deals with the so called grand coalition of ngos to a ballot of spd mendez to be signed off with the result expected in mid december on ankles as the coalition will stand for solid finances secure prosperity and Social Security and that it will oppose and their union for your theres more the leaders of the three Coalition Partners in a display of unity for the cameras. But despite the appearance of readiness for action. This is still a provisional document the three have signed an interim accord will put pen to paper on the real deal with the spd can persuade its grassroots members to accept it. The final push for agreement has taken its toll the lack of sleep was showing. But they relieved as well. Theyve come a long way since the elections in september. Click on the second one destination for seven weeks of talks with very different ideas. Thats why it took awhile. Very interesting. You can look at the same issue in very different ways. So for me well its what makes life exciting. For me negotiations went well and are marked by constant and me which was fun but cullen to pick them up. And speedy leaders Egmont Gabriele now has to persuade his party to sign off on the pact. This is the case to argue. He has acted was with a grand coalition has written the Coalition Agreement for ordinary people who carry out their responsibilities every day. Megan didnt want it to help stabilize tennis and social balance in this country. Los andes mints each of these yet. Tensions are more marks between the social democrats and the bavarian conservatives of the csu there are uneasy bedfellows its a fifty fifty. We had a lot to do. So we didnt get to bed until six in the morning. Its in separate beds. The new niece. Isnt it i guess things will get to bases in the social democrats backed the deal. The spd vote is due in mid december. Today the leaders of all the parties involved are worried about it the spd party pace rejects the deal the grand coalition will be over before it starts. And that is the question right now the deal may be signed and still has that major hurdle about half a million spd members have the backing john hows it looking. Will this package goes through with the spd. Well the spd leadership of course is that emphasizing the fact they managed to push through one of the key social democrat mons and that is for minimum wage of a purist in the intimate as they did it im turning this into a boat full of a minimum when it is very difficult if theyve managed to battle be very difficult for crossfit members to reject the agreement. But the problem is that the grassroots very skeptical about a coalition with uncle americas cup to cope with and americas coffee is cold because its very much longer it numerically and theyre afraid that the social democrats will simply be small. If however they reject the deal theyll also be pulling the plug on their own party leadership. On the chances for her part has been laying out some priorities for solace. What is interesting brian that she has actually made a number of important concessions to the social democrats in order to be able to put them to be a wicked pasta and add the broth roots members have but there she remained very hot on two issues she doesnt want new taxes and she doesnt want new borrowing i understand that as meaning that she wants to keep fiscal policy very much matter and hands and she will probably want to have a finance minister from iran policy john baxter was to fuel the beginning back to jax essential to this agreement is its focus on no new debt and of course no increase in attacks that germany has of course been watching very closely other eurozone nations suffer from the austerity measures and would rather rain in expectations and government markets. Take a closer look now. Some of the key issues that have been a treat. Money has been central to the talks and the two parties agreed on two key issues. There wont be any tax increases to Fund Campaign promises and the goal for germany not to back up any new debt from twenty fifteen onwards the team is the steeple budget. Some of the main points are breached. The two sides agreed on the minimum pension for people with low incomes who have paid pension contributions for delegates my kids who had children before nineteen ninety two will also receive higher pensions. Although this isnt a likely be funded by the pension fund. Not by new taxes i am. Another point is the National Minimum wage and eight euro sixty from twenty thirteen the most important issue for the social democrats. Some industries will be temporarily exempted the parties have also agreed to clamp down on temporary work and short Term Contracts the second coming. It makes for some. Children born in germany to foreign parents will no longer have to decide on only one nationality by the age of twenty three the std one a dual citizenship on a much more widespread basis. You can get the and infrastructure the head of the christian democrats Bavarian Sister Party insisted on making foreign drivers need for the use of german highways not that old will only be introduced to german drivers dont have to pay more for using motorways and if it conforms with eu law. And finally european policy early on the spd had to get on it suggested to a lot euro nations that have been worst hit by the crisis with your own bonds. The ctu rejects the idea of pooling existing sovereign debt to Lower Borrowing costs. However the new Coalition Government will tighten regulation of banks and Financial Markets more lets go back to john barrett or parliament is it is now double as Coalition Agreement means for germanys position on europe weird little