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First, kamil uluc was recently released after being held and tortured for more than two weeks in instanbul. But he wasnt captured and abused by some sort of radical, dissident group. He says that all of this happened while in Police Custody. And as well see hes not the only one to make such claims. Claims the turkish government denies. A recent report by Human Rights Watch says the state of emergency adopted after julys failed coup has weakened safeguards against torture. Our reporter Gunnar Koerner met with some of these people willing to speak out about their experiences. Today isnt visiting day, so , asuman birinci prefers to keep her distance from this prison in antalya. Her husband has been detained there for three months now without any clear charge. , but far worse than the uncertainty of the Police Interrogations. They stripped my husband of his clothes and beat him from head to foot with sticks. They threatened to kill him. They told him, when youre dead, no one will find you. These photos of eyup birinci, a teacher, show him in happier days. He was arrested after the failed coup in mid july and accused of supporting Fethullah Gulens opposition movement. His family subsequently discovered that he had been hospitalized. His room was left unguarded for a moment. I dashed in and asked, what happened . Why are you here . He told me, i was beaten horribly and had to have part of my intestine removed. Under the terms of turkeys extended state of emergency, suspects can be detained without charge for 30 days. Human rights activists say torture is effectively being sanctioned. The reality is since we dont have access to anyone in detention and havent received any credible medical reports, we cant definitively say how widespread the practice of torture is. Be we doubt it only occurs in isolated cases. Kamil uluc describes the 17 days he spent in Police Custody as pure hell. His accusations against the turkish state are extremely grave. The 31yearold says he and others were tortured for days, because he allegedly supported the militant kurdish group, the pkk. At first he was beaten, then his captors resorted to even more brutal methods. They dragged us around the room with cords tied to our genitals. My testicles were squeezed so badly that im still in pain whenever i use the toilet. Kamil uluc says he can hardly sleep as a result of his ordeal at the Police Interrogation headquarters. We kept wondering why we had to endure so much torture. I asked the police, is it because were kurdish . I dont know to this day. After 17 days of interrogation and six additional weeks in investigative custody, kamil uluc was freed by a judge who ruled that the allegations against him could not be substantiated. But the judge said nothing about ulucs insistence that he was tortured. Back in the coastal resort of antalya, asuman birinci has filed a complaint on her husbands behalf. But she doesnt hold out much hope that the men responsible for torturing him will be brought to justice. Even the doctors who treated him our afraid to speak the truth. I went to the hospital and told the doctor that i was the patients wife and asked him for a medical report describing my husbands injuries. But he sent me to the chief physician and there i was told that he couldnt do anything to help me either. Asuman birinci prays every day for her husbands safe return, and for a better turkey. A country without torture. Despite their different methods of military operation, france and germany are pooling resources to fight a common enemy. In our next report, we show you how a german warship is supporting a french Aircraft Carrier in the collective battle against the so called islamic state. Jets from the carrier have already contributed to campaigns in cities where is has been based like ramadi and fallujah. Now the french vessel and the , german frigate are working together in the fight for mosul. It is just after 7 00 a. M. The sealynx helicopter has just started the days first patrol flight. We are in the Eastern Mediterranean, somewhere off syria, lebanon, and cyprus. Exactly where we are is unclear. Its a military secret. Germanys augsburg frigate is back at sea. Its objective to protect the french Aircraft Carrier Charles De Gaulle. Yes, its a combat mission. Fighter jets regularly take off from the french Aircraft Carrier to attack daesh terrorists in iraq and syria. And were supporting this operation by protecting the carrier and ensuring its safety. The augsburg was brought into service towards the end of the cold war. Its specially equipped to track submarines. But times change, and so has this frigate. Its now capable of launching antiaircraft and antiship missiles. But the biggest threat is posed by speedboats armed with explosives. That is why the augsburgs crew regularly runs practice drills. Signal for the speedboat alarm. In this exercise, a speedboat is approaching, but its not responding to the augsburgs numerous warnings. Our weapons are locked on you. It turned away immediately turned away immediately. [gunfire] an officer takes us down to the engine room. The vessel has two diesel 5,300 horsepower engines. There are also two gas turbines that produce about five times that amount of power. This makes the augsburg the fastest ship in the german navy. If we need to accelerate to 60 kilometres an hour, we burn some 11,000 litres of diesel per hour. And it needs all that power to manoeuvre around the french Aircraft Carrier, which is constantly moving. If the bridge cant steer the vessel in a combat situation, soldiers can come down here, and manually steer the gas turbine, using this lever. Its a gas pedal for 25,000 horse power. The augsburg is picking up speed as it heads straight for the Charles De Gaulles. Charles de gaulle is following course 3. 1. 