Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140303

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Leanings of the international stage. Meanwhile tensions continued to mount as western states to cry. Russias actions saying that the occupation of crimea threatens peace and security in europe. Xian. Twelve days of slate has won the award for best picture at the eighty sixth Academy Awards in los angeles the films british born director Steve Mcqueen collected the oscar alongside pretty separate page saying that he dedicated the film to everyone who had enjoyed slavery and the twenty one Million People around the world can still enjoy its space for that gravity was also a big winner with seven awards including best director ralph wanted to own that became the first evidence he did still make it to take beyond the lady in number sixteen was too kind you want the best documentary short film tells the story of alice has some of the one to pulsing last week was the worlds oldest survivor of the holocaust tsp. Zaire the refuse. J and more. We want to employ one hundred and one. I mean it. Eu the religious duties in ukraine including the Jewish Community have called on russian authorities to pull out their troops from crimea and to stop labeling actually protest leaders fascists rabbi jacob lake chief rabbi of kiev in ukraine was one of the signatories of the ladder another was rabbi michael composed and of the nair attended reform synagogue and temporal all which was vandalized during the russian invasion with anti semitic or fiji including swastika. A post and tell the time to natural that while the attack was anti semitic an eight year it was not likely carried out by a member of any far right party because the almonds were botched composed in state canceled prayers on saturdays march first in an effort to keep its members out of danger zone. Ukrainian nationalists have denied allegations that anti semitism telling jewish leaders and israeli diplomats that their movements reject anti semitism and did a phobia. Renowned french author Bernard Henri levy meanwhile has come out of his way to get by the kremlin propaganda that the three month protest on Independence Square in kiev signaled a return to fascism. According to levy the only signs of anti semitism came from and derek and riot police who denounced the putative jewish origin of the protest leaders similar sentiments were expressed on my second in the Southern City of augusta where hundreds of people gathered to voice their anger at russian aggression. I am jewish doctor who speaks russian and all i want to leave an independent country and all in a russian colony to get to hold an independent countrys business which has saved many nationalities and to say that one is restricted and another is known. Hes a minute. My hand hit two trees that most ukrainians and he would choose to hold tight and told gary and snow russians. Police shot dead dozens of protesters e t a p forty on a covert like ukraine and territory twenty first among those killed several were to wear israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to talk to washington to help us lift he said that negotiations with iran speaking of progress speaking prior to boarding he fell to stansted thoughts on the state of israels vital interests especially on the issues of security its expected the us custom for uncle tom uncle pressurized to not have to agree on a proposed framework for the creation of a palestinian state but breakthroughs have teammates i thought since america provides hes played since last july despite us diplomats dont carry having visited the region more than ten times issues such as jewish settlements oldest Palestinian Refugees and the site is to receive an upgrade to something though its been unfortunate in that the neo has no magic stick that can do well. As it can change other things in the fact that clinton to obama will try to impose the neo to make other steps than too low. To all of the canoe beef and declarations but the real change in the field to the Peace Agreement that they keep saying possible today and maybe in the next if you use their announcements by sides can agree to continue the stewards until the end of the ca eleven notes form officials are hopeful. In the first and foremost the israeli side this is just not the right time to reach an agreement of this magnitude and importance. Oh with the palestinians arabs and often the palestinian side no there isnt anyone were really there that appears serious and seriously interested in discussing any final settlement with the israelis. This new audit will save lives. The us will take the toughest on what iran sneak in a program which israel claims christmas that year saying he has previously described christian us on the county as a wolf in sheeps clothing. This week but scary in its neon who can speak in one sentence i write is really all being conference in two weeks time about how to hold a follow up leads in the midst of the book of facts in an attempt to preach to get between the two sites. As you it rings acting president alexander to achieve the next turkeys foreign minister the good of a tofu as Russian Troops continued to patrol cranny after they invaded the peninsula. India has a sizable population of context a muslim group or culturally and ethnically a link to turkey the entire population was deported from the Crimean Peninsula during a rule of soviet leader josef stalin may have since returned the peninsula. No part of ukraine and now see the attraction direction as a threat to their safety the crisis and create a drag turkey as well as other muslim countries into the conflict the pressure as tater is voiced their strong opposition to occupation by a russian forces. Ditching a meeting with emma told luke came as the international communitys scrambled to respond to the kremlins aggression. Us secretary of state john kerry warned that russia could lose its membership