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The women in charge of these religious homes were catholic sisters from the 1920s until well into the 1980s. They struck terror into the hearts of the children and their charge. Only now is the full scale of the horrors that took place there coming to light. These women have returned to a suburb on irelands southern coast. To this catholic home for unwed mothers and their children. As Young Children, the women were humiliated and locked away here. Mary was given up for adoption by the sacred heart nuns over 40 years ago. She grew up in the u. S. , but many other children died and are allegedly buried somewhere in the grounds. I think about how that could have been my fate. Had it just been a few years sooner, i might not have been born in a hospital, and an stillborn at a vesper oh and died, did not survive birth and could be buried there. Its always sad to me when i walk through there. I just feel the presence, you know, of the babies and the mothers. As beautiful of the place as beautiful as the place is, the sadness is just overwhelming. It was the largest of 10 mother and baby homes in ireland. Mary spent the first two years of her life here before she was adopted. When she finally tracked down her biological mother, she told her about the terrible conditions in the home. She showed her documents that prove certain drugs were tested on her when she was only seven months old. My mother certainly verified that she was never told, never asked for permission, have no clue. She said she knew that they believed that they were giving you your jabs, that you had to get immunizations, she said when and how they did that, she would have had no knowledge. They were not asked or offered an opinion on anything to do with us. Hundreds of babies and Young Children could be buried here. The search was sparked by an amateur historian who today is accompanied by an eyewitness. Frannie hopkins says he found childrens bones in this garden over the former mother and baby home back in the 1970s. To begin with, the local people thought they were probably the skeletons of famine victims, but after sifting through all documents, Catherine Corliss came to a different conclusion that the nuns who ran the homes area up to 800 babies here. The babies who died in the home between 1925 and 1961 buried all around this area, with no headstone, nobody to remember them. The Irish Government has launched a cross departmental review archaeologist tony maguire. She found depressions in the ground that point to hidden graves. Were starting to see a passion of a much higher death rate than the national averages. That could be all sorts of things. It could be infection, maybe a lack of care, all sorts of answers why that could be the case, but what you have got to do is go in and i know why that was happening. Mary hopes other former residents will help her find out exactly what happened in the homes during a dark chapter of irish history. The current head of the sacred heart order has agreed to help clarify the matter. Some locals welcome that, but others are tired of hearing about scandals in the catholic church. We are just great at kicking the dead, giving them a second death, when hundreds of nuns hundreds of priests did brilliant work in this country, and not just in this country, but another countries. Theres skeletons in every country. In germany as well. Does it help digging them up and looking at it . Cary harrison would probably say yes, it does help. She was 18 when her son was given up for adoption by the nuns. She has searched for him for 41 years in vain. Now she wants those responsible to be made to stand up in court and give evidence. Dont let me die without looking into his eyes and know he is ok. Thats all i ever wanted to know. That hes alive, that he was loved, and that hes ok. Terry wrote the song remember me for her son. I used to hum this to him when he was a baby before they took him, and im hoping that when he hears this piece of music, it might trigger a memory , you know what im saying . A sense of me. At the moment, only numbers and old Church Records indicate how many children could be buried here. Few have names. Its hard to describe this fear because it is so real, having felt i have landed in hell. Theres one thing we all knew its a place that when you go there, you never come back. Girls were sent there and never came back. The more the mothers and their children research, the more cruelty and horror comes to light, but they say they will not give up until they know what happened to the children born here. Along with crimea, russia has also annexed the peninsulas local soccer teams. Thats causing chaos because the Ukrainian League has not released the clubs, while the russians are refusing to allow them to play there. According to fee for regulations, both sides have to agree to a league change. Russia is therefore openly violating the for rules, although the powerful sporting regulation federation is not doing anything about it. Its crimeas soccer talents who are paying the price. Many of these young footballers hope to become professionals one day. Until recently, their club played in ukraines premier the, but now, the boys dreams have been dashed, at least for now. Now, following the russian annexation of crimea in march, the club should technically also belong to russia. The boys are confused. We dont have a professional team anymore. Now they are trying to set up a new one. Of course we are worried, and now our sports scores also under threat. This is my life. Football means everything to me. Ive devoted almost all my life to it. None of them ever imagined they could ever become political ponds ponds pawns, but the club psychologist says the Current Crisis is a popular topic in the dressing room. Of course we are all concerned, but especially the Young Players. They are not mature enough to have fixed views about politics or citizenship. What is important is that they do not lose their love of sport, that they remain physically fit and do not forget everything theyve learned. Now they can only attend training sessions. The authorities have for bid in them from playing in the Ukrainian League, and the Ukrainian Football Association refuses to let them transfer to the Russian League. A vexing situation for the club founder. He says the clubs professional players have already