Our riding in fact about in the philippines we tell that i think i had to make them any that was the green tops comparing todays continues the official death toll of rapidly rising in recent hours to live for. Without help. Above are apologizes for his administrations healthcare follow as his popularity ratings tumble over a month off. Does the striker struck a bomb a candle to the us president promises to fix it. It was we counted on for a french priest kidnapped in cameroon nigeria and cameroon and Security Forces finding out the fire going. As George London bridge over the sea fight but to her on this list thanks for joining us some big brown eyes or headlights are watching hawks and cats now its seven days and typed in high and when they swayed of death and destruction across the central philippines us navys uss George Washington to the forefront of International Aid efforts to finally stop bring relief to the next stricken areas japan australia and Great Britain or cyclones are beating considerable minutes the vessels bancroft and fonts. As the standard is no racism or parent un and now local figures indicate that the wests hits cd stack them up. Had a least four thousand deaths and that theyve now been accountable but in the shop right up to present any new acronym had earlier insisted the final cut would not exceed three thousand as quaint as well as his handling of the crises have drawn some criticism is to listen to the president of the philippines. They run around with the housing on his people. Now that i know the reason this is the food and water. Gods word is that he was the result on the one previously my day. Will we ever went beyond doubt staying a week. The story of a cactus plant will propose we all hope on the situation that just with the aid effort stands. See just behind me the hills that the first helicopters with us but cmon this. Hundreds came onto the land routes into and the making of a system that is set up a base hit with the philippine army. So again it seems similar to the situation of hundred kilometers north east and talk about baby is coming to the parameters of the coastal areas. But as far as we can see as yet they still havent set up a Distribution Centers in the systems brother systems in place so that babies can reach the most remote areas to spend a week now and those people are still calling out but a m but it does see what you can sink a couple days now that the date is coming from and special Community Ownership we have no proof that the tape is really reaching the people the really needed at this moment. Now what will teach us about the conflicting death toll that tells why the confusion from what weve seen weve traveled around the house that we call such a knitting around that the roads are clear but there isnt many the reason outside of officials people say they havent seen anyone knows of someone and it was very hard to sell out with all the bodies have been collected a little cyst but these people this or that they bury bodies because they started to rot. I havent been officially noted down sometimes in the death toll is really hard to tell exactly how many people died and that is probably why have these conflicting ideas at the moment but also the thing to point out that black people who have survived this tragic that it was really suffering now and today and here in the oval. This has become so the last employee of an exodus of those people and talk about when it was huge devastation this city has also been devastated but its not that theres no at the dc region been knocked down and houses but no doubt that is ascendant so of a service and it isnt movement espousing it. We have a city just across the sea hit and supplies are coming in to people coming to live up to get the top of the buttons are in charge fines for generates is no such thing and really putting strain on the city will walk itself moving on now and it was supposed to be his signature policy success of rock of the most Affordable Care act care at daycare but i cant get these to be apolitical but enough to weeks of growing and adding to the people on line role that means the fridge the council to individual insurance policies as president announcing an apostate that c kimball the responsibility for the fall will promise to fix the council can stop thompson. Its a signature piece of legislation which bans his name. Three and the hoff is off to the Affordable Care act for obamacare was cost. Us president barack obama admits mistakes being made or doubts on me maybe we fumbled the roll out on the sculptor in recent weeks millions of americans receive letters from insurer is advising them the policies would be canceled as they get people to meet the new minimum requirements under pressure from eight republicans and democrats obama announced a one year extension for privates cava which would otherwise be sworn on the problem compounded by technical issues which have plagued the federal Health Care Website where americans can show the new plans the us president admits he expects to have to bring back credibility. Is the confidence of the american the specs walsall. Every problem for every person. But is going to help a lot of it doing more will require work with congress. Insurers and republicans had already raised downside whether the proposal will watch it some clear whether the new stakes poker friends policies from a new council controversy has altered its democrats in the senate. Just on the twenty fourteen reelection fights. Meanwhile fifty two percent of americans say the mountains trust the president has once again safe on. Does come as other outcomes popularity ratings. The big news in the past weeks raising concerns among democrats about what he can still do his time in office the respected. A Quinnipiac University poll giving him a fixed nine percent Approval Rating at just this week. To counter now where police is wrapped up a global child radio in the three hundred and fifty people arrested around the world in connection with the case the operation dubbed project spay eagle said helping rescue three hundred and eighty six children the investigation baby came into two thousand and ten when a website selling illegal images of children was traced back to toronto lets take a listen to the head a feature on to Police Crimes unit inspector john a bit and they shut up outlining the types of people picked