in the g eight World Economic group and face sanctions if it doesnt pull back the us the uk and france announced they would not attend the g eight meeting is scheduled to take place in sochi. The new administration in kiev has called up reserve troops and wore a dress that remove its forces from crimea as tensions between the two countries quickly escalate the kremlin has claimed the dress is living in korea and Eastern Ukraine faced direct stronger revolution in ukraine although theres been no reported attacks targeting russians in the country. Xian russias parliament has approved chris to live in a pretence request to deploy it reached ukraines crimea peninsula days of two thousand began to seize transport links and government buildings the kremlins green lights came out of the consents to the quick spritz the lives of the Russian Federation and our compatriots you authorization to use force would last until the normalization of the safety of the situation its the same reason that has been used by invading georgia in two thousand and eight. Ukraines acting president are links on this touchy no responded with a stark warning that any minute intervention in ukraine could lead to wall. There is a doubt creeps in crimea without seeking a rush and the kremlin has not yet confirmed it. He described subsidize or twice nation as a threat to future action rather than compilation soldiers are already involved in any confrontation that a rifle has been welcomed by the regions russia majority the city of sickness pill has had to make to russian made complaints usually occupied by some fifteen thousand personnel. Sixty percent of the regions population that the russians. A russian protests disgraced russian flags on government buildings a voice in support of the seat east across Eastern Ukraine in how he pulls the people were wounded in clashes between pro russian activists in the number of supporters of ukraine speeding ticket. Meanwhile trails in its independence with family stood by the interim government hunters county story to the gay rights. Western diplomats have expressed grave concerns over the risk to ukraine sovereignty. Us president barack obama strongly condemns minute reaction during a ninety minute when cool with it in staking was a clear violation of International Laws of karma i did the us will suspend upcoming participation in preparatory meetings for the upcoming tv eighteen meetings and salty the rapid pace of events has wrestled ukraines leaders to power up the yanukovich with ukraine last week. Ukraines crisis began in november when united which the fountain to free trade pact with the place it onto cloth the results might be a surprise to some but a new study by the institute for huge policy Research Shows until the cheese in the uk more likely to be religious but all the. The survey challenges many long held assumptions about the future of detroit. The report was compiled by the london based institute for Jewish Policy Research has cooled. Shes in the united kingdom. The key finding is not in general the young pink sheets off the more likely theyll keep thats thirds of the most treacherous and celebrate the various jewish festivals then once im down with one of the horse is thought to help the boys of the london headquarters of the institute for Jewish Policy Research young people are going to learn something more intense than older people baby and that they could shed a tear in the sixteen to thirty nine age bracket feel more religiously observant and if youre in the forty to sixty four age bracket. I mean tiny fuel forty six tutorial or ages of seventeen ppg and sixty five awesome. I practice of the us one of the mice could be intriguing findings that the semis right the deal was cool that this finding may have less to do with decades of investment in jewish education. I will continue with the demographic trends. They argue that high birth rates among the most orthodox men to the Community Mean that an increasing proportion of in the uk being pulled into the dark times. This phenomena has been very open long enough now to begin to see an overall related increase in religious observance of the younger the age spectrum its the Palm Community is growing organically think people in my life by fiat cynthia. My preference. Then more more people the people being born into a sometimes miss a thing going on most thirty forty years and say in any indications of a clear that he will carry on whether it carries on with the same rights. That sounds more like a question to the and the birth rates in the in the moral of the most orthodox end of the community of barry hall and showing the sons of previous london they will surprising that saw something we had two weeks seem to fall. In fact if you get back twenty years get a head wind chill of the sites became the chief rabbi. Do you want to see from the net with a bit cool will we have two grandchildren with concern was that young people when using this sense of identity these in the sense of connection to the Jewish Community. On the city i taken by him up steel view of the more likely you are the guys will be off the religiously observant sad to see the offices of that was was very arresting have a very striking and say say is the entrance is by surprising however the report demonstrated his new trend cannot be applied to all aspects of his side and see for instance him to choose a less likely the oldest used to fill the comedy semitism or supporting his trial on all aspects of the juice identity is that without ford and one in central london. I the according to local media reports israeli embassies around the world have stepped up their Security Awareness over fears of possible hezbollah retaliation in response to last weeks unconfirmed and strength on the border of lebanon and syria. Lebanese authorities claimed israeli jets and attack inside its borders and although defence officials in jerusalem have not confirmed the