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Struck around on thursday evening. The article it didnt happen and European Union leaders and ukraine half is expected to fail to sign a historic free trade deal of trouble on spinach you attend from kiev ukraines president Viktor Yanukovych still attend to the Eastern Partnership summit in vilnius the tongs or economic pressure from moscow hes refined trade talks with russia and nothing the eu said it could make him change his mind. We want the strong relations with ukraine. We believe particularly on economic. My stupid dumb together to benefit the ukraine and the benefits of the year. It is cause for ukraine to this site. Tickets to the bean soup wouldnt hold discussions with the copics i would say is that the European Union still gets old. Georgette called to the top selling potential but its the association of treatments that but its not the non ukraines the state sanctioned deal its decision not to sign was to be criticized but that he charts tenth to queueing at each of the eu presidency. Its not about to get up to be disciplined. I think that that todays print edition dont think that way which is going nowhere because knowing challenge any chance of a deal that operate its ukrainian protested outside the venue desperately cold for a change of heart. Yet i cut it to sunday nights battle. They are inky at thousands of ukrainians continued to protest against the governments decision to hold off on signing a deal with the eu. With some keeping around the clock vigil. As endemic with its claims he cannot afford to attend his back on the sky for the protest is with robin to the plants. Mike is the wave. I want to grow up in a soviet system as my parents stayed. I want my children not knowing what democracy is a daunting to mediate it when i received my b says. Nobody felt the tug of alicante and. The a report that nobody in keeping the trains to oz sent out to police that support the bid and nine. It was something odd. I wanted to stress that these people and im ever grateful to them. For that week the european position is this unification we can see it soon if the summit competes with nice sign of a signature that protests could escalate as they did in two thousand and four during the current revelation. Our correspondent in kiev reports that thousands of people are gathering in downtown kiev though asking the same thing as the president signed the Association Agreement with the eu. Odd tastes intellectuals but also people from neighboring countries because they think that this could announce any change things in ukraine. Also the house plan come to you when you lose the key of my gun. In cairo hundreds rallied into thursday nights against a Court Verdict of a group of young female demonstrators flights of the reformed camp of movement oh wait yes i agree with fourteen off. At last thursdays rally was in defiance of the new law criminalizing protests held with a knife police permits violators face fines and prison terms often youll sparked a wave of anger among liberals and youth groups nearly two dozen women and girls were given heavy prison sentences of what the state for an earlier protest demanding as to the egyptian president muhammad more sees reinstatement. Eye. Seven of the young women aged fifteen and sixteen were sentenced to prison terms on till eight and eighteen. The rest aged eighteen to twenty two were sentenced to eleven years in prison. It marks what critics say is the builder determination by egypts military backed government to silence dissent. At least eight people have been killed and scores injured when an earthquake struck around on the thursday evening. Iranian president sandra lee has issued a statement offering his condolences and appealing for emergency workers to help in the relief efforts. He says medical equipments willie forces and ten hospitals the folding deployed to the affected zones. Reports that many residents poured into the streets at the fair the quake was felt in neighboring provinces the five point six magnitude quake struck on thursday afternoon near the city of boaz john in the province of the shed. The country sold Nuclear Power plant is located seventy kilometers away in the same region the executive my material for power plants that its structure is Strong Enough to resist even the market to dictate the earthquake. He stressed that everything is coming on as normal up the plants. Beijing has sent warplanes that that the dispute its East China Sea as they switch it announced as the defense then last week that the new roof is up. This takes off to japan and south korea and the us all things through this and in defiance of chinas them on that flight plans and to the area most press the submit its unveiling which defensive measures would be taken to the beijing also was going to japan in the United States reflect on themselves the wreck that i rest and stop making irresponsible accusations against china. It said they should stop creating friction and put an end to statements and actions that may calm regional stability. Tie between china and japan have been strained by a dispute abundance in this and call the alley you like the kid centric by ten pm. Us Vice President joe biden will be hoping to snag them for the increasingly targeted relations when he visits the region next week kenya has launched a new railway dialing it would eventually stretched to the democratic republic of congo. Dubbed the largest Infrastructure Project since independence. Much of the three point eight billion your eyes need it for the light will come from china. The fed section will covet any time between the fastening my baby from fifty allies to full. It was a journey for a playful a canadian is in the making of the comic the licensed trade is tipping cut short by this sun sign says sipping tracking its profits last year so what else but when the sun where the anticipated that the fragments if only they would be visible to the naked eye but the guilt we could see that. The full cost of hauling things he did out just enough to allow macys thanksgiving day parade in new york to go ahead as planned. Around three point five canadian people braved the icy temperatures to watch the full story like that ends up serving the us holiday season. I spied a month left on the shelf round of the straight tree branch. It has finally arrived back in paris on thursday following a pay dispute with his guitar a club or refuse to my next piece after seventeen months the french algerian football and launched legal action against al generation to break up of stopped paying his wages. The first ever cruise to mexico. They said was he dropped the case following negotiations between the French Embassy and get the real parties but that this was finally allowed to go home. He set up wrapping the french