bit now report. What else. What it means more of the same. It means that meant the position is very much stronger if the Coalition Agreement as approved by the second democrat grassroots itll mean that in the school will be able to determine policy. And it should be and to argue policy put it through with its ruin in brussels as he wants me too as he has up until now had to do to win the support of the social democrats in the had session of parliament thatll be done behind it as doors what she has been a kitty getting to do because its part of the its an essential part of the Commission Agreement this is going to continue the link between income and spending. She feels a little justified in doing that. Also because all that was happening increase as weve seen but greece being and to share. Primary Budget Surplus this year. John burke of the latest on the Coalition Agreement what it means to germany in europe. Dawn thanks to brent. Why and what they are the representatives of jim and business interests to make off the cornish and the reactions were mixed right now with some expressing concerns over the coming minimum wage and expected Higher Energy costs we have this report from Business Reporter a lexmark the Coalition Agreement contains a number of goodies for low income germans and retirees. Workers in the Food Services for instance can look forward to a minimum wage of eight year as fifty per hour. At about nine million Senior Citizens will see their pensions and creeds its helped giving people more money to spend will stimulate the economy. But industry representatives say the price could be steep for some companies. Your portraits and despite a number of good features in our view its a dangerous combination. I lost from the minimum wage and highest social insurance spending as a threat to the metal market on the switch to Renewable Energy sources will also increase costs and weve been to. Thats because conservatives and social democrats agreed to accelerate the transition to clean energy and at the same time cut some of the subsidies and special exemptions that Energy Intensive industries currently enjoy it. Some economists are optimistic stevie. The feeling of the institute has long stressed in germany means to invest in the future. Thats something the agreement specifically calls for increased spending in infrastructure and Education Summit or gemini is competitive in the future face to face samoa. German business groups all agree that the proposals will cost a lot of money. But theyre relieved. The conservatives were able to keep their promise not to raise taxes while Financial Markets didnt exactly jump for joy at the grand Coalition Agreement. Ive been to was some relief. I love that Stock Exchange correspondent to play catch and eat. People here in the frame third floor didnt jump for joy no it wasnt like that but said the Coalition Agreement between the conservative parties in the spd. I was greeted with some relief and it led to a new record high in the tax people said that unpleasant surprises were not part of the package and that was good news. They also like to hear that there were to be no tax hikes in the next two years. Little skeptical but that would to be indeed successful if the economy went south for example. And they werent at all agreeable with the statutory minimum wage across the board. This could cost jobs instead. A little bit ironic that the best care in the guts to do it to post was a winner because of this minimum wage because the competitors might be forced to engage in its paid low paid employees more in future trip to competitive tennis. The doctor costs gained more than three percent. I was when he bounced reference on the front the Stock Exchange and his quick look at some numbers for you be stuck in front of the jimmy stocks ended wednesdays session by two thirty nine as the piano to fifty one. They tearfully years and years of sixteen players at three thousand bc to the wall street is still trading the Dow Jones Industrials current lack of sixteen thousand eighteen and currency markets the yuan to his genius for you high and am wednesday currently stands at two one us dollar thirty five sixty seven. What was meant to be a big day in germanys neo trial in munich the mother of the alleged National Socialist pentagon member gone to that has taken the stand but she declined it is on trial for the charges related to the motor off and people the only men are often at an age and this new group still alive. Two of them and is committed suicide. We squeezed in on them. They have to change his mother took the stand for just three minutes. Appearing with a laugh. She refused to testify and then immediately left the munich was a much anticipated hearing was over in moments. Added to his cousin gave evidence to the court the company grew up with chip and he will feel more about the alleged terrorists he is growing up in east germany. Plus he was wary of answering questions about me and auntie costs one of the victims lawyers said the witness should not have held back. It is understood model size as he can just say that he grew up with the asa and that they were like brother and sister and then not say much about her. You have to ask is he taking us for a ride into tsunami. Little by little the court was told more about the nicu tree is neo activities in the nineteen nineties. When pressed to his cousin told the court that one innocent man handed out flyers offering not see the rule goes past. He also testified that one of the tent real man has always carried the casket School Changes cause until the court that in the two of the two members were inseparable