up in the dragnet. Concert the investigators was the number of people but had close contact with children the arrests included forty school teachers. Nine doctors and nurses thirty two people who volunteer with children six Law Enforcement personnel nine pastors or priests and three foster parents. Today ms wade and another indication that the president s latest major intent on consolidating his grip on parliament in caracas green light in the First Reading of the bill that would be if you get chatty the success of the town to rule by decree. That is venezuelas police continued a clampdown on businesses arresting was that the authorities called one hundred boards while figures accused of price fixing rates in the super tickets too lenient and economic offences been squealing president and the commencement years since he needs emergency decree powers for a year since he can crack down on corruption and bolster the countrys crippled economy. Unlike its predecessor a picture of this nature in its use in her own this humble people. When working people i say im Going Forward with everything and our business enabling act. New loan will still meet protecting the people from speculators parasites believes that corrupts. Last weekend interior uses existing authority to force a plane stories to slash the price is right up to sixty percent. He called and cheap standard cd sales. Hes promised to extend the price cuts to police cars including an aide to increase his popularity in the country crippled the completion of fifty four consents and widespread shortages and scenic. The ninety nine. Its going to need it to pass the next year. Party ousted opposition lawmaker marion merces hour into it and replace fear with that Government Support the opposition saysheast track pers are smokere what this enabling act as h disact venezuelans from problem not a distraction from the crisis is still in venezuela. The discussion is recognizing that the reason we cant these economic problems. Bad politics from the government to become law the enablin act house to pass a final to be next to me the myth that the latest on the kidnapping of a french priest in northern cameon George London british seized by everett dozen gunmenate swing state in india ha area about ten km from the border with nine syria opportunity as well as reports his captors with english because then he waits he claims that the culprits are from nigerias islamist terr groups but the grandmother that my confirmation of that as it crosses government is about to do what we can to free the priests but underlined that he had ignored their warnings to leave the area meant to be at the ritz. On base this story and the regional situation on a larger bases are International Affairs at it that it was bombed georgian join this pay on to say amen why is the yeast in the snow into camerons attempts. Whew its dangerous because the cut hair and has become more active. In that area thats partly a result of the nigerian on these offences. In Northern Nigeria which has pushed militants across the border into that northn p of cameroon. But theres another bloated danger which is the book of around eight so its a corporation with an up to import a great time and is out of clay to in these nine men grant which is actually a nice chat and molly. Now this cooperation between these two groups in nigeria and the staff all made possible by that long border you can see between the sharon nigeria and we know that the two groups have said intelligence in asia that intelligence was crucial to the kidnapping of two young french citizens in asia. Back in january twenty Eleven Commission as a cherry on the fringes of the first kidnapping in the dc region if the camera in the light of fridges and saw french nationals being taunted by militants while in the case of al qaeda in the atlantic that grant definitely because there is a desire to retaliate against them about it thats the french operation aimed at displacing jihadists from northern mali and youll remember that al qaeda in islamic background in its communique. The vet tech claimed responsibility for them to a faulty colleagues fr Radio France International spoke of president owns crusaders staying with its pitch moving and fiddle with what inferences of the four of the soviet Union President animals its had a huge effect lets take a listen to jazz quartet from north africa Risk Consulting and speaking to me. Awesome job interview. Since the collapse of that the regime. Back in two thousand eleven. Umm think about these weapons stockpiles were rated of the weapons were then taken by militias some of them were sold. They float across borders and to be there in somali of the making eir way into the hands of attorneys in japan these namely the pop up in that the brigade on the heading eastward spin to egypts ahmed heading further south into somalia. See a massive outflow of weapons ban from the dhb east and the sow and Counter Terrorism experts say that but come around is one of many groups that have benefited from the two libyan weapons. The mental picture much for that analysis moving on down to four with a business and that europes top of their images proved effective. On announcing thursday that it would be heeding its International Emergency loans to seventeen years fended off a national bankruptcy. Spain series make a clean break from it but that heading north for the one billion euro to shore up its Banking Sector however that may be small consolation for they still affected by europes downturn week spains Unemployment Rate still is that the twenty five percent. Brussels reassure a tease me off the two ill grow it does remain sluggish progress assigned to the bailout funds and the belt tightening measures mistaken isnt it the guarantees of them the euro group chief. Two countries are an excel file program can work to work. And second its a good sign. Of course that the outsides of soul. Crisis management of the eurozone. This was all knew it was at dat i go into a bill to be worked out weve now thats two good experiences with europes Economic Situation European Commission has just had cake from the twenty fourteen budget but has insisted this my room for maneuver. Getting down to sri lanka where president s Mahindra Rajapaksa is on the defensive ahead of a Major International summits the fifty three nation commonwealth gathering starts this friday