open from today. But it feels good to determine the club the players have colds. I shouted out loud for many moms like myself. Its a vital part of the people this may well pay for it. We had to put into fresh arent enough unfavorable light of that which trusty welcome hosts would come under increasing worldwide scrutiny or bridge co confession employment goals. The calf by local sponsorship system of Migrant Workers the brioche a pillow above to check republican plan caldwell cup season on the way by putting the womens fifteen km individual race and all systems sweden the twenty four year old left behind in a big goal but missed on a starship is mater of stuff up here on the final strike might have fit for a individual welsh cup victory to come above its two pockets to finish the season of nineteen forty seven minutes and fifty six seconds and integral has met mr murray hill for email from someone that made the final range hood. Bring the two time overall world cup champion multiple cannot become the new platform season in style like double making the mens twenty km individual race in austin. It was like year old frenchman who wanted afford to spend tycoons over to the liberal crown last season took the lead up to the first round of shooting. He continued to hit the target is to trust mine in a winning time of fifty minutes and ten point nine seconds. Austrian seaman at the end the deal must ditch missed one talk to each to finish second and third respectively over two minutes back. You need to see and pick up bits of insight criticism naively safety with a ten thousand yet the history and civilization this is the islands Cultural Heritage is all bs and the many Historic Monuments and archaeological sites on tuesday. But thats also the content of the face of this ancient capital for exhibitions currently give a speech on the scenic concious of tuesday nights date. Its a great artistic events in the sea and the well designed press the ninety s indie his monumental painting has returned. The setting has it that the tonic key. This piece that the applicant he painted as well. Between nineteen sixty seven and nineteen seventy two why didnt i. Because of what we ought to try to teach the monumental paintings and dont plan to pull the diamonds has a huge step team lead by meat as an anchor. Mom thinks that invites the economy and the median age right now to show a completely stable right now but not the sum spent on a fake as characteristic of traditional cypriot society. Its more things. He spent in peacekeeping and peace during mass. All it will be somewhat sweet time to sign it. Beyond this guy he added that this Municipal Museum at nicosia april. The land in the future it will be displayed in the new defense has gotten a quickie will be inaugurated in march. Xd and is one of the mice important content recent outfits. His latest exhibition features the tt new paintings the breaking things as fourteen gantry and his style as the combination of cubism on impressionism list or something. Even though the speech that is my church and this picture he took this picture. Lucky sob. Hes in cyprus the tv no computer different way. Cypress and especially that of a seaside achievements of black homecoming and the true law asked me why at that. Id like to swim developed countries going through some difficulties. Oh we are organizing such an exhibition my aunts that is what was up we have to be optimistic cost us about this spirited and pioneer of the countries that we hopped in fiji says the city on and off the top candidates happens that the write off its east and mexicans night that a small elite in sight words. Its about to present his given name. Thats why hes here he is the monkey since i can press the stinky would happen and Trouble Holding his hand to the european low speed fortunately its to die. We had a busy recently its dividend. When already in the twenty First Century how laugh at his plant is topical and very contemporary. This is a bit rainy and cold i need to fight wrestle with soul site everything i can get in. He said bochy he will present his own solo exhibition until late that day. Entitled wall frame the subject of this connection a study says. Yes there are many on this site with which he seemed content with all the fall of man. I think there are many. We also have offices but the strong presence of roland. We have taken big steps poland and that has been great in basements. Not really an often thankless in the attack lol sia cannot be bought. I think that if any good sites that will materials him world. Or. He hears that has embraced by it to my station is in this. Meets new friends via separate histories that house. Our homes be built in light of day for those of you young doctors didnt want him thinking that its right for you to do the most up to see that the queue. He says the article didnt happen and European Union leaders and ukraine half as expected failed to sign a historic free trade deal from mosman each unit and from kiev ukraines president Viktor Yanukovych still attend to the Eastern Partnership summit in vilnius adult or economic pressure from moscow hes refined trade talks with russia and nothing the eu said it could make him change his mind. We want the strong relations with ukraine. We believe particularly on economic. Whats to come together to benefit the ukraine and the benefits of the year. It is cause for ukraine to decide what secrets does seem to be in some good indeed hold discussions with the copics i would say is that the European Union still gets old. Georgette old to the top selling potential Critics Association of grievance that the kids had the non ukraines this ach and teal its decision not to sign was criticized by the turks of attempts to queueing at each of the eu presidency. Its not about to get up to be disciplined. I think that that todays print edition dont think that way which is going nowhere fledgling challenge any chance of that deal with operate its ukrainian protested outside the venue desperately cold for a change of heart. Yet i cut it to sunday nights battle. They are for bulgarian border with turkey for construction of a thirty three km long with three meter told defense has begun the aim is to prevent people entering bulgaria legally binds to re direct them for proper border checkpoints building the fence will cost around four million euro as well they do. Moments with the current heightened police and Army Presence on the territory. The amount of people crossing for the bulgarian border without permission. Thus diminished significantly. You should do i do. Bulgaria is struggling to cope with an influx of refugees over ten pies and so far this year the band to protect the most fleeing the civil war in syria the unhcr has described the fence as counter productive. More than eighteen people to