left and now play for other ukrainian teams. While these Young Players are left out in the cold. All these boys on the field have been registered in the Ukrainian Football Association since they were 10, and now, it is not letting them play for russia. I cannot understand that. What about fifa and uafa . Arent they supposed to defend the interests of Football Players . The team wants to kick off the new scene in sevastopols biggest stadium, even without the goahead from National Football associations. If permission were granted, it could be seen by moscow as a sign of approval for russias annexation of the crimean peninsula. The russian football authorities readily issued the club with a new license and also provided 15 new russian players. But there is not enough money. The clubs former sponsor withdrew his support because he disagreed with russias annexation. And the Banking System has collapsed. Ive been in moscow several times, and ive met many football organizations and politicians. The decision was taken to support the club because now even i cannot take a loan out as a businessman, let alone a club. The banks are not working. But the Young Players do not want to wait until normality returns. They want to play, and they want politics to be kept out of football. They have called on the Ukrainian Football Association to set them free so that sevastopol can play again, even if it means under the russian flag. I want to believe that our boys will be able to play again. Football is for people, for the fans, for the people of the city. I believe they will come to us and said that football is a national sport. I believe our club will blossom and attract even more boys. For years, it did not matter in crimea who was russian and who was ukrainian. Thats why many of the boys would not mind playing for a russian team. We are training again, and we are hoping that everything will be great again. If we get into the Russian League, it will all be fine. The level is higher in the Russian League, and sows the training. Ive heard it is better than in ukraine. They say they can prove themselves in the Russian League if only they are allowed to play. There are some 500 talented men in the club. They cannot all be sent home. From germany to poland to france, you barely have to break for a border in europe nowadays, and that makes life a lot easier for travelers, of course, but also for criminals. If a feast steals a car, let say in berlin, he can just drive it to another country. Thats because even within the european union, the powers of National Police usually stop at communicating with police from a neighboring country is still laborious, which gives the bad guys plenty of time to get away. That is supposed to change soon, though. In fact, part of the border between germany and poland is already patrolled by a national teams. Its the start of the work they. Born in poland, he has been a Police Officer in this town since he started his career. Mostly he works on bike patrol. He often patrolled on his bike but on the other side of the river. Two Police Officers, two countries, two worlds. But not for these two. They are part of a team of 30 Police Officers who Work Together here at the german polish border. They patrol on foot, on their bikes, and in their squad cars. They have been frequently working together for two years now. They go on patrol together about four times a month. On their bikes, they can act quickly wherever help is needed. I tell my department, so if someone commits a theft in germany and then heads for the bridge to cross into poland, they can call me and tell us to go over there and intercept him. We work really well together on bike patrol. Kristof speaks very good polish, and i can speak relatively good german. So we can communicate, and we understand each other. German and polish police have been patrolling together since 2007. Without the crossborder agreement, the police would each have to stay on their own side of the bridge while criminals got away. Criminals do not care about borders, and they do not stop at them, so our police work needs to extend across the border as well. Thats why it is so important that we have joint patrols and echange information especially in border regions. Crime in the region has increased steadily ever since border patrols largely ceased in 2007. Last year, the eastern german state of brandenburg saw a 10 increase. Car thieves often take advantage of the open border to head east in the stolen vehicles. German and polish customs officers and police work sidebyside at the joint command center. If a suspect crosses the border, the polish colleagues are informed, and they continue the pursuit. This past year, the Pilot Project recovered more than 50 stolen vehicles valued at more than one million euros. That is still a small percentage, but the project is attracting attention here at home and abroad. We get a lot of surprised reactions, but a lot of delegations also come back and tell us they have thought it over. They say if german and polish police can Work Together, despite the difficult history between the two countries, they should be able to collaborate with their colleagues across the border just as successfully and easily as we have managed to. They have become friends offduty as a. After work, they sometimes head over to each others place in poland or germany. Sometimes they meet with their families, sometimes on their own. We go on bike rides just to relax or to the lake for a swim. There are nice spots nearby, but then its back to the real world. That keeps them busy. They were together at major germanpolish events and on regular patrol. They have a Clear Division of labor. When they are in poland, one is in charge and the other assists, and they switch roles when they are on the german side. At that will soon change. A new agreement has expanded collaboration between the two police forces. Once it is implement it, polish and german Police Officers will have the same authority while on duty on both sides of the border. The borders within europe might be all but gone these days, but in some places, people are trying to add new ones. Not only in scotland, but also in catalonia. The Regional Government is asking citizens if they want to remain part of spain, but the Spanish Government has refused to allow a vote. That might be one reason why everything that is typically catalonia as