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The water just as everyone began to give up hope he would negotiate this evil soul for deposit towards the Global Climate pact to be signed here attacks in twenty fifty. Some political topic you very much joining us. We begin in switzerland where talks with iran sneak a program once again brought together four minutes is open six twelve cars. The goal of the talks that derek jeter is to reach a deal with the Islamic Republic which would see its sanctions that hes in return for cuts on to rons new kit program of course bomb and jones are costas is falling off the defendants for us in geneva is the latest. People are cautious bag i want to call the success or faa east point. This intensive negotiations by ministers from that the sik the radiance and lady ashton around the clock to try and broker a deal but its likely ask whether the political hurdles that they will be on a doubt for a package to fall in place and we could have a repeat of november nine when the mist is when accosted night in a deal happen. But some senior diplomatic sources as saying its premature to say that the talks would not get to a deal on the other hand some of the sources as saying that thats the possibility that package will not fall in place and my take on fourth round of negotiations to get a deal with the big issue for the radiance is the level of a sanctions relief. That is that i made to the mom in exchange for them too. Could some of the uk or activities any particular off to badly to the law so that the sikhs house concerning the iraq heavy water reactor that sabean. In the prices of being built and that the monies it to have suspension of the construction for the initial six miles of any package interim deal of the level of sanctions the ring is one who decry lot of political clearance back in washington from the white house and congress and thats a difficult one. He acted in a box in the space of a few days especially for the moms in the rain in summer off joan circles is reporting from geneva will be sure to hear any updates from the swiss and as we get them in all authorities and the lebanese capital say theyve identified the two men who wash the double Suicide Attack on the Arabian Embassy earlier this week which killed five people about attack was claimed by a group affiliated to al qaeda which has its noticing the iran backed lebanese shia militant Group Hezbollah because of its support for president bush from outside the neighboring syria. Now off to expelling the turkish ambassador to cairo egypt announced today that is downgrading diplomatic ties with tacky. The photoshop escalation of tensions between the two countries. We should be mounting ever since egypts president criminals he was ousted in july will anchor has responded promptly its then that declaring the egyptian ambassador to the less than a normal process is more a turkish premier recep time no one has to say it is in the news with he sees no ideals the chosen people. Ideals goals responsible for the pool the recent pro democracy struggles in the world. Or no deal is we dont respect the sovereign rights of people. Wounded oh one to increase his strength and emo critique bargain and serene gardens and the stamp is a result of that. He just backed into torres on possible arrest revealed the same as teaching torah beach its ambassador. And we give him a deadline and asking to leave sticky. By november the twenty ninth his premises became elements mixed report four strikeouts henry brown explains how its come to those that suck ish egyptian relations egypt and turkeys relationship took a solid ten on saturday in the Egyptian Government decided to scale back its diplomatic ties with turkey accusing her of interference in internal defense. Not to visit the edwardian most of them out of radio. We have three cold egyptian ambassador in ankara back to hire a lawyer from iggy has been back since boulders. Of all time domestic double. We summoned the tickets ambassador in cairo to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and acclaim in the salmon on grounds that he is sitting on the cross in the country. Mia if the decision comes off to turkish Prime Minister tony tan to one. The new tees criticism that the Chips Community cheeses and dismissed the tron a former egyptian president muhammad more seed on the streets of cairo and there was support for the new second in the second while serving in korea. And for the egyptian ambassador to turkey to return and to expel the turkish ambassador from cairo is a step that had to happen turkey has proved that it supports terrorism and terrorists that the senate today that would that be. In a Quick Reaction that turkeys Prime Minister said that turkey will never respect the ec come to power after a two and reciprocate it by declaring the egyptian ambassador has an unknown craft center. Tensions have been mounting between the two countries at the cincinnati cheeky ousted the chips used in this president this summer turkeys islamic Reach Agreement on too strongly to see it and the subsequent bloody crackdown on remorse he protests in august. C is currently in prison awaiting trial on charges of insight team manager and finance loyalty is not just as many had begun to give opposite of that deal are doing the dishes in the polish capital managed to find Common Ground on a number of key issues thereby paving the way for Global Climate pact. When its been a tough fortnight negotiations their goals or just yesterday that like the troops from the budget collapsed. I kept telling the crowd is covering the story for us and also his goal to latex. The toughest negotiations he has entered onto trucks as they called the fest that is as you imagining at