be named said in a high speed ferry accident in hong kong. Up to six of them was seriously thats when the vessel hit whats being called into the mine tend to fall until six thirty this morning. And now that was reportedly head up to which the ferry was thrown upwards hundred and five passengers to stick to it being on all the best soul which was heading for the kal the ferry operates has been quoted as saying the high number of casualties could be explained by people failing to wet seat belt. Its the second serious accident and just a freak ever importance of hong kong stopped at that. The team telling people the night when two vessels tonight days. All the french algerian football a truck and get soft finally arrives home. I attended has finally arrived back in paris on thursday following a pay dispute with his guitar a club or refuse to my next piece after seventeen months the french algerian football and launched legal action against our generation the break up cup stopped paying his wages but was never a few cynics they said unless he dropped the case following negotiations between the French Embassy and get the real parties but that this was finally allowed to go home. He set up wrapping the french open from today. But it feels good to determine the club the players have colds. I shouted out loud many moms like myself. Its a vital part of the people. This may well pay for it. Mr fresh arent enough unfavorable light of that which trips to welcome hosts would come under increasing worldwide scrutiny or bridge co confession employment goals to lead follow or sponsorship system of Migrant Workers the brioche a pillow above to check republican plan caldwell cup season on the way by putting the womens fifteen km individual right to post this in sweden the twenty four year old left behind and in the cold weather status the zippers mater of stuff on here on the final straight to kind of faith for a individual welsh cup victory to come above its two pockets to finish the season of nineteen forty seven minutes and fifty six seconds and integral has met mr murray told britney all from someone that made the final frames to fit. The bring the two time overall world cup champion multiple cannot become the new platform season in style liked about making the mens twenty km individual race in austin. It was quite year old frenchman who won all afford to spend tycoons over to the liberal crown last season took the lead up to the first round of shooting. He continued to hit the target is to trust mine in a winning time of fifty minutes and ten point nine seconds. Austrian seaman at the end the deal must ditch missed one talk to each to finish second and third respectively over two minutes back. The films general director chris jumper home are available in the state that fun stage of the twenty fifteen race will be an individual time trial in the city of utrecht. A time trial rather than a struggle which is often the preferred style of Toll Brothers know breastfeeding and Michael Barrett stage over the summer it is unlikely. The first culprit for tom explained the difference is that you fell and broke his toe style next day. While it is derived out of the time based couple point in this fat stage. You want to start the second stage time trial will become the de facto crushed the city from east to west and back this kind of made for the specialist in the fall race is born equal. Although the second stage on some late july the fifth will also take place in utrecht before the toll had time to proms it will be a record six times one foreign country time to grow it out in the middle of the states toll road in nineteen fifty four caps for them. Its this and that of the fifth annual world aids day. Then he finds Million People currently lives with eight ninety and a fifty Million People infected and three yet. Antiviral therapy is to slide down the progression of the disease but they have a text and sit and talk stake in the long run. Again scientific means that you provide theme and this means that says that the hobbit the gr a new colt he won praise from insulting seventeen european colonists its goal to put up to age ninety from entering the body by using an nfl team the scene thanks auntie t four t won the praise Team Presence in the fire ants what do the things you feel you want craziness that is because its like a kid on the staff is of the virus and stay with us for a team that can be seen by the immune system. This is the dreamcast a little light plays a key role in the fire if it fell and the mechanisms to listen to her. In order to trick our immune system a tight the changes constantly twenty people. He won remains unchanged the apple trees to be defined as his achilles heel. If the human body produces in utilizing our bodies again this friday talking to the effect is taking the role of a variety of virus strains. Holding forth the facts and fifty people to publicly eight on screens to optimize the immune response. I left a ton today was then tested in the uk and the phase one Clinical Trial of healthy female volunteers. Dr david lewis typifies the trial which aims to block the finest of the gateway you get the vaccine in the mountains. It stimulates a good response in the channel. So the innovative concept is to start to get the vaccine into the no sweets three deficits this prepares to board the approved good response in the genital tract of dual confection read into what he said he did. I fall for a tiki bar intended thats the play lets make the human body that she suspected the text and paste the Clinical Trial will determine whether the killing the back seat is more affected. Lord i i i i i. It is easy to do that. It is the walls is it worth it. Yes other guests. A huge hit with that the hall the law the good. Yet the issue at all. Show. Is that. The news my god the heat. They think of the city seth. Local bond all that was difficult. Hes been in. It is that you will see. It feels more. Or so with the idea the in ay ay ay the case. Use. Says youll hurt the air. Losing more. Tuesday is a little bit lost in. This holiday. Since we dont really have. Her records going back thousands of years. You know something about Chinese Culture and one it used to it. Synergy of chinese martial arts techniques chinese from the coherence and useful arts and one. The techniques. Id be interested. Is that with not just about learning. Now its clear theyre interested in. We were. Internally. What what energizes us glimpses of what is this. But consistently suspect it will begin woo hoo hoo. Is. Says the us the sea. Cheadle as a justice break into the compound of the telly on the porches as tension. As in acts no comments. Japans Foreign Ministry denies any knowledge of the time to expound kinds of defiance down as reported

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