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Brussels a plane the recent patio outbreak among city in chilton has prompted effects from the government to support a nationwide in the nie Station Campaign expats is the deceased could quickly spread. Given the appalling conditions means of serious find themselves in up to ten of all fears of civil war the twelve children in rebel held areas receive the vaccine is one i know i have a man who says deputy Prime Minister promised the government intended to vaccinate each syrian top regardless of where they whack he acted to humanitarian organizations would be given the opportunity to meet at the syrian child. Eleven five film after that comment sultan might affect anything it would be due to the lack of credible cooperation. Yes and in a local the governments pledge comes as the United Nations report estimates that nine point three million syrians thats about forty percent of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance with warnings of the money to sch in an area sun today that he sees them president bush are less at school says the un is calling for urgent humanitarian action. So says egyptian president of the meat mostly taken away by helicopter to off to the fence day if hes trying to hire a state tv reported he was framed to a prison in on its own tree and he in fourteen of them is the brotherhood member has faced challenges in cycling the killing of protest is outside the president ial race it runs the beach and into january. He said qantas antisemitic intimacy. As a demo season and he said hes trying to take and it ends by cc and his colleagues from the queens government to treat the egyptians will be in the trial they would need a ninety two to go to the cavemen wa president moves hes accused of anti would be unable to defend himself. It was the ousted president spends appearance it is a bit red ink ltd clancy was silly to think she timidly debt. The crackdown in the months since most seats remain so from now by the ami fifteen hundred fifty support to skillet. Hundreds of Police Officers with photoshopping moment for honesty chassis on monday evening off to multiple gunshots rang out shortly before closing time witnesses said the boss man to hit the Wedding Party album was seen carrying it down into the Garden State Plaza shoppers would need to be told to leave the building he was walking along just in front of the apple store working with the king wearing something unexpected like they had to guess that is. I contend he was walking with a very big rifle and shoot into the ear then onto the top. A swat team and taking a nice office as a chemist at the street to the shopping sentence touching the nose for the alleged gunman dead patches sees that the report states. The government of the democratic republic of congo is claimed victory over the m twenty three rebels thanks kristin for the government said the rebels to surrender date that night and those that remain but across the border into uganda. The pm twenty three has yet to confirm the claims. The all kong and special forces that the assault backed by un tanks and helicopters. Revel in it really gets old tawny man came death is believed to live for that to be the rule and w canada. The army the pm twenty three strong hold of by madonna. Fighting broke out in two thousand and twelve and close to a Million People being displaced by the calm lake. As the fighting continued African Leaders and International Police met in south africa. Cool calm and sunny to lay down their arms and the creek. Released in norway were called out to what they sold was a traffic incident on monday evening that stands out to be a bus hijacking. They arrested him and he went to see said off to the incident had boarded the bus wielding a knife three people were found dead on the fickle one woman and two men who really into the open eye the local chief of Police Concert history people have been killed on the bus which was traveling on a remote mountain man between cartel and tea and to boot by some two hundred and twenty kilometers north west of pauls letter to the man of rest it was to look to be a foreign descent the renault says the details when goosen will be at home in his uniform on the suspect was taken to them at the hospital for treatment. The match after the attack is not yet terrorism has been discounted to the police did not release the victims to an end to the sale ends. A special report into relief and reconstruction efforts up to the earthquake of laquila in italy concludes that eu funds were misused and polly does that into companies with links to organized crime hurrah for the european parliament. The document also says work was only carried out. It strongly criticizes the italian also tease and accuses the European Commission of negligence and of being an accomplice to forge. In the months following the quake in april two thousand and nine the then Prime Minister Silvio Venice Cody highlighted the plight of the critters residents the report says much of the replacement accommodation built since is faulty and dangerous. The poor quality material was used and at some houses with mold into enough of times over priced. Despite early efforts to keep them in the alps several sub contract this was suspect and wanted criminals who founded the premises of one. The five hundred Million Euros of eu solidarity funds went to the queen of the report recommends that the city pays the money back if its proof that it went into the wrong hands hundreds of secret files dating back to the as a ministerial in argentina has been released by the government they were discovered in an abandoned enforce building and contain transcripts of meetings held by the content which moved from nineteen seventy six three three. This is all tastes and intellectuals who appears today she models that found. Argentinas defence minister said the majority of documents which taught some victims who died or disappeared at the hands of the ticket and dealt with how to read them each year at the time. This page using euphemisms such as ascertain the whereabouts of what we will be. The office of the closet that my accrued to campaign for information about the disappeared welcome to that the nations off to the nineteen seventy six to channel v day and led to john it as its officially killed thirteen thousand argentinian seen a test tube or to eliminate suppress its human rights activists believe the real number was thirty thousand the data died in a while serving a life sentence in prison for crimes against humanity the biggest rally in moldova since independence was declared in nineteen ninety one that took place in the capital teaching on sunday. Organizers estimated that more than a hundred thousand people turned out to show their support for closer integration with the European Union. Will the president tonight and lofty said european integration the chance to rebuild our economy will improve the standard of living with potential especially for everyone. To build a society with a clear vision. It also means the pesto and Common Security and freedom