the emissions targets productions going to with the press conference in twenty fifteen and the second concerns was called the loss and damage which is helping countries that the ca that the dignity of the economic costs of the effects of Climate Change. Once this happens now but that those compromises that were eventually reached centered on one why did the fast paced it was the west contributions countries agreed that by the First Quarter of twenty fifteen setting to time to the press conference that which sets out that contributions to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions that would replace the wet commitments that basically means that the countries it said that they appreciate thats what they should do and thats what theyll try to date but then all being bound to act in any way so that was the compromise on that one of the second shot that keyword was on and on the United States insisted that the new mechanism for compensating countrys loss and damage of the facts that old but Climate Change should be placed under an already existing mechanism for helping countries adapt as in the path to the effect of Climate Change before it happens now developing countries the g seventy seven outs of duty once it does two rounds of funding as it was to be kept completely separate slowly lost out on that one they had to get it to the us but the compromise was that second tree is time though the error of your fat and maybe does to you that separate the two mechanisms will eventually be separated going to crack reporting from seoul. Get the latest now on thursdays to saucer in the latvian capital and the roof of a supermarket collapsed killing at least fifty four people. Rescuers have been forced to suspend the search for survivors suffer another section of the buildings roof caved in earlier on this evening well the Baltic States observing three days of mourning for the cats cat when it was cool rescue it is clear the rubble and sets his mind as. When that section of the maxima supermarkets make a scene. No one was injured this time. That about fifty people are thinking and dad says that if the supermarket sweep collapsed on thursday. Best on to shop this. Then on to rescue a kiss he just aligned to the scene. That is president has opened an investigation. Speaking on national tv. He called it a medicated smith said hed sell you. Clearly the case was a maths chem and of many defences people. We can all clicks colleague unnatural acts in them because if she wasnt involved. So noah got to go out with them though the ability to investigate is looking into whether construction lap on the rates on some gravel path that seth is close to collapse relatives and friends of victims routine to place candles and flowers the moment is kind of coffee the huge implying kits to monets chemical incident elected us dollar. People have donated so much he bought food drinks coffee eighteen buses and loads of things. He also brought us hot water because at the beginning we had no electricity here. As rescue efforts at less than eighteen twenty two cents to cents to nine days. But as a consumer is going on the part of the roof to collapse. More details are emerging about a case of mold and a slave in the United Kingdom are a couple in the sixties accused of keeping three women as a london house for thirty years metropolitan police said the image captains who can restock bail are the indian and tanzania in origin the salsa said the couple and that two of the fiction is a shed or political ideology and that they were living together as part of a collection of accountability the deal has more now from london. Pray with me to imagine the help of late. But heres the next time a man trying to open that theyd admit it. I feel that it before having to go. That somehow connected to an end and the women ended up continuing to do it. We can expect for what it meant to be the key is that a member of the vedic and thought that the cute shoes woman. He wrote on excrement undertaking the review of a naked woman. They are now in the cat that had been on the government will open i think all that they were rescued from what he did with the president ial address. Im a kiwi kick in the know of the more worrying is that of the women on top of that and being. Well ill think i could be when given the cake the point he discovers that the content that can be in the pool its good to be loyal to the super hungry the weekend the rehabilitation beyond without them being i can to try. He didnt actually need to have that expecting the women in the. The amount of detail being with you the lady that actually get to cook well add to them that they can be taken up in the detention of the bank or a broken record. The last thing that they need to add to that rule but taking to the middle of her love for you. Reporting from mom. Then sitting in storage because in the west african nation of mauritania and as the countrys first opponent in local polls since two thousand and six of seven state election is like a prison made to challenge the countrys president muhammad with the nazis the time veganism is auntie by the name of taiwan story is that the last to cost the party is expected before well all of the results are expected during the course of sunday. Meanwhile in the neighboring mali the country is gearing up for the just of elections on sunday. Since our kids to the chaos in the country who were with school. Islamist militants seized and says he is fully honest and accountable by micah has been described as festive. There are concerns. Remove from the money that was the difference in our era. So for the review threats of Al Qaeda Linked militants in the area. As of today with a well news sites fortune into speaking to us by god the