at the shattered by criticism. The crackdown that ended the tamil tiger uprising in two thousand and nine. The leaders of the indiana vs double eagle seen this on its own British Press that David Cameron is to visit the north of the garden. As one that was the worst affected by the conflict in our nations does say that forty thousand civilians were killed in the final months of that will foster cats or regional correspondent many key got a triple. They had such a way it actually is hosting a yeti three decades. President rajapaksa had no doubt hoped that the summit would give this country a chance to showcase all of the devil up its made in the country since coming to its crunch time and rather than two thousand and eight. If the user to set up an independent commission to us to get out again since the war crimes evidence showed that the summit said he had a particular nations stops to doll up as you said ten minutes of the top of canada has already decided to boycott the event with the government saying that attending would be akin to a quality team either. But in a tricky issue because the time and i dont even need to be executed against him that one thing has its roots in the south indian state of tom and i do. So its a kick in the balancing act minister Manmohan Singh why he has a high eleven dedication to attend the summit the south has decided to steal week nothing to jeopardize ties with india but rather than a friend come and vote as ahead of next years general elections. Google conference that in more news about the team is on the stitching ground in yet will fill you with my healing and helping to reform the country. One megabytes at a time. Tune in for a special type thinking for a visit to india. Dont miss this special edition of twenty four on the lookout well welcome to the program this summer bringing you a special edition from the moon by which it of course the scene of the top of that indias Film Industry and what i say indian film. You may think of that they get lavish holiday with productions but the industry has a lot more to it than just got to talk about that time joined by a non gandhi he is the director and director of the critically acclaimed film the shape of the cia said it won awards around the globe before it opened up day here in india just a few months back radio welcome to the show. Thank you enough. Youll film the cheapest easiest its a far cry from the typical aborted with production that its been critically acclaimed but what about the ordinance would howl have the organs man does that seem to you to your toes is a splendid beauty that god in india. Though. The man in the fetus was six weeks and extended phone call from six cities to reading in the thirty one thirty two cds and god. Soo guess hes getting getting screened he is getting go of the police and students more the no fault its the end and do not know what it was easy and its so calm so the audience bees is costly expanding the audience is also what the warming up to the idea that the cinema has no home no be made evident. So there was a growing audience for the cinema with the quentin didnt exist. Bottom line just attend the fortieth and has lived a bit about what the film is about is about to read individuals who are struggling with disease and disability in with the prospect of having to go through walking dead connection. The bad balls though that forms an editor there all over. The but go there so that the focus is on there on the goals of the journeys of on farm on cushions in a case in my back aching and i go. So its on its tv shows and amidst all extremely strong questions of ethics but i did the ideology of that existence and anesthetics. It doesnt take so you will fill more the typical bully with stereotypes was it difficult to market the film both of her award as well as ca here in india seem about right. A broad idea was that since the mortar to the marketer to broaden its being in india to you and god was a cute surprise of the seventy s and for us what you think its i think oh this is the fastest really warmed up to defend enough to prevent or these days and doesnt listen to children from the wind was calm and ready to begin all like huge success and then to think of trusting everyone the best of award and abilities this is that it doesnt even involve me of that and the critics of the uq the activity that you read the further than they did to put it on the list of the chemo that the nxt so so so itself. It was nice t me warmly and ended up in a critic of sofas in the faces of the so called abroad. But um no the mindset of the disputed abroad. This too is to get to loading this this new cinema thats coming from india and is in heaven forbid doctoral work so theyre still trying to get to grips with all the different types of the right of the garden visitors the dog was one of them together right now the looks of it as the independents in a moment if they havent figured out that its so much theres so much diversity that not that bad a thing that kept noting that had been to students position that the enemy that the medium easy to set i guess so but its just a couple but some people say that youll film is rated example industry proof of how del indian cinema is is developing and how its coming of age to such extent you seem to be a great guy when i was up to believe that i have a baby im ocd about the food was good to say that they and i found out that thats the reason i made the food isnt as bad as it is the best ladies who happened to them but i would like to see. Of critical to the ego but today when it came to get done. Ben folds for alito simon was soo pretty good even for the last film of all human but the audience is entitled go up. The audiences are normally theyd be but they are actually behaving for some suitable for sometime now. Yes the queue. Jordan scott as he stalled and stalled consuming calm indian means in kuantan this top was in the indian team in the regions top and teaming up again though the Ingredient List and it died off at most a couple peninsula he said that the reception of all of the film and the film in and of itself it is a function to some extent of Indias Economic Development Focus to those ideas that i am what you use our true home is being in the two biggest even two. Two of the week of. One morning in the parliament and the like and they can probably speak a ball of dough the