strike israel has declared he will use all available means prevent weapons from the seri najib being transferred to hezbollah militants israel has also put its troops along the lebanese border on high alert as hezbollah warned it would retaliate. Israel has reportedly carried out three similar air strikes over the course of the Syrian Civil War although they have all been unconfirmed as blind israel fought a war in two thousand six and the militant groups leader Hassan Nasrallah backed by iran has refused to recognize israels right to exist the bonus twenty recent court ruling over a case involving an actor to appear in the controversial youtube film the innocence of muslims saying it sets a dangerous precedent. The ruling found that act risks in tv garcia could insert a cop or a claim teacher appearance in the film and force it to be wiped from youtube twenty people the ruling would set a precedent allowing anyone from background singers or pills without a written contract to dictate how their contributions are used and demand their removal from distribution. Hugo has filed an appeal. The youtube film the innocence of muslims caused widespread and at times deadly unrest in the muslim world due to its unflattering depiction of the prophet mohammed the bill which owns youtube and faced heavy pressure to take the film down from muslim groups around the world including from the organization for islamic cooperation a group of fifty six muslim majority states which advocate for blasphemy laws forbidding insults two religions. The Obama Administration also pressured the pool to remove the film however the Company Refused citing a right to free speech in the First Amendment to the us constitution. In response to mass protests that broke out over that included self censor the innocence of muslims in egypt and libya while afghanistan and iraq and decided to block youtube altogether. This was an area admits the californian city of folsom just days ago you like School Running dry and thomas were unable to walk to the fields in what was one of the west dry spells in history even the states water agency which delivers four to two thirds of californias residents said it might no be held to service customers. Email from talented and each about two thousand residents in parts of Southern California border to eventuate the highest as the storm packing rain and high winds brought threats of thunderstorms. Flash flooding and mudslides several inches of rain are expected to fool me of the los angeles coast in the next few days with more likely to come down in the mountains. Aerial footage shows the emergency crews rescuing two people and adults from a swollen river chris has been working to pay a bush and trees but the recent wildfires that is possible to free him of voters despite the storm weather experts believe more rain predicted to make up for the states of greece a petition to the senate. Eye the worlds first because retail store has opened in hong kong the cooling was created in two thousand now in its accounts to make and receive payments online and operates about the effects of Central Authority the ditch to sizzle spring traded on investors and as resorts to study fluctuate wildly the owners of Hong Kong Based old said he hopes an actual show who helped bring down some barriers to people adopt universal currency which was the new kids on page of may feasting due to banks and credit card companies. While in singapore the countrys first pick corn vending machine has been opened to the machine is in store coupon is Singapore River and allow users to exchange that took our seats in accordance with the singapore government does not recognize the coin as legal tender the announcements come in the wake of a japanese based the Corn Exchange filing for bankruptcy protection of the millions of dollars of actual currency went missing that when souls are reportedly used appliance of Illegal Drugs on the infamous silk road online marketplace that it was close buddy of the audi. Sts one thousand mile iditarod sled dog race just take off the town of willow creek sixty nine matches. The race consists of twenty one points to teach my server tried to take a twenty four hour rest in two separate e our stops dockside drivers from speeding media are using some of the best in the competition out of my shoes have come from as far away is to make it to compete for a fifty thousand four hundred years dollars cash prize and a new truck the legion teatime idea to ride race winner from greece already joked around before attempting a third wave. I decided to do my best of both i do listen and add it to say or do they. Im not that sure is that enough. I was doing. Most of the three sixteen nineties over three years ago and asked him who clocked in at a record includes eighteen hours and thirty six minutes. It was so full that the two nd. When christine port since the medieval town of the player the north and its really helped each other with orange is stored in the name of history. Legend has it that much in the Twentieth Century the townspeople would try to make advances on the doorstep of an led me into his comeback fight that when she cuts off his head russell recalls the uprising against the tyrants no improvement by the colonists with the orange is representing the oppressors no incidents that eastman kudos to the comp will try to sell tickets but were just boys and was content to comply was just so they could get my kids. Some five hundred tonnes of oranges shift from sicily. Every year in order to provide choice of weapons. The extravagant costumes need not apply to the window on the continent street party in the coastal town of antiques and two and fifty km from the additional where little is dispensed the pirate princess nine and double disguises in favor of the two layers of black mud thousands of revelers then the keys into its invisible beneath the black coating and your frozen into much of mohawks danced drank