extent until well chilled filtering cats and today will all of that special song on cents the new movie. Sea. If the computer it is one of my six cents a lb according to its in french history and crying at the same is leased out of bubblegum pop music that santa for husbands to me from a jeweller and still. Well see. Im delighted to welcome its still the topic to this list of the who. Its the its a goal and an icon here in front seventy six three extends to the beastie is its own millions of albums of all we are taken at the lights the south and has taken a back now its been decades in nine nights. One of frances best known music starts. So the bottle was born in bulgaria nineteen forty four. Her family emigrated to paris eight years later. The precocious child learn french in just two years. But her real passion was music jazz and rock and by nineteen sixty five she recorded her first match with a loony. Sea. It can hear y. She was the queen of a style of European Partnership with american influences. Queen Mary Frances King of rock johnny halliday. A lot of that. So the visit the up sick the main print royalty after the divorce in nineteen eighty. It got its second win in love and a show in las vegas. I know. She eventually remarried to an american in nineteen eighty four. Six years later. To perform in our homeland. Bulgaria who tied the knot. And he said and me. Our. I know but its down its proven to be timeless and very in love check them in the lane and the e. Its easy then the pool in the us is only seem to have a Strong Influence the new and amazing what is said and done that can actually see. All american for me when the inspiration and the frist and i can rock and roll Country Singer anchored was sixteen years old for diesel was called brenda lee and i love her and some might gone shes always wanted to be an actress more than singing and that it is my dream so i made a deal with my mom saying that im on it i would finish in high school and then that will go to the territory. And i learned that crap. When tom menino my brother decided differently and i i started singing by accident because he was then i pray you soon at the same time as a musician and he was using for ica and thats how it started by abu replace the missing an open weekend connor shaw. For the duet and a duet became a huge hit and then descended contacted snowball into the beginning of the korean that i didnt have me in mind that the time it included john latest album in the us as well. Its cool to sylvie in the next panel and the second time weve been to use an oven in the city thats hundred and fifty years ago when he is a list as these. At the kings stand still at stake in its announcement that a sign of the things happen. I did the extremely well millie she. Thats not as well knowing its next to me this and that i can make this album is quiet and Country Music was his intention to try and spend pants for wide audience of content to a wider audience who says you know when a guide to the saga was an instinct in bahrain ryan desire in me and the mopping keeping in mind my next stage and badly needed at a temple sealing move in. And what better than going back to nationalism musicians on just three innings. And casting be in the spirit of music is all there. I think international had become. The capital of then music basically because a lot of people. I like to country artistic trust open now you can see and become more popular. And the de icing because of the reaction to him to the rapid today the other. You can kind of music stand around the country has all of always see em. Im in medina read them. The d c and the story and i sink yet its easy music its happy music. And on that saturday with balloons and a link to nineteen have been easy as to show the sound of a fourteen meeting opens. Is it tacky music as a key to success was a key to success spur its everything you know for years the idea of being known. I mm falling in and then. And having shows that were basically on korean wrapped too. That was what it is americans in los angeles because he was four weeks and weeks. With american dances i can on wheels days we had twelve to sixteen ounces. And that may be many many shows with this kind of the color you know was a lot of production the museum. I was crazy about dancing and it was terrific to do to build all those eon. New songs different kind of a ai and we have dance we would be dead disco weeded out. We did all kinds of different styles of music. It is very exciting and so on the baptism what i live in them. I guess they got tired of doing always the same things over and over thirty is. And so i decided to go more into the recycle form and chews on a kind of songs not busy on a beacon maybe more. Toss the pasta is not as beautiful songs and in french and. Language delays itself in two. In on love songs in the air as the roman people and wage until its end as angry as he and bennett and taking a toll on that night. Once again so adding friends. Ac dc if youre in a nation at independent despite a questioning glance. At the scene in friendster and that it prohibits into it too appealing to you. I mean its national in eons. Well he did this thing is you can never deny who you want. The city and even when i saying in vegas or when the oracle arena in on a tiny city i didnt choose and i show was but a real range of four. And i noticed them for it to be appealing to an american audience and saying maybe morning tea sounds. But at the same time. He always considered as an. French singer because you dont add too rude and then to base and so you cannot deny that and that no one in the night anyway so its a mixture. And i think young. No idea that my sound than that so many different ones and many an american