5. Up to eight vessels are escorting the french Aircraft Carrier. Among them, a us destroyer, and a french submarine. Most of them are keeping a distance of five to 10 nautical miles, or nine to eighteen kilometres. After consulting with the french fleet admiral, the augsburg is permitted to move closer so we can film the fighter jets taking off. An exciting moment for everyone on board. Do you think about what the jets are going to do . It is mainly impressive to see the jets take off and land. And to experience the noise they make. You can hear the jets start their engines, and then watch how they take off from the flight deck at incredible speed. Our mission is to protect the carrier. For me, its just a mission. Nothing more, nothing less. The pilot flies us over to the Charles De Gaulle. That, too, is an exception. Were allowed to film during an ongoing mission. The french are proud of their nuclearpowered Aircraft Carrier which can hold up to 40 aircraft , and about 2,000 personnel. It was ordered to the Eastern Mediterranean in november 2015. Since then, its planes have been regularly attacking is targets in syria and iraq. The french have overall command of the entire operation. And that includes the german frigate. Just a few days after the paris terror attacks, the augsburg joined the charles de joined the Charles De Gaulle naval formation. And im very glad to see us launching attacks against i. S. Targets again today. I. S. Has already been driven out of large cities like ramadi, fallujah, and manbij. The iraqi city of mosul is to follow. And raqqa in syria. The fighter jets on the french Aircraft Carrier are crucial to this effort. And the augsburg provides not only cost efficient support, but it is also an important sign of an evercloser european alliance. Organic corn farmers in spain say that their days are numbered. Corn was brought to the continent from america some 500 years ago. And in that time, these famers developed a range of techniques to tackle problems that could affect their crops from pests to plagues. But in recent years, farmers in the northeast region of aragon have faced a new type of scourge that has proved resistant to practically everything. He is one of the last of his kind in spain. Farmer Mariano Jimenez believes in the cultivation of 100 organic corn. I got into organic farming because i wanted to grow crops without harming the environment. And i wanted to produce healthier products. Thats why im doing this. But genetically modified corn is encroaching on his territory. The transgenic variety is cultivated in twothirds of the corn fields in the northeastern spanish province of aragon. Spain is the eus biggest gm corn producer by far. Production was first permitted here years ago and its a 18 growing headache for organic farmers. Genetically modified corn appears to be contaminating organic varieties through windpollination. Mariano jimenez is angry. Genetically modified corn has now been found in his fields on several occasions and it cost him dearly. If the corn is contaminated, i can no longer sell it as organic corn. If a sample reveals even a trace of contamination, then i have to sell it as conventional corn. But the majority of corngrowers in the region see gm corn as a blessing. Like many others here david sanzs crop was afflicted with pests, caterpillars that burrowed their way into the plants. He welcomed the insectresistant gm corn. We could not risk losing 30 of our harvest to a caterpillar plague. Cultivating corn is an expensive business. With genetically modified corn we can ensure that the harvest , will be perfect. Felix ballarin hasnt planted corn for three years now. The organic farmer has switched to other vegetables. He is unhappy that the authorities permit gm corn. He believes that was the wrong political decision. It is still contested whether gm corn is harmful to our health or not. And there are other ways of dealing with pests. All plants can be affected by insect plagues. But nowadays we have several , possibilities for managing the problem. We can minimize the risk. But we cannot control contamination caused by genetic engineering. The Regional Government in saragossa believes that gm is the only real answer to the caterpillar plagues that are particularly severe in spain. They also see it as a way to ramp up production to fill demand for livestock feedstuffs. The provinces agricultural minister is opposed to the eus stance on genetically modified crops. Does it make any sense for us to prohibit our farmers from using this technology, while importing genetically modified corn from abroad . The majority of corn produced worldwide is of the gm variety. But Mariano Jimenez doesnt want to jump on that bandwagon. Instead, like many other organic rmereres iding pepper produion. O or bell but that would mean organic Livestock Farmers would have little chance getting locally grown organic feed. With genetically modified food like corn, more people have easier and cheaper access to food. On the other hand, there is uncertainty about Long Term Health risks. Do gmo foods have benefits . What do you think . Let us know by getting in touch on facebook, email, twitter. Strangers in their own home thats how eftade and her family feel right now in crimea. As Crimean Tatars living in the russiancontrolled region, their homeland now feels hostile. Crimean tatars overwhelmingly voted against russia annexing the ukranian peninsula in 2014, fearful that the history of persecution they had endured would be repeated. Our reporter Yuri Rescheto went to a crimean settlement to find out if their fears were justified. Eftade is a crimean tatar. We met here in bakhchisaray, the village where her family has lived for generations. And these are eftades parents. They are worried about their childrens future. Its like living on a powder keg. Our people are subjec to extreme pressure. The Crimean Tatars here have been feeling that pressure since russia annexed the crimean peninsula. The majority of people here are ethnic russians. Many are happy that their homeland now belongs to russia. It is our right and our life. I will be meeting people, whose relatives dont fit in with this new life. They are disappearing because they sully the image of a good, clean russia. But we have to feed the first, chickens. This is what eftade likes to do best. She is the youngest in the family and papa aivazs , favorite. He is busy on the construction site in the yard. For several years now aviaz has , been trying to build a house for the family of six. Aivaz, hey, eftade, did your sister make coffee . What . Aivaz, did your sister made coffee . Yeah. Crimean tatars were