and flung my last as trucks blasted bone jarring rhythms including brazilian town over the weekend. The book and a lime which means my street party in english was founded in nineteen eighty six but two local teams that can cause of the sensations after the citys Historic Center covered in mud while and ate crab hunting expedition in nearby mangrove forest the latest now come from as far afield as italy in the netherlands to join the fun. Brazils carnival runs until Ash Wednesday and is traditionally started to use up all the rich who can treat people in their homes before the catholic fasting period the blitz began is you the party is on in brazil the king of trios and above declared the festival opened the look of the best cultural such soulful people on the planet which is common well i declare the income and piling them on receipts he created you can hear and con about twenty fourteen when peace love harmony animal tickets to tease but responsibly with the symbolic seen it and in the carnival queen and two princesses alongside him the king decided to show the crowd his best dance moves. Hundreds of thousands of people and descended on the city of Rio De Janeiro for five days of massive street celebrations samba parades and colorful costumes. This particular event is named after a local convent. According to urban legends. One of the escaped to join the carnival costumes are ranged from king come to the bottle feed year eve but this year with local tradition the carmelite proves to be the most popular at the eye. With the party continued late into the night as seventeen samba schools the rio samba drum competed against each other to show why they should join the league next year. Some schools go to Great Lengths to surprise judges and please audiences with elaborate costumes and elaborate dances as indians tend to favor going to salvador which closes fifteen miles of streets for the mostly free periods. One of moroccos all across brazil until the fourth of march the day before the start of lands in israel on the tourist board estimates convo would generate around four hundred twenty million us dollars the festival provided much needed boost to the nations industry as it continues to battle economic and political problems. It is estimated over seven Million People went and visited the sale by the end of this year which also includes the world cup which starts on june twelve the museum of jewish heritage is open to new exhibit called common link you up a song for the people. It uses images music video and imagine its designed to tell the story of this famous song from ukraine has become the theme song for jewish studies Worldwide Company keeling is one of those signs that has been no mite decades by kids of their permits bens grandparents people at weddings and everyone seems to know the tune but very few people know the lyrics and fall into the origins of the song itself. The song. With tony knew crean called sunny color in the late Nineteenth Century used in synagogue life that tuned into the lyrics back then. Wed originally. The congregants used it to engage with the design. Residents the town took the song with integer is done around the year nineteen hundred their music on just transcribe the melody in nineteen fifty three years later it at newquay lyrics the basics on and the word harmony. He let me know. Let us read joyce and its likely that it comes from a person sounds because this is the day the lord has made it less free choice and be glad im still hobbling the keel and beans lettuce free to waste time and no running no means let us sane and guru guy he is awake for others and then they stay awake but theres been a happy heart the song was first recorded in nineteen twenty two and the tide had to mid Twentieth Century its good to take on a new life entirely. In the years following World War Two there is more of an optimistic spirit for surviving jewish communities they used it for celebration its popular artists like Harry Belafonte started to make the song peanuts. This is really interesting because Harry Belafonte was known as the king of comics allen of course he wasnt us that he signed to a sold out house at Carnegie Hall and every korean went well supplied and a lot of International Performers edition of different nationalities awesome the recordings of this very popular sign. By the nineteen sixties there were a lot of different variations. Its used in a sincere way for jewish celebrations. But exhausting use by recording artists such as Allan Sherman me to carry the added about jewish suburbanites. Its use by torino turin in a very serious and says the civil rights and tends to be quite sad as the sun now and it says now is the moment so its interesting how has all these different layers of meaning the eye. Martin said new versions of company b of a host of new ep really new to him she said the visitors to check out the exhibit at the museum i need to be a delightful surprise. I think its a nice breath of fresh air at the end of the Museum Experience to focus on something thats so familiar that has the sand and dimensions. The exhibit stays open until late april the exhibition traces the songs hundred year journey throughout the world it made its way from ukraine called elite unit states which now part of communal memory and Popular Culture this is at the door for jane won in new york. I the will you. Do. Will be. To me. Er it will do. Is on. With that much. Each. I did. These. Be the us. When you dont know you you you will the eye since. The changes are taiwan on melbourne tenth of march start the National Science council was upgraded to the ministry of science and technology. Pres the mighty joe was in attendance at the launch ceremony and inaugurated the former minister with opal folio thompson said. As the first minister of science and technology. Ma said that although the nation is running a financial

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