song that would translate as well and french so an angle man havent seen you in canada are on an elsewhere. I can always sing in him. An english town on that nights fall breeze and thanks as i got home in phoenix and one and the audiences around the well and often helped by making basics and still many struggling to make an entity into National States the attack was among two that the town festival. To find out how easily things music exports approach i know you know. The system is to extend my thanks position to make them a new introduction in these lands is exposing his music seven nights. He was yes he is in france. You might like to play more new uk but its complicated than that theres a mistake to confuse the audience doesnt know you the fact is like starting all over again because they will kill me can i have sold thousands of thousands of pounds to take the speck of chopping and sent a note to single one that can be found. In fact the number of french artist speaks he could be counted on just one hand it to. So to go to ou. I golf punk section. I am a really good reason we dont sell anymore. Stop particularly french style this has become gospel inherent in kind. Sample clearance was given to thank john just wanted to break into foreign markets. Besides daydreaming. Despite some serious handicaps the vocal singing in french in pieces up my current job. French news in the making of the stroller pushers will interest you but he says its easier to export the uk electro started very strongly with the french consul in one go to the left untouched that was in europe and its a jumper month and can own one the gti and the states to place alongside families purchasing and headed to the creek or sometimes well and even if theyre going to eat several friends sons. In sixteen sixty six. We listened to him. If the code this is something we pulled into the top. Cc differently to much say that he doesnt even conceived and exports to steves this but whatever comes to business. Not so much own office and the best way to meet at the Grocery Store has that needs to sing in french because thats who i know thats the time being who own them. That is that its expertise the pc and your deeds that seem to go to him the next day to be spent on tests just to break into these intimate performances and take on the mainstream that brings the city and today she is always a combined eighteen fifty two units and iconic friends thing enjoy the songs cost of way. So the interview. Well what do you think hes music legacy is. All he is in poland see him really yet. I remember them being twelve years old its eighteen years old and listening to his songs and knowing all of them my heart. He was in the area on god in his ear aches and he was of age and the very nice man and so on. Saturday looks of the anti semite becoming a business and nineteen eighties as an eighty one a try. Sylvia on today in the french capital return at the footy and sat on the fourteenth and fifteenth of may. That equals to get local to me is a french and other lines on their website and session at lax. You can find me on the set agenda and the school day. Maybe with john the sons and still be seen in tonights enjoy and see if the look on etsy. Who knows i love that name i do. Peeking ch. It is. I use it choose the she. Most of all he did need the twelve houses than they renegotiate its continued to try and cover up the deal which took the sanctions east. On to front the new chip program for a tie between cairo and anchor of falling repeated criticism of the high middle seat but try to change it to expel the turkish ambassador to downgrade the term arbitration. Thumbs down to the y just as everyone began to give up. She does it will fall for deposit towards the Global Climate pact to be signed here attacks in twenty fifty. Our son otis Wilson Pickett very much joining us well begin in switzerland where talks in tehran sneak a program once again brought together four minutes is open six will cause the goal of those talks that derek jeter is to reach a deal with the Islamic Republic which would see it sanctions that hes in return for cuts on tehrans new kit program on the corresponding jones are costas is falling off the defendants for us in geneva is the will exists people are cautious. And i dont want to call the success or fame yankees point. This intensive negotiations by ministers from that the sikhs the radiance and lady ashton around the clock to try and broker a deal but its likely ask whether the political hurdles and they will be on a doubt for a package to fall in place and we could have a repeat of november nine winningest is when haas big night in a deal happen. But some senior diplomatic sources as saying its premature to say that the talks would not get to a deal on the other hand some of the sources as saying that thats the possibility that package will not fully in place and my take on fourth round of negotiations to get a deal with the big issue for the radiance is the level of a sanctions relief. That is that i made to the mom in exchange for them too. Could some of the uk or activities any particular off to meet the demands of the piece seeks house concerning the rock heavy water reactor that sabean. In the prices of being built and that the mani said to have suspension of the construction of the initial six miles of any package interim deal of the level of sanctions the ring ins want to cry lot of political clearance back in washington from the white house and congress and thats a difficult one. He acted in a box in the space of a few days especially for the moms in the rain in summer off join circles is reporting from geneva will be sure to you any updates from the swiss and as we get them in all authorities and the lebanese