and free sector nation of goods and the countrys modernization months of wealth. Later this month the government will initial an Association Agreement with the European Union and Eastern Partnership summit in vilnius was heating up. This will take steps towards free trade between the couple twenty eight country eu and several republics of the former soviet sphere. Both of the month. Moldova has reservations about its relationship with russia today. Nestled between non eu ukraine and romania. Around two thirds of all that was three Million People speak the mold that the language cinema to remain in romania is one of the poorest eu members and all the evidence the capita income on average its on to enough thousand years pda is well on the hoff to remain in average of six thousand seven hundred chips the rural poverty is endemic for instance the days to age forty three and mother of five children must get by on fifty euros a month. More than half a million mold ovens now live abroad the money they send home makes up one quarter of the National Income the departure of forty percent to fifty five to four she wrote. But to break the mold that was development another problem is the unresolved conflict with the breakaway trends in history a region east of the rivet nice to win a russian and ukrainian language because dominate Russian Troops still stationed there. Although to know other countries have recognized transistors self proclaimed separation of nineteen ninety one whom joining us not from moldova is the Prime Minister yuri and the uncapped promise to thank you for talking to us on your news. Thank you for your interest. I just want to know to begin with what sort of message was moldova sending it to brussels yesterday the uk yesterday in the event. Reach their own world so that you should know terms of tolerance of foreign citizens of mobile or family shots of the independence falling ninety one probably was the bb is on the other reindeer in the capital of mobile phone which was organized by the Political Parties speech represented coalition which has governed although one census and that there are clear message. On the augusta brussels and also so all in neighbors. And soon the ceos inside the mall only to the imposition of a cabal that will always exist in the republic of poland that the majority libyan citizens of moldovan has done very well that there is no alternative states the development to the olive back for civility functioning european democracy and am so full of european integration costs. So share the sambal is this sense then theres the same principles which exists and work in me comes as the European Union to Prime Minister while ben do you say to russia. You say its not against anybody its pro integration with europe but russia is watching with interest which a message to russia. From the very person they install both chains intolerance is no denying its that time. We had the same message delivered those in moscow as well as in brussels that the fundamental joy is the fundamental objective of all foreign and domestic policy is european integration. So the thing that baby message and the object of the priorities of our policy is aware of some old home measly dollar friends in part this evening the west where in the coming days. What else is saying is that european integration of the objectives of colonization on auntie directed against another country and all bundled trading the premises of the worst condition on going straight into the believe that my surname although in a stable and what is very important predictable country it is beneficial for the fall of france from the west but also for friends from these. So a win win for moldova. But what is your get out of it. What are you taking to the european coffee that i think that obama can also bring certain benefits to all the suits of the unknowns as the low quality wine and a very tasty food with body working together we can expand the era of stability of the amaryllis prosperity from the thoughts of a solid season on europe and in this way we would show also to the honor of our country is interesting abilities and partnership for muscle into publix for the big country but does its homework and thats what we have to think and so the eu acknowledges this progress and our streets is on. Accordingly the happy creature of poland so called low society is extremely close the names of allah rapprochement. All were of economic integration and hopefully not in a very long perspective of political integration which means our membership acknowledgment all by the European Union. All the tricks of the republic of poland he needs to focus more on the reform of the justice of the Prosecutors Office fighting you know there is this anyway the corruption and making sure that mobility and villas accountable institutions promise to thank you to much for joining us on year in years. Again thank you very much with interest chew. Each of the democratic republic of congo is claimed victory over the m twenty three rebels. Thanks kristin for the government said the rebels to surrender date that night and those that remain but across the border into canada. The pm twenty three has yet to confirm the claims. The all kong and special forces that the assault backed by un tanks and helicopters. Revel in it really gets old tawny man came death is believed to live for that to be the rule and w canada. The army the pm twenty three stronghold of the madonna fighting broke out in two thousand and twelve and close to a Million People being displaced by the calm lake as the fighting continued African Leaders and International Envoys met in south africa. Coal company site to lay down their arms and the creek the recent nao outbreak among city in chilton has prompted the pledge from the government to support a nationwide in the nie Station Campaign. Expats fit the deceased could quickly spread. Given the appalling conditions means of serious find themselves in up to ten of all fears of civil war the twelve children in rebel held areas receive the vaccine is one i know i have a man who says deputy Prime Minister promised the government intended to vaccinate each syrian top regardless of where they whack he acted to humanitarian organizations would be given the opportunity to meet at the syrian child. Eleven five film after that comment Something Like that anything it would be due to the lack of rebel cooperation. Yes and in a local. The governments pledge comes as the United Nations report estimates that nine point three million syrians thats about forty percent of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance with warnings of money attrition in areas on their pcs from president bush are less at school says the un is calling for urgent humanitarian action. A special report into relief and reconstruction efforts up to the earthquake in laquila in italy concludes that eu funds were misused and polly does that to the companies with links to organized crime hurrah for the european parliament. The document also says work was only carried out. It strongly criticizes the italian also tease