allowed to return here in the 1990s after having been expelled by stalin during world war ii. And they began to cultivate old traditions once again. This evening, i going to learn a am thing or two about crimean tatar cuisine from alime, eftades mother. She works for a Government Agency in the capital, simferopol, and has just got home. Crimean tatars were not allowed to attend university during the soviet regime. Many still live in rural areas as selfsupporting farmers. Let me do that, papa. Here, hold the bowl, we have enough fresh eggs. Sometimes we sell them to the neighbors. The idyllic charm that i sense here in bakhchisaray is deceptive. Many here are deeply afraid. The situation is not good. Every morning i expect the police to come and question me and search my house. I am the chairman of the local mejlis organization. It is a kind selfgovernmental arm of the Crimean Tatars. My colleague, who is chairman of the regional mejlis organization. He has been in prison for the past two years. Another activist is not allowed to leave the country. And a third one is under investigation. But i am worried for my the mejlis was classified by russia as an Extremist Organization in april of this year, and subsequently forbidden. The local government was apparently worried that the Crimean Tatars, who voted overwhelmingly against russian annexation, would use their representative body to call for protests. Since then tatars stand under , general suspicion. Some disappear without a trace, like the son of a man who im going to meet. The 31yearold was abducted in may directly in front of his house. It was caught on video by closedcircuit cameras. Still, there is allegedly no trace of the kidnappers. Here there is an utter absence of law. It is all arbitrary. You never know what is going to happen to you, not even in the next halfhour. I just want one thing, to have my son back. Healthy and alive. Nothing else. Human rights activists have been documenting how intimidation and extortion have been straining relations between those who have recently taken power, and those people who traditionally lived here; but lived here but especially the , Crimean Tatars. And not just in bakhchisaray. Ethnic russians here in simferopol are celebrating National Unity day. It is a three hour extravaganza of cheering patriotism, but the celebration has nothing to do with crimea or the russian annexation. Most people here arent interested in the legal basis of their newfound citizenship, nor why the west is imposing sanctions on russia due to the annexation of crimea. The osmanovs are more concerned with the future of the Crimean Tatars than western sanctions and the elections to the duma. , the state duma nor local authorities make independent decisions. So you dont see the need for an election . No. And wont for a very long time. Its an opinion shared by most Crimean Tatars. Suddenly they are foreigners in , their own home, in crimea. Once upon a time settling , down was a case of boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Nowadays with the advent of , dating apps, where a simple split second swipe determines a persons suitability, its a bit more complicated. And what if youre a modern young muslim, hoping to meet someone compatible, not only in your choice of movies, but also your religious beliefs . Where do you turn . Thats where muzmatch comes in. We follow 34yearold maliha in london as she tries the very modern app in her Old Fashioned search for love. Maliha from london dreams of marrying again. The 34yearolds first marriage was arranged by her family, and did not last long. Now she is looking for a new , partner. He should be a muslim like her, but with modern attitudes. I think its very difficult to find someone that shares the same values like you, that upholds the same values as you , but is a little bit more of a modern day muslim as you might say. And i think it is difficult to find that sort of balance. Thats why maliha is looking for love online with muzmatch, a free dating app for muslims. There you can indicate whether youre a sunni or shiite, and whether you pray regularly for example. Maliha is looking for a man who doesnt expect his partner to wear a headscarf. She can use a filter to narrow the selection. This is the man who started muzmatch, shazad younas. Smartphone dating apps were becoming more and more popular, but there was nothing specifically for muslims. The investment banker quit his job and developed a tool for halal dating. He was convinced that even devout muslims would use modern dating apps if they respected islamic values. The young muslims etc are really playing more of role themsleves in finding a partner instead of leaving it to the parents or their community and i think that is the shift and that is where mobile is so perfect because literally they are fully under control. Online matchmaking worked for sana and hakim. Sana is a careerminded woman, but shes religiously conservative. She wanted to marry young and had already spent some time looking for suitable spouse with the help of relatives and friends. Ultimately, sana and hakim first met via the app, but they had a traditinoal courtship. Her mother went along their first date. It was important for me to involve my mother as well instead of using the app on my own. I think using both processes together kind of strengthens the way i was able to consider hakim as a partner for marriage. My family likes her. Generally in an asian household the mother in law never likes the girl, its true, so i got lucky with that part. [laughter] the couple got married within three months of meeting and they havent looked back since. Theyre quite open about how they met, encouraging other single muslims they know to try out muzmatch. Both sana and hakim say its halal and uptodate. Maliha is still hoping to find her mr. Right online. Her last date was, at least, promising. So maybe her happy end lies just , round the corner. We wish malia much luck and success. Thats it for today. Thank you for watching. In the meantime, its goodbye from me and the whole team. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible forts caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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