capital say theyve identified the two men who towards the double Suicide Attack on the Arabian Embassy earlier this week which killed five people about attack was claimed by a group affiliated to al qaeda which is still missing the iran backed lebanese shia militant Group Hezbollah because of its support for president bush on all outside in neighboring syria. Now off to expelling the turkish ambassador to cairo egypt announced today it is downgrading diplomatic ties with tacky. The photoshop escalation of tensions between the two countries should be mounting ever since egypts president criminals he was ousted in july will pronounce responded promptly its kind of declaring the egyptian ambassador to the son of northern rocks that is what the turkish premier versatile no one has to say the new phone. He sees no ideals the chosen people the ideals goals responsible for the coup the recent pro democracy struggles in the world. Or no deal is we dont respect the sovereign rights of people. Oh one increased strength and emo critique bargain and serene gardens and hes dead hes a result of that. He just execute torres on possible arrest revealed the same as teaching torah beach its ambassador. And we give him a deadline and asking to leave sticky. By november the twenty ninth. This promises to king mellon this next report falsely cats henry brown explains how its come to this that suck ish egyptian relations egypt and turkeys relationship took a solid ten on saturday. In the Egyptian Government decided to scale back its diplomatic ties with turkey accusing her of interference in internal affairs. Not to visit the edwardian most reliably. We have read cold egyptian on last night in ankara by the time. He has been back since gold is. Im a massive battle we summoned the tickets ambassador in cairo to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and acclaim in the salmon on grounds that he is sitting on the cross in the country. Mia. If its decision comes off to turkish Prime Minister tony tan to one. The new tees criticism that the Chips Community cheeses and dismissed the tron a former egyptian prison hundred more seats on the streets of cairo and there was support for the new second in the second most of the year. And for the egyptian ambassador to turkey to return and to expel the turkish ambassador from cairo is a step that had to happen turkey has proved that it supports terrorism and terrorists that the senate today that would be. In a Quick Reaction that turkeys Prime Minister said that turkey will never respect they succumbed to power off turn two and reciprocate it by declaring the egyptian ambassador has some unknown craft center. Tensions have been mounting between the two countries at this intimate itchy to ousted the chips used in this present in the summer. Turkeys islamic Reach Agreement on too strongly to see it and the subsequent bloody crackdown on remorse he protests in august. Lucy is currently in prison awaiting trial on charges of insulin team manager and finance loyalty is not just as many had begun to give up hope of a deal doing the dishes in the polish capital managed to find Common Ground on a number of key issues thereby paving the way for Global Climate pact. When its been a tough fortnight negotiations their goals or just yesterday that like that its wrong but just collapsed i kept telling the crowd is covering the story for us and also his goal to latex the toughest negotiations he has entered onto trucks as they called the fest that is as you imagining that the emissions targets productions going to with the press conference in twenty fifteen and the second concerns was called a loss and damage which is helping countries to recover the committee from the economic costs of the effects of Climate Change once this happens now but that those compromises that were eventually released since the dawn one why did the fast paced it was the wedge that contributions countries agreed that by the First Quarter of twenty fifteen setting good time to the press conference they would start out that contributions to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions that would replace the wet commitments i basically means that the countries it said that they appreciate thats what they should do and thats what theyll try to date but then all being bound to it in any way so that was the compromise on that one of the second shot that keyword whats up doc. The United States insisted that the new mechanism for compensating countrys loss and damage of the facts that old but Climate Change should be placed under an already existing mechanism for helping countries adapt as in protest to the effect of Climate Change before it happens now developing countries the g seventy seven outs of duty once it does two rounds of funding as it was to be kept completely separate slowly lost out on that one they had to get it to the us but the compromise was that second tree is time theyll be error of your fat and maybe those to you that separate the two mechanisms will eventually be separated reporting from seoul. Lets get the latest now on thursdays to saucer in the latvian capital led the roof of the supermarket collapsed killing at least fifty four people. Rescuers have been forced to suspend the search for survivors suffer another section of the buildings roof caved in earlier on this evening will the Baltic States observing three days of mourning for the cats Claire Williams rescue it is clear the rubble and sets his mind as. When that section of the maxima supermarkets make a scene. No one was injured this time. At about fifty people are thinking of them dead since the busy supermarket sweep collapsed on thursday. Best on to shop this. Then on to rescue a kiss he just aligned to the