opposed to spanish has suddenly become a political statement, including cultural symbols like the castells. A proud cat along in his element, he strolls with his troop into the town square. The 36 rolled his gathering of his courage. The group wants to build a human tower. The team members take a last look at the construction plans. Then they strap on the waistbands they give the tower structural strength. The association was founded two years ago. Its wonderful we all have a common goal. We since each others bodies and motions and euphoria. Reinforcing the feeling of togetherness, the crowd pulls together to form a human platform. The acrobats carefully climb up on each other. The ones below work to stabilize the structure. This castell, as the tower is called and cut, gross to be more than eight meters. The smallest in the troop climbs all the way to the top, seemingly without fear. Its really impressive. Im not afraid. I like it here. I like being up there. Fair and old cattle on tradition, and they are increasingly becoming the symbol of catalonias drive for independence. Their motto is together we can achieve the impossible. The small town in the pyrenees mountains is a bastion of the independence movement, as the many lags indicate. He has always considered himself like had a lawn, not a spaniard. He works for the Regional Government, and most of his colleagues share his views. They say spain and catalonia live as if chained to each other, a legacy of the franco dictatorship. They want independence, especially when it comes to finances. If we were independent, we could decide for ourselves what to do with our tax revenue, and that would enable us to overcome the crisis in a few years. The Community Supports the referendum on independence that catalonias government is planning for november 9. Madrid has declared the referendum illegal. A clock on the city hall counts down the days and hours to the referendum. The mayor receives us in the city council hall. Tws ago, the spanish king was declared persona non grata here two years ago. Local politicians deny that it can cause problems. Catalonia pays a lot to the Central Government and receives little in return. This imbalance is a break on our economy and prevents growth. Its bad not only for us but also for spain and europe. Demonstrations take place here almost every weekend. Thousands of people form the v for victory sign. Three socalled tribes gather to represent the three regions of catalonia the areas around barcelona, valencia, and the islands. People are adamant that they are cattle in core country cattle in catalan core country. Everyone here is in favor of the referendum in november. Many point to scotland and say that if the scots can do it, so can they. We are sick and tired of being treated badly by the spanish authorities. We want to be a normal country. My country has always been catalonia. Spain and us. Thats the only reason we are together. Many people here dream intensely of independence, and its not so easy to find dissenting voices. Office here, but theres no nameplate. Inside, we meet the only counselor who openly opposes independence. He has been physically attacked on the street twice for his views. He says tensions run particularly high in smalltowns. The pressure on those with a different opinion is growing. If there are a lot of stickers for independence on the street and i dont have one, then the others assume i am opposed. Thats why many people put up flags and stickers just to avoid problems. This is the atmosphere we live with here every day. Small children practice acrobatics dance, a playful way of learning content on catalan culture. Such groups are increasingly popular. The number of tower builders has doubled in recent years. The towers are from here. They are a world cultural heritage, and they embody our identity. Practice makes perfect that goes for Tower Building as well as politics. And so the towers of catalonia are becoming the implement the highflying dreams of an entire region. The Community Spirit gives people a sense of belonging. They are convinced they can achieve the impossible, including independence. Independence does not have to be a good thing, so do not grow to independent from us at the european journal. We would love to see you again next week. If you cannot wait, you can always find us online. Thanks for watching, and until then, byebye. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org Garrison Keillor Toi Derricotte grew up outside detroit. With the poet cornelius eady, she cofounded cave canem, an organization committed to cultivating and supporting the work of African American poets. She says, truth telling in my art is also a way to separate myself from what i have been taught to believe about myself the degrading stereotypes about black women. Blackbottom. When relatives came from out of town, we would drive down to blackbottom. Drive slowly down the congested main streets beaubien and hastings trapped in the mesh of saturday night. We were freshly escaped, black middle class. We snickered and were proud; the louder the streets, the prouder. We laughed at the bright clothes of a prostitute; a man sitting on a curb with a bottle in his hand. We sed barbecue cooking in dented washtubs and our mouths watered. As much as we wanted it, we couldnt take the chance. Rhythm and blues came from the windows, the throaty voice of a woman lost in the bass, in the drums, in the dirty down and out the grind. I love to see a funeral, then i know it aint mine. We rolled our windows down so that the waves rolled over us like blood. We hoped to pass invisibly, knowing on monday weould return safely to our jobs, the post office, and classroom. We wanted our sufferings to be offered up as tender meat, and our triumphs to be belted out in raucous song. We had lost our voice in the suburbs, in conant gardens, where each brick house delineated a fence of silence; we had lost the right to sing in the street and damn creation. We returned to wash our hands of them; to smell them whose very existence tore us down to the human. applause thanks so much. R same man, new. Thailandthailandr tth interim prime minister. Movip moving tmoving the co japan. Thinking small. Rp a shrinking populati downsizing imperative. R lun lunch is. Fp for door for door to dooe t it r it to ttit to thr it

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