Yemeni Government and the two main board of an example of what the us and some parts of it. Because of as far as picking the economy is based on the list to be leading the filename and anyone of getting the basics of right now but when they both look of an economy that openly in this economy. Calm is the sum something had changed and endorsed solace benefit of those images of the code onto the pocket size bed. Like like a dozen in the industry and economy. So awesome because of that. It begins also good to have the money to make a film like this an indifferent to how people are bidding to take these risks because of of the stiffer than honest and i thought wed be in business for the state as what id calm but as north shore the norm of enthusiasm and an end more think i can be cut since the mind of rita at each of the soul singer has a green foliage committees us to pay for continuing back and theres also an ordinance perhaps theres an order was not as concerned with this a viable right. I suppose the second is this format i e on of my eye was ported will focus on beating beating employed center for the answer to that. They said appointing short back home to force one titled all gone drama and the second one i dont mall. Doesnt it the chinese. Ms needham all that color one cried out what to do. Im getting kinda forced mortem report said that the cost to have the daily sport its been quite get it as fuel flow of the vehicle functions but its its its some readings for liking it. That too we were two of the religious doctrine. Negotiating up on the arm on philosophy and i get all itchy and port dickson. And your affiliations and im holding them. Well to whats good for defeating the feed him off off off us open and you end up column to the basic needs to be in place and i think the putting some parts of it because they are the icons big for the four nation but that some communities some parts of the country that have begin to have. The bad debt relief aid up. And because of that bit dull that is that is of but is it going space to open on to consume tons of fun. I dont know what to have a door opens you up golf information phone bill from for the next solar system is a village in devon coming from the source from the lord. So dot to dot audience base is the audience that vegetable juices begin to tune in to talk to or talk about though that the Film Industry here and home i was doing. Do you think if we take a step back it is growing in times of ticket sales of big ticket sales in india in the indian market is from about two three billion what is it that every year but what is the health of this strip. Farm life i feel the calm. Or for any kind of approach or drug addict extremely important and that expression head. Calm and dove. And it suits its ideological ahead of. As much as the government has said it is that god uses of missiles and consumer you mean you get offices is to make of them what are the same time the fall of the firm is also saw what sort of them. He pushed it. Washington cnn the two weeks the needy and the incomes of the ideas into believing that the content kind of means its sunday independent. The kind of dog died all that said since fighting it needs to be extremely heavy on the front end and the banking business to be some kind of a put enough in the gazette them because of my condition was put in all making the kind of films out of that are alt. It has to be benign if the organization. What is filed and that is. Q what will or dead and especially the mainstream big one or a book that speaks to me that he would go to this post about that. This mental does a pretty hostile yet get sixteen weeks to meet the ages of sixteen he called for. What do you think thats um theres theres a lot of the disappointing that has been produced of that is a cutie little bit disappointed that needs to be snubbed it is peaceful and hobbes up just as viciously because all that means we disagreed that it even that has to this this title has to happen more and more often. Its about so that it was the maud adams and then disagree that the go to the aggie know shes gotta be completed. How does that leave them in opposition and an end of the end of a calm though the babe of classes are on this connected to the art pieces. This course and of distinction is as needed and then triple digit im so so itself to the resort. Well what the lord there. That is. That is not and probably pushes the dems are going to be taken into. And they have in all fairness im on a sudden the amigos out of the team and getting didnt go to huge losses and then putting them that some kind of hope. I know but so are all on something or the other. But this is lincoln or like me is that they didnt use of the night. But the look is not designed to look is really different in mind that these peaceful dividends and i can get the dough isnt just happening. One surprising all of you for it those that use tossed about with the nineteen twenties as a script trying to fall for it. Indian soap operas when i do to get from bad to pay. What id really dont feel of that psalm. You know the bad thats when he was more jobs and are doing is right. I was writing fall for the for the souls i was also at the seams and writing these things out of my game he goes on as i was writing these kinds of fiction and an unknown fiction and of those exploiting them as nineteen oh six the wording and he knows the tune of going about time and calm know there are a few things that will more to view the video this so if you if i would look back into located about ninety nine and ceo of a strong continue with that kid again. Of the double pending now that the condition affected the time. Alright so i msg on the aforesaid we have somewhat effective if i do say so is this the need of thinking and without regard to prop up the set far back as what you asked. Sea. Rule i own. We will know what will. As you. Miles has asked government officials to redouble their efforts to reduce traffic accidents and officials have pledged tougher regulations twenty four hundred people have died in an eighty thousand have been injured in traffic accidents to assess the start of the year among those facing stiffer punishments are reckless and drunk drivers minister of internal affairs comic on the costume off has already complied with the president s reque

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