scene. That is president has opened an investigation speaking on national tv. He called it a medicated smith said hed sell you. Clearly the deceased was a maths chem and of many defences people we can all co lead a natural accident yet. Because if she wasnt involved. So noah got to go out with them though the ability to investigate is looking into whether construction lap on the rates on some gravel covered staff in schools that collapsed relatives and friends of victims routine to place candles and flowers the moment is kind of coffee the huge implying kits to known as chemical incident elected us dollar. People have donated so much he bought food drinks coffee eighteen buses and loads of things. He also brought us hot water because at the beginning we had no electricity him a snack as rescue efforts at less than eighteen twenty two cents to cents to nine days. But as a constant risk another call to the roof to collapse more details are emerging about a case of mold and a slave in United Kingdom where a couple in the sixties accused of keeping three women as a london house for thirty years Austin Police said the alleged captains who can restock bail. Our effort and intensity in origin the sources said the couple in the two of the fixins the shed political ideal let you know they were living together as part of a collection of accountability the deal has more now from london. Pray with me to imagine the help of late click here than at the time by the end of the data indicate that political ideology it before having to go. That somehow connected to an end and the women ended up continuing to do it. We can expect for what it meant to be tricky and lets remember that you can top that pesky who pursues woman. When you are in swimming and taking the lead hero to the naked woman. They are now in the cat that has been on the government will open on take off that they will record what he did with the threat that it slip that im a kiwi kick in the know of the more worrying is that of the women on now. In a tent being. While ill need to think of the week of the cake. The police are trying to kick the bucket and put it in the pool its good to be loyal to the recovery the important that we have education beyond it. Without them being i can to try. He didnt actually need to have that expecting. The women end up like stressed about the amount of detail. Being with you. Nobody that should be typical. Well the oven and heat and add them to take her to be picking up the Media Attention and that dang funny the court. The last thing that they need to warm up taking two of the doctrine of thirty years. Reporting from mom. Fencing is going to close in the west african nation of mauritania and as the countrys first opponent in local polls since two thousand and six. So the state election is likely to present a major challenge the countrys president muhammad with the nazis the time being and is the miss bossy by the name of taiwan story is that the last to cost the party is expected before well all of the results are expected during the course of sunday meanwhile in a neighboring mali the country is gearing up for the just of elections on sunday. Since our kids to the chaos in the countrys north with school. Islamist militants these two cities obey honest and accountable by micah has been described as festive. There are concerns that an orphan from the money that was the difference in our thoughts of falling debris new threats of Al Qaeda Linked militants in the area as of today with a well news sites fortune into speaking to us by god. Whats on my entry on your wealth. Like anywhere in the wild on almost any cell phone whatever hell provide the welsh. I have tonight im going three hundred is. But black on yellow bluff road just visit the website. I got a prompt him to come obama. The actual ground nt open them up and youll receive the free sms tell you how to store the plan. You can what fun that night i get the cake is one of the country. Oh my god welcome to the interview on france twenty four my guess is but so far is managing director of the Crescent Group is also a pioneer in the upper world in the middle east said good morning thank you so much for being with us on the scene of many different activites is about two main businesses oil and gas and your president of the person said Petroleum Based in the shops trying to unite good at it that it merits. He also the chairperson of the guests and sixty. But more recently you have lunched at the double double group with music producer quincy jones to give that up in the pregnancy opportunities indeed it is also open air Theater Academy week that kevin spacey. How would you describe yourself. I know it seems like the many different aspects of what id do without this there is some method to the madness of something that ties it all together. Im sure d power and passionate about the role of social entrepreneurship in the middle east but also more nobody. I see that as a force to deal with them and put the sheets assault. I love the social economic problems that exist today in the middle east and of course why the citys cultural exceeding to be held to be so social entrepreneurship social entrepreneurship but has assets in every single industry or sector. Of course the Energy Business which is part of the Christian Group as you mentioned has a tremendous potential to affect peoples lives. Energy is impervious to sight see now with respect to other aspects of the business moguls including of course culture which i think has tremendous potential through the power of cultural diplomacy. So activating certain Business Models that can use culture to build bridges between different parts of the work i could to keep talking about the city was born in as our stock