and isolated from others. Italys correspondent j t snow was an unique country this hearing for us this report. Its hip and up when the mother of the house to stay back into the courtroom today. Make a brief appearance to tell the court that she would make use of a right not to testify against a window so we also had been the cause and effect opposite a peculiar after reappeared and on the state often getting married in this full information of the course of hours of questioning he the presiding judge gets old quickly enough patience and with the trial continuing for at least another year of the eight days in court over the scandal. It may well be that we see some other effects of these and they seem not as of this series kick in before we see any kind of cool per day and not least because the Coalition Deal to us on and finding play a full page of matches to be taken to avert phoned the police and Intelligence Services in gemini at off the bed complete with india over the united series. Two works will be right back ew knew it. I know welcome back to our political shockwaves and the angels when you run an entity within the last few analysts the Italian Senate has voted to expel ex prime ministers to be a goddess kali from parliament with immediate effect over his conviction for tax pro berlusconi has dominated italian politics like no other. The last two decades and now faces a rushed over all the criminal cases after losing his immunity from prosecution as a result. So while hes already been sentenced to india under house arrest or Community Service for months to mind a unique scheme to reduce the tax bill of his media company. Well heres more now about italys billionaire politician who says hes a victim of persecution by a vindictive political establishment will be going live to rome. First this report. Is this the end of her Silvio Berlusconi not as dorothys concerned and seventy seven year old has given up yet. He told supporters he would seek a fresh mandate at the next elections. Will we. You go home. This is a bit tired day you have a day of mourning for democracy. Be free but ill keep on fighting and start a new Election Campaign a campaign for freedom. To teach berlusconi and thrilled his supporters to return wont be that easy. Nobodys been expelled from the senate hes lost his immunity. His conviction for tax fraud means hes banned from Holding Political office for the next sixty years. He faces further investigation and the possibility of further trials. Dont let the Senate President peter krause ill announce berlusconi six balls. That followed intense and passionate debate between dallas countys opponents and supporters in the senate berlusconi is out of parliament for the time being the potential for him to disrupt the running of government cars at the very least be diminished. Well there were very dramatic scenes in the Italian Senate today lets bring in live time teams in from rome now a tom. Some senators almost came to blows in the senate it tells more about this little bee bee bee but with describing it. With that between the two and two. For patients over the last battle between good and the forefront of the capital to read what the defendant in a weak position is that number is about taking the lead in the house was filled to the second week of the faculty of. Google no going to be built over the kitchen for the second book but it could be going home we debated going to wear one of them. Good job. They can call the day. One of my analysis question will Silvio Berlusconi be going to do well ill spin from football but is it done soon too. For that. To which she will cook too. He will pick it up and or the co director of a toe up but nope they dont put all of the year to all people could it be easier to Market Street to read it because of their various them in their birth weight that you cook with it. Opal for bigger or what youll get going on with the old. The mediocre to get him in it like a lot easier if all investigation of the hurricane coming down the oval. Himself was a victim of persecution Italian Republic responding to all this up. Be it it will become the middle of the thirty first of the views of the coke store without talking to people go to the devastation in its favor today and it was that the same waved it in committee is to get the picture of all of the descriptor for the wicked spirit one of the topeka tape it to europe was aparently europe decided to convert them to take a ticket to pull the Cable Company to say that even a good deal of pain alcoa call. Tom thank you very much. Time and now when Anti Government protesters have taken over several ministries in the nations capital. The demonstrations have also spent a number of provincial capitals with the opposition is strong that includes the tourist island ok. The capital bangkok protest leader. She said come on. Told thousands of supporters that hes ready to go and die in the fight to overthrow prime minister. You should walk. Critics are calling for her resignation she also faces a no confidence motion in parliament. Hes accused of using an amnesty bill to protect her brother the host and former leader talks. They trotted back to brazil and is preparing for the upcoming feature will cop makes two yes two construction weapons that killed in an accident at saitama stadium. A large crane collapsed onto the roof of that stadium. It also partially destroyed a section of the stands. Grounds due to host the opening match of next years world cup on the fourth of june is unclear repairs can be carried out in time for teachers december deadline for completing all of the world cup. On addison Champions