and accuses the European Commission of negligence and being an accomplice to fourth in the months following the quake in april two thousand and nine the then Prime Minister Silvio Venice Cody highlighted the plight of the queens residence the report says much of the replacement accommodation built since this faulty and dangerous. The poor quality material was used and at some houses with mold into enough of times over priced. Despite early efforts to keep the mafia out several sub contract this was suspect and wanted criminals who founded the premises of one mini five hundred Million Euros of eu solidarity funds went to the queen of the report recommends that the city pays the money back if its proof that it went into the wrong hands bemidji is as under age children the essential present in scale and mindful tink sweet tea at ten euros filipina go. Its been weeks since she was online and twenty thousand men contact you to concede had to perform acts in front of the webcam except the sweet tea. He says he she seems. In rio from tomorrow. Me eat my ears. Its a nice man from tunis. As for the woman wanted to be sent is that the charity behind sweet as can be joking. The man meets your needs and it pays a visit to a new road for the pdp and offering six the money to kill him and take it with requests does this is the time. You must attract any period of ten weeks weve been approached by more than twenty thousand men and three thousand to the mall of an object the usas twenty thousand paintings to trace and identify thousand men the reboot to get a dress is for them as if it is a steak pasta on to him to home childrens Rights Charity says it will provide the technologies defendant to know enforcement agencies and quarter them to do more to tackle the issue. A four storey building has collapsed in nineteen areas can facilitate us getting at least full construction when kids dozen smaller trapped inside the bravo in restaurants is waking to free them. It happened on the building site in the command show called to the cc. Treat the least reading cheesy and have gone on trial for and extortion the trick is to raping a woman off to finding and having with the police raids in the car. Both our teeth and tried to challenge the boyfriend to kill frankly think decency sparking protests across the country so what is the latest cover didnt replace the cocoa growers have been given to sixty two zero point one ten pm and eight risen awful pitch by now that people are displaced during the last photo. Its already sold more than a hundred thousand copies. The head of the Russian Orthodox judge has given president putin and awarded his policies intended to make russia anything what i like to think about it most get it set the prices dawn of the scenes aspects of december set into a powerful and strong country. This has self respect and is respected by others. The next week will stop by to lend sword attacks in london for the atp moscows typo and competition to get on some stuff having to go to a winning start by beating taught us that day the swiss is the third player from his country to make it to the season ending should i say to the fifth sixth grade. He did. Ofsted is laid back to a seventy six equalizing sets. Then he couldnt raise his game is warning to the respondent the thus in the firstet thenowenl stat is to make sense planning to suck it up at six thirt. I i i i was still in the Basque Country is bubbling with excitement and amongst uniteds visit to relish the step dad in the latest Champions League match tickets of gold coast bike trail having yet to score a high hes of springing aave surprise on united. Google ing in eighth place in england. The militant suspects at the back. Martha jny eva soul rafael will play off the weekend injury is weakening david moyes is defensive options of. Given just two off the top of that silly old that the European Form strong and will be coming up against real madrid this looks pretty mh to be the tie of the evening with the spanish side grayson attack but sti suspects behind the eight in which come from three successive victories in the championships great victories overwhelming. Were hoping to have again display for good and i reiterate its fundamental to go through to the next round and thus ive always said. Weve got to show up on the field as we did in madrid. Ecommerce into the dough and only most of its own downfall. Causing the visibility was that him and he did. Dsg face and elect and they dismissed away five in the last time at the french champions have three wins already in twelve bills scold me when conceiving groups seek to conceal a deal for the quarter finals tonight they can even win the group if the other match between benfica in the empty offices and raul. Take what you make your own luck and this extends the assembled side will be looking to make sure when attending is this is not just a city with when everything when he took over this is extensively assembled side has yet to convince despite showing flashes of enterprise. Yes this fixture will be all about the sounds the least of the sting ones. Will there be any repeat of the racist taunting out in moscow. Dont know a normal girl with the victim who cannot but be done. As of tuesday made it an import from the state of the clubs i dont know why the beanie and a new beginning of the beginning dont know was we choose their own acts on by. And i knew if i liked it and make the punishment of duty in the intestines. Interested in strikeouts to the effect it has a cough injury. This is a win tonight if the oer results in their favor they qualify for the Champions League knockout stage for the first time a cause for celebration for show. But the road the main salon and next plays far away. I eye the top. You can. You know the other one the we are the and all. Off. It is. I bet it the heat. Zz yet. In the eye. Says. Says. I know i did. The light landed me an american talk about that how are women and powerful if you empower women year empowering birth mothers of raising sons who were either drag us into war but deep inside of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains that forty to fifty percent generation thats under thirty. Also on. I cant help but call out sick the contest and one main iraq as the place. Stunningly since we brought them democracy that women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now its thing and its taking over them being forced into loans they dont appreciate and i think that the felt needs of my eye so he now. I would just say that president obama. What you tried in cairo was a great start. Bots. If you dont get the whole picture and realized the role of women. It will never know. I hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab and muslim world is and how the women. So please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at how much and please empower women human power of thinking. Who would one know when will it. Heck. One wonders just what it all happens when or why he has come up with great delight not that mature

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