units a day at the emirates of that you studied in the uk where to send you into the term bridge i also decided the harbor of us use the base a businessman from back to that of the journey and your mother is from palestine. You said your father. To everything he knows thats putting it onto never to accept things for what they sing with him in the time. Ole ways to use your own intuition. Eloise question. There are many situations today and i faced growing up and being exposed to very good in a different businesses in different aspects of learning about business. And i was always taught them especially by my father to question. If something is not zero everton from the start and never just accept things for what they might seem to always question use your intuition. Not something which ive used again as i said because theres a number of different sectors and industries which i have the pleasure of being part of that served me very well the device serves me right. The city of ghosts is bubblegum. The group with that music producer quincy jones said. Youve also hoping his theater at chatting at what ive been seeking the goals of the days Entertainment Industry for you. So for me and the power of music and the arts generally act as an umbilical cord as a very subtle non political way. Im as the universe in the musical. Well east lead a political utc i find this is where i might think part of the debates weve been having in the form of betting on is how culture can positively influence politics. So thats how i see us its been driven almost to the culture of puppets of culture driving the right sort of politics. I see that it is the power of influence potentially yes but coming in from out from a various of positive reinforcement and was a tour of music as quincy a voice says is the universal language doesnt have a race religion age color. And so being able to use content generated from them or that its almost as i said to act as a language as a form of communication with the rest of the world. I dont think is being done effectively today but i see it having tremendous potential in the future. Thats why i have these partnerships with the likes of quincy jones would you do exactly with consistency lets keep it together so long. That was song by the disease and artists gets so the first part of which we did together as part of the company was at the school the Global Gumbo Group is the re creation of the concept of who we are the world which would sooner but this song here since the nineteen eighty four precisely. So this is a similar idea where we had one artists from every single country in the arab world coming together singing in solidarity for a better tomorrow. We also had some back select some participation from the international. Recognize artists such as a common identity in a well known trick hero introduce the song as well so it was a nice east west collaboration of course with quincy. Being a Major International producer im indeed it was one that had you know the good success we managed to get close to ten million i think download some reviews on youtube is a short space of time. Managed to raise money which we dont need to save the children of the Un World Food Program to develop arts and culture programs. Four under for impoverished children and be in them is that something you want to pursue that with quincy jones ride that was a single project and that was the charts the song just retired to bed what weve done since in recent is the thought that was the need for the development of the truth ecosystem for music to as a support platform to launch a local talented stars from the region. So we long something called the dubai music week which is going to be an ideal of events held in september and that includes everything from seminars conferences concerts both counts with art is not blog about it the Summer Capital of culture. The second being the capital that is this i mean i think the uae in general has really been up to the pioneer in the region of trying to embrace culture where im from charger is really the capital in my opinion. Maybe a biased opinion but at the capital of culture and in the uae and in the region charter was voted the capital of the unesco capital of the Cultural Capital of the art world in nineteen ninety eight. Next year its the islamic capital of the Cultural Capital of the world as well. And really pioneered a new charter has twenty six museums all of which are grassroots the desmond limit the amount it or not but the two were twenty three years to read before others in the region where are you focusing on arts and culture charter that doing that but i think this tremendous new projects in dubai in the book bobby of course with all the museum products that are happening there and yes i think thats pretty important for you kevin spacey are you putting together you open the theater cat in where is going to take solace in dubai as well. So the fields towards the idea here. So the idea really was you know i grew up with a tremendous passion for theater might use to love going to be interested in where dr had access to the seat in the uk or five or visit to new york broadway. I was told that there was a deficit of content as well as features in the region in my part of the world the resort we circled reasons mortgages reasons melanie nice to get the power of theater that are performing arts is tremendous and its not just create the actors and actresses. But the confidence levels and again the communication skills that can be built by the art of theater is something which i was really intrigued. I also believe and never re inventing the wheel i feel that this sometimes many initiatives which are overlapping. So i feel whenever theres the expertise out there