League soccer by munich have moved a step closer to winning their group with a convincing victory in moscow by and beat and it is paid by retailers to one of the goals came from. I mean will the money you can sample much to the top result each defending champion start making lots of group d. Find the results of all the other Champions League matches is her website to give you don t he slashed sport. Going long on to another german side in action. Lesley douglas its traces in group eight am on tuesday and i sit at home. If a bug was the winner theyll also secured their cars to handle conflicts. Training leader whos not least a surprising amount of energy theyre ready to go on wednesday and will need plenty of passion against Manchester United who are already one point ahead joes and whole food at home where again the power to be reckoned with this season and only one to carry that over one was from stuffers too. We have to be defeated at home meant that goes for Manchester United to his Economic Team all goes well we achieve what we want to say we can defeat our opponents now. Over the weekend the bundesliga is number two also won away one nail against head to berlin strikers to funky sling it was the eighth goal of the season so far. Along with the sweetness of victory there was also pain midfielder sydney santorum also on saturday and will be out for wednesdays game under new coach david moyes menu is currently only sixth in the English Premier League but they won at home against labour prison for two. When you need to try to not get a wee football. Well watch whole different situation the more mindful that they really get the result you will get a result of salt. He was still a National Position the group. For leverkusen its the biggest game of the season so far. The funky sling is just itching to get that ball into the net. We all got ice on the scene of a brush with the song that will determine whether it will supply the light of the night sky next month for millions of people believe that playing away to a journey that lasted over four and a high of billion heats. I assume is a kilometer and a hopeless. Its first Journey Towards us could also be its last. Astronomers have been tracking the comet since last year. Early this month the comic room of brighton so that Everything Else that cool. Its also study the group also on the comet tail has grown as my son has picked up speed. Many no way you are on the planet. You can spot lights on with the naked guy. Its already traveled through a number of constellations. On thursday the comical come close to the sun. Whipping around it at a staggering speed of one point three million kilometers an hour. Will being subjected to temperatures of over two thousand degrees celsius i want my son could break the pot. But the worst Case Scenario for amateur astronomers would be fascinating to scientists when using instruments about the origins of the soviet system. Dawson waldron it is said to come from comets that eventually allowed to develop we did buy some supplies its date with destiny. Amateur astronomers can look forward to a spectacular show of lights the comet will be visible with the naked eye. Several weeks. They could even be returning to the right is celestial body in the night sky. Aside from the moon. One definition large has been expanding the last century or so now the latest frontier might be on your desktop when you go so far as advised by Computer Games is works of art. Lets be able to do Eminent International designers involved in a new exhibition at the six day off so would you. Ma and ah kit rather than guns is one clear is that this game news. Their challenge is to clean up the dots after a killing everythings covered in blood. This and its not a bit linux uses seeing the sign of things to the moment. Normally when you play Computer Games and innocent about what is actually happening. Someone has to clean up the mess speaking of games and this exhibition are far from main street. Many have a critical message. In reaction to this game critical moment for example players have performed contortions to become the perfect woman. Now that was inspired by her own experiences i sanded it all jeff and i want to hear expected to be a perfect mother and korea woman i know soon enough ill write up a very Different Things around today. I dont even want http being identified an advantage instead the league play. But their family goes beyond entertaining and into the realm of art. Denying a hunch that again. And signature. Well tonight strongly to those of us muffins french beans phones instead we created the designers continue to innovate during the opening of the exhibition. Counting ninety s on each other and the. Anyone about it here the need for speed is its wonderful to do something against gaming industry the finding in the fosters people so stability. Theyre being together and also their intelligence. In Computer Games as works of art something we may hear more of in the future. Even if designers are no words to ponder. Lol thanks for watching us. Whats the worlds biggest story each day. Exclusive to any team that works. To top story wednesday. Intriguing topic as told by nhc premier global content partners back to back in english. Its like naming washington seeks enlightenment you at party acting year so its good to hear. Seventeen with me thanks to a doting aunt that i can take that steely checked in you and it makes the networks to work on in each the ads on tv will continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks. Im new and new. The evening. Yours the us. Whenh

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