to part with expertise given space to have the pleasure of meeting and i discussed was a huge lead to some actors in the piece them together so the idea is not to build buildings we have plenty of buildings in the region within its contents the idea is to create local content back to the teen youth in our region so that in the age of sixteen and twenty four twenty five. Bring them together but not just as i sat in acting. And then write to. In developing the Stage Management and makeup and costume. Everything that comes together to make a beautiful theater. No ideally once we have local content we can take that to other parts of the road to broadway chorus of the west and the Mountain Side to sit there with having all is well hopefully they would have like three weeks to put together. So the idea that the first bite that happening any ideas would be a six week workshop where we will invite the new additions for youth in the region to come and participate again in six weeks will develop a full plate. I hope you take that made two parts of the world as well as a force in the region. So when would this be. We paddled on hopefully having the First Academy of bike you to two thousand and four. Backstory and yes you love maine the activity. At the crease and grew to uvu a country that natural gas business tool for the next fifty years that what you sow doubts explain what i mean today we have the advantage we have a certain amount of Energy Requirement of a global basis and we require around with energy based on a per barrel equivalent basis around two hundred and fifty Million Barrels of oil today. Now back to something which is going to increase for two reasons one of the total population is going to get bigger. They estimate around my mind ill begin by twenty fifty. And secondly the Living Standards of many peoples in the developing a pickle the developing world is only going to increase the estimates are that if we have Living Standards in a low developing world coming towards the european Living Standards and the population growth going to find a use by twenty fifty. But twenty fifty we could mean another extra three hundred to fewer than fifteen Million Barrels of oil equivalent. Just to satisfy Energy Departments history ways to do that today the fossil fuels and Nuclear Energy and you have or you will achieve. And the trick is always finding the solution is the least to find and to follow that those types of Energy Requirements with three issues were three provinces. This creates the accessibility the affordability. Im the exit and the excess of that. So evan kept the drive to a two goal that we with three aspects to the end of a liver that the excessive that it can afford to. Now when you look at the street Different Energy group which ive mentioned natural gas is really the Natural Bridge to move from a fossil fuel environment to every new abode. I did i think some fossil fuels does it satisfy those three days that i just mentioned. Reducing the price of crude oil it will really go up to sink in the next few months. There are certain there are too few months no i dont think so but i think the answer to a sabbatical black swans could take mason will have the good of a major impact. One is that iraq manages to get that set back together from a policy perspective that could bring tremendous amount of new bows on the market. Iran is another issue which of course despite the controversial issues today so were clear on to this energy today on the second largest gas reserves in the world the storm its just important. So there are certain things that can have tremendous impact. One of course tuesday is the issue of the unconventional unorthodox that exists in us will. In my opinion certainly become a net gas exports by twenty seventeen twenty eighteen. I dont think the us dollar become a net oil imports are the ones saying is that shifts the balance. Today i think a lot of governments are basing their budgets on about a hundred dollars or so and have so many social programs which require oil to be around the club and spicy oil remaining in the doubles that they are confined to come but like i said there are certain major events that could happen which could quite significantly imp price. Thank you very much want to pop. Thanks to you for watching and stay with us on false and calves. You know anyone in the world. Three languages the rams ultimo real time. Soon also. See even more. But thats new exclusive tweets from our reporters could defeat. As it happens. The boys youll get a wheel vapor content you want to stuff the stuff you do so. With the new house uncapped experience never end. I rule. Oh oh. Use. I will. I am the day. Chill until wednesday. Aintree grand victoria. Welcome to copy the text of prey terrible. We made a striking modern kitchen. The Imperial War Museum north the power. A vibrant cosmopolitan metropolis. I think ill like dont ever tell her. We are not just that. There are boundaries. By around two hundred. Modern art. Legal aid. We are happy. Its way easier. Lets go. For enjoying themselves at a briefing. You might find festival. Three night hike the car. The lace hearts and what that really changed scary every month. There will be of any. I would love to type my sons mike and michael. The events of them becoming off the race. New neww new new. Anticipation and uncertainty over a potential deal with on top diplomats to get tehrans Nuclear Program under control. In march up from endurance as anti fascist activists took to the streets of germany protesting against the growing popularity of he lives in the country the merkel wants and she wants to have a word with lavender putin offer you free thats up to the eu and

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